Vaman Hari Pandit (2) On Gandhiji

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P- CII,{IiNtrC* T


iil. P. cEnoNlcLE



(By: Vaman H. panilii)

cept the congratuiations trr: i when thb hand of the I ekout this rncident n"'l"l hatred and killing dagnaeed I murderer_,strugli the ilran marked ilrat ,ro orru ,ioura the plmosphere. In Beneal I of Peace-Itr{irp Gandhl. I i llook down upon ilris irrirsrld_ Ganclhijr tliecl to mainiain I ,*L" ir the last page. The luJ'yorrrg man.. on the .ther peace but unhappi,"" ,i ,T I outsiilo*P *::.,._*1i111c rrana rre tora ttru i".po.'t"crr_ Puniab he could rrot do.,so.l ::ljl-" tlle Birre lrouse I lceneral of poiice;,;;; t*,;: "He was ready to die rhat ,so I l:lld is th: more", . no more",news: I bt" th" vouns mar: i* any -rlg,, we might IIve in peace". i "Itaptr ls ) mlgnl live In peace". "Bapu try Win I wa.y. They should t.v to win .*l****. I 41 the end of septembcr i lni*'orr". and convert irr* i" L947, Gandhi rstlrrnecl to lfor the last threg, days, Ttre l.igfrt thinking an6 doing. Delhr, lle stayed st.Birla |final conclusion tras- tiasl'redl"E""ruy 3 week later of thjs lne House. He addressed daily at I upon rre snd it 6n January-ZO. ,,In_ his prayer-meetings. The peo- ,jr"ppy. No man, if ,nrskes he is pure, lincideni dependence Day', now the ! p1e of Punjab and Bengal ac-'has anvthing more precir,u,: to lRepublic Day Gancihrji askcd iepted the partiticn of their' 'giv6 than his hfe., I liope, ,ia p"Jnrt what were they ce*r'pray that I havs ths.purity in I homeland as a fait accornpli. he sai; ,,that llratingr Mrgration and counter.migra-,De to iiustify the stip". have handled independ.ence lwg r,es_r FAsr tion began between the two i . l;: ;;; i"'n. i*ii,,ii"*0.,, pakis-l ,l: F.:_.r,^:.oiT",l:.-d ctomir.rios of India ancl r""rr r am, qven if you are January 1948. Hc ct.rr)- li,l tan which resulted in mass on 13, 1"., lr,o1r,. murders. He advised bolh the ltinued 'lo address the crowd I nut they were entit.tctt to -lVluscommuruties, Hindu ancl. "'" :-'-, -' his 1:raycr-mt'etrns lnope \.,.aS Dver ldaily st time ao"ulll-"r1-',]l of lho;e hat the worst over ims. ihat thev sh.trlc not JAt that on , ]u.,a tn"t they rverg1^-_-r: the. rvith l"ld:..s ir..rt'r" showrng the rowliest leat,e their homes. r'e I India, had been lvith holr"lin.g i -^^, .^ ^L.,---..^ - .L ^-1 llndia,,,had GoD's EscoRT from the Government of Paki- j,.,i rie vilagers that it mearrt In one of his lrrayer'-nteet- lstan certain subst;r:rtral t,,tt,.'[i."] ... n^,,^+ ...".=J"i|.1:),3].,=::1. his freedom trom seridonS lrr,.s--he said 1-re_.1t1nted to go iof money whi6h,thcv had pre. ,V1ol"r"u, veijecl or pakiitp., or_1.l,r,rrt be tabooed, ""r]rit, agreed strikes he ;ro arl narts.of ' "*.1 lyhy:lv as part or --n{r .to .rl:n proractron jlrvl; idisapproved though he hun_ Itrrr God. He would_ escort lro tnem of *n"l*.,:i eo rherc * lsavc *r, responsible

Gandhijr had come and gone. I The writer.. prcsents la bomb was thrown by a There was nothing but agonyl e-ye-witness r+co' man during the prayerin'his heart. He could not ac- I* of 2f Ve-ars ,qo, lrourg Ilection lmeeting. No oie *ui-lrrrt.







