ISO 105-B02-2014
ISO 105-B02-2014
ISO 105-B02-2014
Sixth edition
Reference number
ISO 105-B02:2014(E)
© ISO 2014
ISO 105-B02:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Materials and apparatus............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 Reference materials............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5.2 Laboratory exposure devices...................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Preparation of test specimens................................................................................................................................................................. 5
7 Exposure conditions.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
8 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.1 Apparatus set-up.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Adjustment of the effective humidity (see Clause 7 and Annex E)............................................................. 7
8.3 Exposure methods................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
9 Assessment of colour fastness..............................................................................................................................................................16
10 Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Annex A (normative) Requirements for xenon arc exposure devices.............................................................................20
Annex B (normative) Procedures for measuring the irradiance uniformity in the specimen
exposure area (for apparatus manufacturers only)......................................................................................................23
Annex C (informative) Light exposure equivalents for blue wool lightfastness references L2
to L9................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Annex D (informative) General information on colour fastness to light.......................................................................26
Annex E (informative) Guidelines for conducting testing............................................................................................................28
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on
the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information.
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 38, Textiles, Subcommittee SC 1, Tests for coloured
textiles and colorants.
This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition (ISO 105-B02:2013), of which it constitutes a
minor revision.
ISO 105 consists of many parts designated by a part letter and a two-digit serial number (e.g. A01), under
the general title Textiles — Tests for colour fastness. A complete list of these parts is given in ISO 105-A01.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method intended for determining the effect on the colour of textiles of all
kinds and in all forms to the action of an artificial light source representative of natural daylight (D65).
The method is also applicable to white (bleached or optically brightened) textiles.
This method allows the use of two different sets of blue wool references. The results from the two
different sets of references may not be identical.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 105-A01, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A01: General principles of testing
ISO 105-A02, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colour
ISO 105-A05, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A05: Instrumental assessment of change in colour
for determination of grey scale rating
ISO 105-B01:2014, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part B01: Colour fastness to light: Daylight
ISO 105-B05, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part B05: Detection and assessment of photochromism
ISO 105-B08, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part B08: Quality control of blue wool reference
materials 1 to 7
ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods
ISO 9370, Plastics — Instrumental determination of radiant exposure in weathering tests — General
guidance and basic test method
CIE1) Publication No. 51, Method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators for colorimetry
3 Principle
A specimen of the textile to be tested is exposed to artificial light under controlled conditions, together
with a set of reference materials. The colour fastness is assessed by comparing the change in colour of
the test specimen with that of the reference materials used.
NOTE General information on colour fastness to light is given in Annex D.
1) Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage, CIE Central Bureau, Kegelgasse 27, A-1030, Vienna, Austria www.cie.
reference specimen
portion of a reference material that is to be exposed simultaneously with the test specimen
Note 1 to entry: Multiple reference specimens may be required to determine the test results.
blue wool reference material
one of a series of blue dyed wool textile materials with a known reaction to light
test chamber
area within the apparatus capable of meeting and maintaining the requirements for temperature, light
and humidity
chamber relative humidity
ratio of the actual water vapour pressure in the test chamber to the saturation water vapour pressure
of water at the same temperature, expressed as a percentage
effective humidity
combination of air and surface temperatures and air relative humidity which governs the moisture
content at the surface of the test specimen during exposure
humidity-test control fabric
a red azoic dyed cotton fabric of known sensitivity to humidity and light
Note 1 to entry: This red azoic dyed fabric is used as a reference material to ensure that the effective humidity
requirements are met.
change in colour of a substrate after brief exposure to light, which is substantially returned to its original
shade after storage in the dark
flip-flop mode
mode of operation whereby the specimen holders revolve around the central light source and on alternate
rotations the specimen holders are automatically rotated 180° about their vertical axis so that the test
specimens face towards the light source only every alternate revolution
5.1.1 General
Either of two sets of blue wool reference may be used. The colour fastness ratings mentioned in this part
of ISO 105 are obtained by comparison with either blue wool references 1 to 8 (preferred in Europe) or
blue wool references L2 to L9 (preferred in America). The results from the two sets of references are not
interchangeable. Information on the relationship between the two sets of blue wool reference materials
can be found in ISO 105-B01:2014, 4.1.
Blue wool references developed and produced in Europe are identified by the numerical designation 1
to 8. These references are blue wool materials dyed with the dyes listed in Table 1. They range from 1
(very low colour fastness to light) to 8 (very high colour fastness to light) so that each higher-numbered
reference is approximately twice as fast as the preceding one.
The blue wool references 1 to 8 used in this test shall meet the quality requirements specified in ISO 105-
Blue wool references developed and produced in America are identified by the letter L followed by the
numerical designation 2 to 9. These eight references are prepared by blending varying proportions of
wool dyed with CI Mordant Blue 1 (Colour Index, fourth edition, CI Constitution Number 43830) and
wool dyed with CI Solubilised Vat Blue 8 (Colour Index, fourth edition, CI Constitution Number 73801),
so that each higher-numbered reference is approximately twice as fast as the preceding reference.
Data in Annex C are presented to illustrate the relationship of each of the blue wool references on
exposure to fixed amounts of radiant energy.
The effective humidity can only be measured by determining the colour fastness to light of a specific
humidity-test control fabric (see 4.7). The exposure device shall provide for placement of specimens and any designated sensing
devices in positions that allow uniform irradiance from the light source
The spectral irradiance produced in an artificial accelerated light and weathering device is very
important. Ideally, the relative spectral irradiance produced by the device should be a very close match
to that of solar radiation, especially in the short wavelength UV region. Annex A provides information
about important benchmark solar spectra that can be used for comparing the spectral irradiance
produced in the artificial accelerated exposure to that for solar radiation. Exposure devices shall be designed such that the variation in irradiance at any location in
the area used for specimen exposure shall not exceed ± 10 % of the mean. Procedures for measuring
irradiance uniformity are found in Annex B.
NOTE The irradiance uniformity in exposure devices depends on several factors. The configuration of the
lamp with respect to the specimens on exposure, including the differences in distance between the lamp(s) and
the samples can affect uniformity of exposure. Deposits which can develop on the optical system and chamber
walls, and the type and number of specimens being exposed, can also have an affect on uniformity of exposure. Periodic repositioning of the test specimens in the test chamber is recommended to ensure the
most consistent results. Follow the apparatus manufacturer’s instructions for lamp and filter replacement. Direct radiation from xenon burners contains considerable amounts of short-wavelength
ultraviolet radiation not present in daylight. Optical filters shall be fitted to minimize short-wavelength
light (less than 310 nm) in accordance with the requirements in Annex A. The xenon arc, when
appropriately filtered, produces radiation with a spectral power distribution that is a good simulation of
average daylight throughout the UV and visible region. Infrared radiation levels can be attenuated by use of filters to allow some control of the sample
temperature. It is preferred that the apparatus should be fitted with an irradiance sensing system. The
irradiance sensor (if fitted) shall be mounted so that it receives the same radiation as the specimen
surface. If it is not positioned in the specimen plane, it shall be calibrated for irradiance at the specimen
distance. The irradiance sensor (if fitted) shall be capable of measuring irradiance preferably in a specific
wavelength range (e.g. 300 nm to 400 nm), or in a narrow bandpass centred around a single wavelength
(e.g. 420 nm) and shall be calibrated at the wavelength range or single wavelength, as appropriate. The
measured wavelength or wavelength range shall be reported. Where irradiance control is available, the irradiance shall be controlled at (42 ± 2) W/m2 in
the wavelength range 300 nm to 400 nm or (1,10 ± 0,02) W/(m2.nm) at the wavelength 420 nm. The irradiance sensor (if fitted) shall be calibrated in the emission region of the light
source used. Calibration shall be checked in accordance with the radiation-measuring and instrument
manufacturer’s instructions with compliance to ISO 9370. The light source shall consist of a xenon arc lamp of correlated colour temperature 5500 K to
6500 K, the size of which will depend on the type of apparatus used. The apparatus shall be fitted with a light filter placed between the light source and the specimens
so that the ultraviolet spectrum is steadily reduced. Annex A provides the transmission requirements for
the filter system used. The apparatus shall be fitted with a heat filter placed between the light source and the specimens
so that the amount of infrared (IR) radiation contained in the xenon arc spectrum is steadily reduced.
