Group 2 MORPHO
Group 2 MORPHO
Group 2 MORPHO
Members :
1. Definition of morphophonemics:
a. The form change of morpheme is based on the sounds surround it which relates to the
correlation between morphemes and phonemes. Parera ( 1982:42)
b. Morphophonemics refers the changes of phoneme as a result from themerging of one
morpheme and another, he also states that moephophonemic process is a process of
form changes in which phoneme and morpheme are involved. Ramlan (2001:83)
c. When we talk about morphophonemic process it will be related to the affixation
processes ,there is a term called morphonemic procesess. The term morphophonemic
procesess is derived two words, they are “morpheme and phoneme”. Fromkin
2. The change form of phoneme when we compare two morpheme or more which have same
affixation. Example : visited pronounced as /vIsItId/ -> /Id/ , laughed pronounced as /la:ft/-
>/t/ , roamed pronounced as /roUmd/->/d/
1.Loss of phoneme
One or more phonemes that are present in the normal allomorph may be missing in another
2.Addition of phoneme
One phoneme which is not present in the normal allomorph may be added to another
a.The phoneme /-n-/ is added to the normal form of {solemn} pronounced /solem/ in solemnize.
b.The phoneme /-g-/ is added to the normal form of {long} in {longer} and {longest}.
3.Consonant change
4.Assimilation: A phonemic change which takes place when two morphemes are combined
results in neighbouring phonemes becoming more like each other.
5.Dissimilation: The dissimilation takes place when two morphemes are combined results in
neighbouring phonemes becoming less like each other.
It is the substitution of another syllabic vowel or diphthong for the one which appears in the
normal allomorph.