Multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) has increasingly been a topic of discussion within the learning analytics
community. The Society of Learning Analytics Research is home to the CrossMMLA Special Interest Group and
regularly hosts workshops on MMLA during the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI). In this paper, we
articulate a set of 12 commitments that we believe are critical for creating effective MMLA innovations. Moreover,
as MMLA grows in use, it is important to articulate a set of core commitments that can help guide both MMLA
researchers and the broader learning analytics community. The commitments that we describe are deeply rooted in
the origins of MMLA and also reflect the ways that MMLA has evolved over the past 10 years. We organize the 12
commitments in terms of (i) data collection, (ii) analysis and inference, and (iii) feedback and data dissemination and
argue why these commitments are important for conducting ethical, high-quality MMLA research. Furthermore, in
using the language of commitments, we emphasize opportunities for MMLA research to align with established
qualitative research methodologies and important concerns from critical studies.
Ethics, data collection, data mining, artificial intelligence, data dissemination, multimodal, sensor data
Submitted: 18/09/20 — Accepted: 25/05/21 — Published: 16/11/21
Corresponding author 1Email: [email protected] Address: Department of Computer Science, Northwestern University, 2233
Tech Drive, Mudd 3104, Evanston, IL, USA. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2982-0040
Email: [email protected] Address: Building H, Caulfield Campus, Monash University, 900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield
East, VIC 3145, Australia. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8375-1816
Email: [email protected] Address: College of Education, Education Building, University of Illinois, Champaign, 1310 S. Sixth St.,
Champaign, IL, USA. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6998-1052
1. Introduction
It has been nearly 10 years since the introduction of multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) as an organized discipline
(Scherer, Worsley, & Morency, 2012). What originated from an observed need for learning analytics to authentically reflect
the various ways that learners may demonstrate their knowledge has grown into a dedicated and influential special interest
group within the learning analytics community. As a sign of this growth, MMLA was the first special interest group within the
Society of Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) and has been influential in scores of research papers across several journals
and conferences (Sharma & Giannakos, 2020; Worsley, 2018). However, as a relatively new community, research under the
label of MMLA has, at times, seemed disparate, with projects that involve a variety of contexts, research populations, analytic
techniques, and purposes. The relatively inclusive nature of the discipline has made some important contributions to the
direction of this field. For instance, MMLA merged with the CrossLAK community (Martinez-Maldonado et al., 2016) to
ISSN 1929-7750 (online). The Journal of Learning Analytics works under a Creative Commons License, Attribution - NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
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realize the ways that the two approaches could support rich analyses of learning across various physical and digital learning
spaces. However, as MMLA becomes increasingly prevalent within the learning analytics and education research communities,
it is crucial to identify a set of core commitments that can serve to maintain the driving intent behind this approach.
Throughout this manuscript we are intentional about using the language of commitments rather than guiding principles,
best practices, or tenets. This choice in language is motivated by a deliberate goal of acknowledging the important contributions
of qualitative research methodologies and critical theory to the commitments that we describe. Additionally, we use this
language to invite conversations between MMLA and other research methodologies. For example, interaction analysis (Jordan
& Henderson, 1995), a core methodology within the learning sciences, follows a set of commitments that speak to the collection,
analysis, and dissemination of data. Some of these include commitments to (1) analyze data “in use,” “in action,” or “in
practice”; (2) capture data to allow close, repeated analysis and alternative interpretations; and (3) use analytic approaches that
account for temporality of events and interactions among participants, materials, and places (Hall & Stevens, 2015). These
commitments have become pillars that interaction analysis researchers use to reflect on the design, analysis, and dissemination
of their work. One proposition is that such a set of commitments would be a meaningful addition to the MMLA community.
We also note that the language of commitments is utilized within critical theory disciplines. For example, within the disability
community, Hamraie and Fritsch (2019) define four commitments that lay the foundation for bridging technology and
disability. As yet another example of commitments within academic research, Wise and Schwarz (2017) explain that the
“CSCL [computer-supported collaborative learning] community is self-consciously founded on a commitment to the value of
collaborative learning as an educational goal and focus of research, but also on a commitment to science as a means of shared
inquiry” (p. 433). Our use of the term commitments follows a similar vein. Namely, commitments provide a clear demarcation
of important stances for different disciplines.
The organization of this paper bears some similarity to Hall and Stevens’s (2015) paper, by laying out the commitments in
terms of a common data analysis pipeline. We begin with commitments that relate to data collection (Section 3). This
specifically considers the kind of data that are collected, the contexts from which they are collected, and the reasons for
collecting them. We then move into commitments concerning data analysis and inference (Section 4). These commitments
cover core ideas about how to work with multimodal data and ways to develop suitable inferences from those data. The final
set of commitments relates to feedback and dissemination (Section 5). Once the analyses have been completed, it is important
to consider how that information should be communicated to different stakeholders using various kinds of user interfaces.
Following our presentation of the commitments, we reiterate and synthesize some common threads that pervade MMLA
research (Section 6). We then discuss ways that the commitments reflect past, present, and future opportunities within MMLA
and suggest how the commitments might be utilized by researchers and educators (Section 7).
2. Commitments Overview
This manuscript draws on prior work within the MMLA research community and closely related disciplines to articulate a set
of core commitments that can ground future research in MMLA. Many of these core commitments have been mentioned in
talks and tutorials given by the authors. They also reflect conversations over the years at international workshops on MMLA
and CrossMMLA, where the authors served as organizers and participants. Finally, the commitments are implicit in many of
the publications that have surfaced during these first 10 years of MMLA research. To this point, the authors have collectively
reviewed hundreds of papers, published and unpublished, related to MMLA. This prior literature informs various dimensions
and tensions that are salient to MMLA though not necessarily present across the entire field. That said, we do not position this
paper as a traditional review of the field. Reviews tend to focus on the broad contributions of a given field and highlight
existing gaps. We refer to prior work in the discussion of each commitment, but the focus of this paper is on the substance of
the commitments, and not a quantification of MMLA contributions over the years.
