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The Bib(e Is
God’s Word
to Me
Welcome to a special
Children’s Week of
Prayer all about the
most amazing book in
the world—the Bible!
This week we’re going to embark on a
wonderful journey together, exploring the
treasures found within the pages of God’s
Word. The Bible isn’t just any book; it’s a
living, breathing testimony of God’s love,
wisdom, and power. So get ready to dive
deep into the wonders of Scripture as we
discover how God’s Word impacts every
aspect of our lives.
From Genesis to Revelation the Bible
tells us the story of God’s love for His cre-
ation, the redemption plan through Jesus
Christ, and the promise of eternal life. It’s
filled with exciting adventures, inspiring
stories, and timeless truths that teach us
about God’s character and His incredible
plan for each of us. We pray that this Week
of Prayer will draw you closer to Jesus!

Beth Thomas is assistant editor of

Adventist World.

Illustrations by Mugi Kinoshita AdventistWorld.org September 2024 23


A(( About This week, we will be learning

about the Bible. Did you know
prophecies that have already
come true. The men who wrote

God’s that the Bible is the most these prophecies did not write
printed and read book in the them from their own thinking.

world? It is written in more Instead, the primary author is
languages than any other book. God, who guided the writers
Why do you think millions of through the Holy Spirit.
USING THE “P.E.N.” people believe that the Bible This means that they were the
is the most important book penmen God worked through,
Memory Verse: “No but God was the primary author.
for our life? Here is essential
prophecy ever came information: the Bible itself The Bible states that God
from what a man explains how it was written! Let knows the beginning and the
end and that He used people
wanted to say. But men us look at one of the passages
that helps us better understand called prophets to write what
led by the Holy Spirit will take place so that we will
the Bible. It is found in 2 Peter
spoke words from God” 1:20, 21. know and not be afraid. Why is
(2 Peter 1:21, ICB).* “
Most of all, you must under- that important? Well, there are
stand this: No prophecy in the terrible things happening today.
What do a pen, pencil, and Scriptures ever comes from the But the Bible says that one
paintbrush have all in common? prophet’s own interpretation. day soon Jesus will return and
One, they all start with a letter No prophecy ever came from restore everything back to the
“p.” Two, they are all instruments what a man wanted to say. But way He created it. He will get rid
used by someone. An artist men led by the Holy Spirit spoke of evil, sickness, and death. And
uses a paintbrush to create art words from God” (ICB). those who already died believ-
pieces. A student uses a pen The acronym P.E.N. can help ing in Jesus will be brought back
or pencil in school to complete us remember 2 Peter 1:20, 21. to life. Isn’t that exciting? I am
their homework. An author uses Prophecy comes from God. so grateful that God gave us
a pen or pencil to draft a book. Each thought written is the Bible to give us hope and
What is your favorite book? guided by the Holy Spirit. understand that at the end, God
What do you think makes No prophecy is written based wins, God restores, and God is
one book more valuable than on the prophet’s own ideas. in control. This makes me want
another? You see, the impor- The Bible is unique in that it to read and learn more about it.
tance of the book is not nec- gives us a picture of what will How about you?
essarily the pen it was written happen in the future. That is * Scriptures credited to ICB are quoted from the International
with, but the content and the what we call “prophecy.” When Children’s Bible, copyright © 1986, 1988, 2008, 2015 by Tommy

author who wrote it. we study the Bible, we see many

Manuel (Manny) Vitug is the

lead pastor of the Loma Linda
Filipino church. He served as the
Children’s Ministries director for the
Southeastern California Conference
from 2003 to 2021.

1. Why is the Bible differ-
ent from any other book?
2. What is one thing you
can do to help you learn the
Bible better?

24 September 2024 AdventistWorld.org Illustrations: Mugi Kinoshita

God’s dried up, the Lord told Elijah to
go to Zarephath, where He had
house crying! I asked her what
was wrong, and she told me that

Word instructed a widow to supply

him with food.
they had run out of food and
didn’t know what they would do.

