manu internship 2024

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Internship report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the Degree of Bachelor of Law.





Department of Law
Quantum University, Roorkee


The document attached herein is the true copy of the certificate received in lieu of thework
undertaking during the course of my internship.

At the outset,.I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards Adv. Arvind Kumar Shukla
who gave me an opportunity to learn and refine my skills towards this wonderful profession and
without whose guidance this report would not have been completed successfully.I’m thankful to
him for his invaluable teachings and advice given to me, for helping me in exploring and
understanding the legal drafting preparation for cases and research better.I would like to thank my
Parents for their blessings and benevolently granting me Vigor and audacity to complete my
internship successfully
I take profound sense of pride to convey my gratefulness towards my university QUANTUM
UNIVERSITY, for providing me with this great opportunity to such anenlightening internship.
Great deal of appreciation goes to the contribution of my faculty members, Director Sir, Head of
the Department of Law and my professors who guided me in drafting this report. I am also
thankful to mates who have rendered their whole hearted support at all times for the successful
completion of this Internship project.

Date: 2nd July, 2024.

Manudev Arya

I Manudev Arya, student of QUANTUM UNIVERSITY, certify that the information in this report
has been studied and prepared by me under the guidance of ARVIND KUMAR SHUKLA &
Associates. This information is true to my knowledge and has not been copied from any other
source. This report is genuine and original piece of work which consists of my learning and
knowledge. This report is based on my learning and observation during my internship.

The profession of Law is a widely reputed profession and I am grateful to my Parents who are
helping me to pursue Law as my career. The term Law refers to the set of rules and regulations
adopted by a country which are meant to be binding upon each and every person present in that

During my internship, I worked and learned under Mr. Arvind Kumar Shukla and I got a chance to
attend and study the civil, criminal matters being handled by them.

Civil matters include all the matters related to property, money etc. A civil code is a systematic
collection of laws designed to comprehensively deal with the core areas of private law such as for
dealing with business negligence.

Criminal matters include all the matters related to life and threat and are punishable under the
Indian Penal Code. Criminal Law is the body of Law that relates to crime. It regulates social
conduct and prescribes of what is threatening, harmful or otherwise endangering to the property,
health, safety and moral welfare of the people. It includes the punishment of people who violate
these laws. Criminal law differs from civil law, which has more emphasis on dispute resolution
and victim compensation than on punishment.

So, I started my internship in July in the physical manner at Supreme Court, New Delhi. Mr.
Arvind Kumar Shukla assigned me to do some research work to revise and recollect all the
essential and basic sections from Indian Penal Code, 1860, Constitution of India, 1951, Code Of
Civil procedure, 1908, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, which were part of my curriculum and
syllabus for the last years and also asked me to collect the information regarding the essentials
sections of family law which would also help me understand more thoroughly about the cases and
would provide a basic structure upon which I could work on.

Mr. Arvind Kumar Shukla also provided me with some case files and asked me to read them and
grasp whatever I could from those files with my knowledge of laws that I have studied till now.

This helped me greatly, as I had a better understanding of laws that were applied in the cases and
also helped me to a great extent in interpreting the facts and contents upon which the cases were
based on.
I gained a lot of physical as well as virtual court experience in one month term of my as internship
as to how to tackle all type of clients, how the courts system in our country works, how to draft
some basic documents such as bail application, Relinquishment deeds, Affidavits and many more.

I also assisted them in formulation of arguments and, also drafted convenience volumes for the
assistance of the courts as well as virtual courts pertaining to urgent matters as well as regular

I attended virtual courts proceedings in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, Hon'ble High Court
of Delhi, various District courts including physical appearance before the Delhi District Courts
and assisted counsels in the proceedings which was a great help in understanding the art of
Internship Report

DATED: 02/07/2024

I reached half an hour earlier than the given time.I was asked to give a short introduction then we
further moved to the discussion of what would I be learning in upcoming days. Then I was taught
about the working of Supreme Court, how can I visit. I also learned about forums, tribunals and
special types of courts and their appellate authority on national leveland was explained some basic
rules which I was supposed to adhere to, after which everyone left to attend the matters in the
Court. It was told that Monday and Friday, being miscellaneous days in the Supreme Court, interns
weren't allowed in the Court rooms on these two days of the week.He asked me about the subjects
and interested areas in legal field. And then I met other associates. They were very friendly.
Attended an orientation session about the firm's practices and areas of specialization.Sir assigned
case file to read for which the reply had to be framed. The office was stacked up with huge piles of
files and an array of law books lined the shelves. There were three desktops available for all kinds
of legal research.

