The following is the statistical tool, that will be adopted in answering the
problems posed in this study:
This was determining and taking into consideration whether some data
values were important or not to other values. Data elements with a high
weight contributed more to understanding the research study. The scale of
statistical values used in this study are shown as follows:
1. Mean (Average)
2. Median
3. Mode
The mode is the value that appears most often in the data set. A data set
might have one mode, more than one mode, or no mode when all values are
4. Range
The range is how to calculate the difference between the highest and lowest
5. Variance
X is each valu
6. Standard Deviation
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance and provides
insight into data spread.
Percentiles split the data into 100 equal parts. Quartiles are particular
- Q1 (25th percentile)
- Q3 (75th percentile)
% = percent symbol
F = frequency of respondents
WX = Where:
The obtained weighted mean was interpreted using the following scales:
Verbal Interpretation
3.26 – 4.00
Strongly Agree
2.51 – 3.25
1.76 – 2.50
1.0 – 1.75
2.0 Strongly Disagree
Ethical Consideration
In this study, the researchers took into account a few ethical concerns. All of
the respondents’ private information will be kept private during this study.
They will feel more comfortable revealing certain information that may be
sensitive since their privacy will be protected. Many facets of society may
benefit from their involvement,
Informed Consent
Prior to answering the survey questions, the participants will be asked if they
are willing to participate in the study. The researcher will briefly discuss the
intent and objectives of the study entitled Determinants Influencing Job
Application of Alumni in City of Malabon University. Consequently, specific
requests will be made, and they will also be told how long the survey will
take. Also, the participants will be made aware that their participation is
completely voluntary.
In conducting this study, the author will thoroughly adhere to the Data
Privacy Act of 2012. The researchers will ensure the respondents that they
are not obliged to give their names and contact information. This study will
make sure that all gathered data will only be utilized for academic purposes
as it is the main objective of gathering it. Additionally, the researchers will
guarantee that participants get respect, empathy, and candor. Since these
are the prerequisites for building rapport between the interviewers and the
respondents, they shall be adhered to in order to ensure ethical research.