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IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 896-906 Ranjitha et al.

ISSN: 2249-9504


Available online at Review Article

Ranjitha D1* and K. Sudha2
1Food Processing Technology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India.
2College of Food and Dairy Technology, Chennai-52, Tamil Nadu, India.

Food is one of the three basic requirements of mankind. It contains moisture, proteins, fat, Fibre,
carbohydrate, ash (Vitamins & Minerals), photochemical and etc. Food is the source of nutrients
and provides the energy required for all activities eg. growth, repaired of the damaged tissues,
reproduction and sustenance. Likewise food also contains alkaloids mainly plant type foods like
tea, coffee, cocoa and honey etc. They also act medicine for humans. Alkaloids constitute a very
large group of natural nitrogen containing compounds with diverse effects on the human organism.
A large variety of plant-produced alkaloids has strong pharmacological effects, and is used as
toxins, stimulants, pharmaceuticals or recreational drugs, including caffeine, atropine and cocaine.
This paper explains the alkaloids types, three classes of alkaloids and their occurrence, uses and
effects when taking higher doses.

Keywords: Alkaloids,Tropane alkaloids, Purine alkaloids, Pyrolizidine alkaloids.

1. ALKALOIDS biosynthetically from amino acids, especially the

Alkaloids are naturally occurring chemical cyclic amino acids: Phe, Tyr, Try, His.
compounds containing basic nitrogen atoms.
The name derives from the word alkaline and 1.1.2 Proto Alkaloids
was used to describe any nitrogen - containing Nitrogen atom is outside the ring system. These
base. Alkaloids are produced by a large variety are physiologically active.
of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plants,
and animals and are part of the group of natural 1.1.3 Pseudo alkaloids
products (also called secondary metabolites). Nitrogen containing compounds (Physiologically
Many alkaloids have been used in medicine over active) not derived from amino acids. The
the years and some are still prominent drugs purine ring is gradually elaborated by piecing
which have physiological effect on animals together small components from primary
(Edeoga, H.O and Eriata, D.O, 2001; Sibi G et al., metabolism.
2014). Many alkaloids can be purified from
crude extracts by acid - base extraction. Many 1.2 ALKALOIDS CLASSES
alkaloids are toxic to other organisms. Tropane alkaloids, purine alkaloids, pyrolizidine
alkaloids,terpenoidindole alkaloids,
1.1 TYPES OF ALKALOIDS benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and other
Alkaloids should be divided into 3 subgroups. alkaloids: quinolizine, steroidal glycol alkaloids
(Mazen A. El-Sakka, 2010).
1.1.1 Proper Alkaloids
Proper alkaloids are also known as true 2. TROPANE ALKALOIDS
alkaloids. These alkaloids are basic. They are 2.1 Atropine
nitrogen part of a heterocyclic ring system. It is a tropane alkaloid extracted from deadly
These are chemically complex. Some are nightshade (Atropa belladonna), jimsonweed
physiologically active. They have limited (Daturastramonium), mandrake
distributions in the plant kingdom. Derived (Mandragoraofficinarum) and other plants of

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 896-906 Ranjitha et al. ISSN: 2249-9504

the family Solanaceae. It is a secondary Resuscitation

metabolite of these plants and serves as a drug Injections of atropine are used in the treatment
with a wide variety of effects. Solanaceae plants, of bradycardia (anextremely low heart rate),
particularly Daturastramonium L., produce a asystole and pulseless electrical activity(PEA) in
range of biologically active alkaloids, including cardiac arrest. This works because the main
tropane alkaloids (AlirezaIranbakhsh et al., action of thevagus nerve of the parasympathetic
2006). system on the heart is to decreaseheart
It is a competitive antagonist for the muscarinic rate.Atropine is also useful in treating second-
acetylcholine receptor. It is classified as an anti degree heart block.
cholinergic drug. Atropine is a core medicine in
the World Health Organization's "Essential Secretions and broncho constriction
Drugs List", which is a list of minimum medical Atropine action on the parasympathetic nervous
needs for a basic health care system. The system inhibitssalivary, sweat, and mucus
racemic mixture of (-)-hyoscyamine and (+)- glands. This can be useful in
hyoscyamine is called atropine (EFSA Journal, treatinghyperhidrosis, and can prevent the
2013). death rattle of dying patients.

