F2024 C00377 VOL05 REC01

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Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Statutory Rules No. 237, 1998

made under the

Civil Aviation Act 1988

Compilation No. 99

Compilation date: 11 April 2024

Includes amendments: F2024L00297

Registered: 18 April 2024

This compilation is in 5 volumes

Volume 1: regulations 1.001–42.1105

Volume 2: regulations 45.005–92.205
Volume 3: regulations 99.005–135.465
Volume 4: regulations 137.005–175.500
Volume 5: regulations 200.005–202.900
Dictionary and Endnotes
Each volume has its own contents

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 that shows the text of the
law as amended and in force on 11 April 2024 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending
laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any
uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register
(www.legislation.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the
compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced
amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an
application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are
included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the
modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show
the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the
Register for the compiled law.
Self-repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the
law, details are included in the endnotes.

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 200—Modified application of Regulations to certain aircraft 1

Subpart 200.B—Exemption from certain Regulations 2

200.005 Parasails ........................................................................................................2
200.008 Defence Force aircraft operated by civilian flight crew ...............................2

Subpart 200.C—Authorisation to fly 3

200.020 Authorised flight without certificate of airworthiness ..................................3
200.025 Flying unregistered aircraft...........................................................................3
200.030 Flying unregistered aircraft—offence...........................................................3

Part 201—Miscellaneous 4
201.001 Appointment of authorised persons ..............................................................4
201.002 Identity cards.................................................................................................4
201.002A Authorised persons requesting cockpit entry or occupation of seat
201.003 Commonwealth and CASA not liable in certain cases .................................6
201.004 Review of decisions ......................................................................................6
201.016 Disclosure etc. of information ....................................................................10
201.020 Service of documents..................................................................................11
201.022 Carriage of medicines—relationship with other laws.................................11
201.025 Prescription of matters for definitions in these Regulations.......................11
201.030 Approvals by CASA—definitions in these Regulations.............................11

Part 202—Transitional 13

Subpart 202.AB—Transitional provisions for Part 1 (Preliminary) 24

Subpart 202.AD—Transitional provisions for Part 11 (Regulatory

administrative procedures) 25
Division 202.AD.2—Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil Aviation
Safety Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model
Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation) Regulations 2019 25
202.014 Applications by agents for authorisations...................................................25

Subpart 202.AF—Transitional provisions for Part 13 (Enforcement) 26

Subpart 202.AJ—Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and

airworthiness requirements for aircraft and parts) 27
Division 202.AJ.1—Transitional provisions relating to certification of aircraft
and aircraft components 27
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.A—Amendments made by Civil Aviation and Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) 27
202.049A Certain design standards taken to be applicable airworthiness
standards for regulation 21.017 ..................................................................27
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.B—Amendments made by Civil Aviation Amendment
Regulations 1999 (No. 5) 27
202.050 Certificates of type approval.......................................................................27
202.051 Certificates of airworthiness .......................................................................28
202.052 Export certificate of airworthiness..............................................................28

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Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016 28
202.052AA Definitions for Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D .....................................................28
202.052B Applications for certain limited category certificates made but not
finally determined before commencement time .........................................28
202.052C Application of subregulations 21.176(5) and (5A)—limited
category certificates issued on or after commencement time .....................28
202.052D Certain special purpose operations for limited category aircraft ................29
202.052E Certain experimental certificates for certain ex-armed forces
aircraft expire no later than 6 months after the commencement time.........29
Division 202.AJ.2—Transitional provisions relating to approvals of designs of
modifications and repairs 30
Subdivision 202.AJ.2.A—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) 30
202.053 Approvals of systems of certification under regulation 34 of CAR ...........30
202.054 Approvals of designs of modifications and repairs under
regulation 35 of CAR..................................................................................30
202.055 Approvals of aircraft components for use as replacements under
regulation 36 of CAR..................................................................................30
202.056 Use of aircraft material for particular purposes under
regulation 36A of CAR...............................................................................31
202.058 Approval of changes to flight manuals under regulations 55 and
55A of CAR ................................................................................................32
Subdivision 202.AJ.2.B—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 21) Regulation 2014 32
202.058A Approval of damage as permissible unserviceability under
regulation 21.007 ........................................................................................32
Division 202.AJ.3—Transitional provisions relating to authorised persons 33
Subdivision 202.AJ.3.A—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) 33
202.059 Authorised persons for regulations 35, 36 and 36A of CAR......................33

Subpart 202.AK—Transitional provisions for Part 22 (Airworthiness

standards for sailplanes and powered sailplanes) 34
202.060 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July
2009 ............................................................................................................34

Subpart 202.AL—Transitional provisions for Part 23 (Airworthiness

standards for aeroplanes in the normal, utility, acrobatic or
commuter category) 35
202.070 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July
2009 ............................................................................................................35

Subpart 202.AN—Transitional provisions for Part 25 (Airworthiness

standards for aeroplanes in the transport category) 36
202.090 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July
2009 ............................................................................................................36

Subpart 202.AO—Transitional provisions for Part 26 (Airworthiness

standards for aircraft in the primary category or intermediate
category) 37

ii Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Subpart 202.AP—Transitional provisions for Part 27 (Airworthiness
standards for rotorcraft in the normal category) 38

Subpart 202.AR—Transitional provisions for Part 29 (Airworthiness

standards for rotorcraft in the transport category) 39

Subpart 202.AT—Transitional provisions for Part 31 (Airworthiness

standards for manned free balloons) 40

Subpart 202.AU—Transitional provisions for Part 32 (Airworthiness

standards for engines for very light aeroplanes) 41
202.140 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July
2009 ............................................................................................................41

Subpart 202.AV—Transitional provisions for Part 33 (Airworthiness

standards for aircraft engines) 42

Subpart 202.AX—Transitional provisions for Part 35 (Airworthiness

standards for aircraft propellers) 43

Subpart 202.AZ—Transitional provisions for Part 39 (Airworthiness

directives) 44
202.170 Airworthiness directives .............................................................................44
202.171 Application for exemption from, or variation of, requirement of
airworthiness directive ................................................................................44
202.172 Exemption from requirement of airworthiness directive ............................44

Subpart 202.BA—Transitional provisions for Part 42 (Continuing

airworthiness requirements for aircraft and aeronautical
products) 45
202.180 Application of Part 42.................................................................................45
202.181 Election that Part 42 is to apply to an aircraft.............................................45
202.183 Application of subparagraph 42.030(2)(c)(ii) (airworthiness review
certificates) to existing and new aircraft.....................................................46
202.185 Approved maintenance programs taken to include approved
systems of maintenance ..............................................................................46
202.186 Approved reliability programs taken to include reliability programs
included in approved systems of maintenance ...........................................46
202.187 Defects recorded in maintenance releases (regulation 42.355) ..................47
202.188 References to authorised release certificates
(subparagraphs 42.420(5)(a)(i) and (b)(i))..................................................47
202.191 Maintenance certification taken to include certification of
completion of maintenance (paragraph 42.745(c)).....................................47
202.193 Reference to maintenance carried out in accordance with Part 42
(subparagraph 42.795(c)(i)) ........................................................................47
202.194 CASA may direct making of applications under regulation 42.585...........48

Subpart 202.BD—Transitional provisions for Part 45 (Display of

nationality and registration marks) 49
Division 202.BD.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Amendment
Regulation 2000 (No. 3) 49
202.200 Australian aircraft marked in accordance with CAR..................................49

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Division 202.BD.2—Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil Aviation
Legislation Amendment (Airworthiness and Other Matters—
2015 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015 50
202.205 Approvals—markings on aircraft ...............................................................50
202.210 Exemptions—antique, experimental and ex-military aircraft.....................50
202.215 Directions—aircraft with special configuration .........................................50
202.217 Directions—identification plates ................................................................50

Subpart 202.BF—Transitional provisions for Part 47 (Registration of

aircraft and related matters) 51
Division 202.BF.1—Transitional provisions relating to the commencement of
Part 47 51
202.220 Definitions for Division 202.BF.1 ..............................................................51
202.221 Continuation of Aircraft Register ...............................................................51
202.222 Reference to holder of a certificate of registration ....................................51
202.223 Registration under CAR to continue...........................................................51
202.224 Pending applications or notices ..................................................................52
202.225 Application to register aircraft under Part 47 .............................................52
Division 202.BF.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety
Amendment (Cape Town Convention) Regulation 2014 54
202.226 Definitions for Division 202.BF.2 ..............................................................54
202.227 Application of regulation 47.131A .............................................................54
202.228 Application of regulation 47.165 ................................................................54

Subpart 202.CB—Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew

licensing) 55
Division 202.CB.1—Amendments made by regulations commencing
1 September 2014 55
Subdivision 202.CB.1.1—General 55
202.260 Application of Division 202.CB.1—balloons excluded .............................55
202.261 Definitions for Division 202.CB.1..............................................................55
202.262 Application of Division 202.CB.1 to student pilot licences .......................56
Subdivision 202.CB.1.2—Continued authorisations 56
202.263 Continuation of old authorisations..............................................................56
202.264 Continuation of suspended old authorisations ............................................57
202.265 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations ...........57
202.266 Removal of conditions on certain continued authorisations .......................57
202.267 Flight review and proficiency check requirements.....................................59
202.268 Removal of limitation on exercise of privileges of private or
commercial pilot licences—multi-crew operations ....................................59
202.268A Removal of limitation on exercise of privileges of class rating for
aircraft prescribed under regulation 61.062 ................................................60
202.269 Personal log books under regulation 5.51 of CAR—certain
continued authorisations .............................................................................60
202.270 Extended meaning of licence document in Part 61.....................................60
202.271 Expiry of Subdivision 202.CB.1.2 at end of 31 August 2018 ....................60
Subdivision 202.CB.1.3—New authorisations for holders of old authorisations 61
202.272 Grant of equivalent new authorisations for certain holders of old
authorisations ..............................................................................................61

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202.273 References to authorisations granted on the basis of
regulation 202.272 ......................................................................................61
Subdivision 202.CB.1.4—Other provisions 62
202.274 Non-finalised applications for old authorisations .......................................62
202.275 Eligibility for ratings—former holders of time-limited
authorisations ..............................................................................................62
202.276 Flight review and proficiency check requirements for certain new
authorisations ..............................................................................................62
202.277 Personal logbooks—obligations for holders of old authorisations
202.277C English competency for certain holders of student pilot licences ..............63
202.278 Grant of pilot type ratings on basis of overseas training and
202.279 Instrument proficiency checks partially conducted by
foreign-authorised person ...........................................................................64
202.281 Expiry of Division 202.CB.1 at end of 31 August 2025.............................64
Division 202.CB.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety
Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing Measures No. 1)
Regulations 2020 65
202.290 Flight test requirements for 3D instrument approach operations
endorsement ................................................................................................65

Subpart 202.CE—Transitional provisions for Part 64 (Authorisations for

non-licensed personnel) 66
Division 202.CE.1—Amendments made by regulations commencing
1 September 2014 66
Subdivision 202.CE.1.1—Aircraft radiotelephone operator certificate of
proficiency 66
202.300 Definitions for Subdivision 202.CE.1.1......................................................66
202.301 Continuation of old authorisations..............................................................67
202.302 Continuation of suspended old authorisations ............................................67
202.303 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations ...........67
202.304 Grant of aeronautical radio operator certificates for certain holders
of old authorisations....................................................................................67
202.304A References to aeronautical radio operator certificates granted on the
basis of regulation 202.304 .........................................................................68
202.305 Non-finalised applications for old authorisations .......................................68
Subdivision 202.CE.1.2—Approval to taxi an aeroplane 68
202.307 Definitions for Subdivision 202.CE.1.2......................................................68
202.308 Continuation of old authorisations..............................................................69
202.309 Continuation of suspended old authorisations ............................................69
202.310 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations ...........70
202.311 Production of continued authorisation ........................................................70
Subdivision 202.CE.1.3—Expiry of Division 202.CE.1 70
202.312 Expiry of Division 202.CE.1 ......................................................................70

Subpart 202.CF—Transitional provisions for Part 65 (Air traffic services

licensing) 71
202.320 Manual of Standards for Part 65 .................................................................71
202.321 Persons holding certain licences .................................................................71

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Subpart 202.CG—Transitional provisions for Part 66 (Continuing
airworthiness—aircraft engineer licences and ratings) 72
202.340 Having regard to other airworthiness authorities in granting aircraft
engineer licences.........................................................................................72
202.341 Category A licence holders and certification of completion of
maintenance ................................................................................................72
202.342 Category A licence holders and final certificates for completion of
maintenance ................................................................................................73
202.343 Category A licence holders and endorsing maintenance releases ..............73
202.355 Validation of certain licences and ratings granted subject to
exclusions during relevant period ...............................................................74

Subpart 202.CH—Transitional provisions for Part 67 (Medical) 75

202.360 Medical certificates issued under Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 ...........75
202.361 Designated aviation medical examiners appointed under Civil
Aviation Regulations 1988..........................................................................75
202.362 Actions by Director of Aviation Medicine .................................................75
202.363 Applications for issue of medical certificates pending on
3 September 2003 .......................................................................................75

Subpart 202.DA—Transitional provisions for Part 71 (Airspace) 77

Subpart 202.EA—Transitional provisions for Part 90 (Additional

airworthiness requirements) 78
202.400 Transitional provision—Part 90 Manual of Standards ...............................78

Subpart 202.EAA—Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121,
131, 133, 135 and 138 79
Division 202.EAA.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential Amendments
and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 79
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.1—Preliminary 79
202.405 Definitions for this Division .......................................................................79
202.405A Meaning of eligible instrument...................................................................80
202.405B Meaning and effect of new Regulations .....................................................80
202.405C Relationship with section 7 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 ................81
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.2—Requirements for existing AOC holders before main
commencement time 81
202.406 AOC holders to give CASA proposed operations manuals and
expositions etc. before main commencement time .....................................81
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.3—Existing AOCs due to expire 84
202.407 AOCs due to expire.....................................................................................84
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.4—Applications for Australian air transport AOCs
made before main commencement time 84
202.408 Applications for Australian air transport AOCs under new law
made before main commencement time .....................................................84
202.408A Applications for AOCs under old law made before main
commencement time ...................................................................................85

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Subdivision 202.EAA.1.5—Applications for balloon transport AOCs made
before main commencement time 85
202.409 Applications for balloon transport AOCs under new law made
before main commencement time...............................................................85
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.6—Applications for aerial work certificates made before
main commencement time 85
202.410 Applications for aerial work certificates under new law made
before main commencement time...............................................................85
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.7—Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and
aerial work certificates) made before main commencement time 86
202.411 Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and aerial work
certificates) under new law made before main commencement time.........86
202.411A Applications for instruments (other than AOCs, aerial work
certificates and exemptions) under old law made before main
commencement time ...................................................................................86
202.411B Applications for exemptions under old law made before main
commencement time ...................................................................................87
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.8—Main translation rules for old instruments 89
202.412 References in old instruments to old Regulations ......................................89
202.412A References in old instruments to old terminology ......................................89
202.412B References in old instruments to kinds of aircraft ......................................90
202.412C References in old instruments to kinds of operations .................................92
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.9—AOCs 93
202.413 Old AOCs taken to authorise operations etc...............................................93
202.413A Operations manuals, expositions and training and checking manuals
taken to be approved ...................................................................................96
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.10—Applications for AOCs made after main
commencement time 98
202.414 Applications for AOCs made after main commencement time ..................98
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.11—Applications for aerial work certificates made after
main commencement time 99
202.415 Applications for aerial work certificates made after main
commencement time ...................................................................................99
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.12—Old instruments other than AOCs 99
202.416 Approvals taken to be granted ....................................................................99
202.416A Exemptions taken to be granted................................................................103
202.416B Directions taken to be issued ....................................................................112
202.416C Effect of old exemptions...........................................................................113
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.13—Applications for instruments other than AOCs and
aerial work certificates 115
202.417 Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and aerial work
certificates) made after main commencement time ..................................115
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.14—Other general transitional matters 115
202.418 Flight training and checking .....................................................................115
202.418A Flights in progress.....................................................................................116
202.418B Manuals of Standards may deal with other transitional matters ...............116
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.15—Miscellaneous transitional provisions 116
202.419 Statistical returns.......................................................................................116
202.419A Reports ......................................................................................................117

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202.419B Protection of information..........................................................................117
202.419C Special flight permits ................................................................................117
202.419D Special flight authorisations......................................................................118
202.419E Foreign state aircraft .................................................................................118
202.419F Discharge of firearms in aircraft ...............................................................119
202.419G Instrument approach and departure procedure..........................................120
202.419H Existing RVSM approvals ........................................................................121
202.419J Applications for RVSM operational approval ..........................................122
202.419K Operations manuals...................................................................................122
202.419L Fuel records...............................................................................................123
202.419M Light sport aircraft ....................................................................................123
202.419N Operating requirements for light sport aircraft .........................................123
202.419P Reviewable decisions................................................................................124
202.419Q Authorised persons and identity cards ......................................................124
202.419R Applications for certificates of airworthiness ...........................................125
202.419S Applications for experimental certificates ................................................125

Subpart 202.EB—Transitional provisions for Part 91 (General operating

and flight rules) 127

Subpart 202.EC—Transitional provisions for Part 92 (Consignment and

carriage of dangerous goods by air) 128
202.440 Approval of certain training courses and instructors ................................128

Subpart 202.FA—Transitional provisions for Part 101 (Unmanned aircraft

and rockets) 129
Division 202.FA.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 101) Regulation 2016 129
202.455 Definition of commencement date for Division 202.FA.1........................129
202.460 Transitional—approved areas for UAVs ..................................................129
202.461 Transitional—UAV controllers ................................................................129
202.462 Transitional—UAV operators...................................................................130
Division 202.FA.2—Amendments made by Schedule 2 to the Civil Aviation
Safety Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model
Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation) Regulations 2019 131
202.463 Definitions for Division 202.FA.2 ............................................................131
202.466 Delayed application—model aircraft........................................................131

Subpart 202.FC—Transitional provisions for Part 103 (Sport and

recreational aviation operations) 132

Subpart 202.FE—Transitional provisions for Part 105 (Parachuting from

aircraft) 133
Division 202.FE.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Parts 103, 105 and 131) Regulations 2019 133
202.500 Definitions for Division 202.FE.1 ............................................................133
202.501 Application of Part 105 to parachuting activities .....................................133

Subpart 202.FJ—Transitional provisions for Part 115 (Operations using

sport aviation aircraft for non-recreational activities) 134

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Subpart 202.FL—Transitional provisions for Part 119 (Air operator
certification—air transport) 135

Subpart 202.FN—Transitional provisions for Part 121A (Air transport

operations—large aeroplanes) 136

Subpart 202.FO—Transitional provisions for Part 121B (Air transport

operations—small aeroplanes) 137

Subpart 202.FR—Transitional provisions for Part 129 (Foreign air

transport operators—certification and operating requirements) 138

Subpart 202.FS—Transitional provisions for Part 132 (Limited category

aircraft) 139
Division 202.FS.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016 139
202.609 Definitions for Division 202.FS.1.............................................................139
202.610 Warning placards ......................................................................................139
202.611 Permit indexes assigned by CASA or Australian Warbirds
Association Limited ..................................................................................139
202.612 Limited category aircraft without permit index ........................................139
202.613 Approval of major modifications and repairs ...........................................140
202.614 Approval to carry more than 6 passengers................................................140

Subpart 202.FT—Transitional provisions for Part 133 (Air transport and

aerial work operations—rotorcraft) 141

Subpart 202.FV—Transitional provisions for Part 136 (Aerial work

operations—other than those covered by Parts 133, 137, 138, 141
and 142) 142

Subpart 202.FW—Transitional provisions for Part 137 (Aerial agriculture

operations—other than rotorcraft) 143

Subpart 202.FX—Transitional provisions for Part 138 (Search and rescue

operations) 144

Subpart 202.FY—Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes) 145

Division 202.FY.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety
Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019 145
202.700 Definitions for this Division .....................................................................145
202.701 Transitional aerodrome certificates ..........................................................145
202.702 Transitional aerodrome certificates—effect .............................................147
202.703 Certified air/ground radio services and operators.....................................149
202.704 Transitional authorisations........................................................................150

Subpart 202.FYH—Transitional provisions for Subpart 139.H (Aerodrome

rescue and fire fighting services) 152
202.710 Manual of Standards for Subpart 139.H ...................................................152

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Subpart 202.GA—Transitional provisions for Part 141 (Recreational,
private and commercial pilot flight training, other than certain
integrated training courses) 153

Subpart 202.GB—Transitional provisions for Part 142 (Integrated and

multi-crew pilot flight training, contracted training and contracted
checking) 154

Subpart 202.GC—Transitional provisions for Part 143 (Air traffic services

training providers) 155
202.760 Manual of Standards for Part 143 .............................................................155

Subpart 202.GD—Transitional provisions for Part 144 (Product

distribution organisations) 156

Subpart 202.GE—Transitional provisions for Part 145 (Continuing

airworthiness—Part 145 approved maintenance organisations) 157
Division 202.GE.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1) 157
202.800 CASA may direct making of applications under regulation 145.025.......157
Division 202.GE.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Maintenance and Other Matters) Regulation 2013 158
Subdivision 202.GE.2.1—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR maintenance
activities—general 158
202.801 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 references to
maintenance services taken to include references to CAR
maintenance activities...............................................................................158
202.802 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 definition of
approval rating .........................................................................................158
202.803 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 definition of
significant change .....................................................................................158
202.804 Part 145 Manual of Standards—additional matters for CAR
maintenance activities...............................................................................159
Subdivision 202.GE.2.2—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR maintenance
activities—approval of organisations 159
202.805 Applying for approval...............................................................................159
202.806 Issuing approval ........................................................................................159
202.807 Approval certificate ..................................................................................160
202.808 Privileges for Part 145 organisations ........................................................160
202.809 Approval subject to conditions .................................................................160
Subdivision 202.GE.2.3—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR maintenance
activities—offence 160
202.810 Undertaking CAR maintenance activities.................................................160

Subpart 202.GG—Transitional provisions for Part 147 (Continuing

airworthiness—maintenance training organisations) 162
202.840 Recognised organisations taken to be maintenance training
organisations .............................................................................................162
202.841 Applications for approval as a recognised organisation made but
not finally determined before 27 June 2011 .............................................162

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202.842 CASA may direct the making of applications under
regulation 147.025 ....................................................................................162

Subpart 202.GI—Transitional provisions for Part 149 (Approved

self-administering aviation organisations) 163
Division 202.GI.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 149) Regulations 2018 163
202.860 Definition of commencement day for Division 202.GI.1..........................163
202.862 Transitional—holders of authorisations from bodies that become
ASAOs ......................................................................................................163

Subpart 202.HA—Transitional provisions for Part 171 (Aeronautical

telecommunication service and radionavigation service providers) 164
202.880 Manual of Standards for Part 171 .............................................................164

Subpart 202.HB—Transitional provisions for Part 172 (Air traffic service

providers) 165
202.900 Manual of Standards for Part 172 .............................................................165

Subpart 202.HC—Transitional provisions for Part 173 (Instrument flight

procedure design) 166

Subpart 202.HD—Transitional provisions for Part 174 (Aviation

meteorological services) 167

Subpart 202.HE—Transitional provisions for Part 175 (Aeronautical

information management) 168

Subpart 202.HL—Transitional provisions for Part 200 (Exemptions) 169

Subpart 202.HM—Transitional provisions for Part 201 (Miscellaneous) 170

Dictionary 171

Part 1—Definitions 171

Part 2—Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in Part 1 222

1 Parts and materials excluded from the definition of aeronautical
product ......................................................................................................222
3 Definition of air transport operation........................................................222
5 When an aircraft is airworthy ...................................................................222
15 Reference to Annexes to Chicago Convention .........................................222
18 Meaning of authorised release certificate ................................................222
25 Extended meaning of charged with in relation to certain offences ..........223
35 Extended meaning of convicted ................................................................223
36 References to particular kinds of flight crew licences, ratings and
endorsements ............................................................................................224
37 References to flight manual ......................................................................224
40 References to operating an aircraft in an area...........................................225
45 References to EASA certification specifications......................................225
50 References to pilot-in-command...............................................................225
60 Meaning of psychoactive substance .........................................................225
65 Recognised foreign training providers......................................................226
70 Definition of medical transport operation................................................226

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75 Definition of passenger transport operation ............................................226

Part 3—Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and
Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and 202.GG 228
1 General......................................................................................................228
5 Definitions relating to carrying out maintenance .....................................232
10 Meaning of instructions for continuing airworthiness .............................233
15 Meaning of maintenance data ..................................................................234
20 Meaning of maintenance services subcontractor .....................................234
21 Meaning of CAR maintenance activities subcontractor ...........................235
25 Meaning of provides .................................................................................235
30 Meaning of supervising ............................................................................235

Endnotes 236
Endnote 1—About the endnotes 236
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 237
Endnote 3—Legislation history 238
Endnote 4—Amendment history 248

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Modified application of Regulations to certain aircraft Part 200

Part 200—Modified application of Regulations

to certain aircraft

Table of contents
Subpart 200.B—Exemption from certain Regulations
200.005 Parasails
200.008 Defence Force aircraft operated by civilian flight crew

Subpart 200.C—Authorisation to fly

200.020 Authorised flight without certificate of airworthiness
200.025 Flying unregistered aircraft
200.030 Flying unregistered aircraft—offence

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Part 200 Modified application of Regulations to certain aircraft
Subpart 200.B Exemption from certain Regulations

Regulation 200.005

Subpart 200.B—Exemption from certain Regulations

200.005 Parasails
(1) A parasail is exempt from CASR (other than this regulation) if the conditions in
section 95.14 of the Civil Aviation Orders, as in force from time to time, are
complied with.
(2) In these Regulations:
parasail means a parachute tethered to a point or vehicle on the ground or to a
watercraft and deriving lift chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on flexible
surfaces remaining fixed under given conditions of flight.

200.008 Defence Force aircraft operated by civilian flight crew

(1) This regulation applies to a Defence Force aircraft that is being flown and
operated by persons, other than members of the Defence Force, who hold
commercial or higher category licences, and that is engaged in:
(a) flight testing; or
(b) search and rescue; or
(c) support of aircraft development and flight test programs; or
(d) any other activity authorised by the Defence Force.
(2) The aircraft is exempt from CASR (other than this regulation) if the conditions in
section 95.20 of the Civil Aviation Orders, as in force from time to time, are
complied with.
(3) In this regulation:
flight testing, of an aircraft, means flying performed on behalf of the contractor
or Defence Force to establish that the aircraft meets all the requirements of the
contractor or Defence Force after manufacture or major servicing and inspection.

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Modified application of Regulations to certain aircraft Part 200
Authorisation to fly Subpart 200.C

Regulation 200.020

Subpart 200.C—Authorisation to fly

200.020 Authorised flight without certificate of airworthiness

For paragraph 20AA(3)(b) of the Act, an Australian aircraft that is exempt from
CASR is authorised to fly without a certificate of airworthiness.

200.025 Flying unregistered aircraft

For paragraph 20AB(1)(a) of the Act, a person is taken to hold a civil aviation
authorisation that is in force and authorises the person to perform a duty that is
essential to the operation of an unregistered Australian aircraft during flight time
(a) the person holds a pilot certificate granted by a sport aviation body (other
than an ASAO) that administers aviation activities in the aircraft; and
(b) the person operates the aircraft in accordance with the sport aviation body’s
operations manual.

200.030 Flying unregistered aircraft—offence

A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person pilots an unregistered Australian aircraft; and
(b) a sport aviation body (other than an ASAO) administers aviation activities
in the aircraft; and
(c) the person does not:
(i) hold a pilot certificate granted by the sport aviation body; and
(ii) operate the aircraft in accordance with the sport aviation body’s
operations manual.
Penalty: 50 penalty units.

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Part 201 Miscellaneous

Regulation 201.001

Part 201—Miscellaneous

Table of contents
201.001 Appointment of authorised persons
201.002 Identity cards
201.002A Authorised persons requesting cockpit entry or occupation of seat etc.
201.003 Commonwealth and CASA not liable in certain cases
201.004 Review of decisions
201.016 Disclosure etc. of information
201.020 Service of documents
201.022 Carriage of medicines—relationship with other laws
201.025 Prescription of matters for definitions in these Regulations
201.030 Approvals by CASA—definitions in these Regulations

201.001 Appointment of authorised persons

(1) CASA may appoint a person, or the persons included in a class of persons, to be
an authorised person in relation to any one or more of the following:
(a) CASR;
(b) a particular provision of CASR;
(c) CAR;
(d) a particular provision of CAR.
(2) CASA may appoint a person only if CASA is satisfied that the person has the
qualifications and experience to be an authorised person.
(3) CASA may appoint a class of persons only if CASA is satisfied that each person
included in the class has the qualifications and experience to be an authorised
(4) An appointment may be made subject to conditions stated in the instrument of

201.002 Identity cards

CASA must issue identity cards

(1) CASA must issue an authorised person with an identity card if the person:
(a) is an officer; and
(b) performs functions or duties or exercise powers under any one or more of
the following provisions:
(i) subregulation 30(4) of CAR;
(ii) subregulation 33(2) of CAR;
(iii) regulation 43A of CAR;
(iv) regulation 50D of CAR;

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Miscellaneous Part 201

Regulation 201.002A

(v) regulation 53 of CAR;

(vi) regulation 290 of CAR;
(vii) regulation 302 of CAR;
(viii) regulation 305 of CAR;
(ix) a provision of CASR under which the person may enter premises or
exercise inspection powers.
(2) The identity card is valid for the period that the person has been appointed as an
authorised person for.
(3) The identity card must:
(a) contain a photograph of the person that is no more than 5 years old; and
(b) specify which of the following the person is appointed as an authorised
person for:
(i) CASR;
(ii) a particular provision of CASR;
(iii) CAR;
(iv) a particular provision of CAR; and
(c) specify any conditions of the appointment.

Returning identity cards

(4) A person contravenes this subregulation if:
(a) the person has been issued with an identity card; and
(b) the person ceases to be an authorised person for any or all of the provisions
specified in the card; and
(c) the person does not return the card to CASA within 7 days of the person
ceasing to be an authorised person.
(5) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person contravenes
subregulation (4).
Penalty: 10 penalty units.

Display and production of identity cards

(6) If an authorised person is performing functions or exercising powers in
accordance with CASR or CAR, the person must:
(a) wear their identity card so that it can be readily seen; and
(b) upon request, show their identity card.

201.002A Authorised persons requesting cockpit entry or occupation of seat etc.

(1) The pilot in command of an aircraft for a flight contravenes this subregulation if:
(a) during the flight, an authorised person requests to enter the cockpit; and
(b) the request is for the purposes of, or in connection with, the authorised
person performing their duties; and
(c) the authorised person produces or displays their identity card; and

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Part 201 Miscellaneous

Regulation 201.003

(d) the pilot in command refuses or fails to comply with the request.
(2) The pilot in command of an aircraft for a flight contravenes this subregulation if:
(a) during the flight, an authorised person requests to occupy a particular seat
or particular position on the aircraft; and
(b) the request is for the purposes of, or in connection with, the authorised
person performing their duties; and
(c) the authorised person produces or displays their identity card; and
(d) the pilot in command refuses or fails to comply with the request.
(3) Subregulation (1) or (2) does not apply if the pilot in command is satisfied that
the safety of the aircraft, or of any person or property, is likely to be endangered
as a result of the entry of the authorised person to the cockpit, or the occupation
of the seat or position by the authorised person (as the case may be).
(4) The pilot in command of an aircraft for a flight contravenes this subregulation if:
(a) subregulation (1) or (2) applies in relation to a request (the first request) by
an authorised person; and
(b) the authorised person requests the pilot in command to report to CASA the
reasons for the refusal or failure to comply with the first request; and
(c) the pilot in command fails to give the report to CASA in the approved form
within 7 days of the refusal or failure.
Note: Under regulation 11.018, a report in the approved form is not complete unless it
contains all of the information required by the form.

(5) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person contravenes

subregulation (1), (2) or (4).
Penalty: 50 penalty units.
Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in subregulation (3):
see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

201.003 Commonwealth and CASA not liable in certain cases

(1) Neither the Commonwealth nor CASA is liable in negligence or otherwise for
any loss or damage incurred by anyone because of, or arising out of, the design,
construction, restoration, repair, maintenance or operation of a limited category
aircraft or an experimental aircraft, or any act or omission of CASA done or
made in good faith in relation to any of those things.
(2) Neither the Commonwealth nor CASA is liable in negligence or otherwise for
any loss or damage incurred by anyone because of, or arising out of, CASA
exercising powers to conduct tests under regulation 139.135, or any act or
omission of CASA done or made in good faith in relation to those powers.

201.004 Review of decisions

(1) In this regulation:
authorisation: see regulation 11.015.

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Miscellaneous Part 201

Regulation 201.004

Decisions made by CASA

(2) An application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for the
review of a decision of CASA mentioned in table 201.004.

Table 201.004 Reviewable decisions

Item A decision...
1 under a provision of these Regulations:
(a) refusing to grant or issue an authorisation; or
(b) cancelling or suspending an authorisation otherwise than on the application of the
authorisation-holder; or
(c) varying an authorisation otherwise than on the application of the authorisation-holder; or
(d) refusing to vary an authorisation
2 under a provision of these Regulations imposing a condition on, or varying a condition of, an
authorisation otherwise than on the application of the authorisation-holder
2A under Subpart 11.D refusing, because of regulation 47.131B, to cancel the registration of an
3 under Division 11.F.1 or 11.F.2 refusing to grant an exemption
4 under regulation 21.043 refusing to consider an application for a type certificate
4A under subregulation 21.176(5) or Division 132.D.2:
(a) to assign a permit index number to the aircraft; or
(b) to refuse to assign a new permit index number requested by the aircraft’s registered
5 under regulation 21.855 refusing approval to remove or alter information on a critical part
6 under regulation 21.870 agreeing that it is impractical to mark information on a part
7 under subregulation 39.004(2) or (3) refusing to issue an instrument of approval or exclusion
8 under regulation 39.007 refusing to revoke or amend an Australian airworthiness directive
8A under regulation 42.640 directing that an authorisation issued by a continuing airworthiness
management organisation to a pilot licence holder be changed or cancelled
9 under regulation 45.060 refusing approval to place a design, mark or symbol on an aircraft
10 under regulation 45.065 refusing approval to display different markings
10A under regulation 45.070 refusing approval to display different markings, or no markings, for
the purposes of an exhibition
10B under regulation 45.100 refusing approval to display different words, or no words, for the
purposes of an exhibition
10C under regulation 45.135 refusing approval of a method of displaying aircraft markings
11 under regulation 45.140 refusing approval to attach an aircraft identification plate other than
in accordance with regulation 45.125
12A under regulation 47.110 refusing, because of subregulation 47.110(9), to amend the
Australian Civil Aircraft Register and give a certificate of registration
13 under regulation 47.131C or 47.132 cancelling the registration of an aircraft
14 under regulation 47.175 assigning fewer dealer’s marks to an aircraft dealer than were
applied for by the dealer

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Part 201 Miscellaneous

Regulation 201.004

Table 201.004 Reviewable decisions

Item A decision...
15 under Subpart 67.B refusing to appoint a person as a DAME or DAO
16 under regulation 67.095 cancelling the appointment of a person as a DAME or DAO
17 under regulation 90.010 refusing to exclude an aircraft or aeronautical product from the
operation of a provision of Part 90
17A under subregulation 91.980(1) imposing conditions on the operation of foreign registered
aircraft in Australian territory
17B under subregulation 119.105(1) directing an Australian air transport operator to change its
17C under subregulation 119.105(2) directing an Australian air transport operator to remove key
17D under subregulation 119.135(5) directing a head of flying operations of an Australian air
transport operator to undertake an assessment
17E under subregulation 119.145(5) directing a head of training and checking of an Australian air
transport operator to undertake an assessment
17F under subregulation 119.165(2) directing an Australian air transport operator that key
personnel of the operator must have additional qualifications or experience
17G under subregulation 119.165(3) directing key personnel of an Australian air transport
operator to undertake an examination, interview or training
17H under subregulation 131.115(1) directing a balloon transport operator to change its
17J under subregulation 131.115(2) directing a balloon transport operator to remove key
17K under subregulation 131.145(3) directing a head of flying operations of a balloon transport
operator to undertake an assessment
17L under subregulation 131.175(2) directing a balloon transport operator that key personnel of
the operator must have additional qualifications or experience
17M under subregulation 131.175(3) directing key personnel of a balloon transport operator to
undertake an examination, interview or training
18 under regulation 137.040 refusing to approve a standard operations manual
19 under subregulation 137.045(6) refusing to accept:
(a) an application for an AOC submitted later than required under subregulation 137.045(1);
(b) a manual or schedule of differences that is submitted later than required under
subregulation 137.045(4); or
(c) an application for the variation of an AOC submitted later than required under
subregulation 137.045(5)
20 under regulation 137.080 refusing to approve a proposed amendment to an operations
21 under regulation 137.085 refusing to approve a proposed amendment to a schedule of
22 under regulation 137.090 refusing to approve a proposed amendment to a standard
operations manual

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Miscellaneous Part 201

Regulation 201.004

Table 201.004 Reviewable decisions

Item A decision...
23 under subregulation 138.068(1) directing an aerial work operator to change its operations
23A under subregulation 138.068(2) directing an aerial work operator to remove key personnel
23B under subregulation 138.090(4) directing a head of operations of an aerial work operator to
undertake an assessment
23C under subregulation 138.100(5) directing a head of training and checking of an aerial work
operator to undertake an assessment
23D under subregulation 138.120(2) directing an aerial work operator that key personnel of the
operator must have additional qualifications or experience
23E under subregulation 138.120(3) directing key personnel of an aerial work operator to
undertake an examination, interview or training
24 under regulation 139.125, refusing to impose, or to vary, a condition on an aerodrome
certificate in relation to the operation of an aerodrome ground surveillance system
25 under subregulation 141.100(1) directing a Part 141 operator to change its operations manual
25A under subregulation 141.100(2) directing a Part 141 operator to remove key personnel
25B under subregulation 141.125(3) directing a head of operations of a Part 141 operator to
undertake an assessment
25C under subregulation 141.155(2) directing a Part 141 operator that key personnel of the
operator must have additional qualifications or experience
25D under subregulation 141.155(3) directing key personnel of a Part 141 operator to undertake
an examination, interview or training
25E under subregulation 142.155(1) directing a Part 142 operator to change its exposition
25F under subregulation 142.155(2) directing a Part 142 operator to remove key personnel
25G under subregulation 142.185(6) directing a head of operations of a Part 142 operator to
undertake an assessment
25H under subregulation 142.215(2) directing a Part 142 operator that key personnel of the
operator must have additional qualifications or experience
25J under subregulation 142.215(3) directing key personnel of a Part 142 operator to undertake
an examination, interview or training
26 under subregulation 149.120(2) giving a direction to an ASAO
27 under regulation 149.490 giving a direction to an ASAO
28 under regulation 149.495 varying, suspending or cancelling an authorisation issued by an
29 under regulation 149.630 affirming, varying, setting aside or remitting an internal review
decision of an ASAO
Note: See also section 31 of the Act.

Decisions made by other decision-makers

(3) Applications may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of
a decision mentioned in subregulation (5) that is made:
(a) under a provision of these Regulations; and

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Part 201 Miscellaneous

Regulation 201.016

(b) by a person mentioned in subregulation (4) who may make the decision
under the provision.
(4) For paragraph (3)(b), the persons are the following:
(a) an authorised person;
(b) an examiner;
(c) an instructor;
(d) the holder of an approval under regulation 61.040, 141.035 or 142.040;
(e) a limited category organisation.
(5) For subregulation (3), the decisions are the following:
(a) a decision refusing to grant or issue an authorisation;
(b) a decision varying an authorisation otherwise than on the application of the
(c) a decision refusing to vary an authorisation;
(d) a decision imposing a condition on, or varying a condition of, an
authorisation otherwise than on the application of the authorisation-holder;
(e) under subregulation 21.176(5) or Division 132.D.2, a decision by a limited
category organisation:
(i) to assign a permit index number to a limited category aircraft; or
(ii) to refuse to assign a new permit index number requested by the
registered operator of a limited category aircraft.
Note: Section 27A of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 requires a person who
makes a reviewable decision to give a person, whose interests are affected by the
decision, notice of:
(a) the making of the decision; and
(b) the person’s right to have the decision reviewed.

201.016 Disclosure etc. of information

Safety of air navigation

(1) CASA is authorised to disclose information covered by subregulation (2) in the
circumstance that:
(a) the disclosure is to a person:
(i) providing an air traffic service (within the meaning of Part 172) in
Australian territory; or
(ii) carrying out search and rescue operations in Australian territory; and
(b) the disclosure is necessary for the safety of air navigation.
Note: For further authorisation to collect, use and disclose information covered by this
subregulation that is personal information, see the Privacy Act 1988.

(2) The information is the following about an individual who holds a civil aviation
(a) the person’s name;
(b) the person’s ARN (if any);
(c) the person’s address;

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Miscellaneous Part 201

Regulation 201.020

(d) the person’s telephone number;

(e) details of each civil aviation authorisation and any medical certificate that
the person holds.

Registered RPA
(3) CASA is authorised to disclose information relating to an aircraft registered
under Division 47.C.2 in the circumstance that:
(a) the disclosure is to a person providing an air traffic service (within the
meaning of Part 172) in Australian territory; or
(b) the disclosure is to an enforcement body (within the meaning of the
Privacy Act 1988) and is for the purposes of one or more enforcement
related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, the enforcement body.
Note: For further authorisation to collect, use and disclose information covered by this
subregulation that is personal information, see the Privacy Act 1988.

201.020 Service of documents

Despite section 28A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, service may be effected
on CASA only at its principal office at:
16 Furzer Street
Phillip ACT 2606

201.022 Carriage of medicines—relationship with other laws

(1) This regulation applies if a provision of these Regulations or of a Manual of
(a) requires that a medicine or drug must be carried on an aircraft; or
(b) prescribes a requirement in relation to the carriage or use of a medicine or
drug on an aircraft.
(2) None of the following persons are required to obtain or have a licence, approval
or permission for carrying or using the medicine or drug on the aircraft:
(a) the operator of the aircraft;
(b) the pilot in command of the aircraft;
(c) a crew member of the aircraft.
(3) This regulation applies despite any other law of a State or Territory.

201.025 Prescription of matters for definitions in these Regulations

For subsection 98(5A) of the Act, CASA may issue instruments prescribing
matters for definitions in these Regulations relating to matters mentioned in the

201.030 Approvals by CASA—definitions in these Regulations

(1) If a definition in these Regulations refers to a person holding an approval under
this regulation, a person may apply, in writing, to CASA for the approval.

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Part 201 Miscellaneous

Regulation 201.030

(2) Subject to regulation 11.055, CASA must grant the approval.

