132016 Asian Journal
132016 Asian Journal
132016 Asian Journal
7 273
2 authors, including:
A. R. Tapre
A.D.Patel Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by A. R. Tapre on 14 September 2022.
Table 2: Effect of pre-heating of banana pulp for different times (At 900C) in preventing browning in clarified banana juice
Heating Browning index (A at 420 nm)
Time Initial Value Time intervals (h)
(minute) 2 4 6 24
0 0.429e 0.443d 0.468c 0.491b 0.591a
2 0.232e 0.241d 0.256c 0.272b 0.290a
4 0.132e 0.142d 0.157c 0.167b 0.199a
6 0.071c 0.072c 0.073c 0.077b 0.081a
8 0.031c 0.032c 0.032c 0.036b 0.041a
10 0.009d 0.011cd 0.011c 0.013b 0.017a
In each row, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p0.05)
Table 3: Quality characteristics of clarified banana juices obtained from pretreated banana pulp
Parameters Pretreatment to Pulp
Control Ascorbic acid(1000 ppm) Heating (900C /6 minute)
Yield of juice (%) 75.3±1.04a 74.2±0.32a 68.0±0.6 b
Clarity (%T at 660nm) 94.2±0.2a 92.26±0.46b 88.26±0.70c
Titratable Acidity (as % malic acid) 0.51±0.01b 0.55±0.01a 0.52±0.00b
TSS (o Brix) 23.4±0.1a 23.5±0.1a 23.1±0.1 b
Total sugar (%) 19.06±0.12a 18.94±0.02a 18.06±0.12b
Reducing sugar (%) 11.57±0.15b 12.03±0.06a 11.47±0.11b
Sensory Qualities
Colour Dark Brown Yellow Yellow
Flavour Banana Banana Slightly Cooked
Taste Typical sweet Typical sweet Cooked
Overall Acceptability Good Very Good Fair
In each row, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p0.05)
treatment, juices obtained from these pretreatments were pretreatments. Undesirable dark brown colour was observed
analyzed for their quality characteristics. Juice obtained in juices obtained from without pretreated banana pulp.
without any pulp pretreatment was considered as ‘Control’. Discoloration of juice may be due browning reaction
The results depicted in Table 3 indicated that yield, clarity occurred in the pulp during clarification process.
and titratable acidity of juices prepared from ascorbic acid Pretreatment of pulp with 1000 ppm of ascorbic acid was
treated pulp were significantly higher than those for observed to yield banana juices with their natural colour and
preheated pulp. This could be due to thermal inactivation of having typical banana flavour and good sweet taste. Whereas
the endogenous banana pectinases which might have a preheating of banana pulp caused cooked flavour and altered
synergistic effect during pectic enzyme treatment of the pulp. the original taste of the clarified juices.
Levi et al. (1980) observed that blanching of banana pulp CONCLUSION
decreased the activity of pectinesterase of pulp. Total soluble The present study concluded that preheating of
solids and sugar content were found to be decreased in juices banana pulp observed to cause slightly cooked flavour and
prepared with preheated pulp. This may be due to leaching altered the original taste of the clarified juices. Pretreatment
out of water soluble solids during blanching treatment. of banana pulp with 1000 ppm of ascorbic acid is the most
Considerable variations were recorded in sensory suitable method to produce clarified juice with natural yellow
qualities of the clarified juices obtained from both these colour and acceptable flavour.
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