ichcerfuly die at the ,]"lru.,:1

:l ,ti+:',"$'*'

liT:"rtt luno ot legrslation ttrrt ,rcv ' ianyone who chose t,-r tako- his I tclv' . lf,J u9 wourd then jra_vc c"'rII:,:" :1.: ],^111 ,;' 1" i,""o*. proceeded to rrarp rrponi irirg he was advrsirrg all to L T.n,'was highly, app:'eciat,edflo1c lrvhat lthe decontiol of urr""i*f llndia oi,, which n"..l1; arr his pleacrinss ro res- I ff-:?:l .l[:,',,iif, ':; 'ff l:::l"on:s I I lnr" communal tr.*n,,i i.rilrr""."' uno i" r*a-i;;li"f;u'^:"d^^:ry1.,t^T c1l]ll^ti Itore communrt harmo,v fctl I honour
corruption "#;;*;i ,:ull'-,,'^"*1"-1u-l? l--:nrt. It was his vow tn "do" lan honourable setllcmeni. not I;it of begged his listener"'1 "g.r"ri he him rrlmi"irv ir."-iit';;i;;;;.1;;,lwhich ever vigrlant and active'l lwhich alone kept ", tr',t"aim-t";;-"'#i: | be ltleath. hrs marcnless lrlenq lput o11 Jdeath. " his matchless lriencl" rbut on arl rne olltelelrces uEr- lto LAST IIAIL BAG "u lrin,-Jrrd ;.:;';,i;' r*" Domin'orts". l:fi;'""tH ;';i;i1",--i',a Ilivccn Lhe lwo ;;;i;;;;;.'1- i .'voice wrthin of

ffi Ji ';"*:

to Pakisten irnnrcctra-

t++ l;

rhri"*: *:'";:'r'*#11]i::,"],ffi



OnIy altbr four dnys ^1"1-tT*y-o11..-"19-.ibeei calling him for' I long i Stitt Ganclhiii cnntinueri his rhis prayear-meeting ailil-i lreen shutting /ias'-. On 18 Januarv h,r ,:nrlecl 1 itime. but he had j ress' on Fritlay' January 'r,l= o^., to it. lest it might be lnis fast' The peoole reioiced 30. the last and fatal blow I rll over thc country. Wirtn he i tfr" loi.u of Satan, he'learnt that a Peaee Qonrrnt- i lvas struck' Early in the r e..""ai"n-to the atl'zi<:e, a".ciaea t; undertake rnc lttcs representativn of all corn- i morning ttat day he rrleared ' mole fast. He said "il'Iy im- , ,,.,,,"iti". in D'olhi trarl signed I his mail-bag' IIe replietl all :"o.trr" has been gna'.rzing at ja pact pledging to pr:ofccl tht: i his important letters "f y*-::lt{,"1"-'YT-:l*''i Ii will-go inlr,c- iMuslim"minorit:,. ;;-;;-i";". It wiligo inrme- liur"tri* **o1lv.---,--.^ i must replv to them today'i, i;'. ;i i"i".fastt, n" Jiut"rv the | (contd' in .,1,1^i1o., 'l ,:1*o'1'j col' 7) "*"l11Tl; 20 January Gandhiji reI have been broodrng over it I on T1"y1..IlxT]Tf,, "^

I i



Folded [Iamds

ALL WEPT lon the bier' Leaders after t:;,1 'rhe whote of rhe ,rtc,cnt ]5:;:1, *Tfl;l--".,," .iay ."t Dethi, nay thr. whole l"'i i."". i""U at rhe hea.l I lcountry was plunrlocl lllto , - : deepest sorrow. a to..,i,r" ;;; i:.1^" 'l:.-,,^o^1"';^ *- I5l: rwtrcJL Jurtvw. A ut:rrrl,rts the pyre -::the -: aOplied of gficf went up from li, lWaS o:1"5 tO assembred crowd in ril"";;: i:"u 1T: 1L:^.1'';'.:' pound of the House. Thou^'il
oo'u- ur 'rr., wv,r!L,, sands or men, women -..,- I :.:l-t"' added to ^:iT,'Y.*:u"^":::'*t the flantes. children wept, lvept, *:ll I were big , wtth'^^r^,**-^r'^rn,r.r smok'. a hirr I A";"-- ;as Ttrey ooweo rrlelr rl.a(rs *',"" lcolumn of cloud -.'inh hid tthich lr-ney bowed their head5 lshBme and downeast ner:s. ltho ..un" from the vievr. Flsgs