One of two types of black-coated temperature sensor shall be used, either a black-standard thermometer
or a black-panel thermometer (for more detail see A.3.) and the thermometer shall be mounted in the
same plane and orientation as the test specimen(s).
Note The preferred thermometer is the Black Standard Thermometer (BST).
5.2.3 Humidity
The presence of moisture can have a significant effect in accelerated laboratory exposure tests. The
apparatus shall have the means for providing and controlling moisture to specimens by humidification
of the chamber air. The quality of the water used to create the effective humidity shall be a minimum of
Grade 3 in accordance with ISO 3696.
5.2.4 Covers
Covers shall be made from thin opaque material, for example high-grade steel, thin sheet aluminium
or cardboard covered with aluminium foil, for partial covering of samples and references. The opaque
material shall neither react with the test specimens nor the test conditions and shall not itself produce
any change in colour of either the test specimen or the reference materials.
5.2.5 Colour matching lamps, in accordance with CIE Publication No. 51.
5.2.8 Assessment mask, complying with ISO 105-A01. In order to obtain reliable test results using
ISO 105-A02, the test specimen(s) shall be masked with a material that is identical in colour to the sleeve
that is used to mask the grey scale (5.2.9).
5.2.9 Grey scale for assessing change in colour, complying with ISO 105-A02.
6.1 The size of the test specimen will depend on the number of specimens to be tested and on the shape
and dimensions of the specimen holders supplied with the apparatus.
6.2 The specimen may be a strip of cloth, yarn wound close together on a sample mounting card (5.2.7)
or laid parallel and fastened on a card, or a mat of fibres combed and compressed to give a uniform
surface and fastened on a card. Each exposed and unexposed area shall be not less than 10 mm × 8 mm.
6.3 To facilitate handling, the test specimen(s) to be tested and similar strips of the references may be
mounted on one or more cards as indicated in Figures 2, 3, 4 or 5.
6.4 The covers (5.2.4) shall make close contact with the surface of the unexposed areas of the specimens
and the references, in order to give a sharp line of demarcation between exposed and unexposed areas,
but shall not compress the specimen unnecessarily.
6.5 The specimens to be tested and the blue wool references shall be of equal size and shape in order to
avoid errors in assessment due to overrating the visual contrast between exposed and unexposed parts
on a larger pattern as against a narrower reference.
6.6 When testing specimens of appreciable thickness, the references shall be arranged so that they
are the same distance from the light source as the upper surface of the test specimens. Covers for the
unexposed portions shall avoid surface compression.
Textiles of appreciable thickness which have fibres that may shift position or texture which may make
evaluation of small areas difficult, shall be tested with an exposed area not less than 50 mm × 40 mm
and preferably larger.
7 Exposure conditions
To simulate different environments testing can be carried out under different conditions (see Table 2).
The type of conditions should be agreed between parties. The chosen conditions shall be reported.
8 Procedure
8.1.2 Fill all unused specimen holders with a non-reflective material such as white card stock. For
machines employing flip-flop mode, both faces in the unused specimen holders shall be used.
8.1.3 The black panel thermometer (which has an open back) or black standard thermometer (which
has an insulated back) shall be positioned in the same plane and orientation as the test specimens.
8.2.1 When using test conditions in which the use of effective humidity is specified, do not rely on
machine readings of relative humidity in the test chamber. The correct adjustment of the effective
humidity (for tests using blue wool references 1 to 8) is critical to obtaining valid results. Figure 1 shows
the relationship between effective humidity and the light fastness of the humidity-test control fabric.
Light Fastness
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Effective Humidity (%)
8.2.2 For the required exposure conditions, determine from Table 2 the required effective humidity
then using Figure 1, identify the equivalent light fastness (expressed using blue wool reference series 1
to 8) required to be exhibited by the humidity-test control fabric. (For example, for normal conditions
the effective humidity required is 40 % which is equivalent to a light fastness of the humidity-test control
fabric of blue wool reference 5).
8.2.3 Place a portion of the humidity-test control fabric (5.1.4) together with the relevant blue wool
references (5.1.2 or 5.1.3) on a card. Each of the reference materials (blue wool references and humidity-
test control) shall measure not less than 45 mm × 10 mm.
8.2.4 Mask the card prepared in 8.2.3 using an appropriate cover (5.2.4) such that each exposed and
unexposed area is not less than 10 mm × 8 mm. Place the masked card in the test chamber.
8.2.5 Expose the masked card until the contrast between the exposed and unexposed portions of the
humidity-test control fabric (4.7) is equal to grade 4 on the grey scale (5.2.9).
8.2.6 When the conditions in 8.2.5 have been achieved assess the contrast between the exposed and
unexposed portions of the relevant blue wool reference as referenced in Table 2. The contrast should be
equal to that specified for the appropriate exposure conditions (see Table 2).
8.2.7 If the necessary contrast in 8.2.5 is not achieved, adjust the controls on the apparatus to give the
required selected exposure conditions and repeat 8.2.3 to 8.2.6 using fresh reference materials.
8.3.1 General
There are five separate methods given, each of which produce different amounts of information. The
user should select the most appropriate method for their application.
For Methods 1 to 4, assessment of fading of test specimens or reference samples is critical to obtaining
valid results. It is not sufficient to rely on exposure time (hours) to determine the end point of the various
stages of each method. For Method 5, the end point is determined by a specified dosage of irradiance and
intermediate assessment of fading may not be required.
Attention is drawn to the guidelines given in the annexes in relation to selection of apparatus, test
method, and to the recommendations on good testing practice for different types of textile materials.
8.3.2 Method 1 This method is considered the most informative and should be used in cases of dispute over the
numerical rating. The basic feature is the control of the exposure period by inspection of the specimen,
and one set of blue wool references is required for each specimen under test. This method is especially
suitable for determination of colour fastness to light for test specimens of unknown performance.
For this method, opaque covers (5.2.4) masking approximately one-third and two-thirds of the test
specimens and blue wool references are required. Arrange the test specimen and the blue wool references on the sample mounting card (5.2.7) in
accordance with Clause 6 and as shown in Figure 2. Cover the middle one-third of the test card using an
opaque cover (5.2.4) ABCD.
The blue wool references and test specimen need not necessarily be mounted on the same card and
where applicable test cards should be mounted in suitable specimen holders for the apparatus used. Place the masked card in the test chamber and expose the masked card to light under the
selected exposure conditions in Table 2. Follow the effect of exposure by periodically removing the masked card from the test chamber,
removing the opaque cover (5.2.4) and inspecting the test specimen by comparison with a grey scale
(5.2.9). When a change in blue wool reference 2 equal to grey scale grade 3 (or L2 equal to grey scale
grade 4) is achieved, inspect the test specimens and assess their colour fastness by comparing any change
that has occurred on the test specimens with the changes that have occurred in blue wool references 1, 2
and 3 or L2. This is a preliminary assessment of colour fastness. If it is required to retain visual evidence
of the colour change at this preliminary assessment stage terminate this test at this point and repeat
the test using fresh test specimens and blue wool references. There is no need to repeat the preliminary
assessment on the new specimen. Continue to expose the test specimen and blue wool references until the contrast between
the exposed and unexposed portions of the test specimen is equal to grey scale grade 4 (5.2.9). Remove
the masked card from the test chamber. At this stage attention should be given to the possibility of
photochromism (see ISO 105-B05). For white (bleached or optically brightened) textiles, terminate the exposure of the test specimen
at this point and carry out the assessment as described in Clause 9. For all other textiles, apply an opaque cover (5.2.4) FBCE (see Figure 2) such that only the right-
hand one-third of the test card(s) remains exposed.
