Permanent canines
Permanent canines
Permanent canines
No. of lobes
It has four lobes (three labial-the middle is well
developed- and cingulum)
The upper canine make contact mesially with the
distal surface of the lateral incisors and distally
with the mesial surface of the 1st premolar.
4 3 2 2 3 4
No. of surfaces
It has four surfaces and incisal aspect.
No. of roots
It has one root. Incisal
Geometrical outline & outline form
Labial aspect
Surface Anatomy
Labial aspect
☻Surface anatomy:
-The surface is convex both
mesiodistally and inciso-cervically.
- Cervical ridge.
- Labial ridge.
- Cusp.
- Two developmental grooves.
☻The root:
- It is long, slender, conical in
shape with distal curvature of
the apical 3rd.
Lingual aspect
►Labio-lingual section
- The pulp chamber is pointed
incisally .
- The root canal start cervically wide till
about the middle then narrows to the
apical foramen.
Appearance of the dental organ 6 m.i.u
First evidence of calcification 4-5 months.
Enamel completed 6-7 years
Eruption 9-10 years
Root completed 12-13 years
No. of lobes
It has four lobes (three labial-the middle is well
developed- and cingulum)
The lower canine make contact mesially with the
distal surface of the lateral incisors and distally
with the mesial surface of the 1st premolar.
4 3 4
2 2 3
No. of surfaces
It has four surfaces and incisal aspect.
No. of roots
It has one root. Incisal
Surface Anatomy
-Similar to upper canine in the wedge shape & well-
developed cingulum but with longer crown, shorter root
& less mesiodistal dimensions.
Labial aspect
☻Geometrical outline of the crown: Trapezoid.
-The short side cervically.
-The long side incisally.
☻The outline:
- Mesial outline Is straight with the mesial
outline of the root. The mesial contact area is
at the incisal 3rd near the mesioincisal angle.
- The distal outline is convex till the contact area
which is more cervical than the mesial contact
area & more rounded.
- The cervical line is more symmetrically
curved root-wards.
- The distal slope is longer than
the mesial slope.
☻Surface anatomy:
-The surface is convex both
mesiodistally and inciso-cervically.
- Cervical ridge.
- Labial ridge.
- Cusp.
- Two developmental grooves.
☻The root:
- It is shorter than upper 3, slender, conical
in shape with distal curvature at the apical
3rd & more pointed apex.
Lingual aspect
- It has the same geometrical outline
and outline as the labial surface.
- The mesial and distal sides of the crown
and root converge lingually so that the
lingual portion of the root is about ½ the
width of the labial portion.
☻Surface anatomy:
-Flatter, smoother & regular
The elevations: (poorly developed)
- The cingulum.
- The marginal ridges (mesial and distal).
- The lingual ridge.
- Mesio and disto-incisal ridges.
The depressions
- one lingual fossae.
Mesial aspect
☻Geometrical outline of the crown:
☻Triangular in shape; the base cervically
and the apex incisally.
☻The cusp tip may be on a line that
bisects the centre of the root or slightly
lingual to it.
☻The outline:
☻The labial outline is less curved with the
greatest convexity at cervical 1/3 (cervical
☻The lingual outline is also less curved.
The cingulum is less pronouced & the
incisal portion is thinner labiolingually,
more pointed cusp & more slender cusp
- Then concave at the middle 3rd and convex
at incisal 3rd.
☻The mesial cervical line is
convex incisally.
☻Surface anatomy:
☻The mesial surface is convex with
the maximum convexity at the incisal
third (the contact area).
☻The root:
- The root is broad and taper to blunt
-It is common to find bifid root into
labial & lingual.
- It has a more pronounced mesial
developmental depression.
The distal aspect
☻Similar to the mesial aspect but
differ in:
- The cervical line curvature is less
than mesial ( by 1 mm).
-The contact area is broader more
cervially located.
-The distal marginal ridge is more
pronounced than the mesial.