2.1.1 Occurrence Treatment for organophosphate poisoning

Atropine is found in many members of the Atropine is not an actual antidote for
Solanaceae family (Ratsch C, (2007); organophosphate poisoning.However, by
BorbalaBoros et al., 2010; GrzegorzGrynkiewicz blocking the action of acetylcholine at
and Maria Gadzikowska, 2008). The most muscarinicreceptors, atropine also serves as a
commonly found sources are Atropa treatment for poisoning by organophosphate
belladonna,Daturainoxia, D. metel, and D. insecticides and nerve gases. Atropine is given
stramonium. Other sources include members of as a treatment for SLUDGE (Salivation,
theBrugmansia and Hyoscyamus genera. The Lacrimation, Urination, Diaphoresis,
Nicotiana genus (including the tobacco plant, N. Gastrointestinal motility, Emesis) symptoms
tabacum) is also found in the Solanaceae family, caused by organophosphate poisoning.
but these plants do not contain atropine or other
tropane alkaloids. Optical penalization
The plant Latua has accumaulates a number of In refractive and accommodative amblyopia,
tropanealkaloids, mainly scopolamine and when occlusion is notappropriate sometimes
atropine (Silva and Mancinelli, 1959; Bodendorf atropine is given to induce blur in the good eye.
and Kummer, 1962; Plowman et al., 1971;
Orlando Munoz and John F. Casale, 2003). 2.1.3 Adverse effects and Overdose
Solanaceae - nightshade or potato family (Griffin Adverse reactions to atropine include
and Lin, 2000; EFSA journal, 2008). ventricular fibrillation, supra ventricular or
Convolvulaceae include the important food ventricular tachycardia, dizziness, nausea,
plant Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) (Massal blurred vision, loss of balance, dilated pupils,
and Barrau, 1956) and furthermore I. aquatica photophobia, and, possibly, notably in the
(water spinach) (Austin, 2007), while an elderly, extreme confusion, extreme dissociative
additional number of species have been hallucinations, and excitation (Bruneton J, 1999;
reported as being used as “famine foods” Van Wyk B-E et al., 1997; Van Wyk B-E et al.,
(Freedman, 2012). 2002; Van Wyk B-E, Gericke N, 2000). These
latter effects are because atropine is able to
2.1.2 Uses cross the blood – brain barrier.
Ophthalmic use In overdoses, atropine is poisonous. Atropine is
Topical atropine is used as a cycloplegic, to sometimes added to other potentially addictive
temporarily paralyzethe accommodation reflex, drugs, particularly anti-diarrhea opioid drugs.
and as a mydriatic, to dilate the pupils.Atropine Although atropine treats bradycardia (slow
degrades slowly, typically wearing off in 7 to 14 heart rate) in emergency settings, it can cause
days, so it is generally used as a therapeutic paradoxical heart rate slowing when given at
mydriatic. Atropine induces mydriasis by very low doses.
blocking contraction of the circularpupillary
sphincter muscle, which is normally stimulated 2.2 Cocaine
byacetylcholine release, thereby allowing the It (benzoyl methyl ecgonine) is a crystalline
radial pupillary dilatormuscle to contract and tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves
dilate the pupil. of the coca plant. The name comes from “coca”
in addition to the alkaloid suffix-ine, forming

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 896-906 Ranjitha et al. ISSN: 2249-9504

cocaine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous “Crack” cocaine

system and an appetite suppressant.Its A flaky, hard material obtained by adding
possession, cultivation, and distribution are ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (bakingsoda)
illegal for non-medicinal and non-government and water to cocaine hydrochloride and heating
sanctioned purposes in virtually all parts of the the resulting precipitatedpowder(Vienna, 2012).
world. The cocaine alkaloid was first isolated by
the German chemist Friedrich Gaedcke in 1855. 2.2.2 Effects and Health issues:
Gaedcke named the alkaloid "erythroxyline", Health problems resulting from cocaine use can
and published a description in the journal lead to severe mental, physical and social
Archiv der Pharmazie. problems.