It is preferable to replace cover ABCD with a new cover FBCE in order to avoid undesired effects from
light seepage. If an additional cover is used to cover ADEF then the additional cover should be of sufficient
dimensions to overlap the existing cover and prevent any light seepage along the line A–D Replace the masked card in the test chamber and continue to expose the test specimens and
blue wool references until the contrast between the exposed and unexposed portions of the test specimen
is equal to grey scale grade 3 (5.2.9). If blue wool reference 7 (or L7) fades to a contrast equal to grey scale grade 4 (5.2.9) before the
test specimen does, the exposure is terminated at this stage. When a specimen has a colour fastness equal
to or greater than 7 (or L7) it would require unduly long exposure to produce a contrast equal to grey
scale grade 3; moreover this contrast would be impossible to obtain when the colour fastness is 8 (or L8).
Assessments in the region of 7–8 (or L7–L8) are made, therefore, when the contrast produced on blue
wool reference 7 (or L7) is equal to grey scale grade 4, the time required to produce this contrast being
long enough to eliminate any error which might result from inadequate exposure.
1 masked area
2 blue wool references 1 to 8 or L2 to L9 and/or test specimens
Figure 2 — Mounting of test specimens and blue wool references for Method 1
8.3.3 Method 2 This method may be used when a large number of specimens have to be tested simultaneously.
The basic feature is the control of the exposure periods by inspection of the blue wool references, which
allows a number of specimens differing in colour fastness to be tested against a single set of blue wool
references, thus conserving supplies. This method is especially suitable for the dyestuff industry.
For this method, opaque covers masking approximately one-quarter, one-half and three-quarters of the
test specimens and blue wool references are required (5.2.4). Arrange the test specimens to be tested and the blue wool references as required, in accordance
with Clause 6; more than one card may be necessary. As shown in Figure 3, apply opaque cover (5.2.4)
ABCD to mask the left-hand most quarter of the total width of each specimen and blue wool references. Place the test card in the test chamber and expose the masked card to light under the selected
exposure conditions in Table 2. Follow the effect of exposure by periodically removing cover (5.2.4) ABCD and inspecting the
blue wool references. When a change in blue wool reference 2 equal to grey scale grade 3 (or L2 equal
to grey scale grade 4) (5.2.9) is achieved, inspect the test specimens and assess their colour fastness by
comparing any change that has occurred on the test specimens with the changes that have occurred in
blue wool references 1, 2 and 3 or L2. This is a preliminary assessment of colour fastness. At this stage
attention shall be given to the possibility of photochromism (see ISO 105-B05). Replace the cover (5.2.4) ABCD in exactly the same position and continue to expose the test
specimens and blue wool references until a change in blue wool reference 4 (or L3) equal to grey scale
grade 4 (5.2.9) is achieved; at this point replace the cover ABCD with one that masks the area AEFD (see
Figure 3).
It is preferable to replace cover ABCD with a new cover AEFD in order to avoid undesired effects of light
seepage. If an additional cover is used to cover BEFC then the additional cover should be of sufficient
dimensions to overlap the existing cover and prevent any light seepage along the line B–C Continue to expose the test specimens and blue wool references until a contrast between the
exposed (EGHF) and unexposed (ABCD) areas in blue wool reference 6 or L5 equal to grey scale grade 4
(5.2.9) is achieved; then replace the cover (5.2.4) AEFD with one that masks the area AGHD (see Figure 3).
It is preferable to replace cover AEFD with a new cover AGHD in order to avoid undesired effects of light
seepage. If an additional cover is used to cover EGHF then the additional cover should be of sufficient
dimensions to overlap the existing cover and prevent any light seepage along the line E–F. Continue to expose the test specimens and blue wool references until whichever of the following
conditions occurs first, either:
a) a contrast between the exposed and unexposed areas on blue wool reference 7 or L7 equal to grey
scale grade 4 (5.2.9); or
b) a contrast between the exposed and unexposed areas equal to grey scale grade 3 (5.2.9) on the most
resistant specimen; or
c) for white (bleached or optically brightened) textiles, a contrast between the exposed and unexposed
areas equal to grey scale grade 4 (5.2.9) on the most resistant specimen.
NOTE The contrast referred to in b) and c) may occur before the fading defined in or has taken
place and therefore the end point has been achieved.
2 3 4 5
1 blue wool references 1 to 8 or L2 to L9 and/or test specimens
2 unexposed
3 first period
4 second period
5 third period
Figure 3 — Mounting of test specimens and blue wool references for Method 2
8.3.4 Method 3 This test method is similar to Method 1 but is suitable where the test specimen is compared
for conformity with a known performance specification. The basic feature is the control of exposure by
inspection of the target blue wool reference. The method allows multiple test specimens to be tested using
a reduced number of blue wool references, typically the target blue wool reference together with the two
blue wool references immediately preceding the target blue wool reference. This is to assist in quantifying
a specimen which does not conform with the required performance specification.
For this method, opaque covers masking approximately one-third and two-thirds of the test specimens
and blue wool references are required (5.2.4). Arrange one or more test specimens together with relevant blue wool references on the sample
mounting card (5.2.7) as shown in Figure 4 except that the blue wool references required shall be restricted
to the target blue wool reference plus the two preceding blue wool references. Cover the middle one-third
of the test card using an opaque cover (5.2.4) ABCD. Place the masked card in the test chamber and expose the masked card to light under the
selected exposure conditions in Table 2 until the contrast between the unexposed and exposed portions
of the target blue wool reference is equal to a grey scale grade 4 (5.2.9). At this stage attention should be
given to the possibility of photochromism (see ISO 105-B05). For white (bleached or optically brightened)
textiles, terminate the exposure period at this stage and carry out the assessment as described in Clause 9. Remove the masked card and mask area FBCE (see Figure 4) using an opaque cover (5.2.4) such
that only the right-hand one-third of the card remains exposed.
It is preferable to replace cover ABCD with a new cover FBCE in order to avoid undesired effects from
light seepage. If an additional cover is used to cover ADEF then the additional cover should be of sufficient
dimensions to overlap the existing cover and prevent any light seepage along the line A–D Replace the masked card in the test chamber and continue to expose the masked card until the
contrast between the exposed and unexposed portions of the target blue wool reference is equal to grey
scale grade 3 (5.2.9).
1 masked area
2 blue wool reference (n–2)
3 blue wool reference (n–1)
4 target blue wool reference (n)
5 test specimens
Figure 4 — Mounting of test specimens and blue wool references for Method 3
8.3.5 Method 4 This method is similar to Method 1 but is intended to check conformity with an agreed-upon
reference sample. The basic feature is the control of the exposure period by inspection of the agreed-upon
reference sample. It is permissible to expose the specimens with the reference sample only and without
the presence of blue wool references. This method is particularly suited as a quality control method and
permits many test specimens to be compared with the same reference specimen.