abdomen. Raj Ghat on the hanks of the He raised his arms a5 o fles- sacred Jumna. ture of prayer t6 his audierrce. He was taken to the Biria N,AJ GIIA'I Bhayan. He lost his consct- | Conches and trumpets were ousness. Efiorts to save hls I blown as the cortage passed. life faiied. AII medit',rl :;cience lThe military r:alriag,-, \^'a3 was ol nq 5i/ail. Till now ho ldrawn by units of India's -^'--^: -^".- ^ phrlosopher has solved satis-rI Army, Navy and Arr Furce, knot of human lat tr," Raj Ghat l{atratmair's I iactoriiy 1nu l^^^.. l-, Death and o--.^ n,,+ -i,t^ +L^ iiL^r-- ---^- placed cn +L - ^^.Fate. Out side ihe body was -.r^^^J ^- the Bhavan it was announ- idalwood pyre. Dakotas of the eed to the anxiously u'aiting I Royal Indian Foice, dipping crowd: i'Bapu is dearl". i in salute, showered flowcrtd

of his breast and

man rushed through the rnui- I t. ,r the clouds in :Lrs sl<y. titude and bent as if h.r Were |T%en the funeral procession bowing before him. He pushed lstarted stretching, seven aside Manu Gandhr ancl start- lrniles long, the cortege of the ed shooting. The first bullet ldepartecl Mahatmaii passeC hit him in the abdouren. He jthrough the main route people uttered "Ram Ram" and then lfaltrng fiowers and rosg two more shots stmck him. lpshls. Itre fell down. His spectacles Oh! it was a ..'e!riiab1,: carzuspended over hts todl' ,nO pet strewn on the roac[, flolvhis sandals were :hrov/n out. ers, and flowers evclywhere. Blood profusely rushed out At last the procession reached

inumaxlty -weeplng-. and "elr. led rn from all over the world. iilHi' :? I IT^:"' T^., country observed I llS,''",i: i":H':'':,

"' I closed, meetings adjourned out with lti'"ni ,llli' .""."rrse or peo- lala ney.inlpers came "# ;, " T ; ;:" '" :. I o' i' '::=" I -'11" satd :1..,' Tribtrtes pour""":'. I'lttre i: I " story. Hl'f,li".' "" "l :l] "^: LP'' "

In',:A::,Htf.Jlf '"i*,",3h*l;fln"",,*:il"'i,:: I'J:l ilJ#' n:X"";::i,'"',i .3 i T""'. o"l ol li: -: n"11. ^. li^.: tloY'o nave llrer tett



In"onru that


r# ilil"



lmed on 12th Feb*rar]', when the eeremonY of itrruersion of

holv rivers of India wa: carriietl out. Leaders of the various


Mahatmaji's ashes in


States returned r,vith Kalash of the ashes to their resPect,ive States. The rvrilel slong iwith ths PeoPle of lltadh""-a Pradesh returned t': Indoi'e wrth ths Gloriou. Dusr

stfle A,lone fs'?Gandhi On God

(By, Vnmxn H. Pandit) (.)n,-.-' .l C{)t lltsl-1,-rild'-'tr,- in', trj;ihl ila G;indltt tt) \ It, J atr'. \, dr ,-.ortrc oI the cucstion: p0se{1 by hrm in hts

' tur'li\G I.\DlA" abour Gcrl. 't lrc cr-rrt'espondeut c1esirecl a ciari[icaiiofl frr-rm Ganclhilt: '"1 read .!'our "Y0lJNq INDIA" of l2ttt Mrry. l!27. whtte l,otl $l'lte. "I lhin( i[ l:i wrLrng t0 ex- rlnpt 5sihlc," Lree L ecrtainties in this world lvhere all els,' but God, that is 'Iruth, is ln u0cel'tarnty''. orvn L)clr a nrunu,menl lol The follorvin{ lvere rhe himself, not in marbal bui question$ rn hrrr'f askcd by in words tmmortal. FIrs con-

1''[g wri-er pfescn p ftere then, ,uhich s.or,erns all life an cxlract [rorrn onc of thc is God issues oI 'Y0UNG IN- Law and 1-hr: J,ar,,,' giver arc I not deny DIA" cd trrl by Mairatma one.ur mav L,aw'giver, the the beGandh,. lt I'allorrs the ori- Law ginal ar.icle nnly to thr extent of ke$r,ins tht uattr 11rough1 lrr{r rn iti' f rank sdlnt5siolr liti'l t0 u+ .( rrl)c God '*is [.r artcrirp" ihe

the eorrespttitdent:--

"God ur,rr',ng, argumellt:r. the writer Is n{Jt 'a ecrtainiy. Why rloes hooes,' for the cxl-qtcnce oi he allow the uorld to be po- 6u4 wouid g, a lo*g rvay pulated b-v bad peoplc of all 1o allieyate sorilre of the cares

