DSC - MidTerm Notes

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Development Support Communication:

Two major factors;


Development: it is the purposive change in a society to achieve improved state of

socio-economic conditions.

Change: change is inevitable in human civilization. Delta

DSC: it is communication in support of some development activities, program.

-type of communication
-to support development
-NGO, non for profit, govt, PE etc
It can be defined as specifically designed communication strategies which support a particular
development programme. DSC is to formulate and apply communication strategies specifically
designed for the target audience. Bring change at a grassroot level, with best communication

DC = one way, at macro level

DSC= two way, at micro-level (prepare for targeted audience). No change or development can
occur without preparing the target people, who need to be exposed to new ideas, innovations,
and things. No development scheme can be successful without informing target people.

-limited universe, targeted audience
- small canvas, area of focus
- aimed generally for specific community at micro level, face to face, involve them.
-time bound, and goal oriented
-utilizes cultural based means of communication
-interactive and participatory
-change is a slow process
-done via campaigns and activities
-limited variables that can be measured and controlled easily, hence better success .


Dominant Paradigm of Development:

-based on the idea of modernization (in 1960s)
-interpersonal system/communication + mass medium (twin pillars)
-top to down flow of communication
-this effects is called hypodermic needle, aka magic bullet theory
-media is a prime mover/teacher that transfers knowledge at large
-18th century industrialization, which is the main rout for development
-agriculture given less priority for development
-less developed countries advised: industries, tech, dams, manufacturing, steel mills,
hydroelectric dams
-Capital + technology are main tools of development
-development is linked with technology
-replaces traditional thinking
-no development is possible without economic growth
-QUANTIFICATION: As per Dominant Paradigm, development can be measured on per capita
income as index
-development cannot be measured by GDP, GNP, degree of industrialization
-Capitalist World model:considered capitalist oriented model. (Big Fish Model)
-Doest meet the socio-cultural and political needs of the less-developed nations.
-Unequal distribution: Dominant paradigm measures development on per capita income as the
main index.
-Stress on Economic development: Dominant paradigm stresses only on economic
development and gives less importance to social values.
-No link between economic development and living condition of the majority of population.
-Society and economic conditions are linked to each other.
-Top down communication: Flow of information from top to down. Development planner at the
top relay knowledge and information by technical assistance.
-This powerful vertical effect characterization is made through the concept of ‘Hyprodermic
needle’, whereas in this age of democracy people must be given opportunities to speak their

Factors for Successful DSC Campaign:

-Basic principle, DSC cannot bring change or development in isolation
-always consider existing socio-cultural and ideological behavior of target audience
-people in developing societies are diverse in their socio-cultural outlook, and level of
understanding of a message.


Introduction Definition: It is the systematic use of art and science of human communication to
persuade specific groups of people to change their habits of lifestyle or thought patterns.
Factors for Success DSC:
-participation, no isolation
-free flow of information
-training of DSC communicators
-no obligation, governmental interference that can ruin impact.

Change Strategies:
-Conceptualization and theoretical foundations for the change process
-practical application of paperwork to real world situations.
1. Purpose, why is it important
2. Existing traditions of the target people
3. Issues that may hinder the development
4. Communication strategy to be used
5. Message produced for target audience
6. Appeal to be used
7. Types of communication channels to be used
8. Financial aid
9. Ways and means used to get feedback.

Levels of Change: always take given community/society into consideration

Wide range of variations in communities i.e. size, population, composition, age, socio-cultural
characteristics, geographic settings etc.
I.e. change in physical structure, technology, social organization, norms, demographics, health,
education, agriculture etc. To our purpose, there are 3 levels of change,
1. Urbanization
2. Industrialization
3. Modernization
Page 27 onwards PDF book

Sources of Change:
1. Land: basic source of change, especially in an agricultural community
2. Work Force: human beings, their intentions, interests, abilities
3. Capital: availability, procurement, financial support,
4. Education: lead the community towards awareness of what to do, what to accept/reject,
5. Opinion Leaders
6. Communication Channels: selection, access
7. Professionals: communication experts responsible for change actions
8. Transportation Facilities: roads, railways, to reach target areas, change needs flow of
goods, ideas, mobility of human beings
9. Governments: structure, leadership, directions, planning, ability to execute projects.
10. Socio Cultural values, belief system
11. Change agent has to be considerate and smart
12. Free flow of information at all levels
13. Local radio, tv, newspaper as main tools of dissemination of information
14. Urban based content models.
15. Feedback and modification in contents of the program should be participatory
16. Proper training and motivation of DSC communicators
17. Role of opinion leaders
18. DSC communicators from within the community for a better participatory approach.



-Impersonal communication is the main tool of DSC, but it cannot be used/reached everywhere,
hence we use mass media.

-Print Media:
-oldest form
-printed words and pictures
-need to understand literacy and education level of the audience
-Wall news paper
-Blackboard news
-News Letter
-Folder, Leaflets, and Pamphlets,
-Audio-Visual Media;
-has no literacy barrier
-instructional tv
-projected visuals
-slides & film scripts
-over-head transparencies

-Static Media:
-exhibits and displays

-Emerging Methods:
-DSC experiments, i.e. video texts, broadcast teletext, slow scan tv, communication
satellites, intelligent telephones

It is the process directed to formulate assessment about the overall operations.
It is a quality control mechanism
IN DSC, it is a continuous and systematic process of assessing the value or potentials of the
development process

1. Prompted: sudden, helps make the decision
2. Based on certain criteria
3. Observations and collections of evidences
4. It involves judgment

Why we do evaluations:
1. PR functions:
2. Make data for other researchers, practitioners
3. Provides us with feedback

Types of Evaluation:
1. Informal: unsystematic, biased, misleading, evidences are implicit
2. Formal: based on rules and regulations, systematics, has two types
a. Formative: time to time evaluation during the developmental stage of the program
b. Summative: at the end of the program.

In the past it was summative, but now it is formal.

Steps of an evaluations:
1. Evaluation plan: what activities we will do, 5Ws and 1H
2. Reasons for evaluation: same as above
3. Audience of Evaluation: Change agents, Advisory council, sponsor, participants, general
4. Criteria for evaluating the program: set the criteria, why you did this, is it happening, is
the merit of program met
5. Evidence available for evaluation: information related to particular criteria, delta,

1. Input: meetings, visits,
2. Activities: learning, set up , etc
3. People involvement: % of target participation
4. Reaction: was it useful etc?
5. KASA change? Knowledge, attitude, skills, aspiration
6. Practice change: did they adopt the practices?
7. End Result? Was there a change in living standard, did we achieve the objectives
6. Designs for evaluation studies:
-field experiment
-match set design
Before after study
The survey
Case study

7. Conduct the evaluation;

-analyze data
Report findings
Application of the findings



-same common sense understanding of DSC, need for DSC, innovations, technology, IT,
internet services, CS, CH, communication infrastructure, mass media, AI etc. Technology is the
main source for the need of development, for it to be successful, hence driving it as well.


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