Table 1 presents an overview of the commitments by category. We include a total of 12 commitments, which are roughly
equally distributed across data collection, data analysis and inference, and feedback and dissemination. We position the
commitments as reflective, prospective, and provocative. They are reflective in the sense that many of the commitments are
drawn from early work in MMLA (e.g., Blikstein, 2013; Worsley, 2012). At the same time, many of the commitments also
reflect the ways that the discipline has grown to a larger number of modalities (Vrzakova, Amon, Stewart, Duran, & D’Mello,
2020; Worsley & Blikstein, 2018), learning contexts (Di Mitri et al., 2020; Echeverria, Martinez-Maldonado, Power, Hayes,
& Buckingham Shum, 2018), and analytic approaches (Cukurova, Luckin, Millán, & Mavrikis, 2018; Di Mitri, Schneider,
Specht, & Drachsler, 2018). More broadly, the community has seen several important practical, technological, and theoretical
developments. Many of these developments are reflected in the articulation of the 12 commitments. The commitments are
prospective from the perspective that they are based on an imagined future for MMLA where the research has an increased
impact on scholarship research and student learning. Finally, the commitments are provocative in that we see them as an
important space for conversation and a space for growth within this subdiscipline.
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Table 1. MMLA commitments by category
Data Collection Analysis and Inference Feedback and Dissemination
Multimodality Multimodal data and human inference Transparency and benefit
Expansive learning experiences Limitations in prediction from multimodal data Multimodal feedback
Making learner’s complexity visible Participatory interpretation of multimodal data Meaningful, usable feedback
Learning across spaces Representation and multimodal data analysis
Multimodal data control
Students demonstrate and communicate knowledge, interests, and intent through a plurality of modalities.
“A key tenet of MMLA is the recognition that teaching and learning are enacted through multiple modalities. Even in
a traditional classroom, teachers engage in significant multimodal behaviors (voice inflections, gestures, etc.) in order
to emphasize and de-emphasize different ideas in a lecture. Similarly, students draw upon a host of modalities in order
to demonstrate their knowledge, and, more importantly, to gain in their understanding of a given subject area. In this
way, MMLA draws upon certain ideas from Constructionism (Papert, 1980), namely the importance of conceptualizing
and constructing using a broad set of modalities, and Embodied Cognition (Kirsh, 2011), the ability for embodied
experiences to spur cognition” (Worsley et al., 2016, p. 1346).
As described by Worsley and colleagues (2016), multimodality is central to the idea of MMLA. This, we presume, should be
obvious from the name. However, what may be less apparent is that this approach is used to recognize the plurality of
approaches that learners may use to demonstrate or experience learning. Nigay and Coutaz (1993) defined multimodality as
both (i) the various types of communication channels used to express ideas or convey information, including the ways in which
an action can be performed, and (ii) the various ways in which information can be interpreted to generate new meaning. In
other words, multimodality in the context of human-computer interaction (HCI) can involve both modelling the complexity of
human communication (Obrenovic & Starcevic, 2004) and supporting the automated generation of feedback that people can
receive in various ways (e.g., through haptic, audio, and visual mechanisms) (Freeman et al., 2017). It is thus fundamentally
about expanding the set of modalities that we might use to understand student learning, without narrowly assuming that one
modality (e.g., typing) should be a more acceptable form of knowledge demonstration than others (e.g., speaking, gesturing,
making, or enacting).
Worsley and Blikstein (2011b) make this point in their discussion of “markers of expertise.” Within their specific study,
these markers provide a way to more judiciously recognize the expertise that a novice is bringing in describing a solution to
an engineering design problem. Concretely, Worsley and Blikstein highlight the ways that a novice and an expert created
nearly identical solutions to the same engineering problem, albeit using starkly different representations of that idea.
Conventionally, the expert’s representations, which included more articulate and specific statements as well as systematic
tables, would be afforded greater recognition than the work of the novice, whose language was less precise and representations
less systematic. While the novice used non-conventional ways to demonstrate her knowledge, her ideas should still be
recognized as representing complex and sophisticated reasoning. Hence, multimodal data are used as a means to provide
evidence of the multiple ways learners express themselves and the multiple ways they learn.
3.2. Commitment 2: Expansive Learning Experiences
MMLA centres learning experiences that may be collaborative, hands on, and face to face, de-emphasizing the
computer screen as the primary form or object of interaction.
While multimodality plays an important role in MMLA, the current name overlooks a primary goal of MMLA of supporting
the field’s ability to support teaching and learning within open-ended, complex learning environments. To this point, the
incorporation of computational multimodal data analytics vastly pre-dates the naming of MMLA (Obrenovic & Starcevic,
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2004; Oviatt, DeAngeli, & Kuhn, 1997). For instance, part of the emergence of MMLA was facilitated through the existing
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, which includes researchers exploring novel ways to use multimodal
analytics and interfaces across a variety of contexts (see Scherer et al., 2012). Yet, a real point of distinction between MMLA
and prior work in educational data mining or artificial intelligence in education is the orientation away from computer screen–
mediated learning experiences. These open-ended, complex learning environments have been less studied by data-intensive
initiatives, partly because they impose more challenges in terms of data collection and data interpretation (Baker, 2019). Put
differently, MMLA advances experiences that ask researchers to think differently about both the form and the function of
computers. Instead of the computer being the central point of learner focus, the computer operates as a tool that supports the
learner as they interact with others and in the material world. To examine this further, consider the following quotation from
Worsley & Blikstein (2011a):
“[W]e have worked to develop Learning Analytics—a set of multi-modal sensory inputs that can be used to predict,
understand, and quantify student learning. Central to the efficacy of Learning Analytics is the belief that educators will
be able to more easily adhere to learning recommendations when they are given the proper tools; in this case, tools for
more accurately assessing student knowledge in open-ended learning tasks” (p. 1).
