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Group 7

Supporting Lecturer : Khairun Nisa Simanjuntak, M.Pd
Group Member
Azura Novi Yanti

Winda Khofifah

Balqis Qonita Tiara Dwi Lestari

What is Learning
A learning strategy is an approach used in the
learning process to achieve certain goals. This
strategy includes the selection of methods,
techniques, and media that are in accordance
with the subject matter, the characteristics of
the learners, and the learning objectives to be
Why effective learning strategies
are important?
Because the selection, preparation of appropriate and
appropriate strategies will determine the interest and
motivation of students in learning. If the teacher is
wrong in choosing and determining the strategy, even
though the learning material is interesting, the
students lose their enthusiasm for learning. Effective
strategy use can enhance motivation, persistence, and
self-concept and can consequently promote academic
success and independent learning.
rs to selecting an
The facivte learning strategy
effect re n t
g o b je c t iv e re q u ir es a d iffe
t iv e s : E a c h le a rn in
Learning Objec e c o g n itiv e (k n o w le d g e )
e xa m p le , t o a c h ie v
strategy. For ers t a n d in g c o n c e p t s w ill be
te g ie s t h a t fo cu s o n u n d
objectives, stra
more effective. v e lo p m e n ta l le ve l, le a rn in g
a ct e ris t ic s : T h e a g e , d e
Learner Char in fl u e n c e t h e s e le c t io n o f
o f le a rn e rs gre a tly
style and interests
strategies. q u ire s d if fe re n t s t ra t e g ie s
b s t ra c t m a t e ria l re
Subject matter: A
from concrete material. g w ill in fl ue n c e s tra te g y
a v a ila b le fo r le a rn in
Time: The time
selection. cil itie s a n d o th e r re s o u rc e s
v a ila b il it y o f m e d ia , fa
Resources: The a
n eed to b e co n s id ere d .
Criteria for Effective Learning
Relevant: Strategies should be appropriate to the learning
material and objectives to be achieved.
Active: Learners should be actively involved in the learning
Engaging: The strategy should be able to attract learners'
interest and attention.
Varied: The use of various strategies will make learning less
Facilitate Understanding: Strategies should help learners
understand concepts well.
Facilitate Memory: Strategies should help learners remember the
subject matter more easily.
Steps in Selecting a
Learning Strategy
Determine the learning objectives.
Analyze learners' characteristics.
Select relevant learning materials.
Consider the time and resources available.
Choose a strategy that meets the effectiveness
Conduct a post-learning evaluation.
Example of Effective
Learning Strategies
Cooperative Learning: Learners learn in small groups to
complete a common task.
Problem-based Learning: Learners search for solutions to a
given problem.
Project Based Learning: Learners complete a complex project.
Discussion: Learners exchange thoughts and opinions on a
Presentation: Learners present their learning outcomes in front
of the class.
Example of Effective Learning
Collaborative learning: Encourages learning between
people, and can help create a culture of continuous learning.
Active learning: Involves students in interactions that help
them understand learning processes.
Game-based learning: Can be an effective way to improve
engagement and excitement about learning.
Feedback: Can help build strong relationships between
teachers and students, but it's important to make the
feedback process positive or neutral.
Selecting an effective learning strategy is a very
personal and dynamic matter. No one strategy fits
all people or all situations. The key to success lies
in self-understanding, recognizing your own
learning style, and adapting strategies to the
specific needs of the material being studied.
Regular experimentation and evaluation is also
important to ensure the chosen strategy remains
relevant and effective over time.

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