(3) Subregulation 11.055(1B) applies to the granting of an approval under this

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Transitional Part 202

Part 202—Transitional

Table of contents
Subpart 202.AB—Transitional provisions for Part 1 (Preliminary)

Subpart 202.AD—Transitional provisions for Part 11 (Regulatory administrative


Division 202.AD.2—Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil Aviation Safety

Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model Aircraft—Registration and
Accreditation) Regulations 2019
202.014 Applications by agents for authorisations

Subpart 202.AF—Transitional provisions for Part 13 (Enforcement)

Subpart 202.AJ—Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness

requirements for aircraft and parts)

Division 202.AJ.1—Transitional provisions relating to certification of aircraft and

aircraft components

Subdivision 202.AJ.1.A—Amendments made by Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation

Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)
202.049A Certain design standards taken to be applicable airworthiness standards for regulation 21.017

Subdivision 202.AJ.1.B—Amendments made by Civil Aviation Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 5)
202.050 Certificates of type approval
202.051 Certificates of airworthiness
202.052 Export certificate of airworthiness

Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation

Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016
202.052AA Definitions for Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D
202.052B Applications for certain limited category certificates made but not finally determined before
commencement time
202.052C Application of subregulations 21.176(5) and (5A)—limited category certificates issued on or
after commencement time
202.052D Certain special purpose operations for limited category aircraft
202.052E Certain experimental certificates for certain ex-armed forces aircraft expire no later than 6
months after the commencement time

Division 202.AJ.2—Transitional provisions relating to approvals of designs of

modifications and repairs

Subdivision 202.AJ.2.A—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation

Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)

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Part 202 Transitional

202.053 Approvals of systems of certification under regulation 34 of CAR

202.054 Approvals of designs of modifications and repairs under regulation 35 of CAR
202.055 Approvals of aircraft components for use as replacements under regulation 36 of CAR
202.056 Use of aircraft material for particular purposes under regulation 36A of CAR
202.058 Approval of changes to flight manuals under regulations 55 and 55A of CAR

Subdivision 202.AJ.2.B—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation

Amendment (Part 21) Regulation 2014
202.058A Approval of damage as permissible unserviceability under regulation 21.007

Division 202.AJ.3—Transitional provisions relating to authorised persons

Subdivision 202.AJ.3.A—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation

Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)
202.059 Authorised persons for regulations 35, 36 and 36A of CAR

Subpart 202.AK—Transitional provisions for Part 22 (Airworthiness standards for

sailplanes and powered sailplanes)
202.060 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

Subpart 202.AL—Transitional provisions for Part 23 (Airworthiness standards for

aeroplanes in the normal, utility, acrobatic or commuter category)
202.070 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

Subpart 202.AN—Transitional provisions for Part 25 (Airworthiness standards for

aeroplanes in the transport category)
202.090 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

Subpart 202.AO—Transitional provisions for Part 26 (Airworthiness standards for

aircraft in the primary category or intermediate category)

Subpart 202.AP—Transitional provisions for Part 27 (Airworthiness standards for

rotorcraft in the normal category)

Subpart 202.AR—Transitional provisions for Part 29 (Airworthiness standards for

rotorcraft in the transport category)

Subpart 202.AT—Transitional provisions for Part 31 (Airworthiness standards for

manned free balloons)

Subpart 202.AU—Transitional provisions for Part 32 (Airworthiness standards for

engines for very light aeroplanes)
202.140 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

Subpart 202.AV—Transitional provisions for Part 33 (Airworthiness standards for

aircraft engines)

Subpart 202.AX—Transitional provisions for Part 35 (Airworthiness standards for

aircraft propellers)

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Transitional Part 202

Subpart 202.AZ—Transitional provisions for Part 39 (Airworthiness directives)

202.170 Airworthiness directives
202.171 Application for exemption from, or variation of, requirement of airworthiness directive
202.172 Exemption from requirement of airworthiness directive

Subpart 202.BA—Transitional provisions for Part 42 (Continuing airworthiness

requirements for aircraft and aeronautical products)
202.180 Application of Part 42
202.181 Election that Part 42 is to apply to an aircraft
202.183 Application of subparagraph 42.030(2)(c)(ii) (airworthiness review certificates) to existing
and new aircraft
202.185 Approved maintenance programs taken to include approved systems of maintenance
202.186 Approved reliability programs taken to include reliability programs included in approved
systems of maintenance
202.187 Defects recorded in maintenance releases (regulation 42.355)
202.188 References to authorised release certificates (subparagraphs 42.420(5)(a)(i) and (b)(i))
202.191 Maintenance certification taken to include certification of completion of maintenance
(paragraph 42.745(c))
202.193 Reference to maintenance carried out in accordance with Part 42 (subparagraph 42.795(c)(i))
202.194 CASA may direct making of applications under regulation 42.585

Subpart 202.BD—Transitional provisions for Part 45 (Display of nationality and

registration marks)

Division 202.BD.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Amendment

Regulation 2000 (No. 3)
202.200 Australian aircraft marked in accordance with CAR

Division 202.BD.2—Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil Aviation Legislation

Amendment (Airworthiness and Other Matters—2015 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015
202.205 Approvals—markings on aircraft
202.210 Exemptions—antique, experimental and ex-military aircraft
202.215 Directions—aircraft with special configuration
202.217 Directions—identification plates

Subpart 202.BF—Transitional provisions for Part 47 (Registration of aircraft and

related matters)

Division 202.BF.1—Transitional provisions relating to the commencement of Part 47

202.220 Definitions for Division 202.BF.1
202.221 Continuation of Aircraft Register
202.222 Reference to holder of a certificate of registration
202.223 Registration under CAR to continue
202.224 Pending applications or notices
202.225 Application to register aircraft under Part 47

Division 202.BF.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Cape

Town Convention) Regulation 2014
202.226 Definitions for Division 202.BF.2
202.227 Application of regulation 47.131A

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Part 202 Transitional

202.228 Application of regulation 47.165

Subpart 202.CB—Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing)

Division 202.CB.1—Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Subdivision 202.CB.1.1—General
202.260 Application of Division 202.CB.1—balloons excluded
202.261 Definitions for Division 202.CB.1
202.262 Application of Division 202.CB.1 to student pilot licences

Subdivision 202.CB.1.2—Continued authorisations

202.263 Continuation of old authorisations
202.264 Continuation of suspended old authorisations
202.265 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations
202.266 Removal of conditions on certain continued authorisations
202.267 Flight review and proficiency check requirements
202.268 Removal of limitation on exercise of privileges of private or commercial pilot licences—
multi-crew operations
202.268A Removal of limitation on exercise of privileges of class rating for aircraft prescribed under
regulation 61.062
202.269 Personal log books under regulation 5.51 of CAR—certain continued authorisations
202.270 Extended meaning of licence document in Part 61
202.271 Expiry of Subdivision 202.CB.1.2 at end of 31 August 2018

Subdivision 202.CB.1.3—New authorisations for holders of old authorisations

202.272 Grant of equivalent new authorisations for certain holders of old authorisations
202.273 References to authorisations granted on the basis of regulation 202.272

Subdivision 202.CB.1.4—Other provisions

202.274 Non-finalised applications for old authorisations
202.275 Eligibility for ratings—former holders of time-limited authorisations
202.276 Flight review and proficiency check requirements for certain new authorisations
202.277 Personal logbooks—obligations for holders of old authorisations etc.
202.277C English competency for certain holders of student pilot licences
202.278 Grant of pilot type ratings on basis of overseas training and assessment
202.279 Instrument proficiency checks partially conducted by foreign-authorised person
202.281 Expiry of Division 202.CB.1 at end of 31 August 2025

Division 202.CB.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Flight

Crew Licensing Measures No. 1) Regulations 2020
202.290 Flight test requirements for 3D instrument approach operations endorsement

Subpart 202.CE—Transitional provisions for Part 64 (Authorisations for non-licensed


Division 202.CE.1—Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Subdivision 202.CE.1.1—Aircraft radiotelephone operator certificate of proficiency

202.300 Definitions for Subdivision 202.CE.1.1

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Transitional Part 202

202.301 Continuation of old authorisations

202.302 Continuation of suspended old authorisations
202.303 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations
202.304 Grant of aeronautical radio operator certificates for certain holders of old authorisations
202.304A References to aeronautical radio operator certificates granted on the basis of
regulation 202.304
202.305 Non-finalised applications for old authorisations

Subdivision 202.CE.1.2—Approval to taxi an aeroplane

202.307 Definitions for Subdivision 202.CE.1.2
202.308 Continuation of old authorisations
202.309 Continuation of suspended old authorisations
202.310 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations
202.311 Production of continued authorisation

Subdivision 202.CE.1.3—Expiry of Division 202.CE.1

202.312 Expiry of Division 202.CE.1

Subpart 202.CF—Transitional provisions for Part 65 (Air traffic services licensing)

202.320 Manual of Standards for Part 65
202.321 Persons holding certain licences

Subpart 202.CG—Transitional provisions for Part 66 (Continuing airworthiness—

aircraft engineer licences and ratings)
202.340 Having regard to other airworthiness authorities in granting aircraft engineer licences
202.341 Category A licence holders and certification of completion of maintenance
202.342 Category A licence holders and final certificates for completion of maintenance
202.343 Category A licence holders and endorsing maintenance releases
202.355 Validation of certain licences and ratings granted subject to exclusions during relevant

Subpart 202.CH—Transitional provisions for Part 67 (Medical)

202.360 Medical certificates issued under Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
202.361 Designated aviation medical examiners appointed under Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
202.362 Actions by Director of Aviation Medicine
202.363 Applications for issue of medical certificates pending on 3 September 2003

Subpart 202.DA—Transitional provisions for Part 71 (Airspace)

Subpart 202.EA—Transitional provisions for Part 90 (Additional airworthiness

202.400 Transitional provision—Part 90 Manual of Standards

Subpart 202.EAA—Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133,
135 and 138

Division 202.EAA.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment

(Flight Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions)
Regulations 2021

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Part 202 Transitional

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.1—Preliminary
202.405 Definitions for this Division
202.405A Meaning of eligible instrument
202.405B Meaning and effect of new Regulations
202.405C Relationship with section 7 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.2—Requirements for existing AOC holders before main

commencement time
202.406 AOC holders to give CASA proposed operations manuals and expositions etc. before main
commencement time

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.3—Existing AOCs due to expire

202.407 AOCs due to expire

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.4—Applications for Australian air transport AOCs made before

main commencement time
202.408 Applications for Australian air transport AOCs under new law made before main
commencement time
202.408A Applications for AOCs under old law made before main commencement time

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.5—Applications for balloon transport AOCs made before main

commencement time
202.409 Applications for balloon transport AOCs under new law made before main commencement

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.6—Applications for aerial work certificates made before main

commencement time
202.410 Applications for aerial work certificates under new law made before main commencement

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.7—Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and aerial

work certificates) made before main commencement time
202.411 Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and aerial work certificates) under new law
made before main commencement time
202.411A Applications for instruments (other than AOCs, aerial work certificates and exemptions)
under old law made before main commencement time
202.411B Applications for exemptions under old law made before main commencement time

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.8—Main translation rules for old instruments

202.412 References in old instruments to old Regulations
202.412A References in old instruments to old terminology
202.412B References in old instruments to kinds of aircraft
202.412C References in old instruments to kinds of operations

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.9—AOCs
202.413 Old AOCs taken to authorise operations etc.
202.413A Operations manuals, expositions and training and checking manuals taken to be approved

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Transitional Part 202

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.10—Applications for AOCs made after main commencement

202.414 Applications for AOCs made after main commencement time

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.11—Applications for aerial work certificates made after main

commencement time
202.415 Applications for aerial work certificates made after main commencement time

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.12—Old instruments other than AOCs

202.416 Approvals taken to be granted
202.416A Exemptions taken to be granted
202.416B Directions taken to be issued
202.416C Effect of old exemptions

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.13—Applications for instruments other than AOCs and aerial

work certificates
202.417 Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and aerial work certificates) made after main
commencement time

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.14—Other general transitional matters

202.418 Flight training and checking
202.418A Flights in progress
202.418B Manuals of Standards may deal with other transitional matters

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.15—Miscellaneous transitional provisions

202.419 Statistical returns
202.419A Reports
202.419B Protection of information
202.419C Special flight permits
202.419D Special flight authorisations
202.419E Foreign state aircraft
202.419F Discharge of firearms in aircraft
202.419G Instrument approach and departure procedure
202.419H Existing RVSM approvals
202.419J Applications for RVSM operational approval
202.419K Operations manuals
202.419L Fuel records
202.419M Light sport aircraft
202.419N Operating requirements for light sport aircraft
202.419P Reviewable decisions
202.419Q Authorised persons and identity cards
202.419R Applications for certificates of airworthiness
202.419S Applications for experimental certificates

Subpart 202.EB—Transitional provisions for Part 91 (General operating and flight


Subpart 202.EC—Transitional provisions for Part 92 (Consignment and carriage of

dangerous goods by air)

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Part 202 Transitional

202.440 Approval of certain training courses and instructors

Subpart 202.FA—Transitional provisions for Part 101 (Unmanned aircraft and rockets)

Division 202.FA.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment

(Part 101) Regulation 2016
202.455 Definition of commencement date for Division 202.FA.1
202.460 Transitional—approved areas for UAVs
202.461 Transitional—UAV controllers
202.462 Transitional—UAV operators

Division 202.FA.2—Amendments made by Schedule 2 to the Civil Aviation Safety

Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model Aircraft—Registration and
Accreditation) Regulations 2019
202.463 Definitions for Division 202.FA.2
202.466 Delayed application—model aircraft

Subpart 202.FC—Transitional provisions for Part 103 (Sport and recreational aviation

Subpart 202.FE—Transitional provisions for Part 105 (Parachuting from aircraft)

Division 202.FE.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment

(Parts 103, 105 and 131) Regulations 2019
202.500 Definitions for Division 202.FE.1
202.501 Application of Part 105 to parachuting activities

Subpart 202.FJ—Transitional provisions for Part 115 (Operations using sport aviation
aircraft for non-recreational activities)

Subpart 202.FL—Transitional provisions for Part 119 (Air operator certification—air


Subpart 202.FN—Transitional provisions for Part 121A (Air transport operations—

large aeroplanes)

Subpart 202.FO—Transitional provisions for Part 121B (Air transport operations—

small aeroplanes)

Subpart 202.FR—Transitional provisions for Part 129 (Foreign air transport

operators—certification and operating requirements)

Subpart 202.FS—Transitional provisions for Part 132 (Limited category aircraft)

Division 202.FS.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment

(Part 132) Regulation 2016
202.609 Definitions for Division 202.FS.1
202.610 Warning placards
202.611 Permit indexes assigned by CASA or Australian Warbirds Association Limited
202.612 Limited category aircraft without permit index
202.613 Approval of major modifications and repairs

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Transitional Part 202

202.614 Approval to carry more than 6 passengers

Subpart 202.FT—Transitional provisions for Part 133 (Air transport and aerial work

Subpart 202.FV—Transitional provisions for Part 136 (Aerial work operations—other

than those covered by Parts 133, 137, 138, 141 and 142)

Subpart 202.FW—Transitional provisions for Part 137 (Aerial agriculture operations—

other than rotorcraft)

Subpart 202.FX—Transitional provisions for Part 138 (Search and rescue operations)

Subpart 202.FY—Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes)

Division 202.FY.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment

(Part 139) Regulations 2019
202.700 Definitions for this Division
202.701 Transitional aerodrome certificates
202.702 Transitional aerodrome certificates—effect
202.703 Certified air/ground radio services and operators
202.704 Transitional authorisations

Subpart 202.FYH—Transitional provisions for Subpart 139.H (Aerodrome rescue and

fire fighting services)
202.710 Manual of Standards for Subpart 139.H

Subpart 202.GA—Transitional provisions for Part 141 (Recreational, private and

commercial pilot flight training, other than certain integrated training courses)

Subpart 202.GB—Transitional provisions for Part 142 (Integrated and multi-crew pilot
flight training, contracted training and contracted checking)

Subpart 202.GC—Transitional provisions for Part 143 (Air traffic services training
202.760 Manual of Standards for Part 143

Subpart 202.GD—Transitional provisions for Part 144 (Product distribution


Subpart 202.GE—Transitional provisions for Part 145 (Continuing airworthiness—

Part 145 approved maintenance organisations)

Division 202.GE.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation Safety
Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1)
202.800 CASA may direct making of applications under regulation 145.025

Division 202.GE.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment

(Maintenance and Other Matters) Regulation 2013

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Part 202 Transitional

Subdivision 202.GE.2.1—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR maintenance

202.801 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 references to maintenance services taken to
include references to CAR maintenance activities
202.802 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 definition of approval rating
202.803 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 definition of significant change
202.804 Part 145 Manual of Standards—additional matters for CAR maintenance activities

Subdivision 202.GE.2.2—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR maintenance

activities—approval of organisations
202.805 Applying for approval
202.806 Issuing approval
202.807 Approval certificate
202.808 Privileges for Part 145 organisations
202.809 Approval subject to conditions

Subdivision 202.GE.2.3—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR maintenance

202.810 Undertaking CAR maintenance activities

Subpart 202.GG—Transitional provisions for Part 147 (Continuing airworthiness—

maintenance training organisations)
202.840 Recognised organisations taken to be maintenance training organisations
202.841 Applications for approval as a recognised organisation made but not finally determined
before 27 June 2011
202.842 CASA may direct the making of applications under regulation 147.025

Subpart 202.GI—Transitional provisions for Part 149 (Approved self-administering

aviation organisations)

Division 202.GI.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment

(Part 149) Regulations 2018
202.860 Definition of commencement day for Division 202.GI.1
202.862 Transitional—holders of authorisations from bodies that become ASAOs

Subpart 202.HA—Transitional provisions for Part 171 (Aeronautical

telecommunication service and radionavigation service providers)
202.880 Manual of Standards for Part 171

Subpart 202.HB—Transitional provisions for Part 172 (Air traffic service providers)
202.900 Manual of Standards for Part 172

Subpart 202.HC—Transitional provisions for Part 173 (Instrument flight procedure


Subpart 202.HD—Transitional provisions for Part 174 (Aviation meteorological


Subpart 202.HE—Transitional provisions for Part 175 (Aeronautical information


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Transitional Part 202

Subpart 202.HL—Transitional provisions for Part 200 (Exemptions)

Subpart 202.HM—Transitional provisions for Part 201 (Miscellaneous)

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AB Transitional provisions for Part 1 (Preliminary)

Subpart 202.AB—Transitional provisions for Part 1

Note: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 11 (Regulatory administrative procedures) Subpart 202.AD
Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft
and Model Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation) Regulations 2019 Division 202.AD.2

Regulation 202.014

Subpart 202.AD—Transitional provisions for Part 11

(Regulatory administrative procedures)
Division 202.AD.2—Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft and
Model Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation)
Regulations 2019

202.014 Applications by agents for authorisations

The amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment
(Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Model Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation)
Regulations 2019 apply in relation to an application to CASA for an
authorisation covered by subregulation 11.033(2) (as inserted by those
amendments) if the application is made on or after the commencement of that
Note: Subregulation 11.033(2) covers remote pilot licences under Division 101.F.3, and other
authorisations determined under subregulation 11.033(3).

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AF Transitional provisions for Part 13 (Enforcement)

Subpart 202.AF—Transitional provisions for Part 13

Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.030 to 202.049 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness requirements for aircraft and parts)
Subpart 202.AJ
Transitional provisions relating to certification of aircraft and aircraft components Division 202.AJ.1

Regulation 202.049A

Subpart 202.AJ—Transitional provisions for Part 21

(Certification and airworthiness requirements for
aircraft and parts)
Division 202.AJ.1—Transitional provisions relating to certification of
aircraft and aircraft components
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.A—Amendments made by Civil Aviation and Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)

202.049A Certain design standards taken to be applicable airworthiness

standards for regulation 21.017
(1) A design standard for an aircraft:
(a) that was issued under regulation 21 of CAR; and
(b) that was in force immediately before 27 June 2011;
is taken, on and after 27 June 2011, to be an applicable airworthiness standard
for the aircraft for regulation 21.017.
(2) A design standard for an aircraft component:
(a) that was issued under regulation 21A of CAR; and
(b) that was in force immediately before 27 June 2011;
is taken, on and after 27 June 2011, to be an applicable airworthiness standard
for the aircraft component for regulation 21.017.

Subdivision 202.AJ.1.B—Amendments made by Civil Aviation

Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 5)

202.050 Certificates of type approval

(1) A certificate of type approval for an aircraft, or an aircraft engine or a propeller,
that was, immediately before 1 October 1998, in force under regulation 22 of
CAR as then in force continues in force on and after that date as if it were a type
certificate issued under regulation 21.013A or 21.029.
(2) A certificate of type approval for an aircraft that was, immediately before
1 October 1998, in force under regulation 22A of CAR as then in force continues
in force on and after that date as if it were a type acceptance certificate issued
under regulation 21.029A.
(3) A certificate of type approval continued in force under this regulation remains
subject to any condition to which it was subject immediately before 1 October

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AJ Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness requirements for
aircraft and parts)
Division 202.AJ.1 Transitional provisions relating to certification of aircraft and aircraft components

Regulation 202.051
202.051 Certificates of airworthiness
(1) A certificate of airworthiness that was, immediately before 1 October 1998, in
force under regulation 24 of CAR as then in force continues in force on and after
that date as if it were a certificate of airworthiness issued under
regulation 21.176.
(2) A certificate of airworthiness continued in force under subregulation (1) remains
subject to any condition to which it was subject immediately before 1 October
(3) Subject to Division 7 of Part 4A of CAR, a direction that was, immediately
before 1 October 1998, in force under paragraph 25(1)(b) of CAR as then in
force continues in force on and after that date according to its terms.

202.052 Export certificate of airworthiness

An export certificate of airworthiness that was, immediately before 1 October
1998, in force under regulation 28 of CAR as then in force continues in force on
and after that date as if it were an export airworthiness approval issued under
regulation 21.324.

Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation

Legislation Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016

202.052AA Definitions for Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D

In this Subdivision:
commencement time means the commencement of the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016.

202.052B Applications for certain limited category certificates made but not
finally determined before commencement time
(1) This regulation applies if, before the commencement time, an application for a
limited category certificate for an aircraft was made but had not been finally
(2) The application must be determined in accordance with regulations 21.176 and
21.189 as in force before the commencement time.

202.052C Application of subregulations 21.176(5) and (5A)—limited category

certificates issued on or after commencement time
Subregulations 21.176(5) and (5A) apply to a limited category certificate for an
aircraft issued on or after the commencement time.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness requirements for aircraft and parts)
Subpart 202.AJ
Transitional provisions relating to certification of aircraft and aircraft components Division 202.AJ.1

Regulation 202.052D
202.052D Certain special purpose operations for limited category aircraft
(1) This regulation applies if, immediately before the commencement time, a person
held a special certificate of airworthiness for operating an historic or ex-military
aircraft in adventure style operations.
(2) The person is taken, on and after the commencement time, to hold a special
certificate of airworthiness for conducting adventure flights in an historic or
ex-military aircraft.

202.052E Certain experimental certificates for certain ex-armed forces aircraft

expire no later than 6 months after the commencement time
(1) This regulation applies to an experimental certificate for an ex-armed forces
aircraft if:
(a) it was in force or under suspension immediately before the commencement
time; and
(b) it was issued for a purpose mentioned in paragraph 21.191(d) (exhibition).
Note: A suspended certificate is taken not to be in force: see regulations 11.132, 21.002C and

(2) The certificate expires at the earliest of the following times:

(a) if a period for which the certificate is in force is specified in the
certificate—the end of the period;
(b) when a limited category certificate is issued for the aircraft;
(c) when the certificate is cancelled;
(d) when the aircraft ceases to be registered in Australia;
(e) the day after the end of the period of 6 months beginning at the
commencement time.
(3) This regulation applies despite subregulation 21.195B(2).

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AJ Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness requirements for
aircraft and parts)
Division 202.AJ.2 Transitional provisions relating to approvals of designs of modifications and repairs

Regulation 202.053

Division 202.AJ.2—Transitional provisions relating to approvals of

designs of modifications and repairs
Subdivision 202.AJ.2.A—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and
Civil Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)

202.053 Approvals of systems of certification under regulation 34 of CAR

Despite the repeal of regulation 34 of CAR:
(a) an approval of a system of certification under that regulation, being an
approval that was in force immediately before 27 June 2011, continues in
force on and after 27 June 2011 according to its terms; and
(b) CASA may vary, suspend or revoke the approval as if that regulation had
not been repealed.

202.054 Approvals of designs of modifications and repairs under regulation 35

of CAR
(1) Despite the repeal of regulation 35 and subregulations 47(4) and (7) of CAR:
(a) an approval of a design of a modification or repair that was in force under
subregulation 35(2) or (6) of CAR immediately before 27 June 2011
continues in force on and after 27 June 2011 according to its terms; and
(b) an authorisation that was in force under subregulation 35(3) of CAR
immediately before 27 June 2011 continues in force on and after 27 June
2011 according to its terms; and
(c) subregulations 47(4) and (7) of CAR, as in force immediately before
27 June 2011, continue to apply to such an authorisation as if neither
regulation 35 of CAR, nor those subregulations, had been repealed; and
(d) CASA may vary, suspend or revoke such an approval or authorisation as if
regulation 35 of CAR had not been repealed.
(2) If:
(a) before 27 June 2011, an application was made to CASA or an authorised
person under regulation 35 of CAR for the approval of the design of a
modification or repair; and
(b) the application was not finally determined by CASA or the authorised
person immediately before 27 June 2011;
the application is taken, on and after 27 June 2011, to be an application for a
modification/repair design approval made to CASA or the authorised person
under regulation 21.405.

202.055 Approvals of aircraft components for use as replacements under

regulation 36 of CAR
(1) Despite the repeal of regulation 36 and subregulations 47(4) and (7) of CAR:

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness requirements for aircraft and parts)
Subpart 202.AJ
Transitional provisions relating to approvals of designs of modifications and repairs Division 202.AJ.2

Regulation 202.056
(a) an approval of an aircraft component, or aircraft components included in a
type of aircraft component, for use as a replacement that was in force under
subregulation 36(2) or (6) of CAR immediately before 27 June 2011
continues in force on and after 27 June 2011 according to its terms; and
(b) an authorisation that was in force under subregulation 36(3) of CAR
immediately before 27 June 2011 continues in force on and after 27 June
2011 according to its terms; and
(c) subregulations 47(4) and (7) of CAR, as in force immediately before
27 June 2011, continue to apply to such an authorisation as if neither
regulation 36 of CAR, nor those subregulations, had been repealed; and
(d) CASA may vary, suspend or revoke such an approval or authorisation as if
regulation 36 of CAR had not been repealed.
(2) If:
(a) before 27 June 2011, an application was made to CASA or an authorised
person for an approval under regulation 36 of CAR; and
(b) the application was not finally determined by CASA or the authorised
person immediately before 27 June 2011;
the application is taken, on and after 27 June 2011, to be an application for a
modification/repair design approval made to CASA or the authorised person
under regulation 21.405.

202.056 Use of aircraft material for particular purposes under regulation 36A of
(1) Despite the repeal of regulation 36A of CAR:
(a) a direction under subregulation 36A(2) of CAR that was in force
immediately before 27 June 2011 continues in force on and after 27 June
2011 according to its terms; and
(b) subregulation 36A(3) of CAR, as in force immediately before 27 June
2011, continues to apply to such a direction as if regulation 36A of CAR
had not been repealed; and
(c) CASA may vary, suspend or revoke such a direction as if regulation 36A
of CAR had not been repealed.
(2) Despite the repeal of regulation 36A of CAR:
(a) an approval of an aircraft material, being an approval that was in force
under subregulation 36A(3A) of CAR immediately before 27 June 2011,
continues in force on and after 27 June 2011 according to its terms; and
(b) CASA may vary, suspend or revoke such an approval as if regulation 36A
of CAR had not been repealed.
(3) If:
(a) before 27 June 2011, a person asked CASA or an authorised person to
approve the use of aircraft material for a particular purpose under
regulation 36A of CAR; and
(b) CASA or the authorised person has not, before 27 June 2011, decided
whether or not to approve the use of the material;

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AJ Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness requirements for
aircraft and parts)
Division 202.AJ.2 Transitional provisions relating to approvals of designs of modifications and repairs

Regulation 202.058
the request is taken, on and after 27 June 2011, to be an application for a
modification/repair design approval made to CASA or the authorised person
under regulation 21.405.

202.058 Approval of changes to flight manuals under regulations 55 and 55A of

(1) Despite the repeal of regulation 55 of CAR, an approval of a change to an
aircraft’s flight manual that was in force under that regulation immediately
before 27 June 2011 continues in force on and after 27 June 2011 as if it were an
approval given under regulation 21.006A.
(2) If:
(a) before 27 June 2011, a person asked CASA or an authorised person to
approve a change to an aircraft’s flight manual under regulation 55 of
CAR; and
(b) CASA or the authorised person has not, before 27 June 2011, decided
whether or not to give the approval;
the request is taken, on and after 27 June 2011, to be an application for approval
of the change made to CASA or the authorised person under regulation 21.006A.
(3) Despite the repeal of regulation 55A of CAR, an approval of a change to an
aircraft’s flight manual that was in force under that regulation immediately
before 27 June 2011 continues in force on and after 27 June 2011 as if it were an
approval given by CASA under regulation 21.006A.
(4) If:
(a) before 27 June 2011, an application was made under regulation 55A of
CAR for the approval of a change to an aircraft’s flight manual; and
(b) the application was not finally determined by CASA immediately before
27 June 2011;
the application is taken, on and after 27 June 2011, to be an application for
approval of the change under regulation 21.006A.

Subdivision 202.AJ.2.B—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation

Legislation Amendment (Part 21) Regulation 2014

202.058A Approval of damage as permissible unserviceability under

regulation 21.007
Despite the amendment of regulation 21.007 by the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 21) Regulation 2014, an approval of damage as a permissible
unserviceability that was in force immediately before 1 May 2014 continues in
force in accordance with its terms.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 21 (Certification and airworthiness requirements for aircraft and parts)
Subpart 202.AJ
Transitional provisions relating to authorised persons Division 202.AJ.3

Regulation 202.059

Division 202.AJ.3—Transitional provisions relating to authorised

Subdivision 202.AJ.3.A—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and
Civil Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)

202.059 Authorised persons for regulations 35, 36 and 36A of CAR

(1) This regulation applies to a person who was, immediately before 27 June 2011,
an authorised person appointed under regulation 6 of CAR for the purposes of
regulation 35, 36 or 36A of CAR (as in force before 27 June 2011).
(2) CASA is taken to have appointed the person on 27 June 2011 under
regulation 201.001 to be an authorised person for regulations 21.006A and
21.009 and the provisions of Subpart 21.M.
(3) The appointment is subject to the conditions to which the person’s appointment
as an authorised person under regulation 6 of CAR was subject to immediately
before 27 June 2011.
(4) However, the appointment expires:
(a) when the person’s appointment as an authorised person for regulation 35,
36 or 36A of CAR would have expired; or
(b) at the end of 26 June 2013; or
(c) when it is revoked;
whichever happens first.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AK Transitional provisions for Part 22 (Airworthiness standards for sailplanes and
powered sailplanes)

Regulation 202.060

Subpart 202.AK—Transitional provisions for Part 22

(Airworthiness standards for sailplanes and
powered sailplanes)

202.060 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

(1) Despite the amendments of Part 22 taking effect on 1 July 2009:
(a) an approval that:
(i) was given by CASA under a repealed provision; and
(ii) was in effect immediately before 1 July 2009;
has effect on and after 1 July 2009 as if those amendments had not been
made; and
(b) CASA may suspend or cancel an approval mentioned in paragraph (a) if it
is necessary in the interests of aviation safety.
(2) In this regulation:
repealed provision means regulation 22.006, 22.007, 22.008 or 22.009 as in
force immediately before 1 July 2009.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 23 (Airworthiness standards for aeroplanes in the normal, utility,
acrobatic or commuter category) Subpart 202.AL

Regulation 202.070

Subpart 202.AL—Transitional provisions for Part 23

(Airworthiness standards for aeroplanes in the
normal, utility, acrobatic or commuter category)

202.070 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

(1) Despite the amendments of Part 23 taking effect on 1 July 2009:
(a) an approval that:
(i) was given by CASA under a repealed provision; and
(ii) was in effect immediately before 1 July 2009;
has effect on and after 1 July 2009 as if those amendments had not been
made; and
(b) CASA may suspend or cancel an approval mentioned in paragraph (a) if it
is necessary in the interests of aviation safety.
(2) In this regulation:
repealed provision means regulation 23.007 or 23.008 as in force immediately
before 1 July 2009.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AN Transitional provisions for Part 25 (Airworthiness standards for aeroplanes in the
transport category)

Regulation 202.090

Subpart 202.AN—Transitional provisions for Part 25

(Airworthiness standards for aeroplanes in the
transport category)

202.090 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

(1) Despite the amendments of Part 25 taking effect on 1 July 2009:
(a) an approval that:
(i) was given by CASA under the former regulation 25.006; and
(ii) was in effect immediately before 1 July 2009;
has effect on and after 1 July 2009 as if those amendments had not been
made; and
(b) CASA may suspend or cancel an approval mentioned in paragraph (a) if it
is necessary in the interests of aviation safety.
(2) In this regulation:
the former regulation 25.006 means regulation 25.006 as in force immediately
before 1 July 2009.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 26 (Airworthiness standards for aircraft in the primary category or
intermediate category) Subpart 202.AO

Subpart 202.AO—Transitional provisions for Part 26

(Airworthiness standards for aircraft in the primary
category or intermediate category)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.100 to 202.109 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AP Transitional provisions for Part 27 (Airworthiness standards for rotorcraft in the
normal category)

Subpart 202.AP—Transitional provisions for Part 27

(Airworthiness standards for rotorcraft in the
normal category)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.110 to 202.119 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 29 (Airworthiness standards for rotorcraft in the transport category)
Subpart 202.AR

Subpart 202.AR—Transitional provisions for Part 29

(Airworthiness standards for rotorcraft in the
transport category)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.120 to 202.129 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AT Transitional provisions for Part 31 (Airworthiness standards for manned free

Subpart 202.AT—Transitional provisions for Part 31

(Airworthiness standards for manned free balloons)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.130 to 202.139 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

40 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 32 (Airworthiness standards for engines for very light aeroplanes)
Subpart 202.AU

Regulation 202.140

Subpart 202.AU—Transitional provisions for Part 32

(Airworthiness standards for engines for very light

202.140 Approvals under airworthiness instruments in force before 1 July 2009

(1) Despite the amendments of Part 32 taking effect on 1 July 2009:
(a) an approval that:
(i) was given by CASA under the former regulation 32.004; and
(ii) was in effect immediately before 1 July 2009;
has effect on and after 1 July 2009 as if those amendments had not been
made; and
(b) CASA may suspend or cancel an approval mentioned in paragraph (a) if it
is necessary in the interests of aviation safety.
(2) In this regulation:
the former regulation 32.004 means regulation 32.004 as in force immediately
before 1 July 2009.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AV Transitional provisions for Part 33 (Airworthiness standards for aircraft engines)

Subpart 202.AV—Transitional provisions for Part 33

(Airworthiness standards for aircraft engines)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.150 to 202.159 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

42 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 35 (Airworthiness standards for aircraft propellers) Subpart 202.AX

Subpart 202.AX—Transitional provisions for Part 35

(Airworthiness standards for aircraft propellers)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.160 to 202.169 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.AZ Transitional provisions for Part 39 (Airworthiness directives)

Regulation 202.170

Subpart 202.AZ—Transitional provisions for Part 39

(Airworthiness directives)

202.170 Airworthiness directives

If an airworthiness directive issued under regulation 37A of CAR, or such an
airworthiness directive as subsequently varied, had effect immediately before
1 January 2000, then, subject to these Regulations, the airworthiness directive, or
the airworthiness directive as varied, continues to have effect on and after that
day as if it were an airworthiness directive issued by CASA under
regulation 39.001.

202.171 Application for exemption from, or variation of, requirement of

airworthiness directive
If an application under regulation 42ZR of CAR for an exemption from, or a
variation of, a requirement of an airworthiness directive, in so far as it relates to a
particular aircraft, was still pending immediately before 1 January 2000, the
application has effect as if it were a written request made by the applicant, on
that day, for CASA to exclude, under regulation 39.004, the aircraft from the
operation of the airworthiness directive.

202.172 Exemption from requirement of airworthiness directive

If an exemption from a requirement of an airworthiness directive granted, under
regulation 42ZS of CAR, in relation to an aircraft was still in force immediately
before 1 January 2000, then, subject to these Regulations, the exemption has
effect as if it were an instrument issued under regulation 39.004, on that day,
excluding the aircraft from the operation of the airworthiness directive.

44 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 42 (Continuing airworthiness requirements for aircraft and aeronautical
products) Subpart 202.BA

Regulation 202.180

Subpart 202.BA—Transitional provisions for Part 42

(Continuing airworthiness requirements for aircraft
and aeronautical products)

202.180 Application of Part 42

(1) Part 42 applies to:
(a) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct a Part 121 operation that is a
scheduled air transport operation; and
(aa) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct a Part 135 operation that is a
scheduled air transport operation; and
(b) a registered aircraft for which an election under regulation 202.181 is in
force; and
(c) an aeronautical product for an aircraft mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).
(2) Part 42 applies to a Part 145 organisation that is providing maintenance services
(a) an aircraft mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b); or
(b) an aeronautical product for an aircraft mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b).
(3) Part 42 applies to an independent maintainer mentioned in item 4 or 5 of table
42.300 who is carrying out maintenance on an aircraft mentioned in
paragraph (1)(a) or (b).

202.181 Election that Part 42 is to apply to an aircraft

(1) This regulation applies to any of the following:
(a) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct a Part 121 operation that is not a
scheduled air transport operation;
(b) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct a Part 133 operation;
(c) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct a Part 135 operation that is not a
scheduled air transport operation;
(d) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct an aerial work operation under
an aerial work certificate;
(e) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct an aerial application operation
under an AOC;
(f) a registered aircraft that is used to conduct authorised Part 141 flight
training or an authorised Part 142 activity;
(g) a registered large aircraft that is not authorised to operate under an AOC,
an aerial work certificate or a Part 141 certificate.
(2) The registered operator of the aircraft may, by written notice given to CASA,
elect that Part 42 is to apply to the aircraft.
(3) An election under this regulation must be in the approved form.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.BA Transitional provisions for Part 42 (Continuing airworthiness requirements for
aircraft and aeronautical products)

Regulation 202.183
(4) An election under this regulation is not revocable.
(5) However, an election under this regulation for an aircraft ceases to be in force if
there is a change of registered operator for the aircraft.

202.183 Application of subparagraph 42.030(2)(c)(ii) (airworthiness review

certificates) to existing and new aircraft

Existing aircraft
(1) Subparagraph 42.030(2)(c)(ii) applies to the registered operator of an existing
aircraft of a particular type and model on and after the day that is 3 years after
the approval day for the operator for that type and model of aircraft.
(2) An aircraft of a particular type and model is an existing aircraft for a registered
operator if the aircraft is mentioned in the registered operator’s AOC on the
approval day for the operator for that type and model of aircraft.

New aircraft
(3) Subparagraph 42.030(2)(c)(ii) applies to the registered operator of a new aircraft
of a particular type and model on and after the day after the approval day for the
operator for that type and model of aircraft.
(4) An aircraft of a particular type and model is a new aircraft for a registered
operator if the aircraft was added to the registered operator’s AOC after the
approval day for the operator for that type and model of aircraft.

Approval day
(5) In this regulation:
approval day, for the registered operator of a particular type and model of
aircraft, means the day when the operator is approved as a continuing
airworthiness management organisation for that type and model of aircraft.

202.185 Approved maintenance programs taken to include approved systems of

For Part 42, a reference to an approved maintenance program for an aircraft is
taken to include an approved system of maintenance for the aircraft.

202.186 Approved reliability programs taken to include reliability programs

included in approved systems of maintenance
For Part 42, a reference to an approved reliability program for an aircraft is taken
to include a reliability program included in an approved system of maintenance
for the aircraft.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 42 (Continuing airworthiness requirements for aircraft and aeronautical
products) Subpart 202.BA

Regulation 202.187
202.187 Defects recorded in maintenance releases (regulation 42.355)
(2) For regulation 42.355, if a maintenance release that is in force for an aircraft
immediately before Part 42 begins to apply to the aircraft is endorsed with
information about a defect in the aircraft, the defect is taken to be recorded in the
continuing airworthiness records system for the aircraft.
(3) In this regulation:
maintenance release, for the registered operator of an aircraft, includes another
document approved by CASA for use by the operator as an alternative for the
purposes of regulation 49 or 50 of CAR.

202.188 References to authorised release certificates

(subparagraphs 42.420(5)(a)(i) and (b)(i))
For subparagraphs 42.420(5)(a)(i) and (b)(i), a reference to an authorised release
certificate is taken to include an authorised release certificate, within the
meaning given by subclause 18(1) of Part 2 of the Dictionary, that is issued
before 27 June 2013.

202.191 Maintenance certification taken to include certification of completion of

maintenance (paragraph 42.745(c))
(1) This regulation applies to an approved maintenance organisation that, before
becoming an approved maintenance organisation:
(a) was the holder of a certificate of approval that covered maintenance of
aircraft or aircraft components; and
(b) carried out maintenance on an aircraft.
(2) For paragraph 42.745(c), a reference to maintenance certification having been
performed for maintenance carried out on an aircraft is taken to include, in
relation to maintenance mentioned in paragraph (1)(b), certification of the
completion of the maintenance in accordance with regulation 42ZE or 42ZN of

202.193 Reference to maintenance carried out in accordance with Part 42

(subparagraph 42.795(c)(i))
(1) This regulation applies to an approved maintenance organisation that, before
becoming an approved maintenance organisation:
(a) was the holder of a certificate of approval that covered maintenance of
aircraft or aircraft components; and
(b) carried out maintenance:
(i) on an aeronautical product that is an aircraft component; and
(ii) in accordance with the approved maintenance data for the component.
Note: For the definition of approved maintenance data, see subsection 2(1) of CAR.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.BA Transitional provisions for Part 42 (Continuing airworthiness requirements for
aircraft and aeronautical products)

Regulation 202.194
(2) For subparagraph 42.795(c)(i), a reference to maintenance having been carried
out on the product in accordance with Part 42 is taken to include maintenance
mentioned in paragraph (1)(b).

202.194 CASA may direct making of applications under regulation 42.585

(1) CASA may direct the registered operator of an aircraft of a particular type and
model to make an application under regulation 42.585 for approval as a
continuing airworthiness management organisation for that type and model of
(2) A direction under this regulation must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) specify the time within which the direction must be complied with.
(3) A person to whom a direction is given must comply with the direction within the
time specified in the direction.
Note: CASA intends to give directions under this regulation to assist it in managing the
implementation of Part 42.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 45 (Display of nationality and registration marks) Subpart 202.BD
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Amendment Regulation 2000 (No. 3) Division 202.BD.1

Regulation 202.200

Subpart 202.BD—Transitional provisions for Part 45

(Display of nationality and registration marks)
Division 202.BD.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation
Amendment Regulation 2000 (No. 3)

202.200 Australian aircraft marked in accordance with CAR

Despite Part 45, an Australian aircraft registered before 1 October 2000 need not
bear markings that comply with that Part until it is repainted if, until then, the
aircraft bears nationality marks and registration marks in accordance with
Division 7 of Part 3 of CAR (as in force immediately before 1 October 2000).

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.BD Transitional provisions for Part 45 (Display of nationality and registration marks)
Division 202.BD.2 Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment
(Airworthiness and Other Matters—2015 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015

Regulation 202.205

Division 202.BD.2—Amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Civil

Aviation Legislation Amendment (Airworthiness and Other
Matters—2015 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015

202.205 Approvals—markings on aircraft

(1) This regulation applies to an approval that was in force under regulation 45.090
immediately before 4 July 2016.
(2) The approval has effect, on and after 4 July 2016, as if it were an approval
granted under regulation 45.060.

202.210 Exemptions—antique, experimental and ex-military aircraft

Despite the amendments of these Regulations made by Schedule 3 to the Civil
Aviation Legislation Amendment (Airworthiness and Other Matters—2015
Measures No. 1) Regulation 2015, regulation 45.100 (as in force immediately
before 4 July 2016) continues to apply to an aircraft covered by paragraphs
45.100(1)(a) and (b) until the aircraft is repainted as if a reference in that
regulation to regulations 45.045, 45.050, 45.055, 45.060, 45.065, 45.070, 45.075,
45.080 and 45.085 were a reference to the requirements prescribed by the Part 45
Manual of Standards under regulation 45.050.

202.215 Directions—aircraft with special configuration

(1) This regulation applies to a written direction that was in force under
regulation 45.105 immediately before 4 July 2016.
(2) The direction has effect, on and after 4 July 2016, as if it were an approval
granted under regulation 45.065.

202.217 Directions—identification plates

(1) This regulation applies to a written direction that was in force under
regulation 45.150 immediately before 4 July 2016.
(2) The direction has effect, on and after 4 July 2016, as if it were an approval
granted under regulation 45.140.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 47 (Registration of aircraft and related matters) Subpart 202.BF
Transitional provisions relating to the commencement of Part 47 Division 202.BF.1

Regulation 202.220

Subpart 202.BF—Transitional provisions for Part 47

(Registration of aircraft and related matters)
Division 202.BF.1—Transitional provisions relating to the
commencement of Part 47

202.220 Definitions for Division 202.BF.1

In this Division:
certificate of registration means a certificate of registration issued under the old
eligible person has the meaning given by regulation 47.010.
old Regulations means CAR as in force immediately before 15 November 2004.
property interest has the meaning given by the old Regulations.
registered operator has the meaning given by regulation 47.100.

202.221 Continuation of Aircraft Register

(1) For Subpart 47.B, the Aircraft Register mentioned in regulation 8 of the old
Regulations (the Aircraft Register) continues in existence under the name
Australian Civil Aircraft Register.
(2) Entries made in the Aircraft Register under Part 3 of the old Regulations are
incorporated in, and form part of, the Australian Civil Aircraft Register.

202.222 Reference to holder of a certificate of registration

(1) A reference in CAR to the holder of a certificate of registration of an aircraft is
taken to be a reference to the registered operator of the aircraft.
(2) A duty imposed on the holder of a certificate of registration of an aircraft is taken
to be imposed on the registered operator of the aircraft.

202.223 Registration under CAR to continue

(1) The registration of an aircraft in the Aircraft Register continues as if the old
Regulations were still in force until:
(a) the day when CASA registers, or refuses to register, the aircraft under
Part 47; or
(b) CASA cancels the registration.
Note: After 15 November 2005, CASA may cancel or suspend the registration of an aircraft if
the owner of the aircraft does not reply to a request made under
subregulation 202.225(5).

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.BF Transitional provisions for Part 47 (Registration of aircraft and related matters)
Division 202.BF.1 Transitional provisions relating to the commencement of Part 47

Regulation 202.224

(2) However, CASA must not accept an application for a change of any details about
an aircraft that are kept in the Aircraft Register, other than an application for:
(a) a change of name or address of the holder of the certificate of registration,
or a property interest holder, of the aircraft; or
(b) the cancellation of the registration of the aircraft.
(3) If the registration of an aircraft is suspended under the old Regulations, the
suspension continues as if the old Regulations were still in force.

202.224 Pending applications or notices

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before 15 November 2004, a person applied to CASA or sent CASA a
notice under Part 3 of the old Regulations; and
(b) on or after 15 November 2004, CASA had not decided about the
application or acted on the notice.
(2) CASA must decide about the application or act on the notice as if the old
Regulations were still in force.

202.225 Application to register aircraft under Part 47

(1) The owner of an aircraft that is registered in the Aircraft Register may apply to
CASA to register the aircraft under Part 47.
(2) The application must be made in an approved form and include:
(a) the aircraft’s registration mark, manufacturer, model and serial number;
(b) the name, address and signature of the owner of the aircraft; and
(c) the registered operator’s name and postal address, and:
(i) if the registered operator is an individual—his or her home address; or
(ii) if the registered operator is a corporation—the address of the
corporation’s registered office; and
(d) the name, address and signature of the person who holds the certificate of
registration; and
(e) the name, address and signature of each person who holds a property
interest in the aircraft.
(3) If CASA receives an application in accordance with subregulation (2), CASA
must register the aircraft.
(4) However, CASA may approve an application without 1 or more of the signatures
required by paragraph (2)(e), if there is other evidence available to demonstrate
that the application is genuine.
(5) If, after 15 November 2005, CASA asks an applicant, or the owner of an aircraft,
to provide information, or take an action, to complete an application in the
approved form, the applicant, or owner, must provide the information, or take the
action, within 90 days of CASA making the request.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 47 (Registration of aircraft and related matters) Subpart 202.BF
Transitional provisions relating to the commencement of Part 47 Division 202.BF.1

Regulation 202.225

Note: Regulation 47.045 of CASR sets out relevant directions about communicating with

(6) CASA may cancel or suspend the registration of the aircraft if the applicant, or
owner of the aircraft, fails to comply with subregulation (5).
Note: An explanation of the procedures that apply in relation to a suspension are set out in the
advisory circular AC 47-1 which can be viewed at, or downloaded from, CASA’s
website: www.casa.gov.au.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.BF Transitional provisions for Part 47 (Registration of aircraft and related matters)
Division 202.BF.2 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Cape Town
Convention) Regulation 2014

Regulation 202.226

Division 202.BF.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety

Amendment (Cape Town Convention) Regulation 2014

202.226 Definitions for Division 202.BF.2

In this Division:
amending regulation means the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Cape Town
Convention) Regulation 2014.
commencement means the commencement of the amending regulation.

202.227 Application of regulation 47.131A

Regulation 47.131A applies if:
(a) CASA became aware, before commencement, that a registered operator of
an aircraft was not an eligible person, but CASA has not, as at
commencement, issued a notice cancelling the registration of the aircraft;
(b) CASA becomes aware, after commencement, that a registered operator of
an aircraft is not an eligible person (whether the aircraft is registered before
or after commencement).

202.228 Application of regulation 47.165

The amendment of regulation 47.165 made by the amending regulation applies in
relation to applications under that regulation approved after commencement
(whether the application is made before or after commencement).

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing) Subpart 202.CB
Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014 Division 202.CB.1

Regulation 202.260

Subpart 202.CB—Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight

crew licensing)
Division 202.CB.1—Amendments made by regulations commencing
1 September 2014
Note: The regulations comprise:
(a) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1); and
(b) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and Other
Matters) Regulation 2013; and
(c) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing)
Regulation 2014.

Subdivision 202.CB.1.1—General

202.260 Application of Division 202.CB.1—balloons excluded

This Division does not apply in relation to an old authorisation for a balloon.

202.261 Definitions for Division 202.CB.1

In this Division:
amendments means:
(a) the amendments of these Regulations made by:
(i) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1);
(ii) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and
Other Matters) Regulation 2013; and
(iii) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing)
Regulation 2014; and
(b) the amendments of the following commencing immediately before the
commencement of the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment
Regulation 2013 (No. 1):
(i) Civil Aviation Order 29.6;
(ii) Civil Aviation Order 29.10;
(iii) Civil Aviation Order 29.11; and
(c) the amendments of Civil Aviation Order 82.6 commencing on 1 September
approved course of training: see regulation 61.010.
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment: see regulation 61.010.
cessation time, for an old authorisation that is continued in force under this
Division, means the earliest of the following:
(a) when the old authorisation expires or is surrendered or cancelled;

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CB Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing)
Division 202.CB.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.262

(b) when CASA grants a new authorisation to the holder of the old
authorisation as a replacement for the old authorisation;
(c) the end of 31 August 2018.
continued authorisation means an old authorisation that is continued in force
under subregulation 202.263(1) or subparagraph 202.264(2)(b)(ii).
new authorisation means a flight crew licence, rating or endorsement granted
under Part 61.
old authorisation:
(a) means a civil aviation authorisation to carry out an activity essential to, or
associated with, the operation of an aircraft in flight (a flight activity)
issued under either of the following before 1 September 2014:
(i) Part 5 of CAR;
(ii) a relevant CAO; and
(b) includes the following:
(i) an appointment as an approved person under a relevant CAO for a
flight activity;
(ii) an approval or certification, including a certification in a personal log
book, under CAR or a relevant CAO to carry out a flight activity;
(iii) a delegation under CAR to give a permission (however described) to
conduct a flight activity.
relevant CAO means any of the following:
(a) a Civil Aviation Order made under Part 5 of CAR;
(b) Civil Aviation Order 29.6;
(c) Civil Aviation Order 29.10;
(d) Civil Aviation Order 29.11;
(e) Civil Aviation Order 82.6.
time-limited authorisation: see regulation 11.015.

202.262 Application of Division 202.CB.1 to student pilot licences

(1) This Division applies to a student pilot licence issued under Part 5 of CAR only
if the holder of the licence passed a general flying progress test under Part 5 of
CAR before 1 September 2014.
(2) For this Division, the student pilot licence is taken to be equivalent to a
recreational pilot licence.

Subdivision 202.CB.1.2—Continued authorisations

202.263 Continuation of old authorisations

(1) Despite the amendments, an old authorisation that was in force immediately
before 1 September 2014 is continued in force on and after 1 September 2014
according to its terms.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing) Subpart 202.CB
Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014 Division 202.CB.1

Regulation 202.264

(2) Part 61 applies to the continued authorisation as if it were the equivalent new
(2A) For subregulation (2), if the old authorisation is an aircraft endorsement for a
type of aircraft for which there is no equivalent pilot type rating, the aircraft
endorsement is taken to be equivalent to a class rating for the class of aircraft that
includes the type of aircraft.
(3) The continued authorisation ceases to be in force at its cessation time.
(4) Subregulation (3) applies despite Parts 11 and 61.

202.264 Continuation of suspended old authorisations

(1) This regulation applies to an old authorisation that was under suspension
immediately before 1 September 2014.
(2) Despite the amendments:
(a) the suspension continues according to its terms on and after 1 September
2014; and
(b) if the suspension ends before the cessation time for the authorisation:
(i) the old authorisation comes back into force at the end of the
suspension; and
(ii) the old authorisation is continued in force on and after the time
mentioned in subparagraph (i) according to its terms; and
(iii) Part 61 applies to the old authorisation as if it were the equivalent new
authorisation; and
(iv) the old authorisation ceases to be in force at its cessation time.
(3) Subparagraph (2)(b)(iv) applies despite Parts 11 and 61.

