Executive Summary
• In FY17, the Army completed testing of the Spiral 2 missile
and continued development of the Spiral 3 missile and a new
Light Weight Command Launch Unit (CLU). The Army
intends these efforts to improve lethality against non-armored
targets and to reduce unit cost and weight.
• The Program Office investigated and addressed Spiral
2 precursor warhead (PCWH) failures experienced in
FY16. The Army resumed testing in FY17. The final
production‑representative configuration of the Spiral 2 missile
performed reliably in 14 of 14 flight tests.
• Test results and lethality modeling of the Spiral 2 missile,
which includes a new Multi-Purpose Warhead (MPWH),
indicate the Spiral 2 missile has improved warhead
fragmentation while maintaining required primary target
armor penetration.
• Through 22 flight tests, the Spiral 2 missiles demonstrated - The Spiral 2 effort developed a new PCWH, and an
proper target lock-on and missile launch resulting in 18 MPWH that uses enhanced fragmentation to improve
successful hits against vehicles, 2 successful hits against lethality against non-armored targets and personnel in the
structure targets, and 1 near miss and 1 complete miss against open while maintaining lethality against armored threats.
an IED team in the open. Production missiles will be designated FGM-148F.
• DOT&E and the Army continue planning the testing required - The Spiral 3 effort will develop a new launch tube
for the Spiral 3 missile and Light Weight CLU developments. assembly and battery unit, and will replace the current
gas-cooled seeker with an uncooled seeker in the guidance
System section of the missile. Production missiles will be
• The Javelin Close Combat Missile System – Medium is a designated FGM-148G.
man-portable, fire-and-forget, anti-tank guided missile used to - The Light Weight CLU effort will develop a new CLU
defeat threat armored combat vehicles out to 2,500 meters. that is smaller and lighter while maintaining or improving
• The Javelin system consists of a missile in a disposable launch system performance.
tube assembly and a reusable CLU. The CLU mechanically
engages the launch tube assembly for shoulder firing, has day Mission
and night sights for surveillance and target acquisition, and • Commanders use Army and Marine Corps ground maneuver
electronically interfaces with the missile for target lock-on and units equipped with the Javelin to destroy, capture, or repel
missile launch. An operationally-ready Javelin system weighs enemy assault through maneuver and firepower.
49.5 pounds. • Service members use the Javelin to destroy threat armor
• The Javelin missile employs a tandem shaped charged targets and light-skinned vehicles, and to incapacitate or kill
warhead to defeat vehicle armor and can be fired in direct-fire threat personnel within fortified positions. In recent conflicts,
or lofted trajectory top-attack modes. Javelin was used against enemy bunkers, caves, urban
• The Army plans four Javelin system improvements to structures, mortar positions, snipers, and personnel emplacing
reduce unit cost and weight and improve lethality against IEDs.
non-armored targets. These improvements are referred to as
missile Spiral 1, 2, 3, and Light Weight CLU. Major Contractors
- The Spiral 1 effort replaced electronic components in the • Raytheon – Tucson, Arizona
control actuator section of the missile for cost and weight • Lockheed Martin – Orlando, Florida
savings. Production missiles are designated FGM-148E.
• In FY17, the Army Aviation and Missile Research, the Spiral 2 missile improvements in accordance with the
Development and Engineering Center completed testing of DOT&E-approved live fire strategy.
Javelin 105
• From FY16 through FY17, the Army conducted a total of 16 against light-skinned vehicles and targeted personnel in the
static warhead tests and 22 missile flight tests at the Redstone open, while maintaining effectiveness against armored targets.
Test Center, Alabama. • Through 22 flight tests, the Spiral 2 missiles demonstrated
- In FY16, testing was halted after nine static warhead tests proper target lock-on and missile launch resulting in 18
and seven missile flight tests due to a reoccurring failure of successful hits against vehicles, 2 successful hits against
the new PCWH. Following an analysis of the failures, the structure targets, and 1 near miss and 1 complete miss
Army decided to replace the new PCWH with the proven against an IED team in the open. Personnel in the open are a
legacy PCWH. secondary target for the Javelin.
- In FY17, the Army conducted the remaining 7 static • The failure of the new PCWH was the sole failure mode to
warhead tests and 15 flight tests. occur during Spiral 2 missile testing. Following the PCWH
• Three FGM-148D (Block 0) and three FGM-148E (Spiral 1) change, the production-representative missile performed
missiles were fired to demonstrate backward compatibility reliably in 14 of 14 flight tests.
with current CLUs and new missile software. • DOT&E assesses that Javelin Spiral 2 would meet its
• DOT&E and the Army continued to plan testing required for reliability requirement.
the Spiral 3 missile and Light Weight CLU, and the Javelin
Program Office began an update to the Test and Evaluation Recommendations
Master Plan (TEMP). • Status of Previous Recommendations. The Army and DOT&E
are planning testing required for the Spiral 3 missile and
Assessment Light Weight CLU. The Army agrees that an operational
• During FY16 testing, the new PCWH failed to detonate in test should be conducted prior to fielding to confirm
two static tests and in two flight tests. The failure was caused that effectiveness/lethality and suitability have not been
by age-related degradation in the explosive material of the compromised, and to ensure compatibility with applicable
PCWH. The program determined the best course of action fielded variants of the missile. The Javelin Program Office is
was to use the legacy PCWH in the Spiral 2 missiles. The updating the TEMP.
remaining test missiles were rebuilt with the legacy PCWH • FY17 Recommendation.
and the Army resumed testing in FY17. No additional failures 1. The Javelin Program Office should perform additional
occurred during the remaining 7 static tests and 14 tactical testing and modeling to establish the capability of the Spiral
missile flight tests. 2 missile to hit targeted personnel in the open (such as the
• Missile flight and static test results indicate improved three-man IED team). Information gained should inform
fragmentation enabling the intended, improved lethality the Spiral 3 missile design.
106 Javelin