DSU Important Questios

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Chapter no 1: Introduction to Data Structures

1) Write any four operations on data structure.

2) Explain linear and non-linear data structures.
3) Define Abstract data type.
4) Give classification of data structure.
5) Implement a C program to insert an element in an array.(CO1)
6) Describe any four operations on data structure.
7) Differentiate between linear and non-linear data structure.(any four points)

Chapter no 2: Searching and Sorting

1) Define Searching. What are its types?

2) State the following terms.
i) Searching
ii) Sorting
3) Define sorting. Enlist different sorting technique.
3) Describe working of linear search with example.
4) Write a program of linear search.

5) Describe working of binary search with example.

6) Write a program of binary search.
7) Differentiate between Binary search and Linear search with respect to any four parameters.
8) Sort the following numbers in ascending order using Bubble/Selection/Insertion sort:
9) Find the position of element 29 using Binary search method in an array given as :
10) Write a program to implement bubble sort.
11) Write a program to implement insertion sort.
12) Write a program to implement Selection sort.
13) Sort the following numbers in ascending order using quick sort.

14) Sort the following numbers in ascending order using Bubble sort.

15) Write the steps for performing selection sort for given elements of array.


16)Write a Program to Insert element in Array

17) Write a Program to Delete element at Given position from array

Arrow Computer Academy DSU Important Questions 8788335443

Chapter no 3: Linked List

1) Explain the concept of information, Next, Null Pointer and empty list with respect to link list. 2) 2)
What is node in singly linked list. Explain with an example.
3) List and define operations of linked list
3) What is dynamic memory allocation?
4) List any four applications of linked list?
5) List types of lists.
6) Explain insertion of new node at start and at end in singly linked list.
7) Write an algorithm to insert a node in between in a link list
8) Write an algorithm to insert a new node as the last of a singly linked list. Give example.
9) Write an algorithm to delete a node at the beginning from a singly linked list.
10) Write an algorithm to delete an intermediate node in a singly linked list.
11) Write an algorithm to traverse a singly linked list.
12) Create a singly linked list using data fields 10,20,30,40,50 and show procedure step-by-step with
the help of diagram from start to end.
13) Write a ‘C’ function for searching a node in singly linked list.
14) Write a ‘C’ function to count number of nodes in singly linked list.
15) Create a singly list using data field 15,20,22,58,60. Search a node 22 from the SLL and show
procedure step-by-step with the help of diagram from start to end.
16) Differentiate between Static and Dynamic memory allocation.
17) Describe doubly linked list with an example.
18) Distinguish between singly linked list and doubly lined list
19) Differentiate between linear linked list, circular linked list and doubly linked list.

Chapter no 4: Stack

1) Write any two operations performed on the Stack.

2) List any four applications of stack.
3) Describe the stack as an abstract datatype.
4) Convert the following infix expression to its postfix expression using stack.
5) Evaluate the following postfix expression.
5, 7, +, 6, 2, -, *
6) Describe PUSH and POP operation on stack using array representation.
7) State importance of top pointer in stack. Explain stack overflow and underflow.
8) Show the effect of PUSH and POP operation on to the stack of size 10. The stack contains 10, 20, 30,
40, 50 and 60 being at top of the stack. Show diagrammatically the effect of-
i) PUSH 55
ii) PUSH 70
iii) POP
iv) POP
9) Convert the infix expression to its postfix expression using stack ((A+B)*D)^(E-F). Show
diagrammatically each step of conversion.
10) Write an algorithm to convert infix string into postfix (Fully parenthesized)
11) Evaluate the following postfix expression.
4, 6, 24, +, *, 6, 3, /, -
12) Write a menu driven “C” program to implement stack using array with the following menu.

Arrow Computer Academy DSU Important Questions 8788335443

i) Push
ii) Pop
iii) Display
iv) exit
13) Define recursion. Write a ‘C’ program to calculate the factorial of number using recursion.

Chapter no 5: Queue

1) List any four types of queue.

2) Show the memory representation of queue using array with the help of diagram.
3) Define queue. State any two applications where queue is used.
4) Enlist queue operation.
5) Describe the queue as abstract data type.
6)Define the terms FRONT and REAR of queue. Enlist any four operations of queue.
7) Show the effect of INSERT and DELETE operation onto the linear queue of size 10. The linear
queue sequential contains 10,20,30,40 and 50 where 10 is at front queue. Show diagrammatically the
effect of
ii) INSERT 75
iii) INSERT 85
v) INSERT 60
vii) INSERT 90
7) Differentiate between Stack and Queue with respect to any four parameters.
8) Write a neat sketch explain working of priority queue.
9) Write a program for insert and delete operation to be performed on queue.
10) Draw and explain construction of circular queue.
11) Describe queue full and queue empty operation conditions on linear queue with suitable

Chapter no 6: Tree
1) State the following term.
i) Leaf node of a tree
ii) Degree of a tree
2) Define the following terms.
i) Sibling
ii) Depth of tree
3) Define
i) Binary tree
ii) Binary search tree
4) Draw the tree structure of the following expression.

5) Traverse the following tree by the in-order and pre-order.

Arrow Computer Academy DSU Important Questions 8788335443

6) Define the term w.r.t. tree.
i) In-degree
ii) Out-degree

7) Construct the Binary Search Tree using following elements.

(35,15,40,7,10,100,28,82,53,25,3). Show diagrammatically each step of construction of BST.

8) From the given tree, complete the following answers.

i Degree of tree:
ii Degree of node B:
iii Level of node H:
iv Indegree of node C:
v Outdegree of node B:
vi Height of the degree:

9) Write algorithm for preorder, inorder, postorder traversal of binary tree.

10) Explain Binary Search Tree with example.
11) Draw tree for given expression.
(a-2b+5c)^2 * (4d-6e)^5
12) Traverse the following tree by the in-order, pre-order and post-order methods.

13) Differentiate between general tree and binary tree.

Arrow Computer Academy DSU Important Questions 8788335443

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