Gives Me
When Elijah got to Zarephath, God impressed me to give them
he found a woman gathering some food.
a few sticks. He asked her for How could I do this? I barely

Hope a drink of water and a piece

of bread. What could she do?
had enough for our own family!
But I took a box and went into
BLESSINGS COME IN BOXES There was only enough flour and my pantry and started to fill it
oil to make bread for herself and up. I scooped up some beans
Memory Verse: “For her son, and then they would and put them into a bag, then
everything that was not have any more food. rice, oats, flour, and salt. I added
written in the past was Elijah told her not to be afraid, a small container of oil, then put
but to make some bread for him some potatoes and onions in the
written to teach us, so first, and then make bread for box. Whatever I had, I shared
that through the endur- herself and her son, for God had with her. I was amazed that I
ance taught in the Scrip- promised that the flour would was able to share, not one box,
tures and the encour- not run out and that the oil but more than three large boxes
would not run dry. The woman of food with my friend! And,
agement they provide did as Elijah told her, and just as miraculously, I had more food
we might have hope” God had said, the woman and than I had started with! Just as
(Romans 15:4, NIV). her son always had enough to God provided for the widow, He
eat (1 Kings 17:7-16). provided for my family.
Our memory verse tells us Several years ago I found
that the stories in the Bible were myself wondering where our next
written to teach us lessons of meal would come from! There Jodi Genson is a retired teacher
living in Yakima, Washington,
faith, so that we might have just never seemed to be enough
United States.
hope! One story that is special money or food to go around. Our
to me is the story of Elijah and simple pantry contained oatmeal,
the widow of Zarephath, found rice, beans, and flour, but it was
in 1 Kings 17. often almost empty. Each day
The prophet Elijah was hiding we prayed, “Lord, You know our THINKING TOGETHER:
from King Ahab beside the needs, and You have promised to 1. Why did it matter that
brook Cherith. God told Elijah to take care of us.” the woman made bread for
drink from the brook and that A young couple had been Elijah first?
ravens would bring him food. camping in the woods near our 2. Has your family experi-
Every day Elijah’s needs were house, and we became friends. enced a miracle from God?
taken care of. When the water One day the wife came to my

AdventistWorld.org September 2024 25


are life.” Every time God’s Word Jesus’ birth, yet they all came
tells us to do something or true exactly as predicted.

Word Is
promises something, His power The Bible is the most precious
is there to help us do it. book because it shows us how
Jesus used the Scriptures to

much God loves us by giving us
overcome the power of Satan. Jesus, His Son, to die for our sins
When Satan tempted Him three so that we can live forever with

From times, He answered, “It is written

. . . ,” and Satan was defeated.
Him. Many religious books claim
that the only way people can

Just as Jesus used Scripture, have eternal life is through doing
you can too! That’s why the lots of good works, but the Bible

Bible is the most feared book by tells us that we can be saved
Satan and his angels: because, only through the mercy of Jesus.
through it, so many people The Bible, God’s Word, offers us,
IT’S A LIFESAVER! have been set free from their through Jesus Christ, a pathway
control. There is no other book to eternal life and freedom from
Memory Verse: “You with such power! Throughout sin. It is a book filled with prom-
have known the Holy history millions have found God’s ises of hope. Start with Jesus
Scriptures since you words to be faithful and true. every day by exploring His Word.
Those struggling with addiction,
were a child. The Scrip- anger, and more have found the
tures are able to make strength to stop. Through God’s Ruthie Reeves is the executive
you wise. And that wis- Word they can live free. director of Starting With
Jesus, a ministry focused on
dom leads to salvation There are many books with
helping children develop a daily
interesting stories, but the Bible
through faith in Christ relationship with Jesus.
tells the true story of how our
Jesus” (2 Timothy world began and how it will end.
3:15, ICB). How do we know the Bible can
predict the future? Because
Bullets and musket balls flew it has correctly done so in the THINKING TOGETHER:
around Charles Merrill’s head as past. Did you know there are 1. Ask an adult how the
he and his brigade of soldiers more than 300 prophecies in Bible has changed their lives.
pressed forward toward the the Old Testament about Jesus’ 2. Can you find, in the
opposing army. Suddenly, as first coming? These prophecies Bible, a prophecy that later
he stepped forward, a bullet were written by many different came true?
struck him in the right eye, people hundreds of years before
sending him reeling backward.
As he fell, he felt the impact of a
second bullet as it hit his chest.
But something stopped it on its
path. That morning, as Charles
hurried out of his tent, he had
grabbed his New Testament
Bible and stuck it into his front
pocket. The Bible stopped the
The Bible saved Charles’ life,
and it can save yours, too—for
eternity. It is the only book with
God’s words of life. In John 6:63
Jesus says, “The words that I
speak to you are spirit, and they

26 September 2024 AdventistWorld.org Illustrations: Mugi Kinoshita

Word Is
My Guide

Memory Verse: “Your

word is like a lamp for
my feet and a light
for my way” (Psalm
119:105, ICB).

