DEV KUMAR-Male55 years-483476
DEV KUMAR-Male55 years-483476
DEV KUMAR-Male55 years-483476
Age/Gender : 55 years / Male Ref. Doctor : DENTAL COLLEGE RAIPUR
Sample Type : WB EDTA* Collected : 05/12/2024, 03:08 PM MEDID : 456770
Sample ID : 243378491 Received : 05/12/2024, 03:17 PM
Client Name : 2CGRPR017 Reported : 05/12/2024, 03:57 PM
Processed At: Medcis Pathlabs Raipur.Gudhiyari, Chhattisgarh, India This is an electronically authenticated report. Report Printed Date: 05/12/2024, 04:12 PM
NOTE: Assay results should be correlated clinically with other clinical findings and the total clinical status of the patient.
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