Aute to Innov Beh
Aute to Innov Beh
Aute to Innov Beh
ISSN Online: 2329-3292
ISSN Print: 2329-3284
Digital Transformation, Authentic Leadership, Innovative Behavior, Work
DOI: 10.4236/ojbm.2023.111014 Jan. 20, 2023 238 Open Journal of Business and Management
H. P. Zhang et al.
1. Introduction
Existing businesses are fast changing because of digital transformation, and it is
widely understood that organizations miss the digitalization pattern today will
be slower, less adaptable, and have fewer chances in the future than advanced
pioneers (Westerman et al., 2014). The outbreak of COVID-19 caused signifi-
cant changes in the way businesses to operate. They had to rethink key elements
of their business processes and use of technology to maintain operations (Stal-
machova, Chinoracky, & Strenitzerova, 2021). Utilizing opportunities alone is
insufficient; overcoming digital disruption concurrently is also vital (Varshney,
2020). Digital transformation processes are widely regarded as a primary source
of contention for leaders and top management responsible for reforming enter-
prises (Zeike et al., 2019). The labour market has seen certain occupations fade
into obscurity while new ones have exploded in popularity, necessitating the ur-
gent need to develop job-specific abilities (Gurkina, 2017). As a result, academics
and practitioners alike are concerned with increasing an organization’s capacity
for innovation in order to thrive in this dynamic business environment. Thus, an
organization’s capacity for innovation is vital to its long-term success. Employees
are viewed as a critical enabler of innovation (Gao et al., 2021). The digital trans-
formation process is both an opportunity and a threat, a turning point and a cri-
sis (Akhmetshin et al., 2019). The majority of polarisation within industries is
attributable to the loss of middle-skilled positions. Both technological advance-
ment and globalisation have played a significant influence in promoting divi-
siveness (Braña, 2019). Technological unemployment consequently becomes a
worry for “blue collar” employees as well as “white collar” ones. (Bertani, Ra-
berto, & Teglio, 2020). The more businesses grow in the digital world, the more
anxious employees are about their skills becoming obsolete, given that new talents
emerge while existing skills evolve and expire (Syahroni, 2021). Nowadays, em-
ployees may quickly obtain information about job openings and compare em-
ployee benefits between firms, resulting in a decline in work engagement (Wina-
sis et al., 2021). Recently, academic scholars and company entrepreneurs have
shifted their focus to employee engagement, which has become a critical issue
in the modern business climate (Adekanmbi & Ukpere, 2021). Concentrating
on work engagement can assist businesses in surviving, and possibly even thriv-
ing, during difficult economic times (Akhmetshin et al., 2019). As a result of
these dual possibilities and problems confronting company management during
the digital transformation process, there is an urgent need to identify the op-
timal solution (Cabell, 2021). Given the apparent link between leadership beha-
viours and work engagement, it is critical to determine which leadership beha-
viours maximise work engagement (Ferrell, 2020).
are consistent and make their followers feel terrific without undermining them
are in a better position to work with imaginative execution, which encourages
them to constantly come up with original and brilliant ideas (Fateh, Mustamil, &
Shahzad, 2021).