Within this first mention of MMLA, which served as the springboard for this research community, the use of multimodal
input was seen as an obvious part of what learning analytics should constitute. Instead, the real emphasis was on providing
“tools for more accurately assessing student knowledge in open-ended learning tasks.” Blikstein and Worsley (2016) made
this point more explicit:
“To date most of the work on learning analytics and educational data mining has been focused on online courses and
cognitive tutors, both of which provide a high degree of structure to the tasks, and are restricted to interactions that
occur in front of a computer screen. In this paper, we argue that multimodal learning analytics can offer new insights
into students’ learning trajectories in more complex and open-ended learning environments” (p. 222).
Again, the goal of MMLA is not to ignore or lament the power of computers. Much of the prior work on cognitive tutors
and digital games has made apparent the ability of computing to help us grow in our understanding and design of digital
learning. MMLA, however, aims to extend that computational power to learning experiences that are more expansive and
support learners, teachers, and other stakeholders as they work to master many of the skills needed to face increasingly complex
problems. Furthermore, this goal suggests that learning analytics research should creatively consider ways that the former
factors of computers have substantially changed in recent history.
Computers are no longer devices that just sit on a desk with large screens that students look at. Instead, we should also
realize the computing power of our mobile phones, microcomputers, smart watches, wearables, etc. Multimodal selfies
(Domínguez, Echeverría, Chiluiza, & Ochoa, 2015) are a prime example of bringing the tools of computation, in the form of
a microcomputer, to face-to-face learning experiences. These small devices are mobile and can be placed on a student’s desk
to capture digital pen, audio, and video data of individuals or small groups. Hence, the computer, while still present, is not the
focus of the learning experience. Several projects by MMLA researchers exemplify this point by conducting data-intensive
research on collaborative (Cukurova et al., 2018; D’Angelo et al., 2019; Schneider & Pea, 2014), open-ended (Schneider &
Blikstein, 2015; Worsley & Blikstein, 2018), and face-to-face (Donnelly et al., 2016; Echeverria, Martinez-Maldonado, &
Buckingham Shum, 2019) learning contexts. Through these analyses, researchers have drawn new insights into increasingly
complex learning environments. While not explicitly noted in the name MMLA, the support of open-ended, collaborative,
face-to-face learning experiences that de-emphasize the centrality of computers as the primary point of interaction is a core
commitment within the formulation of MMLA. That said, we also note that the current commitments can and should be applied
across research from a variety of learning settings.
3.3. Commitment 3: Making Learners’ Complexity Visible
MMLA helps make the invisible visible. This is in terms of invisible modalities and, more broadly, in terms of patterns
or practices that may exist within the data but may remain hard to see without computational aids.
Pervasive across many MMLA studies is the goal of surfacing aspects of learning that are hard to see. Existing work with eye-
tracking and electro-dermal activation is a hallmark of this commitment, in that they incorporate modalities that offer a level
of specificity not easily attained through human observation (Abrahamson, Shayan, Bakker, & Van Der Schaaf, 2016; Dindar,
Järvelä, & Haataja, 2020; Huang, Bryant, & Schneider, 2019; Jermann, Gergle, Bednarik, & Brennan, 2012; Sharma,
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Giannakos, & Dillenbourg, 2020). In the case of eye gaze, humans can broadly perceive where someone is looking, but
typically not at the level or frequency provided by eye-tracking technology. Electro-dermal activation and other physiological
sensors provide a window into the participant’s experience that is wholly unavailable without these sensors. At times this
requires specialized wearable sensors, while in other instances it can be achieved without individual instrumentation. For
example, Eulerian magnification video data can be analyzed to provide estimates of a participant’s heart rate (Wu et al., 2012).
All of these represent access to relatively raw data points. In other instances, the analytic tools of MMLA support the
identification, quantification, or qualification of higher-level patterns of engagement or behaviours that may only emerge when
observing large quantities of data, or across multiple participants. Many examples commonly used within the collaborative
problem-solving literature exemplify this point. For instance, constructs like turn-taking, turn management, body synchrony,
and convergent conceptual change require tracking nuanced constructs across multiple participants and multiple modalities
and at different time scales (Worsley & Ochoa, 2020).
MMLA aims to support researchers, practitioners, and learners as they attempt to make sense of these constructs, which
can otherwise feel invisible (Cukurova, Kent, & Luckin, 2019; Di Mitri et al., 2018). This inclination toward making the
invisible visible has important implications for expanding the researcher’s ability to properly contextualize the participant’s
experience and to draw deeper inferences about a given learning experience. However, because of the amount of aid provided
in drawing these inferences, and because they can otherwise seem invisible, justly interpreting these data is a significant
challenge. Importantly, a commitment to exploring the invisible must also coincide with an increased commitment to ethically
interpreting and using these data. Later we describe an associated commitment about including participants in the data
interpretation process to reduce the propensity for misinterpretation of these, and other, signals.
Another key part of this commitment is recognizing the ways that computational analysis, or using artificial intelligence,
on qualitatively annotated or computer-annotated data might surface hard-to-see patterns in a given data set. Prior research in
MMLA includes examples where scholars have applied machine learning to data that were manually coded (Smith et al., 2016;
Worsley & Blikstein, 2014, 2018) (see Di Mitri, Schneider, Klemke, Specht, and Drachsler (2019) for example data annotation
tools). Across different papers, the application of machine learning to manually coded data was intentionally undertaken
because of the ways that it could aid the researcher in unearthing hard-to-see patterns. This is an important element of MMLA
that is often overlooked and serves as a way to bridge valid data annotation and the affordances of computation. However,
because this part of the commitment is more closely tied to data analysis, it will be further expanded upon later.
3.4. Commitment 4: Learning across Spaces
Learning is practised and evidenced across spaces, and context influences manifestations and conceptualizations
of learning.
“Learning is a complex, mostly invisible process that happens across spaces, occurring in the physical world but also
increasingly in virtual worlds or web-based spaces. In order to explore what happens in such blended learning
experiences, there is a need for multiple data sources that bring evidence from these different spaces, including logs,
learning resources, or even physical sensors. The combination of different data sources often generates multimodal
datasets, with data representing different views of the same learning event” (Prieto et al., 2017, p. 1).