hin rn as shades? ;;;"^';",'-.,,.-."'"t - rr;r-l;;- dving' er eru clritn:irq cr e r ^ there \\'ar un-i:--' WHY ALL0\4/ EVIL? ",*rt tJifr!';;.;1d h.ins all that ci-tilllte 3 lir;rl3 slrgulil uot Go,l, k;li lvtsk- rI': *tot*"tt.tit the ilrguthat rvas chanqeless' edness by Hts power thslg rnent- *" ot "iJ as alu*' |.u*"t held all toqethe r' that that ;rnd then nip all rascailrv in But t " p"ttiiit.d [in;;li- il created' dissoh'es and t'^crethe bud and ror orr#'iutill *ii" *-[v n* rrii"r.J' Hs "r"';; ;" i;That lniornring pot'elot 1:.tt1 erl people to flour.isir? lwas oto..ri*-n or spirit was Cod' A'd siric:i' ';"; why should Clt.,t, be i.,ng-lliut" "i lti."t-'rtni*rta:"-that ttttthinn else he sa'rv mett:lY ;1;" suffering and bc patrent? ltrrere *"'"'ru'n"g r,ii.ui.", Xf#ifn J,t"o,""ijlu"i".,Tlo,,l' rI God alr'i's , ,ili,lli;.," ullu uurtlgs' ti,g Il15 Owll !',fave. wltY l;lJi*i:];,tJi; BENEvotENT should he nor ou*.n't',r."'l"o - lr* wtit ot' and eln citing his reasons_ about the exl- And that ;r.,i..c| lvas r.r.iret1'rant before his tyrannv stence of Ccci to the said 16"r' benevol':u'. or rnale'o' oppresses the oooi"? lent" He saw it pul'elY ds lVhv hive - fail.h in 11.,11 corres0oroent thus:"There is an indefinahle beucvtrlent. Ir*ri' he ec'uid rvhr-r does not uu. ff,i God po\r-erq t0 chanee fir" *orta mysterious Power that pef- see that in tht: lrrrdst , l and make it 1 r,,-,-,11j--of er;J vades- everythins' t le"! il' death, life per,isrcd. r;r th; -. lhoueh I do not sec it. It is miclst i:f untruih tiuth perand righteous mcn? Why- sirould no1 1,i6ieus this Un-seen Pcl''er which.rrl*6. is the rnrilst of darkmen die eariy as a result of mai(es .-itself lelt and Yc-t ness light per.isi:C. IJence -'-- "' refies all proof' because it n" gutfrbf-.d tir.t GoC is life, their vicesi". . The correspondegt begEed r;.so utrlike'rtl that of per- 11uth, i,r.ght. ile i5 love. i{e -.nilsh?*n ceive througir mr' senses- It ir tlr. supre,me God. of Mahatma ,o him through "YOUNG Ili- transcends the senses. , "But He is no Ged uho mercly satisl ier the tt: DIA" anci to cll-lttlc his ciis-l ciis: F,rr.r,,n LIMITED E*TENT [";t'-r:3]'1i'#-'%Jli.:X';:' bcirer inrc, belief. The fo]lolving wa.s the an:r" ijut it is pos:;ibie llr reason Ciorl must rultr tlte healt ilit'l wer to the above qucsurrrs rlut the cxistencc of Gorl to transform it, Ile trrust e>l{ivern by ]\4aha.l.rna Gandhr. a li,mited exreili. Even in press I{imself itt e','en the It offerrs an ovcirvhclmin|l rr1 rj16x1'12 affairs lve knolv smallest act cf His votarv. oroof of his full faith in Gocl. that people 5ls lloi knorv if,his call r-rnlv be dtlnc It also proved the grcai.ntrs:; wilo rules or t"hy and horv through ir dcfinitc re;ilisattoil of Mahatnna ils an oursiitfld- hg r:ult:s, And vel tliev knoiv niol'e: real than the five st:tliitg phik-rsopir,:r Hcre are that there . i-r I prrwer thal si-s cah e'"'er D:(ldtice Sense pr'1celttions {ldll bc" tfien thc memqrable rvords 'rvhje:h r:ertainly rules rvoulcl strike the agcs tc ?irat therc is r;rderli:re-qs,, falsc- an,J 6is(cptivc' cclme. It r.tould he H,orttr in the Universe, there is an hor.vever real thcv trtav apwhile to reerollect the iltei'- uualterabie Lerv g,overnlng pear to us. !Vhere thcre l3

eSr.jnq. dialor:,le on Batruii's evervthing .rnrl evcry being realisation ouiside the sclr Birthdal, Cenlenxrv Celr:'cll- that exists or lii,cs. It is not 5ei, it is infatliblc. It rs l)rotions bv all oI us. long be- a blind law; for n6 blind y6-d not [Y extraneolts evifor:e. i1 5eenrs to th-' writer. !arv can govern the conduct dence but in the transfol rrthat Mahatmaii built by his of living bei4q5. 'l'hat Larv, ed conduct and character of