Forms of cocaine Acute

Cocaine is available in two primary forms. They Cocaine is a potent central nervous system
are cocaine hydrochloride and cocaine alkaloid. stimulant. Its effectscan last from 20 minutes to
Both are extracted from the Central and South several hours, depending upon the dosageof
American coca plant. Cocaine hydrochloride is cocaine taken, purity, and method of
an odourless white powder. It is usually snorted administration.The initial signs of stimulation
(intranasal use) or injected (intravenous [IV] are hyperactivity, restlessness,increased blood
Use). Cocaine alkaloid is not water soluble. It is pressure, increased heart rate and euphoria
made into freebase or crack and is smoked, (Washton, A.M, 1989). Theeuphoria is
resulting in a faster, more intense high than sometimes followed by feelings of discomfort
injecting or snorting(Gold, M.S, 1984; Khalsa, anddepression and a craving to experience the
M.E et al., 1992; Diagnostic and Statistical drug again. Side effects can include
Manual of Mental Disorders, 2000; NIDA twitching,paranoia, and impotence, which
Capsules, 1986). usually increase with frequent usage.
With excessive or prolonged use, the drug can
2.2.1 Occurrence cause itching, tachycardia, hallucinations, and
For over a thousand years South American paranoid delusions. Overdoses cause
indigenous peopleshave chewed the coca leaf tachyarrhythmias and a marked elevation of
(Erythroxylon coca), a plant that containsvital blood pressure. Cocaine may lead to death from
nutrients as well as numerous alkaloids, respiratory failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage,
including cocaine. There is also evidence that or heart - failure. Further mechanisms occur in
these cultures used a mixtureof coca leaves and chronic cocaine use. The "crash" is accompanied
saliva as an anesthetic for the performance with muscle spasms throughout the body, also
oftrepanation. Coca leaves are somewhat similar known as the "jitters", muscle weakness,
in appearance to Laurusnobilis leaves. Different headaches, dizziness, and suicidal thoughts.
Erythroxylon species produce leaves varying in
size and appearance. They are containing Chronic
cocaine (De Jong, 1906; Youssefi, Cooks and Chronic cocaine intake causes brain cells to
McLauglin, 1979; Evans, 1981; Rivier, 1981; adapt functionally to strong imbalances of
plowman and Rivier, 1983; Emanuel L. Johnson transmitter levels in order to compensate
and Stephen D, 1994; Deborah Pacini and extremes. Thus, receptors disappear from the
Christine Franquemont, 1985). Chocolates also cell surface or reappear on it, resulting more or
contain small amounts of cocaine, which are less in an "off" or "working mode" respectively,
made from cocoa powder. or they change their susceptibility for binding
The TA Cocaine was found in very small partners (ligands) mechanisms called
amounts in the original Coca-Cola formula, but down/upregulation.
was not the main concern of the USDA at the Physical side effects from chronic smoking of
time. Caffeine was considered to be the major cocaine include hemoptysis, bronchospasm,
problem with the drink. pruritus, fever, diffuse alveolar infiltrates
without effusions, pulmonary and systemic
Coca paste eosinophilia, chest pain, lung trauma, sore
This is off-white, creamy or beige-coloured throat, asthma, hoarse voice, dyspnea
powder; it is rarely fine, often contains (shortness of breath), and an aching, flu - like
aggregates and is generally damp. Unless the syndrome.
aggregates are crystalline (which is rare) they Tooth enamel and lead to gingivitis: Chronic
usually break down under slight pressure. It has intranasal usage can degrade the cartilage
a characteristic odour. separating the nostrils (the septum nasi),
leading eventually to its complete

