Protection functions
• Time-overcurrent protection
(50, 50N, 51, 51N)
• Directional overcurrent protection, ground
• Sensitive dir./non-dir. ground-fault
detection (50Ns, 67Ns)
• Displacement voltage (64)
• Inrush restraint
• Motor protection
– Undercurrent monitoring (37)
50, 50N I>, I>>, I>>>, IE>, IE>>, IE>>> Instantaneous and definite time-overcurrent protection (phase/neutral)
67N IEdir>, IEdir>>, IEp dir Directional overcurrent protection, ground (definite/inverse)
Connection techniques and
housing with many advantages
The relay housing is 1/6 of a 19" rack. The Illuminated 6-line display
housing is thus identical in size to the 7SJ50
and 7SJ60 relays that makes replacement Navigation keys
very easy. The height is 244 mm (9.61").
Pluggable current and voltage terminals Numerical key pad/9 function keys
allow for pre-wiring and simplify the ex-
change of devices. CT shorting is done in 8 programmable LEDs
the removable current terminal block.
Control keys
It is thus not possible to open-circuit a
secondary current transformer.
Standard battery exchangeable from the front
All binary inputs are independent and the
pick-up thresholds are settable using soft- USB front port
ware settings (3 stages). The relay current
transformer taps (1 A/5 A) are new soft-
ware settings. Up to 9 function keys can be
programmed for predefined menu entries,
switching sequences, etc. The assigned
function of the function keys can be shown
in the display of the relay.
Current terminal
Voltage terminal
Protection functions
Protection functions
Protection functions
Protection functions
n Motor protection
Restart inhibit (ANSI 66/86)
If a motor is subjected to many successive
starts, the rotor windings or rotor bars can
be heated up to a point were the electrical
connections between the rotor bars and the
end rings are damaged. As it is not possible
to physically measure the heat of the rotor
we need to determine the heat by mea-
suring the current the rotor is drawing
through the stator to excite the rotor. A
thermal replica of the rotor is established
using a I2t curve. The restart inhibit will
block the user from starting the motor if the
relay determined that the rotor reached a
temperature that will damage the rotor
should a start be attempted. The relay will
thus only allow a restart if the rotor has a
sufficient thermal reserve to start (Fig. 12/11).
Fig. 12/11
Emergency start-up
If the relay determines that a restart of the
for I > IMOTOR START Load jam protection (ANSI 51M)
motor is not allowed, the relay will issue a
block signal to the closing command, effec- 2 Load jam is activated when a sudden high
t = ⎛⎜ A ⎞⎟ ⋅ TA
tively blocking any attempt to start the mo- load is applied to the motor because of me-
⎝ I⎠
tor. The emergency startup will defeat this chanical failure of a pump for example. The
block signal if activated through a binary I = Actual current flowing sudden rise in current is detected by this
input. The thermal replica can also be reset function and can initiate an alarm or a trip.
IMOTOR START = Pickup current to detect a
to allow an emergency restart of the motor. motor start The overload function is too slow and thus
t = Tripping time not suitable.
Temperature monitoring (ANSI 38)
IA = Rated motor starting current
The relay can be applied with 5 internal Phase-balance current protection (ANSI 46)
RTDs. Two RTDs can be applied to each TA = Tripping time at rated motor (Negative-sequence protection)
bearing (the cause of 50% of typical motor starting current
If a rotating flux is set up in the stator that
failures). The remaining RTD is used to The relay equation is optimally adapted turns in the opposite direction of rotation
measure the ambient temperature. Stator based on the state of the motor. The value of the rotor. This flux will cause eddy cur-
temperature is calculated in by the current applied on TA is dependant on the state of rents in surface of the rotor bars and subse-
flowing through the stator windings. Up the motor, cold or warm. This warm or quently heat will be generated causing the
to 12 RTDs can be applied using external cold state of the motor is determined by rotor to heat up. This unwanted rotating
RTD modules. The RTDs can also be used the thermal model of the rotor. flux is caused if the supply voltage are un-
to monitor the thermal status of trans- symmetrical. This unsymmetrical supply
Because the flow of current is the cause of
formers or other pieces of primary equip-
the heating of the motor windings, this will cause a negative sequence current to 12
ment. (see “Accessories” , page 12/26). flow causing a rotating flux in the opposite
equation will accurately calculate the start-
ing supervision time. The accuracy will not direction to the machine rotation.
