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Advanced Node.js and Express.

js Curriculum

Session 1: Advanced Routing and Middleware Patterns

- Goal: Develop a deeper understanding of routing and middleware use cases.

- Topics:

- Advanced routing patterns (nested routes, sub-routers).

- Using third-party middleware (e.g., cors, helmet for security).

- Error-handling middleware and custom error responses.

- Conditional middleware based on user roles or request data.

- Hands-On: Set up a RESTful API with nested routes, like a blog API where posts have nested

comment routes, implementing role-based access for different routes.

Session 2: Authentication and Authorization

- Goal: Learn user authentication and authorization methods in Express.

- Topics:

- Overview of authentication options (JWT, OAuth, and session-based).

- Implementing JWT-based authentication.

- Storing passwords securely (using bcrypt).

- Route protection and role-based authorization.

- Hands-On: Add JWT-based authentication to the REST API, securing certain routes so only

authorized users can access them.

Session 3: Integrating Databases and ORM/ODM

- Goal: Understand advanced database integration and querying techniques.

- Topics:

- Setting up MongoDB with Mongoose or an SQL database with Sequelize.

- Using Mongoose schemas, virtuals, and hooks for advanced data manipulation.

- Performing complex queries (e.g., pagination, joins, and aggregations).

- Error handling in database operations.

- Hands-On: Extend the API by adding advanced CRUD features, like pagination and data

aggregation for listings.

Session 4: Performance Optimization and Caching

- Goal: Understand optimization techniques for better performance.

- Topics:

- Identifying and resolving bottlenecks.

- Using caching with Redis for optimized data retrieval.

- Asynchronous programming in depth (Promise chaining, async/await).

- Error handling and performance tips with asynchronous code.

- Hands-On: Implement caching for certain endpoints (e.g., popular product listings), and improve

performance by optimizing async operations.

Session 5: Testing and Deployment

- Goal: Learn how to test and deploy a production-ready Node.js application.

- Topics:

- Introduction to testing (unit, integration, and end-to-end tests).

- Setting up testing frameworks (e.g., Mocha, Chai, Jest).

- Writing unit tests for controllers, middleware, and routes.

- Deployment strategies (using cloud providers or containers).

- Using environment variables and securing sensitive data.

- Hands-On: Write unit tests for core application functions and deploy the project to a platform like

Heroku or a cloud provider, using environment variables for configuration.

This advanced curriculum covers essential topics needed for a well-rounded understanding of

Node.js and Express.js in production applications.

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