Guide Book to Cashew Nut Processing Equipment

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Cashew Processing Guides

Number 3

Guidebook to Cashew Nut

Processing Equipment

I i I
Published by:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
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Place and date of publication:

Ghana, June 2019

Responsible editor:
Rita Weidinger (Executive Director)
GIZ/ Competitive Cashew initiative)
H/No. 313A, Cotonou Street
East Legon Residential Area - Accra, Ghana
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© GIZ/ComCashew
Guidebook to Cashew Nut
Processing Equipment

Mary Adzanyo
Jim Fitzpatrick
Shakti Pal
Rowel Kutie Weyori

A Competitive Cashew initiative publication in cooperation with

The Competitive Cashew initiative (GIZ/ComCashew)

313A Cotonou Street, East Legon
P. O. Box KIA 9698
East Legon, Accra, Ghana
Cashew Processing Guides

Number 3: Guidebook to
Cashew Nut Processing
© Copyright: GIZ/ComCashew 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without
permission in writing from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH or
Competitive Cashew initiative (GIZ/ComCashew).

GIZ/ComCashew encourages fair use of this material. Proper citation is requested.

ISBN: 978-9988-2-9225-6

In 2011, the Competitive Cashew initiative (GIZ/ComCashew) - formerly African Cashew

initiative (ACi) - conducted a comprehensive study on cashew nut processing equipment.
That study involved a comprehensive survey of African cashew processing plants
and individual studies carried out in Vietnam, India and Brazil to assess the equipment
available and the suppliers who manufactured it. The study revealed areas of concern
related to cashew nut processing, especially in relation to the selection of equipment,
commissioning, installation and management of machines. At the time, the mechanisation
of cashew processing (although a feature in very large-scale plants for many years) was
becoming feasible for medium and smaller plants after the advent of automatic peeling
machines and cashew cutting or cracking machines.

Following the study, the Competitive Cashew initiative (GIZ/ComCashew) published a

series of five guides to provide practical guidelines to new processors with processing
equipment selection and existing processors who plan to upgrade or expand their facilities
or capacity.

The purpose of this Processing Guide Number 3: Guidebook to Cashew Nut Processing
Equipment is to provide an overview of the technical information on a range of cashew
nut processing machines and to provide a list with contacts for 170 selected suppliers of
processing equipment. It provides basic guidelines and information on the different types
of processing equipment and their function in the process.

I v I

In developing this Guidebook, we received contributions and support from several

partners and industry stakeholders, to whom we are deeply grateful. We acknowledge,
with thanks, the support of two groups of collaborators:

1. Cashew Stakeholders: This guidebook is built on our shared learning over the
• African Cashew Alliance
• Association Nationale des Transformateurs d’Anacarde du Burkina Faso
• Cashew Club
• Cashew Industry Association and Processors in Ghana
• Conseil du Coton et d’Anacarde de la Côte d’Ivoire
• Conseil National des Transformateurs de Cajou du Benin
• Groupement des Industriels du Cajou de Côte d’Ivoire
• Ministère d’Agriculture de la Côte d’Ivoire
• Ministère d’Agriculture, Elevage et Pêche du Benin
• Ministère d’Agriculture, et des Aménagement Hydraulique and the
Direction Générale pour la Promotion de l’Economie Rurale du Burkina Faso
• Ministère du Commerce, l’Industrie et de l’Artisan du Burkina Faso
• Ministère de l’Industrie et des mines de la Côte d’Ivoire
• Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana
• Ministry of Trade and Industry of Ghana
• Technoserve
2. Technical review committee, which participated in reviewing the manuscripts for
publication: Jace Rabe (Tolaro Global), Tarciso Falcao (Usibras), Kanata Namaro
Koné (Cajou Industrie), Minata Koné (Sotria-B), Georgette Taraf (Nad & Co), Rita
Weidinger (GIZ/ComCashew), Ernest Mintah (African Cashew Alliance) and
Helene Widmer (GIZ/ComCashew). We acknowledge and are grateful for your
contributions. Your critical feedback has enriched the content of this guidebook.
The Technical Review Committee reviewed and approved the final draft of the manuscript
for publication; we are grateful for their contributions in the publication of this guidebook.

We acknowledge the contribution of the following persons: Anthony Youdeowei

(International Publishing Consultant), Nunana Addo (GIZ/ComCashew) and Sylvia Pobee
I vi I

Preface................................................................................................................................ v

Acknowledgements.......................................................................................................... vi

1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 01

2. Market Structure.................................................................................................... 03

3. What does this mean for a buyer of equipment?................................................ 09

3. Cashew-Processing Equipment ............................................................................ 11

3.1 In-Shell Calibrators...................................................................................................................11

3.2 Steam Cookers / Boilers.........................................................................................................13

3.5 Oven Dryer..................................................................................................................................23

3.6 Thermal Shock/Humidifier....................................................................................................26

3.8 Cashew Wholes Grading Machines....................................................................................31

3.9 Grading Machines for Broken Cashew Kernels..............................................................35

3.10 Vacuum packaging machines..............................................................................................37

4.0 LIST OF EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS........................................................................... 40

I vii I
1. Introduction

Innovation in cashew processing equipment has continued since the study was done in
2011. There have been significant advancements in sophisticated peeling and shelling
lines at the higher end of the technological spectrum for medium and large-scale factories.
There have also been significant advancements in standalone machines for medium and
small-scale factories. This has created an array of challenges for new entrants and existing
processors in assessing machines for new systems and the integration of new machines
into existing systems.

The cashew processing equipment industry has become dynamic because of these
innovations. Many processors who bought machines during the first wave of innovation
(2007-2011) are now interested in replacing those machines. They find that they are
faced with more choices of machines and suppliers, and enhanced claims on equipment
performance. The latest machines are far ahead of earlier generations of peeling and
grading machines, and especially shelling machines. Colour sorters have become
commonplace in cashew-processing factories because of the availability of newer, cheaper
machines from suppliers in China, India and Vietnam. Potential buyers may be offered a
machine which is not the latest model, as suppliers want to deliver the latest innovations
to existing customers in their home countries.

Buyers may also find that between the initial quotation and plant construction and
installation phase, machines offered have been improved for higher performance, which
also means higher purchase price. Therefore, although cashew processing investment
returns and the speed of entry to the market have been improved by the new innovations,
the importance of machine and supplier knowledge has increased, as the market has

The cashew-processing equipment market has changed in other ways too. The most
noticeable change is the diversification of the supply sources. When the 2011 study
was conducted, only Vietnamese suppliers offered real solutions for medium and small,
mechanised cashew factories, with Oltremare of Italy being a viable alternative for larger
scale projects. Today, there are purpose-built cashew machines and production lines from
China, India and Vietnam, as well as standalone machines from Sri Lanka, Brazil, Cote
d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria. European, Japanese and North American manufacturers of
multipurpose machines for cleaning, sorting, grading and packing cashews have also
begun more actively to engage in the cashew sector. This has been driven by increased
enquiries from potential investors in African countries and by the trend of mechanisation
in India.

I 01 I
Today, in terms of the investment cost/performance calculation, the picture is a lot less
clear than it was six years ago. Vietnam still appears to have taken the lead in peeling
and larger scale shelling machines, but India now has a broader spectrum of suppliers, is
leading in sorting and grading equipment and rapidly improving its offering of peeling
and shelling machines. Chinese suppliers have become active in the market despite China
itself not having a significant cashew processing industry. Chinese suppliers offer a range
of machines which are similar to the specialist alternatives, but often lower cost. They also
are competitive in the supply of multipurpose machines, particularly packing and sorting

The changes in the market reflect the development of the processing industries in each
major processing country. In Vietnam, cashew factories have become larger and less
labour-dependent due to competition in the labour market. Vietnam has become the
largest processor for export, which lends itself to larger, more efficient factories which use
high volume, high capacity production lines and as such, require machines which fit these
purposes. There are still many pre-process and part process plants in Vietnam, meaning
that smaller capacity machines are still being produced and improved.

The cashew sector in India has been on a drive toward mechanisation. Indian cashew
production is spread throughout much of the country. Processing has also diversified in
location and is now close to production areas and the large city markets of North India.
The relocation brings cashew production to areas with higher labour costs and a long term
history in agro processing. As a result, cashew processing has developed new mechanised
methods and equipment, especially for small and medium scale factories.