Starting time supervision/Locked rotor
protection (ANSI 48/14) be affected by reduced terminal voltage
that could cause a prolonged start. The trip Undercurrent monitoring (ANSI 37)
Starting time supervision protects the mo- time is an inverse current dependant char- A sudden drop in current, which can occur
tor against unwanted prolonged starts that acteristic (I2t). due to a reduced load, is detected with this
might occur in the event of excessive load function. This may be due to shaft that breaks,
torque or excessive voltage drops within Block rotor can also be detected using a
no-load operation of pumps or fan failure.
the motor, or if the rotor is locked. Rotor speed sensor connected to a binary input
temperature is calculated from measured of the relay. If activated it will cause an in-
Motor statistics
stator current. The tripping time is calcu- stantaneous trip.
lated according to the following equation: Essential statistical information is saved by
the relay during a start. This includes the
duration, current and voltage. The relay will
also provide data on the number of starts,
total operating time, total down time, etc.
This data is saved as statistics in the relay.
Fig. 12/15
Optical Ethernet communication module
for IEC 61850 with integrated Ethernet-switch
Fig. 12/17
Connection of two RTD units to 7SK80 using Ethernet
Typical connections
n Connection of current
and voltage transformers
Standard connection
For grounded networks, the ground cur-
rent is obtained from the phase currents by
the residual current circuit.
Fig. 12/18
Residual current
circuit without direc-
tional element
Fig. 12/19
Sensitive ground-
current detection
without directional
Fig. 12/20
Residual current
circuit with direc-
tional element (no
directional element
for phase)
Typical connections
Fig. 12/21
Sensitive directional
ground-fault detec-
tion (no directional
element for phase)
Fig. 12/22
Sensitive directional
ground-fault detec-
Fig. 12/23
Residual current
circuit with voltage
functions (no direc-
tional element for
Typical applications
Technical data
Burden at 100 V Approx. 0.005 VA Switching capability MAKE Max. 1000 W/VA
Switching capability BREAK 40 W or 30 VA at L/R ≤ 40 ms
Overload capacity in voltage path
Thermal (rms) 230 V continuous Switching voltage 250 V DC/AC
Auxiliary voltage Admissible current per contact 5A
DC voltage
Permissible current per contact 30 A for 1 s (NO contact)
Voltage supply via an integrated converter
(close and hold)
Rated auxiliary voltage Vaux DC 24 to 48 V 60 to 250 V
Permissible voltage ranges DC 19 to 60 V 48 to 300 V
Electrical tests
AC ripple voltage, peak-to-peak, ≤ 15 % of the auxiliary
IEC 60255-11 voltage
Standards IEC 60255 (product standard)
Power input
ANSI/ IEEE C37.90 see individual
Quiescent Approx. 5 W
Energized Approx. 12 W
VDE 0435
Bridging time for failure/short-circuit, W 50 ms at V W 110 V DC for more standards see also
IEC 60255-11 (in the quiescent state) W 10 ms at V < 110 V DC individual functions
AC voltage Insulation tests
Voltage supply via an integrated converter Standards IEC 60255-27 and IEC 60870-2-1
Rated auxiliary voltage Vaux AC 115 V 230 V High-voltage test (routine test) 2.5 kV, 50 Hz 12
Permissible voltage ranges AC 92 to 132 V 184 to 265 V All circuits except power supply,
binary inputs, communication in-
Power input (at 115 V AC/230 V AC) terface and time synchronization
Quiescent Approx. 5 VA interfaces
Energized Approx. 12 VA
High-voltage test (routine test) 3.5 kV DC
Bridging time for failure/short-circuit W 10 ms at V = 115/230 V AC Auxiliary voltage and binary inputs
(in the quiescent state)
High-voltage test (routine test) 500 V, 50 Hz
Only isolated communication
interfaces (A and B)
Impulse voltage test (type test) 6 kV (peak value); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 J;
All process circuits (except commu- 3 positive and 3 negative impulses at
nication interfaces) against the inter- intervals of 1 s
nal electronics
Technical data
Technical data
Bridgeable distance 5m Transmission rate Min. 2400 Bd, max. 57600 Bd;
factory setting 19200 Bd
Ethernet service interface (Port A)
Bridgeable distance RS485 Max. 1 km/3300 ft
Ethernet electrical for DIGSI or RTD box
IEC 61850 protocol
Operation With DIGSI