202.265 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations

Action to vary, suspend or cancel a person’s old authorisation that, immediately
before 1 September 2014, had not been finally determined is taken to be the same
action in relation to the person’s continued authorisation.

202.266 Removal of conditions on certain continued authorisations

Pilot licence conditions about airspace

(1) Subregulation (2) applies to a continued authorisation that is equivalent to a pilot
licence if the authorisation is subject to the condition that operations are limited
(a) flight within 25 nautical miles of the departure aerodrome; or
(b) flight within a flight training area; or
(c) flight direct between the departure aerodrome and a flight training area.
(2) If this subregulation applies, CASA must remove the condition if:

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CB Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing)
Division 202.CB.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.266

(a) the licence holder applies to CASA, in writing, for the removal of the
condition; and
(b) the licence holder meets the requirements for the grant of a private pilot
licence or commercial pilot licence under Part 61.
(3) Subregulation (4) applies to a continued authorisation that is equivalent to a pilot
licence if the authorisation is subject to the condition that operations as pilot in
command are limited to uncontrolled airspace and any other class of airspace
endorsed in the licence holder’s personal log book by an instructor before
1 September 2014.
(4) If this subregulation applies, CASA must remove the condition if:
(a) the licence holder applies to CASA, in writing, for the removal of the
condition; and
(b) the licence holder meets the requirements for the grant of a controlled
airspace endorsement under Part 61.

Instrument rating conditions about acting as pilot in command under IFR

(5) Subregulation (6) applies to a continued authorisation that is equivalent to an
instrument rating if the authorisation is subject to the condition that the holder is
not authorised to act as pilot in command under the IFR.
(6) If this subregulation applies, CASA must remove the condition, to the extent that
it relates to a particular aircraft category or class, if:
(a) the holder applies to CASA, in writing, for the removal of the condition;
(b) the holder meets the requirements for the grant, under Part 61, of:
(i) an instrument rating; and
(ii) an instrument endorsement that would authorise the holder to pilot an
aircraft of that category or class under the IFR.

Type rating conditions about acting as pilot in command

(7) Subregulation (8) applies to a continued authorisation that is equivalent to an
aircraft type rating if the authorisation is subject to the condition that the holder
must not act as pilot in command of the relevant aircraft type.
(8) If this subregulation applies, CASA must remove the condition if:
(a) the holder applies to CASA, in writing, for the removal of the condition;
(b) the holder meets the requirements for the grant of the type rating under
Part 61.
(9) In this regulation:
instructor: see regulation 61.010.
pilot licence: see regulation 61.010.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing) Subpart 202.CB
Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014 Division 202.CB.1

Regulation 202.267

202.267 Flight review and proficiency check requirements

(1) Subregulation (2) applies to the holder of a continued authorisation at a particular
time if:
(a) the continued authorisation is equivalent to a private instrument rating; and
(b) the holder would have met the flight review requirements for the continued
authorisation at that time if the amendments had not been made.
(2) Despite Part 61, the holder is taken to meet the flight review requirements for the
continued authorisation at that time.
(3) Subregulation (4) applies to the holder of a continued authorisation (the first
authorisation) at a particular time if:
(a) the first authorisation is equivalent to a rating, other than a private
instrument rating, for which there are flight review requirements under
Part 61; and
(b) the holder also holds a continued authorisation (the second authorisation),
other than a student pilot licence, that is equivalent to a flight crew licence;
(c) the holder would have met the flight review requirements for the second
authorisation at that time if the amendments had not been made.
(4) Despite Part 61, the holder is taken to meet the flight review requirements for the
first authorisation at that time.
(5) Subregulation (6) applies at a particular time if:
(a) an old authorisation that is continued in force under this Division was,
before the amendments, a time-limited authorisation; and
(b) the old authorisation would have remained in force at that time if the
amendments had not been made.
(6) Despite Part 61, the holder of the old authorisation is taken to meet the
proficiency check requirements for the equivalent new authorisation at that time.

202.268 Removal of limitation on exercise of privileges of private or commercial

pilot licences—multi-crew operations
(1) Regulation 61.510 does not apply to the holder of a continued authorisation that
is equivalent to a private pilot licence if, before 1 September 2015, the holder
conducted a multi-crew operation.
(2) Regulation 61.575 does not apply to the holder of a continued authorisation that
is equivalent to a commercial pilot licence if, before 1 September 2015, the
holder conducted a multi-crew operation.
Note: Under regulations 61.510 and 61.575, a licence holder is authorised to exercise the
privileges of the licence only if the holder has completed an approved course of
training in multi-crew cooperation.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CB Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing)
Division 202.CB.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.268A

202.268A Removal of limitation on exercise of privileges of class rating for

aircraft prescribed under regulation 61.062
Regulation 61.747 does not apply to the holder of a continued authorisation that
is equivalent to a class rating if:
(a) the holder held an aircraft endorsement, for an aircraft covered by the class
rating, that was in force immediately before 1 September 2014; and
(b) the endorsement was for a type of aircraft prescribed in an instrument
under regulation 61.062.

202.269 Personal log books under regulation 5.51 of CAR—certain continued

(1) This regulation applies to the holder of a continued authorisation that is
equivalent to:
(a) a flight crew licence; or
(b) a certificate of validation for a flight crew licence.
(2) Regulation 61.355 (Retention of personal logbooks) applies to the holder as if a
reference to a personal logbook under regulation 61.345 or 61.350 included a
reference to the personal logbook that the holder was required to keep under
regulation 5.51 of CAR as in force immediately before 1 September 2014.
(3) Regulation 61.365 (Production of personal logbooks) applies to the holder as if a
reference to the holder’s personal logbook included a reference to the personal
logbook that the holder was required to keep under regulation 5.51 of CAR as in
force immediately before 1 September 2014.

202.270 Extended meaning of licence document in Part 61

(1) This regulation applies to the holder of a continued authorisation.
(2) A reference to a licence document in Part 61 is taken to include a reference to the
document issued to the holder by CASA showing the authorisations that were
granted to the holder before 1 September 2014 under:
(a) Part 5 of CAR; or
(b) a relevant CAO.

202.271 Expiry of Subdivision 202.CB.1.2 at end of 31 August 2018

This Subdivision, and the entries for this Subdivision in the Part 202 table of
contents, expire at the end of 31 August 2018 as if they had been repealed by
another regulation.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing) Subpart 202.CB
Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014 Division 202.CB.1

Regulation 202.272

Subdivision 202.CB.1.3—New authorisations for holders of old


202.272 Grant of equivalent new authorisations for certain holders of old


Certain holders of old authorisations taken to meet requirements for grant of

equivalent new authorisations
(1) This regulation applies in relation to a person if:
(a) the person held an old authorisation at any time before 1 September 2014
(other than an old authorisation that is equivalent to a flight examiner
rating); and
(b) the old authorisation was not surrendered or cancelled at any time before
1 September 2018; and
(c) on or after 1 September 2018, the person applies in accordance with these
Regulations to CASA for the grant under Part 61 of the equivalent new
(2) The person is taken to meet the requirements for the grant of the equivalent new
authorisation, despite Part 61.
(3) However, if the old authorisation was an aircraft endorsement, the person is
taken to meet the requirements for the grant of the equivalent aircraft class or
type rating only if the person also held, immediately before 1 September 2014,
an old authorisation that is equivalent to a flight crew licence.

Grant of equivalent new authorisation

(4) CASA must (subject to subregulations (2) and (3) and Part 11) grant the
equivalent new authorisation to the person under the provision of Part 61 that
provides for the grant of the equivalent new authorisation.
(5) If, when CASA grants the equivalent new authorisation, the old authorisation
would have been suspended if the old authorisation had continued in force, the
equivalent new authorisation is suspended until the time the suspension of the
old authorisation would, according to its terms, have ended.
(6) If, when CASA grants the equivalent new authorisation, the old authorisation
would have been subject to a condition (other than a condition set out in a
relevant CAO) if the old authorisation had continued in force, the equivalent new
authorisation must be granted subject to an equivalent condition.

202.273 References to authorisations granted on the basis of regulation 202.272

A reference in these Regulations to an authorisation (however described) granted
on the basis of regulation 202.272 is a reference to an authorisation granted
under that regulation whether before or after the commencement of the Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing Measures No. 1)
Regulations 2018.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CB Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing)
Division 202.CB.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.274

Subdivision 202.CB.1.4—Other provisions

202.274 Non-finalised applications for old authorisations

(1) An application for the issue of an old authorisation that, immediately before
1 September 2014, had not been finally determined is taken to be an application
for the grant of the equivalent new authorisation.
(2) For subregulation (1), and despite Parts 11 and 61, if a person met the
requirements for the grant of an old authorisation before 1 September 2014, but
the old authorisation had not been granted, the person is taken to meet the
requirements for the grant of the equivalent new authorisation on 1 September
(3) This regulation, and the entry for this regulation in the Part 202 table of contents,
expire at the end of 31 August 2018 as if they had been repealed by another

202.275 Eligibility for ratings—former holders of time-limited authorisations

(1) This regulation applies to a person if:
(a) before 1 September 2014, the person held an old authorisation that is
equivalent to an operational rating (other than a flight examiner rating); and
(b) the old authorisation was time-limited; and
(c) the old authorisation expired before 1 September 2014.
(2) Despite Parts 11 and 61, the person is taken to meet the requirements for the
grant of the equivalent operational rating.
(3) In this regulation:
operational rating: see regulation 61.010.
(4) This regulation, and the entry for this regulation in the Part 202 table of contents,
expire at the end of 31 August 2018 as if they had been repealed by another

202.276 Flight review and proficiency check requirements for certain new
(1) Subregulation (2) applies at a particular time to the holder of a new authorisation
granted on the basis of regulation 202.272 if:
(a) the new authorisation has flight review requirements; and
(b) the holder would have met the flight review requirements for the equivalent
continued authorisation if it were still in force at that time.
(2) Despite Part 61, the holder is taken to meet the flight review requirements for the
new authorisation at that time.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing) Subpart 202.CB
Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014 Division 202.CB.1

Regulation 202.277

(2A) To avoid doubt, the holder of an aircraft class rating or type rating granted on the
basis of regulation 202.272 must meet the flight review requirements for the
rating under Part 61.
(3) Subregulation (4) applies at a particular time to the holder of a new authorisation
granted on the basis of regulation 202.272 if:
(a) the new authorisation has proficiency check requirements; and
(b) the new authorisation is equivalent to an old authorisation that was a
time-limited authorisation; and
(c) the old authorisation would not have expired by that time if the
amendments had not been made.
(4) Despite Part 61, the holder is taken to meet the proficiency check requirements
for the new authorisation at that time.
(5) This regulation, and the entry for this regulation in the Part 202 table of contents,
expire at the end of 31 August 2018 as if they had been repealed by another

202.277 Personal logbooks—obligations for holders of old authorisations etc.

(1) Subregulation (2) applies to a person who, immediately before 1 September
2014, was required under regulation 5.51 of CAR to have a personal log book
(the old logbook).
(2) Regulations 61.355 (retention of personal logbooks) and 61.365 (production of
personal logbooks) apply to the person as if the old logbook was a personal
logbook required to be kept under regulation 61.345 or 61.350.

202.277C English competency for certain holders of student pilot licences

(1) Subregulation (2) applies to a person who:
(a) held a student pilot licence immediately before 1 September 2014; and
(b) had not passed a general flying progress flight test under Part 5 of CAR
before that day.
(2) The person is taken to have been assessed by CASA as meeting the general
English language proficiency standard mentioned in the Part 61 Manual of

202.278 Grant of pilot type ratings on basis of overseas training and assessment
(1) An applicant for a pilot type rating is taken to meet the requirements of
subregulation 61.810(3) (Requirements for grant of pilot type ratings) if CASA is
satisfied that:
(a) the applicant has completed training, conducted by a training provider that
is authorised by the national aviation authority of a recognised foreign
State to conduct the training, for the grant of an overseas rating; and

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CB Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing)
Division 202.CB.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.279

(b) the applicant has been assessed, by a person who is authorised by the
national aviation authority of the recognised foreign State to conduct the
assessment, as meeting the flight test standard for the grant of the overseas
rating; and
(c) the training meets the standards specified in the Part 61 Manual of
Standards for training for the rating; and
(d) the overseas rating is at least equivalent to the rating.
(2) This regulation, and the entry for this regulation in the Part 202 table of contents,
expire at the end of 31 August 2023 as if they had been repealed by another

202.279 Instrument proficiency checks partially conducted by

foreign-authorised person
(1) This regulation applies in relation to:
(a) an instrument proficiency check mentioned in paragraph 61.650(3)(d) or
(e) for the holder of a multi-crew pilot licence; and
(b) an instrument proficiency check mentioned in paragraph 61.695(3)(d) or
(e) for the holder of an air transport pilot licence; and
(c) an instrument proficiency check mentioned in paragraph 61.880(3)(e) or (f)
for the holder of an instrument rating.

(2) The holder is taken to have successfully completed the instrument proficiency
check if:
(a) a person who is authorised by the national aviation authority of a
recognised State to conduct an instrument proficiency check (however
named) conducts a check of the holder; and
(b) the check meets the authority’s flight standards for a proficiency check;
(c) CASA or a flight examiner:
(i) assesses the holder against the knowledge standards mentioned in the
Part 61 Manual of Standards for the instrument proficiency check; and
(ii) is satisfied that the holder meets the knowledge standards; and
(iii) endorses the holder’s licence document to the effect that the holder
has completed the instrument proficiency check.
(3) This regulation, and the entry for this regulation in the Part 202 table of contents,
expire at the end of 31 August 2023 as if they had been repealed by another

202.281 Expiry of Division 202.CB.1 at end of 31 August 2025

This Division, and the entries for this Division in the Part 202 table of contents,
expire at the end of 31 August 2025 as if they had been repealed by another

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 61 (Flight crew licensing) Subpart 202.CB
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing Measures No. 1)
Regulations 2020 Division 202.CB.2

Regulation 202.290

Division 202.CB.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety

Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing Measures No. 1)
Regulations 2020

202.290 Flight test requirements for 3D instrument approach operations

The amendments of paragraphs 61.640(1A)(a), 61.680(2A)(a) and 61.900(2)(a)
by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing Measures No. 1)
Regulations 2020 do not apply in relation to a 3D instrument approach operation
(the authorised operation) conducted on or after the commencement of those
amendments by the holder of a pilot licence or endorsement if:
(a) the holder passed the flight test for the licence or endorsement before the
commencement of those amendments; and
(b) the flight test included a 3D instrument approach operation; and
(c) the authorised operation is conducted within the period:
(i) starting when the holder passed the flight test; and
(ii) ending 24 months later, or when the holder next attempts an
instrument proficiency check, whichever is earlier.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CE Transitional provisions for Part 64 (Authorisations for non-licensed personnel)
Division 202.CE.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.300

Subpart 202.CE—Transitional provisions for Part 64

(Authorisations for non-licensed personnel)
Division 202.CE.1—Amendments made by regulations commencing
1 September 2014
Note: The regulations comprise:
(a) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1); and
(b) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and Other
Matters) Regulation 2013; and
(c) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing)
Regulation 2014.

Subdivision 202.CE.1.1—Aircraft radiotelephone operator certificate of


202.300 Definitions for Subdivision 202.CE.1.1

In this Subdivision:
aeronautical radio operator certificate: see regulation 64.010.
amendments means the amendments made by:
(a) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1); and
(b) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and
Other Matters) Regulation 2013; and
(c) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing)
Regulation 2014.
cessation time, for an old authorisation that is continued in force under this
Subdivision, means the earliest of the following:
(a) when the old authorisation expires or is surrendered or cancelled;
(b) when CASA grants a new authorisation to the holder of the old
authorisation as a replacement for the old authorisation;
(c) the end of 31 August 2018.
continued authorisation means an old authorisation that is continued in force
under subregulation 202.301(1) or subparagraph 202.302(2)(b)(ii).
old authorisation means:
(a) a flight radio operator’s licence issued under Part 5 of CAR; or
(b) an aircraft radiotelephone operator certificate of proficiency issued under
regulation 83A of CAR.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 64 (Authorisations for non-licensed personnel) Subpart 202.CE
Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014 Division 202.CE.1

Regulation 202.301

202.301 Continuation of old authorisations

(1) Despite the amendments, an old authorisation that was in force immediately
before 1 September 2014 is continued in force on and after 1 September 2014
according to its terms.
(2) These Regulations apply to the continued authorisation as if the authorisation
were an aeronautical radio operator certificate.
(3) The continued authorisation ceases to be in force at its cessation time.
(4) Subregulation (3) applies despite Parts 11 and 64.

202.302 Continuation of suspended old authorisations

(1) This regulation applies to an old authorisation that was under suspension
immediately before 1 September 2014.
(2) Despite the amendments:
(a) the suspension continues according to its terms on and after 1 September
2014; and
(b) if the suspension ends before the cessation time for the authorisation:
(i) the old authorisation comes back into force at the end of the
suspension; and
(ii) the old authorisation is continued in force on and after the time
mentioned in subparagraph (i) according to its terms; and
(iii) these Regulations apply to the old authorisation as if it were an
aeronautical radio operator certificate; and
(iv) the old authorisation ceases to be in force at the cessation time for the
(3) Subparagraph (2)(b)(iv) applies despite Parts 11 and 64.

202.303 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations

Action to vary, suspend or cancel a person’s old authorisation that, immediately
before 1 September 2014, had not been finally determined is taken to be the same
action in relation to the person’s continued authorisation.

202.304 Grant of aeronautical radio operator certificates for certain holders of

old authorisations

Certain holders of old authorisations taken to meet requirements for grant of

aeronautical radio operator certificate
(1) This regulation applies in relation to a person if:
(a) the person held an old authorisation at any time before 1 September 2014;

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CE Transitional provisions for Part 64 (Authorisations for non-licensed personnel)
Division 202.CE.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.304A

(b) the old authorisation was not surrendered or cancelled at any time before
1 September 2018; and
(c) on or after 1 September 2018, the person applies in accordance with these
Regulations to CASA for the grant under Part 64 of an aeronautical radio
operator certificate.
(2) The person is taken to meet the requirements for the grant of the aeronautical
radio operator certificate, despite Part 64.

Grant of aeronautical radio operator certificate

(3) CASA must (subject to subregulation (2) and Part 11) grant the aeronautical
radio operator certificate to the person under regulation 64.030.
(4) If, when CASA grants the aeronautical radio operator certificate, the old
authorisation would have been suspended if the old authorisation had continued
in force, the aeronautical radio operator certificate is suspended until the time the
suspension of the old authorisation would, according to its terms, have ended.
(5) If, when CASA grants the aeronautical radio operator certificate, the old
authorisation would have been subject to a condition if the old authorisation had
continued in force, the aeronautical radio operator certificate must be granted
subject to an equivalent condition.

202.304A References to aeronautical radio operator certificates granted on the

basis of regulation 202.304
A reference in these Regulations to an aeronautical radio operator certificate
granted on the basis of regulation 202.304 is a reference to an aeronautical radio
operator certificate granted under that regulation whether before or after the
commencement of the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing
Measures No. 1) Regulations 2018.

202.305 Non-finalised applications for old authorisations

(1) An application for the issue of an old authorisation that, immediately before
1 September 2014, had not been finally decided is taken to be an application for
the grant of an aeronautical radio operator certificate.
(2) For subregulation (1), and despite Parts 11 and 64, if a person met the
requirements for the grant of an old authorisation before 1 September 2014, but
the old authorisation had not been granted, the person is taken to meet the
requirements for the grant of an aeronautical radio operator certificate on
1 September 2014.

Subdivision 202.CE.1.2—Approval to taxi an aeroplane

202.307 Definitions for Subdivision 202.CE.1.2

In this Subdivision:

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 64 (Authorisations for non-licensed personnel) Subpart 202.CE
Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014 Division 202.CE.1

Regulation 202.308

amendments means:
(a) the amendments of these Regulations made by:
(i) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1);
(ii) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and
Other Matters) Regulation 2013; and
(iii) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing)
Regulation 2014; and
(b) the amendments of Civil Aviation Order 20.22 commencing on
1 September 2014.
certificate of competency: see regulation 64.010.
cessation time, for an old authorisation that is continued in force under this
Subdivision, means the earlier of the following:
(a) when the old authorisation expires or is surrendered or cancelled;
(b) the end of 31 August 2018.
continued authorisation means an old authorisation that is continued in force
under subregulation 202.308(1) or subparagraph 202.309(2)(b)(ii).
old authorisation means:
(a) an approval issued under regulation 229 of CAR entitling a person to taxi
an aeroplane; or
(b) an approval issued under Civil Aviation Order 20.22 entitling a person to
taxi an aircraft.

202.308 Continuation of old authorisations

(1) Despite the amendments, an old authorisation that was in force immediately
before 1 September 2014 continues in force on and after 1 September 2014
according to its terms.
(2) These Regulations apply to the continued authorisation as if the authorisation
were a certificate of competency.
(3) The continued authorisation ceases to be in force at its cessation time.
(4) Subregulation (3) applies despite Parts 11 and 64.

202.309 Continuation of suspended old authorisations

(1) This regulation applies to an old authorisation that was under suspension
immediately before 1 September 2014.
(2) Despite the amendments:
(a) the suspension continues according to its terms on and after 1 September
2014; and
(b) if the suspension ends before the cessation time for the authorisation:

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CE Transitional provisions for Part 64 (Authorisations for non-licensed personnel)
Division 202.CE.1 Amendments made by regulations commencing 1 September 2014

Regulation 202.310

(i) the old authorisation comes back into force at the end of the
suspension; and
(ii) the old authorisation is continued in force on and after the time
mentioned in subparagraph (i) according to its terms; and
(iii) these Regulations apply to the old authorisation as if it were a
certificate of competency; and
(iv) the old authorisation ceases to be in force at the cessation time for the
(3) Subparagraph (2)(b)(iv) applies despite Parts 11 and 64.

202.310 Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel old authorisations

Action to vary, suspend or cancel a person’s old authorisation that, immediately
before 1 September 2014, had not been finally determined is taken to be the same
action in relation to the person’s continued authorisation.

202.311 Production of continued authorisation

(1) This regulation applies to the holder of an old authorisation that is continued in
force under this Subpart.
(2) Regulation 64.060 (Production of certificate of competency) applies to the holder
as if a reference to the holder’s certificate of competency were a reference to the
holder’s old authorisation.

Subdivision 202.CE.1.3—Expiry of Division 202.CE.1

202.312 Expiry of Division 202.CE.1

(1) The early expiry provisions, and the entries for the early expiry provisions in the
Part 202 table of contents, expire at the end of 31 August 2018 as if they had
been repealed by another regulation.
(2) This Division, and the entries for this Division in the Part 202 table of contents,
expire at the end of 31 August 2025 (to the extent they have not already expired
under subregulation (1)) as if they had been repealed by another regulation.
(3) In this regulation:
early expiry provisions means the provisions of this Division other than the
(a) regulations 202.300, 202.304 and 202.304A;
(b) this regulation.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 65 (Air traffic services licensing) Subpart 202.CF

Regulation 202.320

Subpart 202.CF—Transitional provisions for Part 65 (Air

traffic services licensing)

202.320 Manual of Standards for Part 65

(1) A document called ‘Manual of Standards (MOS) – Part 65’ published by CASA
before 1 May 2003 is taken to be a Manual of Standards issued under
regulation 65.033.
(2) The procedures in regulations 65.033A, 65.033B and 65.033C (as in force on
1 May 2003) are taken to have been complied with in relation to the issue of the
Manual of Standards.

202.321 Persons holding certain licences

(1) In this regulation:
old licence means an air traffic controller licence or a flight service officer
licence issued under CAR and in force (or suspended) immediately before 1 May
(2) A person who, immediately before 1 May 2003, held an old licence (including a
licence that is suspended) is taken to hold a corresponding licence issued under
Part 65.
(3) A rating, endorsement or qualification endorsed on an old licence is taken to
continue in force for the period during which it would have been in force but for
that Part.
(4) A licence that a person is taken to hold under subregulation (2), or a rating,
endorsement or qualification mentioned in subregulation (3), may be suspended
or cancelled as if it had been granted under that Part.
(5) An old licence that, immediately before 1 May 2003, was suspended is taken, on
and after that day, to continue to be suspended.
(6) For the purposes of action against the holder of an old licence mentioned in
subregulation (5), the amendments of CAR by regulation 4 of, and Schedule 2 to,
the Civil Aviation Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2) are to be disregarded.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CG Transitional provisions for Part 66 (Continuing airworthiness—aircraft engineer
licences and ratings)

Regulation 202.340

Subpart 202.CG—Transitional provisions for Part 66

(Continuing airworthiness—aircraft engineer
licences and ratings)

202.340 Having regard to other airworthiness authorities in granting aircraft

engineer licences
(a) a person holds, or has held, an airworthiness authority of the kind
mentioned in paragraph 33B(1)(a) of CAR; and
(b) CASA grants an aircraft engineer licence to the person;
CASA must have regard to the authority in granting the licence.

202.341 Category A licence holders and certification of completion of

(1) Despite anything in Part 4A of CAR, a person may certify completion of
maintenance if:
(a) the person is a category A licence holder; and
(b) the maintenance is mentioned in Appendix II to the Part 145 Manual of
Standards; and
(c) the person certifies completion of the maintenance:
(i) in accordance with regulation 42ZE of CAR; and
(ii) on behalf of a holder of a certificate of approval under regulation 30
of CAR.
(2) If a person certifies completion of maintenance in accordance with
subregulation (1), the person is taken, for the purposes of regulation 42ZC of
CAR, to be permitted by that regulation to carry out the maintenance.
(3) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:
(a) the person is a category A licence holder; and
(b) the person certifies completion of maintenance:
(i) in accordance with regulation 42ZE of CAR; and
(ii) on behalf of a holder of a certificate of approval under regulation 30
of CAR; and
(c) one or more of the following apply:
(i) the person did not carry out the maintenance;
(ii) the maintenance is not mentioned in Appendix II to the Part 145
Manual of Standards.
Penalty: 50 penalty units.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 66 (Continuing airworthiness—aircraft engineer licences and ratings)
Subpart 202.CG

Regulation 202.342
(4) A reference in subregulation (3) to maintenance does not include supervision of

202.342 Category A licence holders and final certificates for completion of

(1) Despite anything in Part 4A of CAR, a person may issue a final certificate for
completion of maintenance for an aircraft in relation to maintenance carried out
on the aircraft if:
(a) the person is a category A licence holder; and
(b) the maintenance is mentioned in Appendix II to the Part 145 Manual of
Standards; and
(c) he or she issues the final certificate for completion of maintenance:
(i) in accordance with Part 4 of Schedule 6 of CAR; and
(ii) on behalf of the holder of a certificate of approval under regulation 30
of CAR.
(2) If a person issues a final certificate for completion of maintenance in accordance
with subregulation (1), the person is taken, for the purposes of regulation 42ZC
of CAR, to be permitted by that regulation to carry out the maintenance.
(3) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:
(a) the person is a category A licence holder; and
(b) the person issues a final certificate for completion of maintenance:
(i) in accordance with Part 4 of Schedule 6 of CAR; and
(ii) on behalf of the holder of a certificate of approval under regulation 30
of CAR; and
(c) the maintenance is not mentioned in Appendix II to the Part 145 Manual of
Penalty: 50 penalty units.
(4) A reference in subregulation (3) to maintenance does not include supervision of

202.343 Category A licence holders and endorsing maintenance releases

(1) Despite anything in Part 4A of CAR, a person may endorse a maintenance
release for an aircraft for the purposes of regulation 48 of CAR if:
(a) the person is a category A licence holder; and
(b) the maintenance is mentioned in Appendix II to the Part 145 Manual of
Standards; and
(c) the endorsement is on behalf of the holder of a certificate of approval under
regulation 30 of CAR.
(2) If a person endorses a maintenance release in accordance with subregulation (1),
the person is taken, for the purposes of regulation 42ZC of CAR, to be permitted
by that regulation to carry out the maintenance.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CG Transitional provisions for Part 66 (Continuing airworthiness—aircraft engineer
licences and ratings)

Regulation 202.355
(3) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:
(a) the person is a category A licence holder; and
(b) the person endorses a maintenance release on behalf of the holder of a
certificate of approval under regulation 30 of CAR; and
(c) the maintenance is not mentioned in Appendix II to the Part 145 Manual of
Penalty: 50 penalty units.

202.355 Validation of certain licences and ratings granted subject to exclusions

during relevant period
(1) This regulation applies to a licence granted, or purportedly granted, under
regulation 66.026, or to a rating granted, or purportedly granted, under
regulation 66.095, if the licence or rating was granted, or purportedly granted:
(a) during the relevant period; and
(b) subject to an exclusion that did not relate to a type rated aircraft type.
(2) The licence or rating is valid and effective, and is taken always to have been as
valid and effective, as it would have been if the amendments made by the Civil
Aviation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Regulation 2016 had
been in force during the relevant period.
(3) Any act or thing done under the licence or rating is valid and effective, and is
taken always to have been as valid and effective, as it would have been if the
amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous
Measures) Regulation 2016 had been in force during the relevant period.
(4) In this regulation:
relevant period means the period:
(a) beginning at the start of 4 July 2016; and
(b) ending at the commencement of the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment
(Miscellaneous Measures) Regulation 2016.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 67 (Medical) Subpart 202.CH

Regulation 202.360

Subpart 202.CH—Transitional provisions for Part 67


202.360 Medical certificates issued under Civil Aviation Regulations 1988

(1) A medical certificate or special medical certificate issued before 3 September
2003, under Part 6 of CAR, as in force at any time before that day, continues to
have, on and after that day, the same force and effect as it would have had if that
Part had continued in force.
(2) Such a certificate may be suspended or cancelled under Part 67.
(3) Subject to subregulation (4), such a certificate expires at the time it would have
expired if Part 6 of CAR had continued in force.
(4) The period during which such a certificate is in force may be extended under
Part 67, but not beyond the end of 1 year after the day when the certificate would
expire if the period had not been extended.

202.361 Designated aviation medical examiners appointed under Civil Aviation

Regulations 1988
(1) The appointment of a person, before 3 September 2003, as a designated aviation
medical examiner continues to have effect according to its terms.
(2) Such an appointment may be cancelled in accordance with Part 67.

202.362 Actions by Director of Aviation Medicine

(1) In this regulation:
Principal Medical Officer means the officer of CASA occupying, or performing
the duties of, the position in CASA of that title, and includes a person who
occupied, or performed the duties of, the former position in CASA known as
‘Director of Aviation Medicine’.
(2) An approval given by the Principal Medical Officer, before 3 September 2003,
for the purposes of a provision of Schedule 1 to CAR, as in force at any time
before that day, continues to have effect according to its terms, on and after that
day, as if CASA had given the approval for the purposes of the corresponding
provision of table 67.150, table 67.155 or table 67.160.

202.363 Applications for issue of medical certificates pending on 3 September

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) an application under Part 6 of the old regulations for the issue of a medical
certificate was pending immediately before 3 September 2003; and

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.CH Transitional provisions for Part 67 (Medical)

Regulation 202.363

(b) the application was in accordance with that Part as then in force.
(2) The application is taken, for these Regulations, to be an application for the issue
of the medical certificate, made, on 3 September 2003, in accordance with
Subpart 67.C.
(3) If an examination required for the issue of the medical certificate under Part 6 of
the old regulations had commenced but was not completed before 3 September
2003, the examination is taken to have commenced under Subpart 67.C.
(4) In this regulation:
old regulations means CAR as in force at any time before 3 September 2003.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 71 (Airspace) Subpart 202.DA

Subpart 202.DA—Transitional provisions for Part 71

Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.380 to 202.399 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EA Transitional provisions for Part 90 (Additional airworthiness requirements)

Regulation 202.400

Subpart 202.EA—Transitional provisions for Part 90

(Additional airworthiness requirements)

202.400 Transitional provision—Part 90 Manual of Standards

(1) This regulation applies to the Part 90 Manual of Standards that was in force
under regulation 90.020 immediately before the day the Civil Aviation Safety
Amendment (Part 90) Regulations 2017 commence.
(2) The Part 90 Manual of Standards has effect on and after that day as if it had been
made under regulation 90.020 as amended by the Civil Aviation Safety
Amendment (Part 90) Regulations 2017.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.405

Subpart 202.EAA—Transitional provisions for Parts 91,

103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation
Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions)
Regulations 2021
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.1—Preliminary

202.405 Definitions for this Division

In this Division:
aerial work (air ambulance) operation means an operation (however described)
for the purpose mentioned in subparagraph 206(1)(a)(vii) of the old CAR.
amending Regulations means the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions)
Regulations 2021.
authorisation has the same meaning as in Part 11.
corresponding new provision: in relation to a provision (the old provision) of the
old Regulations that is repealed by the amending Regulations, the corresponding
new provision is the provision (or provisions) of the new Regulations that:
(a) is in relation to a matter covered by the old provision; and
(b) has a substantially similar effect in relation to the matter as the old
early commencement time means the time when Schedule 2 to the amending
Regulations commences.
eligible instrument: see regulation 202.405A.
IFR includes the I.F.R. within the meaning of the old CAR.
IFR flight includes an I.F.R. flight within the meaning of the old CAR.
instrument means a legislative or administrative instrument made under, or for
the purposes of, a provision of:
(a) these Regulations (including the old Regulations); or
(b) the Act; or
(c) another instrument made under or for the purposes of these Regulations
(including the old Regulations) or the Act.
main commencement time means the time when Schedule 1 to the amending
Regulations commences.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.405A
make, in relation to an instrument, includes grant or issue the instrument.
new Regulations: see subregulation 202.405B(2).
old CAR means CAR as in force immediately before the main commencement
time and includes Civil Aviation Orders issued under those Regulations.
old Regulations means these Regulations (including the old CAR) as in force
immediately before the main commencement time.
transition period means the period:
(a) beginning immediately after the early commencement time; and
(b) ending immediately before the main commencement time.
VFR includes the V.F.R. within the meaning of the old CAR.
VFR flight includes a V.F.R. flight within the meaning of the old CAR.

202.405A Meaning of eligible instrument

An instrument is an eligible instrument if the instrument is made under, or for
the purposes of, a provision of these Regulations (including the old Regulations)
or the Act and is in relation to any of the following:
(a) a particular person;
(b) a particular flight;
(c) a particular aircraft;
(d) a particular aerodrome;
(e) a particular act, event, case or circumstance.

202.405B Meaning and effect of new Regulations

(1) For the purposes of Subdivisions 202.EAA.1.1 to 202.EAA.1.7, assume that the
following regulations (and any Manuals of Standards issued under those
regulations) commence at the early commencement time:
(a) the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 91) Regulations 2018;
(b) the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Parts 103, 105 and 131)
Regulations 2019;
(c) the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 119) Regulations 2018;
(d) the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 121) Regulations 2018;
(e) the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 133) Regulations 2018;
(f) the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 135) Regulations 2018;
(g) the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 138) Regulations 2018;
(h) the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Operations Definitions)
Regulations 2019.
(2) The new Regulations means these Regulations as amended by the regulations
mentioned in subregulation (1) and any includes Manuals of Standards issued
under those regulations.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.405C
202.405C Relationship with section 7 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901
Nothing in this Division limits the effect of section 7 of the Acts Interpretation
Act 1901 (as it applies because of paragraph 13(1)(a) of the Legislation Act

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.2—Requirements for existing AOC holders before

main commencement time

202.406 AOC holders to give CASA proposed operations manuals and

expositions etc. before main commencement time
(1) An operator mentioned in column 1 of an item in the following table must,
during the period mentioned in column 3 of the item, give CASA the documents
and information (the compliance material) mentioned in column 2 of the item.

Operators to give compliance material

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Operator Compliance material Compliance period
1 An operator who is the All of the following: The transition period
holder of an AOC that: (a) the operator’s proposed exposition
(a) authorises the holder prepared for the purposes of
to conduct charter compliance with the requirements
operations, regular of the new Regulations;
public transport (b) a compliance statement for the
operations, or aerial operator that meets the
work (air ambulance) requirement in subregulation (2);
operations, in an
(c) a copy of each civil aviation
aeroplane or a
authorisation and exemption that is
rotorcraft; and
held by the operator and that is in
(b) is in force at any time force at any time during the
during the transition transition period
2 An operator who is the All of the following: The transition period
holder of an AOC that: (a) the operator’s proposed operations
(a) authorises the holder manual prepared for the purposes
to conduct aerial of compliance with the
work operations requirements of the new
(other than aerial Regulations;
work (air ambulance) (b) a compliance statement for the
operations) in an operator that meets the
aeroplane or a requirement in subregulation (2);
rotorcraft; and
(c) a copy of each civil aviation
(b) is in force at any time authorisation and exemption that is
during the transition held by the operator and that is in
period force at any time during the
transition period;
(d) if the operator proposes to conduct

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.406
Operators to give compliance material
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Operator Compliance material Compliance period
operations mentioned in
subregulation 138.125(1) of the
new Regulations after the main
commencement time—the
operator’s proposed training and
checking manual prepared for the
purposes of compliance with the
requirements of the new
(e) if the operator proposes to conduct
operations mentioned in
subregulation 138.140(1) of the
new Regulations after the main
commencement time—the
operator’s proposed safety
management system manual
prepared for the purposes of
compliance with the requirements
of the new Regulations
3 An operator who is the Both of the following: The transition period
holder of an AOC that: (a) the operator’s proposed exposition
(a) authorises the holder prepared for the purposes of
to conduct a charter compliance with the requirements
operation in a of the new Regulations;
manned free balloon (b) a copy of each civil aviation
or a hot air airship; authorisation and exemption that is
and held by the operator and that is in
(b) is in force at any time force at any time during the
during the transition transition period
4 An operator who is the An extract from the operator’s The period:
holder of an AOC that: proposed exposition: (a) beginning
(a) authorises the holder (a) prepared for the purposes of immediately after the
to conduct: compliance with the requirements early commencement
(i) regular public of the new Regulations; and time; and
transport (b) containing a description of the (b) ending at the start of
operations in operator’s process for making 6 October 2021
an aeroplane changes to the exposition that
or a rotorcraft; meets the requirements mentioned
or in paragraph 119.205(1)(m) of the
(ii) charter new Regulations
operations in
an aeroplane
or a rotorcraft;
(iii) aerial work

82 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.406
Operators to give compliance material
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Operator Compliance material Compliance period
operations in
an aeroplane
or a rotorcraft;
(b) is in force at any time
during the transition
5 An operator who is the An extract from the operator’s The period:
holder of an AOC that: proposed operations manual: (a) beginning
(a) authorises the holder (a) prepared for the purposes of immediately after the
to conduct aerial compliance with the requirements early commencement
work operations of the new Regulations; and time; and
(other than aerial (b) containing a description of the (b) ending at the start of
work (air ambulance) operator’s process for making 6 October 2021
operations) in an changes to the operations manual
aeroplane or a that meets the requirements under
rotorcraft; and paragraph 138.155(1)(m) of the
(b) is in force at any time new Regulations; and
during the transition (c) if the operator proposes to conduct
period an operation involving the carriage
of an aerial work passenger after
the main commencement time—
containing a description of the
operator’s procedures relating to
the carriage of passengers that
meets the requirements prescribed
by the Part 138 Manual of
Standards for the purposes of
subparagraph 138.305(2)(c)(iv) of
the new Regulations

Note: For the definitions of aerial work (air ambulance) operations and transition period,
see 202.405.

(2) The compliance statement mentioned in column 2 of the table in subregulation

(1) must be made in the approved form.
Note: Under regulation 11.018, a compliance statement in the approved form is not complete
unless it contains all of the information required by the form.

Effect of suspension
(3) In determining if an AOC is in force during the transition period for the purposes
of an item in the table in subregulation (1), disregard any suspension of the AOC
during that period.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 83

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.407
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.3—Existing AOCs due to expire

202.407 AOCs due to expire

(1) If the term of an AOC held by a person would, apart from this regulation, expire
on a day (the old AOC expiry day) during the period (the relevant period):
(a) beginning on 4 September 2021; and
(b) ending on 2 March 2022;
then, the term of the AOC is extended for a period of 6 months beginning on the
old AOC expiry day.
(2) If:
(a) the term of a person’s AOC is extended under subregulation (1); and
(b) the person holds an authorisation or exemption that would, apart from this
regulation, cease to have effect on a day (the old authorisation expiry day)
during the relevant period;
then, the authorisation or exemption continues in effect until the later of the
following days or times:
(c) the end of the period of 6 months beginning on the old AOC expiry day;
(d) the old authorisation expiry day.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.4—Applications for Australian air transport

AOCs made before main commencement time

202.408 Applications for Australian air transport AOCs under new law made
before main commencement time
(1) A person may apply to CASA for the issue of an Australian air transport AOC
under the new Regulations during the period:
(a) beginning on 7 June 2021; and
(b) ending immediately before the main commencement time.
(2) If the application meets the requirements mentioned in regulation 119.065 of the
new Regulations, CASA may, before or after the main commencement time,
subject to the Act and the conditions mentioned in regulation 119.070 of the new
Regulations, issue an Australian air transport AOC to the person.
(3) If CASA issues the Australian air transport AOC to the person:
(a) the Australian air transport AOC comes into force at the later of:
(i) the main commencement time; or
(ii) a time after the main commencement time specified in the Australian
air transport AOC; and
(b) regulation 119.075 of the new Regulations applies in relation to the person.

84 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.408A
202.408A Applications for AOCs under old law made before main
commencement time
(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) a person applies to CASA for the issue or variation of an AOC under the
old Regulations; and
(b) the application is made before the main commencement time; and
(c) CASA has not made a decision on the application as at the main
commencement time.
(2) Despite the amending Regulations, the old Regulations continue to apply in
relation to the application.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.5—Applications for balloon transport AOCs made

before main commencement time

202.409 Applications for balloon transport AOCs under new law made before
main commencement time
(1) A person may apply to CASA for the issue of a balloon transport AOC under the
new Regulations during the period:
(a) beginning on 7 June 2021; and
(b) ending immediately before the main commencement time.
(2) If the application meets the requirements mentioned in regulation 131.075 of the
new Regulations, CASA may, before or after the main commencement time,
subject to the Act and the conditions mentioned in regulation 131.080 of the new
Regulations, issue a balloon transport AOC to the person.
(3) If CASA issues the balloon transport AOC to the person:
(a) the balloon transport AOC comes into force at the later of:
(i) the main commencement time; or
(ii) a time after the main commencement time specified in the balloon
transport AOC; and
(b) regulation 131.085 of the new Regulations applies in relation to the person.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.6—Applications for aerial work certificates made

before main commencement time

202.410 Applications for aerial work certificates under new law made before
main commencement time
(1) A person may apply to CASA for the issue of an aerial work certificate under the
new Regulations during the period:
(a) beginning on 7 June 2021; and
(b) ending immediately before the main commencement time.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 85

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.411
(2) If the application meets the requirements mentioned in regulation 138.035 of the
new Regulations, CASA may, before or after the main commencement time,
subject to the conditions mentioned in regulation 138.040 of the new
Regulations, issue an aerial work certificate to the person.
(3) If CASA issues the aerial work certificate to the person:
(a) the aerial work certificate comes into force at the later of:
(i) the main commencement time; or
(ii) a time after the main commencement time specified in the aerial work
certificate; and
(b) regulation 138.045 of the new Regulations applies in relation to the person.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.7—Applications for instruments (other than AOCs

and aerial work certificates) made before main commencement

202.411 Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and aerial work
certificates) under new law made before main commencement time
(1) A person may apply to CASA for an instrument (other than an AOC or an aerial
work certificate) to be made under the new Regulations during the period:
(a) beginning on 7 June 2021; and
(b) ending immediately before the main commencement time.
(2) If the application meets the requirements (if any) of the new Regulations, CASA
may, before or after the main commencement time, subject to the conditions (if
any) mentioned in the new Regulations, make the instrument.
(3) If CASA makes the instrument, the instrument comes into force at the later of:
(a) the main commencement time; or
(b) a time after the main commencement time specified in the instrument.

202.411A Applications for instruments (other than AOCs, aerial work

certificates and exemptions) under old law made before main
commencement time

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, a person made an application (the
old application) to CASA for the making of an instrument (other than an
AOC, an aerial work certificate or an exemption) under a provision of the
old Regulations that is repealed by the amending Regulations; and
(b) the old application is for an instrument that authorises a particular activity
or thing; and
(c) CASA has not made a decision on the old application as at the main
commencement time.

86 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.411B
Old law continues to apply if application is for transitional instrument
(2) If the old application is for an instrument of a kind covered by subregulation (4),
then, despite the amending Regulations, the old Regulations continue to apply in
relation to the application.

New law applies to other instruments

(3) If:
(a) the old application is not for an instrument of a kind covered by
subregulation (4); and
(b) under the new Regulations a person may apply for an authorisation in
relation to the activity or thing mentioned in paragraph (1)(b); and
(c) the requirements mentioned in subregulation 11.030(1) are met in relation
to the old application;
then, both of the following apply:
(d) the old application is taken:
(i) to be an application under the new Regulations for an authorisation in
relation to the activity or thing; and
(ii) to meet the requirements mentioned in regulation 11.030 and any
other requirements relating to the making of the application under
another provision of the new Regulations that deals with
authorisations of that kind; and
(iii) to have been made at the main commencement time;
(e) Part 11 (applications and decision making) of these Regulations applies in
relation to the application.

Transitional instruments
(4) An instrument is covered by this subregulation if:
(a) despite the repeal of the provision of the old Regulations under which, or
for the purposes of which, the instrument is made, the instrument continues
in force after the main commencement time as a result of the operation of a
provision of this Division; or
(b) another provision of this Division provides that if the instrument is in force
immediately before the main commencement time, a new instrument is
taken to be made for the purposes of a provision of the new Regulations.

202.411B Applications for exemptions under old law made before main
commencement time

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, a person made an application (the
old application) to CASA for an exemption from compliance with a
requirement under a provision (the old provision) of the old Regulations
that is repealed by the amending Regulations or a provision (the old

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 87

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.411B
provision) of an instrument made under, or for the purposes of, the old
Regulations or the Act; and
(b) CASA has not made a decision on the old application as at the main
commencement time.

Old law continues to apply if application is for transitional exemption

(2) If the old application is for an exemption of a kind covered by subregulation (4),
then, despite the amending Regulations, the old Regulations continue to apply in
relation to the old application.

New law applies to other exemptions

(3) If:
(a) the old application is not for an exemption of a kind covered by
subregulation (4); and
(b) there is a corresponding new provision in relation to the old provision; and
(c) an application may be made under the new Regulations for an exemption
from compliance in relation to the corresponding new provision; and
(d) the requirements mentioned in subregulations 11.165(2) and (3) are met in
relation to the old application;
then, both of the following apply:
(e) the old application is taken:
(i) to be an application for an exemption in relation to the corresponding
new provision; and
(ii) to meet the requirements mentioned in regulation 11.165; and
(iii) to have been made at the main commencement time;
(f) Part 11 (applications and decision making) of these Regulations applies in
relation to the application.
Note: For the definition of corresponding new provision, see 202.405.

Transitional exemptions
(4) An exemption is covered by this subregulation if:
(a) despite the repeal of the provision of the old Regulations under which, or
for the purposes of which, the exemption is made, the exemption continues
in force after the main commencement time as a result of the operation of a
provision of this Division; or
(b) another provision of this Division provides that if the exemption is in force
immediately before the main commencement time, a new exemption is
taken to be made for the purposes of a provision of the new Regulations.

88 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.412
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.8—Main translation rules for old instruments

202.412 References in old instruments to old Regulations

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies to an instrument (the old instrument) made under, or for
the purposes of, a provision of these Regulations (including the old Regulations)
or the Act if the old instrument:
(a) is in force immediately before the main commencement time and continues
in force (including as a result of the operation of a provision of this
Division) immediately after that time; or
(b) is made, or is taken to be made, after the main commencement time as a
result of the operation of a provision of this Division.
Note: Examples of old instruments include AOCs, CAOs, approvals and other authorisations.

Effect of old instrument

(2) Subject to this Division, if:
(a) the old instrument refers to a provision (the old provision) of the old
Regulations that is repealed by the amending Regulations; and
(b) there is a corresponding new provision in relation to the old provision;
then the reference to the old provision is taken, after the main commencement
time, to be a reference to the corresponding new provision.
Note: For the definition of corresponding new provision, see 202.405.

202.412A References in old instruments to old terminology

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies to an instrument (the old instrument) made under, or for
the purposes of, a provision of these Regulations (including the old Regulations)
or the Act if the old instrument:
(a) is in force immediately before the main commencement time and continues
in force (including as a result of the operation of a provision of this
Division) immediately after that time; or
(b) is made, or is taken to be made, after the main commencement time as a
result of the operation of a provision of this Division.

