Dr.Florence Solved Examples

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Dirtane d: l0m
Reoeat Ar do lom, keping f: SaHa

d= l0m

Iw fre Spau, we hawe tue pat-lau modl au

(arht c)
t x prisona te Same in

For d- lOm, f=S GHz

10Lyfl- l6 bg[C4I.s. lo'. io)/3t

=67. 42 d Bm
86 424 ldBy

For d: l0 m, f S04Ha

101.10)'/cI +
[C4 . so,
10 loy Pl - lo lag
Exaple 2:

Py! Irami hai ted Puwer 10w l0d6 nw

Lt: Iranimtee feeder loii : 10d6

ari hain of broams i tbinq anute nna = |2dsl or l4•15 d6i

receiving cntenna
OdBd or 2l5 d Bi
Ge: hain of

Pe: Reaied power -lo4dbm or -l34 d&w

LR: Raeiver fedr los!

as Deernnt te cffecbive bio tropie radoaled power

= l0+(12+ 2:15)-10

- l445d&wy 26 Watt

patt loi!
b> Deternunt the maxù mum aclep bab le

= l0+ l441s t 2. 15 - (-134) -10-2

|448 dB
Exaee 3:
Pt = 20w P(d)- 10 log 20
At 6 dbi

L= 20d& Cigi tom lors)

20 m


d: 2oKm

Jtop 1:lonver dostone b

Step 2: Caldat
20lot.Cu) amd 20 leg,Cf
br d!
20log (a)- 20lus (20Gno)
20X 4, 301

86.02 d&

26 agCf)- 20lg,
20x O 0 14
reuived Power P
sub ib butt owr valces onbo Bue fnor eouala
Now we Cam

fr :43t 6+2- 2-86.02 - s& - 147.5s

Pr = 43 + 6+ 2 -2-86. 02-l 58- 147. Ss

- 44- 86.02- Se- 147. Ss

=-|6i5 dBm
refle ckrm
of qroumd
Hhe ab iene
Slep t;Recoi ved Sig nad poner
vgnal power Wold be
retle cbiuns,
of qroumd y mulkipatu
Iw He abiente lout witout Considaing
However, fr
Come Hhe
Cal ulaled the cbrns
losses fom reple
ter remaiw the Semme,
addibional Parame
labn tu Cnput Hae same monrer.
of Hacs Cal iw
be Calalated
would ssU
So the eceived Power

sqnal powor Temaine.

Concde Huat He eceived
wes, we Caw

Pra -186.15 dbm

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