DATED: 03/07/2024

Today I got a chance to visit NCALT for a matter of fault of 10 Cr. Done by a company on which
the tribunal find some fault in the application and gives order to file a fresh case from the
beginning than we met other lawyers in the tribunal itself. There is also bar of advocates which a
place for lawyers only, more precisely registered advocates only. Lawyers have to be part of any
one bar at least, for which there are different bars with different monthly or yearly subscription or
membership fees.

DATED: 04/07/2024





Arjun Chandran, the accused approached the complainant for loan as he was in dire need of money
for the expansion of his business. The complainant considering his request arranged the amount
and sanctioned loan of Rs. 58,96,957 to the acc used which was to be repaid in EMI. The accused
issued a cheque to be presented in case of any default in repayment. The accused denied EMI for 2
consecutive months. So, the said cheque was sent for collection by the complainant but was
dishonoured reason being "funds insufficient". A demand notice was issued within a month in the
name of the accused for the payment of the amount within 15 days from the date of receipt of
notice. Accused however, stated that no loan was provided to him, theagreement was never
discharged and the cheque given was a pre-issued cheque which was illegally presented.
OBSERVATION: There were insufficient funds in the account of the drawer. Complainant
followed the prescribed procedure and acted accordingly, but no payment was made whereas
according to the accused no such agreement was there, the complainant misused the pre-dated
cheque. Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 will be considered in resolving the matter of dishonour
of cheque and validity of cheque along with the procedure which a drawee/payee should duly
follow after a cheque is dishonoured.

DATED: 06/07/2024

Sir usually doesn't come to the office on Saturdays until evening when it is time for briefing
lawyers to come for meetings. Interns could come a little late on Saturdays and I reached the office
at about 11 am. Since I had been working on the drafting of thereply I assumed the same task after
I reached there. I began the work on the para wise reply and took down the doubts which I had so
that I may clear them when Sir would be available, Further, post lunch I asked the clerk who
seemed to be very adept at drafting and well aware of all the intricacies of the Court formalities, to
teach me basics of drafting. He gave me a case file pertaining to a Special Leave Petition and
explained the format of the same I took notes and helped him with the drafting of the grounds in a
Special Leave Petition that he was busy drafting.


Prepared the counter petition and do some research work for the case IDBI Bank Ltd v Bhumi
Reddy. Supraja & ors. This case is related to the insurance amount claim against the home loan
in which the insured dies after paying three premium instalments, but the insurer is not accepting
the claim for which the wife (petitioner) files the petition in State Consumer Dispute Redressal
Commission, after which the case is followed to the Supreme Court. It took twoday to prepare the
counter Petition.

DATED: 10/07/2024

I attended the proceedings for the following cases: Zala Manhar Singh v Union of India Facts:
This case pertains to questioning the validity of administrative action of discharge from service by
the competent authority, where a court martial for the same has not been conducted. Though Rule
14 of the Army Rules provides for a situation where a trial by Court Martial becomes inexpedient
or impracticable and yet, there exists adequate material which cannot be ignored, then the
competent authority would be within its rights to arrive at the decision for administratively
terminating the service of the delinquent whose retention is undesirable. Here, the ground for
discharge from service was appellant's alleged involvement in a riot, which he has clearly denied.

The respondents had yet not filed their written statements in reply to the petition, even after
seeking time for the same On previous occasions, and sought more time for filing the same. The
bench gave ear to the continuous inconvenience caused to the petitioner due to the delay on the
respondent's part as he had been coming to the court for every hearing with the same result. The
bench come down hard on the respondents and asked them to file the written statement by a
certain date or have the case go down in the favour of the petitioner.