Ethernet, electrical (EN100) for IEC 61850 and DIGSI
Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
mounting location “A”, RJ45 socket, Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
100BaseT in acc. with IEEE 802.3 mounting location “B”, two RJ45
LED yellow: 10/100 Mbit/s (ON/OFF) connectors, 100BaseT in acc. with
LED green: connection/no connection IEEE 802.3
(ON/OFF) Test voltage 500 V/50 Hz
Test voltage 500 V/50 Hz Transmission rate 100 Mbit/s
Transmission speed 10/100 Mbit/s Bridgeable distance Max. 20 m/65.6 ft
Bridgeable distance 20 m (66 ft) Ethernet, optical (EN100) for IEC 61850 and DIGSI
Service interface for DIGSI 4/modem (Port B) Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
Isolated RS 232/RS 485 mounting location “B”, ST connector,
100BaseT in acc. with IEEE 802.3
Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
9-pin subminiature connector Transmission rate 100 Mbit/s
(SUB-D) Optical wavelength λ = 1300 nm
Test voltage 500 V/50 Hz Bridgeable distance Max. 2 km/1.24 miles
Transmission rate Min. 1200 Bd, max. 115200 Bd PROFIBUS DP
Bridgeable distance RS232 Max. 15 m/49.2 ft RS485, isolated
Bridgeable distance RS485 Max. 1 km/3300 ft Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
Fiber optic (FO) mounting location “B”, 9-pin
subminiature connector (SUB-D)
Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
Test voltage 500 V/50 Hz
ST connector
Transmission rate Up to 1.5 Mbaud
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm
Permissible path attenuation Max. 8 dB, for glass fiber 62.5/125 µm Bridgeable distance 1000 m/3300 ft w 93.75 kbaud;
500 m/1640 ft w 187.5 kbaud;
Bridgeable distance Max. 1.5 km/0.9 miles 200 m/656 ft w 1.5 Mbaud
System interface (Port B) Fiber optic
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, single Connection fiber-optic cable ST connector, double ring
RS 232/RS 485 Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
mounting location “B”
Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
mounting location “B”, 9-pin Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm
subminiature connector (SUB-D) Permissible path attenuation Max. 8 dB, for glass fiber 62.5/125 µm
Test voltage 500 V/50 Hz Bridgeable distance Max. 2 km/1.24 miles
Transmission rate Min. 1200 Bd, max. 115000 Bd, MODBUS RTU, DNP 3.0
factory setting 9600 Bd
Bridgeable distance RS232 15 m/49.2 ft
Terminal At the bottom part of the housing,
Bridgeable distance RS485 1 km/3300 ft mounting location “B”, 9-pin
subminiature connector (SUB-D)
Test voltage 500 V/50 Hz
Technical data
Technical data
Technical data
Technical data
Restart inhibit for motors (ANSI 66) Thermal overload protection (ANSI 49)
Setting ranges Setting ranges
Motor starting current relative 1.1 to 10 (in steps of 0.1) Factor k 0.1 to 4 (in steps of 0.01)
to rated motor current Time constant 1 to 999.9 min (in steps of 0.1 min)
Rated motor current IMotor Nom 1 to 6 A1) (in steps of 0.01 A) Thermal alarm ΘAlarm /ΘTrip 50 to 100 % of the trip excessive
Max. permissible starting time 1 to 320 s (in steps of 1 s) temperature (in steps of 1 %)
TStart Max. Current warning stage IAlarm 0.5 to 20 A (in steps of 0.01 A)
Equilibrium time TEqual 0 min to 320 min (in steps of 0.1 min)
Extension factor when stopped 1 to 10 with reference to the time
Minimum inhibit time 0.2 min to 120 min (in steps of 0.1 min)
kτ factor constant with the machine running
(in steps of 0.1)
Max. permissible number of 1 to 4 (in steps of 1)
warm startups nWARM Rated overtemperature (for Inom) 40 to 200 °C (in steps of 1 °C)
Difference between cold and 1 to 2 (in steps of 1) Tripping characteristic
(I / k ⋅ I nom ) − (I pre / k ⋅ I nom )
2 2
warm startups nCOLD – nWARM For (I/k · Inom) ≤ 8 t = τ th ⋅ ln
(I / k ⋅ I nom ) − 1
Extension of time constant at 0.2 to 100 (in steps of 0.1)
stop kτ at STOP
Extension of time constant at 0.2 to 100 (in steps of 0.1) t = Tripping time in minutes
running kτ at RUNNING τth = Temperature-rise time
Restart threshold
I = Actual load current
( n cold − 1 ) ⋅ TSTART max
⎛ I STARTUP ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
Ipre = Preload current
⎟ ⋅ ⎜⎜ 1– e ⎟
⎝ I Motor Nom ⋅ k R ⎠ ⎝ ⎟ k = Setting factor acc. to
⎠ IEC 60255-8
Where: ΘRESTART = Temperature limit Inom = Rated (nominal) current of
