Version No (1)
Issued on 15/ 12/1444 H corresponding to
3/ 7/2023
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
Keen to upgrade the level of services provided for pilgrims, in partnership with
the private sector, in accordance with the regulation of services set for Umrah
performers and visitors to the Prophet’s Mosque who are coming from outside
the Kingdom decreed by the Cabinet Resolution No. 93 dated 10/ 6/1420 H,
later amended by Cabinet Resolution No. 439 issued on 20/ 11/1435H and its
executive regulation, in addition to royal decrees and orders issued to support
the Hajj and Umrah sector, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has issued the
following document of controls for all those services, taking into account all
the instructions approved by the concerned Umrah system authorities:
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
6. Following the issuance of the Umrah performers’ visas, the Umrah company
must make actual reservations for the dates of performing Umrah or praying in
the honorable Rawdah through the Nusuk business solutions platform in line
with the Umrah performer's program.
7. The Umrah company must take into account that the Nusuk permits issued
are accurate, confirmed and effective unless the Umrah performer's entry to
the Kingdom was not proved to have taken place six hours from the start date
of the permit, otherwise it will be automatically cancelled.
8. In the event that the Umrah performer's program has been amended, the
previous Nusuk permits must be cancelled and reissued according to the
updated dates of the program.
9. In the event that the actual reservations have been made and the permits
issued, and then a need arises to change the date of Umrah or prayer in the
honorable Rawdah, it is possible to cancel the permits through the Nusuk
business solutions platform before the start date of the permit, and book new
reservations within the framework of the dates of the current Umrah
performer's program.
10. Implementation of the program and the services it includes in accordance
with what was previously agreed upon with the Umrah performer.
11. Following up the provision process of contracted service packages stated in
the Umrah package and working to immediately address any deficiencies or
breaches of service.
12. Commitment to modifying the program on the automated system and
always updating it according to the changes that occur in the previously
approved program for the Umrah performer.
13. Entering the pre-readiness data in the Nusuk business solutions platform
before the arrival of the Umrah performers, at a maximum 24 hours.
14. The Umrah company’s commitment to requesting buses through dispatch
orders in the “Nusuk” business solutions platform to transport pilgrims to and
from air, sea, land inlets and among cities, taking into account the following:
a) The group movement guide schedule notifications are according to the latest
updated Umrah performer's program.
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
b) In the event that one group of pilgrims comes in consequent batches and at
different times, the Umrah company must take into account the policies
approved by the General Syndicate of Automobiles in this regard.
c) The responsibility of the Umrah company as regards the pilgrims’
transportation and service inside the Kingdom after the end of the contracted
program, and before the expiration of the validity period of the visa.
15. Educating those wishing to perform Umrah of the procedures that must be
applied throughout the Umrah performer's journey, from his arrival to the
Kingdom to safe return, God willing, to his country.
16. Following up on the latest developments of the requirements of the air
carrier according to the conditions in the country of Umrah performers when
the Umrah performers leave the Kingdom and before boarding the plane in
anticipation of the possibility of not allowing them to travel incurring the
licensee to bear the responsibility of hosting them.
17. Guiding the Umrah performers in the form of groups and illuminating them
from their homes to the Two Holy Mosques to perform the rituals of Umrah or
` visit, assigning a leader for each group according to the time and the approved
program, and shoulder responsibility for any breach of organization and the
consequences that may result accordingly.
18. Umrah companies and institutions are obligated to enter the data of Umrah
performers wishing to leave. This takes place through the Nusuk business
solutions platform according to the group movement schedule previously
entered with a list of the passengers' names in each bus is printed and handed
over to the driver, and the buses directed to the group guiding center to
complete the departure procedures.
19. Repeatedly emphasising on external agents to inform Umrah performers of
the importance of following the regulations and instructions related to not
carrying any prohibited materials when coming to perform the rituals of Umrah
or visit the Prophet's mosque, and to ensure that no prohibited materials are
brought in to avoid the enforcing of legal penalties against them, and also to
educate them to adhere to customs disclosure instructions at the ports upon
arrival or departure according to prescribed Instructions
20. Providing the necessary services to the Umrah performer during his stay
inside the Kingdom in the event that he is exposed to any incident or obstacle
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
3. Informing the Umrah performers of all the controls and instructions and
everything related to the requirements and controls for the Umrah performers
to come to the Kingdom including the rules of residence there issued by this
Ministry and the concerned authorities.
4. Not to directly purchase or provide services inside the Kingdom except
through the Saudi Umrah company with which the contract is made.
5. Commitment to transfer any sums of money related to service packages
from the agent's account outside the Kingdom to his financial portfolio
branching from the bank account of the contracted Umrah company.
6. Commitment to the arrival of Umrah performers to the Kingdom at the time
specified for them in the program under which the Umrah visa was granted.
7. Providing confirmed round-trip tickets for Umrah performers
8. Providing the Umrah performer with an awareness leaflet in his/her own
language before coming to the Kingdom, including how to perform the rituals
of Umrah and visiting the Prophet's mosque, residence regulations in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and regulations and controls for Umrah and visit. The
` leaflet is prepared in coordination with the Saudi Umrah company with which
the contract was concluded.