Authentic leaders communicate their perspectives and thoughts candidly and
use language to organize operations. Appropriate criticism, whether positive or
negative, supports employees in refining and reexamining their unique perspec-
tives (Phuong & Takahashi, 2021). When employees perceive their leaders de-
monstrating genuine concern for them, they develop a sense of self-identity with
them and are more willing to provide new ideas and strive toward their adoption
(Khan, Ahmed, & Khan, 2021). Employees may not be able to safeguard their
wacky revolutionary ideas, nor may they be able to protect themselves from fear
of losing face or jeopardizing the resulting relationship. As a result, employees
may have high levels of freedom and self-efficacy, which enable them to engage
in creative behaviors (Phuong & Takahashi, 2021). As a result, honest leaders
inspire their employees’ creative abilities and actions (Zhang & Han, 2021). Ad-
ditionally, scholars have established that authentic leadership has a beneficial ef-
fect on employees’ innovative behavior (Semedo, Coelho, & Ribeiro, 2017; Javed
et al., 2018; Ribeiro, Duarte, & Filipe, 2018; Ribeiro et al., 2019). As a result, the
following hypothesis has been advanced:
H1: The authentic leadership has positive significant effects on innovative be-
Businesses leverage digital technology to ensure that workers can work com-
fortably and efficiently from any location (Purba, 2021). However, the introduc-
tion of several uncertainties as a result of technology advancements can result in
elevated levels of occupational stress. Workplace stress has a direct impact on
work engagement and, as a result, jeopardizes organizational effectiveness (Wi-
nasis, Wildan, & Sutawidjaya, 2020). Of course, digital transformation can also
be beneficial, and businesses can use technology to create new jobs. There are
two explanations for this. To begin, it improves engagement and enables people
to naturally add value. Second, employees are more likely to value the tangible
benefits of digital transformation, which increases work engagement (Syahroni,
2021). If staff are motivated and engaged in the process of system and process
adaptation. And it is against this backdrop that the research of work engagement
gains significance (Goswami & Upadhyay, 2019). Employee buy-in and a sense
of being involved, valued, and becoming an important part of the organization
are critical when it comes to digital transformation plans and journeys. Open
and transparent communication with employees, as well as the exchange of opi-
nions and thought between management and employees, are critical for em-
ployee buy-in and a sense of being involved, valued, and becoming an important
part of the organization (Syahroni, 2021). In other words, firms raise employee
knowledge of future digital transformation requirements and the importance of
completing current duties. Employees are more receptive to the practical bene-
fits of digital transformation, which benefits work engagement. Therefore, the
following hypothesis has been put forth:
H4: The digital transformation moderates the relationship between authentic
leadership and work engagement (Figure 1).
3. Methods
3.1. Sample and Data Collection
To objectively validate the effects of digital transformation and authentic lea-
dership on employee innovation and engagement, this study performed a
survey of Chinese company employees. We obtained data from a sample of
305 Chinese employees in SFPI SMEs of Zhejiang province who work in the
information technology, media, service, and manufacturing industries. Among
them, 31 are in the IT field, 86 in the media field, 79 in the service field, 16
people in the field of Production, and 83 people in other areas. Between Janu-
ary 3rd and February 20th, 2022, data were collected using an online survey.
Due to the constraints of the online survey, only 349 of the 600 potential res-
pondents responded. Due to missing data on 44 surveys, the final sample size
was 305 (58.1 percent response rate). Table 1 summarises the responder sam-
ple profile. As stated in Table 1, 53.4 percent of respondents were male, around
47.2 percent were between the ages of 25 and 35, and more than 77 percent
had earned a university degree. Additionally, approximately 35% have more
Categories N %
Male 142 46.6
Female 163 53.4
~25 41 13.4
25 - 30 78 25.6
Age 30 - 35 66 21.6
35 - 40 45 14.8
40~ 75 24.6
High school 7 2.3
College 38 12.5
Bachelor 235 77.0
Master & Doctor 25 8.2
1-3 70 23.0
3.2. Measures
Authentic leadership, developed by Walumbwa et al. (2008) has four dimen-
sions and 16 question items. In this paper, Authentic leadership was measured
using eight items taken from Walumbwa et al. (2008), with a 5-point response
scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). A sample item of the scale
is “My leader seeks feedback to improve interactions with others.”
Digital transformation was measured using eight items taken from Nwankpa
& Roumani (2016), with a 5-point response scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree). A sample item of the scale is “Our firm is driving new business
processes built on technologies, such as big data, analytics, cloud, mobile and
social media platform”.
Innovative behavior was measured using six items taken from Scott & Bruce
(1994), with a 5-point response scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
agree). A sample item of the scale is “I generate creative ideas at work”.
Work engagement was measured using nine items taken from Schaufeli,
Bakker, & Salanova (2006), with a 5-point response scale from 1 (strongly dis-
agree) to 5 (strongly agree). A sample item of the scale is “I am enthusiastic
about my job.”
