Part 2_WACC
Part 2_WACC
Part 2_WACC
Symbol Meaning
D Total debt
rD Cost of debt
E Equity
rF Risk-free rate
β CAPM Beta
Cost of Capital
D/(D+E) Debt proportion
E/(D+E) Equity proportion
WACC Cost of capital
● CAPM Beta
Question (3): Should management use an entity’s estimated weighted average cost of capital to determine whether to p
While the WACC is a useful tool for estimating the cost of capital and discounting cash flows, it is not a
one-size-fits-all solution. Management should carefully consider the specific characteristics of each
project and may need to adjust the discount rate to reflect the unique risks and financing arrangements
associated with the project.
Capital (WACC) Template
Description/Guidance Value
Use the observed bond yield or calculate the yield as (rF + interest rate spread
over 10-year treasury bond).
The average interest rate can be used as an approximation of the entity's
current expected cost of debt when the entity's debt is not publicly traded.
Average interest rate = Interest expense /[(Beginning Balance of Total debt +
Ending Balance of Total debt) /2) .
Market-Book Ratio is either: the Market / Book ratio for the entity if it is
publicly traded, or the average of the ratio for comparable publicly traded
entities if the entity is a not-for-profit entity. See Exhibit 5.
β is either: the β for the entity if it is publicly traded, or the average β for
comparable publicly traded entities if the entity is a not-for-profit entity. See
Exhibit 5. (For simplicity, take the arithmetic average and do not adjust for
differences in leverage between the entities.)
otal Debt / (Total Debt + Market Adjusted Equity)
agement use an entity’s estimated weighted average cost of capital to determine whether to proceed with every project?
CC is a useful tool for estimating the cost of capital and discounting cash flows, it is not a
ll solution. Management should carefully consider the specific characteristics of each
ay need to adjust the discount rate to reflect the unique risks and financing arrangements
h the project.
Tax Rate 37%
D Total debt 432648
rD Cost of debt 6.50%
E Equity 291236
rF Risk-free rate 4.50%
β CAPM Beta
MRP Market risk premium 5.00%
rE Cost of equity 9.50%
D/(D+E) Debt proportion 0.5977
E/(D+E) Equity proportion 0.4023
WACC Cost of capital 6.27%
every project?
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Template
Symbol Meaning
D Total debt
rD Cost of debt
E Equity
rF Risk-free rate
β CAPM Beta
Cost of Capital
D/(D+E) Debt proportion
E/(D+E) Equity proportion
WACC Cost of capital
● CAPM Beta
Question (3): Should management use an entity’s estimated weighted average cost of capital to determine whether to p
Same response as for DH.
Capital (WACC) Template
Description/Guidance Value
Use the observed bond yield or calculate the yield as (rF + interest rate spread
over 10-year treasury bond).
The average interest rate can be used as an approximation of the entity's
current expected cost of debt when the entity's debt is not publicly traded.
Average interest rate = Interest expense /[(Beginning Balance of Total debt +
Ending Balance of Total debt) /2) .
Market-Book Ratio is either: the Market / Book ratio for the entity if it is
publicly traded, or the average of the ratio for comparable publicly traded
entities if the entity is a not-for-profit entity. See Exhibit 5.
β is either: the β for the entity if it is publicly traded, or the average β for
comparable publicly traded entities if the entity is a not-for-profit entity. See
Exhibit 5. (For simplicity, take the arithmetic average and do not adjust for
differences in leverage between the entities.)
otal Debt / (Total Debt + Market Adjusted Equity)
agement use an entity’s estimated weighted average cost of capital to determine whether to proceed with every project?
e as for DH.
Tax Rate 37%
D Total debt 8871521
rD Cost of debt 7.50%
E Equity 2637849