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The Strangling Sea

Enjoying the 13th Age An introductory adventure with crazed inventors,

Roleplaying Game PDFs? mutant pirates, a journey into a magical island

defined by its shipwrecks, and options that build
Get 25% off the print book the story around the player characters’ iconic
of any of these great titles in relationships. You could run this at first level,
then run Crown of Axis.
the Pelgrane Press webstore Shards of the Broken Sky
with the voucher code A sandbox adventure in a valley where the
HB25%2023! Archmage stashed the secrets he hoped everyone
else would forget. When disaster hits, all those
secrets crash to earth or burst to the surface!
Great for PCs level 3 and above.
13 True Ways Elven Towers
The most important supplement! Players get Save the Elf Queen from one of her ancient
six new classes including the monk, druid, mistakes by climbing three magical towers.
necromancer, and chaos mage. GMs get devils, Oh, and one tower is a giant tree, another is a
dragons, and write-ups for the domains of the stalactite in the underworld, and the third is a
Archmage, Emperor, Elf Queen, and the Three. ziggurat atop a mountain. But don’t worry,
13th Age Bestiary you’ve got this (probably).
Book of the Underworld
250+ monsters! Each entry contains monster stats,
adventure hooks, connections to the icons, and Has your group seen everything? Not if they
detailed story options like: Why do manticores haven’t fought a four-kingdom war for a
think it’s legal to hunt humans? Are the PCs really mechanical sun, explored drow nightmares, or
gonna use that magic item made of chuul? been hunted by the underkrakens! The underworld
is vast, weird, and dangerous to know, and this is a
Shards of the Broken Sky must-have resource for running adventures
A sandbox adventure in a valley where the and campaigns there.
Archmage stashed the secrets he hoped everyone
Shadows of Eldolan
Another good introductory adventure, this one
else would forget. When disaster hits, all those
featuring familiar fantasy tropes as the heroes
secrets crash to earth or burst to the surface!
solve a mystery in a town of feuding wizards—one
Great for PCs level 3 and above.
that can make an excellent home base for future
Book of Ages exploration and adventure.
Use the Engine of the Ages to create your own 13th Age GM Screen
campaign’s backstory with your players, and draw & Resource Guide
from a glorious assortment of possible past ages— We asked the 13th Age GM community what
plus new spells, monsters, PC races, and advice or rules expansions they needed most,
iconic repercussions. and this book is the result! Along with a beautiful
Lions & Tigers & Owlbears: GM screen, you get advice on icon relationships,
13th Age Bestiary 2 adventure design, using terrain in battle, travel
montages, and more.
Highlights of the 257 monsters in this manual Loot Harder!
include the resurrecting phoenix, the rakshasa Who wants more treasure? Players! Especially
mastermind, disgraceful ghosts, apocalyptic when the haul might include the Staff of Time,
fire giants, and two fallen icons who have been the Orb of the Abyss, the Hammer of Nightfall, or
surfacing in other books ever since. Also owlbears. magical knuckle tattoos that unleash thunder and
lightning damage with a punch.
Eyes of the Stone Thief Drakkenhall: City
An introductory adventure with crazed inventors, of Monsters
mutant pirates, a journey into a magical island The Emperor expected a city
defined by its shipwrecks, and options that build of monsters to destroy itself,
the story around the player characters’ iconic but instead the Blue and her
relationships. You could run this at first level, people have created a city that’s
then run Crown of Axis. wickedly unique: Drakkenhall!
A sourcebook for GMs running
adventurer and champion-tier

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