These developments have created more options of equipment and suppliers for buyers.
The list of suppliers has more than doubled since the first version of the equipment
study was published. There is no single homogenous set of machines. Each supplier’s
machine, service offering and installation package may differ from the others. The market
development means that there are many new suppliers who do not have a track record
or experience in African countries, but may have machines which are competitive and
appropriate for African processors. Research of the offerings, knowing the supplier and a
careful procurement strategy have never been more important.
2. Market Structure

It is important for processors or investors who are intent on building new factories or
upgrading or replacing existing machines, to understand how the cashew processing
equipment market works. The cashew processing equipment market is changing and
developing. As mentioned above, new entrants, new technology and new investors in
cashew processing have changed the processing equipment market and the machines
produced. Manual processing still plays a part, but mainly in small units and in pre-process
units where, for example, shelling is done before the nuts are sent for peeling and grading
at the main plant.

However, the vast majority of cashew processing plants throughout the world are semi-
mechanised, with machines for processing linked together in a production line, and
product moved from one section to the next manually or by conveyor. There are a handful
of fully-mechanised or continuous process plants where conveying of the product as well
as the process itself is conducted by machines supervised by a few workers. These plants
are usually large scale. A rough guide for full mechanisation is that capacity of RCN to be
processed should be a minimum of 10,000 tonnes per annum. For semi-mechanised or
mixed manual/mechanised plants, there are a range of machines which can be efficiently
utilised for capacity as low as 1,200 tonnes p.a., although that level is not ideal. There are
also small scale machines (e.g. standalone low capacity shelling machines or the “mini
fabrica” systems found in Brazil) which can be used in factories with capacities as low as
500 tonnes per annum.

I 03 I
Changes in the market structure have been influenced by a range of factors related to the
product market as well as the processing machine market. These are: -

Factor Impact

Rising labour costs especially More development of machines to reduce the labour
in India and Vietnam. needs of a factory

Food Safety demands from Mechanised plants are easier to manage from a
buyers and the introduction food safety point of view, which looks for consistent,
of certified quality predictable production.
management systems.
As quality management systems have been
introduced, cashew kernels buyers found the need to
audit and approve the processing plants. From their
point of view, larger plants are better as the cost of
audit, approval and monitoring is reduced. Larger
factories mean more mechanisation.
Essential elements of food safety are pest control.,
microbiological control, chemical residue compliance,
foreign matter control and control of harmful moulds
and other pathogens. There are machines and
technology which offer solutions for each of these.

Consolidation in Vietnam Vietnam is the largest importer of RCN and the largest
exporter of cashew kernels. The consolidation of
processing in Vietnam has meant that the trend has
been toward larger, more mechanised factories. These
factories need machines which are effective and
have high capacity. This has caused the Vietnamese
processing machine manufacturers to develop more
efficient, high capacity machines which are now
available to buyers in Africa.
At the same time, there are many smaller factories in
Vietnam often feeding into the large factories. This has
led to a parallel development of processing machines
which can stand alone at a lower capacity range.
This factor influenced the Vietnamese machine
manufacturers who took the lead from Italian
manufacturer, Oltremare, the original supplier of
large-scale mechanised cashew processing solutions.

I 04 I
Factor Impact

Expansion in India The fast development of cashew consumption in

India centred on the large northern urban centres,
the diversification in the cashew-growing area and,
above all, the increased dependence on imported
RCN, which meant that it was no longer necessary to
locate processing close to traditional growing regions
in South India. Processing plants are now located,
for various reasons, throughout India. Most of these
factories are medium scale and located in areas
without traditional processing skills and relatively
high cost of labour.
In response to the new demand, agro machine
manufacturers began developing cashew processing
machines suited to medium scale factories.
Throughout northern India today, there are
manufacturers offering a wide range of machines.
These machines often have their own specific design
features or innovations.

Innovation and Positive developments in peeling and shelling

Technological development machines have been a factor in recent years. The
development of shelling machines of high capacity
with continuous flow, low breakage and improved
shell/kernel separation has been a feature of the
market. Peeling machines too have improved in
capacity, breakage and peeling success rates.

I 05 I
Factor Impact

Competition Indian factories initially imported machines from

Vietnam and, to some extent, they still do. However,
the exposure to Vietnamese machines and the
opportunity to compete stimulated many new
machinery businesses to develop in India. Vietnam
still leads the market in shelling and peeling, but India
is catching up as the demand of Indian factories for
new machines and innovation increases.
The entry of China into the market with more generic
sorting and grading machines (e.g. colour sorters
and calibrators) has been followed by an increase in
the availability of custom-built cashew processing
machines. This competition is likely to continue and

Demand and diversification Cashew demand has increased by 86% since the
of processing first Vietnamese-manufactured peeling machines
appeared on the market in 2009. These machines
were largely based on innovation and design by
Oltremare of Italy. The fast growth in demand
stimulated further advancement in machines, and
new suppliers appeared. The ability and interest of
these suppliers to supply to African factories has often
been influenced by growth at home, as it is easier and
less risky to supply a nearby customer.
More recently, processing investment in African
countries has become a factor for the processing
machinery market. The development of factories in
Benin, Mozambique and Côte d’Ivoire have stimulated
interest for export in machine-producing countries.
It has also stimulated an interest in developing home
grown solutions for example in Côte d’Ivoire.

I 06 I
Factor Impact

Main stream suppliers The expansion in the processing sector, together

with the demand for better quality management
systems, has created more interest from mainstream
processing machinery manufacturers who previously
would not have serviced the cashew sector. This
is especially seen in the marketing of sorting and
conveyancing equipment by firms in Europe, North
America and China.
This has created greater competition and, for the first
time, made the calculation high cost + long life vs.
low cost + shorter life a factor in cashew processing
purchasing decisions.

These factors have greatly changed the specialist cashew-processing machine market
structure which today looks like this:

Country/Region Processing machine sector

Vietnam 1. Consolidated into a few manufacturers of innovative
machines with interest in export but first loyalty to servicing
their existing customers in Vietnam.
2. Prices are mid-range and machine life is moderate. Interest in
export is high.

India 1. A few “full project” companies able to deliver a fully-

commissioned cashew factory.
2. Many mid-size and small companies producing machines for
medium-sized and small factories.
3. Specialist companies producing high tech sorting, packing or
peeling machines at high efficiency and cost.
4. Prices ranging from mid-range to low cost. Machine life tends
to reflect this.
5. Interest in export is high among the “full project” companies,
but often low with others who are occupied in the domestic

I 07 I
Country/Region Processing machine sector
China 1. Low cost, short life generic food processing machines are
readily available. These are often produced by large multi-
purpose companies making large ranges of equipment for
many different applications.
2. Prices and operational life tend to be low.
3. Interest in export is very high.

Europe/USA/ 1. There is only one specialist machine supplier in Europe –

Japan/Korea Oltremare. They offer large-scale factories of high quality with
long operational life and higher cost.
2. Food processing machine builders who seek to sell their
machines for use in the cashew-processing sector.
3. Prices tend to be high but machines have high quality and
long operational life.
4. Interest in export is high.

Brazil Brazil has never been a major exporter of cashew-processing

equipment. There are essentially two processes at work in Brazil:
1. Processor-developed mechanised solutions in partnership
with local engineering firms. These factories are difficult to
even visit and the technology is not available to purchase.
2. Small scale and semi-manual factories are present in Brazil.
There are a number of mid-size firms that design and produce
equipment. This is usually offered as packages depending on
the intended capacity. This equipment may be available to

I 08 I
3. What does this mean for a buyer of equipment?

More options for machines and suppliers make the procurement task more difficult, but the
greater competition can make results more profitable if right decisions are made. Buying
cashew-processing equipment has never been more complex or demanding. Getting the
decision right or wrong can have long term implications for the success or failure of the

I. An agreed procurement strategy and business planning is essential for

successful procurement in a diverse market (see Guidebook 4).
II. There are alternatives for processors and investors. Different systems, machines,
levels of investment and labour needs, are just some of the factors which need
to be considered. In order to make the right decision for the long term, it is
important to clearly define the needs of the existing or new factory by making
some important decisions or working parameters for scale, level of investment,
management skills and target markets. It is important for the procurement
team to know their own business and to conduct a needs analysis, taking into
account, among others, funding, scale, management ability, labour skill, location,
environmental factors and target markets.
III. Cashew factories now need more space, better and more reliable electrical
systems, better ventilation and better design for a logical flow when using
processing machines.
IV. A wide range of processing equipment is available for each stage of the process.
Making the right choice of equipment can determine success or failure in the
business. Information on the technical factors, servicing, operational life, and
commissioning of equipment has become essential. Procurement teams must
know the market and conduct effective market research.
V. The advent of mechanisation means that initial capital needs are higher. It is
important to ensure that there is enough funding for the capital investment and
working capital, especially in times of high raw material prices.
VI. The large number and different types of suppliers mean that it is essential that
a procurement team know the suppliers well before decision-making. This may
involve research, telephone communication or factory visits.
VII. Reliability and performance depend not only on the initial purchasing choice,
but also on the servicing options offered by the supplier or available at the
factory location. Even the best machine at the lowest cost is useless if key spare

I 09 I
parts cannot be found. Fact-based evaluation and challenges to manufacturer
performance claims are essential in good decision making. It is also essential to
assess the skills of maintenance staff and managers on site to handle the new
demands placed on them by the advances in processing equipment.
VIII. As mentioned above in relation to the market structure, the options for supply
mean that it is vital to assess the lifetime of the machine in relation to its cost.
This is a relatively new issue for the cashew processor. It may not always be that
the cheapest machine is the best choice if that machine has a short lifespan.
Low cost machines may have an effective lifetime of 3-5 years depending on
how they are managed. Higher cost machines, possibly constructed with higher
quality materials and higher quality parts like electric motors, may turn out to
be better value in the long run. This decision will be influenced by the speed
of developments in the technology. It may, for example, be better to buy a low
cost, short life machine in a market situation where the technology is likely to
improve rapidly.
Some related factors of the performance of machines and the factory as a whole, but which
are often overlooked in the procurement process are:

• Ease of cleaning – a key consideration in machine efficiency and food safety.

