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Teacher Comments - The Awakening and The World's Wife

Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation (10 marks)

To what extent does the student show knowledge and understanding of the works studied?
To what extent does the student employ their knowledge and understanding to highlight similarities
and differences in respect of the question asked?
5 out of 10: This is not a ‘superficial’ essay. Equally, the essay does not have the qualities
suggested by ‘sustained interpretation’. Thus, it is reasonably straightforward to determine that the
essay be awarded a mark of 5 or 6. On balance, 5 rather than 6 is probably more appropriate, as the
essay tends to the qualites of the lower rather than higher markband.

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation (10 marks)

To what extent does the student analyse and evaluate aspects of language and style to construct
To what extent does the student employ their analysis and evaluation to compare and contrast both
of the works studied?
3 out of 10: Like most essays submitted for assessment, the response does least well in criterion C.
It seems significant that the candidate writes about poetry, and yet there is little sense that poetry is
being discussed. In general, discussion of language, technique and style is at best implicit.

Criterion C: Focus and organisation (5 marks)

How effectively does the student structure and present their ideas?
How balanced and focused is the response?
3 out of 5: The essay has a very clear ‘macro structure’. Arguments are well signposted, and it may
be said that the essay has some of the qualities identified in band 4. However, the essay does not
really develop and arguments tend to be recycled.

Criterion D: Language (5 marks)

How clear, varied, and accurate is the student’s language?
To what extent is the student’s choice of register, style, and terminology appropriate?
3 out of 5: Here, the choice is between awarding the essay a 2 or 3. A mark of 2 seems a little
harsh. There are errors and inconsistencies, but meaning is generally maintained. In addition, the
register and style are mostly appropriate.

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