Learning ultimately happens where the student is, not in a particular digital or physical environment (Lave & Wenger, 1991;
Looi, Wong, & Milrad, 2015). Pervasive and mobile technologies are enabling students to access educational resources from
different physical spaces (e.g., ubiquitous/mobile learning support) and to enrich their learning experiences in the classroom
in ways that were not previously possible (e.g., face-to-face/blended learning support). These technologies are increasingly
embedded in everyday objects, enhancing their communication and data capture capabilities. As a result, new possibilities are
emerging for creating richer models that can capture the complexity of learners’ journeys in the increasingly hybrid learning
spaces (Delgado Kloos, Hernández Leo, & Asensio-Pérez, 2012; Muñoz-Cristóbal et al., 2017; Pérez-Sanagustin, Santos,
Hernández-Leo, & Blat, 2012). This was the initial aim of the initiative related to MMLA called Learning Analytics across
Spaces (CrossLAK), organized at the International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge in 2016 and 2017
(Martinez-Maldonado, Hernandez-Leo, Pardo, & Ogata, 2017; Martinez-Maldonado et al., 2016). This later merged with the
MMLA community and was re-launched as the CrossMMLA SoLAR Special Interest Group on Multimodal Learning
Analytics across Spaces.
This emphasizes the original intention of MMLA to focus on educational questions or problems to capture, model, and
analyze learning in non-traditional spaces. It embraces the complexity of learning phenomena as human activity that is
distributed across spaces, people, tools (both digital and physical), and time. Once the learning problem and educational
contexts have been identified, an MMLA initiative can focus on assessing the feasibility of using learning analytics and
modelling to tackle the research question at hand. These analytics may be simple (e.g., just focused on the analysis of one
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modality of interaction that is collected from several spaces or that is relevant to achieve personalization across several spaces)
or quite sophisticated (e.g., requiring the capture of traces such as eye gaze, posture, positioning, speech, and physiological
The ultimate purpose is to take advantage of emerging sensing and data-processing technologies to gain a deeper
understanding of learning, moving beyond the analysis of clickstreams and keystrokes in one context by also considering other
sources of evidence such as speech, handwriting, sketching, gestures, postures, affective states, or eye gazing, which could be
captured across educational contexts. By looking at educational experiences across spaces it can also be more natural to rely
on educational theory or the learning designs to explain findings and disentangle the intertwined features that can be obtained
by analyzing multiple streams of heterogeneous data.
It should, however, be noted that despite these goals of understanding student learning across contexts, it is important for
researchers to also recognize that the research conducted in laboratories is materially different from that in ecological settings.
While wanting to understand ecological settings, we have to be careful that we do not simply treat classrooms as extensions of
the laboratory. As the ecological nature of research studies increases, so too, does the burden of collecting data in ways that
are not overly invasive or overly exploratory. To this end, we are not advocating for mass deployment of multimodal sensors
to every classroom. Instead, we should use the insights from MMLA to improve practice and develop data collection tools that
provide the most benefit with the least amount of instrumentation. Put differently, even though we often affix an overwhelming
number of sensors to each student, this is not desirable. As previously noted, the justification for these modalities must clearly
align with the learning goals and research questions being explored. Moreover, as research moves into increasingly ecological
settings, there is also an increased responsibility to add value to the research participants, a commitment that we describe in
more detail later.
3.5. Commitment 5: Multimodal Data Control
Research participants control their data to preserve data privacy and ethics.
“While privacy guidelines for systems that expose student data exist, most focus on online systems in which the
exploration of the data is often detached from the physical spaces in which it was collected. But capturing multimodal
team data raises some acute concerns. For example, sensor data has a personal dimension to it not found in the more
abstracted data from clickstreams, such as physiology, posture, gaze, and movement” (Martinez-Maldonado,
Echeverria, Fernandez Nieto, & Buckingham Shum, 2020, p. 10).
The inclusion of multimodal data introduces heightened concerns about data privacy. Several codes of ethics have been
proposed to mitigate the potential risks of misusing student data (see recent review by Kitto & Knight, 2019), which can serve
as a basis to identify effective strategies for learners to control their data and ensure data privacy. Some specific design
recommendations have also been suggested to address data ownership and access (Corrin et al., 2019; Drachsler & Greller,
2016; Ifenthaler & Schumacher, 2019). However, little work has explored how these issues intertwine with each other in the
context of MMLA. The risks of pervasive surveillance in deploying sensors in classrooms or in asking teachers and students
to use wearable devices are evident. In online learning systems, it may be easier for students to understand that all the actions
they perform in the system can be monitored for the purpose of supporting their learning. For them, this translates into
consenting to the recording of the clicks and keystrokes they perform in a particular digital environment or device. Yet
capturing data using physical sensors and tracking devices can be a different story. For example, data from many inconspicuous
sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and barometers, can be used to make unexpected inferences, such as detecting
daily life activities or personal habits, unrelated to learning tasks (Kröger, 2019). Respecting the privacy of participants is a
crucial consideration.
The ubiquitous computing field has emphasized the critical importance of data protection and fair information practices to
deal with sensor data (Camp & Connelly, 2008). This includes challenges considering how insights from sensor data are
inferred and communicated; who gains access to the data, in which form and for what purpose; and how people can
communicate their privacy and data-disclosure preferences. These are concerns that students have reported as critical in various
learning analytics systems (Tsai, Whitelock-Wainwright, & Gašević, 2020). But sensor data in particular have a personal
dimension not found in clickstream data. For example, posture, gaze, and gesture data relate to bodily interaction of students.
Physiological and electroencephalography data, which have been increasingly captured in some MMLA projects (Worsley,
2018), can be strongly related to emotional and cognitive states unrelated to the learning task at hand. Additionally, many of
these data would otherwise remain largely invisible to educators, or even students themselves. MMLA data can also have a
strong social component in collaborative learning scenarios, particularly if MMLA interfaces are intended to be used for team
reflection (e.g., Echeverria et al., 2019), revealing individuals’ information at least to other team members. To address these
potential issues, Ochoa (2017) argues that “even if highly personal information is captured, privacy concerns are defused if the
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decision of what and when to share it remains in the control of the learner.” Yet, the critical question is how can this be achieved
in practice?
