Akropong-Akuapem, Ghana
Department of Agric Economics, Agribusiness & Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Kwame Nkrumah
Traditionally, botanic gardens have been set aside to conserve mainly trees, but it has additional contributions to
harbor birds and other faunal species. Conservationist have neglected the animal component of the botanic gardens,
it is against this background that this study sought to investigate into the bird species composition, abundance, and
their distribution in the Aburi Botanical Garden, Ghana. The garden was stratified into Botanic Reserve (closed
forest) and Cultivated Area (open forest), and a total five transects were distributed in each area. Bird census was
carried out along these transect between the hours of 6am to 10am and 4pm to 6pm each day for three days The
Botanic Reserve constituted more species with fewer individuals whereas the Cultivated Area had more individuals
with fewer species. Food and light penetration were the main determining factors in the distribution and abundance
of birds in the Botanic Gardens. The distribution of birds and their abundance were suspected to be influenced by the
habitat type and the kind of resources it avails.The bird species dominant in the area are generalist species with only a
small fraction being specialist species. It is therefore recommended that policies of the Botanic Gardens should
include the protection of birds and other faunal species because of their interdependent relationship.
*Corresponding Author: Edward D. Wiafe [email protected]
inform management in the formulation of strategies of alteration at all. In it grows indigenous timber species,
the Ghana’s biodiversity conservation. The objectives climbers, lianas and shrubs.
of this study were toassess the abundance and diversity
of the bird species inhabiting the Botanical Garden and To equalize sampling intensity, five (5) transects where
todocument a list of birdspecies in the botanic garden. laid systematically in both the Botanic Reserve and the
Cultivated Area. Each transect was 1000m long.
Materials and methods Transects were laid on existing paths and distance was
Study area calculated with a GPS (Global Positioning System).
The Aburi Botanic Garden is situated on the Akuapem
Ridge located at about38 km north east of Accra the Bird Census procedure
capital city of Ghana on an elevation of 370 to 460 m Transects were walked at an average speed of
(1200 – 1500 Ft.) above sea level.Geographically, it is 100m/hr.All birds sighted were recorded with counts
found on Latitude 5.8469 N and Longitude repeated twice a day for three days. Coordinates of the
0.1755Wwhich covers an area of 64.8 hectares (160 beginning and end of each transect were obtained
acres). The garden been divided into two distinct zones using a Garmin GPS Arc-Map 60Cx with an error of ±
which differ in vegetation structure, namely the 5m whilst direction of alignment was determined using
botanical reserve or closed forest which covers about a sunto compass.
52.6 hectares and cultivated area or open forest which
covers about 12.2 hectares (Fig. 1).The garden is The survey team composed of three persons and was
composed of tree species such as Celtisadolfi-frederici, maintained throughout the survey to ensure
Celtiszenkeri,Triplochitonscleroxylon, consistency in the data collection procedure.The survey
Cylicodiscusgabunensis, and Piptadeniastrum was done twice in a day that is morning (6.00-10.00)
Africana,Hymenoistegiaafzelii,and Myrianthussp. and evening (16.00-18.30). Using Olympus binoculars
There are also special plant collections such as with exit pupil diameter of 2.5,birds were identified by
Ornamentals: Araucaria spp., Bambusa nana, sight with the help of Field Guide to birds of West
Calophyllummophyllum, Cedrela spp., Delonixregia, Africa with Nomenclature after Borrow and Demey
Dilleniaindica, Elaeocarpussearratus, (2001).
Enterolobiumcyclocarpum, Ficusleprieuri,
Garciniaxanthochymus, Murraya exotica (Parks and Calculation of community parameter
Gardens, 2000). Assumptions on normality and homogeneity of all
cases were justified based on examinations of
Site classification residuals. A difference in the abundance of birds within
The site was stratified into two blocks based on the the two fragments of the gardens was determined by
vegetation type, which is closed (Botanic Reserve) and Mann Whitney U test.Diversity (Hs) of the total
open canopy forest (Cultivated Area): community in the two fragments of the Garden was
i) The cultivated area (Lawn 1 to 10): which was calculated using Shannon Index as represented in the
mainly an open forest of artificially and natural formula below:
growing trees and shrubs. It is further divided into ten
different lawns comprising of palm, spices as well as
local and foreign timber species.
ii) The Botanic Reserve or Natural vegetation
area: is made up of a natural forest with little or no
Pi = ni/N, where pi is proportion ofindividuals found whereas 393 individuals belonged to 45 species were
in the ith species, ni is the number of individuals of sighted within the cultivated area.
species and N is the total number of individuals.
