Direct (2)

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Digital Technologies


The report considers thoroughly the digital strategy of Rattan Direct, aiming to improve and
evolve the digital business model. Through a critical analysis and identification of the key
problem areas, the report highlights the need for digital transformation that underlies strategic
and operational success. By tapping into the most cutting-edge digital technologies, which are
augmented reality and blockchain, Rattan Direct can become distinctive from other online stores
that compete in the dynamic digital atmosphere, because of developing brand awareness and
provision of value to the consumers. The report brings the practical and realizable strategy on
digital transformation of Rattan Direct operations in place with the strong strategic interest of
digital facilities usage. With more efficient operations and customer-centered experiences, as
well as sustainability measures, Rattan Direct can remain as a lead online furniture retailer of the
digital world, driving growth and competitiveness at the global level.

Liu, L., Yang, M., Gao, X., Liu, Q., Yuan, Z. and Zhou, J., 2021. Keyword spotting
techniques to improve the recognition accuracy of user-defined keywords. Neural
Networks, 139, pp.237-245.

Marino, G., Zotteri, G. and Montagna, F., 2018. Consumer sensitivity to delivery lead time: a
furniture retail case. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics
Management, 48(6), pp.610-629.

en demand: first make keys for them and then search for locks to be opened.

Logistics: Supply chain and logistics technology comprise of moving the products through the
process from raw materials to end-user in a very efficient way. It holds the key to most
businesses and is crucial to company success and customer satisfaction.

AI: AI as a term for apps that used to involve complex tasks that were once the realm of human
input, like the ones that facilitate online communication of customers or play chess. The term is
commonly exchanged with the ones that fall under the broader headings of machine learning
(ML) and deep learning.

AR: Through augmented reality experiences, shoppers can figure out the most appropriate color
and the fit for the item they would be buying by showing them a body type that has the features
like theirs.

VR: Virtual Reality is a fake representation that utilizes 3D vivid displays and attitude tracking
to allow the user to experience virtually the world that he/she is in. Use cases of virtual reality,
for instance, are entertainment, education, and business. VR is one of the main technologies
ranging from real reality to virtual reality.

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