Two recent MMLA systematic reviews have revealed the urgent need to carefully consider the potential privacy issues of
MMLA. The first review, conducted by Crescenzi‐Lanna (2020) in the context of MMLA studies with children, contrasted the
special ethical considerations for working with children (in terms of potential surveillance issues and parental involvement)
with the potential value of multimodal data to enrich children’s learning. A second, more general, MMLA review (Sharma &
Giannakos, 2020) pointed at the vacuum of ethics and privacy-related studies and warned against the use of several off-the-
shelf sensors that entail privacy issues that can become further threats to adoption. To the best of our knowledge, only one
MMLA-related paper has explicitly addressed a privacy issue related to students’ consent. Beardsley, Martínez Moreno,
Vujovic, Santos, and Hernández‐Leo (2020) recently presented a test to measure learners’ understanding of informed consent
forms for MMLA research. It is becoming evident that protocols for ensuring transparency and communication will be key to
increasing MMLA adoption.
The added privacy challenges that working with multimodal sensors may entail should not be used as arguments to diminish
the potential that MMLA can bring to education. Instead, these challenges should drive discussion within the community of
research and practice about the ethical issues that need to be addressed when working with sensor data and learning analytics.
In sum, ethics and privacy integrity in MMLA research must comply with the same basic benchmarks as with any learning
analytics project in terms of purpose, access, and anonymity (Tsai et al., 2020). But for pervasive data collection, we still need
to create mechanisms to ensure data ownership and control over the sensors, devices, and systems collecting and processing
the data. Horizontal practices to design for data-intensive innovation in intelligent physical spaces (e.g., see participatory
surveillance by Albrechtslund and Ryberg (2011)) can certainly provide channels for including students’ and teachers’ voices
in the design of such mechanisms. Yet, this is an area that has scarcely been explored (Oviatt, 2018).
MMLA research includes thorough, consistent, and transparent decision making with regard to data modelling
options (e.g., data normalization, multimodal data fusion, and unit of analysis), because these choices greatly
influence interpretations of data.
The data analysis process can include what might seem like an overwhelming number of decisions. Consistent with work
within the broader learning analytics and education research communities, researchers must attend to questions about the
appropriate unit of analysis (Häkkinen, 2013; Lehman, D’Mello, & Strain, 2011; Martinez-Maldonado, Kay, Buckingham
Shum, & Yacef, 2019) and an appropriate time scale (Anderson, 2002; Richey, D’Angelo, Alozie, Bratt, & Shriberg, 2016).
For example, work in the context of collaboration analytics states that “Varying the unit of analysis (e.g. individuals, groups,
cohorts, devices, artifacts/objects) widens the possible insights that can be gained from the […] analytics” (Martinez-
Maldonado et al, 2019). Somewhat more specialized to the area of MMLA, however, are concerns with data normalization
and multimodal fusion. For the case of data normalization, this is a step that is common across learning analytics research.
However, the practice of normalizing multimodal data may require greater awareness of the underlying science about how the
multimodal technology or modelling algorithms work. Within the MMLA community, this normalization process has
frequently been applied with audio (Bassiou et al., 2016), electro-dermal activation (Dindar et al., 2020; Worsley & Blikstein,
2018), and facial expression (Grafsgaard et al., 2014; Worsley, Scherer, Morency, & Blikstein, 2015) analysis, as well as
gesture classification (Schneider & Blikstein, 2015; Worsley & Blikstein, 2013). Given the extensive research on bias in facial
expression and face recognition analysis (Xu, White, Kalkan, & Gunes, 2020), based on race, gender, and ethnicity, for
example, there is an unmistakable need to effectively normalize the data and account for individual and group differences.
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Hence, part of this commitment is about ensuring that the multimodal data modelling techniques being used are attentive to
these biases and properly reflect the uniqueness of each modality.
Additionally, the modalities used are seldom analyzed individually. Instead, one of the driving opportunities with
multimodal data is the ability to model different phenomena using a combination of modalities, as well as the opportunity to
deconstruct a single modality into a divergent set of features (e.g., extracting pitch, voice intensity, emotional tone, timbre, and
creak from the same audio sample). In early MMLA research, the common paradigm was to conduct feature extraction across
several modalities and then fuse the output of those features within a machine learning classifier to predict the accuracy of a
given model (Ochoa et al., 2013; Worsley & Blikstein, 2011b, 2011a). This type of analysis takes a fairly high level approach,
in contrast to lower-level data fusion approaches where multimodal data are combined before passing the data through a
classifier (see Lahat, Adali, & Jutten (2015) for a more detailed discussion of multimodal fusion approaches). These approaches
operate at different ends of a spectrum (or a multidimensional space). Similarly, unique research questions of interest can be
addressed by each approach. Regardless of the eventual modelling decisions, these choices should be clearly articulated and
justified based on the research questions and context for a given project. Supporting this level of transparency is important
from scientific and ethical perspectives and also serves to advance the education of future MMLA researchers.
4.2. Commitment 7: Multimodal Data and Human Inference
Computationally derived features often require human inference, knowledge of the algorithms used, and deep
awareness of the context.