The ratio of the observed to maximum diversity can be
taken as a measure of evenness (E). Evenness was
calculated as; E = Hs/InS
Where S is the number of species in each community
Dominance (d) expressed the proportional importance
of the species and was calculated as; d = ni/N*100
To compare species composition between habitat
types, the Söerensen index (Cs) of species similarities
was used and calculated as; Cs = 2S1. S2/S1 + S2
Where S1 or S2 is the number of species in each
community and S1.2 being the number of species
shared between then. Cs is constrained between 0 (no
species in common) and 1.0 (all species in common).
Fig. 2. Graph showing the average number of birds
within the botanic reserve and cultivated area
The frequency of occurrence in percentage was
determined from the raw data by dividing the number
of occurrence of a species in a transect by the total
number of plots occupied by a particular species and
multiplying by 100%. The relative status of each
species based on the frequency of occurrence is defined
Rare: species found between 1% – 50% of the
census plots
Common: species found between 51% – 75%
of the census plots
Abundant: species occurring between 76% -
100% of the census plots
All these calculations were carried out using PAST Fig. 3. Graph Showing Shannon's diversity and
(PaleontologicalStatistics software) Version 2.13 evenness indices of bird species within the botanic
(Hammer et al., 2001) and Microsoft office Excel. reserve and cultivated area.
Results and discussions The mean number of birds encountered per 100m in
Density, diversity and the distribution of bird species the cultivated Area was 79.0 (SD= 26.6) whereas that
of Botanic Reserve was 29.6 (SD= 6.43) birds as shown
in the different fragments of the garden
in Fig. 2. Mann Whitney U Test was used to evaluate
A total number of 541 individual birds were sighted
the hypothesis that the bird density occurring in the
from 10 transects during the entire study period in the
Botanic Reserve and Cultivated Area are the same. But
area with a total number of 148 individuals sighted
within the Botanic Reserve belonged to 50 species the result indicated that at 0.05 alpha level, the
difference in medians of the bird densities were The relatively dominated species
significant as p < 0.05 (U = 1898, p = 0.039). wasLamprotomissplenditus (Splendid Glossy
Starling)with 11.4% whereas that of the species with
The Shannon Index was used to evaluate the diversity the less dominated wereCypsiurusparvus(African
of bird Species in both categories of the garden. The palm swift), Vidusmacroura(Pin – Tale Whydah)with
Shannon Index for the Cultivated Area was 3.462 with relative dominance of 0.3% in the cultivated area
(lower confidence level 3.59 3.77 upper CL at 95% (Table 1). But the Botanic reserve recorded a relative
whereas the Botanic Reserve encountered an index of dominance of 8.1% for the most abundant species
3.698 (3.32 - 3.48 CL at 95 %.) An evenness of 0.90 example Corvusalbus(African pied Crow) and a 0.7%
and 0.95 was detected respectively.Diversity‘t’test for the less dominant species example Turturafer
indicate that there was no significant difference (Blue spotted wood dove), and Touracopersa (Green
between the diversity of birds in the two fragments of Turaco) (Table 2).
the garden(t = 1.6522, p = 0.099).
With reference to Table 2 it could be deduced that for
The distribution of bird species and abundance shows every 100m within the cultivated area, there was an
no significant difference between the two fragments of abundance of 9.0 birds, example was
the study area. It has been speculated that birds fly Lamprotomissplenditus(Splendid Glossy Starling) for
across to both sides of the garden. The birds take the most abundant species as against 0.2 birds for the
refuge within the gardens as it is the only one of its less abundant species e. g.Cypsiurusparvus(African
kind in the vicinity. The garden therefore can serve as a palm swift), Vidusmacroura(Pin – Tale Whydah)
model to demonstrate the needfor back yard garden etc.(Table 1). But for every 100 meters in the Botanic
that would secure birds with its diverse range of floral reserve there was an abundance of 2.4 birds
species from accelerated rate of deforestation. e.g.Corvusalbus(African pied Crow) for the most
However, some species were found to be existent in abundant species as against 0.2 birds for the less
one fragment alone which indicates the presence of abundant species e. g.Cypsiurusparvus(African palm
habitat specialist and the habitat generalist species swift), Vidusmacroura(Pin – Tale Whydah) (Table 2).