Effect of old instrument

(2) Subject to this Division, the old instrument has effect after the main
commencement time in accordance with the following table.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 89

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.412B
Effect of old instruments
Item Column 1 Column 2
A reference in the old is taken instead to be a reference to …
instrument to …
1 an airline an operator who conducts scheduled air transport operations, other
than medical transport operations.
2 foreign aircraft foreign registered aircraft.
3 I.F.R. IFR.
4 I.F.R. flight IFR flight.
5 I.F.R. operation IFR operation.
6 I.M.C. IMC.
7 manned balloon manned free balloon
8 public transport service an air transport operation, other than a medical transport
9 V.F.R. VFR.
10 V.F.R. flight VFR flight.
11 V.F.R. operation VFR operation.
12 V.M.C. VMC.

202.412B References in old instruments to kinds of aircraft

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies to an instrument (the old instrument) made under, or for
the purposes of, a provision of these Regulations (including the old Regulations)
or the Act if the old instrument:
(a) is in force immediately before the main commencement time and continues
in force (including as a result of the operation of a provision of this
Division) immediately after that time; or
(b) is made, or is taken to be made, after the main commencement time as a
result of the operation of a provision of this Division.

Effect of old instrument

(2) Subject to this Division, the old instrument has effect after the main
commencement time in relation to an aircraft (the relevant aircraft) in
accordance with the following table.

90 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.412B
Effect of old instruments
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
If the old and the relevant aircraft is, then, a reference in the old
instrument refers after the main commencement instrument to an aircraft of the
to an aircraft of time, used for conducting an kind mentioned in column 1 is
the following kind operation or activity of the taken instead to be a reference to
… following kind … …
1 a regular public a scheduled air transport an aircraft used for conducting a
transport aircraft operation scheduled air transport operation.
2 a charter aircraft a non-scheduled air transport an aircraft used for conducting an
operation operation that is a non-scheduled
air transport operation.
3 a charter aircraft a medical transport operation an aircraft used for conducting a
medical transport operation.
4 a charter aircraft a balloon transport operation an aircraft used for conducting a
balloon transport operation.
5 an aerial work an aerial work operation an aircraft used for conducting an
aircraft aerial work operation.
6 an aerial work an aerial application operation an aircraft used for conducting an
aircraft within the meaning of Part 137 aerial application operation under
an AOC that authorises the use of
the aircraft in aerial application
operations within the meaning of
that Part.
7 an aerial work an aerial work operation in a an aircraft used for conducting a
aircraft manned free balloon or a hot air specialised balloon transport
airship operation.
8 an aerial work Part 141 flight training within the an aircraft used for conducting
aircraft meaning of Part 141 Part 141 flight training.
9 an aerial work a Part 142 activity within the an aircraft used for conducting a
aircraft meaning of Part 142 Part 142 activity.
10 an aerial work balloon flying training within the an aircraft used for conducting
aircraft meaning of Part 5 of CAR balloon flying training within the
meaning of Part 5 of CAR.

(3) However, the effect of subregulation (2) applies only in relation to the relevant
aircraft to the extent that the aircraft is used for the purpose of conducting the
operation or activity of the kind mentioned in column 2 of the item in the table.
(4) The definition of kind, of an aircraft, in Part 1 of the Dictionary does not apply in
relation to this regulation.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 91

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.412C
202.412C References in old instruments to kinds of operations

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies to an instrument (the old instrument) made under, or for
the purposes of, a provision of these Regulations (including the old Regulations)
or the Act if the old instrument:
(a) is in force immediately before the main commencement time and continues
in force (including as a result of the operation of a provision of this
Division) immediately after that time; or
(b) is made, or is taken to be made, after the main commencement time as a
result of the operation of a provision of this Division.

Effect of old instrument

(2) Subject to this Division, the old instrument has effect after the main
commencement time in relation to an operation or activity (the relevant
operation or activity) conducted by an aircraft in accordance with the following

Effect of old instruments

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
If the old instrument and the relevant then, a reference in the old
refers to an operation of operation or activity is an instrument to an operation of
the following kind … operation or activity of the kind mentioned in column 1
the following kind … is taken instead to be a reference
to …
1 a regular public transport a scheduled air transport a scheduled air transport operation.
operation operation
2 a charter operation a non-scheduled air a non-scheduled air transport
transport operation operation.
3 a charter operation a medical transport a medical transport operation.
4 a charter operation a balloon transport a balloon transport operation.
5 an aerial work operation an aerial work operation an aerial work operation under an
aerial work certificate.
6 an aerial work operation an aerial application an aerial application operation
operation within the under an AOC that authorises the
meaning of Part 137 use of the aircraft in aerial
application operations.
7 an aerial work operation balloon flying training balloon flying training within the
within the meaning of meaning of Part 5 of CAR.
Part 5 of CAR
8 an aerial work operation Part 141 flight training Part 141 flight training.
within the meaning of
Part 141

92 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.413
Effect of old instruments
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
If the old instrument and the relevant then, a reference in the old
refers to an operation of operation or activity is an instrument to an operation of
the following kind … operation or activity of the kind mentioned in column 1
the following kind … is taken instead to be a reference
to …
9 an aerial work operation a Part 142 activity within a Part 142 activity.
the meaning of Part 142
10 an aerial work operation a specialised balloon a specialised balloon operation that
operation within the is conducted for hire or reward.
meaning of Part 131
11 any of: a medical transport a medical transport operation.
(a) an aerial work (air operation
ambulance) operation;
(b) an air ambulance
operation; or
(c) any other operation
involving aerial
ambulance functions
(however described)

(3) However, if:

(a) as a result of the operation of subregulation (2), an aircraft used for
conducting a medical transport operation is subject, after the main
commencement time, to both of the following requirements:
(i) a requirement that applies in relation to an air ambulance operation;
(ii) a requirement that applies in relation to a charter operation; and
(b) the requirements apply in relation to the same matter;
then the old instrument has effect after the main commencement time in relation
to the aircraft as if the requirement mentioned in subparagraph (a)(i) does not

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.9—AOCs

202.413 Old AOCs taken to authorise operations etc.

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to an operator who is the holder of an AOC
(the old AOC) if:
(a) the old AOC authorises the operator to conduct an operation or activity of
the kind mentioned in column 1 of an item in the table in subregulation (2);
(b) the old AOC:

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 93

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.413
(i) is in force immediately before the main commencement time and
continues in force (including as a result of the operation of a provision
of this Division) immediately after that time; or
(ii) is issued after the main commencement time as a result of the
operation of a provision of this Division.

Old AOCs taken to authorise operations etc.

(2) The following table has effect.

Effect of old AOCs

Item Column 1 Column 2
If the old AOC authorises an then, from the later of:
operation of the following kind … (a) the main commencement time; or
(b) the time when the operator gives CASA the
compliance material for the operator
mentioned in column 2 of the table in
subregulation 202.413A(1) …
1 a regular public transport operation the old AOC is taken to authorise:
(a) a scheduled air transport operation; and
(b) a non-scheduled air transport operation.
2 a charter operation, other than an a the old AOC is taken to authorise a non-scheduled
charter operation in: air transport operation.
(a) a manned free balloon; or
(b) a hot air airship
3 a charter operation in: the old AOC is taken to authorise a balloon transport
(a) a manned free balloon; or operation.
(b) a hot air airship
4 an aerial work (air ambulance) the old AOC is taken to authorise a medical transport
operation operation.
5 an aerial work operation (the relevant an aerial work certificate is taken to have been
aerial work operation), other than: issued to the operator under regulation 138.040
(a) an aerial application operation; or authorising the relevant aerial work operation.
(b) an aerial work (air ambulance)
operation; or
(c) an aerial work operation in a
manned free balloon or a hot air
6 an aerial work operation: an approval is taken to have been issued to the
(a) in a manned free balloon; or operator under regulation 131.035 to conduct a
(b) in a hot air airship; specialised balloon operation.
other than commercial balloon flying

94 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.413
Terms and conditions of AOCs authorising new operations—scheduled and
non-scheduled air transport operations
(3) If column 1 of item 1, 2, or 4 in the table applies in relation to an old AOC, then:
(a) the holder of the old AOC is authorised to conduct the operation mentioned
in column 2 of the item, subject to:
(i) the conditions in regulation 119.080; and
(ii) any conditions of the old AOC; and
(b) regulations 119.070 (conditions for issue) and 119.075 (approval of
exposition) do not apply in relation to the holder of the AOC.

Terms and conditions of AOCs authorising new operations—balloon transport

(4) If column 1 of item 3 in the table applies in relation to an old AOC, then:
(a) the holder of the old AOC is authorised to conduct the operation mentioned
in column 2 of the item, subject to:
(i) the conditions in regulation 131.090; and
(ii) any conditions of the old AOC; and
(b) regulations 131.080 (conditions for issue) and 131.085 (approval of
exposition) do not apply in relation to the holder of the AOC.

Terms and conditions of aerial work certificates

(5) If column 1 of item 5 in the table applies in relation to an old AOC, then:
(a) the aerial work certificate mentioned in column 2 of the item is subject to:
(i) the conditions in regulation 138.050; and
(ii) any conditions of the old AOC; and
(b) subregulation 138.040(1) (conditions for issue) and regulation 138.045
(approval of manuals) do not apply in relation to the holder of the aerial
work certificate; and
(c) the aerial work certificate ceases to be in force on the day the old AOC

Terms and conditions of approvals—specialised balloon operations

(6) If column 1 of item 6 in the table applies in relation to an old AOC, then:
(a) for the purposes of regulation 11.056, the approval mentioned in column 2
of the item is taken to have been granted on the condition that any terms or
conditions of the old AOC are complied with; and
(b) subregulation 11.056(2) does not apply in relation to the approval; and
(c) the approval ceases to be in force on the day the old AOC expires.

Effect of suspension
(7) If an old AOC has been suspended and the suspension is in force immediately
before the main commencement time, then:
(a) disregard the suspension for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(b)(i); and

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 95

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.413A
(b) if, as a result of subregulation (2), the old AOC is taken to authorise an
operation—the suspension continues in force in relation to the old AOC
and applies in relation to that operation; and
(c) if, as a result of subregulation (2), an authorisation is taken to be issued,
(i) the authorisation is taken to be suspended; and
(ii) the period of suspension for the authorisation is the same as for the
old AOC.

202.413A Operations manuals, expositions and training and checking manuals

taken to be approved
(1) The following table has effect in relation to an operator.

Operations manuals and expositions taken to be approved

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
If … and the operator gives then, from the later of:
CASA the following (a) the main
documents and commencement
information (the time; or
compliance material) … (b) the time when the
compliance material
is given to CASA;
CASA is taken to have
approved …
1 either of the following apply: both: the operator’s proposed
(a) both: (a) the operator’s proposed exposition under
(i) the operator is the holder exposition prepared for regulation 119.075.
of an AOC that the purpose of
authorises the holder to compliance with the
conduct charter requirements of these
operations, regular public Regulations; and
transport operations or (b) a compliance statement
aerial work (air for the operator that
ambulance) operations; meets the requirements
and mentioned in
(ii) the AOC is in force subregulation 202.406(2
immediately before the )
main commencement
(b) after the main commencement
time, the operator is the holder
of an AOC that is taken to
authorise an Australian air
transport operation as a result of
the operation of a provision of
this Division
2 either of the following apply: both: the operator’s proposed

96 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.413A
Operations manuals and expositions taken to be approved
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
If … and the operator gives then, from the later of:
CASA the following (a) the main
documents and commencement
information (the time; or
compliance material) … (b) the time when the
compliance material
is given to CASA;
CASA is taken to have
approved …
(a) both: (a) the operator’s proposed operations manual under
(i) the operator is the holder operations manual regulation 138.045.
of an AOC that prepared for the
authorises the holder to purposes of compliance
conduct aerial work with the requirements
operations (other than of these Regulations;
aerial work (air and
ambulance) operations) (b) a compliance statement
in an aeroplane or a for the operator that
rotorcraft; and meets the requirements
(ii) the AOC is in force mentioned in
immediately before the subregulation 202.406(2
main commencement )
(b) after the main commencement
time, the operator is issued an
aerial work certificate as a result
of the operation of a provision
of this Division
3 all of the following apply: the operator’s proposed the operator’s proposed
(a) the operator had given CASA a training and checking training and checking
training and checking manual in manual prepared for the manual under
accordance with Civil Aviation purposes of compliance regulation 138.045.
Order 82.1; with the requirements of
(b) as at the main commencement these Regulations
time, the training and checking
manual is the most recent
training and checking manual
for the operator;
(c) after the main commencement
time, the operator is required
under regulation 138.125 to
have a training and checking
4 either of the following apply: the operator’s proposed the operator’s proposed
(a) both: exposition prepared for the exposition under
(i) the operator is the holder purposes of compliance regulation 131.085.
of an AOC that with the requirements of

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 97

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.414
Operations manuals and expositions taken to be approved
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
If … and the operator gives then, from the later of:
CASA the following (a) the main
documents and commencement
information (the time; or
compliance material) … (b) the time when the
compliance material
is given to CASA;
CASA is taken to have
approved …
authorises the holder to these Regulations
conduct a charter
operation in a manned
free balloon or a hot air
airship; and
(ii) the AOC is in force
immediately before the
main commencement
(b) after the main commencement
time, the operator is the holder
of an AOC that is taken to
authorise a balloon transport
operation as a result of the
operation of a provision of this

Effect of suspension
(2) In determining if an AOC is in force immediately before the main
commencement time for the purposes of an item in the table in subregulation (1),
disregard if the AOC is suspended at that time.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.10—Applications for AOCs made after main

commencement time

202.414 Applications for AOCs made after main commencement time

Subject to this Division, the new Regulations apply in relation to an application
for an AOC made after the main commencement time.

98 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.415
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.11—Applications for aerial work certificates made
after main commencement time

202.415 Applications for aerial work certificates made after main

commencement time
Subject to this Division, the new Regulations apply in relation to an application
for an aerial work certificate made after the main commencement time.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.12—Old instruments other than AOCs

202.416 Approvals taken to be granted

Approval taken to be granted

(1) If
(a) a flight of an aircraft occurs after the main commencement time; and
(b) an instrument (the old instrument) mentioned in column 2 of an item in the
following table applies in relation to the flight, or would have applied in
relation to the flight if the amending Regulations had not been made; and
(c) the old instrument is an eligible instrument; and
(d) the old instrument:
(i) is in force immediately before the main commencement time; or
(ii) is made, or is taken to be made, after the main commencement time as
a result of the operation of a provision of this Division;
then, for the purposes of the provision mentioned in column 3 of the item, after
the main commencement time, an approval under regulation 91.045 for the
activity or thing mentioned in column 4 of the item is taken to be granted to the
person mentioned in column 5 of the item in relation to the flight.
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

Approved activities where old instrument applies

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Subject Old instrument Provision of new Approved Approved
Regulations activity or person
1 VFR flights in An approval under Paragraph To conduct The pilot in
class A subregulation 91.285(1)(b) the flight as a command of
airspace 99AA(3) of the old VFR flight in the aircraft
CAR to conduct a class A
flight as a VFR airspace
flight in class A
2 Towing of Permission or an Paragraph To tow the The pilot in
things by approval under 91.210(2)(a) thing during command of
aircraft regulation 149 of the flight the aircraft

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 99

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416
Approved activities where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Subject Old instrument Provision of new Approved Approved
Regulations activity or person
the old CAR to tow
a thing by an
3 Aerobatic Permission under Subparagraph 91.185 To conduct The pilot in
manoeuvres paragraph 155(4)(b) (2)(b)(i) the aerobatic command of
over populous of the old CAR to manoeuvre the aircraft
area conduct an during the
aerobatic flight over the
manoeuvre over a populous area
populous area
4 Aerobatic Permission under Subparagraph 91.185 To conduct The pilot in
manoeuvres at paragraph 155(4)(b) (2)(b)(ii) the aerobatic command of
air display of the old CAR to manoeuvre the aircraft
conduct an during the
aerobatic flight at an air
manoeuvre at a display
public gathering performed
before the
5 Formation An approval under Paragraph To fly in The pilot in
flying at night subparagraph 91.205(2)(b) formation at command of
163AA(1)(c)(ii) of night during the aircraft
the old CAR to fly the flight
an aircraft in
formation flight at
6 Formation An approval under Paragraph To fly in The pilot in
flying in IMC subparagraph 91.205(3)(b) formation in command of
163AA(1)(c)(ii) of IMC during the aircraft
the old CAR to fly the flight
an aircraft in
formation flight in
7 Carriage on Permission under Paragraph To carry a Both:
wings, subregulation 91.200(1)(b) person on or (a) the
undercarriage 250(2) of the old in: operator
etc. for CAR for the (a) a part of of the
non-aerial carriage of a person the aircraft aircraft;
work on or in a part of an that is not and
operations aircraft during a designed (b) the pilot
flight not involving to carry in
an aerial work crew command
operation members of the

100 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.416
Approved activities where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Subject Old instrument Provision of new Approved Approved
Regulations activity or person
or aircraft
; or
(b) a thing
attached to
during the
8 Aerodrome An exemption Subparagraphs To conduct a Both:
meteorological under 91.315(1)(b)(i) and low-visibility (a) the
minima for regulation 11.160 (ii) operation at operator
landing or from compliance an aerodrome of the
taking-off with subregulation during the aircraft;
257(3) or (4) of the flight and
old CAR (b) the pilot
of the
9 Carriage of An authorisation Subparagraph 91.865 For the The holder of
people in for a person to be (2)(b)(ii) carriage of the the
provisionally carried in an person provisional
certificated aircraft for the covered by certificate of
aircraft purposes of the airworthiness
paragraph authorisation for the
262AO(11)(a) of mentioned in aircraft
the old CAR column 2
10 Experimental An authorisation Paragraph To conduct The holder of
aircraft for an aircraft to be 91.875(2)(f) the flight over the
operated over the a populous experimental
built up area of a area certificate for
city or town for the the aircraft
purposes of
262AP(5) of the old
11 Experimental An approval under Subparagraph 91.875 To conduct The holder of
aircraft paragraph (2)(e)(ii) the flight the
262AP(6)(b) of the other than by experimental
old CAR for the day and under certificate for
operation of an the VFR the aircraft
aircraft other than

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 101

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416
Approved activities where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Subject Old instrument Provision of new Approved Approved
Regulations activity or person
under the VFR by
12 Experimental An approval under Paragraph To carry on The holder of
aircraft paragraph 91.885(a) board the the
262AP(8)(a) of the aircraft up to experimental
old CAR for an the number of certificate for
experimental passengers the aircraft
aircraft to carry a specified in
specified number of the approval
passengers that is mentioned in
more than 6 column 2

Terms of approval
(2) For the purposes of regulation 11.056, the approval is taken to have been granted
on the condition that any terms or conditions of the old instrument are complied
(3) The approval ceases at the earliest of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old instrument as the day on which the old
instrument ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old instrument was made that occurs
after the main commencement time;
(c) if the operator of the aircraft is the holder of an AOC and the old
instrument applies in relation to the operations authorised by the AOC—
the day the operator’s AOC expires;
(d) if the operator of the aircraft is the holder of an aerial work certificate and
the old instrument applies in relation to the operations authorised by the
aerial work certificate—the day the operator’s aerial work certificate
(e) if the operator of the aircraft is the holder of a Part 141 certificate and the
old instrument applies in relation to the operations authorised by the
Part 141 certificate—the day the operator’s Part 141 certificate expires.
(4) Subregulation 11.056(2) (conditions to be set out) does not apply in relation to
the approval.

Effect of suspension
(5) If the old instrument has been suspended and the suspension is in force
immediately before the main commencement time, then:
(a) disregard the suspension for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(d)(i); and

102 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.416A
(b) the approval taken to be granted under subregulation (1) is taken to be
suspended; and
(c) the period of suspension for the approval is the same as for the old

202.416A Exemptions taken to be granted

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to a flight of an aircraft that occurs after the
main commencement time if:
(a) an instrument (the old instrument) mentioned in column 2 of an item in the
following table applies in relation to the flight, or would have applied in
relation to the flight if the amending Regulations had not been made; and
(b) the old instrument is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the old instrument:
(i) is in force immediately before the main commencement time; or
(ii) is made, or taken to be made, after the main commencement time as a
result of the operation of a provision of this Division; and
(d) after the main commencement time, a requirement (the new requirement)
mentioned in column 3 of the item applies in relation to the flight.
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
1 Radio- An approval of a A requirement under any of the following
communication radiocommunication provisions relating to the fitment or carriage of
systems system under a radiocommunication system:
subregulation 82(1) of (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
the old CAR in relation Standards prescribed for the purposes of
to an aircraft subregulation 91.810(1);
(b) a provision of the Part 103 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 103.090(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 121.460(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.460(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 103

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
(g) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
2 Radio- An exemption under A requirement under any of the following
communication subregulation 82(3) of provisions relating to the fitment or carriage of
systems CAR (as in force before a radiocommunication system:
the commencement of (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
the Civil Aviation and Standards prescribed for the purposes of
Civil Aviation Safety subregulation 91.810(1);
Amendment (b) a provision of the Part 103 Manual of
Regulations 2011 Standards prescribed for the purposes of
(No. 2)) in relation to an subregulation 103.090(1);
aircraft that continued
(c) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
to have effect because Standards prescribed for the purposes of
of regulation 202.011A subregulation 121.460(1);
of these Regulations (as
(d) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
in force before the main
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
commencement time)
subregulation 131.460(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(g) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
3 Documents to be An approval under A requirement under any of the following
carried in paragraph 139(1)(c) or provisions to carry the document on an aircraft
aircraft (d) of the old CAR in when a flight begins:
relation to a document (a) paragraph 91.105(2)(a) or
that must be carried on subregulation 91.110(3);
an aircraft when flying (b) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
paragraph 121.085(1)(a);
(c) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.275(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
paragraph 133.055(1)(a);
(e) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
paragraph 135.065(1)(a)
4 Picking up of Authority under A requirement in relation to the pick up or set

104 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
persons or subregulation 151(3) of down of a person during a flight under a
objects during the old CAR for a provision prescribed by the Part 138 Manual of
aerial work person to be picked up Standards for the purposes of
operations by an aircraft during a subregulation 138.410(2)
flight involving an
aerial work operation
5 Picking up of Authority under A requirement under a provision prescribed by
persons or subregulation 151(3) of the Part 133 Manual of Standards for the
objects during the old CAR for a purposes of paragraph 133.295(1)(b) in relation
medical person to be picked up to an external load operation involving
transport by an aircraft during a winching a person during a flight
operations flight involving an
aerial work (air
ambulance) operation
6 Low flying A permit under A requirement under a provision prescribed by
during aerial paragraph 157(4)(b) of the Part 138 Manual of Standards for the
work operations the old CAR for a flight purposes of regulation 138.275 in relation to
during an aerial work the circumstances of the flight
operation to be made at
a lower height
7 Instruments and Permission under A requirement under any of the following
equipment for subregulation 174A(3) provisions relating to the fitment or carriage of
VFR flights of the old CAR for an equipment on the aircraft for a flight under the
aircraft to be flown VFR:
under the VFR (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.273(1);
(b) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.810(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 103 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 103.090(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.367(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.460(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(g) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 105

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
(h) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
8 Instruments and Permission under A requirement under any of the following
equipment for subregulation 174A(4) provisions relating to the fitment or carriage of
VFR flights by of the old CAR for an equipment on the aircraft for a VFR flight by
night aircraft to be flown night:
under the VFR at night (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.273(1);
(b) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.810(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.367(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.460(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(g) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
9 VFR flights at Both: A requirement under subregulation 135.240(2)
night by single (a) an approval under in relation to a VFR flight at night
engine turbine subparagraph
powered aircraft 174B(2)(d)(i) of the
old CAR for an
operator to conduct
charter operations
that involve the
carrying of
passengers for hire
or reward; and
(b) an approval under
174B(2)(d)(ii) of the
old CAR for the
operation mentioned
in paragraph (a) to
be conducted in a

106 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
single engine
turbine powered
10 VFR flights at Permission under A requirement under regulation 91.277 in
night below subregulation 174B(4) relation to a VFR flight at night
1,000 feet of the old CAR for an
aircraft to be flown
under the VFR at night
at a height of less than
1,000 feet above the
highest obstacle located
within 10 miles of the
11 Navigation Permission under A requirement under any of the following
equipment for subregulation 174D(4) provisions relating to requirements for
VFR flights of the old CAR in equipping an aircraft for a VFR flight for
relation to the navigation or to obtain positive position fixes:
requirements for (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
equipping an aircraft for Standards prescribed for the purposes of
flight under the VFR subregulation 91.273(1);
for navigation or to (b) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
obtain positive position Standards prescribed for the purposes of
fixes subregulation 91.810(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 103 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 103.090(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.367(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.460(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(g) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(h) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
12 IFR flights by Both: A requirement under subregulation 135.240(2)
single engine (a) an approval under in relation to an IFR flight
turbine powered subparagraph
aircraft 175A(1)(d)(i) of the
old CAR for an

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 107

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
operator to conduct
charter or regular
public transport
operations that
involve the carrying
of passengers for
hire or reward; and
(b) an approval under
175A(1)(d)(ii) of the
old CAR for the
operation mentioned
in paragraph (a) to
be conducted in a
single engine
turbine powered
13 Instruments and Permission under A requirement under any of the following
equipment for subregulation 177(3) of provisions relating to the fitment or carriage of
IFR flights the old CAR for an equipment on an aircraft for an IFR flight:
aircraft to be flown (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
under the IFR Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.287(1);
(b) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.810(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 121.460(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
14 Instruments and Permission under A requirement under any of the following
equipment for subregulation 177(4) of provisions relating to the fitment or carriage of
IFR flights at the old CAR for an equipment on an aircraft for an IFR flight by
night aircraft to be flown night:
under the IFR at night (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.287(1);
(b) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of

108 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.810(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 121.460(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
15 Navigation Permission under A requirement under any of the following
equipment for subregulation 179A(4) provisions relating to requirements for
IFR flights of the old CAR in equipping an aircraft for an IFR flight for
relation to the navigation or to obtain positive position fixes:
requirements for (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
equipping an aircraft for Standards prescribed for the purposes of
flight under the IFR for subregulation 91.287(1);
navigation or to obtain (b) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
positive position fixes Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.810(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 121.460(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
16 Navigation A direction under A requirement under any of the following
lights subregulation 196(1) of provisions to fit or display navigation lights:
the old CAR in relation (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
to the display of Standards prescribed for the purposes of
navigation lights for a subregulation 91.810(1);
flight or operation of an (b) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
aeroplane Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 121.460(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 109

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
17 Anti-collision A direction under A requirement under any of the following
lights subregulation 196(3) of provisions to fit or display anti-collision lights:
the old CAR in relation (a) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
to the display of Standards prescribed for the purposes of
anti-collision lights for subregulation 91.810(1);
a flight or operation of (b) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of
an aeroplane Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 121.460(1);
(c) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
18 Airship lights A direction under A requirement under a provision of the
subregulation 203(1) of Part 131 Manual of Standards prescribed for
the old CAR in relation the purposes of subregulation 131.460(1) to fit
to the display of lights or display lights
for a flight or operation
of an airship
19 Aircraft An approval under Both:
instruments and subregulation 207(2) of (a) a requirement to fit an instrument of the
equipment the old CAR in relation type covered by the approval mentioned in
to the fitting of an column 2, or to carry equipment of the type
instrument, or the covered by the approval mentioned in
carriage of equipment, column 2, for an aircraft; and
for an aircraft (b) a requirement relating to an instrument of
the type covered by the approval mentioned
in column 2, or equipment of the type
covered by the approval mentioned in
column 2, that is fitted to, or carried on, an
under any of the following provisions:
(c) a provision of the Part 91 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 91.810(1);
(d) a provision of the Part 103 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 103.090(1);
(e) a provision of the Part 121 Manual of

110 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.416A
Exemption from new requirement where old instrument applies
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Subject Old instrument New requirement
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 121.460(1);
(f) a provision of the Part 131 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 131.460(1);
(g) a provision of the Part 133 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 133.360(1);
(h) a provision of the Part 135 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 135.370(1);
(i) a provision of the Part 138 Manual of
Standards prescribed for the purposes of
subregulation 138.465(2)
20 Flight check An approval under A requirement under paragraph 91.095(2)(a) or
systems subregulation 232(2) of subregulation 121.055(1), 131.255(1),
the old CAR of a flight 133.030(1), 135.040(1) or 138.210(2) to
check system for an comply with the flight check requirements set
aircraft out in the aircraft flight manual instructions for
an aircraft
21 Carriage on Permission under A requirement under a provision of the
wings, subregulation 250(2) of Part 138 Manual of Standards prescribed for
undercarriage the old CAR for the the purposes of subregulation 138.410(2)
etc. for aerial carriage of a person
work operations during a flight
involving an aerial
work operation
22 Carriage of A permission under A requirement under a provision of the Part 91
animals subregulation 256A(1) Manual of Standards prescribed for the
of the old CAR to carry purposes of subregulation 91.620(5) relating to
a live animal on an the carriage of animals on an aircraft

Exemption taken to be granted

(2) A person who would (apart from this subregulation) contravene an offence
provision of these Regulations if the new requirement is not met in relation to the
flight is taken, after the main commencement time, to have been granted an
exemption (the new exemption) under Division 11.F.1 from the new requirement
for the flight.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 111

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416B
Terms of exemption
(3) For the purposes of regulation 11.205, the new exemption is taken to have been
granted on the condition that any terms or conditions of the old instrument are
complied with.
(4) The new exemption ceases at the earliest of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old instrument as the day on which the old
instrument ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old instrument was made, granted,
given or issued (as the case requires) that occurs after the main
commencement time;
(c) if the operator of the aircraft is the holder of an AOC and the old
instrument applies in relation to the operations authorised by the AOC—
the day the operator’s AOC expires;
(d) if the operator of the aircraft is the holder of an aerial work certificate and
the old instrument applies in relation to the operations authorised by the
aerial work certificate—the day the operator’s aerial work certificate
(e) if the operator of the aircraft is the holder of a Part 141 certificate and the
old instrument applies in relation to the operations authorised by the
Part 141 certificate—the day the operator’s Part 141 certificate expires.
(5) Subregulation 11.056(2) (conditions to be set out) and regulations 11.225
(publication of exemption) and 11.230 (when exemptions cease) do not apply in
relation to the new exemption.

Effect of suspension
(6) If the old instrument has been suspended and the suspension is in force
immediately before the main commencement time, then:
(a) disregard the suspension for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(c)(i); and
(b) the exemption taken to be granted under subregulation (2) is taken to be
suspended; and
(c) the period of suspension for the exemption is the same as for the old

202.416B Directions taken to be issued

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) CASA issued a direction under one of the following provisions of the old
(i) subregulation 92(2) (use of aerodromes);
(ii) paragraph 174A(1A)(a) or (2)(e) (instruments and equipment for VFR
(iii) subregulation 177(1) (instruments and equipment for IFR flights);

112 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.416C
subregulation 207(2) or (3) (aircraft instruments and equipment);
subregulation 209(1) (private operations);
subregulation 221(1) (facilities and safety devices);
subregulation 235(2) or (7) (weights for take-off and landing of
(viii) subregulation 244(2) (safety precautions before take-off);
(ix) subregulation 245(1) (tests before take-off);
(x) subregulation 251(3) or (6) (seat belts and safety harnesses);
(xi) subregulation 252(1) (emergency systems and equipment); and
(b) the direction is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the direction:
(i) is in force immediately before the main commencement time; or
(ii) is made, or is taken to be made, after the main commencement time as
a result of the operation of a provision of this Division.
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

Effect of direction
(2) The direction has effect, after the main commencement time, as if the direction
were issued by CASA under subregulation 11.245(1).
(3) The direction ceases to be in force at the earlier of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the direction as the day on which the direction
ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the direction was issued that occurs after
the main commencement time.
(4) Subregulation 11.245(2) is taken to be satisfied in relation to the direction.
(5) Regulation 11.250 (period of effect of direction) does not apply in relation to the

202.416C Effect of old exemptions

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to a person if:
(a) either:
(i) CASA granted the person an exemption (the old exemption) under
regulation 11.160 from compliance with a provision (the old
provision) under the old Regulations; or
(ii) the person is subject to an exemption (the old exemption) from
compliance with a provision (the old provision) of the old Regulations
that continued to have effect under regulation 202.011, 202.011B or
202.011F of the old Regulations; and
(b) the old exemption is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the old exemption:

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 113

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.416C
(i) is in force immediately before the main commencement time; or
(ii) is granted after the main commencement time as a result of the
operation of a provision of this Division; and
(d) the old provision is repealed by the amending Regulations; and
(e) after the main commencement time, there is a corresponding new provision
in relation to the old provision.
Note 1: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.
Note 2: For the definition of corresponding new provision, see 202.405.

Exemption taken to be granted

(2) The person is taken, after the main commencement time, to have been granted an
exemption (the new exemption) under Division 11.F.1 from compliance with the
corresponding new provision.

Terms of exemption
(3) For the purposes of regulation 11.205, the new exemption is taken to have been
granted on the condition that any terms or conditions of the old exemption are
complied with.
(4) The new exemption ceases at the earliest of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old exemption as the day on which the old
exemption ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old exemption was granted that
occurs after the main commencement time;
(c) if the person is the holder of an AOC and the old exemption applies in
relation to the operations authorised by the AOC—the day the person’s
AOC expires;
(d) if the person is the holder of an aerial work certificate and the old
exemption applies in relation to the operations authorised by the aerial
work certificate—the day the person’s aerial work certificate expires;
(e) if the person is the holder of a Part 141 certificate and the old exemption
applies in relation to the operations authorised by the Part 141 certificate—
the day the person’s Part 141 certificate expires.
(5) Subregulation 11.056(2) (conditions to be set out) and regulations 11.225
(publication of exemption) and 11.230 (when exemptions cease) do not apply in
relation to the new exemption.

Effect of suspension
(6) If the old exemption has been suspended and the suspension is in force
immediately before the main commencement time, then:
(a) disregard the suspension for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(c)(i); and
(b) the new exemption taken to be granted under subregulation (2) is taken to
be suspended; and

114 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.417
(c) the period of suspension for the new exemption is the same as for the old

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.13—Applications for instruments other than

AOCs and aerial work certificates

202.417 Applications for instruments (other than AOCs and aerial work
certificates) made after main commencement time
Subject to this Division, the new Regulations apply in relation to an application
for an instrument (other than an AOC or an aerial work certificate) that is made
after the main commencement time.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.14—Other general transitional matters

202.418 Flight training and checking

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to a flight by an aircraft if:
(a) after the main commencement time, a requirement (the new requirement)
under a provision of these Regulations or an instrument made under, or for
the purposes of, these Regulations, applies in relation to the flight; and
(b) the new requirement is in relation to a training or checking event (the new
event) that is:
(i) specified in a determination made for the purposes of subregulation
(3); and
(ii) in relation to a person; and
(c) a training or checking event (the old event) that is specified in the
determination in relation to the new event happened in relation to the
person before the main commencement time; and
(d) the flight occurs:
(i) after the main commencement time; and
(ii) before the time (if any) specified in the determination in relation to
the new event.

New event taken to have happened

(2) After the main commencement time, for the purposes of these Regulations or an
instrument made under, or for the purposes of, these Regulations, the new event
is taken to have happened in relation to the person.

(3) CASA may make a written determination for the purposes of this regulation.
Note: A determination made under this subregulation is a legislative instrument: see
subsection 98(5AA) of the Act.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 115

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.418A
Training or checking events
(4) In this regulation, a training or checking event includes any of the following:
(a) satisfactory completion of training or education (however described);
(b) successful completion of a check, a test, a flight review or an assessment of
competency (however described);
(c) obtaining a qualification or certificate;
(d) completing experience;
(e) completing a flight or series of flights;
(f) successfully participating in a training and checking system (however

202.418A Flights in progress

If a flight of an aircraft begins before the main commencement time but has not
ended by that time, then, despite the amending Regulations, the old Regulations
continue to apply in relation to the flight.

202.418B Manuals of Standards may deal with other transitional matters

For the avoidance of doubt, a Manual of Standards made for a Part under these
Regulations may provide for matters of a transitional nature (including
prescribing any saving or application provisions) relating to a provision of the
Manual of Standards.
Note: If there is an inconsistency between a MOS and a provision of the Act or these
Regulations, the provision of the Act or these Regulations prevails to the extent of the
inconsistency: see regulation 1.008.

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.15—Miscellaneous transitional provisions

202.419 Statistical returns

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, a person was directed to give
information under subregulation 132(1) of the old CAR in relation to an
aircraft; and
(b) the direction is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the direction is in force immediately before the main commencement time;
(d) as at the main commencement time, the direction has not been complied
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

116 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.419A
Direction continues to have effect
(2) The direction continues to have effect, after the main commencement time, as if
the direction had been given by CASA under regulation 117.020 in relation to
the aircraft.
(3) For the purposes of subregulation 117.020(4), the person must comply with the
direction within 60 days after the main commencement time.

202.419A Reports
(1) If:
(a) before the main commencement time, a person was required (the old
requirement) to give a traffic report under subregulation 132(2) of the old
CAR; and
(b) as at the main commencement time, the old requirement has not been
complied with;
then, after the main commencement time, the person is taken to have been given
a direction under regulation 117.025 to prepare and provide a traffic report.
(2) For the purposes of subregulation 117.025(4), the person must comply with the
direction within 60 days after the main commencement time.

202.419B Protection of information

Regulation 117.030 applies in relation to disclosures of information in
accordance with regulations 117.020 and 117.025 (including those provisions as
applied by regulations 202.419 and 202.419A) that happen after the main
commencement time (whether the information was obtained or disclosed before
or after the main commencement time).

202.419C Special flight permits

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, CASA or an authorised person has:
(i) issued a special flight permit for an aircraft under regulation 21.197;
(ii) directed that all or any of paragraphs 133(1)(a), (c) and (d) and
regulation 139 of the old CAR do not apply to the aircraft; and
(b) the permit and the direction are in force immediately before the main
commencement time.

Effect of regulations
(2) These Regulations have effect, after the main commencement time, as if:
(a) a reference in the direction to paragraph 133(1)(a) of the old CAR were
instead a reference to paragraph 91.145(2)(c); and

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 117

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.419D
(b) a reference in the direction to paragraph 133(1)(c) of the old CAR were
instead a reference to paragraph 91.145(2)(d); and
(c) a reference in the direction to regulation 139 of the old CAR were instead a
reference to Division 91.C.3.

202.419D Special flight authorisations

(1) If:
(a) before the main commencement time, a special flight authorisation (the old
authorisation) for the operation of an aircraft had been issued under
regulation 135A of the old CAR; and
(b) the old authorisation is in force immediately before the main
commencement time;
then, after the main commencement time, a special flight authorisation (the new
authorisation) is taken to be in force in relation to the aircraft under
regulation 91.970 for flight of the aircraft in Australian territory.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph 91.970(3)(c), the new authorisation is taken to
have been granted on the condition that any terms or conditions of the old
authorisation are complied with.
(3) The new authorisation ceases:
(a) if the old authorisation specifies a day on which the old authorisation
ceases to be in force—on that day; or
(b) otherwise—the second anniversary of the day the old authorisation was
given that occurs after the main commencement time.

202.419E Foreign state aircraft

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to a flight in Australian territory by a state
aircraft of a foreign country that occurs after the main commencement time if:
(a) before the main commencement time, CASA had given permission or an
invitation (the old permission) for the flight under regulation 136 of the old
CAR; and
(b) the old permission is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the old permission is in force immediately before the main commencement
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

Approval taken to be granted

(2) For the purposes of subregulation 91.975(1), after the main commencement time,
the operator of the aircraft is taken to have been granted an approval under
regulation 91.045 for the flight.

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.419F
(3) For the purposes of regulation 11.056, the approval is taken to have been granted
on the condition that any terms or conditions of the old permission are complied
(4) Subregulation 11.056(2) does not apply in relation to the approval.
(5) The approval ceases:
(a) if the old permission specifies a day on which the old permission ceases to
be in force—on that day; or
(b) otherwise—the second anniversary of the day the old permission was given
that occurs after the main commencement time.

202.419F Discharge of firearms in aircraft

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to a flight of an aircraft involved in an aerial
work operation that occurs after the main commencement time if:
(a) before the main commencement time, CASA had given permission (the old
permission) under subregulation 144(3) of the old CAR for a person to
discharge a firearm while on an aircraft involved in an aerial work
operation; and
(b) the old permission is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the old permission is in force immediately before the main commencement
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

Person taken to be authorised to discharge firearm

(2) For the purposes of subregulation 91.165(2), after the main commencement time,
the person is taken to have been granted an authorisation (the new authorisation)
to discharge the firearm while on the aircraft.

Terms of authorisation
(3) For the purposes of regulation 11.056, the new authorisation is taken to have
been granted on the condition that any terms or conditions of the old permission
are complied with.
(4) Subregulation 11.056(2) (conditions to be set out) does not apply in relation to
the new authorisation.
(5) The new authorisation ceases at the earlier of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old permission as the day on which the old
permission ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old permission was given that occurs
after the main commencement time.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.419G
Exemption for operator and pilot taken to be granted
(6) Subregulations (7) to (10) apply if the operator and the pilot in command of the
aircraft for the flight are subject to a requirement (the new requirement) under a
provision prescribed by the Part 138 Manual of Standards for the purposes of
paragraph 138.432(2)(b) in relation to the discharge of a firearm while on the
(7) For the purposes of regulation 138.432, after the main commencement time, the
operator and the pilot in command of the aircraft for the flight are each taken to
have been granted an exemption (the new exemption) under Division 11.F.1
from the new requirement in relation to the flight.

Terms of exemption
(8) For the purposes of regulation 11.205, the new exemption is taken to have been
granted on the condition that any terms or conditions of the old permission are
complied with.
(9) The new exemption ceases at the earliest of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old permission as the day on which the old
permission ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old permission was given that occurs
after the main commencement time;
(c) if the operator of the aircraft is the holder of an aerial work certificate and
the old permission applies in relation to the operations authorised by the
aerial work certificate—the day the operator’s aerial work certificate
(10) Subregulation 11.205(2) (conditions to be set out) and regulations 11.225
(publication of exemption) and 11.230 (when exemptions cease) do not apply in
relation to the new exemption.

202.419G Instrument approach and departure procedure

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, CASA had issued a determination
(the old determination):
(i) under paragraph 178(6)(b) of the old CAR in relation to an instrument
approach procedure; or
(ii) under paragraph 178(6)(c) of the old CAR in relation to an instrument
departure procedure; and
(b) the old determination is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the old determination is in force immediately before the main
commencement time.
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.419H
Determination continues to have effect
(2) The old determination continues to have effect, after the main commencement
time, as if the determination were an instrument (the new instrument):
(a) if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies—issued under regulation 201.025 for the
purposes of subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of authorised instrument
approach procedure in Part 1 of the Dictionary; or
(b) if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies—issued under regulation 201.025 for the
purposes of subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of authorised instrument
departure procedure in Part 1 of the Dictionary.
(3) The new instrument ceases to be in force at the earlier of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old determination as the day on which the
old determination ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old determination was issued that
occurs after the main commencement time.

202.419H Existing RVSM approvals

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to an operator of an aircraft if:
(a) the operator held an RVSM operational approval (the old operational
approval) under regulation 181M of the old CAR; and
(b) the old operational approval covers the aircraft; and
(c) the old operational approval is in force immediately before the main
commencement time; and
(d) an RVSM airworthiness approval (the old airworthiness approval) under
regulation 181G of the old CAR is in force for the aircraft immediately
before the main commencement time.

Approval taken to be granted

(2) For the purposes of regulation 91.655, the operator of the aircraft is taken, after
the main commencement time, to hold an approval (the new approval) under
regulation 91.045 for the aircraft to be flown in RVSM airspace.
(3) The new approval ceases to have effect at the earliest of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old operational approval as the day on
which the old operational approval ceases to be in force;
(b) the day (if any) specified in the old airworthiness approval as the day on
which the old airworthiness approval ceases to be in force;
(c) the second anniversary of the day the old operational approval was given
that occurs after the main commencement time;
(d) the second anniversary of the day the old airworthiness approval was given
that occurs after the main commencement time;
(e) if the operator is the holder of an AOC—the day the operator’s AOC

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.419J
(f) if the operator is the holder of an aerial work certificate—the day the
operator’s aerial work certificate expires.

202.419J Applications for RVSM operational approval

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to an operator of an aircraft if:
(a) before the main commencement time, the operator applied for a RVSM
operational approval under regulation 181L of the old CAR; and
(b) as at the main commencement time, the application has not been finally
determined; and
(c) the requirements in paragraphs 181M(1)(a) to (c) of the old CAR would
have been satisfied in relation to the aircraft (assuming that
regulation 181M had not been repealed by the amending Regulations).

Application taken to be made

(2) At the main commencement time, the application is taken to have been made
under regulation 91.045 for the aircraft to be flown in RVSM airspace for the
purposes of subparagraph 91.655(2)(a)(i).

202.419K Operations manuals

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, CASA had given a direction under
subregulation 215(3) of the old CAR in relation to an operator’s operations
manual; and
(b) the direction is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the direction is in force immediately before the main commencement time.
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

Direction continues to have effect

(2) The direction continues to have effect, after the main commencement time:
(a) in relation to an operator that is an Australian air transport operator—as if
the direction had been given by CASA under subregulation 119.105(1) in
relation to the operator’s exposition; and
(b) in relation to an operator that is an aerial work operator—as if the direction
had been given by CASA under subregulation 138.068(1) in relation to the
operator’s operations manual; and
(c) in relation to an operator that is a balloon transport operator—as if the
direction had been given by CASA under subregulation 131.115(1) in
relation to the operator’s exposition.
(3) The direction ceases to be in force:

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.419L
(a) in relation to an operator that is an Australian air transport operator—on
the day the operator’s AOC expires; and
(b) in relation to an operator that is an aerial work operator—on the day the
operator’s aerial work certificate expires; and
(c) in relation to an operator that is balloon transport operator—on the day the
operator’s AOC expires.

202.419L Fuel records

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies in relation to a record that was required to be maintained
under regulation 220 of the old CAR immediately before the main
commencement time.

Old CAR continues to apply

(2) Despite the repeal of regulation 220 of the old CAR by the amending
Regulations, that regulation as in force immediately before the main
commencement time continues to apply in relation to the record for a period of 6
months beginning immediately after the main commencement time.

202.419M Light sport aircraft

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, for the purposes of
subregulation 262APA(7) of the old CAR, a person was appointed by
CASA to perform the functions of the manufacturer in relation to the
continuing airworthiness of an aircraft; and
(b) the appointment is in force immediately before the main commencement

Person taken to be authorised person

(2) For the purposes of subregulation 91.900(4), after the main commencement time
the person is taken to be an authorised person.

202.419N Operating requirements for light sport aircraft

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, CASA had determined (the old
determination) one or more additional operating limitations in relation to
an aircraft under subregulation 262APA(4) of the old CAR; and
(b) the old determination is an eligible instrument; and

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.419P
(c) the old determination is in force immediately before the main
commencement time.
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument, see 202.405A.

Effect of determination
(2) The old determination has effect, after the main commencement time, as if it had
been issued as a direction by CASA under subregulation 11.245(1) in relation to
the aircraft.
(3) The direction ceases to be in force at the earlier of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old determination as the day on which the
old determination ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old determination was issued that
occurs after the main commencement time.
(4) Subregulation 11.245(2) is taken to be satisfied in relation to the direction.
(5) Regulation 11.250 (period of effect of direction) does not apply in relation to the

202.419P Reviewable decisions

Despite the amendments of regulation 297A of the old CAR made by the
amending Regulations, that regulation, as in force immediately before the main
commencement time, continues to apply after the main commencement time in
relation to a decision made before the main commencement time.

202.419Q Authorised persons and identity cards

When this regulation applies

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, a person was appointed (the old
appointment) under paragraph 6(1)(a) or (b) of the old CAR to be an
authorised person in relation to a provision of CAR; and
(b) the old appointment is in force immediately before the main
commencement time.