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 896-906 Ranjitha et al. ISSN: 2249-9504

disappearance. A common but untrue belief is Chocolate derived from cocoa contains a small
that the smoking of cocaine chemically breaks amount of caffeine. Caffeine is the most common
down tooth enamel and causes tooth decay. purine alkaloid, but in a few plant species
including cacao and unique Chinese tea plants,
Addiction the main purine alkaloid is theobromine or
Cocaine dependence (or addiction) is physical methyluric acid (Ashihara and Suzuki, 2004).
and psychologicaldependency on the regular use Tea is another common source of caffeine. Tea
of cocaine. It can result inphysiological damage, leaves contain 2-5% caffeine (Takeda,
lethargy, psychosis, depression, or apotentially 1994;Ashihara et al., 1995). Although tea
fatal overdose. contains more caffeine than coffee, a typical
serving contains much less, as tea is normally
3. Purine Alkaloids brewed much weaker. Besides strength of the
Purine alkaloids are secondary metabolites brew, growing conditions, processing
derived from purine nucleotides (Zulak et al., techniques and other variables also affect
2006) that have been found in nearly 100 caffeine content (H. Ashihara et al., 2008).
species in 13 orders of plant kingdom (Ashihara Caffeine is added to soft drink as flavouring
and Crozier, 1999a). agent (Drewnowski, 2001). Caffeine is also a
common ingredient of soft drinks such as cola,
3.1 Caffeine originally prepared from kola nuts. Soft drinks
It is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid typically contain about 10 to 50 milligrams of
that is a psychoactive stimulant drug. Caffeine caffeine per serving. In recent years various
was discovered by a German chemist, Friedrich manufacturers have begun putting caffeine into
Ferdinand Runge, in 1819. He coined the term shower products such as shampoo and soap,
kaffein, a chemical compound in coffee, which in claiming that caffeine can be absorbed through
English became caffeine. Caffeine is also part of the skin.
the chemical mixtures and insoluble complexes
guaraninefound in guarana, mateinefound in 3.1.2 Uses
mate, and theinefound in non - herbal tea; all of Caffeine is metabolized in the liver into three
which contain additional alkaloids such as the primary metabolites: paraxanthine (84 %),
cardiac stimulants theophylline and theobromine (12 %), and theophylline (4 %).
theobromine, and often other chemicals such as Paraxanthine: Has the effect of increasing
polyphenols which can form insoluble lipolysis, leading to elevated glycerol and free
complexes with caffeine. fatty acid levels in the blood plasma.
Theobromine: Dilates blood vessels and
3.1.1 Occurrence increases urine volume. Theobromine is also the
Caffeine is found in many plant species, where it principal alkaloid in cocoa, and therefore
acts as a naturalpesticide, with high caffeine chocolate.
levels being reported in seedlings thatare still Theophylline: Relaxes smooth muscles of the
developing foliages, but are lacking mechanical bronchi, and is used to treat asthma. The
protection;caffeine paralyzes and kills certain therapeutic dose of theophylline, however, is
insects feeding upon the plant.High caffeine many times greater than the levels attained
levels have also been found in the surrounding from caffeine metabolism (Hiroshi Ashihara et
soil ofcoffee bean seedlings. Purine nucleotides al., 1997).
are synthesized by de novo and salvage The precise amount of caffeine necessary to
pathways (Ashihara and Crozier, 1999a; Stasolla produce effects varies from person to person
et al., 2003; Zrenner et al., 2006). depending on body size and degree of tolerance
Caffeine is found in varying quantities in the to caffeine. It takes less than an hour for caffeine
beans, leaves, and fruit of some plants, where it to begin affecting the body and a mild dose
acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and wears off in three to four hours. Consumption of
kills certain insects feeding on the plants. Other caffeine does not eliminate the need for sleep
sources include yerba mate, guarana berries, (Hicks et al., 1983; Smith, 2002); it only
and the Yaupon Holly. temporarily reduces the sensation of being tired
The most commonly known sources of caffeine throughout the day. In general, 25 to 50
are coffee, cocoa beans, kola nuts and tea leaves. milligrams of caffeine is sufficient for most
(Barone and Roberts, 1996; Frary et al., people to report increased alertness and arousal
2005).Coffee plants contain two different kinds as well as subjectively lower levels of fatigue
of alkaloid delivered from nucleotides. One type (Rogers et al., 1989; Johnsonet al., 1990, 1991;
is purine alkaloids, such as caffeine and Nicholson et al., 1990; Zwyghuizen-Doorenbos
theobromine (Hiroshi Ashihara, 2006). et al.,1990).