below which restarting the protected object
is possible Dropout ratios
kR = k-factor for the rotor Θ/ΘTrip Drops out with ΘAlarm
ISTARTUP = Startup current Θ/ΘAlarm Approx. 0.99
IMOT Nom = Motor rated current I/IAlarm Approx. 0.97
TSTART max = Max. startup time Tolerances
τR = Thermal rotor time With reference to k · Inom 3 % or 75 mA1)
constant 2 % class acc. to IEC 60255-8
ncold = Max. number of cold
starts With reference to tripping time 3 % or 1 s for I/(k · Inom) > 1.25
3 % class acc. to IEC 60255-8
Undercurrent monitoring (ANSI 37)
(Sensitive) ground-fault protection (ANSI 64, 50Ns, 51Ns, 67Ns)
Signal from the operational Predefined with programmable logic
measured values Displacement voltage element for all types of ground fault (ANSI 64)
Temperature detection Setting ranges
Displacement voltage (measured) V0> 1.8 to 200 V (in steps of 0.1 V)
Temperature detection through internal module (only 7SK805/7SK806) Displacement voltage (calculated) 3V0> 10 to 225 V (in steps of 0.1 V)
Number of temperature detectors 5 Delay time TDelay pickup 0.04 to 320 s or ∞ (in steps of 0.01 s)
Measuring method Pt 100 Ω or Ni 100 Ω or Ni 120 Ω Additional trip delay TV Delay 0.1 to 40,000 s or ∞ (in steps of 0.01 s)
3-wire connection, shielded cable Operating time Approx. 50 ms
Installation identification “Oil” or “Ambient” or “Stator” or Dropout ratio 0.95 or (pickup value –0.6 V)
“Bearing” or “Other”
Tolerances (measurement)
Temperature detection through external RTD boxes Pickup threshold V0 (measured) 3 % of setting value or 0.3 V
Pickup threshold 3V0 (calculated) 3 % of setting value or 3 V
Connectable RTD-boxes 1 or 2
Delay times 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Number of temperature detectors Max. 6
per RTD-box Phase detection for ground fault in an ungrounded system
Measuring method Pt 100 Ω or Ni 100 Ω or Ni 120 Ω Measuring principle Voltage measurement
Selectable 2- or 3-phase connection, (phase-to-ground)
shielded cable Setting ranges
Mounting identification “Oil” or “Ambient” or “Stator” or Vph min (ground-fault phase) 10 to 100 V (in steps of 1 V)
“Bearing” or “Other” Vph max (healthy phases) 10 to 100 V (in steps of 1 V)
Thresholds for indications Tolerance 3 % of setting value or 1 V
For each measuring detector Measurement tolerance
Stage 1 –50 °C to 250 °C (in steps of 1 °C) acc. to VDE 0435, Part 303
–58 °F to 482 °F or ∞ (no indication)
Stage 2 –50 °C to 250 °C (in steps of 1 °C)
–58 °F to 482 °F or ∞ (no indication)
Technical data
(Sensitive) ground-fault protection (ANSI 64, 50Ns, 51Ns, 67Ns) (cont'd) Minimum voltage Vmin.
Ground-fault pickup for all types of ground faults V0 measured 0.4 to 50 V (in steps of 0.1 V)
3V0 calculated 10 to 90 V (in steps of 1 V)
Definite-time characteristic (ANSI 50Ns) Phase angle 50Ns ϕ –180 ° to 180 ° (in steps of 0.1 °)
Setting ranges Delta phase angle 50Ns Δ ϕ 0 ° to 180 ° (in steps of 0.1 °)
Pickup current 50Ns-2 Pickup, Angle correction for cable CT
50Ns-1 Pickup; (IEE>, IEE>>)
For sensitive 5-A-transformer 0.005 to 8 A1) (in steps of 0.005 A) Angle correction F1, F2 0 ° to 5 ° (in steps of 0.1 °)
For normal 5-A-transformer 0.25 to 175 A1) (in steps of 0.05 A) (for resonant grounded system)
Delay times T for 50Ns-2 Delay, 0 to 320 s ∞ (disabled) Current value I1, I2 for angle
50Ns-1 Delay (TIEE>, TIEE>>) (in steps of 0.01 A) correction
Dropout delay time TDropout 0 to 60 s (in steps of 0.01 s) For sensitive 5-A-transformer 0.005 to 8 A1) (in steps of 0.005 A)
Operating times w 50 ms (directional/non-directional) For normal 5-A-transformer 0.25 to 175 A1) (in steps of 0.05 A)
Dropout ratio Approx. 0.95 for 50Ns/IEE > 50 mA Tolerances
Measurement tolerance 3 % of setting value or 1 mA
Tolerances (measurement) Angle tolerance 3°
Pickup threshold
For sensitive 5-A-transformer 3 % of setting value or 5 mA1) Note: Due to the high sensitivity, the linear range of the measuring input
For normal 5-A-transformer 3 % of setting value or 75 mA1) Inom with integrated sensitive input transformer is from 0.001 · Inom
Delay times 1 % of setting value or 10 ms to 1.6 · Inom. For currents greater than 1.6 · Inom correct direction
Ground-fault pickup for all types of ground faults determination can no longer be guaranteed.