Person taken to be authorised person

(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, after the main commencement time, the
person is taken be an authorised person under regulation 201.001 in relation to:
(a) if the relevant provision of CAR is in force immediately after the main
commencement time—that provision of CAR; or
(b) if the relevant provision of CAR is repealed by the amending
Regulations—the corresponding new provision (if any).
Note: For the definition of corresponding new provision, see 202.405.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138 Subpart 202.EAA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 Division 202.EAA.1

Regulation 202.419R
(3) For the purposes of subregulation 201.001(4), a person taken to be an authorised
person under subregulation (2) of this regulation is appointed on the conditions
of the person’s old appointment.
(4) To avoid doubt, subregulations 201.001(2) and (3) do not apply in relation to a
person taken to be an authorised person under subregulation (2) of this

Identity cards
(5) If:
(a) before the main commencement time, an identity card had been issued
under subregulation 6A(1) of the old CAR to an authorised person in
relation to one or more provisions (the old provision) of CAR; and
(b) the identity card was in the possession of the authorised person
immediately before the main commencement time;
then, for the purposes of these Regulations, after the main commencement time,
the identity card is taken:
(c) to have been issued to the authorised person under regulation 201.002; and
(d) to specify whichever of the following is applicable:
(i) if paragraph (2)(a) of this regulation applies—the relevant provision
of CAR;
(ii) if paragraph (2)(b) of this regulation applies—the relevant
corresponding new provision.
Note: For the definition of corresponding new provision, see 202.405.

202.419R Applications for certificates of airworthiness

(1) Despite the amendment of regulation 21.173 by Schedule 1 to the amending
Regulations, the owner of an aircraft that is registered with one of the following
bodies is eligible, under that regulation, to apply for a certificate of airworthiness
for the aircraft:
(a) Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association Incorporated;
(b) The Gliding Federation of Australia Incorporated;
(c) Sports Aviation Federation of Australia Limited;
(d) Recreational Aviation Australia Limited.
(2) This regulation is repealed at the end of 2 December 2024.

202.419S Applications for experimental certificates

(1) Despite the amendment of regulation 21.192 by Schedule 1 to the amending
Regulations, the owner of an aircraft that is registered with one of the following
bodies is eligible, under that regulation, to apply for an experimental certificate
for one or more of the purposes mentioned in regulation 21.191:
(a) Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association Incorporated;
(b) The Gliding Federation of Australia Incorporated;

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EAA Transitional provisions for Parts 91, 103, 105, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135 and 138
Division 202.EAA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight
Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021

Regulation 202.419S
(c) Sports Aviation Federation of Australia Limited;
(d) Recreational Aviation Australia Limited.
(2) This regulation is repealed at the end of 2 December 2024.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 91 (General operating and flight rules) Subpart 202.EB

Subpart 202.EB—Transitional provisions for Part 91

(General operating and flight rules)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.420 to 202.439 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.EC Transitional provisions for Part 92 (Consignment and carriage of dangerous goods
by air)

Regulation 202.440

Subpart 202.EC—Transitional provisions for Part 92

(Consignment and carriage of dangerous goods by

202.440 Approval of certain training courses and instructors

(1) Subregulations (2) and (3) have effect if the Governor-General has made
regulations that will amend CASR to require the approval of:
(a) courses of training in relation to dangerous goods; and
(b) instructors to give such courses;
and those regulations have been registered but have not come into force.
(2) CASA may approve such a course of training, or such an instructor, for the
purposes of CASR as so to be amended.
(3) Such an approval may be expressed to be for the purposes of a provision of
CASR as so to be amended.
(4) Such an approval given before the amending regulations come into force is not,
after those regulations come into force, ineffective only because it was given
before those regulations came into force.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 101 (Unmanned aircraft and rockets) Subpart 202.FA
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 101) Regulation 2016
Division 202.FA.1

Regulation 202.455

Subpart 202.FA—Transitional provisions for Part 101

(Unmanned aircraft and rockets)
Division 202.FA.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation
Legislation Amendment (Part 101) Regulation 2016

202.455 Definition of commencement date for Division 202.FA.1

In this Division:
commencement date means the day on which the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 101) Regulation 2016 commences.

202.460 Transitional—approved areas for UAVs

Applications for approved areas for UAVs—if made but not finally determined
before commencement date
(1) Subregulation (2) applies if, before the commencement date:
(a) a person applied for the approval of an area as an area for the operation of
UAVs under regulation 101.030; and
(b) the application had not been finally determined by CASA.
(2) The application is taken, on and after the commencement date, to be an
application for the approval of an area for the operation of RPA under
regulation 101.030.

Approved areas for UAVs immediately before the commencement date

(3) An approval of an area as an area for the operation of UAVs under
regulation 101.030 that was in force immediately before the commencement date
is taken, on and after that date, to be an approval of the area as an area for the
operation of RPA under regulation 101.030 subject to the same terms and

202.461 Transitional—UAV controllers

Applications for certification as UAV controller—if made but not finally

determined before commencement date
(1) Subregulation (2) applies if, before the commencement date:
(a) a person applied for certification as a UAV controller under
regulation 101.290; and
(b) the application had not been finally determined by CASA.
(2) The application is taken, on and after the commencement date, to be an
application for a remote pilot licence under regulation 101.290.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FA Transitional provisions for Part 101 (Unmanned aircraft and rockets)
Division 202.FA.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 101)
Regulation 2016

Regulation 202.462
Certified UAV controllers
(3) If, immediately before the commencement date, a person was certified as a UAV
controller under regulation 101.295, the certification has effect on and after that
date as if it were a remote pilot licence granted under regulation 101.295.
(4) Any condition to which the certification was subject immediately before the
commencement date continues in force as a condition of the licence.

Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel certification of UAV controller

(5) Action to vary, suspend or cancel the certification of a person as a UAV
controller that, immediately before the commencement date, had not been finally
determined, is taken to be action to vary, suspend or cancel the person’s remote
pilot licence.

202.462 Transitional—UAV operators

Applications for certification as UAV operator—if made but not finally

determined before commencement date
(1) Subregulation (2) applies if, before the commencement date:
(a) a person applied for certification as a UAV operator under
regulation 101.330; and
(b) the application had not been finally determined by CASA.
(2) The application is taken, on and after the commencement date, to be an
application for certification as an RPA operator under regulation 101.330.

Certification of UAV operators immediately before commencement date

(3) The certification of a person as a UAV operator under regulation 101.335 that
was in force immediately before the commencement date is taken, on and after
that date, to be a certification of the person as an RPA operator under
regulation 101.335 subject to the same terms and conditions.

Non-finalised action to vary, suspend or cancel certification of UAV operator

(4) Action to vary, suspend or cancel the certification of a person as a UAV operator
that, immediately before the commencement date, had not been finally
determined is taken to be the same action in relation to the certification of the
person as an RPA operator.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 101 (Unmanned aircraft and rockets) Subpart 202.FA
Amendments made by Schedule 2 to the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft
and Model Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation) Regulations 2019 Division 202.FA.2

Regulation 202.463

Division 202.FA.2—Amendments made by Schedule 2 to the Civil

Aviation Safety Amendment (Remotely Piloted Aircraft and
Model Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation)
Regulations 2019

202.463 Definitions for Division 202.FA.2

In this Division:
amending Regulations means the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Remotely
Piloted Aircraft and Model Aircraft—Registration and Accreditation)
Regulations 2019.
subsequent amending regulations means the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment
(Parts 47 and 101 No. 2) Regulations 2022.

202.466 Delayed application—model aircraft

Rules for operating model aircraft

(3) Subpart 101.G (model aircraft), as in force immediately before the
commencement of Schedule 2 to the amending Regulations, continues to apply
until immediately before the day the subsequent amending regulations
Note: Schedule 2 to the amending Regulations commences on 1 April 2020 (or a later day):
see section 2 of the amending Regulations.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FC Transitional provisions for Part 103 (Sport and recreational aviation operations)

Subpart 202.FC—Transitional provisions for Part 103

(Sport and recreational aviation operations)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.480 to 202.499 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 105 (Parachuting from aircraft) Subpart 202.FE
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Parts 103, 105 and 131)
Regulations 2019 Division 202.FE.1

Regulation 202.500

Subpart 202.FE—Transitional provisions for Part 105

(Parachuting from aircraft)
Division 202.FE.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation
Legislation Amendment (Parts 103, 105 and 131)
Regulations 2019

202.500 Definitions for Division 202.FE.1

In this Division:
amending regulations means the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment
(Parts 103, 105 and 131) Regulations 2019.

202.501 Application of Part 105 to parachuting activities

Part 105, as inserted by Schedule 2 to the amending regulations, applies in
relation to parachuting activities undertaken on or after 2 December 2021.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FJ Transitional provisions for Part 115 (Operations using sport aviation aircraft for
non-recreational activities)

Subpart 202.FJ—Transitional provisions for Part 115

(Operations using sport aviation aircraft for
non-recreational activities)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.520 to 202.539 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 119 (Air operator certification—air transport) Subpart 202.FL

Subpart 202.FL—Transitional provisions for Part 119 (Air

operator certification—air transport)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.540 to 202.559 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FN Transitional provisions for Part 121A (Air transport operations—large aeroplanes)

Subpart 202.FN—Transitional provisions for Part 121A (Air

transport operations—large aeroplanes)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.560 to 202.579 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 121B (Air transport operations—small aeroplanes) Subpart 202.FO

Subpart 202.FO—Transitional provisions for Part 121B (Air

transport operations—small aeroplanes)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.580 to 202.599 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FR Transitional provisions for Part 129 (Foreign air transport operators—certification
and operating requirements)

Subpart 202.FR—Transitional provisions for Part 129

(Foreign air transport operators—certification and
operating requirements)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.600 to 202.608 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 132 (Limited category aircraft) Subpart 202.FS
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016
Division 202.FS.1

Regulation 202.609

Subpart 202.FS—Transitional provisions for Part 132

(Limited category aircraft)
Division 202.FS.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation
Legislation Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016

202.609 Definitions for Division 202.FS.1

In this Division:
commencement time means the commencement of the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 132) Regulation 2016.

202.610 Warning placards

(1) This regulation applies to an aircraft for which a limited category certificate was
in force immediately before the commencement time.
(2) A placard that:
(a) was fitted to the aircraft before the commencement time; and
(b) bears the warning set out in subregulation 262AM(6) of CAR (as in force
immediately before the commencement time);
is taken, on and after the commencement time, to comply with the Part 132
Manual of Standards.

202.611 Permit indexes assigned by CASA or Australian Warbirds Association

(1) This regulation applies if, immediately before the commencement time:
(a) a limited category certificate for an aircraft was in force or under
suspension; and
(b) a permit index assigned to the aircraft under regulation 262AM of CAR by
CASA or the Australian Warbirds Association Limited was in force.
(2) The permit index is taken to be the permit index number for the aircraft.
(3) The permit index number is taken to have been assigned to the aircraft under
subregulation 21.176(5).

202.612 Limited category aircraft without permit index

Aircraft with limited category certificates in force

(1) Subregulation (2) applies if, immediately before the commencement time:
(a) a limited category certificate for an aircraft was in force; and
(b) there was no permit index in force for the aircraft under regulation 262AM
of CAR.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FS Transitional provisions for Part 132 (Limited category aircraft)
Division 202.FS.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 132)
Regulation 2016

Regulation 202.613
(2) The administering authority for the aircraft must assign a permit index number to
the aircraft in accordance with regulation 132.195.

Aircraft with limited category certificates under suspension

(3) Subregulation (4) applies if, immediately before the commencement time:
(a) a limited category certificate for an aircraft was under suspension; and
(b) there was no permit index in force for the aircraft under regulation 262AM
of CAR.
(4) If the suspension is lifted, the administering authority for the aircraft must assign
a permit index number to the aircraft in accordance with regulation 132.195.
Note: The administering authority must also reissue the limited category certificate for the
aircraft, or an attachment to the certificate, so that the certificate or attachment includes
the permit index number: see regulation 132.215.

202.613 Approval of major modifications and repairs

(1) This regulation applies to an aircraft if, immediately before the commencement
(a) a limited category certificate was in force for the aircraft; and
(b) the certificate included operating historic or ex-military aircraft in
adventure style operations as a special purpose operation for the aircraft;
(c) the aircraft has a major modification or repair.
(2) On and after the commencement time, the major modification or repair is taken
to have been approved for the purposes of regulation 132.030.

202.614 Approval to carry more than 6 passengers

(1) This regulation applies to an aircraft if, immediately before the commencement
time, an approval under paragraph 262AM(4)(a) of CAR to carry a greater
number of passengers than 6 was in force for the aircraft.
(2) On and after the commencement time, the approval has effect as if it were an
approval granted under regulation 132.035 for the purposes of
paragraph 132.050(2)(d).

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 133 (Air transport and aerial work operations—rotorcraft)
Subpart 202.FT

Subpart 202.FT—Transitional provisions for Part 133 (Air

transport and aerial work operations—rotorcraft)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.620 to 202.639 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FV Transitional provisions for Part 136 (Aerial work operations—other than those
covered by Parts 133, 137, 138, 141 and 142)

Subpart 202.FV—Transitional provisions for Part 136

(Aerial work operations—other than those covered
by Parts 133, 137, 138, 141 and 142)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.640 to 202.659 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 137 (Aerial agriculture operations—other than rotorcraft)
Subpart 202.FW

Subpart 202.FW—Transitional provisions for Part 137

(Aerial agriculture operations—other than
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.660 to 202.679 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FX Transitional provisions for Part 138 (Search and rescue operations)

Subpart 202.FX—Transitional provisions for Part 138

(Search and rescue operations)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.680 to 202.699 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes) Subpart 202.FY
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019
Division 202.FY.1

Regulation 202.700

Subpart 202.FY—Transitional provisions for Part 139

Division 202.FY.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety
Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019

202.700 Definitions for this Division

In this Division:
certificate transition period: see subregulation 202.702(10).
commencement time means the time the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment
(Part 139) Regulations 2019 commence.
Note: The Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019 commence on
13 August 2020.

end time, for a transitional instrument: see subregulation 202.704(3).

new manual: see subregulation 202.702(5).
new manual day: see subregulation 202.702(6).
new Part 139 Manual of Standards means the Part 139 Manual of Standards.
Note: For the Part 139 Manual of Standards, see the Dictionary.

new Part 139 Regulations means these Regulations as amended by the Civil
Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019.
Note: The Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019 amended these
Regulations to repeal Subparts 139.A to 139.F of Part 139 and substitute new
Subparts 139.A to 139.E.

old Part 139 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards Part 139—
Aerodromes, as in force immediately before the commencement time.
old Part 139 Regulations means these Regulations as in force immediately
before the commencement time.
Note: These Regulations as so in force included Part 139 as in force immediately before the
commencement time.

transitional aerodrome certificate: see subregulation 202.701(1).

transitional instrument: see subregulation 202.704(1).

202.701 Transitional aerodrome certificates

What is a transitional aerodrome certificate?

(1) Each of the following is a transitional aerodrome certificate:

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FY Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes)
Division 202.FY.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139)
Regulations 2019

Regulation 202.701
(a) an aerodrome certificate continued in force under subregulation (2);
(b) an aerodrome certificate granted as mentioned in paragraph (3)(b);
(c) an aerodrome certificate taken to have been granted as mentioned in
subregulation (4);
(d) an aerodrome certificate granted under paragraph (5)(b).

Certified aerodromes
(2) If, immediately before the commencement time, the operator of an aerodrome
was the holder of an aerodrome certificate for the aerodrome, the certificate
continues in force as if it had been granted to the operator under
regulation 139.030 of the new Part 139 Regulations, subject to
regulation 202.702.
(3) If, before the commencement time, a person had made an application in
accordance with regulation 139.045 of the old Part 139 Regulations for an
aerodrome certificate, but CASA had not made a decision on the application
immediately before that time:
(a) Subpart 139.B of the old Part 139 Regulations, and the old Part 139
Manual of Standards, continue to apply in relation to the application and
CASA’s decision on the application; and
(b) CASA may grant an aerodrome certificate for the aerodrome to the person
accordingly under regulation 139.050 of the old Part 139 Regulations; and
(c) an aerodrome certificate granted to the person as mentioned in
paragraph (b) has effect as if it had been granted under regulation 139.030
of the new Part 139 Regulations, subject to regulation 202.702.

Registered aerodromes
(4) If, immediately before the commencement time, a registration under
regulation 139.265 of the old Part 139 Regulations was in force for an
aerodrome, an aerodrome certificate for the aerodrome is taken to have been
granted to the operator of the aerodrome under regulation 139.030 of the new
Part 139 Regulations, subject to regulation 202.702.
(5) If, before the commencement time, a person had made an application in
accordance with regulation 139.260 of the old Part 139 Regulations for the
registration of an aerodrome, but CASA had not made a decision on the
application immediately before that time:
(a) Subpart 139.C of the old Part 139 Regulations, and the old Part 139
Manual of Standards, continue to apply in relation to CASA’s
consideration of the application; and
(b) if CASA is satisfied that the application is in accordance with the old
Part 139 Regulations, CASA must grant an aerodrome certificate for the
aerodrome to the applicant; and
(c) an aerodrome certificate granted under paragraph (b) has effect as if it had
been granted under regulation 139.030 of the new Part 139 Regulations,
subject to regulation 202.702.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes) Subpart 202.FY
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019
Division 202.FY.1

Regulation 202.702
202.702 Transitional aerodrome certificates—effect

(1) This regulation applies in relation to an aerodrome while a transitional
aerodrome certificate is in force for the aerodrome (see regulation 202.701).

Application of the Regulations

(2) During the certificate transition period for the aerodrome:
(a) the transitional aerodrome certificate has effect for the aerodrome, unless it
is sooner suspended or cancelled, and subject otherwise to the new Part 139
Regulations; and
(b) the new Part 139 Regulations apply in relation to the aerodrome as if the
certificate had been granted to the operator of the aerodrome under
regulation 139.030 of the new Part 139 Regulations (subject to
subregulations (3) and (4) of this regulation); and
(c) in the case of a transitional aerodrome certificate mentioned in
paragraph 202.701(1)(a)—any conditions applying to the certificate
immediately before the commencement time continue to apply in relation
to the certificate, subject to the new Part 139 Regulations.
(3) In the case of a transitional aerodrome certificate mentioned in
paragraph 202.701(1)(a) or (b), during the certificate transition period:
(a) Division 139.B.2 of the old Part 139 Regulations applies to the operator of
the aerodrome; and
(b) Division 139.C.1 of the new Part 139 Regulations does not apply to the
operator of the aerodrome; and
(c) a reference in the new Part 139 Regulations to a provision of
Division 139.C.1 (which includes regulations 139.045 to 139.060) is taken
to be a reference to the corresponding provision of Division 139.B.2 of the
old Part 139 Regulations.
Note: Those Divisions deal with requirements in relation to aerodrome manuals for certified

(4) In the case of a transitional aerodrome certificate mentioned in

paragraph 202.701(1)(c) or (d), during the certificate transition period the
following provisions of the new Part 139 Regulations do not apply to the
operator of the aerodrome:
(a) paragraph 139.035(1)(b);
(b) Division 139.C.1.

New aerodrome certificate—requirement for new manual

(5) The operator of the aerodrome may give CASA a proposed new aerodrome
manual (a new manual) for the aerodrome prepared for the purpose of
compliance with the requirements mentioned in regulation 139.045 of the new
Part 139 Regulations before the new manual day for the aerodrome.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FY Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes)
Division 202.FY.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139)
Regulations 2019

Regulation 202.702
(6) The new manual day, for the aerodrome, is:
(a) in the case of an aerodrome for which a transitional aerodrome certificate
mentioned in paragraph 202.701(1)(a) or (b) is in force—13 May 2021; or
(b) in the case of an aerodrome for which a transitional aerodrome certificate
mentioned in paragraph 202.701(1)(c) or (d) is in force—13 May 2022.
(7) If the operator of the aerodrome gives CASA a new manual under
subregulation (5), CASA must:
(a) if the new manual complies with the requirements mentioned in
regulation 139.045 of the new Part 139 Regulations—grant a new
aerodrome certificate to the operator; or
(b) in any other case—refuse to grant a new aerodrome certificate to the
Note: Under regulation 201.004, an application may be made to the Administrative Appeals
Tribunal for review of:
(a) a decision refusing to grant a new aerodrome certificate; or
(b) a decision imposing a condition on a new aerodrome certificate.

(8) Without limiting the application of any other provisions of Part 11, the following
provisions of Part 11 apply (or do not apply) as follows in relation to the decision
under subregulation (7) to grant, or to refuse to grant, a new aerodrome
certificate to the operator of an aerodrome:
(a) Subpart 11.B (applications for authorisations) does not apply;
(b) regulation 11.055 (grant of authorisation) does not apply;
(c) regulation 11.056 (authorisation may be granted subject to conditions)
(d) regulation 11.060 (notice of decision) applies as if the operator, by giving
the new manual to CASA, had made an application for an aerodrome
certificate under the new Part 139 Regulations;
(e) regulation 11.065 (when authorisation comes into effect) applies;
(f) regulations 11.067 to 11.077 (provisions relating to conditions) apply;
(g) regulation 11.080 (authorisations not transferable) applies.
(9) A decision to refuse to grant a new aerodrome certificate to a person under
paragraph (7)(b) comes into effect when the time for making an application for
review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of the decision has elapsed,
subject to any order of the Tribunal or of a court staying the effect of the
Note: An application for review of a decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal must
generally be made within 28 days after the applicant is notified of the decision (see
section 29 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975). For stay orders by the
Tribunal, see section 41 of that Act.

Certificate transition period

(10) The certificate transition period, in relation to a transitional aerodrome
certificate, is the period starting at the commencement time or when it was
granted or taken to have been granted (whichever is later), and ending:

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes) Subpart 202.FY
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019
Division 202.FY.1

Regulation 202.703
(a) if the operator of the aerodrome fails to give CASA a new manual before
the end of the new manual day—at the end of the new manual day; or
(b) if CASA grants a new aerodrome certificate to the operator under
paragraph (7)(a)—when the certificate comes into effect (see
regulation 11.065); or
(c) if CASA makes a decision, under paragraph (7)(b), to refuse to grant a new
aerodrome certificate to the operator—when the decision comes into effect
(see subregulation (9)); or
(d) if CASA cancels the certificate before the occurrence of any of the events
mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (c)—when the cancellation comes into

202.703 Certified air/ground radio services and operators

Air/ground radio services

(1) If, immediately before the commencement time, a certification of an air/ground
radio service was in force for an aerodrome for the purposes of Division 139.F.3
of the old Part 139 Regulations then, at and after that time:
(a) the operator of the aerodrome is taken to hold an approval granted for the
purposes of regulation 139.155 of the new Part 139 Regulations for that
(i) subject to any conditions in force for the certification immediately
before the commencement time; and
(ii) for the period (if any) during which the certification would otherwise
have remained in force, unless the approval taken to be held is sooner
suspended or cancelled; and
(iii) subject otherwise to the new Part 139 Regulations; and
(b) the new Part 139 Regulations otherwise apply in relation to the service.
(2) If, before the commencement time, a person had made a request to CASA in
accordance with regulation 139.410 of the old Part 139 Regulations for the
certification of an air/ground radio service, but CASA had not made a decision
on the request immediately before that time:
(a) Division 139.F.3 of the old Part 139 Regulations, and the old Part 139
Manual of Standards, continue to apply in relation to the request and
CASA’s decision on the request; and
(b) CASA may certify the service accordingly under regulation 139.410 of the
old Part 139 Regulations; and
(c) such a certification has effect as if it were an approval granted for the
purposes of regulation 139.155 of the new Part 139 Regulations; and
(d) the new Part 139 Regulations otherwise apply in relation to the service.

Operators of air/ground radio services

(3) If, immediately before the commencement time, a certification of a person as the
operator of an air/ground radio service was in force for an aerodrome for the

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FY Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes)
Division 202.FY.1 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139)
Regulations 2019

Regulation 202.704
purposes of Division 139.F.3 of the old Part 139 Regulations then, at and after
that time:
(a) the operator of the service is taken to hold an approval granted for the
purposes of regulation 139.160 of the new Part 139 Regulations to operate
the service:
(i) subject to any conditions in force for the certification immediately
before the commencement time; and
(ii) for the period (if any) during which the certification would otherwise
have remained in force, unless the approval taken to be held is sooner
suspended or cancelled; and
(iii) subject otherwise to the new Part 139 Regulations; and
(b) the new Part 139 Regulations otherwise apply in relation to the approval.
(4) If, before the commencement time, a person had made an application to CASA in
accordance with regulation 139.430 of the old Part 139 Regulations for
certification as the operator of an air/ground radio service for an aerodrome, but
CASA had not made a decision on the application immediately before that time:
(a) CASA must (subject to regulation 11.055) grant an approval to the
applicant under regulation 139.010 of the new Part 139 Regulations for the
purposes of regulation 139.160 of the new Part 139 Regulations, if CASA
is satisfied that the person meets the requirements for operating a certified
air/ground radio service prescribed by the new Part 139 Manual of
Standards as in force immediately after the commencement time; and
(b) subregulation 11.055(1B) applies to the granting of the approval.
(5) At and after the commencement time, a person who holds, or who is, under this
regulation, taken to hold, an approval granted for the purposes of
regulation 139.160 of the new Part 139 Regulations to operate an air/ground
radio service for an aerodrome is taken also to be approved for the purposes of
paragraph 120(1)(b) of CAR (weather reports not to be used if not made with

202.704 Transitional authorisations

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) an instrument (the transitional instrument) was made under these
Regulations for the purposes of Part 139 or the old Part 139 Manual of
Standards, or under the old Part 139 Manual of Standards, before the
commencement time; and
(b) the transitional instrument was in force immediately before the
commencement time, or is expressed to commence at a later time; and
(c) the transitional instrument would (apart from the amendments made by
Schedule 1 to the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139)
Regulations 2019, and the repeal of the old Part 139 Manual of Standards)
have had the effect, on or after the commencement time, of authorising or
allowing a person, in particular circumstances, to do a thing in relation to

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 139 (Aerodromes) Subpart 202.FY
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Part 139) Regulations 2019
Division 202.FY.1

Regulation 202.704
an aerodrome that the person would not otherwise have been authorised or
allowed to do because of Part 139 of the old Part 139 Regulations or the
old Part 139 Manual of Standards.
Example: CASA EX128/19—Approved VASIS (Charter Operations—Relevant Runway Ends for
Certified Aerodromes) Exemption 2019. This transitional instrument was made under
regulation 11.160, and exempted the aerodrome operators of certified aerodromes from
compliance with subregulation 139.190(1) of the old Part 139 Regulations in relation to
runway ends in particular specified circumstances. Immediately before the
commencement time, the instrument had the effect that such operators were allowed
not to provide an approved visual approach slope indicator system (VASIS) for runway
ends in those circumstances.

(2) On and after the commencement time, or the time the transitional instrument is
expressed to commence, whichever is later, until the end time for the transitional
instrument, the person is authorised or allowed to do that thing in those
(a) despite any provision to the contrary in the new Part 139 Regulations or the
new Part 139 Manual of Standards; but
(b) subject to any conditions provided in the transitional instrument.
(3) The end time for a transitional instrument is the earliest of the following times:
(a) if the instrument is, by its own terms, expressed to be repealed, or to cease
to have effect, at a particular time—that time;
(b) if paragraph (a) does not apply—the end of 31 December 2021;
(c) in any case:
(i) if the instrument is repealed—the time the repeal takes effect; or
(ii) if the instrument cannot be repealed because it lapsed at the
commencement time—a time determined for the instrument by a
determination under subregulation (4).
(4) CASA may, by legislative instrument, determine a time for an instrument for the
purposes of subparagraph (3)(c)(ii).
(5) This regulation does not apply to an instrument that is:
(a) an aerodrome certificate; or
(b) a certification of an air/ground radio service; or
(c) a certification of a person as the operator of an air/ground radio service.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.FYH Transitional provisions for Subpart 139.H (Aerodrome rescue and fire fighting

Regulation 202.710

Subpart 202.FYH—Transitional provisions for

Subpart 139.H (Aerodrome rescue and fire fighting

202.710 Manual of Standards for Subpart 139.H

(1) A document called ‘Manual of Standards (MOS) – Subpart 139.H’ published by
CASA before 1 May 2003 is taken to be a Manual of Standards issued under
regulation 139.712.
(2) The procedures in regulations 139.712A, 139.712B and 139.712C (as in force on
1 May 2003) are taken to have been complied with in relation to the issue of the
Manual of Standards.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 141 (Recreational, private and commercial pilot flight training, other
than certain integrated training courses) Subpart 202.GA

Subpart 202.GA—Transitional provisions for Part 141

(Recreational, private and commercial pilot flight
training, other than certain integrated training

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.GB Transitional provisions for Part 142 (Integrated and multi-crew pilot flight training,
contracted training and contracted checking)

Subpart 202.GB—Transitional provisions for Part 142

(Integrated and multi-crew pilot flight training,
contracted training and contracted checking)

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 143 (Air traffic services training providers) Subpart 202.GC

Regulation 202.760

Subpart 202.GC—Transitional provisions for Part 143 (Air

traffic services training providers)

202.760 Manual of Standards for Part 143

(1) A document called ‘Manual of Standards (MOS) – Part 143’ published by CASA
before 1 May 2003 is taken to be a Manual of Standards issued under
regulation 143.017.
(2) The procedures in regulations 143.017A, 143.017B and 143.017C (as in force on
1 May 2003) are taken to have been complied with in relation to the issue of the
Manual of Standards.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.GD Transitional provisions for Part 144 (Product distribution organisations)

Subpart 202.GD—Transitional provisions for Part 144

(Product distribution organisations)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.780 to 202.799 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 145 (Continuing airworthiness—Part 145 approved maintenance
organisations) Subpart 202.GE
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2010
(No. 1) Division 202.GE.1

Regulation 202.800

Subpart 202.GE—Transitional provisions for Part 145

(Continuing airworthiness—Part 145 approved
maintenance organisations)
Division 202.GE.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation and
Civil Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1)

202.800 CASA may direct making of applications under regulation 145.025

(1) CASA may direct the holder of a certificate of approval that covers maintenance
of an aircraft or aeronautical product to which Part 42 applies to make an
application under regulation 145.025 for approval as a Part 145 organisation.
(2) A direction under this regulation must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) specify the time within which the direction must be complied with.
(3) The holder of the certificate must comply with the direction within the time
specified in the direction.
Note: CASA intends to give directions under this regulation to assist it in managing the
implementation of Part 145.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.GE Transitional provisions for Part 145 (Continuing airworthiness—Part 145 approved
maintenance organisations)
Division 202.GE.2 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Maintenance
and Other Matters) Regulation 2013

Regulation 202.801

Division 202.GE.2—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation

Legislation Amendment (Maintenance and Other Matters)
Regulation 2013
Subdivision 202.GE.2.1—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR
maintenance activities—general

202.801 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 references to

maintenance services taken to include references to CAR
maintenance activities
For this Division:
(a) the references in paragraphs (b) and (c) of the definition of accountable
manager in subregulation 145.010(1) to providing maintenance services
are taken to include references to undertaking CAR maintenance activities;
(b) the reference in paragraph 145.010(2)(d) to the maintenance services
provided by an organisation is taken to include a reference to the CAR
maintenance activities undertaken by the organisation; and
(c) the reference in paragraph 145.010(2)(f) to the maintenance services that
an organisation is approved to provide is taken to include a reference to the
CAR maintenance activities that the organisation is approved to undertake.

202.802 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 definition of approval

For this Division, the definition of approval rating in subregulation 145.010(1)
is taken to include a rating for a kind of aircraft, aircraft component or aircraft
material specified in the Part 145 Manual of Standards in relation to CAR
maintenance activities.

202.803 Interpretation for Division 202.GE.2—Part 145 definition of significant

For this Division, the definition of significant change in
subregulation 145.010(2) is taken to include the following:
(a) a change to the CAR maintenance activities undertaken by the
organisation, if the change would require a change to the approval ratings
mentioned in the organisation’s approval certificate;
(b) a change to the organisation’s facilities, equipment, tools, materials,
procedures or employees that could adversely affect the organisation’s
ability to undertake the CAR maintenance activities that it is approved to
(c) a change to the organisation’s system of certification of completion of

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 145 (Continuing airworthiness—Part 145 approved maintenance
organisations) Subpart 202.GE
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Maintenance and Other Matters)
Regulation 2013 Division 202.GE.2

Regulation 202.804
202.804 Part 145 Manual of Standards—additional matters for CAR
maintenance activities
A Manual of Standards issued under regulation 145.015 may specify the
following matters in relation to CAR maintenance activities:
(a) ratings for kinds of aircraft, aircraft components and aircraft materials;
(b) requirements for a Part 145 organisation’s exposition;
(c) the privileges that apply to an approval rating;
(d) requirements for undertaking CAR maintenance activities, including
requirements in relation to the following:
(i) a system of certification of completion of maintenance;
(ii) aircraft, aircraft components and aircraft materials;
(iii) defects;
(iv) writing procedures for meeting the requirements of Parts 4, 4A and
4B of CAR.

Subdivision 202.GE.2.2—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR

maintenance activities—approval of organisations

202.805 Applying for approval

(1) An application under regulation 145.025 may cover the undertaking of CAR
maintenance activities.
(2) If the application covers the undertaking of CAR maintenance activities, the
application must include the approval rating sought by the applicant for each
kind of aircraft, aircraft component or aircraft material for which the applicant
proposes to undertake CAR maintenance activities.

202.806 Issuing approval

(1) If the application covers the undertaking of CAR maintenance activities, CASA
must approve the applicant as a Part 145 organisation only if CASA is satisfied
(a) the applicant has an exposition that complies with the requirements
specified in the Part 145 Manual of Standards relating to CAR maintenance
activities; and
(b) the applicant has facilities, equipment, materials, approved maintenance
data and tools that are suitable for undertaking CAR maintenance activities
for the kinds of aircraft, aircraft components and aircraft materials for
which the applicant proposes to undertake CAR maintenance activities; and
(c) the facilities, equipment, materials, approved maintenance data and tools
mentioned in paragraph (b) comply with the requirements specified in the
Part 145 Manual of Standards.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.GE Transitional provisions for Part 145 (Continuing airworthiness—Part 145 approved
maintenance organisations)
Division 202.GE.2 Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Maintenance
and Other Matters) Regulation 2013

Regulation 202.807
(2) If CASA decides to approve the applicant as a Part 145 organisation, CASA
must determine:
(a) the approval rating for each kind of aircraft, aircraft component or aircraft
material for which the applicant is approved to undertake CAR
maintenance activities; and
(b) any limitations applying to an approval rating mentioned in paragraph (a).

202.807 Approval certificate

If CASA approves the applicant as a Part 145 organisation, the certificate issued
under regulation 145.035 must include the approval rating for each kind of
aircraft, aircraft component or aircraft material for which the applicant is
approved to undertake CAR maintenance activities.

202.808 Privileges for Part 145 organisations

A Part 145 organisation may undertake the CAR maintenance activities that it is
approved to undertake.

202.809 Approval subject to conditions

It is a condition of approval of a Part 145 organisation that is approved to
undertake CAR maintenance activities that:
(a) the organisation must, at all times, comply with the requirements of the
following in relation to CAR maintenance activities it undertakes:
(i) its exposition;
(ii) the approval rating for each kind of aircraft, aircraft component or
aircraft material for which the organisation is approved to undertake
CAR maintenance activities;
(iii) any limitations applying to an approval rating mentioned in
subparagraph (ii);
(iv) Parts 4, 4A and 4B of CAR; and
(b) the organisation must ensure that, at all times, its employees comply with
the requirements mentioned in paragraph (a) in relation to CAR
maintenance activities the organisation undertakes.

Subdivision 202.GE.2.3—Part 145 organisations undertaking CAR

maintenance activities—offence

202.810 Undertaking CAR maintenance activities

(1) A Part 145 organisation commits an offence if it undertakes CAR maintenance
activities in contravention of any of the following:
(a) its exposition;

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 145 (Continuing airworthiness—Part 145 approved maintenance
organisations) Subpart 202.GE
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Maintenance and Other Matters)
Regulation 2013 Division 202.GE.2

Regulation 202.810
(b) the approval rating for each kind of aircraft, aircraft component or aircraft
material for which the organisation is approved to undertake CAR
maintenance activities;
(c) any limitations applying to an approval rating mentioned in paragraph (b);
(d) the privileges that apply to the approval rating under the Part 145 Manual
of Standards.
Penalty: 50 penalty units.
(2) An offence against this regulation is an offence of strict liability.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.GG Transitional provisions for Part 147 (Continuing airworthiness—maintenance
training organisations)

Regulation 202.840

Subpart 202.GG—Transitional provisions for Part 147

(Continuing airworthiness—maintenance training

202.840 Recognised organisations taken to be maintenance training

(1) This regulation applies to an organisation that, immediately before 27 June 2011,
is a recognised organisation within the meaning given by Schedule 1 to the Civil
Aviation Order 100.66 Instrument 2007.
(2) On 27 June 2011, the organisation is taken to have applied for, and to meet the
requirements mentioned in regulation 147.030 for the grant of, approval as a
maintenance training organisation.

202.841 Applications for approval as a recognised organisation made but not

finally determined before 27 June 2011
(1) This regulation applies to a person if:
(a) before 27 June 2011, the person made an application for approval as a
recognised organisation; and
(b) the application was not finally determined by CASA before 27 June 2011.
(2) On 27 June 2011, the person is taken to have made an application under
regulation 147.025 for approval as a maintenance training organisation.

202.842 CASA may direct the making of applications under regulation 147.025
(1) CASA may direct the holder of a certificate of approval that covers:
(a) the training of candidates for examinations mentioned in
paragraph 31(4)(e) of CAR, as in force before 27 June 2011; or
(b) the conducting of examinations mentioned in paragraph 31(4)(e) of CAR,
as in force before 27 June 2011;
to make an application under regulation 147.025 for approval as a maintenance
training organisation.
(2) A direction under this regulation must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) specify the time within which the direction must be complied with.
(3) The holder of the certificate must comply with the direction within the time
mentioned in the direction.
Note: CASA intends to give directions under this regulation to assist it in managing the
implementation of Part 147.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 149 (Approved self-administering aviation organisations)
Subpart 202.GI
Amendments made by the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Part 149) Regulations 2018
Division 202.GI.1

Regulation 202.860

Subpart 202.GI—Transitional provisions for Part 149

(Approved self-administering aviation
Division 202.GI.1—Amendments made by the Civil Aviation
Legislation Amendment (Part 149) Regulations 2018

202.860 Definition of commencement day for Division 202.GI.1

In this Division:
commencement day means the day on which the Civil Aviation Legislation
Amendment (Part 149) Regulations 2018 commence.

202.862 Transitional—holders of authorisations from bodies that become

(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) a body covered by subregulation (4) is issued with an ASAO certificate on
a particular day (the transition day) that authorises the body to administer
an activity; and
(b) immediately before the transition day, a person was the holder of an
authorisation (however described) (an old authorisation) from the body
that authorised the person to undertake the activity.
(2) The person is taken to be the holder of an authorisation (a Part 149
authorisation) in relation to the activity for the purposes of Part 149 during the
(a) starting on the day the ASAO certificate for the body enters into force; and
(b) ending at the earlier of:
(i) if the Part 149 authorisation is cancelled—the day the cancellation
takes effect; and
(ii) the day that is 12 months after the ASAO certificate for the body
enters into force.
(3) The Part 149 authorisation is subject to the same terms and conditions that
applied to the old authorisation.
(4) Each of the following bodies is covered by this subregulation:
(a) a sport aviation body (within the meaning of CASR before the
commencement day);
(b) the Australian Skydiving Association Incorporated.
(5) This regulation does not, by implication, prevent the Part 149 authorisation from
being varied, suspended or revoked after the transition day.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.HA Transitional provisions for Part 171 (Aeronautical telecommunication service and
radionavigation service providers)

Regulation 202.880

Subpart 202.HA—Transitional provisions for Part 171

(Aeronautical telecommunication service and
radionavigation service providers)

202.880 Manual of Standards for Part 171

(1) A document called ‘Manual of Standards (MOS) – Part 171’ published by CASA
before 1 May 2003 is taken to be a Manual of Standards issued under
regulation 171.017.
(2) The procedures in regulations 171.017A, 171.017B and 171.017C (as in force on
1 May 2003) are taken to have been complied with in relation to the issue of the
Manual of Standards.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 172 (Air traffic service providers) Subpart 202.HB

Regulation 202.900

Subpart 202.HB—Transitional provisions for Part 172 (Air

traffic service providers)

202.900 Manual of Standards for Part 172

(1) A document called ‘Manual of Standards (MOS) – Part 172’ published by CASA
before 1 May 2003 is taken to be a Manual of Standards issued under
regulation 172.022.
(2) The procedures in regulations 172.022A, 172.022B and 172.022C (as in force on
1 May 2003) are taken to have been complied with in relation to the issue of the
Manual of Standards.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.HC Transitional provisions for Part 173 (Instrument flight procedure design)

Subpart 202.HC—Transitional provisions for Part 173

(Instrument flight procedure design)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.920 to 202.939 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 174 (Aviation meteorological services) Subpart 202.HD

Subpart 202.HD—Transitional provisions for Part 174

(Aviation meteorological services)
Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.940 to 202.959 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.HE Transitional provisions for Part 175 (Aeronautical information management)

Subpart 202.HE—Transitional provisions for Part 175

(Aeronautical information management)

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Transitional Part 202
Transitional provisions for Part 200 (Exemptions) Subpart 202.HL

Subpart 202.HL—Transitional provisions for Part 200

Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.980 to 202.989 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Part 202 Transitional
Subpart 202.HM Transitional provisions for Part 201 (Miscellaneous)

Subpart 202.HM—Transitional provisions for Part 201

Note 1: This Subpart heading is reserved for future use.
Note 2: Regulation numbers 202.990 to 202.999 are reserved for use in this Subpart.

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Definitions Part 1

(regulation 1.4)

Part 1—Definitions
2D instrument approach operation means an instrument approach operation
using lateral navigation guidance only.
3D instrument approach operation means an instrument approach operation
using lateral and vertical navigation guidance.
ABN (Australian Business Number) has the same meaning as in the A New Tax
System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999.
accountable manager, of an ASAO, means the individual appointed by the
ASAO who is responsible for:
(a) ensuring that the ASAO and the ASAO’s organisation comply with the
ASAO’s exposition and the civil aviation legislation; and
(b) ensuring that the ASAO is able to finance, and has adequate resources to
perform, the ASAO’s approved functions.
accreditation means an accreditation under Division 101.FA.3 authorising the
holder to operate excluded RPA and micro RPA.
accreditation holder: see regulation 101.374H.
ACN has the same meaning as in the Corporations Act 2001.
Act means the Civil Aviation Act 1988.
adequate aerodrome, in relation to a flight of an aeroplane, means an aerodrome
that complies with the following:
(a) an authorised weather forecast for the aerodrome must be available for the
aeroplane’s estimated time of use of the aerodrome;
(b) the aerodrome’s services and facilities must be operational for at least the
estimated time of use;
(c) the landing distance available for the aeroplane must be at least the landing
distance required under these Regulations for the aeroplane’s landing at the
(d) for an IFR flight—at least one authorised instrument approach procedure
that is suitable for use by the aeroplane must be operational for at least the
estimated time of use.
administering authority, for a limited category aircraft: see regulation 132.010.
adult means a person who has turned 13.
adventure flight, for a limited category aircraft: see regulation 132.015.

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Part 1 Definitions

adventure flight procedures, for a limited category aircraft: see

regulation 132.010.
aerial work certificate means a certificate issued under regulation 138.040.
aerial work operation: see regulation 138.010.
aerial work operator means the holder of an aerial work certificate.
aerial work passenger means a person in a class of persons prescribed by the
Part 138 Manual of Standards for the purposes of this definition.
aerobatic manoeuvres, for an aircraft, means manoeuvres of the aircraft that
(a) bank angles that are greater than 60°; or
(b) pitch angles that are greater than 45°, or are otherwise abnormal to the
aircraft type; or
(c) abrupt changes of speed, direction, angle of bank or angle of pitch.
aerodrome certificate means a certificate granted under regulation 139.030.
aerodrome control service has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
aerodrome facilities and equipment means facilities and equipment, inside or
outside the boundaries of an aerodrome, that are installed or maintained for use
by aircraft operating at the aerodrome.
aerodrome manual, for a certified aerodrome, means the aerodrome manual for
the aerodrome required by regulation 139.045.
aerodrome operator means:
(a) for a certified aerodrome—the person who holds the aerodrome certificate
for the aerodrome; or
(b) otherwise—the person who is responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the aerodrome.
aerodrome reference point, in relation to an aerodrome, means the geographical
location of the aerodrome:
(a) determined in accordance with the Part 139 Manual of Standards; or
(b) specified by a Part 141 operator in its operations manual, or a Part 142
operator in its exposition.
aerodrome traffic has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
aerodrome works means any construction or maintenance work on or near the
movement area of an aerodrome that may create an obstacle or hazard, or restrict
the normal take-off and landing of aircraft, at the aerodrome.
aeronautical data has the same meaning as in Annex 15 to the Chicago

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Definitions Part 1

aeronautical data originator means a person who has been given a data product
specification under regulation 175.160 that is in force.
aeronautical data processing standards means:
(a) EUROCAE ED-76; or
(b) RTCA/DO-200A.
aeronautical fixed service has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
aeronautical information has the same meaning as in Annex 15 to the Chicago
Aeronautical Information Publication or AIP has the same meaning as in the
Air Services Regulations 2019.
aeronautical radio operator certificate: see regulation 64.010.
aeroplane means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft deriving its lift in
flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces remaining fixed under
given conditions of flight, but does not include a power-assisted sailplane.
AGL means above ground or water level.
AIP: see Aeronautical Information Publication.
AIP Amendment has the same meaning as in Annex 15 to the Chicago
AIP responsible person, for an aeronautical data originator, means a person
appointed by the originator as an AIP responsible person under
regulation 175.445.
AIP Supplement has the same meaning as in Annex 15 to the Chicago
AIRAC effective date means an AIRAC effective date published in ICAO
Document 8126.
airborne collision avoidance system means a system fitted to an aircraft to
provide information to its pilot for avoiding collisions with other aircraft.
aircraft engineer licence means any of the following licences granted under
regulation 66.025 or 66.026:
(a) subcategory A1;
(b) subcategory A2;
(c) subcategory A3;
(d) subcategory A4;
(e) subcategory B1.1;
(f) subcategory B1.2;
(g) subcategory B1.3;

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Part 1 Definitions

(h) subcategory B1.4;

(i) category B2;
(j) category C.
aircraft flight manual instructions, for an aircraft, means the following
documents and information provided by the aircraft’s manufacturer or issued in
accordance with a Part 21 approval:
(a) the aircraft’s flight manual;
(b) checklists of normal, abnormal and emergency procedures for the aircraft;
(c) any operating limitation, instructions, markings and placards relating to the
aircraft registration identification plate: see regulation 45.010.
aircraft type rating, in relation to flight crew, means a type rating prescribed by
a legislative instrument issued under regulation 61.055 or 61.060.
air crew member means a crew member for a flight of an aircraft (other than a
flight crew member) who carries out a function during the flight relating to the
safety of the operation of the aircraft, or the safety of the use of the aircraft.
air display means organised flying performed before a public gathering,
including the following:
(a) a contest;
(b) an exhibition of aerobatic manoeuvres;
(c) flying in formation;
(d) other aircraft operations associated with the air display.
air/ground radio service means a radio service at an aerodrome that provides
information relating to the aerodrome (including relevant air traffic) to aircraft
operating in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
air security officer means:
(a) a protective service officer or special protective service officer of the
Australian Federal Police who is directed by the Commissioner to carry out
the duties of a position of air security officer; or
(b) a person who is:
(i) employed and trained by a foreign government to travel on aircraft to
provide security for aircraft and their passengers and crew (other than
a person who is employed to provide exclusive personal protection for
1 or more individuals travelling on an aircraft); and
(ii) operating in accordance with an arrangement between the foreign
government and the Australian Government.
airship means a powered, lighter-than-air aircraft.
air traffic has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention.
air traffic control means Air Traffic Services in its capacity as a provider of air
traffic control services.

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Definitions Part 1

air traffic control clearance means an authorisation given by a person

performing duties in air traffic control for an aircraft to proceed under conditions
specified in the authorisation.
air traffic control function means a function described in a paragraph of
subregulation 65.075(2).
air traffic control instructions means directions given by a person performing
duties in air traffic control for an aircraft to conduct its flight in the manner
specified in the directions.
air traffic control service has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
air traffic service means a service of a kind mentioned in Annex 11, Air Traffic
Services, to the Chicago Convention, other than a certified air/ground radio
service (within the meaning of regulation 139.390) at an aerodrome.
Air Traffic Services:
(a) in relation to an air traffic service provided in Australian-administered
(i) an ATS provider; or
(ii) the Defence Force in its capacity as a provider of air traffic services;
(b) in relation to an air traffic service provided in airspace that is not
Australian-administered airspace—an air traffic service provider authorised
by the national aviation authority of the relevant foreign country to provide
the air traffic service.
air transport operation: see clause 3 of Part 2 of this Dictionary.
airworthiness directive: see regulation 39.001A.
AIS has the meaning given in Annex 15 to the Chicago Convention.
AIS provider means a person who holds a certificate under regulation 175.055.
alternate aerodrome has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago
altitude has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention.
amateur-built aircraft means an aircraft described in paragraph 21.191(g).
Amateur Built Aircraft Acceptance, or ABAA, means a document given by
CASA or an authorised person as a type approval for an amateur-built aircraft.
amphibian means an aeroplane that is designed to take off from, and land on,
either land or water.
AOC: see subsection 3(1) of the Act.
APMA means Australian Parts Manufacturer Approval.

