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Ammeter is an electrical measuring device, which is used to measure electric
current through the circuit.

This report include all the feature of ammeter like types, construction, working
principle and procedure and applications. It is used to measure electric current
through the circuit.

An ammeter is always connected in series to a circuit. Ammeter is a low
resistance galvanometer. It is used to measure the current in a circuit in amperes.

Galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by using a low resistance wire

in parallel with the galvanometer. The resistance of the wire depends upon the
range of the ammeter.

As shunt resistance is small the combined resistance of the galvanometer & the
shunt is very low hence the ammeter has much lower resistance than
galvanometer. An ideal ammeter has zero resistance.
B. Types Of Ammeter
1. Moving-coil ammeters:
The D’Arsonval galvanometer is a moving coil ammeter. It
uses magnetic deflection, where current passing through a coil causes the coil to
move in a magnetic field. The modern form of this instrument was developed
by Edward Weston.

2. Electrodynamic ammeters:
An electrodynamic movement uses an electromagnet instead of the permanent
magnet of the d'Arsonval movement. This instrument can respond to both
alternating and direct current. It also indicates true RMS for AC.

3. Moving-iron ammeters:
Moving iron ammeters use a piece of iron which moves when acted upon by the
electromagnetic force of a fixed coil of wire. This type of meter responds to
both direct and alternating currents. Moving iron instruments indicate
the RMS value of any AC The main idea of this invention was from Clyde Garcia.

4. Hot wire Ammeter

In a hot-wire ammeter, a current passes through a wire which expands as it

heats. Although these instruments have slow response time and low accuracy,
they were sometimes used in measuring radio-frequency current. These also
measure true RMS for an applied AC current.
5. Integrating ammeters:
There is also a range of devices referred to as integrating ammeters. In these
ammeters the current is summed over time, giving as a result the product of
current and time; which is proportional to the energy transferred with that
current. These can be used for energy meters or for estimating the charge
of battery or capacitor.

6. Pico ammeter:

A pico ammeter, or pico ammeter, measures very low electrical current, usually
from the pico ampere range at the lower end to the milli ampere range at the
upper end. Pico ammeters are used for sensitive measurements where the
current being measured is below the theoretical limits of sensitivity of other
devices, such as Multi meters.

 The majority of ammeters are either connected in series with the circuit
carrying the current to be measured.

 Ordinary Weston-type meter movements can measure only milliamperes

because the springs and practical coils can carry only limited currents.

 Ammeter is a low resistance galvanometer

 An ideal ammeter has zero resistance

At the end we concluded that ammeter is very useful device for measuring
electric current in different circuits.

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