1-s2.0-S0021925819864499-main (1)
1-s2.0-S0021925819864499-main (1)
1-s2.0-S0021925819864499-main (1)
Vol. 254, No. 23, I.wue of December 10, pp. 1219%12203. 1979
Printed in U.S.A.
The cell-free synthesis of hyaluronic acid has been from cultured human fibroblasts. The present work reports
demonstrated in extracts of cultured human fibro- the development of a cell-free system to study the enzymic
blasts. Preparations from fibroblasts of normal individ- reactions involved in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. In the
uals as well as those from patients with Marfan syn- course of characterizing this system, a comparison was made
drome incorporate glucuronic acid and N-acetylgluco- of extracts derived from normal fibroblasts and from fibro-
samine from their UDP derivatives into hyaluronic blasts from patients with Marfan syndrome.
acid. Extracts from Marfan fibroblasts demonstrate 3
to 10 times more total and specific hyaluronic acid
synthetase activity than do preparations from normal
fibroblasts. All synthetic activity was found in partic- Materials-Dithiothreitol was obtained from Calbiochem; ATP,
ulate fractions with the bulk of activity localized in UDP-GlcNAc,’ and UDP-GlcUA from Sigma; UDP-[“H]GlcNAc
material sedimenting as large membrane fragments. (6.75 Ci/mmol), UDP-[“‘C]GlcUA (224 mCi/mmol), Scintisol, and
Aquasol from New England Nuclear; and Sepharose 4B from Phar-
Marfan and normal preparations exhibited similar macia. Umbilical cord hyaluronic acid was a gift of Dr. Martin B.
properties with respect to substrate, cofactor, pH re- Mathews (University of Chicago).
quirements, and heat stability. Neither the Marfan nor Streptococcal hyaluronidase was obtained as preparations of Var-
normal enzyme systems could be stimulated by exoge- idase (Lederle Laboratories) which have been shown to have this
nous acceptors, nor did either preparation contain a activity (16). Leech hyaluronidase was purchased from Biotrics Co.
soluble factor which stimulated or inhibited the en- Cell Culture-Fibroblasts were derived from skin biopsies of the
zymic activity of the other. The genetic defect in Marfan deltoid region of the upper arms of individuals. Marfan syndrome
syndrome appears to result in increased activity of fibroblasts were from patients exhibiting the full syndrome as de-
hyaluronic acid synthetase without demonstrable scribed previously (3). Normal skin fibroblasts were obtained from
biopsies of clinically normal patients of the same age. The fibroblasts
changes in properties of the particulate enzymes in-
were cultured in IOO-mm plastic culture dishes in a modified Eagle’s
volved. medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum and 10% calf serum
(GIBCO). The medium, used by Matalon et al. (2, 17) in previous
studies, was Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium with 100 mg/liter
of ascorbic acid, 4.2 g/liter of NaHC03, 100 pg/ml of streptomycin,
Marfan’s syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder of and 100 units/ml of penicillin G. Cultures were incubated at 37°C in
connective tissue characterized by skeletal, cardiovascular, a humidified atmosphere of 10% CO? in air.
and ocular abnormalities (1). Previous studies in this labora- Preparation and Assay of Enzymes-Preparative and assay pro-
tory (2, 3) have shown an accumulation of hyaluronic acid in cedures for the hyaluronic acid synthesizing system were adapted
fibroblast cultures from Marfan patients compared with those from methods reported by Hopwood et al. (16). Cell cultures were
grown to confluency (4 to 6 mg of cell protein/dish), washed with
from normal individuals. Since degradation of hyaluronic acid Hanks’ balanced salt solution, then scraped from the culture dish into
proceeds at the same rate in both normal and Marfan cultures, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.05, containing 0.24 M sucrose (Buffer A). Cells
a defect in the control of hyaluronic acid synthesis has been were disrupted using a Sonifier (Heat Systems) with a microtip at
suggested (3). It is not clear whether the alteration in hyalu- 100 watts output for 1 min. Sonicates were centrifuged at 600 X g for
ronic acid synthesis is the primary gene defect in Marfan’s 10 min at 4°C to remove large debris and unbroken cells. The resulting
syndrome, or is secondary to some other biochemical abnor- supernatant solution was centrifuged at 100,000 x g for 60 min at 4°C.
The 100,000 x g precipitate (designated as “membrane fraction”) was
mality. It was, therefore, of some interest to study the enzymic
resuspended in Buffer A and used as an enzyme source in most assays.
reactions in hyaluronic acid synthesis in order to search for Protein was measured by the method of Lowry et al. (18).
alterations in the synthetic system. To assay activity of the hyaluronic acid synthesizing system, incu-
Hyaluronic acid is the principal glycosaminoglycan synthe- bation mixtures contained 0.24 pmol of dithiothreitol, 0.50 pmol of
sized by human skin fibroblasts (4). It is thought to play a ATP, 2.4 pmol of NaHzP04 buffer, pH 6.7, 0.84 pmol of MgC12, 0.48
role in processes of cell aggregation and mobility (5-7). Al- nmol of UDP-[‘?]GlcUA, 10 nmol of UDP-GlcNAc, and the enzyme
suspension in a final volume of 60 ~1. Incubations were carried out at
though synthesis of this polysaccharide has been observed in 37°C.