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Part 1 Definitions

appliance means any instrument, mechanism, equipment, part, apparatus,

appurtenance, or accessory, including communication equipment, that is used or
intended to be used in operating or controlling an aircraft in flight, is installed in
or attached to the aircraft, and is not part of an airframe, engine or propeller.
Source FARs section 1.1.

application material: see regulation 137.010.

apply, in relation to application material, has the meaning given by
regulation 137.010.
approach control service has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
approved means approved by CASA.
approved airframe life, for a limited category aircraft: see regulation 132.010.
approved design organisation means a person who holds an approval under
regulation 21.243 that is in force.
approved flight simulator has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
approved form means:
(a) for an application—the form approved by CASA under
subregulation 11.030(3) for the application (if any); and
(b) for a document other than an application—the form approved by CASA
under regulation 11.018 for the document (if any).
approved function, of an ASAO, means an aviation administration function
mentioned in the ASAO certificate of the ASAO.
approved maintenance data: see regulation 2A of CAR.
approved maintenance organisation means a Subpart 42.F organisation or a
Part 145 organisation.
apron has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention.
area control service has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
ARFFS provider has the meaning given by subregulation 139.705(1).
ARN or Aviation Reference Number means the unique identifier assigned to a
person by CASA for the purposes of CASA’s records.
article manufacturer: see paragraph 21.601(2)(e).
ASAO (short for approved self-administering aviation organisation) means a
person who holds an ASAO certificate that is in force.
ASAO certificate means a certificate issued by CASA under regulation 149.075.

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Definitions Part 1

ASAO enforcement power means the power to vary, suspend or cancel an

authorisation issued by an ASAO other than at the request of the authorisation
AS/NZS: a reference to AS/NZS followed by a number and a year is a reference
to the Australian/New Zealand Standard of that number, published jointly in that
year by, or on behalf of, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand.
ATC licence means an air traffic controller licence granted under Part 65.
ATSO: see paragraph 21.601(2)(a).
ATSO authorisation: see paragraph 21.601(2)(b).
ATS provider has the meaning given by regulation 172.015.
ATS routes has the same meaning as in Annex 4 to the Chicago Convention.
ATS training provider has the meaning given by regulation 143.015.
Australian-administered airspace has the same meaning as in the Air Services
Act 1995.
Australian air transport AOC has the meaning given by
subregulation 119.015(1).
Australian air transport operation has the meaning given by regulation 119.010.
Australian air transport operator has the meaning given by
subregulation 119.015(2).
Australian Civil Aircraft Register means the register established and maintained
under regulation 47.025.
Australian nationality mark: see regulation 45.010.
Australian operator means an operator whose principal place of business, or
whose place of permanent residence, is in Australian territory.
Australian Parts Manufacturer Approval or APMA means an Australian Parts
Manufacturer Approval issued under subregulation 21.303(9) or
subregulation 21.305A(2).
authorised aeronautical information, for a flight of an aircraft, means the
aeronautical maps, charts and other aeronautical information relevant to the route
of the flight, and any probable diversionary route, that are published:
(a) if paragraph (b) does not apply:
(i) in the AIP; or
(ii) by a data service provider; or
(iii) in NOTAMs; or
(b) for a flight in a foreign country:
(i) in the document that in that country is equivalent to the AIP; or

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Part 1 Definitions

(ii) by an organisation approved to publish aeronautical information by

the national aviation authority of that country.
authorised data service activity, for a data service provider, means a data service
activity mentioned in the data service provider’s certificate issued under
regulation 175.295.
authorised instrument approach procedure means:
(a) for an aerodrome other than an aerodrome in a foreign country—an
instrument approach procedure that is:
(i) designed by a certified designer or authorised designer, and published
in the AIP or given to CASA under Part 173; or
(ii) prescribed by an instrument issued under regulation 201.025 for this
paragraph; or
(b) for an aerodrome in a foreign country—an instrument approach procedure
that is authorised by the national aviation authority of the country.
authorised instrument departure procedure means:
(a) for an aerodrome other than an aerodrome in a foreign country—an
instrument departure procedure that is:
(i) designed by a certified designer or authorised designer, and published
in the AIP or given to CASA under Part 173; or
(ii) prescribed by an instrument issued under regulation 201.025 for this
paragraph; or
(b) for an aerodrome in a foreign country—an instrument departure procedure
that is authorised by the national aviation authority of the country.
authorised Part 141 flight training: see regulation 141.015.
authorised Part 142 activity: see regulation 142.015.
authorised person means a person who is appointed under regulation 201.001 to
be an authorised person in relation to one or more of the following:
(a) CASR;
(b) a particular provision of CASR;
(c) CAR;
(d) a particular provision of CAR.
authorised release certificate has the meaning given by clause 18 of Part 2 of
this Dictionary.
authorised weather forecast means:
(a) other than in a foreign country—a weather forecast made by the Bureau of
Meteorology for aviation purposes; or
(b) in a foreign country—a weather forecast made by a person or body that
holds an authorisation (however described), granted by an authority of the
country, to provide weather forecasts for aviation purposes.
authorised weather report means:

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Definitions Part 1

(a) other than in a foreign country—a weather report made by:

(i) the Bureau of Meteorology for aviation purposes; or
(ii) an individual who holds a certificate from the Bureau of Meteorology
to give weather reports for aviation purposes; or
(iii) an automatic weather station at an aerodrome that is approved by the
Bureau of Meteorology as an automatic weather station for the
aerodrome; or
(iv) an automatic broadcast service published in the AIP; or
(v) an individual who holds a pilot licence; or
(vi) a person appointed by an aerodrome operator to make runway
visibility assessments under the Part 139 Manual of Standards; or
(vii) a person included in a class of persons specified in the AIP for this
subparagraph; or
(b) in a foreign country—a weather report made by a person or body that holds
an authorisation (however described), granted by an authority of the
country, to provide weather reports for aviation purposes.
aviation administration and enforcement rules means the rules required by
regulation 149.290.
aviation administration function means:
(a) exercising ASAO enforcement powers; or
(b) a function prescribed by the Part 149 Manual of Standards.
aviation distress signal means any of the signals described in section 1.1,
Distress signals, of Appendix 1 to Annex 2, Rules of the Air, to the Chicago
aviation English language proficiency assessment: see regulation 61.010.
aviation safety radio frequency means a radio frequency that is published in the
AIP or NOTAMs and covered by any of the subparagraphs of
paragraph 91.625(1)(a).
balloon means an unpowered, lighter-than-air aircraft.
balloon flight notification requirements: see subregulation 131.345(1).
balloon flight preparation (weather assessments) requirements: see
subregulation 131.340(1).
balloon transport AOC: see subregulation 131.015(1).
balloon transport operation: see regulation 131.010.
balloon transport operator: see subregulation 131.015(2).
cabin crew member means a crew member who performs, in the interests of the
safety of an aircraft’s passengers, duties assigned by the operator or the pilot in
command of the aircraft, but is not a flight crew member.

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Part 1 Definitions

CAR means the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

CAR certificate of validation means a certificate issued under regulation 5.27 of
cargo means things other than persons carried, or to be carried, on an aircraft.
cargo transport operation:
(a) means an operation of an aircraft that involves the carriage of cargo and
crew only; but
(b) does not include the following:
(i) an operation conducted for the carriage of the possessions of the
operator or the pilot in command for the purpose of business or trade;
(ii) a medical transport operation.
carry-on baggage means baggage or personal effects taken into, or to be taken
into, the cabin of an aircraft, for carriage on the aircraft, by:
(a) a person (including a crew member of the aircraft) travelling on the
aircraft; or
(b) a member of the personnel of the operator of the aircraft on behalf of a
person mentioned in paragraph (a).
CASR means the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.
category, in relation to the type certification of aircraft, means a grouping of
aircraft based upon intended use and operating limitations (for example,
transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, restricted and provisional).
Source FARs section 1.1 modified.

certificate of airworthiness means a standard certificate of airworthiness or a

special certificate of airworthiness.
certificate of registration means:
(a) in relation to an aircraft registered under Division 47.C.1—a certificate
issued under regulation 47.090; or
(b) in relation to an aircraft registered under Division 47.C.2—a certificate
issued under paragraph 47.098(2)(b).
certificate of release to service means:
(a) for an aircraft—a document that complies with subregulation 42.760(1);
(b) for an aeronautical product—a document that complies with
subregulation 42.810(1) or (2).
certificate of validation: see regulation 61.010.
certification basis means:
(a) for an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller for which there is a type
certificate—the type certification basis for the aircraft, aircraft engine or
propeller; and

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Definitions Part 1

(b) for an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller for which there is a foreign type
certificate—the foreign type certification basis for the aircraft, aircraft
engine or propeller.
certified aerodrome means an aerodrome in respect of which an aerodrome
certificate is in force.
certified air/ground radio service: see subregulation 139.155(4).
certified true copy, of a document, means a copy of the document that one of the
following persons has certified in writing to be a true copy of the document:
(a) a person mentioned in Schedule 2 to the Statutory Declarations
Regulations 1993;
(b) a justice of the peace in a foreign country;
(c) a notary public in a foreign country;
(d) an employee of a national aviation authority;
(e) a person to whom a national aviation authority has delegated a power or
charged with an offence: see clause 25 of Part 2 of this Dictionary.
checked baggage means baggage or personal effects checked in by a passenger
with an operator, or with another person providing a check-in service for an
operator, as baggage or personal effects intended for carriage on the aircraft on
which the passenger is travelling.
checking means the assessment of proficiency of the personnel of an aircraft
operator or the operator of a flight simulation training device that is conducted to
ensure that the personnel are competent to carry out their responsibilities.
child means a person who has turned 2 but has not turned 13.
Civil Air Regulations means the Civil Air Regulations issued by the
Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency of the United States of America,
as in force immediately before the commencement of the FARs.
(a) of aircraft, has the meaning given by regulation 61.020; and
(b) of aeroplane for Part 64 (Ground operations personnel licensing), has the
meaning given by regulation 64.010; and
(c) in relation to medical certificates—means a class of medical certificate
mentioned in regulation 67.145.
Class I product: see paragraph 21.321(2)(a).
Class I provisional certificate of airworthiness means a Class I provisional
certificate of airworthiness issued under regulation 21.216.
Class I provisional type certificate means a Class I provisional type certificate
issued under regulation 21.076.

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Part 1 Definitions

Class II product: see paragraph 21.321(2)(b).

Class II provisional certificate of airworthiness means a Class II provisional
certificate of airworthiness issued under regulation 21.216.
Class II provisional type certificate means a Class II provisional type certificate
issued under regulation 21.076.
Class III product: see paragraph 21.321(2)(c).
Class D external load has the meaning given by the Part 138 Manual of
class of airspace:
(a) means a class of airspace designated by Australia or a foreign country in
accordance with Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention; and
(b) in relation to Australian-administered airspace—includes a volume of
airspace determined to be a class of airspace under paragraph 5(1)(d) of the
Airspace Regulations 2007.
cloud ceiling has the same meaning as ceiling in Annex 2 to the Chicago
combination recorder means an item of equipment that combines the functions
of a flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder.
commercial pilot (balloon) licence means a commercial pilot (balloon) licence
issued under Part 5 of CAR.
compartment, of an aircraft, includes the space inside a non-compartmentalised
configuration deviation list, for an aircraft, means a document that:
(a) is prepared by the aircraft’s type certificate holder or foreign type
certificate holder; and
(b) is approved by CASA or the national aviation authority that issued the
foreign type certificate for the aircraft; and
(c) lists each external part of the aircraft that is permitted to be missing from
the aircraft, under conditions specified in the document, when a flight of
the aircraft begins.
constable has the same meaning as in subsection 3(1) of the Crimes Act 1914.
contaminated: a runway is contaminated if more than 25% of the surface area
required for a take-off or landing is covered by any of the following:
(a) water or slush more than 3 mm deep;
(b) loose snow more than 20 mm deep;
(c) compacted snow or ice.
continuing airworthiness management organisation means a person who holds
an approval under regulation 42.590 that is in force.

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Definitions Part 1

continuing airworthiness management service has the meaning given by

subregulation 42.575(1).
Contracting State: see section 3 of the Act.
control area:
(a) has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention; and
(b) in relation to Australian-administered airspace—includes a volume of
airspace determined to be a control area under paragraph 5(1)(c) of the
Airspace Regulations 2007.
controlled aerodrome: an aerodrome is a controlled aerodrome at a particular
time if, at that time, an air traffic control service is provided to aerodrome traffic.
controlled airspace means airspace of defined dimensions within which air
traffic control service is provided in accordance with the airspace classification.
Note: The airspace classification is the classification of airspace as a class of airspace (for
example, class A airspace).

control zone:
(a) has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention; and
(b) in relation to Australian-administered airspace—includes a volume of
airspace determined to be a control zone under paragraph 5(1)(b) of the
Airspace Regulations 2007.
convicted of an offence: see clause 35 of Part 2 of this Dictionary.
co-pilot, in relation to an aircraft, means a pilot on board the aircraft in a piloting
capacity other than:
(a) the pilot in command; or
(b) a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight
corporation, in Parts 119, 131 and 149, has the meaning given by
regulation 11.015.
cost-sharing: a flight is a cost-sharing flight if:
(a) the flight is conducted using an aircraft with a maximum seat configuration
of not more than 6, including the pilot’s seat; and
(b) the pilot in command is not remunerated for the flight; and
(c) the pilot in command pays an amount of the direct costs of the flight that is
at least equal to the amount that would be paid by each person if the direct
costs were evenly divided between all persons on board; and
(d) the flight is not advertised to the general public.
Example 1: For paragraph (c), if the direct costs of a flight are $3,000 and the flight has 5 persons
on board, including the pilot, the pilot must pay at least $600 towards the direct costs.
Example 2: For paragraph (d):
(a) an advertisement in a daily national newspaper is an advertisement to the general
public; and

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Part 1 Definitions

(b) an advertisement in a flying club newsletter is not an advertisement to the general


crew member: a person is a crew member of an aircraft if the person is carried

on the aircraft and is:
(a) a person:
(i) who is authorised by the operator of the aircraft to carry out a
specified function during flight time relating to the operation,
maintenance, use or safety of the aircraft, the safety of the aircraft’s
passengers or the care or security of any cargo which may affect the
safety of the aircraft or its occupants; and
(ii) who has been trained to carry out that function; or
(b) a person who is on board the aircraft for the purpose of:
(i) giving or receiving instruction in a function mentioned in
subparagraph (a)(i); or
(ii) being tested for a qualification associated with a function mentioned
in subparagraph (a)(i); or
(c) a person authorised by CASA under these Regulations, or by the operator,
to carry out an audit, check, examination, inspection or test of a person
mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).
crew station, for a crew member of an aircraft, means a position on the aircraft
that is designed and equipped to enable the crew member to carry out the crew
member’s assigned duties on the aircraft.
critical fuelling point, for fuelling an aircraft, means any of the following:
(a) a fuel tank filling point on the aircraft;
(b) a fuel tank vent outlet on the aircraft;
(c) the ground fuelling equipment that is used to fuel the aircraft.
critical part, for an aircraft, means a part that must be inspected, overhauled, or
removed or retired from the aircraft within a period specified:
(a) in the Airworthiness Limitations section of the Manufacturer’s
Maintenance Manual (as published from time to time by the aircraft’s
manufacturer) for the aircraft; or
(b) in the Manufacturer’s Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (as
published by the manufacturer from time to time) for the aircraft.
cross-country flight has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
cruise relief type rating means:
(a) a cruise relief co-pilot type rating; or
(b) a cruise relief flight engineer type rating.
cruising level has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention.
current, for an aviation English language proficiency assessment: see
regulation 61.260.
DAME means designated aviation medical examiner.

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Definitions Part 1

danger area:
(a) has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention; and
(b) in relation to Australian territory—includes an area designated as a danger
area by a declaration made under subregulation 6(1) of the Airspace
Regulations 2007.
DAO means designated aviation ophthalmologist.
data product specification has the same meaning as in Annex 15 to the Chicago
data service activity means any of the following:
(a) publishing aeronautical data;
(b) publishing aeronautical information;
(c) publishing an aeronautical chart;
(d) supplying aeronautical data in a database for use in navigation equipment
or systems.
data service provider means a person who holds a certificate under
regulation 175.295.
data set has the same meaning as in Annex 15 to the Chicago Convention.
dealer’s mark means a mark assigned to an aircraft manufacturer, distributor or
dealer under regulation 47.175.
defined point after take-off, for a rotorcraft flying in performance class 2 or
performance class 2 with exposure, means the point in the take-off and initial
climb stage of the flight before which:
(a) the rotorcraft may not be able to continue the flight safely with one engine
inoperative; and
(b) a forced landing may be required.
demonstration, for the emergency evacuation of an aircraft, means the
emergency evacuation demonstration conducted by the aircraft’s manufacturer
for the purpose of the type certification of the aircraft.
demonstration additional number, of cabin crew members for an aircraft, means
the number by which the number of cabin crew members used in the
demonstration for the emergency evacuation of the aircraft is more than the
greater of the following:
(a) if the aircraft has a maximum operational passenger seat configuration of
more than 19—one cabin crew member for each 50, or part of 50,
passenger seats fitted for the demonstration;
(b) one cabin crew member for each passenger compartment.
designated aviation medical examiner means:
(a) a person appointed as a designated aviation medical examiner under
Part 67; or

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Part 1 Definitions

(b) a person who holds, or is performing the duties of, a position specified in a
declaration under subregulation 67.055(1); or
(c) a person specified in a declaration under subregulation 67.055(2); or
(d) a person appointed as a designated aviation medical examiner under Part 6
of CAR as in force at any time before 3 September 2003.
designated aviation ophthalmologist means:
(a) a person appointed as a designated aviation ophthalmologist under Part 67;
(b) a person who holds, or is performing the duties of, a position specified in a
declaration under subregulation 67.075(1); or
(c) a person specified in a declaration under subregulation 67.075(2).
Dictionary means this Dictionary.
differences training: see regulation 61.010.
direct costs: the direct costs of a flight are the costs actually and necessarily
incurred in connection with the flight without a view to making a profit.
Example 1: If the aircraft is hired for the flight, the direct costs of the flight include the following:
(a) the cost of hiring the aircraft;
(b) if they are not included in the cost of hiring the aircraft—the cost of the fuel and
oil consumed by the aircraft for the flight and the airway and aerodrome fees (if
any) for the flight.
Example 2: If the aircraft is not hired for the flight, the direct costs of the flight include the cost of
the following:
(a) the fuel and oil consumed by the aircraft for the flight;
(b) the airway and aerodrome fees (if any) for the flight.
Note: The amount of the direct costs of a flight that is paid by the pilot in command is
relevant to whether the flight is a cost-sharing flight.

dispensing operation: see subregulation 138.010(3).

dry: a runway is dry if the surface area required for a take-off or landing:
(a) has no visible moisture; and
(b) is not contaminated.
EASA: see European Aviation Safety Agency.
EDTO has the meaning given by the Part 121 Manual of Standards.
elevation has the same meaning as in Annex 4 to the Chicago Convention.
emergency evacuation procedures, for an aircraft, means procedures for the
evacuation of the aircraft’s passengers and crew from the aircraft in an
emergency, and includes pre-evacuation, and post-evacuation, procedures.
emergency parachute: see regulation 105.010.
emergency service operation means an operation involving an aircraft to which
all of the following apply:

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Definitions Part 1

(a) the operation is conducted by, or at the request of, an authority of the
Commonwealth, a State or a Territory;
(b) the authority is prescribed by the Part 138 Manual of Standards for the
purposes of this paragraph;
(c) the operation is for:
(i) law enforcement purposes; or
(ii) the purpose of saving or protecting persons, property or the
employed in private operations: an aircraft is employed in private operations if
the aircraft is used to conduct an operation that is a private operation.
empty weight, for a hang glider, powered hang glider, paraglider or powered
paraglider, means the weight of the hang glider, powered hang glider, paraglider
or powered paraglider in its airborne configuration, including all fittings and
equipment but excluding recovery or personnel parachutes.
engage in conduct means:
(a) do an act; or
(b) omit to perform an act.
ETSO: see paragraph 21.601(2)(aa).
EUROCAE ED-76 means the latest version of EUROCAE ED-76, Standards for
Processing Aeronautical Data, issued by the European Organisation for Civil
Aviation Equipment, as in force from time to time.
Note: EUROCAE ED-76 could in 2014 be viewed on the EUROCAE website

European Aviation Safety Agency or EASA means the European Aviation

Safety Agency established by regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 of the European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union.
examination means an examination by way of a test of theoretical knowledge or
a practical test of knowledge and skill.
examiner has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
ex-armed forces aircraft: see regulation 132.010.
excluded RPA: see regulation 101.237.
exhibition: see regulation 45.010.
experimental aircraft means an aircraft for which a special certificate of
airworthiness is in force under regulation 21.195A.
experimental certificate means an experimental certificate issued under
regulation 21.195A.
expiation notice, in relation to a psychoactive substance offence, means a notice
requiring or permitting payment of a penalty as an alternative to prosecution.

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Part 1 Definitions

export airworthiness approval means:

(a) for a Class I product—an export certificate of airworthiness or an
authorised release certificate; and
(b) for a Class II or Class III product—an authorised release certificate.
export certificate of airworthiness, for a Class I product, means a certificate to
the effect that the product meets the requirements mentioned in
regulation 21.329.
(a) for an Australian air transport operator, means:
(i) the set of documents approved by CASA under regulation 119.075 in
relation to the operator; and
(ii) if the set of documents is changed under regulation 119.085, 119.095
or 119.105, or in accordance with the process mentioned in
regulation 119.100—the set of documents as changed; or
(b) for an ASAO, means:
(i) the set of documents approved by CASA under regulation 149.080 in
relation to the ASAO; or
(ii) if the set of documents is changed under regulation 149.115 or
149.120, or in accordance with the process mentioned in
paragraph 149.340(i)—the set of documents as changed; or
(c) for a balloon transport operator:
(i) the set of documents approved by CASA under regulation 131.085; or
(ii) if the set of documents is changed under regulation 131.095, 131.105
or 131.115—the set of documents as changed.
external load operation: see subregulation 138.010(2).
FAA means the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of
FAA letter of TSO design approval: see paragraph 21.601(2)(ca).
FARs means the Federal Aviation Regulations in Chapter 1 (Federal Aviation
Administration, Department of Transportation) of Title 14 of the Code of Federal
Regulations as published by the Office of the Federal Register National Archives
and Records Administration of the United States of America.
final approach and take-off area, for the operation of a rotorcraft at an
aerodrome, means the area of the aerodrome:
(a) from which a take-off is commenced; or
(b) over which the final phase of approach to hover is completed.
fireproof, in connection with a manufacturer’s data plate: see regulation 21.810.
flight base number, of cabin crew members for a flight of an aircraft, means the
greater of the following:

188 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Definitions Part 1

(a) if the aircraft has a maximum operational passenger seat configuration of

more than 19—one cabin crew member for each 50, or part of 50,
passenger seats fitted for the flight;
(b) one cabin crew member for each passenger compartment.
flight crew endorsement:
(a) means a flight crew endorsement within the meaning of Part 61; and
(b) includes a certificate of validation of an overseas endorsement.
flight crew licence:
(a) means a flight crew licence within the meaning of Part 61; and
(b) includes a certificate of validation of an overseas flight crew licence.
flight crew member means a crew member who is a pilot or flight engineer
assigned to carry out duties essential to the operation of an aircraft during flight
flight crew rating:
(a) means a flight crew rating within the meaning of Part 61; and
(b) includes a certificate of validation of an overseas rating.
flight dispatcher, for an Australian air transport operator, means a person
designated by the operator to control and supervise flight operations, including
supporting, briefing and assisting pilots in command in the safe conduct of
Note: A flight dispatcher is also known as a flight operations officer.

flight engineer means the holder of a flight engineer licence.

flight examiner: see regulation 61.010.
flight information area means a volume of airspace determined to be a flight
information area under subparagraph 5(1)(a)(i) of the Airspace
Regulations 2007.
flight information service has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
flight instructor has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
flight level: a reference to a flight level followed by a number, in relation to the
flight of an aircraft, is a reference to the altitude at which the aircraft’s altimeter,
if it were adjusted to a reading on the subscale of 1013.2 hectopascals, would
show an altitude in feet of 100 times that number.
Example: Flight level 250 is an altitude of 25 000 ft.

flight manual, for an aircraft: see clause 37 of Part 2 of this Dictionary.

flight notification requirements: see subregulation 91.240(1).
flight plan has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention.

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Part 1 Definitions

flight preparation (alternate aerodromes) requirements: see

subregulation 91.235(1).
flight preparation (Part 121 alternate aerodromes) requirements: see
subregulation 121.170(1).
flight preparation (weather assessments) requirements: see
subregulation 91.230(1).
flight radiotelephone operator licence means a flight radiotelephone operator
licence issued under Part 5 of CAR.
flight review: see regulation 61.010.
flight service function means the function described in subregulation 65.130(2).
flight service licence means a licence by that name granted under Part 65.
flight simulation training device: see regulation 61.010.
flight simulator, for a specific type (or a specific make, model and series) of
(a) means a simulator that simulates the aircraft in ground and flight operations
and comprises:
(i) a full size replica of the flight deck of the aircraft; and
(ii) a visual system providing an out of the flight deck view; and
(iii) a force cueing motion system; and
(b) includes the necessary software and equipment, and the way that the
equipment is interconnected.
flight technical log, for an aircraft, means the log required under
regulation 42.220 for the aircraft.
flight test: see regulation 61.010.
flight time has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
flight training: see regulation 61.010.
flight training area, for an aerodrome, means an area that is mentioned in a
Part 141 operator’s operations manual, or a Part 142 operator’s exposition, as a
flight training area for the aerodrome.
flight training device, for a specific type (or a specific make, model and series)
of aircraft:
(a) means a device that:
(i) simulates the aircraft in ground and flight operations to the extent of
the systems installed in the device; and
(ii) comprises a full size replica of the instruments, equipment, panels and
controls in an open flight deck area, or an enclosed flight deck, of the
aircraft; and

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Definitions Part 1

(iii) does not, in every respect, simulate the aircraft in ground and flight
operations; and
(b) includes the necessary software and equipment, and the way that the
equipment is interconnected.
flight visibility has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention.
flying in formation: 2 or more aircraft are:
(a) flying in formation if they:
(i) are operating as a single unit with regard to navigation, position
reporting and control; and
(ii) are so close to each other that any change in height, heading or
airspeed of any aircraft used for station-keeping results in a need for
one or more of the other aircraft to manoeuvre to maintain station or
avoid a collision; and
(b) taken to be flying in formation:
(i) when the aircraft are changing station; and
(ii) during join-up or breakaway.
flying training means any training given during flight time in an aircraft for the
purpose of increasing a person’s skill in flying the aircraft.
foreign aircraft has the same meaning as foreign registered aircraft.
Note: However, a reference to foreign aircraft or foreign registered aircraft does not include
a state aircraft of a foreign country: see subregulation 3(5) of CAR.

foreign air transport AOC means an AOC that authorises the operation of an
aircraft for a foreign air transport operation.
foreign air transport operation:
(a) means an air transport operation that is conducted by a foreign operator
using any aircraft for:
(i) a flight into or out of Australian territory; or
(ii) a flight wholly within Australia that is undertaken as part of a flight
into or out of Australian territory; but
(b) does not include the following:
(i) the operation of an aeroplane or rotorcraft under a permission under
section 25 (Non-scheduled flights by foreign registered aircraft) or
section 27A (Permission for operation of foreign registered aircraft
without AOC) of the Act;
(ii) an air transport operation authorised by a New Zealand AOC with
ANZA privileges that is in force for Australia.
foreign air transport operator means a person who holds a foreign air transport
foreign certificate, for a foreign operator, means an air operator certificate issued
by the national aviation authority of the foreign country in which the foreign
operator has its principal place of business or place of permanent residence.

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Part 1 Definitions

foreign operator means an operator that is not an Australian operator.

foreign supplemental type certificate: see regulation 21.114.
foreign type certificate: see regulation 21.041.
foreign type certification basis, for an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller,
means the airworthiness standards and any special conditions or other conditions
with which the aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller must comply for the issue of
a foreign type certificate.
free balloon:
(a) in Part 101—means a balloon that is not tethered; and
(b) otherwise—means a balloon that is intended for flight without being
permanently tethered.
frequency confirmation system, for an aerodrome, means a ground radio system
for the aerodrome that, on receipt of a transmission from an aircraft on the radio
frequency for the aerodrome, sends a signal or message to the aircraft confirming
that the transmission has been received.
fuelling includes refuelling and defuelling.
gas balloon means a balloon that sustains flight with lighter-than-air gas.
giant model aircraft: see regulation 101.024.
glider means an unpowered, heavier-than-air aircraft that derives its lift in flight
chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces remaining fixed under given
conditions of flight.
graded runway strip includes an area delineated by gable or cone markers.
grant, in relation to a civil aviation authorisation, includes grant by renewal.
gyroglider means a non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight
by the reaction of the air on 1 or more rotors that rotate freely on substantially
vertical axes.
gyroplane means a power-driven, heavier than air aircraft supported in flight by
the reaction of the air on 1 or more rotors which rotate freely on substantially
vertical axes.
hang glider means a glider with some rigid structure:
(a) that has an empty weight of 70 kg or less; and
(b) the free flight of which does not depend on an engine.
heading has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention.
heavier-than-air aircraft is the generic term for aircraft that derive their lift in
flight chiefly from aerodynamic forces.
heavy balloon: see regulation 101.145.

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Definitions Part 1

heavy package: see regulation 101.145.

height has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention.
helicopter means a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reaction of
the air on one or more normally power-driven rotors on substantially vertical
helideck means an area intended for use wholly or partly for the arrival or
departure of rotorcraft, on:
(a) a ship; or
(b) a floating or fixed structure on water.
highly volatile fuel means:
(a) aviation gasoline; or
(b) a hydrocarbon mixture that spans the gasoline and kerosene boiling ranges;
(c) a mixture of aviation gasoline and a hydrocarbon mixture mentioned in
paragraph (b).
high power rocket: see regulation 101.425.
historic aircraft: see regulation 132.010.
holder, of an authorisation (within the meaning given by Part 11), means:
(a) if the authorisation has not been transferred—the person to whom it was
granted; or
(b) if the authorisation has been transferred—the person to whom it was
transferred or, if it has been transferred more than once, the person to
whom it was most recently transferred.
hot air airship means a power driven lighter-than-air aircraft where the engine
does not create any portion of lift.
hot fuelling, of an aircraft, means the fuelling of the aircraft with an engine
human factors principles means principles concerned with the minimisation of
human error and its consequences by optimising the relationships within systems
between people, activities and equipment.
ICAO Document 8126 means Document 8126-AN/872 (Aeronautical
Information Services Manual) approved and published by decision of the
Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, as in force from time to
ICAO Document 8697 means Document 8697-AN/889 (Aeronautical Chart
Manual) approved and published by decision of the Council of the International
Civil Aviation Organization, as in force from time to time.
identification number of a production certificate or type certificate means the
number, or group of characters, described in the certificate as being its number.

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Part 1 Definitions

IFR (short for instrument flight rules) means the rules and procedures set out in
Subdivision 91.D.4.3.
IFR flight means a flight conducted under the IFR.
IFR operation means an operation conducted under the IFR.
IMC (short for instrument meteorological conditions) means meteorological
conditions other than VMC.
immediately reportable matter has the meaning given by subsection 3(1) of the
Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003.
in an area, used of the operation of an aircraft: see clause 40 of Part 2 of this
incidental provisions, of an instrument, or part of an instrument, mentioned in
these Regulations, means the provisions of the instrument, or part, that are not
airworthiness standards.
infant means a person who has not turned 2.
in-house maintenance, for an aeronautical product (the first aeronautical
product) to be fitted to an aircraft or another aeronautical product (the second
aeronautical product), means maintenance carried out on the first aeronautical
product by a Part 145 organisation that will fit the product to the aircraft or the
second aeronautical product.
in-house release document, for an aeronautical product on which in-house
maintenance has been carried out, means the document that:
(a) is issued by the Part 145 organisation that carried out the in-house
maintenance; and
(b) includes a statement to the effect that, in respect of the in-house
maintenance, the product is serviceable, within the meaning given by
subregulation 42.015(1); and
(c) includes information enabling the identification of the record mentioned in
regulation 42.820 for the product.
inoperative: an item for a flight of an aircraft is inoperative if, due to a defect,
the item, or a function of the item, does not:
(a) accomplish its intended purpose; or
(b) consistently function within the operating limits or tolerances mentioned in
the approved design for the item or the flight manual for the aircraft.
instructor has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
instrument approach operation means an approach and landing:
(a) conducted using instruments for navigation guidance; and
(b) based on an authorised instrument approach procedure.
instrument approach procedure means a series of predetermined manoeuvres by
reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the

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Definitions Part 1

initial approach fix or, where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival
route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a
landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en-route obstacle
clearance criteria apply.
instrument departure procedure, for an aircraft, means a series of predetermined
manoeuvres by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from
obstacles from take-off until the aircraft reaches:
(a) the en-route lowest safe altitude; or
(b) the minimum altitude at which the aircraft, on a minimum climb gradient
of 3%, can intercept the planned flight route; or
(c) in a case where the aircraft has taken off from an aerodrome for which
there is a radar control service in operation—the minimum radar vector
instrument flight procedures means the visual and instrument procedures for use
by aircraft operating under the IFR.
Integrated Aeronautical Information Package means a package, in hardcopy or
electronic form, consisting of the following:
(a) the AIP;
(b) AIP Amendments;
(c) AIP Supplements;
(d) NOTAMS and pre-flight information bulletins;
(e) aeronautical information circulars.
integrated training means an intensive course of training:
(a) that is designed to ensure that a course participant receives ground theory
training integrated with practical flight training; and
(b) for which:
(i) the ground theory training and practical flight training are conducted
by the same operator; or
(ii) the operator that conducts the practical flight training engages another
person or organisation to conduct the ground theory training on behalf
of the operator; and
(c) that is conducted according to a syllabus that satisfies the knowledge and
flight standards specified in the Part 61 Manual of Standards for the grant
of a private or commercial pilot licence; and
(d) that is designed to be completed within a condensed period of time.
intermediate category, for an aircraft, means the category of aircraft that satisfy
the requirements for issue of a type certificate mentioned in regulation 21.026.
internal review decision, of an ASAO: see subregulation 149.605(5).
international operating agency means an international operating agency referred
to in Article 77 of the Chicago Convention.

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Part 1 Definitions

international registration plan means a plan for the registration by an

international organisation of aircraft operated, or to be operated, by an
international operating agency, being a plan approved by the Council by a
determination made in pursuance of Article 77 of the Chicago Convention.
International Regulations means the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972, in the Convention on the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, done at London on 20 October 1972, as amended
and in force for Australia from time to time.
Note: The Convention is in Australian Treaty Series 1980 No. 5 ([1980] ATS 5) and could in
2019 be viewed in the Australian Treaties Library on the AustLII website

in the vicinity of a non-controlled aerodrome: see regulation 91.360.

joint registration plan means a plan for joint registration by Contracting States
constituting an international operating agency of aircraft operated, or to be
operated, by the agency, being a plan approved by the Council by a
determination made in pursuance of Article 77 of the Chicago Convention.
journey log:
(a) for a Part 121 operation—means the journey log required for the flight by
regulation 121.105; or
(b) for a Part 133 operation—means the journey log required for the flight by
regulation 133.075; or
(c) for a Part 135 operation—means the journey log required for the flight by
regulation 135.085.
key personnel:
(a) for an Australian air transport operator—means the people (however
described) that hold, or carry out the responsibilities of, the following
positions in the operator’s organisation:
(i) the positions mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) of the definition
of key personnel in subsection 28(3) of the Act;
(ii) the safety manager; or
(b) for an aerial work operator—means the people (however described) that
hold, or carry out the responsibilities of, the following positions in the
operator’s organisation:
(i) chief executive officer;
(ii) head of operations;
(iii) if the operator is required by regulation 138.125 to have a training and
checking system—head of training and checking;
(iv) if the operator is required by regulation 138.140 to have a safety
management system—safety manager; or
(c) for an ASAO—means the people (however described) who hold, or carry
out the responsibilities of, the following positions in the ASAO’s
(i) accountable manager;

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Definitions Part 1

(ii) safety manager;

(iii) if the ASAO’s approved functions include administering aircraft—the
manager of the function;
(iv) any other position with the responsibilities prescribed by the Part 149
Manual of Standards; or
(d) for a balloon transport operator—means the people (however described)
that hold, or carry out the responsibilities of, the positions mentioned in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of key personnel in
subsection 28(3) of the Act.
kind, of an aircraft, means:
(a) for an aircraft that is covered by an aircraft type rating—the aircraft type
rating; and
(b) for an aircraft that is not covered by an aircraft type rating—the type of
kit-built aircraft means an aircraft described in paragraph 21.191(h).
land and hold short operation means an operation in which the pilot in
command of an aircraft:
(a) lands the aircraft on a runway; and
(b) stops the aircraft before an intersection with another runway; and
(c) does not proceed further until instructed to do so by air traffic control.
landing area has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention.
landing minima means the minimum values of the following that are used for
the purpose of determining whether an aerodrome may be used for landing
(a) visibility, including runway visibility and runway visual range;
(b) cloud ceiling height.
landing minima requirements for an aerodrome: see regulation 91.307.
landing weight, for a flight of an aircraft, means the total weight of the aircraft,
including its load, at landing.
large RPA: see regulation 101.022.
letter of ATSO design approval: see paragraph 21.601(2)(c).
level, in relation to a flight of an aircraft, has the same meaning as in Annex 2 to
the Chicago Convention.
licensed means licensed under CASR or CAR.
licensed aircraft maintenance engineer means an individual who holds an
aircraft engineer licence that is in force.
life limit, for an aeronautical product that is fitted, or is to be fitted, to a limited
category aircraft, has the meaning given by the Part 132 Manual of Standards.

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Part 1 Definitions

light balloon: see regulation 101.145.

lighter-than-air aircraft is the generic term for aircraft that are supported chiefly
by their buoyancy in the air.
light sport aircraft means an aircraft that:
(a) has:
(i) if the aircraft is not intended for operation on water—a maximum
take-off weight of 600 kilograms or less; or
(ii) if the aircraft is intended for operation on water—a maximum take-off
weight of 650 kilograms or less; or
(iii) if the aircraft is a lighter-than-air aircraft—a maximum gross weight
of 560 kilograms or less; and
(b) if the aircraft is a powered aircraft that is not a glider—has a single,
non-turbine engine fitted with a propeller; and
(c) has a maximum stall speed in the landing configuration (Vso) of 45 knots
calibrated air speed; and
(d) if the aircraft is a glider—has a maximum never-exceed speed (Vne) of 135
knots calibrated air speed; and
(e) if the aircraft has a cabin—has an un-pressurised cabin; and
(f) if the aircraft is designed to be equipped with seating—has a maximum
seating capacity of 2 persons, including the pilot; and
(g) if the aircraft is a manned free balloon that is not designed to be equipped
with seating—can carry no more than 2 persons; and
(h) has:
(i) in the case of an amphibian—repositionable landing gear; or
(ii) in the case of a glider—fixed landing gear or retractable landing gear;
(iii) in any other case—fixed landing gear.
limited category, for an aircraft, means the category of aircraft that satisfy the
requirements for issue of a special certificate of airworthiness mentioned in
regulation 21.189.
limited category aircraft: see regulation 132.010.
limited category certificate: see regulation 132.010.
limited category organisation: see regulation 132.010.
lowest safe altitude, for a route or route segment of a flight of an aircraft, means
the lowest altitude that will provide safe terrain clearance for the aircraft for the
route or route segment calculated in accordance with a method specified in the
Part 173 Manual of Standards, the operator’s exposition or the operator’s
operations manual.
Note: The methods specified in the Part 173 Manual of Standards are also published in the

low-risk electronic device means:

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Definitions Part 1

(a) a digital mobile telephone; or

(b) a hand-held personal digital assistant; or
(c) an electronic device:
(i) to which the IEEE Standard for Information technology—
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—
Local and metropolitan area network—Specific requirements Part 11:
Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer
(PHY) Specifications (as in force from time to time) applies; and
(ii) that transmits only in a way that meets that standard.
low-visibility approach means an approach using minima for a runway that are
below the category I precision approach minima for the runway published in the
low-visibility operation means:
(a) a low-visibility take-off; or
(b) a low-visibility approach.
low-visibility take-off means a take-off with a runway visual range of less than
550 m.
major, for a modification or repair to a limited category aircraft: see
regulation 132.020.
major change, for a type design: see regulation 21.093.
major defect means:
(a) in relation to an aeronautical product that is not fitted to an aircraft—a
defect of such a kind that the aeronautical product, if fitted to an aircraft,
may affect the safety of the aircraft or cause the aircraft to become a danger
to persons or property; and
(b) in relation to an aircraft—a defect of such a kind that it may affect the
safety of the aircraft or cause the aircraft to become a danger to persons or
property; and
(c) for an emergency parachute—see regulation 105.010; and
(d) for a reserve parachute—see regulation 105.010.
manned free balloon means a free balloon that:
(a) is equipped to carry one or more persons; and
(b) is equipped with controls that enable the altitude of the balloon to be
markings, for an aircraft: see regulation 45.015.
master minimum equipment list: see regulation 91.925.
Materials Review Board means:
(a) for a manufacturer manufacturing an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller
under a type certificate only—the Materials Review Board established
under paragraph 21.125(1)(a); and

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Part 1 Definitions

(b) for a manufacturer manufacturing an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller

under a production certificate—the Materials Review Board established
under regulation 21.145.
maximum certificated passenger seating capacity, for an aircraft, means the
maximum passenger seating capacity permitted under the aircraft’s type
certificate, foreign type certificate, supplemental type certificate or foreign
supplemental type certificate.
maximum landing weight, for an aircraft, means the maximum landing weight
for the aircraft permitted by:
(a) for an aircraft that is type certificated—the flight manual for the aircraft; or
(b) for an aircraft that is not type certificated:
(i) if a document, published by the manufacturer of the aircraft setting
out the operating limitations for the aircraft, specifies a weight—that
document; or
(ii) if no weight is specified in the document mentioned in
subparagraph (i), or if a different weight is specified in the certificate
of airworthiness for the aircraft—the certificate of airworthiness for
the aircraft.
maximum operational passenger seat configuration, for an aircraft, means the
maximum passenger seat capacity of the aircraft, excluding crew stations:
(a) approved by CASA for the operator of the aircraft:
(i) for an operator that is not an Australian air transport operator—under
regulation 201.030; or
(ii) for an Australian air transport operator—as part of the approval of the
operator’s exposition under Part 119; and
(b) specified in the operator’s operations manual (if any).
maximum passenger seating capacity, for an aircraft, means the maximum
number of seats for persons (excluding flight crew and cabin crew) in the aircraft
that is:
(a) approved by CASA; and
(b) specified in the aircraft operator’s operations manual.
maximum payload capacity, for an aircraft, means the maximum payload
permitted under the aircraft’s type certificate, foreign type certificate,
supplemental type certificate or foreign supplemental type certificate.
maximum take-off weight, for an aircraft, means the maximum take-off weight
for the aircraft permitted by:
(a) for an aircraft that is type certificated—the flight manual for the aircraft; or
(b) for an aircraft that is not type certificated:
(i) if a document, published by the manufacturer of the aircraft setting
out the operating limitations for the aircraft, specifies a weight—that
document; or

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Definitions Part 1

(ii) if the certificate of airworthiness for the aircraft specifies a different

weight to the weight specified in the document mentioned in
subparagraph (i)—the certificate of airworthiness for the aircraft; or
(iii) if no weight is specified in the document mentioned in
subparagraph (i) or in the certificate of airworthiness for the aircraft
and the aircraft is a Part 103 aircraft in relation to which a statement
of acceptance for the aircraft has been issued by a Part 103 ASAO in
accordance with regulation 103.030—the weight specified in the
statement of acceptance.
medical certificate means:
(a) a medical certificate issued under Subpart 67.C; or
(b) for the holder of a certificate of validation of an overseas flight crew
licence—the holder’s overseas medical certificate.
medically significant condition has the meaning given by
subregulation 67.010(1).
medical practitioner:
(a) for Part 61 has the meaning given by regulation 61.010; and
(b) for Part 67 has the meaning given by subregulation 67.010(1).
medical transport operating site, for a rotorcraft, has the meaning given by the
Part 133 Manual of Standards.
medical transport operation: see clause 70 of Part 2 of this Dictionary.
medical transport specialist means:
(a) a crew member for a flight who carries out a specified function during the
flight relating to a medical transport operation, and who is not:
(i) a flight crew member for the flight; or
(ii) an air crew member for the flight; or
(b) a crew member, for a flight, of a kind prescribed by the Part 119 Manual of
Standards for the purposes of this paragraph.
medium balloon: see regulation 101.145.
medium RPA: see regulation 101.022.
meets the modified Austroads medical standards has the meaning given by
regulation 67.262.
MEL: see regulation 91.925.
meteorological information means information:
(a) that is any of the following kinds:
(i) meteorological reports;
(ii) meteorological analyses;
(iii) meteorological forecasts;
(iv) meteorological warnings;

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Part 1 Definitions

(v) meteorological advices;

(vi) revisions or amendments of any of those kinds of information; and
(b) which may be required for aviation purposes.
micro RPA: see regulation 101.022.
military aerodrome means an aerodrome controlled by a part of the Defence
military aircraft means an aircraft of any part of the Defence Force (including an
aircraft that is being constructed for any part of the Defence Force), other than an
aircraft that is an Australian aircraft that is registered.
minimum equipment list: see regulation 91.925.
minor change, for a type design: see regulation 21.093.
MMEL: see regulation 91.925.
model, for an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller, means a particular version of a
type of aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller that is distinguished from another
version of the same type by a change of sufficient effect on the weight, balance,
structural strength, operational characteristics as would require a separate entry
on a type certificate, identifying and approving the particular version as distinct
from the identification and approval of other versions.
model aircraft: see regulation 101.023.
model rocket: see regulation 101.425.
modification/repair design approval means an approval granted under
regulation 21.435 or 21.437.
movement area has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
multi-crew operation: see regulation 61.010.
multi-flight journey means a journey to a destination that involves more than
one flight, if all of the flights are conducted by the same operator using the same
national aviation authority, for a foreign country:
(a) means the authority that is responsible for regulating civil aviation in the
country; and
(b) includes:
(i) the national airworthiness authority for the country; and
(ii) if EASA carries out functions on behalf of the country—EASA; and
(iii) for China, for matters relating to Hong Kong—the Civil Aviation
Department of Hong Kong.

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Definitions Part 1

navigation specification has the meaning given by the Part 91 Manual of

navigation system, in relation to an aircraft, means a system by which the aircraft
can be navigated.
night means the period between the end of evening civil twilight and the
beginning of the following morning civil twilight.
non-command pilot’s seat, of an aircraft, means the pilot seat not normally
occupied by the pilot in command during a flight of the aircraft.
non-controlled aerodrome means an aerodrome at which an aerodrome control
service is not operating.
non-precision approach runway has the same meaning as in Annex 14,
Aerodromes, to the Chicago Convention.
non-scheduled air transport operation means an air transport operation that is
(a) a scheduled air transport operation; or
(b) a medical transport operation.
Note: A non-scheduled air transport operation includes an operation for the carriage, in
accordance with fixed schedules to and from fixed terminals, of passengers or cargo, or
passengers and cargo, in circumstances in which the accommodation in the aircraft is
not available for use by persons generally.

non-technical skills means specific human competencies, including critical

decision making, team communication, situational awareness and workload
management, which may minimise human error in aviation.
normal cruising speed, for an aeroplane or rotorcraft, means the speed stated in
the flight manual for the aeroplane or rotorcraft as a normal cruising speed in
International Standard Atmosphere conditions with all engines operating.
NOTAM (short for Notice to Airmen) has the same meaning as in the Air
Services Regulations 2019.
NOTAM authorised person, of an aeronautical data originator, means a person
appointed by the originator as a NOTAM authorised person under
regulation 175.445.
NOTAM Office means the office of AA responsible for the publication of
NVIS flight means a flight conducted using a night vision imaging system.
obstacle limitation surface, of an aerodrome, means a surface associated with
the aerodrome that is ascertained in accordance with the requirements prescribed
by the Part 139 Manual of Standards for the purposes of this definition.
officer, of a corporation, in Part 149, has the same meaning as in
regulation 142.035.

