Terrorism in P.K. @Farhan's
Terrorism in P.K. @Farhan's
Terrorism in P.K. @Farhan's
At present the gravest problem that Pakistan is faces
is terrorism. It has become a headache for federation and a
nightmare for public. Though, it is a global issue but Pakistan has
to bear the brunt of it. Pakistan’s involvement in the War on Terror
has further fuelled the fire. We are facing war like situation
against the terrorists. This daunting situation is caused due to
several factors. These factors include social injustice, economic
disparity, political instability, religious intolerance and also
external hands or international conspiracies. A handful of people
who have their vicious interests to fulfil have not only taken
countless innocent lives but also distorted the real image of Islam
before the world through their heinous acts. Terrorist acts like
suicide bombings have become a norm of the day. On account of
these attacks Pakistan is suffering from ineffaceable loss ranging
from civilian to economic. People have become numerical figures,
blown up in numbers every now and then. Terrorists have not
spared any place. Bazars, mosques, educational institutes, offices,
hotels, no place is safe anymore.
Causes Of Terrorism:
1. Internal Causes
b) Political Causes:
democratic turmoil Today’s Pakistan is
facing democratic turmoil. A path chartered by the military
regime of Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan then of Zia-ul-Haq was
altered by yet another military regime that of Musharraf. All
these regimes produced political instability, poor governance,
institutional paralysis, by passing the rule of law, socio-
economic downfall and so on. These fragile conditions along
with deteriorating law and order situation have provided a
fertile ground for terrorism to grow.
Lack of proper government set-up and lack of coordination
and information sharing between various institutions of
government is also a cause of behind the escalating terrorist
activities. Not to talk of providing security to common people,
our law enforcing agencies (LEAs) have completely failed to
protect high officials of the country. In the absence of law
and proper trial the terrorists are entrenching their roots .
Failure of the Law Enforcement Agencies to bring the terrorist to
book has emboldened terror mongers to strike at a target of
their choice at will. Schools, hospitals, markets and places of
worship have become their favourite targets.
c) Religious Causes:
Religion became the dominant force during the Zia
regime when the Islamization of laws and education became a
state policy. And the Islamic legislation was promulgated and a
number of Islamic enactments were made, including the Hudood
and blasphemy laws. One may also mention the vital role of the
jihadis in their fight against the Soviet military occupation with the
American support, as well as the generous patronage extended by
the government to the religious parties and groups. It may be
added that various religious groups benefited from the support
they received from abroad, in particular from Saudi Arabia and
Religious Madrassah is not something new for the Islam or our
country. But after Russian attack on Afghanistan it took a new
dimension. They were being used as recruitment centres for
jihadis. Thousands of Mujahedeen were trained and sent to
Afghanistan for so-called jihad. After the fall of Russia, a sizeable
terrorist activities.
Religious intolerance is another factor which is adding fuel to the
fire of terrorism. youth, educated through religious Madrassahs,
are indoctrinated with extreme ideas. They become intolerant
towards other religions and even other sects of their own religion.
They impose their own extreme ideas and vent their fanaticism
thorough violent actions. Intolerance makes society jungle. It is
proving destructive phenomenon for social harmony, political
stability, and economic growth.
2. External Causes
. The soviet Afghanistan war was the most critical
event responsible for spreading militancy and intolerance in
Pakistan. A fundamental change that altered the very character of
Pakistani society occurred after establishment of the soviet
backed communist regime in Afghanistan. The aftermath of the
soviet withdrawal exposed the damage, transformation of
violence and Weaponisation into Pakistani society. It ultimately
plagued Pakistan with a new trend commonly referred
as “Kalashnikov Culture” and “Talbanisation”. This was perhaps
an end to our long established pluralistic culture and values.
Result was a wave of vicious cycle of Sectarian and Inter-sect and
Interfaith violence/terrorism.
Religious extremism that took its roots in Pakistan after
the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 has proved venomous for
Pakistan. The increased danger of sectarian motivated acts of
violence, have gained in power and influence over the recent past.
External as well as internal influences have impacted the
sectarian issues and have served to further intensify the
magnitude and seriousness of the problem. Sectarian violence,
therefore, was an extremely rare and unheard of phenomenon in
Pakistan with sectarian disputes being very localized and
confined rather than being frequent and widespread.
This religious extremism took a new shape of terrorism after
9/11. After the incident of 9/11 suicide bombing in Pakistan has
become a norm of the day. The American invasion and
occupation of Afghanistan, as well as the military operation in
Pakistan, along with the American drone attacks, have served to
fuel religious radicalism leading to violent reaction. The
breakdown of state structures in Afghanistan created a void
which was quickly filled by groups and individuals who took it
upon themselves to continue the lost battle. Some of them also
intruded into Pakistani tribal areas, thus inviting the US
More than 3.5 million have been displaced. The damage to the