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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 11.

Dan was conducting qualitative research that involves

Quarter 1, Quiz 1 immersing himself in a particular community or
organization to observe their behavior and interactions
General Direction: Read the following items carefully. Write the up close. Which of the following occupation is Dan
letter that corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet of paper. belong?
For numbers 1-3, identify the branch of social science define in a. Archeologists c. Ethnographer
each item. Choose your answer from the given choices below: b. Historians d. Sociologists
12. Society and culture is indeed connected with one
a. Anthropology b. Political Science another, all encompassing, meaning we visualize culture
c. Sociology and society as a complex whole. The following
descriptions below clearly explain how culture, society,
1. It is a systematic study of government, politics, and and politics are interrelated with one another, except for
political power. one. Which description is it?
2. Study of society, patterns of social interactions and a. Members of the society are not active in the
culture of everyday life. engagement in political activities.
3. Study of people, their origin, languages, religion, social b. People interact meaningfully with one another and
systems and other tangible and intangible aspects of their observe social norms as members of the society.
lives. c. The culture of a society encompasses the
meaningful processes and products of social
For numbers 4-6, identify the most appropriate discipline in terms interactions.
of its goals and subjects of inquiry as stated on each sentences d. People interact in society as individuals and as
below. Choose your answer from the given choices below: group with duties and privileges.
a. Anthropologyc. Political Science 13. Which of the following statements are not TRUE.
b. Geography d. Sociology a. The study of society is inclusive to sociology.
4. Emile Durkeim published her book “Suicide” in 1897. b. Sociology was born during the Industrial
Here, she illustrates how social factors affect the suicide Revolution era.
rate of a certain community. c. The study of sociology was started by European
5. The Communist Manifesto of Karl Mark presents an scholars dealing with the problems of the lives of
analytical approach to class struggle and problems of people within their own territory.
capitalism which leads to the downfall of many existing d. Auguste Comte was the one who coined the word
government forms and leads to a new ideology known as sociology and proposed it as a systematic way of
communism. studying and dealing with solutions to society’s
6. Published research has proven one of Charles Darwin’s basic problems.
theories of evolution for the first time – nearly 140 years 14. An anthropologist would probably NOT study
after his death. Researchers discovered mammal a. Primates and their behavior
subspecies play a more important role in evolution than b. Effects of migration to Filipino Families
previously thought. This research could now be used to c. Human Remains
predict which species conservationists should focus on d. Changes in languages
protecting. 15. According to Morga in his Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
(1609). In some parts of Luzon Island, there are number
For numbers 7-15, choose the best answer for each item. of natives who are black in colour and with kinky hair,
and neither sex is very tall although they are strong and
7. Its goal is to obtain possible theories and principles husky. These are barbarians and of poor capacity. What
about society and study the nature of humanity. Which of can you say about this observation of de Morga? Are
the following discipline in social sciences is the focus of they accurate and objective? Why?
this goal. a. Yes, because they don’t have an organized form of
a. Anthropology b. Humanities government, no formal schooling, dressed in their
c. Political Science d. Sociology primitive attire and have no concept about their self
8. Political dynasty is a prevalent problem in our country as and culture.
only few related people had given the chance to rule. b. Yes, because European people are more advanced in
Several important government positions are held by their science and technology. They are more
people who belong to one family. Which social sciences civilized and educated.
discipline could explain and solve the problem? c. No, because their judgement is only based on their
a. Anthropologyb. Economics own observation and used their own culture as basis
c. Political Science d. Sociology of comparison.
9. The goal of this discipline in social sciences is d. No, because their observations do not conform with
citizenship education. It requires us to understand and the ethnographic method used by anthropologists to
appreciate the duties and obligations of being a member better understand others’ culture.
of a society we are a part. What discipline in social
sciences is the focus of this goal? 16-20. Give at least 5 branches of sociology.
a. Anthropologyb. Humanities c.
Political Science d. Sociology
10. A researcher chose to write about indigenous people in “Do your best and God will do the rest.”
Mindanao and he described them using some concepts
such as kinship, gender, and power. He tried to compare
them to other groups of people. Which of the following
fields of science did the statement above portray.
a. History c. Political Science
b. Anthropology d. Sociology