One of the allures of computational analysis is the ease with which it can generate labelled data. For example, within the
previous commitment, we mentioned the ability to generate text from speech data, recognize gestures, and measure electro-
dermal activation and facial expression. All of these processes are facilitated through advancements in artificial intelligence
and signal processing. It is important to recognize, however, that these features should not be confused as absolutes, nor should
they be equated to learning constructs. The features may be a proxy for a given learning construct but will often require human
inference and knowledge of the context to be properly interpreted. Their interpretation may also require knowledge of the
algorithm and an appreciation of the participant epistemology. Additionally, there is uncertainty within our measurement of
all modalities. To provide a couple of concrete examples, consider using speech recognition as a proxy for student knowledge
or expertise (e.g., Chandrasegaran, Bryan, Shidara, Chuang, & Ma, 2019). On one level, we may think that we hear a student
say certain words, when, in fact, they said something different. This is to say that there may be uncertainty in what they
articulated. With speech, this tends to be less of a concern when listening to our native languages, but it can often be the case
when listening to languages that we are less familiar with. This is to say that human language processing is a complex
endeavour that can be fallible for both humans and machines. On another level, a student saying a given collection of words
does not mean that they understand that concept or idea. In the simplest sense, they could be repeating a comment or idea that
someone else generated, or they could be posing a question. Hence, additional contextual information is essential for
interpreting the features that may emerge from a given analysis. Moving to a somewhat more provocative example, a researcher
may be interested in studying student emotions from electro-dermal activation or facial expression analysis software (e.g.,
Noroozi et al., 2019). The data from these two devices can help surface underlying changes in student physiology, but it would
be inaccurate to say that a facial expression of confusion or frustration is identical to the student feeling frustrated or confused.
The data might suggest that they are expressing confusion or frustration, but these features should be acknowledged as
imprecise and interpreted measures.
4.3. Commitment 8: Limitations in Prediction from Multimodal Data
Learners are not defined by the behaviours that they exhibit within a given context. Any “predicted” label or
dependent variable used within an algorithm or generated by data analysis reflects an interpretation of what a
participant did, not who they are.
This commitment concerns how we use predicted labels or data about participants. Many of the algorithms used within MMLA
can predict labels. These labels might be associated with a facial expression, how much someone talks, or pre- and post-test
learning gains. While labelling is often a natural tendency, these labels reflect an interpretation of an analysis from a given
context, or maybe even multiple contexts. Even so, researchers should be careful not to define a participant by an interpretation
of their actions or performance in that context. The following example will highlight some important considerations about this.
It is not uncommon for studies to conduct a median split of the research participants based on their pre- and post-test
learning gains. This is a reasonable approach for trying to differentiate between participants along the dimension of learning
gains, for example. Furthermore, having established a performance difference between the two groups, researchers can begin
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to interrogate how the patterns of engagement differed between the groups, with an understanding that some students performed
better than others on the activity. This difference in performance, however, should not result in one group being labelled as
low achievers and the other as high achievers. Assigning these static labels fails to represent the contextual and interpretative
nature of the data and observations. With MMLA we prefer to use language along the lines of “students who scored lower”
and “students who scored higher.” The difference between this suggested language and that of “low/high achiever” is subtle
but important. A similar discussion easily translates across the different modalities that appear within MMLA research. A
student who may frequently have been interpreted as having an angry facial expression should not be labelled as the “angry
student” because, again, all of these are interpretations, and we, as researchers, are in no position to project identities onto
research participants. We must also be careful about viewing learners in this light.
4.4. Commitment 9: Participatory Interpretation of Multimodal Data
MMLA research gives participants the opportunity to contribute to the researcher’s understanding of the data and
can be an important way to provide transparency and improve the validity of claims that may emerge from an
MMLA incorporates several emerging low-cost sensors and computational techniques. In analyzing these different modalities,
researchers may often face challenges in tractably and accurately interpreting the different data streams. Some MMLA works
have addressed this challenge by reducing or oversimplifying the complexity of the learning phenomena by slicing the activity,
that is, only looking at certain aspects of the task, such as speech (Mohan, Sun, Lederman, Full, & Pentland, 2018) or gaze
(Schneider & Pea, 2013), to find correlations with some higher-order indicator, such as learning gain or collaboration. Others
have taken a more holistic approach and let theory drive the analytics. This pathway has been encouraged by Worsley and
Blikstein (2018), who propose epistemic framing to typify certain high-level activity (e.g., a person is discussing) based on a
combination of low-level behaviours that can be detected via sensors (e.g., prolific gestures, an upright posture, gaze at peers,
and animated talk and facial expressions). Both approaches can support insightful findings but would have potentially benefited
from engaging research participants in the interpretation of the data.
Inclusion of research participants can take on various forms. One way to achieve this is to give educational stakeholders
(i.e., teachers and students) the opportunity to share their expert knowledge and contribute to the researcher’s understanding
of how to map from multimodal data to indicators of salient aspects of the learning activity. For example, Echeverria (2020)
proposes a co-design approach, in the form of a template to be used by a researcher, to conduct interviews with teachers to
identify the indicators that could be extracted from sensor data that could point at critical elements of their learning designs or
the pedagogical approaches they follow. In her work she identified what evidence could be collected from indoor positioning
trackers, system logs, and physiological wristbands to identify errors and stress levels of nursing students during face-to-face
team simulations. Another approach involves presenting research data or findings to participants as a vehicle for reflections
and annotation. For instance, researchers can use video playback of actions alongside participant facial expressions to help
seed discussions about what they were feeling and thinking during different parts of a given learning experience.
In sum, because MMLA aims at embracing the complexity of learning, the analysis and inference of multimodal data can
easily become a complex and challenging task. Identifying the complex interconnections between multiple sources of data is
a key meaning-making challenge for the MMLA community. We suggest that enabling communication between researchers
and participants can partly address the burden of interpretation of such relationships while providing transparency to the
multimodal meaning-making process and validity to the kinds of claims that can emerge from the analysis.
MMLA research provides transparency and meaningful benefits to the participants as quickly as possible.