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 896-906 Ranjitha et al. ISSN: 2249-9504

With these effects, caffeine is an ergogenic, on the cell that activate cAMP production).
increasing a person's capability for mental or cAMP acts as a " second messenger ," and
physical labour. Caffeine citrate has proven to be activates a large number of protein kinase A.
of short and long term benefit in treating the
breathing disorders of apnea of prematurity and Effects on children
bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature It is a common myth that caffeine causes stunted
infants. growth inchildren. However, scientific studies
have contradicted that belief. Children
3.1.3 Overuse and Effects experience the same effects from caffeine as
In large amounts, and especially over extended adults. Energy drinks, most of which containing
periods of time, caffeine can lead to a condition high amounts of caffeine, have been banned in
known as caffeinism. Caffeinism usually many schools throughout the world.
combines caffeine dependency with a wide
range of unpleasant physical and mental Caffeine intake during pregnancy
conditions including nervousness, irritability, Despite its widespread use and the conventional
anxiety, tremulousness, and muscle twitching view that it is asafe substance, a 2008 study
(hyperreflexia), insomnia, headaches, suggested that pregnant women whoconsume
respiratory alkalosis, and heart palpitations 200 milligrams or more of caffeine per day have
(Nawrot, P et al., 2003). about twicethe miscarriage risk as women who
consume none (David Schardt, 2008). However,
Caffeine intoxication another2008 study found no correlation
An acute overdose of caffeine, usually in excess between miscarriage and caffeineconsumption.
of about 300milligrams, dependent on body
weight and level of caffeine tolerance,can result 4. Pyrolizidine alkaloids
in a state of central nervous system over- Pyrolizidine alkaloids are secondary metabolites
stimulation calledcaffeine intoxication or that are produced by certain plants. Some plant
"caffeine jitters". The symptoms of caffeine species produce these substances in order to
intoxication are not unlike overdoses of other ward off herbivores (Christina Kastl, 2013).
stimulants. It may include restlessness, There are more than 660 different pyrolizidine
nervousness, and excitement, insomnia, flushing alkaloids which are found in over 6,000 plant
of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal species (P. P. Fu et al., 2010) that correspond
disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow approximately to 3% of the world’s flowering
of thought and speech, irritability, irregular or plants and represent a convergent trait in the
rapid heartbeat, and psychomotor agitation. In plant kingdom (Langel, D et al., 2011).
cases of extreme overdose, death can result. PAs are largely on account of their biological
activities, which include acute hepatotoxic
Anxiety and sleep disorders (Mattocks, 1986; Schoental,R,1968), mutagenic
Two infrequently diagnosed caffeine-induced (Hirono et al., 1979), carcinogenic (Hirono et al.,
disorders that are recognized by the American 1978), teratogenic (Green and Christie, 1961),
Psychological Association (APA) are caffeine- anticancer properties (Kovach et al., 1979) and
induced sleep disorder and caffeine-induced neuroactive properties (Schmeller et al., 1997).
anxiety disorder, which can result from long- Plants and some insects which sequester PAs
term excessive caffeine intake above 300mg from their food plants constitute the only
(Lieberman, 1992). natural source of this group of alkaloids that
cause toxic reactions in man and animals
Effects on memory and learning (KaleabAsres et al., 2004). The pyrrolizidine
An array of studies found that caffeine could alkaloid-containing plants are mostly members
have nootropic effects, inducing certain changes of the composite plants (asteraceae), forget-me-
in memory and learning. However, the tests not or borage families (boraginaceae) as well as
performed contradict one another and the the legume family (fabaceae). Amongst plants
results have proven inconsistent and containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids native in
inconclusive. Germany tansy ragwort, common groundsel and
viper’s bugloss were found as examples.
Effects on the heart Chemically speaking, pyrrolizidine alkaloids are
Caffeine binds to receptors on the surface of esters composed of 1-
heart muscle cellswhich leads to an increase in hydroxymethylpyrrolizidin (necine base) and
the level of cAMP inside the cells (by blocking aliphatic mono or dicarbon acids (necine acids)
the enzyme that degrades cAMP), mimicking the (BfR FAQ, 2014).
effects of epinephrine (which binds to receptors