• Level of noise produced – can impact productivity of workers.
• Space taken up by the machine.
• Contamination – especially with CNSL in shelling.
• Dust produced –possible contaminant of kernels and potential danger to
• Maintenance needs and scheduling.
• Availability of spare parts.
The purpose of the following is to give the procurement team or business planner an initial
briefing on cashew-processing equipment

I 10 I
3. Cashew-Processing Equipment

3.1 In-Shell Calibrators

Stage in the process Calibration of RCN is done at the beginning of the
processing process, either before storage or steaming.
What does it do? The in-shell calibrator removes foreign matter and grades
the nuts according to size. Available machines grade the
RCN into three, four, five or eight sizes.
The most common sizes are 18mm, 20mm, 22mm, and
24mm. RCN size impacts shelling; therefore, processors
need to decide on the number of calibres (three, four, five
or eight) to facilitate management and building of the
shelling section.
Available capacities A minimum quantity of 200kg is required for a calibrator
to function efficiently. Available in-shell calibrator
capacities range from 500kg/hour to 3 MT/hour.
Ease of use A rotating cylinder with screens of different sizes allows
RCN to fall through by sizes.
Maintenance Must be cleaned regularly to remove debris from the

Control Simple electric motor and rotating cylinder. The speed

of the rotation must be monitored and controlled for
efficient performance. The quality of the motor and the
moving parts will determine the lifespan of the machine.
Suitability for small Some small processing factories do not calibrate RCN.
factories Models suitable for small scale factories are now available,
notably in India and Brazil. The use of calibrators ensures
efficiency in the processing process. It is essential for
mechanical shelling of RCN.
Options Most calibrators can be used with an elevator and
automatic conveyance system.
Scalability High potential for scaling up calibration capacity for small
and medium size factories.

I 11 I
Pay attention to Electric motor size for the calibrator capacity and its
Current suppliers in Africa Almost all suppliers of the full range of machines will
supply to Africa. Oltremare offers a post-harvest handling
unit for full preparation.
Other suppliers Agrotech, Brazil.
Price range (2018) US$5,400 - US$13,800
Full calibration and integrated conveyancing are available
e.g. US$30,000 – US$40,000 (MK Tech, Vietmold)

Figure 1: In-Shell Calibrators

Source: GIZ/ComCashew; Mekong

I 12 I
3.2 Steam Cookers / Boilers

Stage in the process After calibration, steaming is the first actual stage of
RCN processing.

What does it do? In most cases RCN are steamed to facilitate cutting,
to reduce breakage and to protect workers hands
from CNSL. Steaming is a critical stage of RCN
processing. Attention must be paid to the duration
of steaming, temperature and initial moisture of the

Available capacities 250kg – 1000 kg

Ease of use Boilers are loaded and timed. The duration of

steaming required depends on RCN quality
and the type of boiler. Processors should follow
manufacturer’s specification on steaming duration,
temperature and air pressure.
Rotary boilers are more complex to use but require
less steaming time and allow for larger batch sizes.

Maintenance Regular maintenance is required for efficient

functioning of the boilers. Rotary boilers fitted with
elevators require frequent and higher levels of

Control There are simpler models favoured in India but

which require manual control of cooking duration.
Rotary boilers are generally more advanced and will
have a time control system.

Suitability for small factories Smaller size cookers can cook 2-2.5 tonnes / day,
which may be suitable for smaller factories.
Rotary steamers can cook up to 12 tonnes per day
but should match the capacity of the factory at
shelling and peeling stages.

Options Rotary or static system.

I 13 I
Scalability The machines are relatively small and low capacity.
Scaling is achieved by adding more machines.
Shelling different batches which have been cooked
separately will usually not create a problem.

Pay attention to As always with boilers, careful attention to the

lines and pipes is essential. Loss of pressure or
temperature will reduce efficiency which may not be
obvious until too late in the process. Steam can be
dangerous, and workers should be well trained.

Current suppliers in Africa Vietmold, Cao Thanh Phat (CTP), MK Tech from
Vietnam and a range of Indian suppliers.

Other possible suppliers Other Indian suppliers, Brazilian suppliers for small
units (50kg)

Price range (2018) 320kg boiler, non-scalable $2,500 – $4,500

>320kg capacity rotary boiler with loader $6,500 –

Figure 2: Steam Cookers / Boilers

African model

I 14 I
Brazilian Mini Factory Boiler

Source: Gayathri Industries;, Rami International

I 15 I
3.3 Manual Cutting/Shelling Machines

Stage in the process After steaming and cooling RCN, the shell is removed
to obtain the kernels
What does it do? The shell is cut without affecting the kernel to keep the
kernel whole. African factories report 90 % to 95 % of
whole kernels are obtained after cutting manually, but
others report levels as low as 80%. Low breakage is a
key factor in successful cashew processing.
Available capacities Manual cutting capacity depends on productivity per
worker, as well as the number of workers and cutting
tools. Currently, the productivity per worker per shift in
African factories ranges from 35kg to 40kg.

Ease of use The Vietnamese two-pedal tables have the best record
in cutting high volumes. However, workers in Africa
often prefer Indian manual cutting machines. High
level training of workers in manual cutting is essential.
Maintenance Cutting blades must be sharpened and adjusted to suit
RCN size. The cutting areas need to be clean for kernel
quality and food safety reasons. At this stage, the
kernel is obtained from the shell.
Control Cutting tools are operated by individual workers.
Suitability for small factories Mostly used in small factories.
Options Standing, pedal and lever
Seated, two pedals
Seated, single lever
Scalability High
Pay attention to Health implications of workers using pedal and lever
Industry Developments Shelling machines are among the most significant
advances made in cashew processing technology in
recent years.
Current suppliers in Africa Best Engineering, Muskaan, Gayathri.
Other possible suppliers Brazil Agrotech
Price range (2018) US$ 75 - US$ 400

I 16 I
Figure 3: Manual cutting machines


I 17 I

Source: GIZ/ComCashew

I 18 I
3.4 Automatic Cutting/Shelling Machines

Stage in the process After steaming and cooling RCN, the shell is removed to obtain

What does it do? The shell is cut to obtain the kernel. Automated shelling results
in a higher proportion of broken kernels than manual cutting.
Most factories today are using a mechanised shelling process.

Available capacities • 40kg/hour to 2000kg/hour (Manufacturer claims).

• General range 400-1200kg per hour
• Shelling machines tend to process just one size and
are designed to process that size in harmony with the
calibration system. E.g. Vietmold quoted three or four
machines as necessary in a high-volume factory.

Ease of use • Calibration is a key aspect of successful mechanised

shelling. The calibration and cutting processes should be
carefully considered together when sourcing equipment.
This should include consideration of the uniformity of the
available raw material.
• Shelling machines must be well-maintained and carefully
supervised. The continuous process type of machines are
complex and should be only considered for a factory that
will have technical expertise on hand and access to good
communications for service advice and spare parts.

Maintenance The machine must be cleaned regularly. Blades should be

cleaned and kept sharp. Feeders must be clear and allow flow.

Control Modern high capacity machines, for example the Oltremare

model, are electronically controlled and designed for medium
to large scale processing.
The lower capacity standalone models often require manual
adjustment before nuts are fed into the machine for cutting.

I 19 I
Suitability for small The standalone models e.g. Buddhi type are suitable for small
factories scale factories. The appropriate technical expertise is required
for efficient performance and especially maintenance.

Performance Performance claims for manufacturers range from 85 % to

95 % cut-open RCN in the first shelling cycle. Breakage in the
shelling process claims range from 3-5%. Uncut nuts are as low
as 5% according to manufacturers. Manufacturers’ claims are
difficult to substantiate, especially regarding recently launched
Options Manual, semi-mechanical and mechanical cutting.