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Part 1 Definitions

off-shore installation means an installation that is erected on, or floating in the

sea above, the continental shelf for the purpose of extracting, or exploring for,
petroleum or natural gas.
one-engine-inoperative cruising speed, for an aeroplane, means any speed stated
in the aeroplane’s flight manual as a cruising speed with one engine inoperative.
operated within the visual line of sight: see subregulation 101.073(3).
operational control, for a flight of an aircraft, means control over the initiation,
continuation, diversion or ending of the flight in the interests of the safety of the
aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight.
operational flight plan:
(a) for a Part 121 operation—means a plan that meets the requirements of
regulation 121.175; or
(b) for a Part 133 operation—means a plan that meets the requirements of
regulation 133.135; or
(c) for a Part 135 operation—means a plan that meets the requirements of
regulation 135.145.
operational safety-critical personnel, for an Australian air transport operator, an
aerial work operator or a balloon transport operator:
(a) means personnel carrying out, or responsible for, safety-related work,
(i) personnel carrying out roles that have direct contact with the physical
operation of aeroplanes, rotorcraft or Part 131 aircraft used in the
operator’s Australian air transport operations, aerial work operations
or balloon transport operations; and
(ii) personnel carrying out roles that have operational contact with
personnel who operate aeroplanes, rotorcraft or Part 131 aircraft used
in those operations; and
(iii) personnel described as operational safety-critical personnel in the
operator’s exposition or operations manual; but
(b) does not include personnel who are employed or engaged by the operator
(whether by contract or other arrangement) and are engaged in:
(i) the provision of continuing airworthiness management services for
aeroplanes, rotorcraft or Part 131 aircraft used in the operator’s
Australian air transport operations, aerial work operations or balloon
transport operations; or
(ii) carrying out maintenance on an aeroplane, rotorcraft, Part 131 aircraft
or aeronautical product on behalf of an approved maintenance
operations manual means:
(a) for a limited category organisation—the manual mentioned in
subregulation 262AN(2) of CAR for the organisation; or
(b) for an aerial work operator:

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Definitions Part 1

(i) the set of documents approved by CASA under regulation 138.045 in

relation to the operator; or
(ii) if the set of documents is changed under regulation 138.060, 138.064
or 138.068, or the process mentioned in regulation 138.066—the set
of documents as changed.
operations specifications has the same meaning as in Chapter 1 of Part 1 of
Annex 6, Operation of Aircraft, to the Chicago Convention.
operator, of an aircraft, means:
(a) if the operation of the aircraft is authorised by an AOC, a Part 141
certificate or an aerial work certificate—the holder of the AOC or
certificate; or
(b) otherwise—the person, organisation or enterprise engaged in aircraft
operations involving the aircraft.
operator proficiency check: see regulation 61.010.
organisation, in relation to an ASAO, means the organisation established by the
ASAO to perform the approved functions of the ASAO.
other AIS applicable ICAO documents means each of the following documents
as approved and published by decision of the Council of the International Civil
Aviation Organization, as in force from time to time:
(a) ICAO Document 4444-ATM/501 (Procedures for Air Navigation
Services—Air Traffic Management), subject to the differences mentioned in
Gen 1.7 of Part 1 of the AIP;
(b) ICAO Document 7030 (Regional Supplementary Procedures);
(c) ICAO Document 7910 (Location Indicators);
(d) ICAO Document 8168 (PANS-OPS), subject to the differences mentioned
in Gen 1.7 of Part 1 of the AIP;
(e) ICAO Document 8400 (ICAO Abbreviations and Codes);
(f) ICAO Document 9432 (Manual of Radiotelephony);
(g) ICAO Document 9674 (World Geodetic System);
(h) ICAO Document 9905-AN/471 (Required Navigation Performance
Authorisation Required (RNP AR) Procedure Design Manual).
overhauled: see paragraph 21.321(2)(d).
overseas endorsement has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
overseas flight crew licence has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
overseas medical certificate has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
overseas rating has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
PANS-AIM means the Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Aeronautical
Information Management approved and published by the Council of the

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Part 1 Definitions

International Civil Aviation Organization, as in force from time to time, subject

to the differences mentioned in Gen 1.7 of Part 1 of the AIP.
parachute has a meaning affected by regulation 105.010.
parachute operator: see regulation 105.010.
parachuting activity: see regulation 105.010.
paraglider means a glider:
(a) with a wing that is inflated and maintains its profile in flight due to the
ram-air pressure of the air through which it moves; and
(b) that has an empty weight of 70 kg or less; and
(c) the free flight of which does not depend on an engine.
parasail: see subregulation 200.005(2).
Part 21 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 21.010D.
Part 42 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 42.020.
Part 45 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 45.025.
Part 47 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 47.012.
Part 61 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 61.035.
Part 91 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 91.040.
Part 101 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 101.028.
Part 103 activity: see regulation 103.010.
Part 103 aircraft: see subregulations 103.005(4), (5) and (6).
Part 103 ASAO: see regulation 103.010.
Part 103 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 103.015.
Part 105 ASAO: see regulation 105.010.
Part 105 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 105.015.
Part 119 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 119.045.

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Definitions Part 1

Part 121 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 121.015.
Part 121 operation means an operation mentioned in subregulation 121.005(1).
Part 121 proficiency check means a proficiency check that complies with
regulation 121.580.
Part 131 aircraft: see subregulation 131.005(2).
Part 131 ASAO means an ASAO whose approved functions include
administering a Part 131 recreational activity.
Part 131 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 131.055.
Part 131 pilot authorisation means:
(a) a commercial pilot (balloon) licence; or
(b) a CAR certificate of validation; or
(c) an authorisation from a Part 131 ASAO that authorises the holder to
operate a Part 131 aircraft; or
(d) a flight radiotelephone operator licence.
Part 131 recreational activity: see subregulation 131.025(1).
Part 132 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 132.040.
Part 133 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 133.020.
Part 133 operation means an operation mentioned in regulation 133.005.
Part 135 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 135.025.
Part 135 operation means an operation mentioned in regulation 135.005.
Part 138 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 138.020.
Part 139 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 139.005.
Part 141 certificate: see regulation 141.015.
Part 141 operator: see subregulation 141.015(3).
Part 142 operator: see subregulation 142.015(4).
Part 145 organisation means a person who holds an approval under
regulation 145.030 that is in force.

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Part 1 Definitions

Part 149 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 149.010.
Part 175 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 175.025.
passenger, in relation to an aircraft, means a person:
(a) who:
(i) intends to travel on a particular flight on the aircraft; or
(ii) is on board the aircraft for a flight; or
(iii) has disembarked from the aircraft following a flight; and
(b) who is not a crew member of the aircraft for the flight.
passenger transport operation has the meaning given by clause 75 of Part 2 of
the Dictionary.
passenger with reduced mobility means a person who is likely to require special
conditions and assistance to find and use an exit on board an aircraft in an
emergency because:
(a) the person’s mobility is impaired; or
(b) the person has another impairment.
performance class means:
(a) performance class 1; or
(b) performance class 2; or
(c) performance class 2 with exposure; or
(d) performance class 3.
performance class 1, for a stage of flight of a rotorcraft, has the meaning given
by the Part 133 Manual of Standards.
performance class 2, for a stage of flight of a rotorcraft, has the meaning given
by the Part 133 Manual of Standards.
performance class 2 with exposure, for a stage of flight of a rotorcraft, has the
meaning given by the Part 133 Manual of Standards.
performance class 3, for a stage of flight of a rotorcraft, has the meaning given
by the Part 133 Manual of Standards.
permit index number, for an aircraft for which a limited category certificate has
been issued: see regulation 132.010.
(a) for an Australian air transport operator, an aerial work operator or a balloon
transport operator, includes any of the following persons who have duties
or responsibilities that relate to the safe conduct of the operator’s
Australian air transport operations, aerial work operations or balloon
transport operations:
(i) an employee of the operator;

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Definitions Part 1

(ii) a person engaged by the operator (whether by contract or other

arrangement) to provide services to the operator;
(iii) an employee of a person mentioned in subparagraph (ii); or
(b) for an ASAO, includes any of the following persons who have duties or
responsibilities that relate to the safe performance of the ASAO’s approved
(i) an employee of the ASAO;
(ii) a person engaged by the ASAO (whether by contract or other
arrangement) to provide services to the ASAO;
(iii) an employee of a person mentioned in subparagraph (ii);
(iv) a person appointed by the ASAO to perform an approved function on
behalf of the ASAO.
pilot, used as a verb, has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
pilot certificate means a certificate (however described) that:
(a) is granted by a sport aviation body; and
(b) authorises its holder to pilot an aircraft, other than a registered aircraft, in
an aviation activity administered by the organisation.
pilot in command, in relation to a flight of an aircraft, means the pilot designated
by the operator of the aircraft as being in command and charged with the safe
conduct of the flight.
pilot in command under supervision has the meaning given by
regulation 61.010.
pilot instructor: see regulation 61.010.
pilot licence: see regulation 61.010.
pilot-owner, of an aircraft, means an individual who:
(a) owns the aircraft; and
(b) is authorised, under Part 61, to fly the aircraft.
polar region means the area:
(a) north of 78N; or
(b) south of 60S.
populous area includes a city and a town.
power-assisted sailplane means a powered sailplane that has insufficient
performance with the engine operating to achieve the applicable take-off and
climb performance criteria for powered sailplanes specified by the airworthiness
standards prescribed by regulation 22.001 of CASR.
powered aircraft means an aircraft that is propelled by an engine or engines.
powered hang glider means a hang glider with an engine attached that has, when
the engine is not being operated, the characteristics of a hang glider.

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Part 1 Definitions

powered-lift aircraft means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft that derives

its lift in flight:
(a) during vertical manoeuvring and low-speed flight—from:
(i) the reaction of air on one or more normally power-driven rotors on
substantially vertical axes; or
(ii) engine thrust; and
(b) otherwise—chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces remaining
fixed under given conditions of flight.
powered parachute means a single-seat or two-seat power-driven aircraft with a
ram-air parachute wing, to which all of the following apply:
(a) the aircraft has a single non-turbine engine and a single propeller;
(b) the aircraft has a maximum take-off weight not exceeding 600 kilograms;
(c) the aircraft has, when the engine is not being operated, the characteristics
of a parachute.
powered paraglider means a paraglider with an engine attached that has, when
the engine is not being operated, the characteristics of a paraglider.
powered sailplane means a sailplane equipped with one or more engines that has,
when the engine or engines are not being operated, the characteristics of a
prescribed single-engine aeroplane: see regulation 135.240.
primary category, for an aircraft, means the category of aircraft that satisfy the
requirements for issue of a type certificate mentioned in regulation 21.024.
private operation: an operation of an aircraft is a private operation if the
operation is not one of the following:
(a) an operation that is required to be conducted under the authority of an AOC
under Part 119, 129 or 131 or regulation 206 of CAR;
(b) an operation that is required to be conducted under the authority of an
aerial work certificate under Part 138;
(c) Part 141 flight training (within the meaning of Part 141);
(d) a Part 142 activity (within the meaning of Part 142);
(e) an adventure flight for a limited category aircraft;
(f) a specialised balloon operation that is conducted for hire or reward;
(g) an operation authorised by a New Zealand AOC with ANZA privileges that
is in force for Australia;
(h) an operation under a permission under subsection 25(2) or (3)
(non-scheduled flights by foreign registered aircraft) or section 27A
(permission for operation of foreign registered aircraft without AOC) of the
production certificate means a production certificate issued under
subregulation 21.134(1).
prohibited area:

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Definitions Part 1

(a) has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention; and
(b) in relation to Australian territory—includes an area designated as a
prohibited area by a declaration made under subregulation 6(1) of the
Airspace Regulations 2007.
protective breathing equipment means equipment that is designed to prevent a
person from having to breathe in, and to protect the person’s eyes from, toxic
gases and fumes.
provisional certificate of airworthiness means a Class I or Class II provisional
certificate of airworthiness.
provisional type certificate means a Class I or Class II provisional type
psychoactive substance: see clause 60 of Part 2 of this Dictionary.
psychoactive substance offence means an offence:
(a) of which an element is the possession, use or excessive use of a
psychoactive substance; or
(b) of which the substance is importing, or trafficking in, a psychoactive
substance; or
(c) of which an element is being under the influence of a psychoactive
substance; or
(d) of which an element is the presence, or the presence at a concentration
higher than a particular concentration, in the blood, breath or urine of a
psychoactive substance or a metabolite of such a substance; or
(e) the substance of which is refusal to provide a blood, breath or urine sample
for analysis; or
(f) of attempting to commit, inciting the commission of or conspiring to
commit an offence referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e).
Note: Psychoactive substance includes alcohol but does not include coffee, tea, cocoa,
chocolate or any other non-alcoholic drink containing caffeine, or caffeine-containing
confectionery—see Part 2 of this Dictionary.

public gathering means an assembly of people at a place on the basis of a

general public invitation to attend at that place, whether or not a charge is made
for attendance.
published lowest safe altitude, for a route or route segment for a flight of an
aircraft, means the lowest safe altitude for the route or route segment published
in authorised aeronautical information.
qualified flight simulator means a flight simulator that is qualified under Part 60
of CASR.
qualified flight training device means a flight training device that is qualified
under Part 60 of CASR.

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Part 1 Definitions

radio navigation aid means a standard radio navigation aid of a kind mentioned
in section 2.1.1 of Chapter 2 of Volume 1 of Annex 10 to the Chicago
radionavigation service means a radio navigation service within the meaning of
Annex 10 to the Chicago Convention.
radio station licence means:
(a) for an Australian aircraft—an apparatus licence or class licence issued
under the Radiocommunications Act 1992 for the radiocommunications
equipment on board the aircraft; or
(b) for a foreign registered aircraft—a document:
(i) that is equivalent to a document mentioned in paragraph (a); and
(ii) that is issued by the authority of the aircraft’s State of registry that
issues radio licences.
recognised country: see regulation 21.010B.
rectification interval: see regulation 91.925.
recurrent training means the training of the personnel of an aircraft operator or
the operator of a flight simulation training device that is conducted to ensure that
the personnel are competent to carry out their responsibilities.
Regional Air Navigation Agreement means a Regional Air Navigation
Agreement approved by decision of the Council of the International Civil
Aviation Organisation.
registered, in relation to an Australian aircraft, means:
(a) in the case of an aircraft to which Division 47.C.1 applies—registered
under Division 47.C.1; or
(b) in the case of an aircraft to which Division 47.C.2 applies—registered
under Division 47.C.2.
Note: For the definition of foreign registered aircraft, see section 3 of the Act.

registered operator, of an aircraft, has the meaning given by regulation 47.100.

registered training organisation has the meaning given by section 3 of the
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
registration holder, of an aircraft, means the person whose name is entered in the
Australian Civil Aircraft Register as:
(a) in the case of an aircraft registered under Division 47.C.1—the aircraft’s
owner; and
(b) in the case of an aircraft that is an RPA registered under Division 47.C.2—
the person who applied for the registration of the aircraft.
registration mark, of an aircraft, means the registration mark assigned to the
aircraft under Subpart 47.G.
relevant airworthiness standards means:

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Definitions Part 1

(a) for an aircraft that conforms to a type certificate issued, or taken to have
been issued, under regulation 21.013A or 21.029—the airworthiness
standards included in the type certification basis for the aircraft; or
(b) for an aircraft for which a type acceptance certificate has been issued, or is
taken to have been issued, under regulation 21.029A—the airworthiness
standards that the aircraft had to meet for the issue of the foreign type
certificate that was the basis for issuing the type acceptance certificate.
relevant approved design organisation, in relation to a design activity, within
the meaning given by regulation 21.233, and an aircraft or aeronautical product
of a particular kind, means an approved design organisation that is approved
under Subpart 21.J to carry out that design activity in relation to aircraft or
aeronautical products of that kind.
remote pilot licence means a licence granted under Division 101.F.3.
required, in relation to a flight crew member for a flight: see
subregulation 91.605(2).
required navigational performance, for an area of airspace, or a route, means
the navigational performance specified in the AIP for that area of airspace or
reserve parachute: see regulation 105.010.
reserve parachute assembly: see regulation 105.010.
restricted area:
(a) has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention; and
(b) in relation to Australian territory—includes an area designated as a
restricted area by a declaration made under subregulation 6(1) of the
Airspace Regulations 2007.
restricted category, for an aircraft, means the category of aircraft that satisfy the
requirements for issue of a type certificate mentioned in regulation 21.025.
restricted person means:
(a) a deportee (within the meaning of subsection 5(1) of the Migration Act
1958); or
(b) a removee (within the meaning of subsection 5(1) of the Migration Act
1958); or
(c) a person in custody; or
(d) a passenger carried on an aircraft:
(i) who is on the aircraft because the passenger has been refused entry to
a country; or
(ii) whose passport does not include a visa required for entry to the
passenger’s destination country.
rocket means a pilotless vehicle powered by reaction that carries all the
components necessary to provide its jet.

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Part 1 Definitions

rotorcraft means:
(a) a helicopter; or
(b) a gyroplane; or
(c) a powered-lift aircraft.
route segment means a portion of a route.
RPA: see regulation 101.021.
RPAS (short for remote pilot aircraft system) means a set of configurable
elements consisting of a remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot
station (or stations), the required command and control links and any other
system elements as may be required at any point during the operation of the
RPL training course means training in the operation of RPA for the grant of a
remote pilot licence that is conducted:
(a) by a person who is certificated under regulation 101.335 and whose
operations include conducting training; and
(b) in accordance with any standards or requirements prescribed by the
Part 101 Manual of Standards.
RTCA/DO-200A means the latest version of RTCA/DO-200A, Standards for
Processing Aeronautical Data, issued by RTCA, Inc, as in force from time to
Note: RTCA/DO-200A could in 2014 be viewed on the RTCA’s website

runway strip means a defined area at an aerodrome, including the runway and
stopway (if any) to which it relates, that is intended to:
(a) reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off the runway; and
(b) protect aircraft flying over the area during take-off, landing or a missed
runway visual range means the range, measured using an electronic instrument,
over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the
runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its
centre line.
RVSM airspace means any of the following:
(a) the airspace, at or above flight level 290, identified in the AIP as airspace
where a vertical separation minimum of 1,000 ft applies;
(b) the airspace, at or above flight level 290, designated, or otherwise
recognised, by the appropriate authority of a foreign country to be airspace
where a vertical separation minimum of 1, 000 ft applies;
(c) airspace, at or above flight level 290, where a vertical separation of 1,000 ft
applies under the terms of a Regional Air Navigation Agreement.
safety-critical aeronautical product, for a limited category aircraft: see
regulation 132.025.

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Definitions Part 1

safety management system, for an Australian air transport operator, means the
safety management system set out in the operator’s exposition.
safety manager, of an ASAO, means the individual, appointed by the ASAO,
who is responsible for the safety management system required by
regulation 149.270.
sailplane means a glider:
(a) that has an empty weight of more than 70 kg; and
(b) the free flight of which does not depend on an engine.
scheduled air transport operation means an air transport operation, other than a
medical transport operation, that is conducted:
(a) in accordance with fixed schedules to and from fixed terminals over
specific routes with or without intermediate stopping places between
terminals; and
(b) in circumstances in which the accommodation in the aircraft is available
for use by persons generally.
seaplane includes an aeroplane with a floating hull.
search and rescue body means any of the following:
(a) a State or Territory police service or the Australian Federal Police;
(b) the Australian Defence Force;
(c) the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
significant change:
(a) for an Australian air transport operator: see regulation 119.020; or
(b) for a balloon transport operator: see regulation 131.030; or
(c) for an aerial work operator: see regulation 138.012.
single-pilot operation has the meaning given by regulation 61.010.
small balloon: see regulation 101.145.
small RPA: see regulation 101.022.
solo, in relation to a flight of an aircraft, has the meaning given by
regulation 61.010.
special certificate of airworthiness: see regulation 21.175.
special class, for aircraft: see subregulation 21.017(2).
special condition means a special condition imposed under
subregulation 21.016(1).
special flight authorisation means an authorisation granted under
regulation 91.970.
special flight permit means a special flight permit issued under
regulation 21.200.

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Part 1 Definitions

specialised balloon operation: see regulation 131.020.

specialised helicopter operation means a helicopter operation that involves the
carriage of persons or cargo:
(a) between the coast of Australia and an off-shore installation; or
(b) between off-shore installations; or
(c) to or from the helipad of:
(i) a hospital; or
(ii) a State or Territory service (however described) established to provide
assistance in emergencies.
special purpose operation, for an aircraft in the limited category, means an
operation mentioned in subregulation 21.189(3).
special VFR means:
(a) for an aircraft other than a Part 131 aircraft—the visual flight rules
prescribed by the Part 91 Manual of Standards; or
(b) for a Part 131 aircraft—the visual flight rules prescribed by the Part 131
Manual of Standards.
specified aircraft performance category, for an aircraft, means the aircraft
performance category prescribed for an aircraft’s VAT (as worked out in
accordance with the aircraft’s flight manual) by the Part 91 Manual of Standards.
specified IFR cruising level, for a track, means a cruising level prescribed by the
Part 91 Manual of Standards for an IFR flight on the track.
specified VFR cruising level, for a track, means a cruising level prescribed by
the Part 91 Manual of Standards for a VFR flight on the track.
sport aviation body means:
(a) Australian Ballooning Federation Incorporated; or
(b) Australian Parachute Federation Limited; or
(c) Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association Incorporated; or
(d) Recreational Aviation Australia Limited; or
(e) The Gliding Federation of Australia Incorporated; or
(f) Sports Aviation Federation of Australia Limited; or
(fa) the Australian Skydiving Association Incorporated; or
(fb) an ASAO; or
(g) a body established in a Contracting State to administer sport aviation in
that State.
stage, of flight of a rotorcraft, means any of the following:
(a) take-off;
(b) take-off and initial climb;
(c) en route;
(d) approach and landing, or baulked landing.

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Definitions Part 1

Note: The definition of performance class relates to a stage of flight of a rotorcraft. The
definition of stage is used in these Regulations only in the context of a performance

standard certificate of airworthiness: see regulation 21.175.

standard part means a part that complies with a specification that:
(a) is established, published and maintained by:
(i) an organisation that sets consensus standards for products; or
(ii) a government agency; and
(b) includes:
(i) design, manufacturing, test and acceptance criteria; and
(ii) requirements for the uniform identification of the part.
Example: For subparagraph (a)(i), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers—see

standard RPA operating conditions: see regulation 101.238.

standard visual signal means a light, hand or ground signal:
(a) prescribed by the Part 91 Manual of Standards for the purposes of this
paragraph; and
(b) displayed, for the purposes of communicating with an aircraft, in
accordance with the requirements, or in the circumstances, (if any)
prescribed by the Part 91 Manual of Standards for the purposes of this
State includes the Northern Territory.
State, of an operator, means the country in which the operator’s principal place
of business is located or, if the operator does not have a principal place of
business, the country in which the operator’s permanent residence is located.
State of Design has the meaning given by Annex 8 to the Chicago Convention.
State of registry, for a foreign registered aircraft, means the foreign country on
whose register the aircraft is entered.
student pilot means:
(a) for aircraft other than Part 131 aircraft—a person who is authorised to pilot
an aircraft under regulation 61.112; or
(b) for Part 131 aircraft—a person who:
(i) does not hold a commercial pilot (balloon) licence within the meaning
of subregulation 5.01(1) of CAR; and
(ii) is receiving balloon flying training within the meaning of that
suitable forced landing area:
(a) for a Part 133 operation—see regulation 133.010; and
(b) for a Part 135 operation—see regulation 135.015.

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Part 1 Definitions

suitable person: a person is a suitable person to occupy an emergency exit row

seat or a seat adjacent to an emergency exit if the person:
(a) is reasonably fit, strong, and able to assist with the rapid evacuation of the
aircraft in an emergency; and
(b) would not, because of a condition or disability, including an inability to
understand oral instructions, hinder:
(i) other passengers during an evacuation of the aircraft in an emergency;
(ii) the aircraft’s crew in carrying out their duties in an emergency.
supplemental oxygen means oxygen that is provided to an occupant of an
aircraft by purpose-designed equipment to supplement the oxygen available in
the atmosphere inside the aircraft.
supplemental type certificate means a supplemental type certificate issued under
regulation 21.113A.
synthetic training device means:
(a) a flight simulator; or
(b) a flight training device; or
(c) a basic instrument flight trainer.
take-off decision point, for a take-off of a rotorcraft, means the point, mentioned
in the rotorcraft’s flight manual, from which, if an engine failure is recognised:
(a) the take-off may be safely rejected; or
(b) the take-off may be continued safely.
take-off minima means the minimum values of the following that are used to
determine whether an aerodrome may be used for the take-off of aircraft:
(a) visibility, including runway visibility and runway visual range;
(b) cloud ceiling height.
take-off minima requirements for an aerodrome: see regulation 91.307.
take-off weight, for a flight of an aircraft, means the total weight of the aircraft,
including its load, at the start of:
(a) for an aeroplane—its take-off run; or
(b) for a rotorcraft—its take-off manoeuvre.
tandem parachutist: see regulation 105.010.
task specialist: see subregulations 138.015(1) and (2).
task specialist operation: see subregulation 138.010(4).
TAWS-Class A has the meaning given by the Part 121 Manual of Standards.
TAWS-Class B has the meaning given by the Part 121 Manual of Standards.
terminal instrument flight procedure means an instrument approach procedure
or instrument departure procedure.

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Definitions Part 1

Territory does not include the Northern Territory.

tethered, in relation to a lighter-than-air aircraft, means attached to the ground, or
an object on the ground, by flexible restraints that limit movement.
tethered balloon: see regulation 101.105.
these Regulations includes CAR.
threshold, of a runway, means the beginning of that portion of a runway that is
useable for landing.
time-in-service means:
(a) for an aircraft—each period starting when the aircraft takes off for a flight
and ending when the aircraft lands at the end of the flight; and
(b) for an aircraft engine or propeller that is fitted to an aircraft—each period
starting when the aircraft takes off for a flight and ending when the aircraft
lands at the end of the flight.
touring motor glider means a powered sailplane that:
(a) has an integrally mounted, non-retractable, engine and a non-retractable
propeller; and
(b) is capable of taking off and climbing under its own power according to the
touring motor glider’s flight manual.
tour of duty, for a flight crew member:
(a) means a period from when the member begins any duties associated with
his or her employment before making a flight or series of flights until the
member is finally relieved of all such duties after the end of the flight or
flights; and
(b) includes a period during which the member is required by an operator to
hold himself or herself available at an aerodrome for the performance of
any such duties.
track means the projection on the earth’s surface of the path of an aircraft, the
direction of which at any point is usually expressed in degrees from North (true
or magnetic).
traffic information has the same meaning as in Annex 11 to the Chicago
traffic pattern means the path over the ground of aircraft in flight in the vicinity
of an aerodrome during the execution of take-offs and landings and their paths
when manoeuvring on the manoeuvring area.
trainee parachutist: see regulation 105.010.
training endorsement: see regulation 61.010.
TSO: see paragraph 21.601(2)(ab).

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Part 1 Definitions

type, for an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller, means a design and make of
aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller and, where appropriate, refers to a group of
essentially similar aircraft, aircraft engines or propellers which, although
possibly existing in different models, stem from a common basic design.
type acceptance certificate means a type acceptance certificate issued under
regulation 21.029A.
type certificate: see regulation 21.041.
type certificated means issued with a type certificate or type acceptance
type certificate data sheet means a sheet attached to a type certificate for an
aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller that sets out the limitations prescribed by the
applicable airworthiness requirements for the aircraft, aircraft engine or
propeller, and any other limitations and information necessary for type
certification of the aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller.
type certification basis, for an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller, means the
airworthiness standards and any special conditions or other conditions with
which the aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller must comply for the issue of a type
type design: see regulation 21.031.
unmanned free balloon means a free balloon that:
(a) is not tethered; and
(b) is not equipped to carry persons.
Note: There are 4 different kinds of unmanned free balloons: see regulation 101.145.

unpowered aircraft means an aircraft other than a powered aircraft.

variant: see regulation 61.010.
VAT is short for velocity at threshold.
very light aeroplane means an aeroplane of a kind mentioned in clause CS-VLA
1 of EASA CS-VLA, as in force from time to time.
very small RPA: see regulation 101.022.
VFR (short for visual flight rules) means:
(a) for Part 131 aircraft—the rules and procedures set out in
Subdivision 131.D.4.2; or
(b) for all other aircraft—the rules and procedures set out in
Subdivision 91.D.4.2.
VFR flight means a flight conducted under the VFR.
VFR operation means an operation conducted under the VFR.

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Definitions Part 1

visibility means the ability, as determined by atmospheric conditions and

expressed in units of distance, to see and identify prominent unlighted objects by
day and prominent lighted objects by night.
VMC (short for visual meteorological conditions) means meteorological
conditions that meet the VMC criteria.
VMC criteria:
(a) for a class of aircraft (other than Part 131 aircraft) and a class of airspace
(including flight visibility and distance from cloud)—means the criteria
prescribed for the class of aircraft and class of airspace by the Part 91
Manual of Standards; and
(b) for Part 131 aircraft and a class of airspace (including flight visibility and
distance from cloud)—means the criteria prescribed for the aircraft and
class of airspace by the Part 131 Manual of Standards.
VSO means the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the landing
Source FARs section 1.2.

weight and balance documents, for a flight of an aircraft, are the documents that
set out the aircraft’s load for the flight and the distribution of the load during the
weight and balance limits, for an aircraft, means the weight and balance limits
set out in the aircraft flight manual instructions for the aircraft.
weight-shift-controlled aeroplane means an aeroplane where flight control is
attained primarily by weight-shift.
wet: a runway is wet if the surface area required for a take-off or landing:
(a) is not dry; and
(b) is not contaminated.

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Part 2 Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in Part 1

Part 2—Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in

Part 1
1 Parts and materials excluded from the definition of aeronautical product
(1) For the definition of aeronautical product in section 3 of the Act, a part or
material that is part of or used in an aircraft is excluded if:
(a) the part or material:
(i) is not mentioned in the approved design for the aircraft; and
(ii) is not approved in a manner mentioned in regulation 21.305 or
21.305A; or
(b) the part or material is mentioned in a legislative instrument issued under
subclause (2).
(2) For subsection 98(5A) of the Act, CASA may issue a legislative instrument that
specifies that a part or material is excluded from the definition of aeronautical
product in section 3 of the Act.

3 Definition of air transport operation

(1) An air transport operation is a passenger transport operation, a cargo transport
operation or a medical transport operation, that:
(a) is conducted for hire or reward; or
(b) is prescribed by an instrument issued under regulation 201.025.
(2) Despite subclause (1), an air transport operation does not include an aerial work
operation or a balloon transport operation.

5 When an aircraft is airworthy

Note: This clause is reserved for future use.

15 Reference to Annexes to Chicago Convention

In these Regulations, a reference to an Annex to the Chicago Convention is a
reference to that Annex as in force from time to time.

18 Meaning of authorised release certificate

(1) For the purposes of CAR:
authorised release certificate, for an aircraft component, means a document that
complies with regulation 42WA of CAR.
(2) For the purposes of CASR:
authorised release certificate, for an aeronautical product, means:

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Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in Part 1 Part 2

(a) if maintenance has not been carried out on the product since its
manufacture, and the manufacture of the product was permitted by or under
Part 21—a document:
(i) issued by the manufacturer of the product; and
(ii) that includes a statement to the effect that the product is serviceable,
within the meaning given by subregulation 42.015(1); or
(b) if maintenance has not been carried out on the product since its
manufacture, and the manufacture of the product was permitted by the law
of a foreign country—a document of a kind specified in the Part 42 Manual
of Standards as being equivalent to a document mentioned in paragraph (a);
(c) if maintenance has been carried out on the product under these
Regulations—a certificate of release to service for the product in relation to
the maintenance issued under Division 42.H.4 that is in the approved form;
(d) if maintenance has been carried out on the product under the law of a
foreign country—a document of a kind specified in the Part 42 Manual of
Standards as being equivalent to a document mentioned in paragraph (c).
Note 1: For paragraph (a), Part 21 permits the manufacture of aeronautical products in a
number of ways, including under APMAs, ATSO authorisations, type certificates and
production certificates.
Note 2: For paragraph (c):
(a) a certificate of release to service for an aeronautical product in relation to
maintenance carried out on an aeronautical product that is not in-house
maintenance must be in the approved form: see subregulation 42.810(1); and
(b) a certificate of release to service for an aeronautical product in relation to in-house
maintenance carried out on an aeronautical product must either be in the approved
form or be in the form of an in-house release document: see
subregulation 42.810(2).

25 Extended meaning of charged with in relation to certain offences

(1) In these Regulations:
charged with has, in addition to its ordinary meaning, the meaning given by
subclause (2).
(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, a person is taken to have been charged
with a psychoactive substance offence if:
(a) a law provides for the issue, in relation to the offence, of an expiation
notice; and
(b) such a notice is issued to the person in relation to the offence.

35 Extended meaning of convicted

(1) In these Regulations:
convicted has, in addition to its ordinary meaning, the meaning given by
subclauses (2), (3) and (4).

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Part 2 Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in Part 1

(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, a person is taken to have been convicted
of an alleged offence if:
(a) the person has not been found guilty of the offence but asks for the offence
to be taken into account when being sentenced for another offence; or
(b) the person has been found guilty of the offence but discharged without
(3) In addition, a person is taken to have been convicted of a psychoactive substance
offence if:
(a) a law provides for the issue, in relation to the offence, of an expiation
notice; and
(b) such a notice was issued to the person in relation to the offence; and
(c) the person paid the penalty required by the notice.
(4) However, a conviction that is spent (within the meaning of Part VIIC of the
Crimes Act 1914), or has been quashed, is not taken to be a conviction for the
purposes of these Regulations.

36 References to particular kinds of flight crew licences, ratings and

A reference in these Regulations to a particular kind of flight crew licence, rating
or endorsement:
(a) means a flight crew licence, rating or endorsement of that kind that may be
granted under Part 61 (Flight crew licensing); and
(b) includes a certificate of validation of an overseas flight crew licence that is
equivalent to that kind of flight crew licence, rating or endorsement.
Example 1: For paragraph (a), a reference to a commercial pilot licence is a reference to a
commercial pilot licence granted under Part 61.
Example 2: For paragraph (a), a reference to an aeroplane low-level endorsement is a
reference to an aeroplane low-level endorsement granted under Part 61.
Example 3: For paragraph (b), a reference to a commercial pilot licence includes a
reference to a certification of validation of an overseas flight crew licence
that is equivalent to a commercial pilot licence granted under Part 61.

37 References to flight manual

(1) A reference in these Regulations to an aircraft’s flight manual:
(a) is a reference to:
(i) if the aircraft’s type certification basis required the provision of an
aircraft flight manual—that manual; or
(ii) if regulation 21.005 applies to the aircraft—the manual that must be
given to the owner of the aircraft under that regulation; or
(iii) for an aircraft not mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (ii)—another
document that contains the aircraft’s operating limitations and other
information required for safe operation of the aircraft; and
(b) includes each amendment to the flight manual that:

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Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in Part 1 Part 2

(i) is approved by CASA, an authorised person or an approved design

organisation under regulation 21.006A; or
(ia) is approved by a person mentioned in subclause (2); or
(ii) is made at the direction of CASA under Subpart 11.G; or
(iii) relates to a foreign type certificate in relation to which CASA has
issued a type acceptance certificate or a foreign supplemental type
certificate, and is approved by the national aviation authority that
issued the foreign type or supplemental type certificate; and
(c) includes each supplement to the flight manual that:
(i) is approved by CASA, an authorised person or an approved design
organisation under regulation 21.006A; or
(ia) is approved by a person mentioned in subclause (2); or
(ii) is made at the direction of CASA under Subpart 11.G; or
(iii) relates to a foreign type certificate in relation to which CASA has
issued a type acceptance certificate or a foreign supplemental type
certificate, and is approved by the national aviation authority that
issued the foreign type or supplemental type certificate.
(2) For subparagraphs (1)(b)(ia) and (1)(c)(ia), the persons are the following:
(a) if there is an agreement (however described) between Australia and a
Contracting State for the acceptance of approvals of changes to aircraft
flight manuals—the national aviation authority of the Contracting State, or
a person authorised to do so by the national aviation authority;
(b) if there is an agreement (however described) between CASA and the
national aviation authority of a Contracting State for the acceptance of
approvals of changes to aircraft flight manuals—the national aviation
authority or a person authorised to do so by the national aviation authority.

40 References to operating an aircraft in an area

In these Regulations, a reference to operating an aircraft in an area is a reference
to operating the aircraft in the airspace above the area.

45 References to EASA certification specifications

In these Regulations, a reference to EASA, followed by the letters CS, a hyphen
and a number, letter or letters, is a reference to the certification specifications,
including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, produced by
EASA and identified by that number, letter or letters.

50 References to pilot-in-command
Note: This clause is reserved for future use.

60 Meaning of psychoactive substance

(1) In these Regulations:

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Part 2 Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in Part 1

psychoactive substance has, subject to subclause (2), the meaning given by

section 1.1 of Annex 1, Personnel Licensing, to the Chicago Convention.
Note: The definition in that Annex is:
Psychoactive substances. Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics,
cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, whereas coffee
and tobacco are excluded.

(2) To avoid doubt, in these Regulations:

psychoactive substance:
(a) includes:
(i) a therapeutic substance that is a psychoactive substance within the
meaning given by Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention; and
(ii) a therapeutic substance of which a psychoactive substance (within the
meaning given by that Annex) is an ingredient; but
(b) does not include:
(i) tea, cocoa, chocolate or any other non-alcoholic drink containing
caffeine or guarana; or
(ii) confectionery containing caffeine or guarana.
(3) In paragraph (a) of the definition of psychoactive substance in subclause (2):
therapeutic substance means a substance that is therapeutic goods, within the
meaning given by the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.

65 Recognised foreign training providers

Note: This clause is reserved for future use.

70 Definition of medical transport operation

(1) A medical transport operation is an operation:
(a) the primary purpose of which is to transport one or more of the following:
(i) medical patients;
(ii) medical personnel;
(iii) blood, tissue or organs for transfusion, grafting or transplantation; or
(b) of a kind prescribed by the Part 119 Manual of Standards for the purposes
of this paragraph.
Note: Other medical supplies (including medical equipment and medicines) might also be
transported on an aircraft for a medical transport operation.

(2) Despite subclause (1), an operation is not a medical transport operation if the
operation is of a kind prescribed by the Part 119 Manual of Standards for the
purposes of this subclause.

75 Definition of passenger transport operation

(1) A passenger transport operation is an operation of an aircraft that involves the
carriage of passengers, whether or not cargo is also carried on the aircraft.

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Interpretation of certain expressions not defined in Part 1 Part 2

(2) Despite subclause (1), an operation is not a passenger transport operation if the
operation is:
(a) an operation of an aircraft with a special certificate of airworthiness; or
(b) a cost-sharing flight; or
(c) a medical transport operation; or
(d) if the registered operator of an aircraft is an individual—an operation of the
(i) that involves the carriage of that individual; and
(ii) does not also involve the carriage of other passengers; or
(e) if the registered operator of an aircraft is an individual—an operation of the
(i) that involves the carriage of that individual; and
(ii) involves the carriage of other passengers; and
(iii) for which no payment or reward is made or given in relation to the
carriage of the other passengers or cargo.

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Part 3 Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and

Part 3—Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147
and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and 202.GG
1 General
In this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147, and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE
and 202.GG:
aircraft type training, for a rating, means the training for the rating delivered by
a maintenance training organisation in accordance with a course plan for the
training approved by CASA under regulation 147.030.
approval rating:
(a) for a Subpart 42.F organisation—has the meaning given by
subregulation 42.015(1); and
(b) for a Part 145 organisation—has the meaning given by
subregulation 145.010(1).
aviation industry standard means a document specified in the Part 42 Manual of
Standards as an aviation industry standard.
base maintenance, for a Part 145 organisation, means maintenance on an aircraft
that CASA has approved in the organisation’s exposition as being base
maintenance for the organisation.
CAR maintenance activities means the following activities conducted under
Part 4A of CAR:
(a) carrying out maintenance on a registered aircraft to which Part 42 does not
apply, or on an aircraft component or aircraft material for an aircraft of that
(b) certifying the completion of maintenance carried out on an aircraft or
aircraft component;
(c) issuing a maintenance release for an aircraft;
(d) endorsing a maintenance release for an aircraft;
(e) issuing an authorised release certificate for an aircraft component.
CAR maintenance activities subcontractor, for an approved maintenance
organisation: see clause 21.
carries out maintenance, in relation to an approved maintenance organisation,
has the meaning given by subclause 5(5).
carrying out maintenance on an aeronautical product has the meaning given
by subclause 5(2).
carrying out maintenance on an aircraft has a meaning affected by clause 5.
category A licence means a subcategory A1, A2, A3 or A4 aircraft engineer

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Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and 202.GG
Part 3

category B1 licence means a subcategory B1.1, B1.2, B1.3 or B1.4 aircraft

engineer licence.
category B2 licence means a category B2 aircraft engineer licence.
category C licence means a category C aircraft engineer licence.
category training, for a category A, B1 or B2 licence, means training in the
required units of competency for the licence or rating.
certification authorisation means an authorisation that an approved maintenance
organisation grants to an individual in accordance with the Part 42 Manual of
Standards or the Part 145 Manual of Standards to do either or both of the
following on behalf of the organisation:
(a) perform maintenance certifications;
(b) issue certificates of release to service.
certifying employee, for particular maintenance, means an individual who holds
a certification authorisation that is in force from an approved maintenance
organisation for the maintenance.
employee, in relation to an approved maintenance organisation, includes:
(a) a maintenance services subcontractor; and
(b) a CAR maintenance activities subcontractor.
excluded State means a foreign country specified as an excluded State in the
Part 66 Manual of Standards.
exempt public authority has the meaning given by section 9 of the Corporations
Act 2001.
foreign company means:
(a) a body corporate:
(i) that is incorporated in an external Territory, or outside Australia and
the external Territories; and
(ii) that is not an exempt public authority; or
(b) an unincorporated body that:
(i) is formed in an external Territory, or outside Australia and the
external Territories; and
(ii) under the law of its place of formation, may sue or be sued, or may
hold property in the name of its secretary or of an officer of the body
duly appointed for that purpose; and
(iii) does not have its head office or principal place of business in
foreign licence means:
(a) a licence that:
(i) is granted under a national aviation law of a foreign country, other
than a foreign country that is an excluded State; and

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Part 3 Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and

(ii) complies with Annex 1, Personnel Licensing, to the Chicago

Convention; and
(iii) deals with the provision of maintenance services; or
(b) an authorisation that:
(i) is issued by a foreign company, other than a foreign company
incorporated or formed in an excluded State; and
(ii) deals with the provision of maintenance services; or
(c) a licence mentioned in paragraph (a) and an authorisation mentioned in
paragraph (b) that together deal with the provision of maintenance services.
instructions for continuing airworthiness, for an aircraft or aeronautical
product, has the meaning given by clause 10.
large aircraft means:
(a) an aeroplane that:
(i) has a maximum take-off weight of more than 5 700 kg; and
(ii) is not of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of
Standards for subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition of small aircraft;
(b) an aeroplane that:
(i) has a maximum take-off weight of not more than 5 700 kg; and
(ii) is of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of Standards as
a large aircraft; or
(c) a helicopter that:
(i) has more than 1 engine; and
(ii) is not of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of
Standards for subparagraph (d)(ii) of the definition of small aircraft;
(d) a helicopter that:
(i) has only 1 engine; and
(ii) is of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of Standards as
a large aircraft.
line maintenance, for a Part 145 organisation, means maintenance on an aircraft
that CASA has approved in the organisation’s exposition as being line
maintenance for the organisation.
maintenance certification means a certification performed under
Division 42.H.2.
maintenance data has the meaning given by clause 15.
maintenance services means the following:
(a) carrying out maintenance on an aircraft or an aeronautical product;
(b) performing maintenance certification for maintenance carried out on an

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Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and 202.GG
Part 3

(c) issuing a certificate of release to service for an aircraft or aeronautical

product in relation to maintenance carried out on the aircraft or
aeronautical product.
maintenance services subcontractor, for an approved maintenance organisation,
has the meaning given by clause 20.
maintenance training means category training or aircraft type training.
maintenance training organisation means a person who holds an approval
under regulation 147.030 that is in force.
Part 66 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 66.015.
Part 145 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 145.015.
Part 147 Manual of Standards means the Manual of Standards issued by CASA
under regulation 147.015.
permitted aircraft type means an aircraft type, within the meaning given by
regulation 66.010, specified in the Part 66 Manual of Standards as one for which
an approved maintenance organisation may arrange for the manufacturer of the
aircraft or the aircraft engine to provide training and assessment.
permitted training means:
(a) training and assessment for an aircraft type, within the meaning given by
regulation 66.010, aircraft system or subset of an aircraft system specified
in the Part 66 Manual of Standards as one for which a Part 145
organisation may provide training and assessment; or
(b) training and assessment for a permitted aircraft type.
provides has the meaning given by clause 25.
rating means an authorisation granted under regulation 66.080 or 66.095, being a
(a) to perform maintenance certification, under a category B1 or B2 licence,
for maintenance carried out on a particular aircraft type; or
(b) to issue a certificate of release to service, under a category B1, B2, or C
licence, for an aircraft of a particular aircraft type in relation to
maintenance carried out on the aircraft.
recognised State means a foreign country specified as a recognised State in the
Part 66 Manual of Standards.
small aircraft means:
(a) an aeroplane that:
(i) has a maximum take-off weight of not more than 5 700 kg; and
(ii) is not of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of
Standards for subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition of large aircraft; or

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Part 3 Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and

(b) an aeroplane that:

(i) has a maximum take-off weight of more than 5 700 kg; and
(ii) is of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of Standards as
a small aircraft; or
(c) a helicopter that:
(i) has only 1 engine; and
(ii) is not of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of
Standards for subparagraph (d)(ii) of the definition of large aircraft; or
(d) a helicopter that:
(i) has more than 1 engine; and
(ii) is of a type and model specified in the Part 42 Manual of Standards as
a small aircraft.
specialist maintenance means:
(a) for a Subpart 42.F organisation:
(i) maintenance specified in the Part 42 Manual of Standards as specialist
maintenance; and
(ii) maintenance that CASA has approved in the organisation’s exposition
as being specialist maintenance for the organisation; and
(b) for a Part 145 organisation:
(i) maintenance specified in the Part 145 Manual of Standards as
specialist maintenance; and
(ii) maintenance that CASA has approved in the organisation’s exposition
as being specialist maintenance for the organisation.
supervising, in relation to maintenance being carried out, has the meaning given
by clause 30.
type rated aircraft type, for an aircraft engineer licence, means an aircraft type,
within the meaning given by regulation 66.010, specified in the Part 66 Manual
of Standards as a type rated aircraft type for the licence.
unit of competency means a unit of the Australian Qualifications Framework
Aeroskills Training Package, as in force from time to time.

5 Definitions relating to carrying out maintenance

Meaning of carrying out maintenance on an aircraft

(1) A reference to carrying out maintenance on an aircraft includes:
(a) carrying out maintenance on an aeronautical product that is fitted to the
aircraft at the time the maintenance is carried out; and
(b) carrying out maintenance on an aeronautical product that is not fitted to the
aircraft at the time the maintenance is carried out, in the circumstances
mentioned in subclause (3) or (4).

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Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and 202.GG
Part 3

Meaning of carrying out maintenance on an aeronautical product

(2) A reference to carrying out maintenance on an aeronautical product is a
reference to carrying out maintenance on an aeronautical product that is not fitted
to an aircraft at the time the maintenance is carried out, other than in the
circumstances mentioned in subclause (3) or (4).
(3) The circumstances are that:
(a) the aeronautical product (the removed product) is removed from a location
on the aircraft; and
(b) the removal of the removed product is permitted, by the maintenance data
for maintenance to be carried out on the removed product, for the purpose
of improving access for the carrying out of maintenance on that product;
(c) the removed product is returned to the same location on the aircraft at the
completion of the maintenance for which it was removed.
(4) The circumstances are that:
(a) the aeronautical product (the removed product) is removed from a location
on the aircraft; and
(b) the removal of the removed product is for the purpose of carrying out
maintenance that is necessary to rectify a defect in the removed product;
(c) the maintenance data for the maintenance does not require the use of
specified tools or equipment for carrying out the maintenance; and
(d) the removed product is returned to the same location on the aircraft at the
completion of the maintenance; and
(e) the serviceability of the removed product can be tested, using an aircraft
system, after the removed product is returned to the aircraft.