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 896-906 Ranjitha et al. ISSN: 2249-9504

4.1 Occurrence contaminated feed into farm animals and from

Some 13 families of the flowering plants contain there into animal based foods such as milk, eggs
PAs (Furuya et al, 1987). Only 6 of these families and meat. Based on the current state of
contain hepatotoxic PAs (Anon, 1988) but they knowledge, there are no indications to suggest
represent some 3% of all the species of that such animal-based foods contain PA in
flowering plants (Culvenor, 1980). The principal concentrations that would pose a health risk to
families involved are the Asteraceae consumers.
(Compositae), Boraginaceae (MitraMehrabani et
al., 2006) and Leguminaceae (Fabaceae), while 4.2 Biological Activity
the main genera are Senecio (Asteraceae) (Rosa Antimicrobial Activity
Tundisa, 2007), Crotalaria (Leguminaceae) The growth of bacterial species, mostly human
Heliotroprium, Trichodesma and Symphytum pathogens such as E. coli, S. pneumoniae,
(Boraginaceae). Bacillus subtilis, B. anthracis and Staphylococcus
In Australia Echiumplantagineum aureus were inhibited by different pure PAs and
(Boraginaceae) is also an important PA- PA extracts (El-Shazly et al., 1999; Reina, M., et
containing species. All three families are well al., 1995) were tested for their antimicrobial
represented in Australia and are causes of activity against 10 strains of bacteria and 1
poisoning in grazing domestic livestock in all strain of fungi by broth microdilution and agar
parts of the country (Seawright, 1989). Several diffusion methods.
Crotalaria spp. cause poisoning in cattle and
horses in northern Australia while Biological Importance
Heliotropiumspp, Echiumplantaginium and Toxicity of 1,2-unsaturated PAs as hepatotoxic,
various Senecio spp. are responsible for toxicity pulmotoxic, hemolytic, antimitotic, teratogenic,
in sheep, cattle and horses in southern Australia mutagenic and carcinogenic natural products for
(Seaman & Walker, 1985). Pigs (Hooper humans and livestock. The potential PA
&Scanlan, 1977; Jones et al., 1981) and poultry contamination of food and feeding stuff has
(Ross & Tucker, 1977) have also become attracted recurrent attention. It is evident, that
poisoned due to consumption of prepared feeds humans should not ingest food or herbal teas
contaminated with the seeds of that contain PAs. However, some saturated PAs
Heliotropiumeuropaeum and Crotalaria retusa have interesting pharmacological and biological
respectively (Australia New Zealand Food effects, e.g., spasmolytic, antihistaminic, anti-HIV
Authority, 2001). and antiviral activities and as glucosidase
T. farfara species containing PAs belongs to the inhibitor (Garcia-Moreno et al., 2004; Assem El-
oldest herbs in traditional medicine, mainly Shazly and Michael Wink, 2014).
used as a cough suppressant as well as for
treating obstructive lung diseases: asthma, 4.3 Toxicity
bronchitis, and emphysema (ArturAdamczak et The first recorded example of human disease
al., 2013). caused by PA-containing plants was that
It is possible that PA enter food via plant-based reported in 1920 in South Africa where multiple
food components. PA has been detected, for cases of cirrhosis occurred following
example, in herbal teas, cereals, herbs, salads, consumption of bread made from flour
leafy vegetables and honeys. Cases of elevated contaminated mainly with the plant
contamination in wheat are known to have Senecioburchellii (Willmot& Robertson, 1920).
occurred in Afghanistan. This contamination had PA poisoning of humans can be described by
been caused by a strong proliferation of plants three dose-related levels: acute, sub-acute and
of the heliotropium genus in wheat fields. In chronic (IPCS, 1989; Prakash AR et al., 1999).
Germany, there have been incidents of These levels can be progressive resulting in
contamination of salads with ragwort and irreversible chronic toxic effects. On account of
groundsel containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids. the low toxicity of the PAs themselves, acute
As regards PA contamination of honeys, this can, poisoning has been reported only in very rare
among other plants, be attributed to Echium, cases; it occurs only in infants and neonates due
Senecio and Borago species. Their pyrrolizidine to their higher susceptibility to a PA poisoning.
alkaloid-containing pollen is used by bees to It is characterised by haemorrhagic necrosis,
make honey. Raw honeys from certain countries hepatomegaly and ascites; death is caused by
in Central and South America show higher PA liver failure.
contents compared to raw honeys from some Sub-acute levels are characterised by
European countries. Humans could also ingest hepatomegaly and recurrent ascites; endothelial
PA when such substances get into agricultural proliferation and medial hypertrophy leading to
farm animals along the food chain, i.e. from an occlusion of hepatic veins, resulting in the so-

