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A Watch the video. Answer these questions.
1 Why did the bank go bankrupt?
2 Who killed the policemen and why?
3 What’s amazing about the new toilet?

B Compare your ideas with a partner.

C Look at the video script. What are the missing words?

D Watch again and check your answers.

A Practise the conversation in pairs.

B Which words or phrases are difficult for you? Tell a partner.

C Watch again and listen to the words / phrases that are difficult to say.
Ask your teacher to stop the video.
Repeat the word(s) / phrases.

D In pairs, practise reading the dialogue again.

Watch the karaoke version and look at the video script. Act out the karaoke lines in

Photocopiable © 2014 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning 1


Yvonne So, what do you make of this story about the national bank going bankrupt?
Nicholas Yeah, I saw that. It’s terrible, isn’t it? But I’m not sure I really understand what’s actually happened.
Yvonne Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s pretty tricky stuff to follow, isn’t it? I’m no expert or anything, but
____________________________________________ it, they’ve been lending money to all kinds
of people who’ve basically got no chance of ever paying back their loans and the mortgages and
now there’s a big recession, house prices have dropped and the banks have been left with a lot of
bad debt.
Nicholas Yeah, OK, but don’t banks usually keep loads of money in case they get into these kinds of
Yvonne Capital reserves, yeah. I think they’ve just got their maths wrong. They have all these mad
equations saying what percentage of their finance they ought to keep safe and how much they can
play with, and they just 2____________________________________________ .
Nicholas And probably now it’ll be the taxpayer that ends up paying for all their losses. That’s what really
makes me angry! There really needs to be 3____________________________________________
this kind of thing happening again. I mean, how many times do we have to hear similar stories
before they decide something has to change?
Yvonne I think it’s deeper than that. I think there’s 4____________________________________________
the whole way economics is used to inform policy. It’s clearly not the science that they claim it is.
Nicholas You might be right. I’ve no idea! Anyway ... did you see that crazy story in the news about the
policemen somewhere who was shot dead at some national airport?
Yvonne No, I didn’t! Where was that, then? And what was it? Some
____________________________________________ ?
Nicholas No, it was more crazy than that. I can’t remember the country, but it turned out they were shot by
fellow policemen.
Yvonne Uh! Why?
Nicholas If I’m remembering it correctly, the guys who did the shooting were involved in some
____________________________________________ and were helping drugs to get through the
airport and these other guys were investigating what was going on.
Yvonne And just got a bit too close to the truth?
Nicholas It sounds like it, yeah.
Yvonne That’s horrendous! They really need to do more to crack down on the drug trade.
Nicholas Ah, they’ll never stop it. How can they? 7____________________________________________ ,
isn’t it? As long as people buy drugs, others will produce and sell them. And plenty of people will
line their pockets along the way.
Yvonne That’s a fairly depressing view of things!
Nicholas Yeah, maybe, but it’s true!
Yvonne So ... did you hear about these amazing new toilets that turn human waste into electricity and
Nicholas No! What’s that? It sounds amazing.
Yvonne Yeah, I was reading about it in the paper. It’s being
____________________________________________ . They’re based on aeroplane toilets and use
far less water than normal toilets – and they channel liquid and solid waste into different places,
where useful chemicals 9____________________________________________ them and gases can
be converted into electricity.
Nicholas Wow! So are they on the market already, these toilets?
Yvonne Not yet, but they should 10____________________________________________ three years,
they said.

Photocopiable © 2014 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning 2

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