When you think of a happy

animal, what do you think of?
Maybe a sea otter or a dog? Or
maybe your very own pet, if you
have one! I think of the bottlenose
dolphin. I love to watch dolphins
swim playfully together. They look
like they’re always smiling! Did
you know that dolphins can swim
more than 18 miles (about 29 kilo- bounce off nearby fish that they dolphins with special ways to find
meters) per hour? And they can can eat. This system helps them what they need, God has given
jump up to 20 feet (six meters) know which direction to swim for you His Word to help you find
into the air! Dolphins are social their food and how close it is to Him! You are a priceless treasure
animals. You will almost always them. So even when they can’t to Him! That’s why He was willing
find them with their friends and see what they need, they trust to give His Son in your place so
family rather than all by them- the echoes that they hear to that you could be in heaven with
selves. Do you know what a group help them find their way. Him. So open your Bible and let
of dolphins is called? A pod! Even though your eyes may the light of God’s Word direct
Dolphins have a unique way work perfectly and you can your path as you walk with Him!
of talking to each other. They see everything around you,
make a whistling sound that is it may be hard to know what
carried through the water to the you should do next or how you Stephanie McNeilus is a wife and
mother of three children in southern
other dolphins in their pod. Each should feel. Sometimes we know
Minnesota, United States.
dolphin has their own unique that we need Jesus, but on our
whistle that all the other dolphins own we aren’t sure how to find
can recognize. They have been Him. Whether you are happy
shown to have very long mem- or sad, confident or confused,
1. How is echolocation
ories by being able to recognize God’s Word, the Bible, is always
similar to spending time
the whistle of a dolphin that they there to lead you in your next
with Jesus in His Word
haven’t heard in up to 20 years! steps! That’s why King David
every day?
Dolphins have an amazing sys- described God’s Word as a light
2. Is it OK for us to skip
tem for finding food. It’s called when he said, “Your word is like
our daily time with God?
echolocation. The dolphin makes a lamp for my feet and a light
Why not?
a clicking sound, then listens for my way” (Ps. 119:105, ICB).
for the echo of their clicks to Just as God created the

AdventistWorld.org September 2024 27


God’s that I might not sin against you”

(ICB). Imagine having a treasure
(ICB). This verse reminds you to
show kindness and pray for your

chest in your heart (which is sibling, even when you’re upset.
really your mind), where you You’re able to react differently

He(ps Me
store God’s Word. When you this time! That’s hiding God’s
hide His Word in your heart, it’s Word in your heart!
like planting seeds of goodness As you grow older, you’ll face

that help you do what is right.
We can then live in a way that
different challenges, such as
making friends, dealing with
pleases God. difficult situations, or choosing
So how can we hide God’s what’s right rather than what’s
Memory Verse: “I have Word in our hearts? Well, it’s easy. God’s Word has guidance
hidden your word in my not like hiding a toy under your for every situation! The more
bed! Instead it means mem- you read and learn from it, the
heart that I might not
orizing verses from the Bible, more you’ll understand God’s
sin against you” (Psalm understanding what they mean, love and His plan for you.
119:11, NIV). and letting them guide your Think of your relationship with
thoughts and actions. God the way you’d think of a
Have you ever wondered how For example, maybe you’re beautiful garden. Just as plants
you can grow closer to God? feeling really angry with your need water, sunlight, and good
Well, let me tell you a little brother or sister for breaking soil to grow, you need God’s
secret—it’s all about His Word! something that was special to Word to grow spiritually. The
God’s Word is like a special seed you. Instead of yelling at them more you water your heart with
that, when planted in our hearts, or breaking something of theirs, His Word, the more you’ll bloom
helps us grow in our relationship you remember what King David into the amazing person God
with Him. wrote in Psalm 133:1: “It is created you to be!
Psalm 119:11 says, “I have good and pleasant when God’s So, my dear friends, let’s make
hidden your word in my heart people live together in peace!” a promise together today—to
hide God’s Word in our hearts,
to let it shape our lives, and to
grow closer to Him every day.
With God’s Word as our guide,
there’s no limit to how much we
can grow in His love and grace!

Beth Thomas is an assistant editor

for Adventist World.

1. Do you have a special
verse you’ve memorized?
2. It’s funny to think of
God’s Word as a seed that
grows. Maybe next time
you’re near a garden or see
a packet of seeds, it will
remind you of the Bible!