;;;:"";;1;'rii o"':to-u'' 3 evil bv .anY tattonal method'' 'i*iri' rritrr ano since taith To 'want to do so was to be co-e'ilral with God He wai' itself could not be B-r"a 6u , l.exrraneou* *u!d*nc"1'."tiril *- 119q"to.e, unable biroush to, ,ri reco..nise evil as such. And *ui to betieve i;;;;;;;; gou"ro,o"iri-of rh, he.called" God' lonE-suffering the moral because tt'* *iirfi' .' "ito-trr*.rnt* in law' *d ',.1tlyi . orec' thc he . .permitted evrl the moral rrni.rn".u of He i;;'"L;; ot-rruih nno*t-ou-' l1orl! He k'rew..thatHim: '"i*il:"li* .r:,taitrr iroula q*.!g:d] . $q,no er':i1 m .#;ril*ir"i* tu"r.-*^ , und u:Ii-r*.ih*;':'yg1"J.ll H-"i (Cpntil,. on Page 3;

felt ,the real rilv, to reiect all that was Ut- God within- 'contrary 10' Trurh and Love. oi"S"na . Such , testimony is to i:c found in the:- sxperiences of ' Gandliii wroie that he an unbroken line of saf,es find no exact answer to the and prophets in all ssgllries correspondent's argulnent. and climes. To reiect lhis g" confessed to him that evi$ence is to deny txeself . he, had no argur.lent to.'con: Mahatmaii ftrr"ther e>r ltnc9 him throug'h reasofl ,";#f,Ti; b"1i;i.;^ cri-i 51i1tr fSnsceltlgd l',u'ol: 41, that realisalion wa; nrcccd- fie could to,,ltt:Tfj to OO . a(lvlse nlm by an i66qovable iniitt. n" y:-t-,3:t ed. 'would ttt his ovvn ller- posslole' He could lt: T' not ac-' who . test the turt "ii-'-Cias count for the existence ''" of son
those who have

Immouobie Faith

clear deterrninationr'





--men with and against evil even "'*"' firln ignorance is no excuse. at the cosr of life itself. He Ultimately, concluding his And withal He is ever was ' foriified in the- beliei nlgumsnls, Gandhiji said 161niuing for He always bv his own humble and iimit- that to Him God was Truth eivbs us the cirance to reed experience. The Durer he and Love;. God lvas the ps61-. He is lhe greatest detried :to become that nearer source of Light and Life and ypss131 the worl.l knows. for he felt io be to God. Mean- vet He 16gdt; ;r; ,too" ,nA ii" lives ui 'unfet',ered' t,r while, he invited the corres- bevond all those. rnat<e our o?,'n choir;e betpondent to pray yyiffu l.Iew: And sureiy conscience is ween evil and floocl. He .rs [nan who sang from expe- but a por and labourious the. sreatest tIl'ant ever paraphrase of the si:nple known, for He often clashes rrence: Lead, kindly Light, amid tire cornbilration. of three letters the cup fronr our hps arid encircltng gloom' called G O D. He cannot under cover of free will Lead Thou me onicease to_be because hideous G;;;;,r-u-*otii'so wholrv ---ur'- -i" The night is dark- and am immoraXifies or inhurnin i"uO.qrit" provide -I I : from home, brutalities are comm.itted in oniv mirth for him s;lf at - f'ar,me on; , His name. He is long-suffer- our'"*". _ Lead Thou

2) Keep Thou my feet, I do not ing. He is paiieni. but He is ask to se also teribt'-^I{-t-]t the'nost (God1 was the author oi it personage in uvlt.- 'rhe distant scene; one step exactingand the worldthe iio-i,"t'irnlou"t"a 'enoush'for to world rre,' ffidgidii"d*lvrrri ii,vn Bapuii , said that i: ,i:-'uoll';, J;T;, iT,,.?:l*:T: f,Tj *"X&,I;f",u ,",1X1 '*: k1t_o_y But n9 .tttoyt{ never\,vrestle ;;;i?d' L ii, pray"r_m""t- mere out ,rut neishbours "' ' God if he did not brut.s. \,rith
(Contd. from Page



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