Please complete and return to Bro. Jeremy Molina at your earliest convenience prior
to the proposed event.
Name :
Destination :
Adress :
Contact number :
Date :
I / We, hereby acknowledge that sufficient information has been provided with respect to
the planned activity, duration, location, participants and supervision.
I / We, hereby acknowledge that the Rules and Regulations established for the team
building are designed for the safety and protection of the participants and hereby
undertake to inform my child to abide by these rules and regulations.
I / We understand that :
1. A minimum level of fitness and health (physical, mental, and emotional ), is
2. Each person has a different capacity for participation; and,
3. Any exceptions to full participation are identified in advance of the event.
I / We declare having read and understood the above Parental Consent Agreement in
its entirely and hereby consent to allow my child to participate, acknowledging all of the
______________________ ____________________
Parent / Guardian Signature Son / Daughter Signature