For this method, opaque covers masking approximately one-third and two-thirds of the test specimens
and agreed-upon reference sample are required (5.2.4). Arrange one or more test specimens together with the relevant agreed-upon reference sample
on the sample mounting card (5.2.7) as shown in Figure 5. Cover the middle one-third of the test card
using opaque cover (5.2.4) ABCD. Place the masked card in the test chamber and expose the masked card to light under the
selected exposure conditions in Table 2 until the contrast between the unexposed and exposed portions
of the agreed-upon reference sample is equal to a grey scale grade 4 (5.2.9). For white (bleached or
optically brightened) textiles, terminate the exposure of the test specimen at this point and carry out the
assessment as described in Clause 9. Remove the masked card and mask area FBCE (see Figure 5) using an opaque cover (5.2.4) such
that only the right-hand one-third of the test card remains exposed.
It is preferable to replace cover ABCD with a new cover FBCE in order to avoid undesired effects from
light seepage. If an additional cover is used to cover ADEF then the additional cover should be of sufficient
dimensions to overlap the existing cover and prevent any light seepage along the line A–D Replace the masked card in the test chamber and continue to expose the masked card until the
contrast between the exposed and unexposed portions of the agreed-upon reference is equal to grey scale
grade 3 (5.2.9).
8.3.6 Method 5 This method is suitable to check conformity to agreed-upon radiant energy levels. It is permissible
to expose the specimens alone or with blue wool references. The specimens should be exposed until the
specified amount of radiant energy is reached.
For this method, opaque covers masking approximately one-half of the test specimens and blue wool
references are required (5.2.4). Arrange one or more test specimens together with any blue wool references on the sample
mounting card (5.2.7) as shown in Figure 6. Cover one-half of the test card using opaque cover (5.2.4)
1 masked area
2 agreed-upon reference
3 test specimens
Figure 5 — Mounting of test specimens and blue wool references for Method 4 Set the apparatus according to the manufacturer’s instructions to provide the desired level of
irradiance (see Place the masked card in the test chamber and expose the masked card to light under the
selected exposure conditions in Table 2 until the desired level of radiant energy normally expressed in
Joules has been achieved.
1 masked area
2 test specimens or blue wool references as applicable
Figure 6 — Mounting of test specimens and/or blue wool references for Method 5
9.1 To avoid a mis-rating of the colour fastness of the specimen due to its photochromism (4.8), the
tested specimen cards should be allowed to condition in the dark at ambient indoor conditions for a
minimum of 24 h before assessing the colour fastness (see ISO 105-B05).
The final assessment (reported grade) given as a numerical rating, is based on the contrasts equal
to grey scale grade 4 and grey scale grade 3 (5.2.9) between exposed and unexposed portions of the
test specimen. For white (bleached or optically brightened) textiles, the final assessment in numerical
ratings is based only on a contrast equal to grey scale grade 4 between exposed and unexposed portions
of the test specimen or reference material.
9.2 Remove all the covers (5.2.4), thus revealing on the test specimens and references the various areas,
which have been exposed for different times, which will depend on the method used, together with the
area which has not been exposed to light.
Comparison of the changes in the test specimen with changes in the blue wool references shall be
facilitated by surrounding the specimen with a mask (5.2.8).
Compare the change in colour of the specimen with the corresponding changes in the references using
the assessment cabinet (5.2.6) under D65 (artificial daylight) illuminant (see ISO 105-A01). The use of
alternative illuminants shall be agreed between the parties and shall be reported.
For all methods using blue wool references, the colour fastness of the specimen is the number of the blue
wool reference which shows similar changes in colour (visual contrast between exposed and unexposed
parts of the specimen). If the specimen shows changes in colour which are near to the imaginary reference
midway between any two consecutive blue wool references, an intermediate rating, for example 3–4 or
L2–L3, shall be given. Assessments shall be confined to whole or midway ratings only.
Assessments of change in colour are made at the contrast points as defined in the relevant method. For
Methods 1, 3 and 4 this will give two assessments, for Method 2 up to three assessments and for Method
5 a single assessment.
The colour fastness of the test specimen is taken as the individual assessment for Method 5 or the mean of
the individual assessments for Methods 1 to 4. Where the arithmetic mean of the individual assessments
is not equal to a whole or half grade then the assessment is rounded up to the next half or whole grade.
9.3 If the assessment of the specimen is worse than that of blue wool reference 1 (or L2) a rating of
“less than 1” (or “less than L2”) is given.
9.4 For Method 1 and Method 2, if the colour fastness is equal to or higher than 4 or L3, any preliminary
assessment (see and, respectively) becomes significant; if this preliminary assessment is
3 or L2, it shall be included in the rating in brackets. For example, a rating of 6(3) indicates that the
specimen changes very slightly in the test when reference 3 just begins to fade, but that on continuing the
exposure the resistance to light is equal to that of reference 6.
9.5 If the specimen is photochromic, the colour fastness rating shall include a P bracketed with the
rating obtained from the test for photochromism, for example 6(P3–4) (see ISO 105-B05).
9.6 The term “change in colour” includes change in hue, chroma, lightness, or any combination of these
characteristics of colour (see ISO 105-A02).
9.7 Exposures based on a performance specification (see Method 3) shall be assessed by comparison
of the change in colour of the test specimen and the target blue wool reference. If the specimen shows no
greater change in colour than the target blue wool reference, the colour fastness shall be assessed and
calculated as in 9.2 and additionally classified as “satisfactory”. If the specimen shows a greater change in
colour than the target blue wool reference, the colour fastness shall be assessed and calculated as in 9.2
and additionally classified as “unsatisfactory”. If the specimen shows a greater change in colour than the
lowest numbered blue wool reference used the colour fastness shall be reported as that numbered blue
wool reference preceded by the text “less than” and additionally classified as “unsatisfactory”.
9.8 Exposures based on an agreed-upon reference sample (see Method 4) shall be assessed by comparison
of the change in colour of the test specimen and the reference sample i.e. as blue wool references are not
used the colour fastness cannot be quantified. If the specimen shows no greater change in colour than the
reference sample, the colour fastness shall be classified “satisfactory”; if the specimen shows a greater
change in colour than the reference sample, the colour fastness shall be classified “unsatisfactory”.
9.9 Exposures based on an agreed-upon radiant energy level (see Method 5) are assessed either by
numerical quantification against the grey scale (5.2.9) for assessing change in colour, in accordance with
ISO 105-A02, or by comparison of the change in colour of the sample with that of the blue wool references
similar to 9.2.
10 Test report
The test report shall include the information:
a) the number and year of publication of this part of ISO 105, i.e. ISO 105-B02:2014;
b) all details necessary for the identification of the specimens tested;
Annex A
All xenon arc exposure devices used for this standard shall be equipped with suitable starters and
control equipment for either manually or automatically controlling the wattage of the lamp. In manually
controlled units, the wattage of the lamp is adjusted at regular intervals to maintain the required
irradiance. Follow the device manufacturer’s instructions for manual wattage control.
For automatic control of the wattage applied to the lamp in order to maintain a constant irradiance,
devices may use single or multiple radiometers coupled to an appropriate feedback control system. If a
radiometer is used, it shall be mounted so that it receives the same radiation as the specimen surface.
If it is not positioned in the specimen plane, it shall have a sufficient field of view and be calibrated
for irradiance at the specimen distance. The radiometers used shall meet the requirements given in
ISO 9370. The radiometers used shall be capable of measuring irradiance either in a specific wavelength
range (e.g. 300 nm to 400 nm), or in a narrow bandpass centred around a single wavelength (e.g. 420 nm).
The radiometers shall be calibrated at the wavelength range or single wavelength, as appropriate. Follow
the exposure device manufacturer’s instructions for calibration of the radiometers with compliance to
ISO 9370. If a radiometer is used to control irradiance, the measured wavelength or wavelength range
shall be reported.
The intensity of light emission will drop with continued use. Follow the device manufacturer’s
instructions for replacement of lamps and filters. Keep a record of when lamps and filters are replaced
in each device used for conducting the exposures described in this standard.
