Group 3_application Business
Group 3_application Business
Group 3_application Business
E-Business System
E-business systems are a set of online
technologies, equipment and tools that
a business uses to conduct business via
the Internet. These systems help a
company connect with customers,
process orders and manage
information. For instance, one high-
profit e-business system is a web-
based retail store where customers can
purchase products online.
Cross Functional Enterprise Applications
Many companies today are using information technology to develop integrated Cross-functional enterprise systems (refer
Figure) that cross the boundaries of traditional business functions in order to reengineer and improve vital business
processes all cross the enterprise. These organizations view cross- functional enterprise systems as a strategic way to use
IT to share information resource and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, and develop strategic
relationships with customers, suppliers, and business partners.
This application architecture also spotlights the roles these business systems play in supporting the customers,
suppliers, partners, and employees.
Notice that instead of concentrating on traditional business functions, or only supporting the internal business
processes of a company, enterprise applications are focused on accomplishing fundamental business processes
in concert with a company’s customer, supplier, partner, and employee stakeholders.
Enterprise application integration (EAI)
Functional business systems can include transaction
processing, decision support, and sales and marketing
business systems.
Marketing Systems Interactive Marketing
The business function of marketing is concerned with The goal of interactive marketing is to enable a company to use those
the planning, promotion, and sale of existing products networks profit- ably to attract and keep customers who will become
in existing markets, and the development of new partners with the business in creating, purchasing, and improving products
products and new markets to better to attract and and services.
serve present and potential customers. Thus,
marketing performs an essential function in the Targeted Marketing
operation of a business enterprise
Targeted marketing has become an important tool in developing advertising
and promotion strategies to strengthen a company's e-commerce initiatives
Software tool or platform that automates repetitive tasks for sales teams,
such as data entry and email writing. The goal of SFA is to free up sales
teams' time so they can focus on more productive activities, like building
relationships and making sales
Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing information systems support the production/operations function that includes all activities concerned with the
planning and control of the processes producing goods or services.
(1) planning to meet the personnel needs of the business,
(2) development of employees to their full potential, and
(3) control of all personnel policies and programs.
Accounting Systems
Accounting information systems
are the oldest and most widely
used information systems in
business. They record and report
business transactions and other
economic events. Computer-based
accounting systems record and
report the flow of funds through
an organization on a historical
basis and produce important
financial statements such as
balance sheets and income
Financial Management Systems
Directly selling products to Selling products/services to Transactions between Individuals selling products or
customers (e.g., Amazon, other businesses (e.g., individuals, often facilitated by services to businesses,
Lazada). Alibaba for wholesale). platforms (e.g., eBay). common in freelancing and
content creation.
Access Control and Profiting and
Security Personalizing
E-commerce processes must establish mutual trust and
Profiling processes can occur that gather data Web site
secure access between the parties in an e-commerce
behavior and choices, as well as build electronic profiles of
transaction by authenticating users, authorizing access,
and enforcing security features. For example, these characteristics and preferences. User profiles are developed
processes establish that a cus- tomer and e-commerce site using pro- filing tools such as user registration, cookie files,
are who they say they are through user names and pass- Web site behavior tracking software, and user feedback.
words, encryption keys, or digital certificates and These profiles are then used to recognize you as an
signatures. The e-commerce site must then authorize individual user and provide you with a personalized view of
access to only those parts of the site that an individual user the contents of the site, as well as product recommendations
needs to accomplish his or her particular transactions. and personalized Web advertising as part of a one-to-one
Thus, you usually will be marketing strategy. Profiling processes are also used to help
authenticate your identity for ac- count management and
payment purposes and gather data for customer relationship
management, marketing planning, and Web site
Content and Catalog Management