Coron Elena Danaan

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2020 – Transcript by Sam Mast


About Coron's energy feeling different than Annax:

Elena: Annax is very sweet, it's like softness, sweetness, love, you melt, it's like honey, it's
absolutely a wonderful soothing energy. Coron is different, it's very strong, sizzling, powerful, very
masculine. Annax presents himself as male, but he's androgynous; he chose his gender but he
has both in him. He explained once already that he chose to be a male , but he has both genders in
him. That's where the feminine high energies sometimes come up. Coron is like strong masculine,
but he's lovely as well.

Q: What is the average life span of the Laan Lyran race in Terran years?
Coron: In terran years these ones can live around 400 years.

Q: About beam up techniques:

Coron: There is a lot of information in this question. The Terran body is an avatar of third density,
inhabited by a higher density being. When this being leaves the avatar and travels, it has no
physical incarnation, it is just pure light and pure energy. A lthough, it has the shape and
appearance that is borrowed from the third density avatar, as it is still attached to it. Some many
bloodlines have an ability given by the activation of their genome, enabling travel like this by taking
any shape they want. Shapes of animals, for instance. When you travel in the realms of Terra, the
particles of your light body are crystallized and solidified into a more solid density that is physical to
our level. If you do that yourself, it lasts a very short time, so we help by giving more impulse and
energy to hold the crystallization. The materialization of a light body then lasts longer, there is no
other body that is copied, it is just achieved by a change of density of our own light being , and it
becomes physical and lasts for a short while (about a Terran hour). After that, the energy field has
difficulty to hold, and you must go back, as it is a temporary solidification.

We can beam up a third density physical body. The Merkabah is also a way of travelling, a way of
shifting distance and densities, it is different from beaming . The Merkabah is an interdimensional
device through different densities and dimensions. There are different ways of using a Merkabah:
you can create a protection by constructing it around you, by visualization and energy work,
manipulating your energy field, sculpting your energies and constructing it. This is different from
the interdimensional property. You can start constructing the same but the interdimensional device
you have it in yourself, you activate it, expand it whenever you want. You can construct it around
you, or you can expand it from inside, but this is something solid energetically, it is difficult to
explain the difference. You activate it by sending an impulse of energy from your being and
vibrating the structure itself very fast, very powerfully until it starts shifting density, and it transports
you. You can travel distance with it but it is not the first use of it, which is resonance projection. You
will project yourself with it into another place, by projection resonance.

You need to motion the upper pyramid of the Merkabah clockwise, and the lower one
counterclockwise. This creates a shift in the space continuum around you, in your energy field , and
it transports you wherever you want in a dimensional shift. This may be difficult at first, you need to
train how to materialize it from your own energy field, this is what a lightship is, it is a ship
constructed from your own light, your own energy.
It can have different shapes, mine is a lozenge , and it's different because my energy is different,
my signature is different. We all have different shapes, there are not an infinity of shapes , but
lozenge is a common one, this is one who corresponds to my energy structure.

I don't need protection same as you would , because I am of a higher density, so my own energy
field is protecting me naturally.

Q: How can we help other Terrans to find their path and their own mission here in Terra?
Coron: We can help them in finding in themselves how to access the answer. We all came with
the knowledge of our mission, we all know, nobody knows for you, helping others to find their own
missions is helping others to ignite to their own consciousness, open their consciousness. Stop
nourishing and feeding of the matrix of the third density on your planet, stop nourishing feelings
that are born from this matrix, fear is the main one, submission is another one but fear mainly,
anything that takes your power away from you, anything that takes your own sovereignty from you
this is from the matrix.

When you think you need to be enslaved to anything, your money, your superiors, anything that
makes you feel inferior or dependent, this is what you need to stop nourishing. Be depending only
on yourselves, you have everything you need to realize everything you want, you have all the
powers in you, you have all the tools, you have all the abilities, you do not need a leader or a chief
or a religious priest to tell you what you have to do, you only know what you need to do , and it is by
reconnecting with your own individuality, your own power, that you will find who you really are and
why you came, nobody knows for you. The best way of helping others is helping them to find
themselves, telling them that they don't need to fear, that they do not need to take anything that
comes from the matrix, that they need to center themselves just upon peace, and the knowledge
that you know more than you think. You know, this is an enigmatic sentence, I have to say, you
know more than you think you know, this means that you came with the knowledge and this
knowledge is in you, you just need to access it , and you need to access it when you stop listening
to the noise. Find the silence within and in this silence there is a door open and behind this door is
your power, your abilities, your mission, the knowledge of who you are, why you came.

This is the challenge of their evolution. Evolution is empowerment and sovereignty, self-
empowerment and individuality. Being all together but standing as individuals, this is very
important, all united as individuals.