9. Underscoring the importance that the Umrah performers should wear
identification cards upon their arrival through all sea, air and land inlets
between them so that all concerned authorities can quickly identify them from
among other passengers and provide services to them. The tag should contain
the number of the contact center and its channels to receive complaints and
reports about services.
10. Emphasizing the need for pilgrims to wear identification cards upon their
arrival through all sea, air and land ports between them and other passengers
so that all concerned authorities can quickly identify them and provide services
to them, and it is required that they contain the number of the contact center
and its channels to receive complaints and reports about services.
Third: Operational restrictions and time limits for the Umrah season:
• Validity of the visa: (3) months from the date of its issuance, provided that it
expires at a dateline of 15th of Dhul Qi'dah
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
• Duration of the visa: (3) months from the date of entry into the Kingdom,
provided that it expires at the latest on the 29th of Dhul Qi'dah
time limits
Starting date Closing date
Month Day Month Day
Issuance of visas Dhul Hijja 15 Dhul Qi’dah 14
Entry of Umrah performers to KSA Muharram 1 Dhul Qi’dah 15
Bearing in mind that the last day for the Umrah performers to leave the
Kingdom is on (29) Dhul Qi’dah 1445H
Fourth: Controls for qualifying external agents to work during the Umrah
The external agent wishing to provide services to Umrah performers should
submit an official request through the portal of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah
(https://umralicense.haj.gov.sa) and adhere to the controls described in the
portal, while attaching the following documents and data:
` 1. Copy of the commercial register certified by the competent authorities
and by the Saudi diplomatic mission in the agent's country.
2. IATA (International Air Transport Organization) membership. Some
countries are excluded from this condition if the external agent falls
under the authority concerned with Hajj and Umrah affairs
3. A copy of the passport of the facility's senior official.
4. Contact data and detailed address.
5. The agent's personal financial data.
Note that the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has the right to cease or cancel the
request whenever it deems necessary.
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
2. Documenting the contract. At least two copies being stamped and signed by
both parties.
3. Certifying the verification of the signature of the Umrah company official on
the contracts by the Chamber of Commerce
4. Ratifying the contract by the Kingdom’s diplomatic mission in the agent’s
5. The external agent's submitting a financial guarantee in favour of the
contracted Saudi Umrah company in the amount of 200,000 Saudi riyals),
through one of the following channels:
a) Issuing a Swift code letter addressed to the Saudi bank cooperating with the
foreign bank in the agent’s country. Accordingly, the Saudi bank issues a bank
guarantee on its publications in favour of the Saudi Umrah company.
b) Issuance of a bank guarantee from a Saudi bank or a pledge by the agent to
issue it.
6. Forwarding the entire contract (copies) together with the bank guarantee of
the external agent in favour of the Umrah company or institution to the
` Ministry on the Umrah electronic track under the registration number of the
Sixth: Controls for the services of Umrah companies and institutions for
individual pilgrims:
A. Umrah companies and institutions wishing to provide services to individual
pilgrims who have completed their reservations directly through electronic
marketing platforms dedicated to individual services (B2C) are obliged to the
1- Determine the countries in which the Umrah company wishes to provide
service to this category of pilgrims through the business solutions platform
2- Periodic follow-up of the requests of individual pilgrims that are referred to
the concerned Umrah company from the Umrah electronic track and take the
necessary action, whether by approval or rejection, within four hours from
dispatching the request by the Umrah seekers in the event that the request is
not answered within the specified grace period, the request will be considered
automatically rejected
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
` 3- Communicating with the Umrah seeker before his arrival in the Kingdom to
verify the actual data of the arrival and departure flights.
4- Following up and serving the Umrah performers throughout the journey, and
make sure of their departure immediately after the end of the Umrah program.
5- Accurate following-up of electronic notifications issued by the business
solutions platform "Nusuk" addressed to Umrah companies and institutions
notifying them of the date and time of the actual entry of each Umrah
performer, which enables the Umrah company or institution to monitor any
arrival that violates the previously documented data with the Umrah performer
in the program and deal with it according to the procedures described in the
second paragraph of the eleventh item regarding the controls for reports of the
absence of Umrah performers.
6- Designing programs for Umrah performers to be displayed on the Nusuk
platform. That will be limited to citizens and residents of the concerned country
It will also be committed to the departure of the Umrah performers who came
according to this path immediately after the end of the period of the Umrah
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
Ninth: Controls for buses and foreign cars coming from outside the Kingdom
1- They are absolutely prohibited to practice internal transportation including
picking of passengers within or between cities or charging them in any way..
2-The presence of a passport for the driver and passengers containing a valid
entry visa to the Kingdom to perform Umrah.
3-Vehicles must be registered at the port of entry, and their ownership must be
verified by any authority approved by the official authorities, and linked to the
entry number of the driver or owner to record violations through automatic
monitoring, if any.
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
4-The vehicle should hold comprehensive insurance compatible with the three-
month validity of the visa.
5-The driving license and MVPI (technical inspection) of the vehicle must be
6-The driver must hold an internationally approved vehicle license that is
commensurate with the size and power of the vehicle.