Scalability The standalone models and other small machines are scaled
out by installing more machines in the same area.
The medium and large machines are scaled up through the
installation of modern and more efficient machinery, but this
can be costly as machines have to be installed for each calibre
of cashew nut.
Pay attention to • The number and calibre of the machines in terms of their
suitability for the nuts in the region.
• The separation of shell and kernel (scooping) including the
possible contamination of the kernel by CNSL.
• Ensure that you are buying the latest model.
Industry Higher capacity machines are now available. Improvements in
Developments separation and reliability are expected.
Current suppliers in MK Tech, Vietmold, Gayathri, Buddhi.
Other possible Nexgen, CTP, Muskaan.
Price range (2018) US$ 1,500 - US$ 165,000 depending on capacity of machinery.
This covers the range from 40kg per hour to 1200 kg per hour.
There is also a different labour structure with two workers
needed to operate the low scale machine (40kg) and only five
for a 1200 kg machine.
For large scale operators, a fully-mechanised cutting system
would cost US$400,000-US$450,000 for a 10,000 RCN tonne
capacity plant.

I 20 I
Figure 3: Automatic Cutting / Shelling Machines

Chinese Machines


I 21 I

I 22 I

Sources: GIZ/ComCashew, Buddhi Industries, Gayathri Industries;;


3.5 Oven Dryer

Stage in the process After cutting of RCN and before peeling
What does it do? The shelled nuts are heated on trays to make the testa
brittle for easy peeling to reduce breakage, thus increasing
output. This can be done through a variety of energy sources,
including a steam boiler fuelled by cashew nut shells, a heat
exchanger, electricity, gas or oil.
Even drying to give a homogenous product for the next stage
is a key factor in optimum preparation for peeling.
Available capacities Range from 500kg to 5000kg

Ease of use A modern dryer fitted with electronic controls and fan air
circulation is easy to use. Older models without the air
circulation require manual rotation of the trays to prevent
scorching of the kernels, and constitute significant risk to the
colour of kernels.

I 23 I
Maintenance Regular cleaning of trays and oven. Testing of control panels
for efficient functioning.
Control Many modern oven dryers have full electronic control. Older
types are controlled manually by workers who regulate the
timing and temperature. It is important to know RCN quality
to set the appropriate drying time.
Suitability for small Range of capacities. At start up, ensure that oven capacity can
factories be increased to dry higher kernel volumes.
Options • Capacity /cost
• Control systems
• Mechanised or manual rotation
Scalability The potential for scalability is limited. It is essential to
consider the expansion plan and long-term capacity ambition
when buying for this section.
Pay attention to • Maintenance
• Boiler capacity
• Quality of control equipment
• Heat circulation in the oven
• Quality of trays – ensure compliance with food safety
Industry Developments Higher capacity incorporating drying/cooling tunnels.
Reduction in manual handling.
Current suppliers in Vietmold (SM Range), MK Tech, Gayathri (ASM 600).

Other possible Check mid-size Indian suppliers.

Price range (2018) 1.2 tonnes US$10,000 -$15,000.
fully electric steel construction: US$ 39,000

I 24 I
Figure 5: Oven Dryers



Source: GIZ/ComCashew

I 25 I
3.6 Thermal Shock/Humidifier
Stage in the process After drying, in preparation for peeling

What does it do? This is an option found in African factories - After

drying, kernels are cooled and treated with a short burst
of hot steam in a thermal shock chamber to loosen the

Available capacities Often made on site. Manufacturers offer machines

which render this operation obsolete.
Ease of use The kernel is placed on trays and wheeled into the
thermal shock chamber for cooling over a period of

Maintenance Regular cleaning of thermal shock chamber and

checking of steam outlets.

Control The cooling time is manually controlled, and water

quality is tested for compliance with food safety

Suitability for small factories High

Options Modern Thermal shock chambers combined with

drying ovens

Scalability The potential for scalability is limited. The decision of

thermal shock chamber size should consider expansion

Pay attention to Water quality

Temperature of the thermal shock chamber
Industry Developments Equipment suppliers offer improved humidifiers.
This product is best built locally, for example by

Current suppliers in Africa No suppliers but advice is available from African

Cashew Alliance and Technoserve.

Other possible suppliers None

Price range (2018) US$ 1,000 - US$ 3,000 depending on capacity.

I 26 I
Figure 6: Thermal Shock Chamber

Tray Trolley at Anatrans, Burkina Faso

Source: GIZ/ComCashew

I 27 I
3.7 Peeling Machines

Stage in the process After shelling and drying to loosen the testa
What does it do? The kernels are peeled by rotating springs and /or brushes
which loosen the testa. Compressed air is used to separate the
testa from the kernel. An air compressor is necessary to go with
the peeling machine.
Peeling machines have seen significant advancement in
the past couple of years. In particular, the greater use of
compressed air has decreased the number of unpeeled kernels
on each run.

Available capacities Manufacturers claim machinery performance up to 500kg/

hour. In some cases, reducing proportions of the kernels must
be run through the machine two or three times with some
kernels being eventually sent for manual finishing.
Breakage varies, depending on RCN quality, machine
management and machine efficiency.

Ease of use The effective use of peeling machines requires appropriate

technical knowledge about the operation and maintenance of
the machine. It is important to understand the factors which
influence the effective performance of the peeling machine in
your factory.
It is very important to obtain the manufacturer’s instruction
manual published in a language understood by maintenance

Maintenance Cleaning and regular adjustment and maintenance of the

peeling machine is essential. Depending on the capacity used,
manufacturers suggest full maintenance twice per annum.

Control Electronic control panel.

Suitability for small Unsuitable for small factories.

The Agrotech small-scale machine might be a better solution.

I 28 I
Options Manual peeling is the only other option. During a forum on
processing at SIETTA 2018, experts agreed that mechanisation
in peeling would be their priority if they had to choose
between the sections.

Scalability Peeling machines should only be introduced after workers

have undergone training in manual peeling. Currently, the
proportion of manual peeling in mechanised systems in Africa
is estimated at 20-40 %. This level can be reduced to 0% by
increasing peeling machinery efficiencies.

Pay attention to Some manufacturers are still offering older models. Take care to
ensure that you purchase the latest model.
The most significant issue according to processors is the
number of unpeeled kernels. These kernels must be manually
peeled and can increase breakage. The unpeeled kernels may
relate to the quality – especially post-harvest handling of the
RCN – as much as to the operation of the peeling machine.
Manufacturers claim peeling success rates at 80-95%, but
reports from factories suggest that this may in fact be as low as
70%. Breakage is claimed to be 4-8% which appears in line with
processors’ experience.

Industry Processors are installing the new generation of improved

Developments machines.

Current suppliers in Oltremare, Vietmold, MK Tech., Gayathri, Best Engineering, My

Africa An.

Other possible Smaller scale from Indian manufacturers – see listing of

suppliers suppliers.

Price range (2018) Peeling machine US$13,000 – $25,000

Peeling machines with compressor US$25,000 to US$50,000
Small scale machine US$3300 (50-60kg per hr)

I 29 I
Figure 7: Automated Peeler

I 30 I
Source: Gayathri Industries;; Oltremare

3.8 Cashew Wholes Grading Machines

Stage in the processing After peeling, the kernels are sorted into the different grades
process by colour and by size
What does it do? This area has become more complex in recent years. Most
new and modern factories are using a type of colour sorter
to classify according to WW, SW, SSW and DW. This has come
about due to the availability of more cost competitive colour
sorters. It is also a result of the larger scale of factories now.
Modern colour sorters may use imaging technology, X-ray
and laser.
The second part of the process is the grading of the kernels
according to size, which is usually a mechanical process.

Available capacities Colour sorters can grade up to 1 tonne per hour.

Mechanical size graders 80 kg/hour - 100 kg/hour

I 31 I
Ease of use Grading is mostly done manually. In mechanised grading
systems, processors have consistently experienced problems
with poor grading and breakage of kernels. More research is
required to improve the efficiency of whole kernel grading

Maintenance Electronic machines require regular and high-level


Control Electronic control panels

Suitability for small Unsuitable for small factories due to high costs and the
factories high kernel volumes required for the machine. Technical
complication of the machine requires specialised
management expertise.

Options Manual grading is the only other option.

Scalability None scalable in small and medium factory systems

Pay attention to Exaggerated manufacturer claims of machine performance

Industry Developments Processors are demanding greater accuracy and faster

processing from colour sorters. These factors are currently
related to the price of the machine with high levels of
accuracy and capacity available from high quality /cost
There are developments from manufacturers such as
Nanopix of India, with sorters which learn and improve
identification as they are used using artificial intelligence.

Current suppliers in Oltremare, Buhler, China Meyer, Nanopix.