them to other groups of people. Which of the following
fields of science did the statement above portray.
c. History c. Political Science
d. Anthropology d. Sociology Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
11. Dan was conducting qualitative research that involves Quarter 1, Quiz 1
immersing himself in a particular community or General Direction: Read the following items carefully. Write the
organization to observe their behavior and interactions letter that corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
up close. Which of the following occupation is Dan
belong? For numbers 1-3, identify the branch of social science define in
c. Archeologists c. Ethnographer each item. Choose your answer from the given choices below:
d. Historians d. Sociologists
12. Society and culture is indeed connected with one a. Anthropology b. Political Science
another, all encompassing, meaning we visualize culture c. Sociology
and society as a complex whole. The following
descriptions below clearly explain how culture, society, 1. It is a systematic study of government, politics, and
and politics are interrelated with one another, except for political power.
one. Which description is it? 2. Study of society, patterns of social interactions and
e. Members of the society are not active in the culture of everyday life.
engagement in political activities. 3. Study of people, their origin, languages, religion, social
f. People interact meaningfully with one another and systems and other tangible and intangible aspects of their
observe social norms as members of the society. lives.
g. The culture of a society encompasses the
For numbers 4-6, identify the most appropriate discipline in terms
meaningful processes and products of social
of its goals and subjects of inquiry as stated on each sentences
below. Choose your answer from the given choices below:
h. People interact in society as individuals and as
group with duties and privileges. a. Anthropology c. Political Science
13. Which of the following statements are not TRUE. b. Geography d. Sociology
e. The study of society is inclusive to sociology. 4. Emile Durkeim published her book “Suicide” in 1897.
f. Sociology was born during the Industrial Here, she illustrates how social factors affect the suicide
Revolution era. rate of a certain community.
g. The study of sociology was started by European 5. The Communist Manifesto of Karl Mark presents an
scholars dealing with the problems of the lives of analytical approach to class struggle and problems of
people within their own territory. capitalism which leads to the downfall of many existing
h. Auguste Comte was the one who coined the word government forms and leads to a new ideology known as
sociology and proposed it as a systematic way of communism.
studying and dealing with solutions to society’s 6. Published research has proven one of Charles Darwin’s
basic problems. theories of evolution for the first time – nearly 140 years
14. An anthropologist would probably NOT study after his death. Researchers discovered mammal
e. Primates and their behavior subspecies play a more important role in evolution than
f. Effects of migration to Filipino Families previously thought. This research could now be used to
g. Human Remains predict which species conservationists should focus on
h. Changes in languages protecting.
15. According to Morga in his Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
(1609). In some parts of Luzon Island, there are number For numbers 7-15, choose the best answer for each item.
of natives who are black in colour and with kinky hair,
7. Its goal is to obtain possible theories and principles
and neither sex is very tall although they are strong and
about society and study the nature of humanity. Which of
husky. These are barbarians and of poor capacity. What
the following discipline in social sciences is the focus of
can you say about this observation of de Morga? Are
this goal.
they accurate and objective? Why?
a. Anthropology b. Humanities
e. Yes, because they don’t have an organized form of
c. Political Science d. Sociology
government, no formal schooling, dressed in their
8. Political dynasty is a prevalent problem in our country as
primitive attire and have no concept about their self
only few related people had given the chance to rule.
and culture.
Several important government positions are held by
f. Yes, because European people are more advanced in
people who belong to one family. Which social sciences
their science and technology. They are more
discipline could explain and solve the problem?
civilized and educated.
a. Anthropology b. Economics
g. No, because their judgement is only based on their
c. Political Science d. Sociology
own observation and used their own culture as basis
9. The goal of this discipline in social sciences is
of comparison.
citizenship education. It requires us to understand and
h. No, because their observations do not conform with
appreciate the duties and obligations of being a member
the ethnographic method used by anthropologists to
of a society we are a part. What discipline in social
better understand others’ culture.
sciences is the focus of this goal?
16-20. Give at least 5 branches of sociology. a. Anthropology b. Humanities
c. Political Science d. Sociology
10. A researcher chose to write about indigenous people in
“Do your best and God will do the rest.” Mindanao and he described them using some concepts
such as kinship, gender, and power. He tried to compare

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