cell-free systems derived from Group A streptococci (8-lo), Following incubation, samples were heated for 5 min at lOO’C!,
from hyalocytes (11)) and from virally transformed and other digested 15 to 18 h with 100 pg of Varidase in 50 ,ul of 0.01 M NaH2PO.J
established cell lines (12-15), there have been no reports of K2HP04 buffer, pH 6, containing 0.15 M NaCl. Digests were chroma-
cell-free synthesis of hyaluronic acid in preparations derived tographed on Whatman 3MM paper with ethanol:lM ammonium
acetate, pH 5 (65:35) for 16 h. The origin and the region corresponding
* This investigation was supported by National Institutes of Health to the unsaturated disaccharide produced by digestion of hyaluronic
Grants AM-05996, HD-09402 and HD-04583. The costs of publication acid by streptococcal hyaluronidase (Adi-HA) were cut out and radio-
of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. activity was measured by adding 1 ml of water and 10 ml of Aquasol
This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in
accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
$ Present address, Division of Human Genetics, Department of ’ The abbreviations used are: GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine;
Pediatrics, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY GlcUA, glucuronic acid; Adi-HA, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-0-(/3-n-
14222. gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-D-glucose.
Effect of cations on hyaluronic acid synthesis
Enzyme preparations were 100,000 x g precipitates. Assays for
synthesis of hyaluronic acid by incorporation of UDP-[‘“C]GlcUA
were carried out as described under “Experimental Procedures” with
the addition of the indicated salts at a concentration of 13.3 mM.
Specific activity
NOlTd Marfan
None 0 0
MgClz 2.7 10.5
MnCls 1.7 5.0
CaC12 1.2 3.2
FIG. 2. Characterization of hyaluronic acid produced by the mM
cell-free synthetic system. Enzyme incubations contained 10 times FIG. 4. Effect of ATP concentration on cell-free hyaluronic
the amounts of reactants indicated in Fig. 1 and were carried out for acid synthesis. Incubation mixtures were as described in the legend
2 h. The hyaluronic acid was isolated as indicated under “Experimen- to Fig. 1 with ATP at the indicated concentrations. Enzyme from
tal Procedures.” Sepharose 4B chromatography was carried out with normal cells (0- - -0) and enzyme from Marfan cells (O---+) are
0.1 M pyridinium acetate, pH 5.5, on columns (0.8 x 100 cm). A, indicated.
chromatography of product of incubation with enzyme from normal
fibroblasts; B, chromatography of incubation products of Marfan-
derived enzyme. The patterns for intact polysaccharide isolated as
described under “Methods,” (O-----O) and for polysaccharide after Effect of ATP on stability of UDP sugars
digestion (0- - -0) with leech hyaluronidase are indicated. The cell-free synthesis of hyaluronic acid was carried out using
either UDP-[‘%]GlcUA (84,500 cpm) or UDP-[“HlGlcNAc (375,000
cpm) in the presence of increasing concentrations of ATP. UDP-
[‘%]GlcUA and UDP-[3H]GlcNA c were localized by paper chroma-
tography as described under “Experimental Procedures.”
UDP-[“C]GlcUA re- UDP-[:‘H]GlcNAc
ATP added maining remaining
nmf %
0 48 3
4.2 61 5
8.3 72 82
16.7 76 79
41.7 86 77
=z 20-
free synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Incubation mixtures contained
particulate enzyme, UDP-GlcNAc, cofactors, and buffers as described
under “Experimental Procedures.” The concentration of UDP-
lOOk [‘%]GlcUA was varied as indicated. Values indicated are for enzyme
preparations from Marfan (O-----O) and normal (0- - -0) fibroblasts.
ing system in cultured fibroblasts, we have utilized the cell- Recently, Lamberg (20) has reported that fibroblasts from
free assay in an attempt to elucidate the basis for the increase patients with Marfan disease have an increased stimulation of
in hyaluronic acid synthesis in fibroblasts from Mar-fan pa- hyaluronic acid synthesis as a response to added hyaluronic
tients. In the cell-free assay described here, extracts derived acid. In addition to a change in glycosyltransferase properties,
from fibroblasts of Mar-fan patients synthesized at least 3 there are a number of other factors which could influence the
times more hyaluronic acid than did comparable preparations activity of the hyaluronate synthesis system. Since the defect
from control fibroblasts. This finding is consistent with pre- of Marfan disease is apparent in a cell-free system with added
vious reports from this laboratory showing that the accumu- nucleotide sugars, the excessive hyaluronic acid production is
lation of hyaluronic acid in Marfan fibroblast cultures is due unlikely to be due to changes in nucleotide sugar pools or
to excess synthesis (2,3) and with the finding that degradation precursor metabolites. Within the limits of assay in the system
of hyaluronic acid proceeds at the same rate in control and described here, normal and Marfan preparations failed to
Marfan cultures (3). We have found that fibroblast extracts show any significant differences in properties other than rate
from a large number of Mar-fan patients show a close corre- of synthesis. The nature of the genetic defect that results in
lation between the amount of hyaluronic acid in culture and the increase in hyaluronic acid synthesis remains unknown.
the level of hyaluronic acid synthetic activity.
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