Other possible suppliers Cao Thanh Phat (CTP), Viet Mold, MK Tech

Price range (2018) Colour sorters US$16,000 -US$65000

Mechanical sorters US$3,200 - US$15,000

I 32 I
Figure 8: Size Grading Machine

Size sorter

Source: Gayathri Industries;; Buhler

I 33 I
The KF Model cashew kernel grading machine

The KM Model cashew shell and kernel sorter

Source: MEYER Optoelectronic Technology Inc.

I 34 I
3.9 Grading Machines for Broken Cashew Kernels

Stage in the processing

After peeling, the broken kernels are graded

The grading machine sorts all broken kernels by size

What does it do?
according to international quality standards.

Available capacities Up to 150 kg/hr.

The broken kernels are spread on grading sieves to grade

Ease of use the broken kernels, consistent with international quality
standards and buyer specifications.

Maintenance Regular cleaning of grading sieves.

Control Electronic control panel.

Suitability for small


Options Manual grading

High potential for scalability. Incorporate scalability at the

planning stage of the factory.

Machine quality and reliability.

Pay attention to
Compliance with food safety standards.

Industry Developments Continuous research for small scale factories

Current suppliers in Africa Best Engineering, Gayathri, Vietmold, Muskaan

Many suppliers offer this machine with price ranges

Other possible suppliers
defined by capacity.

US$2,400 - US$3,800

Price range (2018) A full continuous process grading system with

conveyancing ranges US$25,000 – 30,000 for a system 800
– 1000 kg per hour.

I 35 I
Figure 9: Piece Kernel Separators

Source: GIZ/ComCashew

I 36 I
3.10 Vacuum packaging machines
Stage in the process The final stage of cashew processing is vacuum packaging
What does it do? Vacuum packing machines are generally not specifically
designed for the cashew industry. Therefore, the range of
suppliers is wide with specialist packing machine companies
offering standalone solutions, and specialist cashew
equipment companies offering integrated packaging
machines. In general, packaging machines can be bought as
standalone units as matching them to the rest of the process
is straightforward.
The kernels are fed into a vacuum packaging machine, either
manually or by conveyor, with weight check and metal
detector. This machine aerates and cleans the kernels. It fills
and weighs the kernels into pouches. The pouches are then
vacuum sealed and stored, ready for shipment either packed
in cartons to be marked prior to shipment or simply in the
vacuum packs ready for final packing.

Available capacities Capacity is only an issue for the largest factories, with
machines generally capable of exceeding 2 MT/hour (25,000
tonne RCN equivalent per annum)

Ease of use The machines are relatively straightforward to use in a

semi-mechanised process, but may be more complex if a
mechanised or automatic feeding system is used.

Maintenance Daily cleaning and regular testing of the weighing scales. The
packaged products should be tested for integrity of seals,
pressure of the vacuum and quality of the gas backflush.

Control Direct electronic control panels to set weight, vacuum and

back flush.
Suitability for small If a small processor is targeting export markets, then a
factories packaging machine is needed even if the capacity of the
machine may be well beyond the volume processed in the
Options Tin packaging, especially demanded by buyers in the Gulf
Scalability The packing machine is unlikely to be a barrier to expansion
due to capacity.

I 37 I
Pay attention to Integrity of the vacuum seal.
Even and effective gas backflush.
Availability of pouches, delivery time and cost of pouches.

Industry Developments in recent years have been few, given the

Developments already advanced nature of this section. The main advances
have been in the feeding and conveying of the kernels to the
machines and changes in the gases used.

Current suppliers in Oltremare, Multivac, Sepack, Libra MK Tech.


Other possible High quality machines from Europe at higher cost.


Price range (2015) Vacuum packer with conveyor and screen circa US$30,000
Small scale packer: US$3,300
Metal detector unit: US$3,000 – US$16,000 depending on
quality and capacity.

Figure 10: Vacuum Packing Machine


Sources: GIZ/ComCashew, Gayathri Industries;

I 38 I
Source: NCP; Oltremare

I 39 I

No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

1 Bosch Packaging Nigeria [email protected] Tel: +23414489092 Packaging equipment Francis Omoniyi
Technology Covers West Mob:+2348090490923
2 CENTRE DE Cote D’Ivoire [email protected] Tel: (+225) 21 35 38 04 Works with Vietnamese and Mr. Ahmed
DEMONSTRATION ET DE manufactures small scale Coulibaly

I 40 I
3 COTE D’IVOIRE Cote D’Ivoire [email protected] Tel: +225 21 27 31 16 Developing manual and small
ENGINEERING [email protected] scale solutions

4 Cottage Italia Industries Ghana +233302812357 / Packing Materials and Packing
Gh. Ltd. +233244926724 Machines Ovens for cashew
roasting; Press, juice extractors.

5 ENTREPRISE Cote D’Ivoire [email protected] Tel :+225 21 24 70 48 No web site active Metal works and steel
METALURGIQUE construction
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

6 Gratis Foundation Ghana [email protected] +233022204243 A leader in the designing, Kofi Debrah
+233022207610 manufacturing, and selling of Caroline Tsitaka,
precision agro, food processing Marketing Manager
and sanitation equipment
including palm oil processing,
fruit juice extractors and other
food processing machines.

7 Huhtamaki South Africa RSA +27 - (0) 11 730 6300 Packaging solutions William Rigby

8 INSTITUT IVOIRIENNE DE Cote D’Ivoire [email protected] Tel: +225 56 977 999 +225 Cashew Processing Equipment. Diarra Oumar,
TECHNOLOGIE TROPICAL [email protected] 56 077 799 Simple solutions for smaller Manager
(I2T) scale factories

I 41 I
9 Institut National Cote D’Ivoire [email protected] Research and development of Amara Sissoko
Polytechnique Felix [email protected] technology and rehabilitation
Houphouet Boigny of infrastructure

10 Mecanique General Cote D’Ivoire Tel: +225 1 07 46 1215 Engineering works and Obodji Innocent ,
Centrifugeuse pages/category/Industrial- machines Chef d’Atelier
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

11 PRECIX Cote D’Ivoire [email protected] Tel: +225 23 50 30 38 www/ Factory and machine commercial@

12 Quantum Technology RSA [email protected] +27833255945 Colour Sorter for all flowing Dave Neilson
(Satake) products.

13 Rivalia Sarl Morocco [email protected] +212 5233-13838 Fruit processing and juice
machines suitable for cashew

14 SEM ENTREPRISE Cote D’Ivoire Tel: +225 21 36 03 76 Steel construction and
production line assembly

15 Société des Travaux, Cote D’Ivoire [email protected] +225 22 01 49 16 email: [email protected] Cashew equipment full process Bakayoko
d’ingénierie et de Aboubaka/ DG
Consultance (SOTIC)

I 42 I
16 Technica Lebanon [email protected] +9614982224 Transportation and automation
17 Apiagro Ltda Brazil [email protected] +558934224766 Compressor, Centrifuge, Juice
[email protected] +558934224830 extraction, compressor, filter

18 ARV Alricande Brazil [email protected] +551125425010 Packaging and vacuum Arthur Teixeira
equipment, scales

19 Atlas Copco Brazil vendas.compressores@ +551134788700 Compressor Claudio Barroso +5532741411

20 Bosch Brazil consult website +551921031954 Packaging machines

21 Brapenta Brazil [email protected] +551156413410 Metal detectors, X-ray, Check Fabiana Rocha
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

22 GIL Equipamentos Brazil [email protected] +55 85 99588300 Cashew Shelling Machine Celso Tamura
DSA-2C is equipment for the
opening of the cashew nut
through knives, comprising
a system of monobloc heads
that may be integrated, thus
multiplying productivity.
Electronics are integrated
to the design, providing
safety and ergonomics to the
operator, preventing contact
with moving and cutting parts.
1.55 mx 0.75 mx 1.35 m

I 43 I
UPTAKE: 10 ft³ / min (cubic feet
per minute)

PRODUCTIVITY: Approximately
60 nuts per minute.

Weight: 150 kg
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

23 Grantham Engineering Brazil [email protected] +551147022462 Continuous Ovens and drying Valter Lulei
+551146120475 solutions “The floating dryer”.
The tunnel is modular and
can achieve loads of 500 kg/h
750kg/h or 1000 kg /h.The
equipment is fully insulated,
so heat is reused inside the
chambers and requires much
less energy during drying.