In the data collection section, we mentioned the need for MMLA to provide increasing benefits as the work moves more into
ecological settings. Concretely, this commitment is about moving beyond the perspective that it is sufficient to simply avoid
ISSN 1929-7750 (online). The Journal of Learning Analytics works under a Creative Commons License, Attribution - NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
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doing harm. Instead, this commitment is about actively supporting teaching and learning by providing users access to the data,
in useful representations, and using multimodal input to allow for more naturalistic interactions. In the case of the former,
MMLA research should work to surface reliable data to participants in as close to real time as possible. Existing work on
collaborative gaze awareness (Schneider & Pea, 2015) and group discussion analysis (Anderson et al., 2019) is a prime example
of tools that provide real-time multimodal data to participants. Importantly, within each of these two examples, the platforms
do not suggest what should be considered positive or negative multimodal behaviours. Instead, the tools leave that inference
to the individuals or group to consider since there can frequently be contextual or situational factors that inform how to interpret
this data. Hence, the expectation should not be that the platform provides researcher-level inferences, but it should make as
much descriptive data available to participants as possible. Moreover, tools like Discussion Capture (Anderson et al., 2019)
involve many intermediate features about group collaboration that can be informative to the participants. For example, real-
time transcripts, while at times inaccurate, can be a resource that participants use to review or revisit elements of their prior
conversation. Visual attention is another example of a modality that can easily be beneficial to groups collaborating with one
another. If collaborators’ gaze points are displayed, participants can more easily converge on key ideas or topics (Schneider &
Pea, 2015). This is in contrast to simply using the eye gaze data to study learner behaviour from a research perspective. MMLA
researchers should be intentional about considering which data streams can be beneficial to participants and put forth effort to
design for participant needs alongside researcher needs. At the same time, the data must be presented in ways that acknowledge
the uncertainty of the analyses. This is an essential part of maintaining transparency.
The examples of real-time transcription and eye tracking also elevate a second dimension for providing value to
participants. Namely, participants can use these modalities as alternative input streams. Instead of engaging with an interface
using text, users might use eye gaze or speech. This aligns with Commitment 1 on the multimodality of learning and also helps
support the accessibility of different computer-supported learning environments.
5.2. Commitment 11: Multimodal Feedback
One of the early commitments that we mentioned highlighted the crucial role that multimodality brings to teaching and
learning. Incorporating multiple modalities for demonstrating or experiencing knowledge was the overarching idea for that
commitment. It is not surprising, then, that this same principle should carry over into how feedback or multimodal data should
be shared with researchers and participants. Development of multimodal feedback has been prevalent within the HCI
community (Ciordas-Hertel, 2020; Freeman et al., 2017; Limbu, Jarodzka, Klemke, & Specht, 2019) but has scarcely been
explored within the MMLA community (Worsley & Ochoa, 2020). Instead, there has been a tendency to forget about
multimodality as soon as the data have been collected and analyzed, resorting to traditional charts and figures in a dynamic
dashboard in order to display data. This limits the ability of researchers, practitioners, and learners to effectively make sense
of the data in meaningful ways. As an extreme example of what might be possible, consider a feedback, or data, representation
of gestures that actually moves one’s arm based on the user data. While seemingly far-fetched, current capabilities in HCI
make this a possibility (Lopes & Baudisch, 2017). As a somewhat less extreme example, consider the opportunity to provide
real-time feedback to students during a group collaboration session using vibrations on a phone or smartwatch (e.g., Ciordas-
Hertel, 2020). Instead of highlighting student over-participation or distracting behaviour in a shared group display, the student
might receive an individual notification in the form of a vibration or text-based notification. Prior work has considered some
of these ideas within the HCI research community, but these approaches need to be more heavily examined within the MMLA
community. Simply put, the incorporation of multimodal feedback not only reflects a recognition that multimodality is central
to teaching and learning, but it also provides an additional set of dimensions that MMLA researchers can use to positively and
creatively influence the learning environment.
5.3. Commitment 12: Meaningful, Usable Feedback
End-user MMLA interfaces deliver meaningful educational information that non–data savvy users can understand.
The community is due to deliver MMLA end-user interfaces. The latest MMLA systematic review (Sharma & Giannakos,
2020) confirms the dearth of interfaces that teachers or students can actually utilize, with a few exceptions. For example, Ochoa
and colleagues (2018) proposed the Multimodal Transcript, which is a prototype that visualizes included logged actions, verbal
participation, gaze direction, and emotional traits from groups of students working at an interactive tabletop in an experimental
setting. Echeverria and colleagues (2019) designed four visualizations aimed at serving as proxies, each related to one modality
(speech, arousal, positioning, and logged actions) of team activity. But these proxies were not fused into a single interface to
facilitate reflection. Martinez-Maldonado and colleagues (2020) presented a multimodal layered approach to extract and
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visualize data stories from multimodal data (positioning, physiological, and log data) to make it easier for teams of students to
reflect on data captured while they collaborated in one face-to-face training session. A similar approach was followed by
Ochoa and Dominguez (2020) by automatically capturing speech and pose data to automatically provide feedback to students
giving oral presentations. Preliminary work by Vujovic and Hernández-Leo (2019) evaluated prototypes of MMLA interfaces
to investigate how to compress electrodermal activity and noise data during meetings, but this was for interpretation by learning
scientists. Anderson and colleagues (2019) describe another platform designed to directly provide collaboration analytics
information to students and teachers. The platform includes many opportunities to drill down into specific moments in a
conversation and opportunities for teachers and students to reflect on their collaboration contributions retrospectively. Another
tool, the CPR Trainer (Di Mitri et al., 2020), consists of a multimodal data collection and feedback system that supports proper
administration of CPR. The platform is an informative example of ways to provide users with relevant and actionable insights
that can be extremely important to society.
A potential explanation for this dearth of MMLA end-user interfaces is that MMLA tools can very easily generate complex
interfaces. Integrating data streams from multiple modalities can result in rather complex, hard-to-interpret interfaces (Ceneda
et al., 2016). In MMLA that targets collaborative learning situations, this complexity is further multiplied by the number of
students and educators involved in the activity and the interactions between them. It is thus imperative to deconstruct the data
representations in meaningful ways that align with the needs of users. This means recognizing the particularities of the learning
activity, the pedagogical intentions of the educator, and the needs that users without formal data analysis training have for
interpreting data representations. Buckingham Shum, Ferguson, and Martinez-Maldonado (2019) suggest that instead of
training teachers and students to use complex dashboards that require a high level of digital literacy, “it is more sensible to
change the tools to suit their users, rather than changing the users to suit the tools” (p. 5). This of course requires a paradigm
shift from imposing research prototypes and products entirely created by designers or researchers to embracing human-centred
design approaches for teachers and students to become active agents in the design of the MMLA interfaces they use.
