During commissioning of a linear accelerator (LINAC) one of the essential parameters known as percentage depth dose (PDD) which must
be obtained prior to clinical use. In this study the measurements for PDDs were performed at National Institute of Cancer Research &
Hospital (NICRH), Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh using a linear accelerator (Model D-2300CD, Varian medical systems) with 6 MV & 10
MV photon energies for a set of 12 field sizes (3 × 3, 4 × 4, 6 × 6, 8 × 8, 10 × 10, 12 × 12, 15 × 15, 20 × 20, 25 × 25, 30 × 30, 35 × 35 and
40 × 40 cm2), keeping the same conditions (e.g., geometry, ion chamber voltage and polarity, incremental step and direction). The
measurement of PDDs were performed by two Semiflex ionization chambers (S/N: 1222, S/N: 1217) from PTW for the linear accelerator
(Model D-2300CD, Varian medical systems) using 3D water phantom (MP3) and MEPHYSTO mc2 software from PTW. The calculation
of PDDs were done using a beam analysis tool of TPS (Varian eclipse, Version: 10.0.28). The measured PDD curves were obtained for 6
and 10 MV photon beams with above mentioned field sizes and compared with PDD curves and treatment planning system (TPS)
calculated PDD curves of the British Journal of Radiology- 25 (BJR-25, standard PDD protocol). The measured depth dose (Dmax) for
reference field size (FS) 10 × 10 cm2 are15.99 mm and 24.71 mm and the PDD at 10 cm depth (D10) are 66.87% and 74.01% for 6 MV and
10 MV photon energies, respectively. The results obtained for depth dose (Dmax) and PDD at 10 cm depth (D10) for both 6 MV and 10 MV
photon energies are found within the limit. The measured PDD curves for both photon energies show a good agreement with the BJR-25
PDD curves and TPS calculated PDD curves.
Keywords: Percentage depth dose, LINAC, cancer, TPS phantom
Percentages of depth dose for 6 MV and 10 MV photon water surface. According to IAEA dosimetry protocol, the
energies were measured by using a 3D water phantom, EPOM of a field chamber is shifted downstream by half of
PTW 31010 semiflex chamber (S/N 1217) as a field the chamber's inner radius (0.5r) [6]. This means that after
chamber and PTW 31010 semiflex chamber (S/N 1222) as the reference point has been temporarily aligned with water
a reference chamber and MEPHYSTO mc2 software level, the chamber was moved downstream by the same
version 1.6. The PDD calculation was performed by using distance, and zero set again. A reference chamber
eclipse external treatment planning system (Version (S/N1217) was set in the corner of the measuring field just
10.0.28). above the water surface. Fig. 2 shows the phantom setup for
2.2 Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) Measurement PDD measurements.
Typically, during the first commissioning, the measurement
of PDD at central axis is an essential part. One way of Computer controlled moving chamber Reference chamber
used for dose measurement used to correct for
characterizing the central axis dose distribution is to throughout the water volume dose-rate fluctuations
normalize dose at depth with respect to dose at a reference
depth. PDD is defined as the quotient, expressed as a
percentage of the absorbed dose at any depth Q to the
absorbed dose at a fixed Reference depth P, along the
central axis of the beam as shown in Fig. 1.
Field chamber
alignment tool
3. Results and Discussion Dmax are 1.5±.2 cm and 2.3±.2 cm, respectively and for D10
The measured PDD values of 6 MV and 10 MV photon are 67.1±1.5 % and 73.1±1.5 % respectively [7]. The result
energies for all 12 FSs were plotted to obtain PDD curves. obtained for depth dose (Dmax) and PDD at 10 cm depth
The measured PDD curves for reference 10 x10 cm2 FS at (D10) for both 6 MV and 10 MV photon energies are found
100 cm source to surface distance (SSD) of 6 MV and 10 within the limit mentioned in the IEC 60731 scale [7].
MV photon energies have been shown in figs 3(a) and 3(b).
The authors are thankful to the Director, National Institute
of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH), Mohakhali,
Fig. 5(b) Measured and calculated depth dose, 10 MV Dhaka, Bangladesh for allowing to use their linear
photon, FS: 10 × 10 cm2 accelerator (Model D-2300CD) to perform this research
work. In addition, the authors are highly grateful to Medical
Results from the comparison of the measured and the Physicists and staff of NICRH for their cordial cooperation
calculated depth dose curve (PDDs) for 6 MV and 10 MV in carrying out this research.
photon energies for 10 x 10 cm2 FS are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Difference between TPS calculated and measured
depth dose curves for 6 MV and 10 MV photon energies for 1. E. B. Podgorsak, Radiation Oncology Physics: A
10 x 10 cm2 FS Handbook for Teachers and Students, IAEA, 103, 370
Energy Square Depth Depth Dose Dose
(MV) field difference difference difference difference 2. Dyk Jake Van and J. J. Battista, Cobalt-60: An Old
Size (mm) at (mm) at (%) at 100 (%) at 200 Modality, A Renewed Challenge, 2 (1996).
(cm2) max. dose 50% dose mm depth mm depth
3. Linear Accelerator, http://www.radiologyinfo.org/
6 10 x 10 -0.025 0.084 -0.056 -0.001
10 10 x 10 -0.025 -0.150 0.305 -0.021
4. V. K. Mittal, R. C. Verma and S. C. Gupta,
Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2nd
According to AAPM TG-40 protocol the difference
Edition, 247 (2011).
between TPS calculated PDD and measured PDD for 6 MV
and 10 MV photon energies using beam analysis tool in 5. S. K. Sahoo1, A. K. Rath, R. N. Mukharjee and B.
TPS were found within ±2mm. Mallick, Commissioning of a Modern LINAC for
Clinical Treatment and Material Research, 3, 19
4. Conclusion (2012).
The process of commissioning a LINAC for clinical use 6. IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, ‘Absorbed
includes comprehensive measurements of dosimetric Dose Determination in External Beam Radiotherapy:
parameters. Commissioning of a LINAC is a process where An International Code of Practice for Dosimetry Based
a full set of data is acquired that will be used for patient on Standards of Absorbed Dose To Water’, Technical
treatment. The essential parameters that include percentage Report Series no. 398, IAEA, Vienna, (2000).
depth dose (PDD), Profiles and Output characterization for 7. IEC International Electrotechnical Commission,
a series of Field Sizes (FSs) are the important dosimetric Medical Electrical Equipment, Dosimeters With
data that requires in the commissioning process of a LINAC Ionization Chambers As Used in Radiotherapy,
system. Since the outcome of radiation treatment is directly Standard IEC-60731, IEC, Geneva, (1997).
related to the precession in the delivered dose to the patient
8. Central Axis Depth Dose Data for Use in
that is dependent on the accuracy of beam data used in the
Radiotherapy, BJR, Vol. Sup. 25, (1996) 90.