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You are to create a folder inside your personal google drive called “September 2024
QA Project”. Inside this project you should create separate folders for all the sections.
Answers to each question will be created inside the separate folders.

Duration: 2 Weeks

SECTION A: SauceDemo

1. Create Test case and execute your test case - Standard user
2. Generate a test report - Standard user
3. List 15 different type of testing you can execute on the platform and explain
4. What is an exploratory test?
5. Bug reporting: Using the users below find as many bugs you can and report them on
your using an excel sheet. The sheet must have the following columns or bug
reporting components (Title, description, Steps to reproduce, Actual result, Expected
results, Screenshot or videos, Environment, browser, and any other components of
your choice

Accepted usernames are:

● standard_user
● locked_out_user
● problem_user
● performance_glitch_user
● error_user
● Visual_user

Password for all users:

● Secret_sauce

google doc)

1. What is Software Testing?

2. Why is Software Testing Important?
3. What are the phases involved in the Software Testing Life Cycle?
4. What are the different methods/techniques of testing?
5. What are the different levels of testing?
6. What are the principles of software testing?
7. Explain Bug Life Cycle or Defect life cycle.
8. What is a test case?
9. What is the difference between functional and non-functional testing?
10. What is exploratory testing?
11. What is Verification and Validation in Software Testing?
12. What is unit testing?
13. What is end-to-end testing?
14. What is a test environment?
15. Explain test scenarios, test scripts, and test cases in software testing.
16. What is a bug in software testing?
17. What is a user story?
18. What is static software testing?
19. What is dynamic software testing
20. What is a defect in software testing?
21. What is UAT testing and when does it occur?
22. Mention all requirement Analysis and explain each of them.
23. What are the two main categories of software testing?
24. Why is Software Testing Required?
25. Mention 6 different types of manual testing are there?
26. When should testing end? And explain why.
27. What’s the difference between a bug and a defect?
28. Explain Blackbox and Whitebox test Tecniques.
29. What is regression testing? When to apply it?
30. What is the difference between system testing and integration testing?
31. What is the difference between Positive and Negative Testing?
32. What is the term ‘quality’ mean when testing?
33. Mention at least 3 SDLC Methodologies.
34. Write all the format needed in Bug reporting and explain.
35. How is Quality Assurance different from Software testing?
36. What is a defect management tool?
37. Mention at least 4 defect management tool.
38. Mention 3 Technical and 5 Non-Technical skills
39. Explain 3 Non-Technical skill benefits.
40. Mention 5 benefit of Manual Testing.
41. Mention the stage of SDLC & STLC hierarchically.
42. Define use case testing.
43. Explain what equivalence partitioning testing means.
44. What does negative testing mean?
45. What does positive testing mean?

46. What does compatibility testing mean?

47. Explain what sanity testing is.
48. Explain what smoke testing is.
49. Explain the difference between sanity and smoke testing.
50. Explain Test Plan

SECTION C: Interview
1. Create a google doc called “interview questions 2024” for yourself
2. Write about yourself. This will be used to introduce yourself during an interview
3. Research online on qa analyst “question and answer” interview questions
(Document at least 50 interview questions on the document you created in step 1 above
4. Research online for 20 culture fit interview questions and add them to the
document you created in step 1 above

1. Using a google doc Create your resume
Sample CV

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