DATED: 11/07/2024

It was a matter of threat and grievous hurt for which the victim is present in the court and giving
his statement.
Stage of Matter: Examination-in-chief of witnesses
Act and Sections involved: • Section 503 IPC • Section 320 IPC • Section 506,326 IPC


• Before entering the Courtroom I checked the cause list on the outer wall of the courtroom in
which all the matters held for today were listed
• After entering the courtroom two of the witnesses were also present from the accused side and
two i.e., father and his daughter were present in the courtroom.Investigating officer was also
present as her presence was crucial for the court proceeding,
• The public prosecutor started with her remarks by stating the facts of the case.
• Then after the due permission of the Hon'ble Judge the public prosecutor started asking questions
with one of the victims and the victim statement is recorded within the provisions of CrPC.
• The father of the victim in his statement said that he confiscated the phone of one of the
accused's associates. Later, he received a threat call on the same phone as the accused was aware
of the situation.
• The statement was given out in Hindi but was Tran scripted into English by the judge and typed
down by the writer (steno).
• After all the statement was given the public prosecutor gave the narration of the matter himself
and prayed before the Hon'ble Judge to give proper punishment to all the accused

DATED: 12/07/2024

Today I got a case Samah Niang Lemching Baradeiya Vs. Basil Y S Baradeiya, this case is
related to a matrimonial dispute between the husband and wife and filled under the Domestic
Violence Act. We have to prepare the list of dates for the case and read all the arguments as we
have to appear before the court on next date.
It took 2 days for us to read, understand and prepare LOD for the case.

DATED: 15/07/2024


DV Complaint No. of 2023
Mrs. Samah Niang Lemching Baeadeiya VERSUS Mr. Basil YS Bareadeiya
SUBJECT - Application under section 12, 18,19, 20,21, 22, 23 of the protection of women from
domestic violence act 2006.
The facts and circumstances, which lead to the filing of the present complaint or the series of
incidents of painful physical, verbal emotional and economic abuse, as committed by respondent
on the complainant. She had gotten married and did not change her religion; the marriage was
conducted according to Muslim rituals. This was a case of divorce and maintenance. Additionally,
she had filed a case against her husband for rape upon her niece, which is being processed under
the POSCO Act.

OBSERVATION: Next date given to present both the parties before court and we were required to
received their bank statement as an annexure.

DATED: 16/07/2024

Today sir gave me another case Vijay vs. State. I have to prepare the Brief notes and List of Date
for the case which was presented before Supreme Court.It took two days to prepare the LOD &
Brief Notes as first we read all the case facts previous orders of Lower Court, High Court, and
Supreme Court and do the required research work.

DATED: 18/07/2024

I was asked to go to Patiala House Court and to file the process fee for the process of fresh issue of
summons to the opposite party in a matter relating to dishonour of cheque under Negotiable
Instruments Act. I was completely lost since I had never been to Patiala House Court and there
was no associate accompanying me. Patiala House Courts Complex is also known as New Delhi
Courts Complex. It is housed in the erstwhile palace of Maharaja of Patiala near India Gate and
National Stadium. A small number of criminal courts were earlier functioning at Parliament Street
and they were shifted to Patiala House in March 1977. Now-a-days Criminal Courts of New Delhi,
South and South-West district are housed in Patiala House had to inquire from the Court master if
there had been an order in the matter, for filing of process fee and to inquire if the court fee filed
was deficient. Since the order had been passed only in the morning and the copy of the same had
not been printed when I reached, the Court could not answer my queries.
I came back to the Chamber after applying for the certified copy of the order after completing all
the requisite formalities.

DATED: 19/07/2024
Today, I visited Supreme Court in the matter of Application for exemption from personal
appearance of accused and issuance of the production warrants of the applicant.


• The accused has been charged under NDPS act and different section of IPC. The accused side
i.e., the defence counsel is denying it
• All of the accused has been arrested. Out of the 3 accused 2 has been granted bail from the high
court and one accused has been send to judicial custody
• All the accused were supposed to be present at the date of the hearing of the case. While one is
present other one is presented by the jail authorities and the third has filed an application for
exemption from personal appearance through his counsel.
• The Hon'ble Judge has taken the application and approved the exemption of one of the accused.
After hearing both the public prosecutor and defence counsel the Hon'ble judge gave the next date
of hearing.
• After hearing the proceeding, I learnt about a different act and its major section.