28 September 2024 AdventistWorld.org Illustrations: Mugi Kinoshita

Gives Me a
Picture of

Memory Verse: “You

carefully study the
them every day. They missed might be saved.” This scripture
Scriptures because you out on seeing God’s love and took away the pressure I had put
think that they give character shown through Jesus’ on myself to be a good person.
you eternal life. Those life. Jesus came to show us I learned that making Jesus my
are the same Scrip- how to obey God and how to friend is the only path to peace
love each other no matter how and living a victorious life.
tures that tell about difficult life is. Jesus wants to be special
me!” (John 5:39, ICB). Just as many in Jesus’ time friends with you so that He can
did, it’s easy for us to fall into show you the secrets He has
When Jesus lived here on the trap of reading the Bible for you in His Word and the
earth, not everybody liked Him, every day and missing out on special work He has for you in
including many of the religious making Jesus our friend. The this world. Will you invite His
leaders. God’s people, the Bible has the power to bring Holy Spirit to guide you every
Jews, were privileged to have healing to our broken hearts time you read the Bible? Will you
the Scriptures. They studied it and set us free from our sinful take time to pause and listen to
because they looked forward habits. But we can experience His voice as He speaks to you? I
to the special promise of a this power only when we choose pray that you’ll experience God’s
Savior—someone they thought to interact with the Bible for inexpressible love and presence
would save them from the cruel what it truly is, God’s living as you connect with Jesus
Romans who ruled their land. Word. through the Bible.
Unfortunately, many studied Growing up, I used to go to
the Scriptures without allowing church, but never thought that
God to help them understand God loved me, because I had Faith Gor is a children’s speaker
what they were reading. Many based in Nairobi, Kenya. Her
gone through some difficult
read the Scriptures because YouTube channel “Teacher Faith”
stuff. I thought that God was produces children’s content
they felt they had to, without punishing me. I tried to become promoting Christian values.
knowing that it had living power. a good person by going to
This blinded them to the truth church and doing nice things
of how the Savior would come. for others, but my heart did THINKING TOGETHER:
They missed out on what the not connect with God or other 1. What did God’s Word do
prophet Isaiah had written in people around me. One day I for Teacher Faith?
Isaiah 53 that the Savior would read John 3:17, which says, “For 2. What have you learned
come as a humble person. Many God did not send His Son into about Jesus by reading His
missed out on making Jesus the world to condemn the world, Word?
their friend, yet He lived with but that the world through Him

AdventistWorld.org September 2024 29


help me fall asleep. But you

know what? The first night was
OK. By the second and third
nights, I started feeling calmer
and more relaxed every time I
read Psalm 91 before turning
off the lights. It really worked! It
gave me peace. And you know
what else? I even learned the
whole psalm by heart! Now
whenever I feel stressed or
worried, I recite Psalm 91, and it
helps me feel peaceful again.
How does the Word of God
give us peace? It helps us feel
better inside, giving us peace
in our hearts. It reminds us that
we don’t need to worry, and

have told you these things, so encourages us to think positive,
that in me you may have peace. happy thoughts. It reminds us

In this world you will have that we’re never alone. When
trouble. But take heart! I have we follow God’s Word and live
overcome the world” (NIV). This according to His teachings, we

Gives Me verse is a special message from

God, reminding us that even
experience a sense of peace in
our hearts.

Peace when things get tough, we can

find peace in Him.
When I was young, I used
Remember, God’s Word is like
a precious gift we can turn to
whenever we need peace and
to be scared of the dark. I comfort. The next time you feel
remember being so afraid that worried or troubled, open your
Memory Verse: “I have I wouldn’t even turn my back Bible, read a verse, and let God’s
away from the wall in bed, just in peace fill your heart.
told you these things, case something spooky hap-
so that in me you may pened behind me. The only way
have peace. In this I could sleep was with my back Jasmin Stankovic is a licensed
counselor and psychotherapist. She
world you will have against the wall. But even then
is also a mother and pastor’s wife in
it would take me a long time to
trouble. But take heart! Western Australia.
fall asleep. In the morning I’d
I have overcome the wake up feeling tired because I
world” (John 16:33, NIV). hadn’t slept well.
My mom noticed I was always
What does “peace” mean? tired and asked me why. I told THINKING TOGETHER:
Peace comes when everything her about my fear of the dark 1. How do you think
feels calm, quiet, and happy. It’s and how I could sleep only with remembering Jesus’ prom-
snuggling up in your favorite my back against the wall. She ise of peace can help you
blanket, feeling warm and cozy. gave me a great idea to help me feel better during tough or
Peace is not being scared or feel better. She said, “Tonight scary times?
worried about anything. when you go to bed, open your 2. Can you think of a time
Did you know that there’s a Bible to Psalm 91 and read it out reading a Bible story or
special place where you can loud. Then leave the Bible open hearing a Bible verse helped
always find peace? It’s in God’s next to your pillow all night.” At you feel peaceful or brave?
Word! In John 16:33 it says, “I first I didn’t see how that would