which thrive in both fragments of the garden for either The bird species found in each fragment of the garden
food or shelter resources. Thus from the Söerensen were birds which found their needed resources within
Index, it was indicated that about 80% of the species the area. The presence of abundant food resources may
found were habitat generalist whereas only 20% are be a main determining factor in the relatively high
habitat specialist which either belong to the Botanic densities in the cultivated area (open forest). In the
Reserve or to the Cultivated Area. process of developing the cultivated area for scenic
view, it offered the opportunity for a wide variety of
Relative dominance, abundance, frequency of food resources which mayinducedseveral kinds of
occurrence, and the variation of species in the various feeders being dominant in the area (Insectivorous,
fragments of the garden Nectarous, frugivorous). In general, a habitat defines
The cultivated area of the botanic garden was found to the activities of the bird species though some could be
support more individual bird species (393 individuals) endemic to their niches where as some depend on
than the Botanic Reserve (148 individuals) (U = 1898, prevailing conditions such as predators, food and
p = 0.03992). This may be due to the alteration made season as suggested by Bunnun and Howell (2002).
to the original natural vegetation area that has been
replaced with cultivated floral plants.
Table 1. Species composition, relative dominance, abundance and the frequency of bird occurrence within the
cultivated area.
Bird Species Scientific Name Relative Abundance Frequency Of
Dominance /100m Occurrence
Table 2. Species composition, relative dominance, abundance and the frequency of bird occurrence within the
botanic reserve.
Bird Species Scientific Name Relative Abundance Frequency Of
Dominance /100m Occurrence
Blue Spotted Wood Dove Turtur afer 0.7 0.2 20
Grey Headed Bristle Bill Bledacanacapillus 0.7 0.2 20
Grey Long Billed Macrosphenusconcolor 0.7 0.2 20
Green Turaco Touracopersa 0.7 0.2 20
Klaas's Cuckoo Chrysococcyxklass 0.7 0.2 20
Little Swift Apusaffinis 0.7 0.2 20
Lizard Buzzard Kaupifalcomonogrammicus 0.7 0.2 20
Little Green Bull Andropadusvirens 0.7 0.2 20
Tit Hylia Pholidornisrushiae 0.7 0.2 20
Woodland King Fisher Halcyon senegalensis 0.7 0.2 20
Yellow Spotted Barbet Buccanodonduchaillui 0.7 0.2 20
Yellow Whiskered Greenbull Andropaduslatirostris 0.7 0.2 20
Broad Billed Roller Eurystomusglaucurus 1.4 0.4 20
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 1.4 0.4 20
Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyxcaprius 1.4 0.4 20
Olive Bellied Sunbird Cinnyrischloropygius 1.4 0.4 20
Pied Fly Catcher Ficedulahypoleuca 1.4 0.4 20
Senegal Coucal Centropussenegalensis 1.4 0.4 20
Tamborian Dove Turturtympanistria 1.4 0.4 20
Didric Cuckoo Chrysococcyxcaprius 1.4 0.4 40
Levaillant's Cuckoo Oxylophuslevaillantii 1.4 0.4 40
Little Green Bull Andropadusvirens 1.4 0.4 40
Red Rump Tinker Bird Pogoniulusatroflavus 1.4 0.4 40
Sharpe's Apalis Apalissharpii 1.4 0.4 40
Speckled Tinker Bird Pogoniuluschrysoconus 1.4 0.4 40
Spotted Fly Catcher Muscicapastriata 1.4 0.4 40
Superb Sunbird Cinnyris superbus 1.4 0.4 40
In the botanic reserve six (6) different species were The cultivated area has a higher average number of
found to be exclusive to the area. They include birds abundant as compared to the Botanic Reserve
Cypsiurusparvus(African Palm Swift), Corvusalbus (Figure 2). This could be due to the different diversities
(Africa Pied Crow), Ploceusnigricollis(Black Neck in plants, nuts, flowers, foliage and a myriad of insects
Weaver), Melaenopallidus (Pale Fly catcher), in the area, this can attract nectarous, insectivorous
Vidusmacroura (Pink Tail Whydah) and and frugivorous birds which aid in pollination and seed
Ploccuscuculatus (Village Weaver). Where as in the dispersal (Struhsaker, 1987).A daily influx of tourist is
Cultivated Area five different species including; speculated to influence the distribution of birds in the
Bubulcus ibis (Cattle Egret), Corvusalbus (African Pied garden; birds which can tolerate human intrusions
Crow), Streptopeliasemitorquata (Red eyed Dove), inhabit the cultivated area where visitors to the garden
Pogoniuluschrysoconus (Sparkled Tinker bird), and use. Birds which cannot tolerate human intrusions
Lamprotomissplenditus(Splendid Glossy Starling) were more comfortable in the Botanic reserve because
were found to be exclusive to the area. of the probable little human intrusion.
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