IJPCBS 2015, 5(4), 896-906 Ranjitha et al. ISSN: 2249-9504

called veno-occlusive disease (VOD) which can alkaloid has well for health. But some alkaloid
be seen as a characteristic histological sign for has only risk for health. E.g. cocaine has high
PA poisoning (Peterson JE, 1983; Huxtable RJ, effective for human health and it can lead breaks
1989). down tooth enamel and causes tooth decay.
Chronic effects: The typical toxic effects of PA Caffeine consumed high level leading to cancer
affect the liver and in some case the lungs. and miscarriage for pregnant women’s. In all
Animal experiments have demonstrated that countries have Food and Drug Adulteration Act.
certain pyrrolizidine alkaloids are genotoxic They have limitations for alkaloid to safe
carcinogens (Helmut Wiedenfeld, 2011). consume food. Alkaloids are naturally occurring
The classical symptoms and signs of human PA chemical compounds in foods. So they are not
toxicosis are abdominal pain and rapidly prevented. They are consuming with limitations.
developing ascites. Lassitude, anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhoea, oedema, emaciation, REFERENCES
hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and mild jaundice 1. AlirezaIranbakhsh, Mohammad Ali
also occur (Australia New Zealand Food Oshaghi and Ahmad Majd. Distribution
Authority, 2001). of Atropine and Scopolamine in
In high dosage, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) can Different Organs and Stages of
lead to fatal liver failure. The clinical picture of Development in DaturaStramonium L.
PA poisoning in animals is known as Seneciosis (Solanaceae). Structure and
and is usually caused by groundsel found in Ultrastructure of Biosynthesizing Cells –
grazing lands. For example, beef cattle that have Botanica. 2006;48(1): 13–18.
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Pakistan, India and Afghanistan fall ill after they alkaloids in the leaves of coltsfoot
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