30 September 2024 AdventistWorld.org Illustration: Mugi Kinoshita

God’s Word over the water, I had to blink to Publisher
The Adventist World, an international
make sure what I was seeing was periodical of the Seventh-day Adventist

Gives Me
Church. The General Conference, Northern
real! I told my wife to look quickly, Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day
Adventists®, is the publisher.
and she saw it too—right in front
Something to of us. We waved to the other
Editor/Director of Adventist
Review Ministries

Share With
Justin Kim
campers nearby so that they
International Publishing Manager
could see it too. It was a whole Hong, Myung Kwan

Others family of river otters! They swam

right up to where we were sitting
Adventist World Coordinating Committee
Yo Han Kim (chair), Tae Seung Kim, Hiroshi
Yamaji, Myung Kwan Hong, Seong Jun Byun,
SOMETHING INCREDIBLE and raced around, swimming this
Dong Jin Lyu
Associate Editors/Directors in Silver Spring,
IN ISLE ROYALE way and that. They chased each Maryland, USA
Sikhululekile Daco, John Peckham, Greg Scott
other, doing twists and loops as
Memory Verse: “You Assistant Editors based in Silver Spring,
they flew though the water, up Maryland, USA
will be his witness to onto the rocks by the shore, and
Enno Müller, Beth Thomas
Editors based in Seoul, Korea
all people. You will tell back into the lake. Hong, Myung Kwan; Park, Jae Man; Kim, Hyo-Jun

them about the things We will never forget the joy Digital Platforms Director
Gabriel Begle
of seeing those otters playing
you have seen and Director of Systems Integration
in the water. It was pretty much and Innovation
heard” (Acts 22:15, ICB). the only thing that any of the
Daniel Bruneau
Operations Manager
campers could talk about that Merle Poirier
It had been a full day of hiking evening as we had our supper Editorial Assessment Coordinator
Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste
and lugging our backpacks and visited. I can only imagine Advisor
across Isle Royale, an island that if God’s creation can bring E. Edward Zinke

national park on Lake Superior us this much joy, how much more
Financial Manager
Kimberly Brown
in the United States. It is the excited would we be if we saw Distribution Coordinator
kind of place that is worth the the Creator? Now, THAT would
Sharon Tennyson

long and difficult trip to get be something to talk about.

Management Board
Yo Han Kim, chair; Justin Kim, secretary; Hong,
there. We had driven more When we dig into God’s Word
Myung Kwan; Karnik Doukmetzian; SeongJun
Byun; Hiroshi Yamaji; Joel Tompkins; Ray Wahlen;
than eight hours and camped and explore the treasures that Ex-officio: Paul H. Douglas; Erton Köhler; Ted N.
C. Wilson
overnight to be ready to take are hidden there, we actually Art Direction and Design
the six-hour boat ride in the CAN see Jesus each and every Mark Cook, Brett Meliti, Ivan Ruiz-Knott
/Types & Symbols
morning to get to the island. day. Open up your Bible and
To Writers: We welcome unsolicited
By the time we finally arrived spend time looking for Him. manuscripts. Address all editorial
at the park, we were already When you find Him, I’m sure you’ll
correspondence to 12501 Old Columbia Pike,
Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600, U.S.A. Editorial
exhausted. want to tell others all about it!
office fax number: (301) 680-6638
E-mail: [email protected]
We strapped on our heavy Web site: www.adventistworld.org
backpacks and headed off. We Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible references
are taken from the New King James Version®.
had miles to hike before we Ben Martin is the children and family Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used
could go to sleep. We hiked all discipleship pastor at Pioneer Memorial by permission. All rights reserved. Texts
credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New
the next day, too. We did this Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan. International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978,
1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission.
day after day until our trip was All rights reserved worldwide. Bible texts
credited to NRSV are from the New Revised
just about over. We had seen Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1989
by the Division of Christian Education of the
geese and moose, a swan, a fox, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the
snakes, and all kinds of trees and THINKING TOGETHER: U.S.A. Used by permission.

flowers. We were having the time 1. Name one person you Adventist World is published monthly and
printed simultaneously in Korea, Brazil, Indonesia,
of our lives in God’s creation. would like to share God’s Australia, Germany, Austria, Argentina, Mexico,
South Africa, and the United States.
It was our second-to-last night Word with.
Vol. 20, No. 9
on the island, and we were rest- 2. This week maybe you
ing our tired feet and sore shoul- can draw a picture of or make
ders. We sat on a dock watching a card with your favorite Bible
Lake Superior glisten in the verse and give it to someone
afternoon sun. As I looked out special.

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