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Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Emission Factor Database (EFDB)

Regional Training on Greenhouse Gas Inventory using 2006 IPCC Guidelines and Software
22-23 April 2015
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Baasansuren Jamsranjav
Technical Support Unit, IPCC TFI
• Library of emission factors (interpreted broadly all parameters)
― Default values from IPCC Guidelines
― Data from peer-reviewed papers
― Data from non-peer reviewed publications (government reports, industry
studies etc.)
• Communication platform for distribution of new research and
measurement data
• Evolves dynamically – new data from inventory compilers, researchers,
― Open to any proposals
• Data proposals are evaluated by Editorial Board (EB) for inclusion into
the database using well-defined criteria
• Data users decide if data is suitable in their specific situation
• Quality of GHG inventories depends on reliable emission factors and
activity data
• Desirably, emission factors that reflect national circumstances should
be used in inventory compilation
• However, development of such emission factors is costly, time
consuming, requires much expertise
• By sharing data/information, emission factors that take into account
local conditions (national circumstances) can be obtained cost-
• An easily accessible public EFDB with supporting scientific
information would help improve the quality of GHG inventories in a
cost-effective way
Further growing importance of EFDB
• In the context of revision of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines for Annex I Parties, the
SBSTA32 welcomed the work of the IPCC to facilitate the use of the 2006 IPCC
Guidelines, including its efforts to develop inventory software and the Emission
Factor Database. It invited the IPCC and other relevant organizations to strengthen
their efforts in this area (FCCC/SBSTA/2010/6, paragraph 76)
• In the context of REDD discussion, the SBSTA32 requested the UNFCCC secretariat
to work with the IPCC on promoting the use of the IPCC Emission Factor Database
(FCCC/SBSTA/2010/6, paragraph 40)
• In the context of national communications from non-Annex I Parties (NAI-NC), the
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE):
― Agreed on the usefulness of Emission Factor Database; and
• Recommended improvement of data quality by enhancement of the sharing of
country-specific emission factors through the Emission Factor Database among NAI
Parties, as an element to be considered in a future revision of the NAI-NC Guidelines
How to access the EFDB
• Two different applications are available
– Web application
– CDROM/USB/DVD applications
• The web application is the core of this system. New data will
be made available in the Web application first.
EFDB web application

EFDB local CDROM application
• Can be operated locally (on a stand-alone PC)
• Works with MS Access MDB file, which contains the copy of
the on-line web database
• For detailed guidance, see
the User Guide for Local
CDROM application.

Includes 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas

Inventories & earlier 1996 Revised Guidelines for
National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and all Good
Practice Guidance

How to search the EFDB

Several search options

Specify the criteria
such as IPCC
category, gases, and
click “Apply”

Status of search
Results and can be
exported to excel
Populating EFDB

Data Form Data


Data Literature
Meeting with TSU Search
Defaults EB Consultants
Criteria for inclusion of new data
• Robust
– Within the accepted uncertainty, the value is unlikely to change if
there was repetition of the original measurement programme or
modelling activity.
• Applicable
– An emission factor can only be applicable if the source and its mix
of technology, operating and environmental conditions and
abatement and control technologies under which the emission factor
was measured or modeled are clear and allow the user to see how it
can be applied.
• Documented
– Access information to the original technical reference must be
provided to evaluate the robustness and applicability as described
Enhancement and improvement of EFDB
• Continuing efforts for data collection
― Data can be proposed by anyone
― Meetings to collect data for the EFDB
 Data on forestry, especially biomass expansion factors (Buenos Aires, November
 Data on livestock & soil carbon (Santiago, June 2009)
 Data on soil N2O (São Paulo, December 2010)
 Data on energy sector (Mumbai, October 2011)
 Data on waste sector (Langkawi, October 2012)
 Data on agriculture sector & F-gas (Ghent, November 2013)
 Data on AFOLU sector (Rome, November 2014)

• User-interface is being further improved

Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Thank you

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