Inverse-time characteristic (ANSI 51Ns) Breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF)
User-defined characteristic Defined by a maximum of 20 pairs
Setting ranges
of current and delay time values,
Pickup thresholds 0.25 to 100 A1) (in steps of 0.01 A)
directional measurement method
“cos phi and sin phi” Delay time 0.06 to 60 s or ∞ (in steps of 0.01 s)
Setting ranges Times
Pickup current 51Ns; IEEp Pickup times
For sensitive 5-A-transformer 0.005 A to 7 A1) (in steps of 0.005 A) with internal start is included in the delay time
For normal 5-A-transformer 0.25 to 20 A1) (in steps of 0.05 A) with external start is included in the delay time
Time multiplier T51Ns, IIEEp 0.1 to 4 s or ∞ (disabled) Dropout times Approx. 25 ms
(in steps of 0.01 s) Tolerances
Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 · I51Ns/1.1 · IEEp Pickup thresholds 3 % of setting value or 75 mA1)
Delay time 1 % or 20 ms
Dropout ratio Approx. 1.05 · I51Ns/1.05 · IEEp
for I51Ns (IEEp) > 50 mA Flexible protection functions (e.g. ANSI 27, 32, 37, 47, 50, 55, 59, 81R)
Technical data
Flexible protection functions (e.g. ANSI 27, 32, 37, 47, 50, 55, 59, 81R) (cont'd) Voltages
Times Phase-to-ground voltages In kV primary, in V secondary
Pickup times VA-N, VB-N, VC-N or in % Vnom
Current, voltage Phase-to-phase voltages
(phase quantities) VA-B, VB-C, VC-A, VSYN
With 2 times the setting value Approx. 30 ms VN, Vph-N, Vx or V0
With 10 times the setting value Approx. 20 ms Positive-sequence component V1
Current, voltages Negative-sequence component V2
(symmetrical components) Range 10 to 120 % of Vnom
With 2 times the setting value Approx. 40 ms Tolerance*) 1 % of measured value or 0.5 % of Vnom
With 10 times the setting value Approx. 30 ms S, apparent power In kVAr (MVAr or GVAr) primary
Power and in % of Snom
Typical Approx. 120 ms
Maximum (low signals and Approx. 350 ms Range 0 to 120 % of Snom
thresholds) Tolerance*) 1.5 % of Snom
Power factor 300 to 600 ms for V/Vnom and I/Inom = 50 to 120 %
Frequency Approx. 100 ms P, active power With sign, total and phase-segregated in
Rate-of-frequency change kW (MW or GW) primary and in % Snom
With 1.25 times the setting value Approx. 220 ms
Range 0 to 120 % of Snom
Binary input Approx. 20 ms
Tolerance*) 2 % of Snom
Dropout times for V/Vnom and I/Inom = 50 to 120 %
Current, voltage (phase < 20 ms and ⏐cos ϕ⏐ = 0.707 to 1 with
quantities) Snom = 3 ⋅ Vnom ⋅ I nom
Current, voltages (symmetrical < 30 ms
Q, reactive power With sign, total and phase-segregated
in kVAr (MVAr or GVAr) primary
and in % of Snom
Typical < 50 ms
Maximum < 350 ms Range 0 to 120 % of Snom
Power factor < 300 ms Tolerance*) 2 % of Snom
Frequency < 100 ms for V/Vnom and I/Inom = 50 to 120 %
Rate-of-frequency change < 200 ms and ⏐sin ϕ⏐ = 0.707 to 1 with
Binary input < 10 ms Snom = 3 ⋅ Vnom ⋅ I nom
Tolerances cos ϕ, power factor (p.f.) Total and phase-segregated
Pickup thresholds Range –1 to +1
Current 3 % of setting value or 75 mA1) Tolerance*) 3 % for ⏐cos ϕ⏐ ≥ 0.707
Current (symmetrical 4 % of setting value or 100 mA1)
components) Frequency f In Hz
Voltage 3 % of setting value or 0.2 V Range fnom ± 5 Hz
Voltage (symmetrical 4 % of setting value or 0.2 V Tolerance*) 20 mHz
Power 3 % of setting value or 0.5 W Temperature overload protection In %
(for rated values) Θ/ΘTrip
Power factor 3 degrees Range 0 to 400 %
Frequency 15 mHz Tolerance*) 5 % class accuracy per IEC 60255-8
Rate-of-frequency change 5 % of setting value or 0.05 Hz/s
Times 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Temperature restart inhibit In %
ΘL/ΘL Trip
Range 0 to 400 %
Additional functions Tolerance*) 5 % class accuracy per IEC 60255-8
Operational measured values Restart threshold ΘRestart/ΘL Trip In %