7-The owners or drivers of these vehicles undertake to abide by the
regulations, laws, and instructions regulating the Hajj and Umrah season, such
as parking vehicles in official parking lots approved at the entrances to the Holy
Capital and using approved means of transportation during the Hajj and Umrah
8-Adhering to the vehicle's load in accordance with the regulations and
instructions in force in the Kingdom.
9-Remaining committed not to put any religious or partisan slogan or posters
` on the vehicle
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
2-Re-verify the correctness of the flight data and the take-off time before the
departure of the pilgrims from their residence place.
3-Transporting pilgrims to the departure terminals at airports as follows:
a) From their living place in Makkah to King Abdulaziz International Airport in
Four hours prior to departure time.
b). From accommodation in Madinah to Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz
Airport in Madinah:
Four hours prior to departure time.
c. From the living place in Madinah to King Abdulaziz International Airport in
14 hours prior to departure time.
d) From the residence to other air outlets, to ensure that the pilgrims arrive at
` the air outlet four hours before the time of departure.
4-Emphasis on the pilgrims to adhere to the specifications and sizes of baggage
according to what is approved by the competent authorities.
5-Emphasis on the pilgrims not to put Zamzam water bottles inside their bags.
6-The Umrah company or institution bears responsibility for violating the group
movement regulations and all the consequences that result from it, whether
securing accommodation, meals or transportation until the actual date of being
at the airport.
7-The Ministry has the right to assign a contractor to deal with cases of early
dispatch of Umrah pilgrims to airports, with the company or institution bearing
the costs
Thirteenth: Controls of violations that are referred to the Committee for
Considering Complaints of Umrah Performers in the event that Umrah
companies and institutions breach their obligations to provide service to
Umrah performers:
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
a. Article 7 of the Regulation for the Services of Umrah Performers and Visitors
to the Prophet’s Mosque coming from outside the Kingdom stipulates, without
prejudice to any harsher penalty punishable by the system that the institution
or licensee company that violates any of the provisions of the above-
mentioned regulation and its implementing regulations shall be punished with
one or more of the following penalties:
1- A fine not exceeding 50,000 Saudi riyals.
2- Suspension of the license for a period not exceeding six months from
the period of Umrah visas.
3-Revocation of the license granted to the institution or company.
b. Without prejudice to the right to claim a civil right, the licensed party abroad
is prohibited from dealing with licensed institutions and companies in the
Kingdom if it breaches its contractual obligations.
c. Whoever serves Umrah performers without obtaining the necessary license
` shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 100,000 Saudi Riyals.
d. Following are the violations considered by the Committee for Considering
Complaints of Umrah Performers:
1-Failure to secure housing
2-Securing unlicensed or unclassified housing
3-Securing different housing program.
4-Failure to notify the Ministry of housing modifications.
5-Failure to secure transportation.
6-Securing unauthorized or unclassified transportation
7-Different transport program
8-Failure to receive pilgrims.
9 -Failure to reconfirm departure reservations or failure to follow up
departures procedure
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
2-The matter of the complaint shall be decided within a period not exceeding
30 days from the date of its submission.
3-Taking into account the provisions of Article 45 of these regulations, there is
no condition for the continuation of the consideration of the complaint that the
Umrah performer stays after the end of the period of residence, provided that
during the period of his stay he is allowed to attend the sessions, and he has
the right to appoint someone to act on his behalf if he wishes to do so.
4-The concerned parties shall be notified of the date of consideration of the
complaint or violation in a letter delivered by hand, telegram, registered mail
or e-mail. The absence of the plaintiff shall not prevent the continuation of the
examination of the complaint or violation.
5-The defendant shall be notified of the decision of the Minister of Hajj and
Umrah with the penalty by registered mail at the address reported to the
Ministry, or at the address he chooses during the consideration of the
complaint or violation.
6-The Minister of Hajj and Umrah, after reviewing the recommendations
submitted by the committee, may issue a decision with one or more penalties
he deems appropriate from the penalties stipulated in Article Seven of the
7-The plaintiff will have the right to file objection against the Minister's
decision before the Court of Grievance within 30 days of the issuance of the
decision with the decision of the Court of Grievance to be final
Fourteenth: Classification criteria for Umrah companies and institutions
1-The level of performance of Umrah companies and institutions is assessed on
a quarterly basis according to the following standards:
a) Achieving the minimum quarterly target according to the classification
category for each company, according to the table below in Paragraph No(2).
b) The percentage of pilgrims’ satisfaction with the services provided to them
by the Umrah company should not be less than (90%)
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012
العمرة لشؤون الوزارة وكالة
4-At the end of the Umrah season, the performance level of the companies will
be assessed according to the numbers actually achieved over the season,
cumulatively, according to which the rating level due for each company and
institution in the next Umrah season will be determined
Note that the above targets and percentages are subject to modification
according to what the Ministry deems to be in the interest of work and
achieves its strategic objectives.
God bless,,
ص.ب: 2475 – البيدي الرمز – المكرمة مكة:
ر21955 – هاتف: 5649999 012 – فاكس: 5649988 012