For devices designed to automatically maintain a constant level of irradiance, exposures of equal time
provide equivalent radiant exposure, which may be calculated by the following formula:
H = E × 3, 6t
H is the radiant exposure, expressed in kilojoules per square metre
E is the irradiance, expressed in watts per square metre (or joules per square metre and second)
Devices that use automatic irradiance control may be equipped with a presettable countdown integrator
calibrated in kilojoules per square metre that can be used to terminate the test when the specimens
have received the required level of radiant exposure.
A.3 Temperature
The surface temperature of exposed materials depends primarily on the amount of radiation absorbed,
the emissivity of the specimen, the amount of thermal conduction within the specimen and the amount
of heat transmission between the specimen and the air or between the specimen and the specimen
holder. Since it is not practical to monitor the surface temperature of individual test specimens, a
specified black-coated sensor is used to measure and control the temperature within the test chamber.
The temperature sensor fixed to a black plate shall be mounted within the specimen exposure area
so that it receives the same radiation and experiences the same cooling conditions as a flat test panel
Two types of black-coated temperature sensor may be used:
Black-standard thermometers consist of a plane (flat) stainless-steel plate with a thickness of 0,5 to
1,2 mm. A typical length and width is about 70 mm by 40 mm. The surface of this plate facing the light
source shall be coated with a black layer which has good resistance to ageing. The coated black plate shall
absorb at least 90 % of all incident flux to 2500 nm. A thermally sensitive element such as a platinum
resistance sensor shall be attached in good thermal contact to the centre of the plate on the side opposite
the radiation source. This side of the metal plate shall be attached to a 5 mm thick baseplate made
of unfilled poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF). A small space sufficient to hold the platinum resistance
sensor shall be machined in the PVDF baseplate. The distance between the sensor and this recess in the
PVDF plate shall be about 1 mm. The length and width of the PVDF plate shall be sufficient so that no
metal-to-metal thermal contact exists between the black-coated metal plate and the mounting holder
into which it is fitted. The metal mounts of the holder of the insulated black panel shall be at least 4 mm
from the edges of the metal plate.
Black-panel thermometers, consist of a plane (flat) metal plate that is resistant to corrosion. Typical
dimensions are about 150 mm long, 70 mm wide and 1 mm thick. The surface of this plate that faces
the light source shall be coated with a black layer which has good resistance to ageing. The coated black
plate shall absorb at least 90 % of all incident flux to 2500 nm. A thermally sensitive element shall be
firmly attached to the centre of the exposed surface. This thermal sensitive element can be a black-
coated stem-type bimetallic dial sensor, a resistance based sensor, a thermistor, or thermocouple. The
back of the black panel thermometer shall be open to the atmosphere within the exposure chamber.
The temperature indicated by the black-panel or black-standard thermometer depends on the
irradiance produced by the apparatus light source and the temperature and speed of the air moving in
the test chamber. Black-panel temperatures generally correspond to those for dark coatings on metal
panels. Black-standard thermometer temperatures generally correspond to those for the exposed
surface of dark samples with poor thermal conductivity. At conditions used in typical exposure tests,
the temperature indicated by a black-standard thermometer will be higher than that indicated by a
black-panel thermometer. Because black-standard thermometers are insulated, their response time for
temperature changes is slightly slower than for a black-panel thermometer.
Exposure devices shall be able to control the temperature of the black sensor to within ± 3 °C of the
required temperature. If the temperature indicated by the black sensor used varies by more than ± 3 °C
from the required temperature during equilibrium operation, terminate the test, make any necessary
repairs, and verify that the device is able to control the black sensor temperature within the required
limits before continuing.
The exposure device shall be designed such that the temperature of a black panel or black standard
temperature sensor placed anywhere within the specimen exposure area is within ± 5 °C of the required
temperature. Upon request, the supplier of the exposure device shall provide documentation that their
device meets this performance requirement.
A ventilating system is used to provide a volume of air flow through the test chamber and over the
test specimens. If agreed upon by all parties, the temperature of the air within the chamber may be
controlled by using a temperature sensing device that is shielded from the light and from any water
A.4 Humidity
The presence of moisture can have a significant effect in accelerated laboratory exposure tests.
Equipment shall have the necessary means to control relative humidity (RH) by humidification of the
chamber air. This is a requirement for exposure in Table 2.
Annex B
B.1 In devices that use a rack to hold the specimens and rotate them around a light source, measure
irradiance at a position in the specimen rack that is closest to the light source (position A in Figure B.1)
and at two positions within the specimen rack that are farthest from the light source (position B) in
Figure B.1. Measurements made with a radiometer that is placed on the rack as it rotates around the
light source will give the most realistic indication of irradiance uniformity. Calculate the mean of all
measurements taken. No measurement point on the sample plane shall exceed ± 10 % of the mean.
Figure B.1 — Determining irradiance uniformity in devices using a rotating specimen rack for
specimen exposure
Alternative specimen rack configurations are acceptable provided that they comply with the above
irradiance uniformity relationship.
B.2 In devices where specimens are positioned in a flat plane in front of a light source, measure
irradiance at a position in the specimen plane that is closest to the light source (position X in Figure B.2)
and in two opposite corners of the plane where test specimens are placed (position Y in Figure B.2).
Calculate the mean of all measurements taken. No measurement point on the sample plane shall exceed
± 10 % of the mean.
Figure B.2 — Determining irradiance uniformity in devices using a flat plane for specimen
B.3 If the design of the device is such that the maximum irradiance may not be at the centre of the
exposure area, or that the minimum irradiance may not be at the position farthest from the centre, the
actual maximum irradiance shall be used and the actual minimum irradiance shall be used to calculate
the mean in B.1 and B.2. Additional measurements of the irradiance at other positions within the
exposure area may also be made. In all cases, however, the irradiance measured at these positions shall
not exceed ± 10 % of the mean.
Annex C
Note For colour change of grade 4 on the grey scale for colour change.
Table C.1 — Light exposure equivalents for blue wool lightfastness references L2 to L9
Xenon only
Blue wool reference 420 nm 300 nm to 400 nm
kJ/m2 kJ/m2
L2 21a 864
L3 43 1 728
L4 85a 3 456
L5 170 6 912
L6 340a 13 824
L7 680 27 648
L8 1 360 55 296
L9 2 720 110 592
a Verified by experiment; all other values are calculated.
Annex D
D.1 When in use, textiles are usually exposed to light. Light tends to destroy colouring matters and
the result is the well known defect of “fading”, whereby coloured materials change colour – usually
becoming paler and duller. Dyes used in the textile industry vary enormously in their reaction to light
and it is obvious that there must be some method of measuring their fastness. The substrate also
influences the colour fastness of a dye to light.
This part of ISO 105 cannot satisfy completely all the interested parties (who range from dye
manufacturers and the textile industry to wholesale and retail traders and the general public) without
becoming technically involved and possibly difficult to understand by many who have a direct interest
in its application.
D.2 The following non-technical description of a test for colour fastness to light has been prepared
for the benefit of those who find the detailed technicalities of this part of ISO 105 difficult to understand.
The method is to expose the specimen being tested and to expose also, at the same time and under the
same conditions, a series of colour fastness references which are pieces of wool cloth dyed with blue
dyes of different degrees of fastness. When the specimen has faded sufficiently, it is compared with the
references and if it has behaved, for instance, like reference 42) then its colour fastness is said to be 4.
D.3 The colour fastness references should cover a wide range, since some specimens fade noticeably
after exposure for 2 h or 3 h to bright summer sunshine, although others may withstand long exposure
without change, the dyes in fact outliving the material to which they have been applied. Eight references
have been chosen, reference 1 being the most fugitive and reference 8 the most resistant. If it takes a
certain length of time for reference 4 to fade under certain conditions, then the same amount of fading
will occur on reference 3 in approximately half the time, or on reference 5 in approximately twice that
time, provided that the conditions are the same.
