Ans. The Indian Constitution lays out a set of fundamental duties for citizens of India, which
were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act in 1976. These duties are not legally
enforceable, but are intended to serve as a guide for citizens in fulfilling their responsibilities to
the nation. The fundamental duties are as follows:
To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the
National Anthem.
To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom.
To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so.
To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India
transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices
derogatory to the dignity of women.
To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wild life and to
have compassion for living creatures.
To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform.
To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation
constantly rises to higher levels of endeavor and achievement.
These fundamental duties are intended to promote a sense of civic responsibility and national
pride among citizens, and to encourage them to participate in the building and development of
the nation. By promoting the ideals of the Constitution, such as unity, integrity, and respect for
diversity, citizens are encouraged to work towards a strong and prosperous India.
The significance of these fundamental duties can be seen in the context of the political and social
climate of India at the time they were added to the Constitution. In the 1970s, there was a
growing sense of disillusionment among citizens with the government and political system, and a
lack of involvement in the democratic process. The addition of the fundamental duties was an
attempt to address this by encouraging citizens to take an active role in the nation-building
process, and to take responsibility for the preservation of its ideals and institutions.
It is also significant that many of these duties address specific issues that were of concern at the
time, such as protecting the environment, promoting scientific temper and humanism, and
renouncing practices detrimental to the dignity of women. This highlights the dynamic and
evolving nature of the Constitution, and the ways in which it can be amended to address the
changing needs and concerns of society.
In conclusion, the fundamental duties enshrined in the Indian Constitution serve as a reminder to
citizens of their responsibilities to the nation, and to promote a sense of civic responsibility and
national pride among citizens. They are intended to encourage citizens to participate in the
building and development of the nation, and to work towards a strong and prosperous India.
They also reflect the dynamic and evolving nature of the Constitution, which can be amended to
address the changing needs and concerns of society.
Q2 what do you mean by constitutional values? Discuss meaning and importance of each
constitutional value in detail.
ANS. Constitutional values refer to the principles and ideals that form the foundation of the
Indian Constitution. These values include:
Equality: This value ensures that all citizens are treated equally before the law and are not
discriminated against on the basis of caste, gender, religion, or any other grounds. It also ensures
equality of opportunities for all citizens and prohibits any discrimination on grounds of religion,
race, caste, sex or place of birth.
Fraternity: This value promotes a sense of brotherhood and unity among all citizens, regardless
of their differences, and encourages the development of a harmonious and cohesive society. It is
reflected in the provision of the Constitution which lays down the duty of the state to promote
the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in
which justice, social, economic and political, shall inform all the institutions of the national life.
Liberty: This value guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, such as freedom
of speech, expression, and religion. It is reflected in the provisions of the Constitution which lays
down the fundamental rights of citizens, which are justiciable, and the state is under an
obligation to protect them.
Secularism: This value ensures that the state is neutral in matters of religion and does not give
preference to any particular religion. It is reflected in the provisions of the Constitution which
lays down that the state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion,
race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
Socialism: This value aims to create a just and equitable society by promoting the welfare of all
citizens and redistributing wealth and resources. It is reflected in the provisions of the
Constitution which lays down the directive principles of state policy which are not justifiable but
the state is under an obligation to apply them in making laws.
Sovereignty: This value establishes that the ultimate authority in the country lies with the people
and not with any individual or group. It is reflected in the provisions of the Constitution which
lays down that the sovereignty of India is vested in the people of India which shall be exercised
by the Parliament in the name of the President.
Justice: This value ensures that all citizens have access to fair and impartial justice, and protects
their rights and interests. It is reflected in the provisions of the Constitution which lays down the
establishment of an independent judiciary and lays down the fundamental rights of citizens
which are justifiable.
All the above mentioned values are integral to the functioning of the Indian democracy and are
reflected in various provisions of the Constitution, including the fundamental rights, the directive
principles of state policy, and the structure of government. They are considered as the backbone
of the Indian Constitution and are considered as the guiding principle for the functioning of the
Government and the society as a whole.
QHow is preamble to the Indian constitution important? Would it be right to call preamble
"guiding light" to the Indian constitution?
ANS. The Preamble to the Indian Constitution serves as an introduction to the Constitution and
sets forth the fundamental principles and goals upon which the Constitution is based. It is an
important part of the Constitution as it sets the tone for the rest of the document and provides a
framework for interpreting the Constitution's provisions.
The Preamble to the Indian Constitution begins with the words "We, the people of India" which
is a clear indication that the Constitution is made by the people of India, for the people of India
and is based on the principles of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. The Preamble also lays
down the objectives of the Constitution, which include the establishment of a Sovereign,
Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic to assure the dignity of the individual and the unity and
integrity of the nation.
The Preamble also lays down the objectives of the Constitution, which include the establishment
of a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic to assure the dignity of the individual
and the unity and integrity of the nation. The words "Sovereign" and "Socialist" in the Preamble
signify that India is an independent nation and it's the welfare of the people is of paramount
importance. The word "Secular" in the Preamble ensures that the state shall not discriminate
against any citizen on the grounds of religion and the word "Democratic" ensures that the
government shall be run by the people through their elected representatives.
The Preamble also includes the words "liberty, equality and fraternity" which embody the
fundamental rights and principles of the Constitution. These three words are closely related to
each other, and together they form the basis of the Constitution. "Liberty" guarantees the right to
freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion, the right to life and personal liberty and
other fundamental rights. "Equality" ensures that all citizens are equal before the law and that
there shall be no discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.
"Fraternity" ensures that the people of India are united and that the nation shall be built on the
foundations of mutual respect and brotherhood.
In conclusion, the Preamble to the Indian Constitution serves as a "guiding light" for the
Constitution as it lays down the fundamental principles and goals upon which the Constitution is
based. It sets the tone for the rest of the document and provides a framework for interpreting the
Constitution's provisions. The Preamble is a succinct summary of the Constitution's main aims,
and it is an important part of the Constitution as it helps to ensure that the Constitution is
interpreted in a manner consistent with the principles and goals set forth in the Preamble.