Currents In A (kA) primary, Inhibit time TReclose In min
IA(L1), IB(L2), IC(L3) in A secondary or in % Inom
Positive-sequence component I1 Currents of sensitive ground-fault In A (kA) primary and in mA
Negative-sequence component I2 detection (total, active, and reactive secondary
IE or 3I0 current) INs, INs active, INs reactive;
(IEE, IEE active, IEE reactive)
Range 10 to 150 % Inom
Tolerance*) 1.5 % of measured value or 1 % Inom Range 0 mA to 8000 mA for Inom = 5 A 1)
and from 151 to 200 % Inom Tolerance*) 3 % of measured value or 1 mA
3 % of measured value
Technical data
Technical data
Time synchronization Binary input,
Setting group switchover of the function parameters
Number of available setting groups 4 (parameter group A, B, C and D)
Switchover performed Via keypad, DIGSI using the operator
interface, protocol using port B or
binary input
Breaker control
Number of switching units Depends on the binary inputs and
outputs available
Interlocking Freely programmable
Messages Feedback messages, closed, open,
intermediate position
Control commands Single command / double command
Switching command to circuit- 1-, 1½- and 2-pole
Programmable logic controller PLC logic, graphic input tool
Local control Control via menu,
assignment of function keys
Remote control Via communication interfaces,
using a substation automation and
control system (e.g. SICAM),
using DIGSI 4 (e.g. via modem)
CE conformity
This product is in conformity with the Directives of the European Commu-
nities on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and
electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (Council
Directive 73/23/EEC).
This unit conforms to the international standard IEC 60255, and the Ger-
man standard DIN 57435/Part 303 (corresponding to VDE 0435/Part 303).
Further applicable standards: ANSI/IEEE C37.90.0 and C37.90.1.
The unit conforms to the international standard IEC 60255, and the Ger-
man standard DIN 57435/Part 303 (corresponding to VDE 0435/Part 303).
This conformity is the result of a test that was performed by Siemens AG in
accordance with Article 10 of the Council Directive complying with the
generic standards EN 50081-2 and EN 50082-2 for the EMC Directive and
standard EN 60255-6 for the “low-voltage Directive”.
Subject to change without prior notice.
We reserve the right to include modifications.
Drawings are not binding.
If not stated otherwise, all dimensions in this catalog are given in mm/inch.
The information in this document contains general descriptions of the tech-
nical options available, which do not always have to be present in individual
cases. The required features should therefore be specified in each individual
case at the time of closing the contract.
Unit version
Surface-mounting housing, screw-type terminal B
Flush-mounting housing, screw-type terminal E
Measuring/fault recording
With fault recording 1
With fault recording, average values, min/max values 3
Software for configuration and operation of Siemens protection units
running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional Edition/Vista.
Software for graphic visualization, analysis and evaluation of fault records.
Can also be used for fault records of devices of other manufacturers (Comtrade format).
Running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional Edition/Vista.
(generally contained in DIGSI Professional, but can be ordered additionally)
Authorization by serial number. On CD-ROM. 7XS5410-0AA00
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Fig. 17/22
7SJ80/7SK80 protection unit
for panel flush mounting/cubicle mounting
Fig. 17/23
7SJ80/7SK80 protection unit
for panel-surface mounting