24 Ishida do Brasil Ltda Brazil [email protected] +551155475778 Packing, weighing and Veleda Filgueiras De
detection machines Menezes

25 Johnson Electric material Brazil Tel: +27 (0)11 452 1415 Conveying and packing
handling Machines

I 44 I
26 Masipack Brazil [email protected] 55 (11) 3246-3666 Packing Machine Eduardo Baldini

27 Mecol - Metalurgica Brazil [email protected] +55852813222 Machinery and full line Osny Monteiro
Cobica Ltda solutions for mini factories,
small and medium scale

28 Pearce Industria e Brazil [email protected] +558532502544 Full range of equipment for Osny Monteiro
Comercio-de-Maquinas small and manual factories

29 PERFOR Brazil [email protected] +5547 3383 0731 Weight control & metal Marco Antonio
detection DeCruz

30 PLANALT Brazil + 55 (16) 39758500

No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

31 Sangati Berga SA Brazil [email protected]. 55 85 40085000 Industrial equipment that can Roberta Vinticinque
br / roberta@sangatiberga. be applied in cashew factories for transportation, calibration,
food safety , storage and

32 Selgron Satak Industrial Brazil [email protected] +554721117777 Packaging machines, color Mario Santes
Ltda sorter

33 Selovak Brazil [email protected] +551156435599 Packing machines Carlos Frederico

de Melo

34 TCE Pak Brazil [email protected] +551124361706 Packaging machines Antonio Augusto

35 Tetralon Brazil [email protected] Tel:+55 (11) 4081-7000 Fax Import agent: pumps Erik de Almeida

I 45 I
+55 (11) 4081 7100 Costa

36 WEG - Agents Brazil [email protected] Tel: 55 85 3261 0094 Fax: Electric motors João Paulo Silva
throughout Brazil see 55 85 3261 0286
37 An Viet International Co Vietnam [email protected] Tel: 84-38-445601 All machines Ms. Julia Nguyen
Fax: 84 38 445600 and Nguyen Trong
Skype lotus.duong +84 862 630 Tuan

38 Blue Lantern Vietnam [email protected] +84839848847 All types of machines Ms Candy Nguyen
[email protected]

58 Cao Phat Co Vietnam [email protected] +848 36 10 1447 Range of machines as trader Sang Tran
and specialist shelling machine
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

59 Cao Thanh Phat Co. Ltd. Vietnam [email protected] +84866522592 Full range Mr. Nguyen
[email protected] Cong Kinh (John
[email protected] Nguyen), Director.
Mobile phone:
+84 984 300 509
Alex Tran
60 Dai ha Viet Co Ltd Vietnam [email protected] Tel: +84 862 711 393 – Full range. Also offers Ms. Hoang Anh
Mob: +84 908 866 390 consulting and installation

61 Hefei Yijiete China [email protected] Tel +865513841262 Colour Sorter Mr. Louis Cai
Technology Co

62 MEYER OPTOELECTRONIC China [email protected] Tel sales: +86 1826 97 99 808 Sorting machines Joey Liao,
TECHNOLOGY INC. [email protected] Fax: +86 551 653 25618 Sales Manager

I 46 I
+86 18269799808

63 MkTech Co Ltd Also Vietnam [email protected] sales. Tel:+84-08-22404445, www. All Machines and full lines Dan Van Tuyen
trades as Vietnam [email protected] +840837262687; (Technical Manager;
Cashew Machinery Fax :+840837262687 +84907668850)
Group Skype dvtuyen

64 My Anh An Trading Co Vietnam [email protected] Tel: +84 854 284 587 All machines and full lines Jean Pierre To +84
Ltd Part of Vietnam [email protected] 8888 39039
Cashew Machine Group

65 Phuc Thang Co. Ltd Vietnam [email protected] +84854315442 Dryer Mr. Nguyen Tuan
Vu Khanh (Director;
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

66 Shanghai Yuli China [email protected] Tel:+86 15 201 934 369 Mid size company offering a Wu Zengiie
Environment Tech. Co range of machines for all kinds
of applications.

67 Si Chaun United China [email protected] +862886283912 Shelling Machine Michael Young
Industrial Co +862886289173 Anthony Wang

68 Son Viet Vietnam [email protected] +84838905719 All cashew machines Mr. Pham Nhu
pnthanh@sonvietmachines. +84838660244 Thanh (Director; +84862763105 +84918077948)
thanhtbcnsonviet@yahoo. +84984439233
69 TNHH SX - TM Long Tin Vietnam Tel: + 84 8583285 All machines Mr Huynh Le Can
Viet Trademarks and Fax: +84 9622760
Trading Company

I 47 I
70 Trung Tam Ngien cuu Vietnam [email protected] Tel: +84 8662632 Cashew technology Mr Thanh
Thiet bi & GS Tran development and consulting and Mr
Doan Son - HCM City Sang
University of Technology

71 TTQ Industrial Vietnam [email protected] +84 167 2868 997 Cashew and coffee machines Mr Pham Nhu
Equipment Manufacture Coffee roasting machines and Thanh
CO., LTD cashew processing machine

72 Viet Mold Machine Vietnam khoinguyen@vietmoldmachine. +84862537904 Full lines and individual Mr Nguyen Xuan
Co. Ltd com machines Khoi (Director;
[email protected] +84909020010)
[email protected]
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

73 Vietnam Cashew Vietnam See MKTech

Machine Group
See MKTech

74 Viscon Vietnam [email protected] +84903704734 Peeling and shelling machines Mr. Pham Phu
[email protected] Tri (Director;
[email protected] +84903704734)
Mr. Ho Huu
Phu Cuong
59 Vuthanh Machinery Vietnam [email protected] +84 914 898 748 CNSL extraction , shelling and
peeling machines.

60 Xi nghiep co khi chinh Vietnam [email protected] (84) 24.38584416 / Machine tools for Cashew Mr Nguyen
xacXi nghiep co khi [email protected] 38584354/38584475 - technology all machines Huu Nhan
chinh xac = Hanoi Fax: (84) 24.38583268 Mob: 0903 745908

I 48 I

61 Zhengzhou Amisy China [email protected] +86-371-65903478 Cashew Nut Processing Plant Lana Chen
Trading Co. Ltd. [email protected] consists of cashew nut grading
machine, cashew nut steaming
machine, cashew nut shelling
machine, cashew shell and
kernel separator Cashew nut
processing plant , cashew
peeling machine and cashew
nut roasting machine.
62 Zhengzhou Sunshine China [email protected] Tel:86-371-55397618 Non specialist with a range Ms Sasha
Machinery Co., Ltd. Mobile/LINE/Wechat/Viber/ of machines for small and
WhatsApp: 8613526701508 medium scale factories
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

60 Autobag (Automated Germany Africa [email protected] +27 11 745 1940 Packaging Gerd Kammerer
Packaging Systems ltd.) agent in RSA (Germany)

61 BEST (Belgian Electronic Belgium [email protected] / TOMRA +3216396396 Laser sorting machines Karel Strubbe
Sorting Technology) +5519815567929

62 Bosch Germany Krug Mathias Mathias.Krug@ +49 711 400 40990 Packaging and transportation Krug Mathias in factory solutions. Motors
and engineering.

63 Brovind Italy [email protected] +39.0173.81439 Roasting Fabrizio Barisone

64 Buhler Sortex Switzerland raphael.krucker@buhlergroup. +41719551111 Optical sorting equipment of Raphael Knucker
com high efficiency

I 49 I
65 Cablevey USA [email protected] +1 (641) 673-8451 Conveyors and transit

66 Cavanna Packing Group Italy [email protected] (+39) 0163/829111 Packaging Gianluigi Ferri

67 Cimbria Denmark Kenya [email protected] +254 709 459 000 High quality cleaning, Steen Anderson,
procesisng and transportation Managing Director

68 Cloud Packing USA [email protected] +1 847.390.9410 Packaging Mike Werner

Equipment, LLC

69 CPM Wolverine Proctor UK d.harvey@wolveringproctor. +44 (0)1355 575350 Drying and roasting Sales Manager: Tracy Watson
Douglas Harvey
70 Duyvis Weiner Netherlands +31 75 6 126 126 Cocoa Equipment
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

71 Foodmasters Freiberg Germany harold.meier@foodmasters- +49-7141-974033-0 Roasting Juergen Fischer,
[email protected]
72 Gemmer Maschinenbau Germany henrik.gemmer@gemmer- +49(0)47 91-9 66 44-0 Processing technology Henrik Gemmer
Gmbh & Co KG
73 Heat and Control USA [email protected] +1717 556 5820 metal detection and roasting Mike McBeth

74 Helms Technologie Germany Ulrike.Helms@helms- Tel: + 49 (0) 4102-2225-0 Packaging machines Ulrike Helms , Head of Project

75 Insort SmbH Austria [email protected] +43 3115 21 786 High tech sorting machines

I 50 I
with cameras

76 Invicta Vibrators England [email protected] +441476566301 Vibrators Veleda Filgueiras De

77 Key Technology Netherlands [email protected] : +32 496 27 15 02 Inspection, process and transit Gregory Gouters
technology Gert Poesen