6. Discussion
Prior research in MMLA consists of considerable diversity in methodologies, research contexts, and analytic approaches. We
envision that much of this diversity will continue throughout the upcoming decade but maintain that articulating some core
commitments is an important part of growing the field. Thus far, this paper has focused on a seemingly broad set of ideas. In
the subsections to follow, we more concretely outline a few of the potential challenges and opportunities that future MMLA
research might address, specifically motivated by contemporary concerns with ethics and data privacy.
6.1. Better Interfaces and Support for Participants to Control Data Collection across Contexts
The elevation of privacy concerns has been a central area of discussion among MMLA researchers. As noted across a number
of commitments, MMLA research should move toward giving participants more control over the multimodal data that are
collected about them. This, however, will require the development of new tools and more sophisticated methodological
approaches. First, on the topic of technological developments, many of the current technological tools for data collection are
oriented toward instrumentation of entire learning environments and very seldom allow individuals to easily control data
collection. Similar to the challenge of obtaining consent for entire classrooms, we need better tools for respecting these privacy
concerns either in real time or post hoc. This technological challenge, however, will be much easier to address than the
methodological challenge that this commitment presents. Considerable research and data mining innovation have been based
on the assumption that the data being collected are voluminous and sampled without bias. If participants determine which data
should be shared with researchers, these assumptions are no longer met. Because of this, many of the existing analytic
techniques may need to be reconsidered or entirely abandoned. For example, it is difficult to compare two populations of users
when you only have short, self-selected snippets of data from each group. To this end, adhering to a commitment about data
privacy could mean re-examining the types of research questions that we study. For example, instead of looking at how a given
learning intervention differentially impacted two groups of students, we might ask about the differences in the learning
moments that students found to be worth sharing with peers and researchers.
As a complementary point about data collection across contexts, there is a need to develop tools that are more mobile and
require less calibration and explicit normalization. Eye tracking and electro-dermal activation are two examples of technology
that has become increasingly mobile in recent years but that can still be cumbersome to use effectively in authentic settings.
Calibration, by having participants complete a few standardized tasks, is still a requirement in most cases. Additionally, few
data collection devices support both rich multimodality and mobility.
6.2. In Expanding to Ecological Settings, Less Is More
In thinking about conducting research across contexts and at larger scales, MMLA researchers should be aware that less
instrumentation and the avoidance of rigid predictions will provide greater mileage in terms of growing MMLA research. As
we have noted in multiple places, research conducted in ecological settings is not the same as research conducted in laboratory
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settings. MMLA began with a spirit of exploration in supporting expansive learning. However, the manner of scaling should
not involve the same intent toward extensive exploration. We must avoid the dystopian futures that involve entire schools and
classrooms persistently under the watchful eye of technology and multimodal sensors. Selectively employing these strategies
to help inform learning theory could be within reason but must still be subject to considerable input from teachers and learners.
Moreover, it requires a high level of intentionality and explicit discussions of questions of student and teacher data privacy.
As a complementary line of inquiry, MMLA research should look at a more extensive set of features that might be derived
from commonly utilized data sources like audio and video. Using simpler modalities may decrease the cost and size of different
systems. Furthermore, the more MMLA research can employ these more traditional data collection paradigms, the greater
traction it will gather. For example, MMLA can certainly be applied to online, or remote, learning that is facilitated through
multi-person video conference platforms. Although this speaks to part of the allure of clickstream data, it tends to be fairly
innocuous to collect, but also provides reasonable signals for certain research questions. Hence, one approach with MMLA is
to determine the level of support that multimodal data can provide given the practical constraints of schooling, minimizing the
number of sensors being utilized (Lang, Woo, & Sinclair, 2020).
6.3. Interfaces That Privilege the Participant alongside the Researcher
Broadly speaking, researchers, practitioners, and learners are often interested in many of the same constructs and ideas.
Researchers are typically able to devote more time to data analysis and are trained to analyze and interpret data that are quite
complex and nuanced. Practitioners and learners tend to have less time to study data. Building on the alignment between
researchers and practitioners, researchers should not overlook the opportunity for their work to also privilege the needs of
learners and practitioners. This is with regard to developing interfaces and data representations that are pertinent and useful in
practice. To this point, by thinking about different interfaces and data representations from the perspective of learners and
practitioners, researchers will grow their ability to derive meaningful implications from their data. Furthermore, these
representations might serve as important tools for onboarding new MMLA researchers into this community. At the same time,
there is an opportunity for the multimodal interfaces to promote new forms of interactions. Doing so, however, means centring
the needs of practitioners alongside those of researchers. Importantly, we suggest that taking this approach will grow the impact
of MMLA and also result in a more robust and sustained research community.
7. Conclusion
We are encouraged by the broad set of researchers that are embracing the power of multimodality as an important lens for
studying and supporting student learning. Ten years ago, this was uncharted space within the education research community.
However, with the variety of research that has emerged in MMLA, the field has made significant and important advances. As
we continue to advance this work, it is essential for the field to have a set of guiding commitments to ensure that MMLA is
being used in ways that are ethical and meaningful. In putting forth these commitments, we do not envision that any existing
MMLA research projects will be able to fulfill them all. Nor do we anticipate that future projects will be able to exemplify all
of the commitments. Nonetheless, researchers should carefully consider these different commitments as they begin a given
MMLA project, periodically reviewing them throughout the project timeline. Moreover, the research community should
collectively work to develop solutions to the methodological, technical, and practical challenges presented by these
commitments. The first 10 years of MMLA research has provided a strong complement to many of the existing practices and
analytic techniques used in educational data mining and learning analytics. The commitments included in this paper are aimed
to further push the MMLA community and subsequently translate into better research across learning analytics, educational
data mining, and education research more broadly.
This material is based upon work supported by the US National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1832234. Any opinions,
findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation. Roberto Martinez-Maldonado’s research is partially funded by the Jacobs
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