Construct and indicators SMC S.E. C.R. P
B β
CMIN/DF = 1.684, p < 0.001 comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.947, Tucker-Lewis’s index
[TLI] = 0.942, incremental fit index [IFI] = 0.947, root mean square error of approxima-
tion [RMSEA] = 0.47
Mean S.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 AL IB WE DT
Age 4.29 1.655 1
Gender 1.53 0.500 −0.261** 1
Education 2.92 0.568 −0.277** 0.068 1
Career 3.82 1.559 0.895** −0.241** −0.261** 1
Functional 4.48 2.028 0.115* −0.081 −0.061 0.076 1
Industry 3.08 1.365 0.136* −0.052 0.046 0.138* 0.243** 1
AL 3.18 0.806 0.025 −0.111 0.053 0.033 0.051 0.081 1
IB 3.22 0.681 0.035 −0.066 0.040 −0.020 −0.009 −0.026 0.560** 1
WE 3.30 0.733 0.073 −0.105 0.010 0.028 −0.082 −0.005 0.433** 0.539** 1
DT 3.40 0.782 0.035 0.003 −0.005 −0.029 0.038 0.050 0.451** 0.417** 0.434** 1
Note: DT = digital transformation, AL = authentic leadership, WE = work engagement, IB = innovative behavior N = 305, *p ≤
0.05, **p ≤ 0.01.
Hypothesis S.E. C.R. p
B β
H1 AL→IB 0.474 0.538 0.051 7.954 ***
H2 AL→WE 0.281 0.304 0.064 4.622 ***
CMIN/DF = 1.611 < 2, p < 0.001 comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.953, Tucker-Lewis’s index [TLI] = 0.948, incremental fit index
[IFI] = 0.953, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = 0.45.
Note: DT= digital transformation, AL = authentic leadership, WE = work engagement, IB = innovative behavior N = 305, ***p ≤
Step 1 Gender 0.000 0.007 0.994 1.088 −0.050 −0.932 0.352 1.088
Note: DT = digital transformation, AL = authentic leadership, WE = work engagement, IB = innovative behavior N = 305, *p ≤
0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001.
with low digital transformation. Thus, Hypothesis 1 was partially supported. Simi-
larly, Hypotheses 4, which predicted that digital transformation would moderate
the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement, was sup-
ported (Step 3, b = 0.131, t = 2.630, p < 0.05). A plot of the interaction (illustrated
in Figure 3) showed that excluded employees with high levels of digital transfor-
mation reported higher levels of work engagement than excluded employees with
low digital transformation. Thus, Hypothesis 4 was partially supported.
Figure 3. Relationship of authentic leadership to work engagement for two levels of digi-
tal transformation.
5.2. Conclusion
We obtained data from Chinese employees in Zhejiang province SRUI Giants
SMEs who work for various Chinese enterprises in the information technology,
media, service, and manufacturing industries to determine the relationship be-
tween digital transformation, authentic leadership, work engagement, and inno-
vative behavior. Calderon-Mafud & Pando-Moreno (2018) study shows that au-
thentic leaders could stimulate the creativity and innovative capacity of the em-
ployees by increasing the amount of autonomy that fosters creative freedom in
their partners. Higher levels of authentic leadership also report greater work en-
gagement and a more significant labor implication (Bamford, Wong, & Lasching-
er, 2013). In this study, the findings reveal the growing importance of digital
transformation in the fabric of our economy. The impact of digital transfor-
mation and the epidemic has caused many employees to shift from on-site
work to online and off-the-job work. Research has proved that better working
methods and modes in digital transformation can allow employees to use their
resources flexibly to show more positive professionalism and innovative beha-
The research results will enlighten enterprises in the digital transformation era
and the post-corona era’s background. First, companies should think about why
they should do digital transformation. In the tide of digital transformation, com-
panies that remain unchanged will face being abandoned, surpassed by compet-
itors, marginalized by the market, and eventually eliminated. On the other hand,
digital transformation can capture new market opportunities, try new business
models, and help companies prepare for competition in future markets. Second-
ly, the core competitiveness of enterprises in the digital economy era has changed
from the traditional manufacturing capabilities of the past to digital capabilities
and innovation capabilities. Enterprises must be able to carry out technological
research and innovation and accelerate the transformation of industrial produc-
tion to intelligent, flexible, and service-oriented. In addition, enterprises must
have the ability to cooperate across borders and promote the innovation system
from a chain-based value chain to a flexible, real-time interaction and multi-party
participation. Authentic leadership characteristics of authentic leaders can also
help employees adapt to the new work mode as soon as possible, allow employees
to improve their self-confidence, and continue to innovate their practices.
This paper was supported by Foundation of Zhejiang Educational Committee
[Grant No. Y202250485].
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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