D.4 It is necessary to ensure that different people testing the same material will fade it to the same
extent before assessment against the simultaneously faded reference. The ultimate users of dyed
materials differ widely in what they consider to be “faded articles” and therefore specimens under
test are faded to two different degrees which adequately cover most opinions and make assessment
more reliable. These required degrees of fading are defined by reference to a collection of “grey scale”
reference contrasts (grey scale 5 equals no contrast, grey scale 1 equals large contrast). Thus the use of
the grey scale enables fading to be taken to defined extents, and the blue wool cloths enable the colour
fastness to be rated.
The general principle of assessing on the basis of moderate and severe fading is complicated by the fact
that some specimens on exposure undergo a slight change very rapidly indeed but do not change further
for a long time. These slight changes are such that under normal conditions of use they would become
important, as the following example shows.
A retailer has a length of curtain fabric in his window and on it is a cardboard ticket indicating the
price. After a few days the ticket is removed and careful examination reveals the place where it has been
resting because the surrounding cloth has changed shade slightly on exposure to light. Some of this
curtain material is exposed so as to produce a moderate degree of fading and it is found that reference 7
has faded to the same extent; the general colour fastness of the fabric is therefore 7.
The important factor about this change in shade is that it can only be detected when there is a sharp
boundary between the exposed and unexposed areas, and these conditions rarely occur during normal
2) The designations of the colour fastness references referred to here are those of the European set (see 5.1.2). The
principles explained are equally valid for the American set (see 5.1.3).
use. The magnitude of this slight change would be given as an additional assessment in brackets. Thus a
rating for a test could be 7(2), indicating a slight initial change equivalent to the first perceptible fade of
reference 2, but otherwise a high colour fastness of 7.
D.5 A further unusual colour change is also catered for, namely photochromism. This effect is shown
when a dye changes colour rapidly on exposure to strong light but on removal to a dark place the original
colour returns more or less completely. The extent of photochromism is determined by the special test
described in ISO 105-B05, and is shown in the rating by a number following the letter P within brackets;
for example 6(P2) means a photochromic effect equal to a grey scale 2 contrast but permanent fading
equal to that of reference 6.
D.6 Finally, there are many specimens which change hue on prolonged exposure to light; for example,
a yellow may become brown, or a purple may become blue. In the past there have been many arguments
as to whether such specimens could be said to have faded or not. The techniques used in ISO 105-B01 to
ISO 105-B05 are unambiguous on this point; it is visual contrast on exposure which is being measured,
whether it be loss of colour or change in hue; in the latter case, however, the kind of change is included in
the assessments. For example, consider two green specimens which, on exposure, change in appearance
at the same rate as reference 5; one becomes increasingly pale while the other becomes first a greenish
blue and finally a pure blue. The former would be rated “5” and the latter “5 bluer”. In this instance also,
the techniques used in ISO 105-B01 to ISO 105-B05 try to present as complete a picture of the behaviour
of a specimen on exposure as is possible without becoming excessively complicated.
Annex E
E.2 Using the humidity-test control fabric to “verify” the effective humidity of the
E.2.1 Whenever the testing machine has been adjusted, serviced, repaired or otherwise modified, then
the effective humidity should be re-set following the procedure given in 8.2. This process can sometimes
be called “verification” of the testing machine.
E.2.2 The number of cards required containing the blue wool references and humidity-test control
fabric will depend upon the individual testing apparatus. The number of cards is dependent upon the
extent to which the apparatus is capable of maintaining homogeneity of irradiance, temperature and
effective humidity within the test chamber. When setting up the apparatus for the first time it is advisable
to use more than one test card to establish the extent of the homogeneity in the test chamber. The test
cards should be positioned to assess variability arising from different locations in the apparatus especially
in larger apparatus, whether canted carousel or flat plane apparatus.
E.2.3 When carrying out the “verification”, it is essential that any surface within the test chamber
which may reflect light from the xenon arc lamp(s) onto the test specimens should be masked using non-
reflective material such as the card used to mount the test specimens.
For carousel-type machines, typically it is only the specimen holders which need masking. For machines
employing flip-flop mode, both faces in the unused specimen holders should be filled.
E.3.1 While E.2 deals with setting the effective humidity after adjustment or modification of the testing
machine, it cannot be presumed that the effective humidity is maintained as a constant factor. It is therefore
good practice to periodically verify that the effective humidity is being maintained at the desired level.
E.3.2 When verifying the effective humidity, it is not necessary to use a full set of blue wool references.
It is normal to use a card comprising the humidity-test control fabric plus blue wool references 4, 5 and
6 (or L5, L6 or L7) for normal conditions or the relevant corresponding blue wool references for other
conditions. This is sufficient to assess whether the contrast between the exposed and unexposed areas
on the humidity-test control fabric is equal to that found on the target blue wool reference (for normal
conditions this is blue wool reference 5).
E.3.4 The frequency of verification is likely to vary according to the volume of testing and frequency
of testing. Constant use or infrequent use interrupted by periods of disuse can both lead to potential
changes in the effective humidity and, if allowed to go unchecked, would cast doubt on the validity of the
test results produced.
It is recommended that verification should be carried out at least every three months. For machines
which have not been used or verified within the last three months, it is strongly recommended that this
is carried out prior to using the machine or at the same time as the testing is performed. Test results
obtained at the same time as verification will be invalid if the verification does not meet the required
conditions (see Table 2).
Irrespective of the frequency of verification, it is recommended that the test cards are retained for later
reference and to allow visual comparison of different test cards over a prolonged period of time. This
can act as a useful tool in detecting any drift in control of the effective humidity over time. All test cards
should be stored in the dark.
E.4.1 Mounting of specimens to be tested, whether reference material or other textile, can affect the
quality of the results. Ideally all samples on any given test card should be of nominally the same thickness.
It is not recommended to mix thick samples with thin samples or samples with variable thickness as
it will make the use of opaque covers (5.2.4) more difficult and prevent the clear demarcation of the
exposed and unexposed areas.
E.4.2 The method of mounting should be appropriate to the textile being tested. For most fabrics, the use
of metal staples is appropriate although copper staples are not recommended due to their conductivity of
heat absorbed from the light source. Alternatively adhesive tape may be used provided that the adhesive
tape used is not exposed to the light source and the adhesive does not migrate or otherwise affect the
sample under test. For this reason it is not recommended to use double sided adhesive tape on most
samples. Specific guidance on the mounting of particular types of textile is given in the following sections.
E.4.3 For samples comprising loose fibre, sliver, roving or tops, it is recommended that the fibres are
brushed to align them to form a loose pad of sufficient thickness and density to provide a uniform and
solid colour over the full width of the test card.
It can be difficult to mount staple fibre samples using metal staples and the use of double sided adhesive
or spray adhesive may be the only alternative. In such cases, consideration should be given throughout
the test to ensuring that the samples remains firmly affixed to the test card while not altering which
fibres (on the uppermost surface) are exposed to the light source.
E.4.4 Yarns are less problematical than fibre but not as easy as fabrics to mount. For yarns, the easiest
methods of mounting are to either wrap the yarn around a card to provide a dense parallel winding or
to place several lengths of yarn parallel on the test card and to secure the yarn using metal staples or
adhesive tape on the rear of the test card.
E.4.5 For most fabrics which have a relatively level surface, the recommended method of mounting is
by the use of non-copper metal staples. Alternatively the width of the test specimen can be extended so
that it can be wrapped around the edge of the test card and secured using adhesive tape on the reverse of
the test card.
