40Understanding Metacognition and its Role in Mathematics
40Understanding Metacognition and its Role in Mathematics
40Understanding Metacognition and its Role in Mathematics
Role in Mathematics
April 15, 2024
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With our framework, students have the ability to catch up four to six grades in
mathematics in less than a single year!
Metacognitive awareness
Recognising the limit of your knowledge and figuring out how to expand that
knowledge. (This includes metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive
Metacognitive knowledge
This refers to knowing what you know and what you don’t know. It includes
understanding how you learn and how to apply relevant strategies to increase
your understanding.
Metacognitive regulation/expertise
Metacognitive strategies
These are the actions you take to monitor, direct, and optimise your learning
While some people are naturally more metacognitive than others, everyone can
be metacognitive. Children as young as three years old can demonstrate
metacognitive behaviour.
(Whitebread & Coltman, 2010; Bernard, Proust, & Clement, 2015)
Metacognition can be intentionally taught.
(Schraw, 1998; Tanner, 2012)
Metacognition and self-regulation” are considered a high impact, low cost
approach to improving learner attainment backed by an extensive and “strong
body of research from psychology and education.”
(EEF, 2018)
Pupils using metacognitive strategies are “the most effective learners.”
(Tomlinson & McTighe, 2006)
Metacognitive approaches to learning produce greater retention of
knowledge and understanding. There is significant evidence indicating that
people with greater metacognitive abilities are better problem solvers.
(Mevarech & Kramarski, 2003)
Metacognitive approaches to learning reduce the educational disadvantage of
low-achieving students while simultaneously being greatly beneficial for high-
achieving students.
(White & Frederiksen, 1998)
Metacognitive awareness initiates the student to take charge of their own
learning experiences.
(Hacker, 2009)
Metacognition gives students greater control over their learning which leads to
greater understanding of content.
(Baird & White, 1984)
A review of over 50 international studies conducted over the past 20 years (to
explore the effects of teaching metacognition in classrooms) shows the
consistent and significant impact of a metacognition focus, adding eight months
of learning progress to learners’ grade-level outcomes.
(Perry, Lundie & Golder, 2019)
With a metacognitive approach to learning, learners can catch up four to six
grades of knowledge in Mathematics in a single year.
(Butchart, 2017)
Metacognition teaches students how to think about how they think and how they
approach learning. This has the potential to transform a student’s trajectory
because the internal dialogue goes from “I can’t” to “How can I?”
More engagement
Improved behaviour
Greater motivation
Increased resilience
Here are some practical ways that you can teach metacognitive skills to your
Use pre-test self-estimations and guide students in comparing these with their
post-test results to improve their understanding of their strengths, challenges,
and what they can and cannot do just yet.
Metacognitive questions
Create and maintain a supportive environment in which students can ask and
answer metacognitive questions presented by both their teachers and their
Structure knowledge
Assist students to structure knowledge. To do this, you can use visuals such as
thinking maps, mind maps, concept maps, and learning pathways to show the
links and dependencies of the important concepts that underpin the
understanding students need to acquire.
Present varied visualisations and multiple strategies for learning and guide
students to explain and justify their choice of a particular method of working or
solving problems.
Use self-reflection to guide students in thinking about how they learn. For
example, what do they need from others? How can they successfully learn on
their own?
Learning goals
Model and guide students in how to set attainable learning goals and then
monitor their progress in achieving them.
Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century –
Alfred Edward Perlman
The one really competitive skill is the skill of being able to learn –
Seymour Papert
By using Reflective Learning for student catch-up, you can close specific gaps
in maths learning with a solution backed by decades of research. You can help
your students identify their knowledge gaps and catch them up within a year.
In the future, this will increase the opportunities for learners entering uncertain
job markets and ensure their value as contributors in their communities and