DATED: 20/07/2024

DATED: 24/07/2024

Today sir give me a task to prepare some questions related to the law for an A.I based application,
which is related to the day-to-day life and hard for an ordinary person to understand. As our
advocate is working with a German based company for the A.I Application. It took one for me to
do research and prepare the questions.

DATE- 25/07/2024

Today, I visited Karkadooma Court, East Delhi court for a Civil case. We are respondentsSenior
counsel was busy in the High Court for the final arguments, so I had to take the pass over.

DATED: 26/07/2024

Today I visited the high court, New Delhi foe the Ukraine Case but the bench was not seated on
that day and because of that we have to wait for the jury for a very long time but after the lunch we
go back to the chamber and help our colleagues to do research works.

Today I got a chance to visit High Court of Delhi, for attending a case proceeding in which the bail
application is filled by the accused, but the court dismiss the application as the accused didn’t pay
the full amount which the court ordered to pay on previous hearing.
OBSERVATION: I learned how our sir firmly arguing the court and at the same time requesting
the court to accept the bail application, this was a great learning for me to learn how to speak in
the court.

DATED: 29/07/2024

Today, sir gave me another case related to matrimonial dispute named State Vs. Anmol Jakhmola,
in which I prepared the list of date with my colleague. In this case the wife was the petitioner and
filed a petition under section 498 A of Indian Penal Code,1860 after which a mutual divorce was
taken between both the parties after conducting the mediation proceedings and the case was settled
on an amount of 19 lakhs for alimony and at present the case is on the stage at which the family
court will transfer the case to the High Court for quashing the petitioner’s F.I.R.It took two days
for working on this case

DATE- 31/07/2024

Today It was my last day of internship and I got a chance to visit the Patiala HouseCourt, New
Delhi, for the hearing of a case above mention State Vs. Anmol Jakhmolafor which on that hearing
the judge gave the order to the petitioner to present on the next hearing, as petitioner is serving to
the Indian Airforce, and currently posted in Rajasthan, unable to present in the court on that
hearing due to work load hence matter was listed for the next date. Icame back to the Office
therefore there was nothing much for me to do. A general discussion regarding internship
experience and the advocates and my seniors gave me best wishes for my future and even said to
remain in contact for future doubts.
Learning Outcome

Internship is all about practical knowledge, experience and learning. I got all these experiences
throughout my internship. Being my first internship experience, it was an astounding one for me.

I learned about various terminologies, which were all synonyms for me before coming here.

I learned various practical aspects of law. I also learned how to apply law which we study
theoretically in a practical situation. I learned how to distinguish that which type of case is a
specialty of a judge.
Major challenges faced and resolved

Well, the biggest challenge was the internship itself because knowing that one will have to go
there every day for a month because you just cannot miss it. It gave me a hint of how hard life can
be and without hard work there can be achieved nothing.

Because being there as an intern at a new place is different and exhausting. Understanding and
distinguishing between terminologies pertaining same meaning was a challenge to me. I really had
no idea of how I am going to keep pace with this in long 10AM to 8 PM routine.But lateron I
realized that I am learning many things and developing the skills. And I think that I am ready to
experience the same for longer duration now.

I was facing problem in reading judgments and classifying its content into various heads in the
beginning but now it has become a bit easier. Socializing with co-interns was also a difficult task
as they were from a totally different place and following a totally different pattern of life. But later
on everything went easily and nicely.

I am really thankful to Quantum University for providing this opportunity in the second year itself.
I practiced, I learned, I faced problems but it was an amazing, astonishing experience for me. It
gave me a real view to look upon law. It also gave me some habits of learning legal news daily and
a sort of staying in court and office for 10AM to 8 PM was also a great experience. Now I’m much
excited about by next learning experience. I hope that I get more and more such opportunities in
later times.

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