78 KHS. Germany [email protected] +49 231 569-10000 Filling machines: cashew apple Hubert Schiffer

79 Krones Germany [email protected] Filling machines: cashew apple Sales Director: Thilo
processing Steindorf
80 LMC Lewis Carter USA [email protected] +1 229 524 2197 automatic separators L. Marcus Carter III
Manufacturing Co.
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

81 Maseto Technologies Spain [email protected] +34 965 930 077 Many processing lines and
82 Multiscan Technologies Spain [email protected] +34965331831

83 Multivac Africa [email protected] Southern Africa Packing machines Alex Becker
[email protected] +27163405400 East & Southern Africa
[email protected] West Africa +216 71 963963 Borhen Bibani East
Adelrahim Thani.
Bernard Laveau
84 NEUHAUS NEOTEC Germany [email protected] +49 4221 859 – 0 Specialisted on Coffee Mr. Lars Henkel
Maschinen- und [email protected] Processing as well as Nuts
Anlagenbau GmbH Processing Hot Air Roasters,
Grinders, Conveyors, Storage
85 Nuts Cleaning & Netherlands [email protected] +31 (0)183 71 24 62 Nut Cleaning and packagindg Mr. Joren

I 51 I
Packaging B.V. [email protected] machines Nieuwenhuizen
86 Oltremare Italy [email protected] +390512988311 Full range of equipment with Ricardo Fonteles
[email protected] +84908547850 mechanisation and production S.Mazzotta
[email protected] line processes. The original Trong Tuan
equipment manufacturer. Steffanio Massari
87 Optimum Sorting Belguim (HQ) [email protected] +32 (0)11 71 80 20 (Belguim) High tech sorting machines
Netherlands [email protected] +31 (0)402 354 760
USA (Netherlands) +1 (720)990-
9687 (USA)
88 Pattyn Packing Lines NV Belguim [email protected] +32 50 450 480 Packing machines
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

89 Quantum Technology Europe [email protected] +27 83 325 5945 Colour Sorters for all free Contact for Colour
flowing granular products. Sorter machine
Example:- enquiries – Dave
Macadamia Kernels
Pecan Kernels.
Almond Kernels.
White and Yellow Maize.
Onion Seed.
Carrot Seed.
Previously Satake installed
machines to sort Cashews in
Mozambique (Before the war).
90 Revtech France [email protected] +33 4 75 60 16 33 http://www.revtech-process-systems. Large factory process systems

I 52 I
91 Satake Europe Sorting Machines Cassie Hughes
92 Senzani Italy [email protected] sales@ +39 0546 624011 Packaging Vittorio Tonazzi technical@
93 Simaco France [email protected] +33 (0)3 87 78 25 14 Cashew apple processing Jean-Yves HEUSSER
94 Tomra Sorting Food Belgium [email protected] Marijke. [Marijke] +32 16 396 396 Sorting solutions Karel Strubbe
[email protected]
95 Ventilex Netherlands [email protected] +31 88 988 1500 Sterilization solution, chemical
and radiation free.
96 Visys Precision Sorting Turkey [email protected] +90 212 876 90 36 Specialist sorting equipment
for fruits and nuts
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

97 VQP Group Netherlands [email protected] +31 183 700 137 Specialised packing in bulk Marcel Mulder,
bags Sales manager
98 Zed 5 UK [email protected] ; +44 792 456 3997 Innovation weighing systems Valter Rosa
[email protected]
99 3 Desire Cashew India [email protected] +91 90993 37500, Esablished in 2008, as traders Mr Vishal Patel
com/ & Suppliers of Cashew Dryer, Mobile No: +91
+91 261-4002546
Cashew Boiler (Cashew 8511168502
Steam Cooker), Cashew Auto
shelling machine, Cashew
Cutting Table, Cashew Grading
Machine. Our Cashew Nut
Processing Plant located in
KIM near Surat (Gujarat).
We are supplier of Cashew
Nut Machinery. We are also

I 53 I
supplier of Cashew Processing
Machinery in India.
100 Abhay Engineers India [email protected] +918242410121/ 2421785/ All machines with solutions for Ganesh Kamath
2442655 smaller factories

101 Accurate Engineering India [email protected] +91 2362 223 122 +9194224 Calibrator, Boilers, small Mr. Kausar Khan
36997 cashew cutter, vibrator, dryers,
Mr. Rizwan Khan
small scale peeling machine,
pieces separator and filling
machines plus tables and
ancillary equipment
102 Agrotech Industries India [email protected] +91 231 252 9065 Sheller, dryer, peeling machine Mr. Nemgounda
Mob +91 942 1200171 industries Patl
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

103 Akshar Cashew India [email protected] +91 9879341795, 9909908161 often not Full range of machines. Sanjay Prajapati,
Industries working so try https://www.indiamart. Suitable for small to medium CEO
com/aksharcashew/profile.html factories.

104 AP Industries India [email protected] +91 90993 37500 A full range of machines which P. V. Patel
may be suitable for mid range
scale factories. The claims on
perfoirmance are impressive
but have not been tested in
African environment.
105 Apna Industries India [email protected] +910442340963 All Machines Mr. V. S. Prasanna

106 Art Machinery India [email protected], Mobile No: +91 7600520377, Range of machines with Tehjib Maknojiya
info@ 9510321301 Ph. No : +91 innovative ideas especially for +91 76005 20377
2742-242377 cutting and peeling Arif Ami +91 95
103 21301

I 54 I
107 Atlas India India info@atlasmachinesindia. 00 91 22 66359900 , Gurpreet Singh Soni
com gurpreetsingh@ / Manmeet Singh
com manmeetsingh@
[email protected]
108 Best Engineering India [email protected] +91 40 23077478 (general) +91 Full range of automatic and Mr. Sesha Sai
Technologies 9963328372 (For buying) manual equipment solutions
109 Bharat Machine Tools India 91-33-2368015 CNSL Expeller Mr A. Bose
Industries /22152364/26570990(R) bharatmachinetoolsindustries/
110 Bombay Engineering India [email protected] ; +912224137094/24135858 Drier Contact via web site
Works [email protected]
111 Buddhi Industries Sri Lanka [email protected] +94112280086 Innovative shelling machines Mr. Maheepala
+94777604150 which are now in their fourth
Ms. Balasuriya
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

112 Compressors and India [email protected] +91 891-2573130, +91 891- Compressors and peeling Mr. Eswar Robbi
Controls Revanth 6559635 fp1465816/Cashew-Peeling-Machine. machines. Suitable for smaller
Technologies html and medium factories
113 Deepa Packers India [email protected] T +91 2496485 Suppliers of packing cartons Mr. K. Surendra
(M) +91 9845120665, contact/201640/deepa-packers- Prabhu / Mr. Sudhir
9448121065 mangalore-india.html Prabhu

114 Dhanalaxmi Industries India [email protected] +91 427-2350674 Specialist in oil expellers Sanjeev Chabra

115 Dinesh compressor and India [email protected] +91 9448134554, 9449084554 Specialist in compressors and Mr. Dinesh
Power Engineering compressor/ agent for other machines

116 Eagle Manufacturing India +91225007543 Strapping machines Mr. Paresh Shah
Company eaglemanufacturing/

117 Ellision Industries India +91 9643205038, +91 Full range of machines but Malav Dave
Pvt. Ltd 9904599995 ellisionindustries/ some are sold as agent.

I 55 I
118 Equestplast Technology India [email protected] +91 22-67031901, +91 22- Full range of machines with Raj Bandiwadeker
Pvt. 67031902 a focus on Indian medium
119 Essae Teraoka Pty Ltd India [email protected] +91 78 4881 23 46 Weighing machines suitable Sunil K George
for cashew factories
120 Falcon Craft India [email protected] +91 474-2742425 Automated Cashew Kernel K. Kumar
3722648-FALCON-CRAFT/ Peeling System, Cashew Kernel
Peeling Machine, Airblast
121 Ganesh Expeller Works India +91222671325 CNSL Expeller

122 GI Technologies India [email protected] +91 44 66727299 and #91 Entire range of Cashew A. Sharathi
order@ 9444344477 Processing machinery / Turnkey project
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

123 Goyum Screw Press India [email protected] +91 98140 33180 Machines for extraction of oils Vinod Jain
which can be used for CNSL.
[email protected]
124 Hitkari India gagan.sethi@hitkari-packaging. +91 98250 08332 Vacuum packaging machine Gagan Sethi
125 Huhtamaki India +91 - 8458 - 279 628, 279 616 +914742742745 Flexible barrier bags

126 Instruments & India [email protected], iecapd@ +91 40 64198780 Peeling machine medium Mr. Sagaya Raj
Equipments Company capacity

127 Italiya International India italiyainternatonal@ +91 8460606199 Specialist manufacturer with Ketani Italiya, info@ a range of machines suitable for small to “large” medium

