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Human history is marked by various pandemics and diseases that

have ravaged entire population, leaving a trail of death and
devastation in their wake. Among the significant are COVID-19,
Each of them has unique characteristics that have influenced their
spread, impact societal response. COVID-19, for example
respiratory disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 Coronavirus, which
at the end of 2019 and spread rapidly around the world, challenging
health systems highlighting the importance of global cooperation
and to tackle biological threats. HIV/AIDS, a chronic disease caused
by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, has been a public health
challenge since the 1980s, affecting millions of people around the
world and requiring continuous efforts to prevent, tread and combat
For its part, the Black Death a Bubonic Plague that ravaged Europe
in the 14th century is a historic example of how an infectious disease
can cause devastation on a large scale, decimating up to a third of
European population at the time.
Meanwhile, Smallpox a viral disease that haunted humanity
millennia, was finally eradicated in 1980, thanks to global
vaccination efforts coordinated by the World Health Organization.

Is a respiratory disease caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus which

originated in China in late 2019 and spreaded rapidly around the
world leading to a global pandemic.
The disease can range from mild to serve, in some cases can be
Covid-19 is caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus, which spread from
person to person by a respiratory droplets produced when an
infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. These droplets can be
inhaled by other people or deposited on surface where they can
remain viable for hours or days.

Cases and deaths

The Covid pandemic has caused more than 598 million confirmed
cases and killed more than 6.4 million deaths.

AIDS the acronym used for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

Is chronic disease caused by the HIV virus (Human
Immunodeficiency Virus).
Which attacks humans body`s immune system, which is responsible
for defending the body against diseases.
AIDS is caused by HIV a virus that attacks Cd4+ white blood cells
which are responsible for defending the body against infections.
HIV replicates inside the blood cells, destroying them and
weakening the immune system.

Cases and deaths

It is estimated that 37.7 million people are leaving with HIV/AIDS in
the world, killed 1.5 millions of people.
Black Plague

Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pastis transmitted by infected rat

fleas. The bacteria multiplied in the victims´ lymph nodes causing
swelling and excruciating pain, as well other serious symptoms. The
disease spread rapidly through contact with fleas, rat bites or
contact with bodily fluids of infected people.

Cases and deaths

Its difficult to determine the exact number of cases and death from
the black death, but it is estimated that Europe lost between 30%
and 60% of its population, and killed 200 million people worldwide.

Also known as big bladder, was a highly contagious viral disease
that caused high fever and skin rashes.
Considered one of the most devastating disease in human history.
It is caused by the smallpox virus, which belonged to the pox virus
 High fever
 Headache
 Chills
 Vomit
 Skin rashes
 Muscle pain
 Weakness

It can be transmitted by direct contact with contaminated materials
and it is highly transmissible through respiratory droplets.

Cases and Death

Smallpox killed more than 300 million people in 20th century. It’s
estimated that before eradication smallpox was responsible for 30%
of child deaths countries.

After being in contact with the content, we realized that these

diseases represent different challenges and lessons for humanity.
Covid-19 highlights global vulnerability to new pathogens and need
for a rapid and coordinated response to contain their spread.
HIV/AIDS highlights the importance of education, prevention, and
universal access to treatments to control a chronic pandemic. The
Black Plague serves has a grim reminder of the devastating effects
an infectious diseases can have on an unprepared society
meanwhile the eradication of Smallpox demonstrates the power of
science and international cooperation in achieving major public
health victories. In short by learning from the past facing the
challenges of the present, we can better prepare ourselves to
protect the health and well-being of future generations.
Which disease Killed more people?

COVID-19 AIDS Black Plague


Prepared by:
 Elvens Ukuahamba
 Maurício Carmona

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