E.4.6 Three-dimensional fabrics such as chenille, brushed or raised fabrics such as fleeces, pile fabrics
and figured jacquard fabrics pose particular problems. For fabrics of irregular or uneven thickness,
such as fleece, chenille or embossed fabrics, there is no easy solution and when selecting opaque masks
consideration needs to be given to the need to avoid compression of the fabric surface while at the same
time ensuring that a clear demarcation between the exposed and unexposed portions of the test specimen
can be achieved.
For pile fabrics, the need to avoid compression is critical and is compounded by the need to maintain the
pile in the same orientation as it appears in the unexposed area of the test specimens. If compression of
the sample cannot be avoided then this should be reported in the test report.
For fabrics which have uneven surfaces such as figured jacquard fabrics or some pile fabrics which may
have ground and patterned areas, consideration should be given to testing each of these areas separately
and using separate test cards so as to avoid mixing of samples of different thickness on the same test
card. As an alternative, it is possible to use a larger test specimen and to expose the test specimen to the
light source without the use of an opaque mask and when assessing the contrast to place the exposed
test specimen back into the original fabric from which it was taken. One disadvantage of this alternative
procedure is the need for larger quantities of substrate and the need to expose multiple test specimens
if it is desired to retain the visual evidence of exposure on completion of the test.
E.4.7 Multi-coloured materials or materials with a very detailed or small design such as many printed
textiles may also present particular problems. In particular how to ensure that the same area of the design
appears in all the exposed areas and also in the unexposed area. Similarly for multi-coloured samples, it
is necessary to ensure that all the different colours are tested and this may necessitate the use of multiple
test specimens.
E.4.8 Textile floor-coverings can pose similar problems to multi-coloured and heavily patterned
textiles. Textile floor coverings can contain numerous different colours, some carpets containing more
than 30 separate colours within the same design. While it is possible to extract and test each colour yarn
individually, it is not always practical to do so and in addition it will not provide any information about
how the overall design may be affected when exposed to light. Consequently it may be more suitable to
expose a larger test specimen (or multiple samples) containing all of the various colours and to replace
the exposed test specimen back in to the floor-covering from which it was taken in order to assess the
overall contrast.
The untested textile floor covering should be stored in conditions where it will not be exposed to ambient
lighting or to variations in temperature
In addition there can be an issue with the thickness and textile of the floor-covering and the difficulty
in exposing and masking the test specimen without compressing the surface. Again one solution is not
to use opaque covers (5.2.4) but to expose multiple specimens and to re-insert them into the substrate
from which they were taken when assessing the contrast between the exposed and unexposed areas.
The tested specimen should be reinserted into its original position within the untested portion of textile
floor-covering and maintaining the original plane and orientation. This is particularly important to
ensure that the direction of pile lay is the same in both the tested and untested specimens.
E.4.9 For all types of textile, while it is not always necessary to mount the test cards into specimen
holders, for some type of testing machine this is necessary. When specimen holders are used they should
be appropriate to the type of textile being tested and attention should be given to ensuring that the
distance between the surface of the test specimens and the light source is identical to that between the
surface of the blue wool references or other reference materials and the light source.
In order to achieve this, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the distance by the use of padding materials
to raise the surface of the test card furthest from the light source, using specimen holders of different
depths to accommodate thicker test specimens, or to use specimen holders where the samples are
mounted from the rear.
E.5 Covers
E.5.1 The opaque covers described in 5.2.4 are intended to protect either part of the test specimen from
exposure to light or to protect previously exposed areas from further exposure.
It is therefore necessary to ensure that the opaque covers are close fitting to any specimen holder or,
where no specimen holders are used, overlap the edges of the test card sufficiently to prevent any light
leakage around the outside edges of the test card.
E.5.2 As discussed in E.4 it is also necessary to ensure that the covers are appropriate to the type of
textile being tested and that the cover does not cause compression of the textile nor permits light to leak
under the edges.
During the test it is vital that when inspecting the test card during the various stages of the test
considerable care is taken to ensure that the covers are replaced in exactly the same position as they
were before removal. If care is not taken then this can lead to an indistinct edge between the exposed
and unexposed areas thereby making assessment of the contrast more difficult.
Similar problems can also occur when changing covers between the various stages of the test.
E.5.3 Depending upon the option of which method of test is being used, the type of cover required will
vary although Figure E.1 indicates covers which will satisfy most options.
A one-quarter cover
B half cover
C three-quarters cover
D one-third cover
E two-thirds cover
F zero cover
E.6.1 The choice of which of the five methods included in this standard may depend upon many factors
including the type of apparatus to be used, the volume of testing involved and the information required
from the test.
E.6.2 Method 1 provides the most detailed information for any individual textile but it requires the
test card to contain a full set of blue wool references for each test specimen. However, if the performance
behaviour on exposure to light of the textile under test is not known and there is no known target
performance requirement then this test method may be the most suitable.
For example, a textile manufacturer is producing a new textile and has no information about how it
might behave when exposed to light. As the textile may be suitable for many different end-uses, so
there is no associated performance requirement and the manufacturer needs to know how resistant to
exposure to light the textile material is. Having this information will enable the manufacturer to avoid
selling the textile for end-uses for which it is not suitable. Conducting Method 1 allows the manufacturer
to determine the maximum fastness to light of the textile under the chosen conditions of test.
E.6.3 Method 2, in contrast to Method 1, is more suitable when there are many textiles to be tested but
the behaviour of all of them is unknown. Unlike Method 1, it is only necessary to include one full set of blue
wool references per machine run and these blue wool references are used for multiple test specimens.
This method is more suited to situations such as a dyehouse where there may be many different batches
of the same colour being tested simultaneously for comparison purposes and to ensure constancy of the
light fastness behaviour.
For example, a dyehouse has a large order to fulfil but the dye processes used utilize small batches. How
can the dyehouse be sure that the light fastness of each dyeing batch is consistent with that of the other
batches in the order? Method 2 permits a test specimen from each batch to be tested simultaneously
against a single set of blue wool references. Not only does Method 2 allow the dyehouse to determine
the maximum light fastness of the dyeing, but it also allows easy visual comparison of the different dye
batches. Any batch which is not consistent with the other dye batches will be quickly identified and the
batch can be rejected or reworked (re-dyed) as appropriate.
E.6.4 Methods 3 and 4 are very similar to one another as they compare the test specimens against
either a known blue wool reference or another reference material. Both Method 3 and Method 4 are
most commonly used in situations where the laboratory knows what the textile is expected to achieve,
either by comparison with a previously tested material or because there is an applicable performance
specification which states the minimum requirements.
For Method 3, if a sample is required to achieve performance at least equal to that of blue wool reference
4, then it is sufficient to include blue wool reference 4 together with blue wool references 3 and 2 on the
test card with one or more test specimens. Unlike Method 1, the test is continued until the target blue
wool reference exhibits the required contrasts and the test specimens are assessed by comparison with
the target blue wool reference. This means that if the test specimen has faded by less than the target blue
wool reference then a result of “Better than 4” may be given, using the example cited.
The inclusion of the two lower blue wool references arises from common laboratory practice and at the
request of many customers who want to know by how much the test specimen might fail to achieve the
target performance. Again using the same example, if the test specimen exhibits a greater contrast than
blue wool reference 4, then by including blue wool references 2 and 3 on the same test card, it is possible
for the laboratory to provide a more detailed result than merely stating “Less than 4”. In the above
example, a laboratory may be able to indicate that the test specimen was only marginally worse at say
3-4 or that it was substantially worse at 2. This allows the reader of the test report to make an informed
commercial judgement based on other factors unconnected with the testing.
Method 4 replaces blue wool references with another reference fabric. This might be a master dye
batch or a previous production run or even a competitor’s fabric. The test specimen is compared to
this reference but unlike method 3, it is only possible to state “better than”, “worse than” or “equal to”.