Q: About the properties of long hair:

Coron: This will depend on the species. The Ahil have energy in their hair, they have a special
extension of their energy field with their hair, that's why the Ahil always wear long hair, there is a
reason for that. Some races on Terra do the same, it depends on the genetics and the bloodline,
and the genetics of the beings inhabiting them. This is very complex but spiritual races living by
codes of spirituality who respect their planet and environment have a tendency to let their hair grow
longer, such as the Ahil who live in harmony with their environment, because you feel a connection
to your environment. Hair is a way of communicating.
This is as well a very complex and long discussion . I have very long hair, my race is an evolution
from the Ahil, we shifted in higher density because our world Dakoorat shifted. There are many
layers of life on Dakoorat, and we are a race who shifted in the ninth density.
As the Ahil I have long hair, because in my state of light and energy, this allows to extend my field
to receptivity, my hair is like receptors. I have a solid body and if you were at the same level as
me, you could touch me. We have physical interactions , but you need to be at the same level, if I
now visit you, I will be transparent and looking like a light being made of light because our
densities are so far away from each other. They cannot interact physically but if you were a ninth
density being then I would see you like a 3D person sees a 3D person.

There are different densities on Erra, there are the fifth ones, the fourth ones , but they are as well
the eighth and the ninth ones, In fourth density beings are animals, a life form that is quite primitive
that they have imported from their world and there is a group of ninth density population , and
actually they live on a special continent which is more elevated in frequency, I come from the
planet Dakoorat which is in the same solar system and this is only ninth density.

Q: Do all ninth density beings know each other since they're connected telepathically?
Coron: We can merge with the Collective Unconscious of all ninth density beings. You could do
this also on Terra but few of you do it. There is something we call the true language which is a
language of emotion and intuition, when you connect with others and you speak with your heart by
emotions, this is the way of communicating, and you share visions, feelings and sounds. This is a
three-dimensional language, we call it the true language, it is a language which is universal and
which allows all the highly evolved races to communicate. This looks like telepathy but it is more
than this, already when you are reaching the fifth density you start speaking it, your friends Thor
Han, Val Nek, Myrah and the others speak this language, it is very simplified because when you
hear them speaking you hear only words, but there are the emotions and the pictures that these
words carry, this is the way we speak.

There are nine density beings like me here, not indigenous. There are two settlements, I can tell
only about one, it's in the highest mountains of your planet, there is a door and access to this
density, and these beings are helping Terra and all species on it. It is near to Mount Everest, there
is a parallel realm where a group of ninth density beings are working to elevate the vibrations of the

The difference between dimensions and densities.

Coron: Dimensions are parallel universes, densities are different planes of existence on different
frequencies in the same dimension. Dimension is a universe.

Message from Coron

Coron: I see dark clouds turning around your planet generated by those who fear to lose their grip
on this precious world. For millennia you have been occupied by malevolent invaders, they have
set their camps and colonies, underneath the very soil where you walk upon, and these colons,
these invaders are now about to live, they have started leaving. The Galactic Federation of Worlds
is doing a very good work. The enemy is scared. The clouds of darkness spinning around your
planet, that you do not see but at my level I see are their fears, I can see their fears, I can smell
their fears when I come near to your world, and this is maybe something scary, but this is good
because these fears are the sign of their loss. They are losing , and they are living. This fear may
disturb the energies of your planet, but there is no danger in it because you are being liberated,
you are walking towards your future and what we see is evolution, what we see is beauty.
The day for Peace will come, it will take a long time but it is coming. I would like to tell you that
from what I know and from what I see, you have no more reason to fear. Your enemies are the
ones who fear.

There are many dimensions in these multiverse, there are many worlds in this galaxy. When you
look around you, you may feel lonely but know that you are not. Everything is connected,
everything is linked to everything else. If you connect your heart with your universe you will
connect with everything in this universe. We have a belief that there is a mother of all mother
sources, the Great Source, my ancestors named her Imana - the Great Source. It is eternal and
powers everything, all the universes, all the timelines, all the lives. When you connect with yourself
you connect with Imana, with Her, and then you know that you do not rely on fear, you do not rely
on following others, you rely only upon yourself because we are all a fractal of Imana. We are all
fractals of the greatest power that ever existed. Imana was never born and she will never die and
so are you eternal, timeless. Time is a globality, time isn't a timeline, it is a time sphere, it unfolds in
a sphere as well as in a spiral. Your third density brains have difficulty to encompass this concept
of unity of time, but unity is the great concept of the multiverse. It is in truth an omniverse because
all are in one, a great unity. When you start to think about these things , and you go back to your
little blue planet, you find everything insignificant, and you see what is essential and necessary.

I invite you to trust in yourselves, you have everything you need. You cannot stop spiritual
evolution; spiritual evolution never involutes, it is like biological evolution, you can put obstacles in
the way, but you cannot stop it, evolution is like a flowing water, it always finds its way, life always
finds its way even paved with stones. Growing vegetation will crack the stones and make its way
through it. A blade of grass is very smooth and frail and a stone is very strong , but time is evolution
and evolution is time, and time will do so that the blade of grass will cut the stone in two to go
through it towards the light because what powers the magical strength of the blade of grass to cut
the stone is its ascension towards light, its undeniable desire to reach out for the light because its
life depends on it. This resilience to touch light can break stones, this is who you are, your
determination to reach out to the light, to nourish yourselves from the light is what allows you to
break stones. This is your attitude, this is the attitude you need to have, your desire and your
determination to reach out to the light will break the strongest stones.
End of my speech.

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