Life Cycle of Pests and Parasites

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Pests cause damage to crops and livestock by feeding on them and thereby cause diseases to
them. Examples of pests are mosquitoes, house flies, tsetse flies, etc.

Parasites are organisms which live in or on another organism, called a host, usually causing it
some harm.

Types of parasites
For example, tapeworm, a flattened worm that lives in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals,
lacks an intestine of its own and must absorb pre-digested food from the intestine of its host
(e.g., human).

Endoparasites: These parasites live in the bodies of their hosts. Examples of endoparasites are
tape worm, liver fluke, guinea worm, round worm, etc.

Ectoparasites: These parasites live on the bodies of their host. Examples of ectoparasites are
flea, louse, tick, mite etc.


Anopheles mosquito (Malaria)

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium (unicellular parasite). The parasite is
transmitted to humans by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. The Plasmodium parasite
spends its life cycle partly in humans and partly in mosquitoes.

Symptoms and treatment of malaria

The characteristic symptoms of malaria include.
 Cold, headache and weakness
 Shivering
 High fever
 Excessive sweat as a result of drop in temperature
 Prolonged infection results in anaemia and enlarged spleen

Control and prevention of malaria

1. The use of insecticides and mosquito repellents.
2. Destroying the mosquito larvae and pupae by spraying oil on their breeding areas such as
pools, marshes etc. (The oil causes the larvae and pupae to sink as it lowers the surface
tension of the water)
3. Draining mosquito breeding ground.
4. Introducing fish such as top minnow into the water to feed on the larvae and pupae.
5. Preventing mosquito bites by sleeping under treated nets, applying repellent cream on the
body, covering windows with fine-mesh to keep out mosquitoes.
6. Taking prescribed anti-malarial drugs regularly.

Schistosomiasis or Bilharziasis
Schistosomiasis is a widespread disease caused by the infestation of the human body by flukes
commonly called blood flukes, of the genus Schistosoma. These flukes cause serious diseases.

Control and prevention

1. Avoid swimming in or drinking from infected water.
2. Wear protective clothing such as waterproof boots and gloves when entering infected water.
3. Apply special ointments to block penetration of the larvae into the skin.
4. Use drugs such a molluscicides to kill infected water snails.
5. The drug praziquantel has proved effective in killing Schistosoma in humans

Trypanosomiasis/sleeping sickness
Trypanosomiasis is an endemic and sometimes epidemic chronic disease caused by a protozoan
blood parasite, genus Trypanosoma. Trypanosomiasis is very prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa.
It affects both humans and farm animals.

Causes of trypanosomiasis
The parasite trypanosoma is carried by a blood-sucking insect known as tsetse fly. Tsetse flies
have mandibles modified into bladelike structures used to pierce skin. They readily feed on the
blood of humans, domestic animals, and wild game.

Control of trypanosomiasis
1. Destruction of the wild game upon which the flies feed.
2. Clearing of woodlands, and periodic burning to prevent the growth of brush.
3. Trapping of tsetse flies, control by natural parasites.
4. Spraying of insecticides in affected areas.
5. Exposing male tsetse flies to gamma radiation to make them sterile or sexually
6. Introducing a large population of sterilized male tsetse flies into a wild population.

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