However some laboratories may still choose to include blue wool references as well as the reference
material so that they are also able to provide additional information about the light fastness of the test
E.6.5 Method 5 differs from Methods 1 to 4 in that it does not need any reference material to be used.
Method 5 relies upon controlling the irradiance (dosage of light) to which the test specimen is exposed.
However, many laboratories will include blue wool references so as to be able to maximize the information
obtained from this test method.
When using Method 5, it is vital that the laboratory is clear about how the results are to be expressed
as the exposure is not controlled by the contrast on either the test specimen or the reference material.
It is therefore vital that when reporting results using Method 5 that the assessed grade is clearly stated
as being “Grey scale grade” when the assessment is not made against blue wool references so as to
avoid any confusion by the reader. The two designations are not interchangeable and it is not possible to
extrapolate behaviour from one type of grading to the other.
For example, a test specimen when exposed to a particular dosage of irradiance may produce a contrast
between the exposed and unexposed areas equal to grey scale grade 4 but this contrast may be similar
to that exhibited by blue wool reference 2. This fading may therefore be expressed as “grey scale grade
4” or as “2”. In this instance, simply reporting a result of either “4” would be misleading as the result
would imply that the test specimen gave results comparable to blue wool reference 4 whereas, in fact, it
was only equal to blue wool reference 2.
E.7.1 All of the methods, with the exception of Method 5, rely upon periodic inspection of the test cards
to determine when the various contrast points have been reached. E.5 gave information relating to the
covers used to mask different areas of the test card.
E.7.2 It is not possible to provide definitive guidelines on the frequency of inspection as this will vary
from machine to machine and between different laboratories as well as being influenced by factors such
as the ambient laboratory conditions, usage of the test apparatus, etc.
However, evidence obtained from ring trials (repeatability and reproducibility studies) would indicate
that for samples which are expected to have low fastness to light (less than blue wool reference 2) short
intervals between inspections are necessary. In such cases intervals as short as 1 h may be necessary to
avoid over-exposing test specimens or reference materials and thereby having to repeat the test.
For textiles expected to exceed a fastness to light of blue wool reference 4, intervals of 24 h may be used
in the initial stages, progressively reducing the interval between inspections as the end-point is reached.
In deciding upon a suitable inspection interval, laboratories may rely on past experience with similar
textiles. However, consideration should be given to any periods of exposure when the laboratory may
not be manned by personnel qualified to carry out the inspection. For example, many laboratories do
not operate 24 h a day or at weekends and a sample which was approaching end point should not be left
exposed and in the apparatus without provision of periodic inspection. This may mean removing test
cards from the apparatus overnight or at weekends. Where this practice is used, it is strongly advised
that the test cards are placed in a darkened environment such as a dark room or an opaque container to
avoid uncontrolled exposure to ambient daylight through windows or other light sources such as indoor
electric lighting.
Good laboratory practice also dictates that it is better to inspect a sample more frequently and therefore
ensure that detection of the various contrast phases is observed rather than not frequently enough and
run the risk that the test specimens may become over-exposed and the test would need to be repeated.
E.8.1 The procedure for assessment of light fastness is clearly described in Clause 9. However, there can
be issues arising from the nature of the textile material under test which can create specific difficulties in
following the assessment procedure as described in D.4.
E.8.2 Test specimens that have small areas of design such as some printed textiles can be difficult to
assess for contrast. In such instances, where the design is such that it is not possible to obtain sufficient
area on both sides of the contrast line, the assessor will have to make a judgement based on non-contiguous
For some textiles such as pile floor-coverings, it may not be possible to assess each colour in the design
individually. In this instance, again it is more appropriate to provide an overall assessment but with
particular attention given to whether one or more colours appear to have faded more significantly with
the design than the remainder. It is not unusual for some pastel colours in carpets to react more than
some darker colours and for the fading of these pastel colours to actually be more noticeable in the
overall design effect.
When assessing colours which are non-contiguous it is also necessary to take into account any impact
adjacent colours may have on the assessment. For example, if a particular colour occurs at several points
in a design but is bordered by a dark colour in one area and by a lighter colour in another area, assessing
the target colour by comparison of two non-identically bordered areas may produce undesirable effects
in the perceived target colour and thus affect the resultant assessment of contrast.
Assessment of non-contiguous areas may be improved by the masking of smaller identical areas in the
exposed and unexposed specimens. This may necessitate the use of a variety of mask shapes and/or
sizes dependent upon the samples being assessed and attention is drawn to 9.2 and the guidance in
ISO 105-A02 regarding the colour of opaque masks.
E.8.3 For some textiles, colour change due to heat is particularly relevant for thermochromic colours
such as reds and oranges but can affect any colour or textile material.
Similarly, texture effects due to heat or humidity can occur in pile textiles or textiles of synthetic origin
such as polyesters, polyamides, etc. It is not uncommon for the effect of heat and humidity to cause
pile fabrics to incline in one direction thereby resulting in a perceived colour change caused not by
any actual colour change but by the fact that one area is being viewed at a different pile orientation to
another. This is best explained by reference to the perceived colour change which occurs when a hand is
rubbed over the surface of a pile fabric.
E.8.4 For some textiles, whether by the nature of their design or their construction, assessment of small
areas may not be the most appropriate way of assessing the overall effect of exposure to light. In such
cases, it may be more appropriate to retain the area of the textile from within which the test specimen was
taken and to reinsert the exposed test specimen back into the original textile before assessing the effect
of exposure to light. This practice is perhaps most common on textiles such as pile floor coverings and
jacquard fabrics.
E.8.5 When assessing colour fastness generally, it is good practice to employ at least two trained
assessors so that each assessment can be verified by a second person. In the event of any disagreement,
reference to further trained assessors can then be made with the result being the mode result at each
contrast point.
When using multiple assessors within a laboratory, it is essential that the assessors participate
periodically in intra- and inter- laboratory correlation exercises in order that they can validate that their
assessments are within the acceptable limits for uncertainty of measurement.
For colour fastness tests based on the subjective assessment of colour change, the within-laboratory
uncertainty of measurement is typically accepted as being ± 0,5 grade. The between laboratory
uncertainty of measurement may be higher but it is not possible to quantify this through the use of
statistical analysis as there are too many factors involved, any one of which could cause anomalies to
occur. However the ring trial carried out in 2006 as part of the development of this revision of B02
indicated that ± 1,0 grade is achievable between laboratories in approximately 85 % of the samples
E.8.6 Although the use of instrumental assessment is permitted, it is not recommended for a number of
different reasons. Primarily the use of instrumental assessment is discouraged due to known anomalies
with colour measurement equations in the blue region of the spectrum. Although this is being investigated
by CMC (Colour Measurement Committee of the Society of Dyers and Colourists), the use of instrumental
assessment can give rise to errors of one or more grades when compared to visual assessment of the same
test specimens. The 2006 ring trial identified that 24 % of results showed differences from the visual
assessment of one grade or more with some errors as great as 2,0 grades being found.
When using instrumental assessment, it is essential that the aperture used is appropriate to both the
design or pattern of the test specimen and to the area of exposure.
For some types of textile, for example textile floor coverings, the use of instrumental assessment may
be inappropriate due to the problems of compression of the surface of the specimen, the difficulty of
measuring light reflected from a surface which will absorb or refract a significantly higher proportion
of the illuminant light, and the difficulties in isolating individual colours with the design.
While the use of instrumental assessment is not discouraged, it should only be used after giving due
consideration to the above issues. If instrumental assessment is used, it shall be included on the test
[1] ASTM G177-03, Standard tables for reference solar ultraviolet spectral distributions: hemispherical
on 37° tilted surface
ICS 59.080.01
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