128 K. S. Worldwide Exports India [email protected] +91 161-5000412, Manual cashew machines for Kulbir Singh

I 56 I
small scale industries
+91 161- 3243003

129 Kamath Packaging India [email protected] Ph:0824-2431301, Manufacturer of packaing Shantharam

Mob:9945551305 materials Kamath

130 Krishna Industries India [email protected] & 91274 2251313 Mob Calibrator, steam cookers , Bhavesh Patel
krishnaindustriespalanpur@ +(91)-9099510710 industries-palanpur/ & http:// peeling, shell/kernel separotor, pieces screening machine,
grading machines, conveyanor

131 Libra India Same director as Milestone +91-9380519151 +9144- Packaging machines, bucket Amaranth Miranda
[email protected] Librakollam@ 22781972 elevators, truck loaders, / J. B. Miranda conveyors, metal detectors,
vibro separaters
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

132 M.K.Associates India [email protected] Ph: +91 79-27453839 Mob: + Peeling machines , cutting HK Maikal
91 9879041476 machines and dryers
133 Mahesh Tin Containers India mmanjunathprabhu@gmail. T +91 9448123227 Supplier of packaging tins. Mr. M. Manjunath
com Prabhu
134 Milestone Speciality India [email protected] +91-9380519151 +9144- Advanced scooping machines, Amaranth Miranda
Equipment Pvt. Ltd [email protected] 22781972 shelling machines, RCN sizer, / J. B. Miranda
separation systems.
135 Muskaan Tradex India [email protected] +911126131421 Full range of equipment Rakesh Gupta

136 Nandadeep Containers India [email protected] Ph:0824-2216465 Containers for packing and Mr. K. Rajendra
Mob:9845088945 transit through the factory. Prabhu Mr.
Surendar Prabhu
137 Nanopix India [email protected] Board:+91 72040 36524 High tech cleaning and sorting Deepa Sobagin,

I 57 I
machines. CRM Executive
Sales: +91 70222 99990 +91 7899 223 999
138 Navinchandra and Co India [email protected] +914425228676 CNSL Expeller Mr. Dinesh Sheth
[email protected] +914425228677
139 Nexgen Drying Systems India [email protected] +912024391881 Cashew high technology for Mr. Shivanand
Ltd +919657716053 drying, sorting and packing. Shelge, Director
Mr. Ajay Kulkarni ,
Marketing Engineer
140 Orange Sorter India [email protected] +9142224528888 Versatile sorting machines Mr. Lingaraj
with possible applications to , Head of
cashews Customer Support
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

141 Power Apex India [email protected] +91 161 3017732 Boiler

Mob +9199141 20797

142 Premium Engineers India [email protected] Tel: +91 79 6579293 Bulk handling and bio mass
Fax: +91 79 657 797

143 Prompt Scales India [email protected] Tel 91 79 2656 5981/2/3 Weighing scales Sunil K. George
Fax 91 79 2640 7958
144 Raj Packaging Industries India [email protected] +91 93910 72519 Flexi pack supplies Mr. Mohammad.

145 Rotex Transmission India [email protected] , +912024363108 Offers the full range of Rajesh Raskar
[email protected], info@ machines at relatively lower, tech. end of the spectrum.

146 Royal Industries India [email protected] +914424850494 Boiler and cooker specialist Mr. Arun

I 58 I
[email protected] +919444050494 with a range of other
+919445093746 machines.
147 Sastish Kumar & India [email protected] Ph:011-28752119 Offers a range of machines for Mr. Satish Agarwal
Brothers Fax:011-28752118 smaller scale factories. / Mr. Anil Goyal
148 Saurabh engineers India [email protected] +912025290475 Packaging machines

149 Sevana Packing India [email protected] +914842680780 http://www.sevanapackagingmachines. Vacuum packaging machine Mr. Mathew
Machines com

150 SG FOOD TECHNOLOGIES India [email protected] +9140 65908498 Packing machines

151 Sigma scales and India +914742760044 Weighing equipment Indian agent
systems +919847181399 of large US
+919447266785 manufacturer of
high quality scales
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

152 SKB Systems India [email protected] +914222668299 Humidifers and cleaning Mr K. Shiva CEO
Ms K. Manikandan,
Lead Engineer
153 Spectrum Industries India [email protected] 91 824 2221018 Cleaning and sorting machines Jeevan
M: 91 98440 43990 Saldanha, CEO
Appanna K.M.,
Manager Marketing
154 Sri Banashankari India [email protected] Ph:08253-251387 Suppliers of full range of Mr. Aithu Kulal
Engineering Works Mob:9448107646 machines.

155 Sri Venkateswara India [email protected] ; Tel +91 97 013 42 653 Driers/Borma, single screw Mr. K. Venkatesh
Industries [email protected] extruder and twin crew
156 Thangam Metal Cans India [email protected] krishnan@svind. None Metal cans for packing Mr. Raja;
in [email protected]
Mr. Krishnan

I 59 I
157 The TATA Iron and Steel India [email protected] / Tin containers
Company [email protected].

158 Transworld Scales & India [email protected] +91-474-274-2381 weighing scales
Service site/#details

159 Venus Sorting India [email protected] +91 99528 55855 , 94430 55855 Innovation, high tech colour R. Makesh Khumar,
Technologies Private sorters. Managing Director
Limited / Venus
Industrialo Engineering
160 Vinayaka Engineering India [email protected] +918242407939 Claims to offers the full range Mr. Saduka Baliga
+91 82407826 of machines and claims to offer
Mr. Vinayak Baliga
full turnkey services .
161 VoiceEngineers Ltd. India [email protected] +(91) (22) 65128138, Dryers & Coolers Charles Gloryman
No. Name Country Email Telephone Website Type of machine Contact

162 Wadpack Limited India [email protected] +918041535491 Carton boxes for packing
163 Weilei Machinery LLP India [email protected] +91 9674594085 Sorting machines Mr. Vikram
+91 9674594085
164 Bond Mechanism India bond,[email protected] +91 474 645 4082 Shelling and peeling machines Ms. Priti Joy

165 Devi Enterprise India [email protected] +91 281 237 8778 Shelling and peeling auotmatic Pravin Patel
Devi-Enterprise small scale
166 JN Induatries India [email protected] +91 20 202 63060 Full range of machines Jamil Akhtar

167 SMMS India [email protected] +91 22 28715902 Metal detectors in process

168 Fowler Westrup India [email protected] +91 8152 282 500 Cleaning machines and colour

I 60 I
169 Sepack India [email protected] +91 484 268 2780 Packaging machines

170 Essen Multipack Limited India [email protected] +91 2827 252018 Packaging machines Vishal Kothari

I 61 I

I 62 I
The Competitive Cashew initiative (GIZ/ComCashew)
The Competitive Cashew initiative, formerly African Cashew initiative (GIZ/ACi), presents a
new and innovative model of broad-based multi‐stakeholder partnership in development
cooperation. GIZ/ComCashew is a private-public partnership programme under the
implementation of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
GmbH, with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ) as well as Cooperation Partners from the private and public sector.

GIZ/ComCashew’s main objective is to increase the competitiveness of African cashew

smallholders, processors and other actors along the value chain to achieve a lasting
reduction of poverty in the project countries - Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana,
Mozambique and Sierra Leone. GIZ/ComCashew aims at ensuring that by 2020, each of
the 580,000 cashew farmers trained will earn an average additional annual family income
of at least $600.

Beyond increasing farmers’ direct income, the initiative aims at improving cashew
processing capacity in Africa, developing sustainable supply chain linkages and
supporting a better organisation and coordination of the cashew sector. GIZ/ComCashew
also strengthens initiatives in the cashew sector and responds to questions regarding
investment and processing.

It is time to accumulate and share the valuable experience and knowledge gained in the
production and processing of raw cashew nuts and its by-products with industry as well as
potential investors in the raw cashew nut processing sector.
This Guidebook on Cashew Nut Processing Equipment is to provide an overview of the
technical information on a range of cashew nut processing machines and to provide
a list selected suppliers of processing equipment. It is a practical guide on selection of
processing equipment and their function in the process.

It provides valuable information on the following:

• selection of equipment, commissioning, installation and management of

• technical information on a range of cashew nut processing machines
• names and contacts of 170 selected suppliers of processing equipment
• basic guidelines and information on the different types of processing equipment
and their function in the process

Other Titles in this Series:

• Cashew Processing Guide Number 1: Guidebook on the Cashew Processing
• Cashew Processing Guide Number 2: Opportunities and Challenges in Cashew
Processing in Africa
• Cashew Processing Guide Number 4: Guidelines for Choosing Raw Cashew Nut
Processing Equipment
• Cashew Processing Guide Number 5: Food Safety, Traceability and
Sustainability in Raw Cashew Nut Processing

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