Carrying out of maintenance by approved maintenance organisations

(5) An approved maintenance organisation carries out maintenance if the
maintenance is carried out on the organisation’s behalf by an individual.

10 Meaning of instructions for continuing airworthiness

(1) Instructions for continuing airworthiness, for an aircraft or aeronautical
product, means written instructions, as in force from time to time:
(a) that specify requirements, procedures and standards for the continuing
airworthiness of the aircraft or aeronautical product; and
(b) that are:
(i) issued by any of the persons mentioned in subclause (2); or
(ii) for an aircraft or aeronautical product for which there is a design for a
modification or repair that is taken to have been approved under
subregulation 21.465 or 21.470—included, or referred to, in the
document that contains the design.
(2) The persons are the following:

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Part 3 Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and

(a) the holder of the type certificate, foreign type certificate, supplemental type
certificate or foreign supplemental type certificate for the aircraft or
aeronautical product;
(b) the holder of any of the following for the design of a modification of, or a
repair to, the aircraft or aeronautical product:
(i) a modification/repair design approval; or
(ii) an approval mentioned in regulation 21.475; or
(iii) an approval that continues in force under regulation 202.054, 202.055
or 202.056;
(c) the manufacturer of the aircraft or aeronautical product.

15 Meaning of maintenance data

(1) Subject to subclauses (2), (3) and (4), maintenance data, for maintenance to be
carried out on an aircraft or aeronautical product, means procedures for carrying
out the maintenance, as in force from time to time, that are mentioned in:
(a) the instructions for continuing airworthiness for the aircraft or aeronautical
product; or
(b) if the instructions for continuing airworthiness do not include procedures
for carrying out the maintenance—an aviation industry standard that
applies to the maintenance.
(2) Subject to subclauses (3) and (4), if, at a particular time:
(a) a Part 145 organisation is carrying out maintenance on an aircraft or
aeronautical product; and
(b) the organisation has written a procedure for carrying out the maintenance;
then, at that time, the procedure written by the organisation is the maintenance
data for the maintenance for the organisation.
(3) Subject to subclause (4), if, at a particular time:
(a) a continuing airworthiness management organisation is providing
continuing airworthiness services for an aircraft; and
(b) the organisation has written a procedure for carrying out the maintenance
on the aircraft or on an aeronautical product fitted to the aircraft;
then, at that time, the procedure written by the organisation is the maintenance
data for the maintenance for the aircraft or aeronautical product.
(4) If, at a particular time, an airworthiness directive that applies to an aircraft or
aeronautical product mentions a procedure for carrying out the maintenance,
then, at that time, the procedure in the airworthiness directive is the maintenance
data for the maintenance.

20 Meaning of maintenance services subcontractor

(1) A person is a maintenance services subcontractor in relation to an approved
maintenance organisation if the person is a party to a written contract with the
organisation to provide maintenance services on behalf of the organisation.

234 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Definitions for this Part, Parts 42, 66, 145 and 147 and Subparts 202.BA, 202.CG, 202.GE and 202.GG
Part 3

(2) An employee of a maintenance services subcontractor under subclause (1) is also

a maintenance services subcontractor.

21 Meaning of CAR maintenance activities subcontractor

(1) A person is a CAR maintenance activities subcontractor in relation to an
approved maintenance organisation if the person is a party to a written contract
with the organisation to undertake CAR maintenance activities on behalf of the
(2) An employee of a CAR maintenance activities subcontractor under subclause (1)
is also a CAR maintenance activities subcontractor.

25 Meaning of provides
An organisation provides any of the following services or training if its
employees provide the service or training for or on behalf of the organisation:
(a) maintenance services;
(b) permitted training;
(c) continuing airworthiness management services;
(d) maintenance training.

30 Meaning of supervising
A person (the supervisor) is supervising the carrying out of maintenance done by
another person if the supervisor:
(a) is physically present at the place that the maintenance is being carried out;
(b) is observing the maintenance being carried out to the extent necessary to
enable the supervisor to form an opinion as to whether the maintenance is
being carried out properly; and
(c) is available to give advice to, and answer questions about the maintenance
from, the person carrying it out.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 235

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Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 1—About the endnotes
The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.
The following endnotes are included in every compilation:
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
Abbreviation key—Endnote 2
The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.
Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4
Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.
The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or
will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending
laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in
this compilation.
The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision
(generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the
compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.
Editorial changes
The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and
presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for
registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect
from the compilation registration date.
If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the
changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of
Parliamentary Counsel.
Misdescribed amendments
A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an
amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect
as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial
change made under section 15V of the Legislation Act 2003.
If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not
incorporated and “(md not incorp)” is added to the amendment history.

236 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted o = order(s)

am = amended Ord = Ordinance
amdt = amendment orig = original
c = clause(s) par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)
C[x] = Compilation No. x /sub-subparagraph(s)
Ch = Chapter(s) pres = present
def = definition(s) prev = previous
Dict = Dictionary (prev…) = previously
disallowed = disallowed by Parliament Pt = Part(s)
Div = Division(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)
ed = editorial change reloc = relocated
exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have renum = renumbered
effect rep = repealed
F = Federal Register of Legislation rs = repealed and substituted
gaz = gazette s = section(s)/subsection(s)
LA = Legislation Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)
LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sdiv = Subdivision(s)
(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given SLI = Select Legislative Instrument
effect SR = Statutory Rules
(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)
cannot be given effect SubPt = Subpart(s)
mod = modified/modification underlining = whole or part not
No. = Number(s) commenced or to be commenced

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving

gazettal and Assent and transitional

237, 1998 22 July 1998 SubPt F, G, J, K and O of Pt

21: 1 Dec 1998 (r 1.2(1))
Remainder: 1 Oct 1998 (r
166, 1999 16 Aug 1999 Sch 1: 16 Aug 1999 (r 2(2)) —
262, 1999 27 Oct 1999 Sch 1: 1 Jan 2000 (r 2(c)) —
7, 2000 23 Feb 2000 23 Feb 2000 (r 2) —
204, 2000 31 July 2000 r 5–8 and Sch 2: 1 Oct 2000 (r r 5–8
Sch 1: 31 July 2000 (r 2(a))
Note: Pt 47 of Sch 2 (item 7)
was disallowed by the Senate
on 8 Nov 2000
as amended by
345, 2004 8 Dec 2004 Sch 3: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) —
227, 2000 17 Aug 2000 r 4 and Sch 2: 17 Aug 2000 (r r4
Sch 1: 1 Dec 1998 (r 2(a))
Sch 4: 1 Sept 2000 (r 2(c))
34, 2001 1 Mar 2001 1 Mar 2001 (r 2) —
242, 2001 5 Sept 2001 5 Sept 2001 (r 2) —
349, 2001 21 Dec 2001 r 4 and Sch 1: 1 July 2002 (r r4
as amended by
79, 2002 18 Apr 2002 18 Apr 2002 (r 2) —
345, 2004 8 Dec 2004 Sch 4: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) —
167, 2002 3 July 2002 r 5 and Sch 1: 1 May 2003 (r r5
as amended by
345, 2004 8 Dec 2004 Sch 5: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) —
266, 2002 6 Nov 2002 1 July 2002 (r 2) —
268, 2002 6 Nov 2002 Sch 1: 6 Nov 2002 (r 2) —
320, 2002 19 Dec 2002 19 Dec 2002 (r 2) —
321, 2002 19 Dec 2002 19 Dec 2002 (r 2) —
349, 2002 20 Dec 2002 20 Dec 2002 (r 2) —
350, 2002 20 Dec 2002 Sch 1 and 3: 20 Dec 2002 (r —
58, 2003 14 Apr 2003 Sch 1: 2 May 2003 (r 2(b)) —

238 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving

gazettal and Assent and transitional

75, 2003 1 May 2003 Sch 1: 1 May 2003 (r 2(a)) —

Sch 3: 3 May 2003 (r 2(b))
189, 2003 24 July 2003 Sch 1: 1 Oct 2003 (r 2) —
232, 2003 3 Sept 2003 Sch 1: 3 Sept 2003 (r 2) —
240, 2003 18 Sept 2003 Sch 2: 18 Sept 2003 (r 2) —
297, 2003 27 Nov 2003 27 Nov 2003 (r 2) —
365, 2003 23 Dec 2003 Sch 1: 23 Dec 2003 (r 2(a)) —
Sch 2: 1 Jan 2004 (r 2(b))
Sch 4: 1 July 2004 (r 2(c))
4, 2004 12 Feb 2004 20 Feb 2004 (r 2) —
134, 2004 18 June 2004 Sch 2: 15 Nov 2004 (r 2) —
216, 2004 15 July 2004 Sch 2: 15 July 2004 (r 2) —
222, 2004 22 July 2004 Sch 4: 1 July 2004 (r 2) —
230, 2004 28 July 2004 28 July 2004 (r 2) —
345, 2004 8 Dec 2004 Sch 2: 8 Dec 2004 (r 2) —
207, 2005 19 Sept 2005 (F2005L02673) Sch 1 (items 1–3): 1 Oct 2005 —
(r 2)
242, 2005 24 Oct 2005 (F2005L03219) Sch 1: 25 Oct 2005 (r 2) —
258, 2005 15 Nov 2005 (F2005L03421) 16 Nov 2005 (r 2) —
321, 2005 19 Dec 2005 (F2005L04039) Sch 1: 20 Dec 2005 (r 2) —
323, 2005 19 Dec 2005 (F2005L04033) 20 Dec 2005 (r 2) —
124, 2006 2 June 2006 (F2006L01624) 3 June 2006 (r 2) —
185, 2006 17 July 2006 (F2006L02115) 18 July 2006 (r 2) —
41, 2007 26 Mar 2007 (F2007L00794) 25 May 2007 (r 2) —
172, 2007 26 June 2007 (F2007L01842) 1 July 2007 (r 2) —
226, 2007 24 July 2007 (F2007L02284) 25 July 2007 (r 2) —
192, 2008 22 Sept 2008 (F2008L03483) 23 Sept 2008 (r 2) —
274, 2008 18 Dec 2008 (F2008L04644) 19 Dec 2008 (r 2) —
275, 2008 18 Dec 2008 (F2008L04587) 19 Dec 2008 (r 2) —
64, 2009 15 Apr 2009 (F2009L01295) Sch 1: 16 Apr 2009 (r 2(a)) —
Sch 2: 1 Oct 2009 (r 2(b))
147, 2009 26 June 2009 (F2009L02511) 1 July 2009 (r 2) —
232, 2009 9 Sept 2009 (F2009L03481) 10 Sept 2009 (r 2) —
120, 2010 7 June 2010 (F2010L01546) 8 June 2010 (r 2) —
277, 2010 19 Nov 2010 (F2010L03002) Sch 2: 1 Mar 2012 (r 2(b)) —
Sch 3: repealed before
commencing (r 2(c))
Remainder: 1 Dec 2010 (r

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving

gazettal and Assent and transitional

as amended by
245, 2015 14 Dec 2015 (F2015L01980) Sch 1 (items 4–7): 15 Dec —
2015 (s 2(1) item 2)
328, 2010 14 Dec 2010 (F2010L03195) Sch 1: 27 June 2011 (r 2(a)) —
76, 2011 7 June 2011 (F2011L00968) Sch 1: 27 June 2011 (r 2) —
77, 2011 8 June 2011 (F2011L00971) Sch 1: 27 June 2011 (r 2) —
120, 2011 30 June 2011 (F2011L01364) Sch 2 (items 10, 11): 1 July —
2011 (r 2)
164, 2011 2 Sept 2011 (F2011L01804) 3 Sept 2011 (r 2) —
265, 2011 12 Dec 2011 (F2011L02648) Sch 2: 1 Apr 2012 (r 2(b)) —
Remainder: 13 Dec 2011 (r
107, 2012 14 June 2012 (F2012L01199) 15 June 2012 (s 2) —
5, 2013 19 Feb 2013 (F2013L00218) Sch 1: 1 Sept 2014 (s 2) —
as amended by
254, 2013 25 Nov 2013 (F2013L01976) Sch 1 (items 2–10): 26 Nov —
2013 (s 2)
274, 2013 17 Dec 2013 (F2013L02129) Sch 2: 18 Dec 2013 (s 2 —
item 3)
80, 2013 20 May 2013 (F2013L00798) Sch 1 (items 8–123, 125, 126, —
128–152): 21 May 2013 (s 2)
188, 2013 26 July 2013 (F2013L01444) Sch 1 (items 6–81): 1 Mar —
2014 (s 2)
222, 2013 8 Aug 2013 (F2013L01539) Sch 1 (item 2): 1 Sept 2014 (s —
as amended by
254, 2013 25 Nov 2013 (F2013L01976) Sch 1 (item 1): 26 Nov 2013 —
(s 2)
274, 2013 17 Dec 2013 (F2013L02129) Sch 1 (items 22–464, 468– —
476): 1 Sept 2014 (s 2 item 2)
275, 2013 17 Dec 2013 (F2013L02128) Sch 1 (items 9–81): 18 Dec —
2013 (s 2)
40, 2014 15 Apr 2014 (F2014L00414) Sch 1 (items 12–35): 1 May —
2014 (s 2 item 2)
Sch 2: 1 Sept 2014 (s 2
item 3)
125, 2014 25 Aug 2014 (F2014L01122) Sch 1 (items 4–219): 1 Sept —
2014 (s 2)
as amended by
Act No 145, 2015 12 Nov 2015 Sch 2 (item 6): 1 Sept 2014 (s —
2(1) item 6)

240 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving

gazettal and Assent and transitional

135, 2014 23 Sept 2014 (F2014L01261) Sch 1 (items 3–6): 5 Mar —

2015 (s 2)
166, 2014 3 Nov 2014 (F2014L01470) Sch 1 (items 4–33): 4 Nov —
2014 (s 2)
204, 2014 16 Dec 2014 (F2014L01717) 1 Sept 2015 (s 2) —
90, 2015 19 June 2015 (F2015L00854) Sch 2 (item 74): 1 July 2015 —
(s 2(1) item 2)
245, 2015 14 Dec 2015 (F2015L01980) Sch 1 (items 8–10): 15 Dec —
2015 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 (items 5–53): 1 June
2016 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 3 (items 3–17): 4 July
2016 (s 2(1) item 4)
246, 2015 14 Dec 2015 (F2015L01992) Sch 1 (items 1–33): 4 July —
2016 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (items 46–48): 15 Dec
2015 (s 2(1) item 3)
247, 2015 14 Dec 2015 (F2015L01995) Sch 1 (items 4–9): 20 Apr —
2016 (s 2(1) item 1)

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional

Acts and Instruments 29 Feb 2016 (F2016L00170) Sch 1 (items 8–14): 5 Mar —
(Framework Reform) 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)
(Consequential Amendments)
Regulation 2016
Civil Aviation Legislation 29 Mar 2016 (F2016L00400) Sch 1 (items 5–102): 29 Sept —
Amendment (Part 101) 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)
Regulation 2016
Biosecurity (Consequential 9 May 2016 (F2016L00717) Sch 2 (item 4) and Sch 3: Sch 3
Amendments and Transitional 16 June 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)
Provisions) Regulation 2016
Civil Aviation Legislation 16 Sept 2016 (F2016L01448) Sch 1 (items 28–75) and Sch —
Amendment (Miscellaneous 2: 17 Sept 2016 (s 2(1)
Measures) Regulation 2016 item 1)
Civil Aviation Legislation 28 Oct 2016 (F2016L01655) Sch 1 (items 13–40): 28 Jan —
Amendment (Part 132) 2017 (s 2(1) item 1)
Regulation 2016

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 241

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional

Corporations and Other 13 Dec 2016 (F2016L01926) Sch 1 (item 17): 1 Mar 2017 —
Legislation Amendment (s 2(1) item 2)
(Insolvency Law Reform)
Regulation 2016
Civil Aviation Safety 20 June 2017 (F2017L00697) 21 June 2017 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Flight Crew
Licensing and Other
Measures) Regulations 2017
Civil Aviation Safety 11 Sept 2017 (F2017L01149) 12 Sept 2017 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 90)
Regulations 2017
Air Navigation (Aircraft 29 Mar 2018 (F2018L00449) Sch 1 (item 8): 1 Apr 2018 —
Noise—Repeal and (s 2(1) item 1)
Consequential Amendments)
Regulations 2018
Civil Aviation Legislation 13 July 2018 (F2018L01030) Sch 1 (items 1–3, 10–34): —
Amendment (Part 149) 14 July 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)
Regulations 2018
Civil Aviation Safety 17 Aug 2018 (F2018L01131) 31 Aug 2018 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Flight Crew
Licensing Measures No. 1)
Regulations 2018
Civil Aviation Safety 18 Dec 2018 (F2018L01782) 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 135)
Regulations 2018
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 151–159) and —
Amendment (Flight Sch 3 (item 8): 7 Oct 2020 (s
Operations—Miscellaneous 2(1) items 2, 4)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Legislation 1 June 2021 (F2021L00673) Sch 2 (item 3): 2 June 2021 —
Amendment (Flight (s 2(1) item 4)
Operations—Fees and
Other Consequential
Regulations 2021

242 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional

Civil Aviation Safety 18 Dec 2018 (F2018L01783) 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 91)
Regulations 2018
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 16 Dec 2019 (F2019L01621) Sch 4 (items 4–59): 17 Dec —
Amendment (Parts 103, 2019 (s 2(1) item 3)
105 and 131)
Regulations 2019
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 46–93) and Sch —
Amendment (Flight 3 (item 4): 7 Oct 2020 (s 2(1)
Operations—Miscellaneous items 2, 4)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Safety 18 Dec 2018 (F2018L01784) 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 121)
Regulations 2018
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 96–134) and Sch —
Amendment (Flight 3 (item 6): 7 Oct 2020 (s 2(1)
Operations—Miscellaneous items 2, 4)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Legislation 1 June 2021 (F2021L00673) Sch 2 (item 1): 2 June 2021 —
Amendment (Flight (s 2(1) item 4)
Operations—Fees and
Other Consequential
Regulations 2021
Civil Aviation Safety 18 Dec 2018 (F2018L01787) 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 119)
Regulations 2018
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 94, 95) and Sch —
Amendment (Flight 3 (item 5): 7 Oct 2020 (s 2(1)
Operations—Miscellaneous items 2, 4)
Amendments) Sch 2 (item 2): 2 Dec 2021 (s
Regulations 2020 2(1) item 3)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional

Civil Aviation Safety 18 Dec 2018 (F2018L01788) 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 133)
Regulations 2018
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 135–150) and —
Amendment (Flight Sch 3 (item 7): 7 Oct 2020 (s
Operations—Miscellaneous 2(1) items 2, 4)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Legislation 1 June 2021 (F2021L00673) Sch 2 (item 2): 2 June 2021 —
Amendment (Flight (s 2(1) item 4)
Operations—Fees and
Other Consequential
Regulations 2021
Civil Aviation Safety 18 Dec 2018 (F2018L01789) 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 138)
Regulations 2018
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 160–225) and —
Amendment (Flight Sch 3 (item 9): 7 Oct 2020 (s
Operations—Miscellaneous 2(1) items 2, 4)
Amendments) Sch 2 (item 3): 2 Dec 2021 (s
Regulations 2020 2(1) item 3)
Civil Aviation Safety 22 Feb 2019 (F2019L00176) 13 Aug 2020 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 139)
Regulations 2019
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 15 July 2020 (F2020L00913) Sch 1: 16 July 2020 (s 2(1) —
Amendment (Part 139 item 2)
Provisions and
Regulations 2020
Air Services Legislation 25 Mar 2019 (F2019L00372) Sch 1 (items 17–21): 26 Mar —
(Repeal and Consequential 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)
Regulations 2019

244 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional

Civil Aviation Safety 8 Apr 2019 (F2019L00557) 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Operations
Definitions) Regulations 2019
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 16 Dec 2019 (F2019L01621) Sch 4 (items 1–3): 17 Dec —
Amendment (Parts 103, 2019 (s 2(1) item 3)
105 and 131)
Regulations 2019
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 22–45) and Sch —
Amendment (Flight 3 (item 3): 7 Oct 2020 (s 2(1)
Operations—Miscellaneous items 2, 4)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Safety 31 July 2019 (F2019L01027) Sch 1 and 2: 30 Sept 2020 (s —
Amendment (Remotely 2(1) item 2)
Piloted Aircraft and Model Remainder: 1 Aug 2019 (s
Aircraft—Registration and 2(1) items 1, 3)
Regulations 2019
as amended by
Civil Aviation Safety 22 Oct 2019 (F2019L01364) Sch 1 (item 1): 23 Oct 2019 (s —
Amendment (Remotely 2(1) item 1)
Piloted Aircraft and Model
Aircraft—Registration and
Accreditation) Regulations
(No. 2) 2019
Civil Aviation Safety 22 Oct 2019 (F2019L01364) Sch 1 (items 2–22): 23 Oct —
Amendment (Remotely 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)
Piloted Aircraft and Model
Aircraft—Registration and
Accreditation) Regulations
(No. 2) 2019
Civil Aviation Legislation 16 Dec 2019 (F2019L01621) Sch 1, Sch 2 (items 2–11) and —
Amendment (Parts 103, 105 Sch 3: 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1)
and 131) Regulations 2019 item 2)
as amended by
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (items 1–21) and Sch 3 —
Amendment (Flight (items 1, 2): 7 Oct 2020 (s
Operations—Miscellaneous 2(1) items 2, 4)
Amendments) Sch 2 (item 1): 2 Dec 2021 (s
Regulations 2020 2(1) item 3)
Civil Aviation Safety 29 June 2020 (F2020L00824) 30 June 2020 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 66
Transition Extension)
Regulations 2020

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional

Civil Aviation Legislation 15 July 2020 (F2020L00913) Sch 2 and Sch 3 (items 15– —
Amendment (Part 139 34): 13 Aug 2020 (s 2(1)
Aerodromes—Transitional item 3)
Provisions and Consequential
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Safety 21 Aug 2020 (F2020L01051) 22 Aug 2020 (s 2(1) items 2, —
Amendment (Flight Crew 3)
Licensing Measures No. 1)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Legislation 6 Oct 2020 (F2020L01283) Sch 1 (item 226): 7 Oct 2020 —
Amendment (Flight (s 2(1) item 2)
Operations—Miscellaneous Sch 2 (items 4–19): 2 Dec
Amendments) 2021 (s 2(1) item 3)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Safety 14 Dec 2020 (F2020L01601) 15 Dec 2020 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Part 101—High
Power Rockets)
Regulations 2020
Civil Aviation Legislation 4 Mar 2021 (F2021L00200) Sch 2: 5 Mar 2021 (s 2(1) —
Amendment (Flight item 3)
Operations—Consequential Sch 1 (items 58–335) and Sch
Amendments and Transitional 3: 2 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) items 2,
Provisions) Regulations 2021 4)
Civil Aviation Safety 27 June 2021 (F2021L01027) 28 July 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Unmanned
Aircraft Levy Collection)
Regulations 2021
Civil Aviation Safety 18 Feb 2022 (F2022L00157) 19 Feb 2022 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Parts 47 and
101) Regulations 2022
Civil Aviation Safety 1 Apr 2022 (F2022L00499) 2 Apr 2022 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Parts 47 and 101
No. 2) Regulations 2022
Civil Aviation Amendment 14 July 2022 (F2022L00978) 15 July 2022 (s 2(1) item 1) —
(Part 149 Deferral)
Regulations 2022
Civil Aviation Safety 9 Dec 2022 (F2022L01612) 10 Dec 2022 (s 2(1) item 1) —
Amendment (Flight
Operations—Parts 119 and
138) Regulations 2022
Civil Aviation Legislation 25 May 2023 (F2023L00606) Sch 1 (items 1–72) and Sch 2: —
Amendment (2023 Measures 26 May 2023 (s 2(1) item 1)
No. 1) Regulations 2023

246 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Name Registration Commencement Application, saving

and transitional

Instruments Update (Autumn 14 Mar 2024 (F2024L00297) Sch 2 (items 2–5): 11 Apr —
2024) Regulations 2024 2024 (s 2(1) item 1)

Act Number and Assent Commencement Application, saving

year and transitional

National Emergency 129, 2020 15 Dec 2020 Sch 1 (item 12): 16 Dec 2020 —
Declaration (Consequential (s 2(1) item 2)
Amendments) Act 2020

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Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Guide .............................................. ad No 350, 2002

am No 345, 2004; No 323, 2005; No 172, 2007
rep No 77, 2011
Part 1
Part 1............................................... am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013
r 1.0................................................. ad No 204, 2000
am No 350, 2002
r 1.000 (prev r 1.0).......................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 1.1................................................. rs No 350, 2002
r 1.001 (prev r 1.1).......................... renum No 350, 2002
r 1.2................................................. rep No 350, 2002
r 1.003 (prev r 1.3).......................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 1.4................................................. rs No 204, 2000
r 1.004 (prev r 1.4).......................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 1.5................................................. rep No 204, 2000
r 1.005............................................. ad No 345, 2004
rep F2020L00913
r 1.006 (prev r 1.6).......................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 345, 2004
rep No 275, 2013
ad No 166, 2014
r 1.007 (prev r 1.7).......................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
rep No 275, 2013
r 1.008............................................. ad No 345, 2004
am F2016L01448
Part 11
Part 11............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 345, 2004
am No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013 (Sch 1 item 22 md)
Subpart 11.A
r 11.005........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 11.010........................................... ad No 345, 2004

248 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 77, 2011
r 11.015........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013; F2018L01030
r 11.018........................................... ad No 77, 2011
Subpart 11.B
Subpart 11.B heading ..................... rs No 77, 2011
r 11.020........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.025........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
am No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013
r 11.026........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 11.027........................................... ad F2016L01655
r 11.028........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 11.030........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; F2019L01027; F2021L01027
r 11.032........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.033........................................... ad F2019L01027
r 11.034........................................... ad F2019L01027
r 11.035........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.040........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; F2016L01655
r 11.045........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.047........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.050........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
Subpart 11.BA
Subpart 11.BA heading................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.055........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 11.056........................................... ad No 77, 2011
am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013; F2016L01655
r 11.060........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
am No 80, 2013
r 11.065........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.067........................................... ad No 77, 2011
am No 80, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 249

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 11.068........................................... ad No 77, 2011

r 11.070........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 11.071........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.072........................................... ad No 77, 2011
am F2016L01926
r 11.073........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.074........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.075........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.077........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.080........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
ad No 80, 2013
am No 245, 2015
Subpart 11.C
r 11.090........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.095........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.100........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.105........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.110........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.115........................................... ad No 345, 2004
Subpart 11.D
Subpart 11.D heading ..................... rs No 274, 2013
r 11.120........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011; No 274, 2013
r 11.125........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.130........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; No 274, 2013; No 204, 2014
r 11.132........................................... ad No 77, 2011
Subpart 11.E
r 11.135........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 11.140........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.145........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011

250 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 11.150........................................... ad No 345, 2004

am No 77, 2011
Subpart 11.F
Subpart 11.F heading...................... rs No 77, 2011
Division 11.F.1
r 11.155........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.160........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; F2016L00170; F2021L00200
r 11.165........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.170........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.175........................................... ad No 345, 2004
Division 11.F.2
r 11.180........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 11.185........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; F2016L00170; Act No 129, 2020; F2021L00200
r 11.190........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.195........................................... ad No 345, 2004
Division 11.F.3
r 11.200........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 11.205........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.210........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.215........................................... ad No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 11.220........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 323, 2005; No 77, 2011
r 11.225........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 323, 2005; No 77, 2011
r 11.230........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 323, 2005; No 77, 2011
r 11.235........................................... ad No 345, 2004
Subpart 11.G
r 11.240........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.245........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 323, 2005; No 77, 2011; F2016L00170
r 11.250........................................... ad No 345, 2004

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 251

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 323, 2005; No 77, 2011

r 11.255........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
Subpart 11.H
r 11.260........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013; F2021L00200
Subpart 11.J
r 11.265........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 323, 2005
rs No 77, 2011
am F2016L00170
r 11.267........................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 11.270........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.275........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.280........................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
r 11.285........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.290........................................... ad No 345, 2004
r 11.295........................................... ad No 345, 2004
Part 13
Part 13............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 4, 2004
Subpart 13.K
Division 13.K.1
r 13.320........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.325........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.330........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.335........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.340........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.345........................................... ad No 4, 2004
am No 192, 2008
r 13.350........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.355........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.360........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.365........................................... ad No 4, 2004
Division 13.K.2
r 13.370........................................... ad No 4, 2004
r 13.375........................................... ad No 4, 2004

252 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 345, 2004; No 328, 2010; No 5, 2013; No 274, 2013; F2016L00400;

F2020L00913; F2021L00200
r 13.380........................................... ad No 4, 2004
Part 21
Part 21............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 40, 2014
Subpart 21.A
Subpart 21.A (prev Subpart A)....... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 204, 2000; No 242, 2001; No 320, 2002; No 350, 2002
r 21.000 (prev r 21.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 21.001 (prev r 21.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 76, 2011; No 188, 2013; F2021L00200
r 21.001A (prev r 21.1A) ................ renum No 350, 2002
r 21.1B ............................................ rep No 320, 2002
r 21.2............................................... rep No 268, 2002
r 21.002A (prev r 21.2A) ................ renum No 350, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 21.2B ............................................ am No 166, 1999
r 21.002B (prev r 21.2B) ................ renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 21.002C (prev r 21.2C) ................ renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
r 21.002D (prev r 21.2D) ................ renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
r 21.002E (prev r 21.2E)................. renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 21.3............................................... am No 166, 1999; No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002
r 21.003 (prev r 21.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 76, 2011; No 188, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.5............................................... am No 268, 2002
r 21.005 (prev r 21.5)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 76, 2011; No 166, 2014
r 21.006........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.006A ........................................ ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013; No 245, 2015; F2021L00200
ed C93
r 21.007........................................... ad No 76, 2011

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 253

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 188, 2013; No 40, 2014

r 21.007A ........................................ ad No 76, 2011
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.008........................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 21.009........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013; No 40, 2014; No 166, 2014
r 21.010........................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 21.010A ........................................ ad No 40, 2014
am No 40, 2014 (Sch 2 item 3 md)
r 21.010B ........................................ ad No 166, 2014
r 21.010C ........................................ ad No 166, 2014
r 21.010D ........................................ ad No 245, 2015
Subpart 21.B
Subpart 21.B heading ..................... rs No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.B (prev Subpart B) ....... renum No 350, 2002
am F2018L00449
r 21.011 (prev r 21.11).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 274, 2013
r 21.12............................................. am No 166, 1999
r 21.012 (prev r 21.12).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
rep No 166, 2014
r 21.013 (prev r 21.13).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.013A (prev r 21.13A) .............. renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013
r 21.014 (prev r 21.14).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
r 21.015 (prev r 21.15).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 21.16............................................. am No 268, 2002
r 21.016 (prev r 21.16).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 21.017 (prev r 21.17).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.19............................................. am No 166, 1999
r 21.019 (prev r 21.19).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
r 21.021 (prev r 21.21).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013
r 21.24............................................. am No 166, 1999

254 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 21.024 (prev r 21.24).................... renum No 350, 2002

am No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010; No 274, 2013
r 21.25............................................. am No 166, 1999
r 21.025 (prev r 21.25).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.26............................................. am No 166, 1999
r 21.026 (prev r 21.26).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010; No 274, 2013
r 21.27............................................. am No 350, 2002
r 21.027 (prev r 21.27).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 245, 2015
r 21.29............................................. am No 320, 2002
r 21.029 (prev r 21.29).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
r 21.29A .......................................... am No 166, 1999
r 21.029A (prev r 21.29A) .............. renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011; No 274, 2013
r 21.29B .......................................... am No 268, 2002
r 21.029B (prev r 21.29B) .............. renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 323, 2005; No 274, 2013
r 21.029C (prev r 21.29C) .............. renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 323, 2005; No 274, 2013
r 21.31............................................. am No 320, 2002
r 21.031 (prev r 21.31).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.33............................................. am No 166, 1999
r 21.033 (prev r 21.33).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013
r 21.035 (prev r 21.35).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.037 (prev r 21.37).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rs No 5, 2013
r 21.039 (prev r 21.39).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
r 21.41............................................. am No 166, 1999
r 21.041 (prev r 21.41).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
r 21.043 (prev r 21.43).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
r 21.47............................................. am No 268, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 255

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 21.047 (prev r 21.47).................... renum No 350, 2002

rs No 188, 2013
r 21.048........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.49............................................. am No 268, 2002
r 21.049 (prev r 21.49).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.50............................................. am No 268, 2002
r 21.050 (prev r 21.50).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.051 (prev r 21.51).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 323, 2005; No 274, 2013
r 21.053 (prev r 21.53).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
Subpart 21.C
Subpart 21.C heading ..................... rs No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.C (prev Subpart C) ....... renum No 350, 2002
am F2018L00449
r 21.071 (prev r 21.71).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.073 (prev r 21.73).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.075 (prev r 21.75).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.076 (prev r 21.76).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011
r 21.077 (prev r 21.77).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.078 (prev r 21.78).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
r 21.079 (prev r 21.79).................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 80, 2013
r 21.81............................................. am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002
r 21.081 (prev r 21.81).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013; F2021L00200
r 21.83............................................. am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002
r 21.083 (prev r 21.83).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 21.85............................................. am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002
r 21.085 (prev r 21.85).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
Subpart 21.D
Subpart 21.D (prev Subpart D)....... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.091 (prev r 21.91).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.093 (prev r 21.93).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.095 (prev r 21.95).................... renum No 350, 2002

256 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 188, 2013
r 21.097 (prev r 21.97).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 188, 2013
r 21.098 (prev r 21.98).................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013
r 21.99............................................. am No 268, 2002
r 21.099 (prev r 21.99).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.101........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 245, 2015
Subpart 21.E
Subpart 21.E heading...................... rs No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.E (prev Subpart E)........ renum No 350, 2002
am F2018L00449
r 21.113........................................... am No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011
r 21.113A ........................................ am No 77, 2011
r 21.114........................................... am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
r 21.115........................................... am No 350, 2002
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.117........................................... am No 166, 1999
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.118........................................... am No 350, 2002
r 21.119........................................... am No 350, 2002; No 274, 2013
r 21.120........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.120A ........................................ ad No 188, 2013
r 21.120B ........................................ ad No 40, 2014
Subpart 21.F
Subpart 21.F (prev Subpart F) ........ renum No 350, 2002
r 21.121........................................... am No 350, 2002
r 21.123........................................... am No 268, 2002
r 21.125........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 188, 2013
r 21.127........................................... am No 268, 2002
r 21.128........................................... am No 268, 2002
r 21.129........................................... am No 268, 2002
r 21.130........................................... am No 227, 2000
r 21.130A ........................................ am No 268, 2002; No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.G
Subpart 21.G (prev Subpart G)....... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.131........................................... am No 227, 2000
r 21.132........................................... ad No 227, 2000
am No 350, 2002; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.132A ........................................ ad No 227, 2000

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 257

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 242, 2001
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.133........................................... rs No 227, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 297, 2003; No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013
r 21.134........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 77, 2011
r 21.135........................................... am No 227, 2000
r 21.137........................................... am No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013
r 21.139........................................... rs No 227, 2000
r 21.143........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 268, 2002; No 297, 2003
r 21.144........................................... am No 227, 2000
r 21.145........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 297, 2003
r 21.147........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 268, 2002
r 21.149........................................... rs No 227, 2000
r 21.151........................................... rs No 227, 2000
am No 297, 2003
r 21.153........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 77, 2011
r 21.155........................................... rep No 80, 2013
r 21.157........................................... rs No 268, 2002
r 21.159........................................... am No 350, 2002
r 21.161........................................... am No 268, 2002
r 21.163........................................... am No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010
r 21.165........................................... rs No 227, 2000
am No 268, 2002
r 21.166........................................... rs No 227, 2000
am No 268, 2002; No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.H
Subpart H heading .......................... rs No 166, 1999
Subpart 21.H heading ..................... rs No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.H (prev Subpart H)....... renum No 350, 2002
am F2018L00449
r 21.171........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 323, 2005
r 21.172........................................... ad No 321, 2005
am No 245, 2015
r 21.173........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 204, 2000; No 134, 2004; No 321, 2005; No 77, 2011
rs F2016L01655
am F2021L00200
r 21.174........................................... ad F2016L01655
r 21.175........................................... am No 321, 2005; No 80, 2013
r 21.176........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011; F2016L01655

258 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 21.181........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 321, 2005; No 328, 2010; No 274,
2013; F2021L00200
r 21.182........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 321, 2005; No 274, 2013
r 21.183........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 320, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010; No 76, 2011
r 21.184........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010; No 76, 2011; No 275, 2013; No 245,
r 21.184A ........................................ am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 76, 2011; No 245, 2015
r 21.185........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 76, 2011
r 21.186........................................... ad No 321, 2005
am No 188, 2013
r 21.187........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002
r 21.189........................................... am F2016L01655
r 21.190........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 227, 2000; No 345, 2004; No 76, 2011
r 21.191........................................... am No 350, 2002; No 321, 2005
r 21.192........................................... am No 204, 2000; No 134, 2004; No 321, 2005; F2021L00200
r 21.193........................................... am No 321, 2005; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013
r 21.195A ........................................ am No 166, 1999; No 268, 2002; No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013
r 21.195B ........................................ am No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 321, 2005; No 188, 2013; F2021L00200
r 21.195C ........................................ ad No 188, 2013
r 21.197........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 320, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010; F2020L01283;
r 21.199........................................... am No 77, 2011
r 21.200........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 230, 2004; No 64, 2009; No 77, 2011
r 21.201........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 77, 2011
Subpart 21.I
Subpart 21.I heading....................... rs No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.I (prev Subpart I).......... renum No 350, 2002
am F2018L00449
r 21.213........................................... am F2021L00200
r 21.215........................................... am No 80, 2013
r 21.216........................................... am No 77, 2011
r 21.217........................................... am No 350, 2002
r 21.219........................................... rs No 80, 2013
r 21.221........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; F2021L00200
r 21.223........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; F2021L00200
r 21.225........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; F2021L00200
Subpart 21.J
Subpart 21.J (prev Subpart J) ......... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 188, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 259

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 21.J.1
r 21.231........................................... am No 227, 2000
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.233........................................... ad No 188, 2013
am No 40, 2014; No 166, 2014
r 21.235........................................... am No 77, 2011
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.237........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.239........................................... am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
rs No 188, 2013
Division 21.J.2
r 21.241........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.243........................................... am No 350, 2002
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.245........................................... am No 268, 2002
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.247........................................... rep No 80, 2013
ad No 188, 2013
am No 245, 2015
r 21.248........................................... ad No 188, 2013
am No 245, 2015
r 21.249........................................... rs No 188, 2013
Division 21.J.3
r 21.251........................................... am No 227, 2000
rs No 188, 2013
am No 40, 2014
Division 21.J.4
r 21.253........................................... am No 80, 2013
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.255........................................... ad No 188, 2013
am No 166, 2014
r 21.256........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.257........................................... rs No 188, 2013
r 21.258........................................... ad No 188, 2013
am No 245, 2015
r 21.259........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.261........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 80, 2013
rs No 188, 2013
Division 21.J.5
r 21.263........................................... ad No 188, 2013

260 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 245, 2015
r 21.265........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.267........................................... am No 350, 2002
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.269........................................... rs No 188, 2013
am No 245, 2015
ed C72
r 21.270........................................... ad No 188, 2013
am No 245, 2015
r 21.271........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 268, 2002; No 345, 2004
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.273........................................... rs No 188, 2013
r 21.275........................................... rs No 188, 2013
r 21.277........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.279........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.281........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.283........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.289........................................... rep No 188, 2013
r 21.293........................................... am No 268, 2002
rep No 188, 2013
Subpart 21.K
Subpart 21.K (prev Subpart K)....... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.303........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 297, 2003; No 328, 2010; No 76,
2011; No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 166, 2014
r 21.304........................................... ad No 297, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 21.304A ........................................ ad No 297, 2003
r 21.305........................................... am No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010; No 245, 2015
r 21.305A ........................................ am No 188, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.306........................................... rs No 328, 2010
Subpart 21.L
Subpart 21.L (prev Subpart L)........ renum No 350, 2002
r 21.321........................................... am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
r 21.324........................................... am No 77, 2011
r 21.325........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; F2018L01030
r 21.327........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 21.329........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 328, 2010
r 21.331........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 188, 2013
r 21.333........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 188, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 261

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 21.337........................................... rep No 328, 2010

Subpart 21.M
Subpart 21.M .................................. ad No 76, 2011
Division 21.M.1
r 21.400........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 245, 2015
r 21.402........................................... ad No 76, 2011
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.403........................................... ad No 188, 2013
Division 21.M.2
r 21.405........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.410........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.414........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.416........................................... ad No 76, 2011
rs No 188, 2013
r 21.418........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.420........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.425........................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 21.430........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.435........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.436........................................... ad No 188, 2013
r 21.437........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.440........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
r 21.445........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 188, 2013
Division 21.M.3
r 21.448........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 245, 2015
r 21.450........................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 21.455........................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 21.460........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am F2021L00200

262 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 21.M.4
r 21.465........................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 21.470........................................... ad No 76, 2011
am No 274, 2013; No 166, 2014
r 21.475........................................... ad No 76, 2011
rs No 245, 2015
Subpart 21.N
Subpart 21.N (prev Subpart N)....... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.500........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 40, 2014
r 21.500A ........................................ am No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013
r 21.502........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 350, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 40, 2014; No 245, 2015
r 21.502A ........................................ am No 166, 1999; No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013; No 245, 2015
Subpart 21.O
Subpart 21.O (prev Subpart O)....... renum No 350, 2002
r 21.601........................................... am No 34, 2001; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.603........................................... am No 34, 2001
rs No 268, 2002
am No 188, 2013
r 21.605........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 34, 2001; No 297, 2003; No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013
r 21.607........................................... am No 34, 2001; No 268, 2002; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 245, 2015
r 21.609........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 34, 2001; No 77, 2011; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013
r 21.611........................................... am No 34, 2001; No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 76, 2011; No 188, 2013
r 21.613........................................... am No 268, 2002; No 297, 2003
r 21.617........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013
r 21.619........................................... am No 34, 2001; No 350, 2002; No 188, 2013
r 21.621........................................... am No 80, 2013
Subpart 21.Q
Subpart Q........................................ ad No 204, 2000
Subpart 21.Q (prev Subpart Q)....... renum No 350, 2002
Division 21.Q.1
Division 21.Q.1 (prev ..................... renum No 350, 2002
Division 1)
r 21.805........................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 21.810........................................... ad No 204, 2000
Division 21.Q.2
Division 21.Q.2 (prev ..................... renum No 350, 2002
Division 2)
r 21.815........................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 21.820........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 268, 2002; No 321, 2005; No 77, 2011

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 263

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 21.825........................................... ad No 204, 2000

am No 242, 2001; No 268, 2002
r 21.830........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 268, 2002
r 21.835........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 268, 2002
r 21.840........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 268, 2002
Division 21.Q.3
Division 21.Q.3 (prev ..................... renum No 350, 2002
Division 3)
r 21.845........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 345, 2004
r 21.850........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002
r 21.855........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002
Division 21.Q.4
Division 21.Q.4 heading................. rs No 297, 2003
Division 21.Q.4 (prev ..................... renum No 350, 2002
Division 4)
r 21.860........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 297, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 21.865........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 268, 2002; No 297, 2003
r 21.870........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 268, 2002; No 297, 2003
r 21.875........................................... ad No 297, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 21.880........................................... ad No 297, 2003
Part 22
Part 22............................................. am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
am No 80, 2013
r 22.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 22.000 (prev r 22.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 22.001 (prev r 22.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004

264 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 147, 2009
r 22.002 (prev r 22.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 22.003 (prev r 22.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 22.004 (prev r 22.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 22.005 (prev r 22.5)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rep No 147, 2009
r 22.006 (prev r 22.6)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 147, 2009
r 22.007 (prev r 22.7)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 147, 2009
r 22.008 (prev r 22.8)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rep No 147, 2009
r 22.009 (prev r 22.9)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 147, 2009
Part 23
Part 23............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 23.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 23.000 (prev r 23.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 23.001 (prev r 23.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 23.002 (prev r 23.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 23.003 (prev r 23.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
r 23.004 (prev r 23.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 23.005 (prev r 23.5)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 23.006 (prev r 23.6)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 23.007 (prev r 23.7)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 265

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 23.008 (prev r 23.8)...................... renum No 350, 2002

rs No 147, 2009
Part 25
Part 25............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
Subpart 25.A
Subpart A heading .......................... ad No 227, 2000
reloc No 350, 2002
Subpart 25.A (prev Subpart A)....... renum No 350, 2002
r 25.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 350, 2002
r 25.000 (prev r 25.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 25.1............................................... am No 227, 2000
r 25.001 (prev r 25.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 25.002 (prev r 25.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
Subpart 25.B
Subpart B heading .......................... ad No 227, 2000
Subpart 25.B heading ..................... rs No 147, 2009
Subpart 25.B (prev Subpart B) ....... renum No 350, 2002
r 25.003 (prev r 25.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
r 25.004 (prev r 25.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 25.005 (prev r 25.5)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 25.006 (prev r 25.6)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
Subpart 25.C
Subpart C ........................................ ad No 227, 2000
Subpart 25.C (prev Subpart C) ....... renum No 350, 2002
r 25.11............................................. ad No 227, 2000
r 25.011 (prev r 25.11).................... renum No 350, 2002
r 25.13............................................. ad No 227, 2000
r 25.013 (prev r 25.13).................... renum No 350, 2002
Part 26
Part 26............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 26.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 26.000 (prev r 26.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002

266 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 345, 2004

r 26.001 (prev r 26.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
r 26.002 (prev r 26.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
Part 27
Part 27 heading ............................... rs No 166, 1999
Part 27............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 27.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 27.000 (prev r 27.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 27.1............................................... am No 166, 1999
r 27.001 (prev r 27.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 27.002 (prev r 27.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 27.003 (prev r 27.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
r 27.003A ........................................ ad No 147, 2009
r 27.004 (prev r 27.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 27.005........................................... ad No 147, 2009
Part 29
Part 29............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 29.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 29.000 (prev r 29.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 29.001 (prev r 29.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 29.002 (prev r 29.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 29.003 (prev r 29.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
r 29.003A ........................................ ad No 147, 2009
r 29.004 (prev r 29.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 29.005........................................... ad No 147, 2009
Part 31
Part 31............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 267

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 166, 2014
r 31.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 31.000 (prev r 31.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 31.001 (prev r 31.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 166, 2014
r 31.002 (prev r 31.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
rs No 166, 2014
r 31.003........................................... ad No 166, 2014
r 31.004........................................... ad No 166, 2014
r 31.005........................................... ad No 166, 2014
r 31.006........................................... ad No 166, 2014
r 31.007........................................... ad No 166, 2014
r 31.008........................................... ad No 166, 2014
Part 32
Part 32............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 32.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 32.000 (prev r 32.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 32.001 (prev r 32.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 32.002 (prev r 32.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 147, 2009; No 80, 2013
r 32.003 (prev r 32.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 32.004 (prev r 32.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
Part 33
Part 33............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 33.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 33.000 (prev r 33.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 33.001 (prev r 33.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 33.002 (prev r 33.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009

268 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 33.003 (prev r 33.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002

r 33.003A ........................................ ad No 147, 2009
r 33.004 (prev r 33.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 33.005........................................... ad No 147, 2009
Part 35
Part 35............................................. am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 35.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 35.000 (prev r 35.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 35.001 (prev r 35.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 35.002 (prev r 35.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
r 35.003 (prev r 35.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002
r 35.003A ........................................ ad No 147, 2009
r 35.004 (prev r 35.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 35.005........................................... ad No 147, 2009
Part 39
Part 39............................................. ad No 262, 1999
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
r 39.0............................................... ad No 204, 2000
r 39.000 (prev r 39.0)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 39.001A ........................................ ad No 64, 2009
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 39.1............................................... ad No 262, 1999
r 39.001 (prev r 39.1)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 230, 2004; No 323, 2005; No 64, 2009
r 39.2............................................... ad No 262, 1999
r 39.002 (prev r 39.2)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 64, 2009; No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 39.002A ........................................ ad No 64, 2009
r 39.002B ........................................ ad F2021L00200
r 39.3............................................... ad No 262, 1999
rs No 268, 2002
r 39.003 (prev r 39.3)...................... renum No 350, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 269

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 134, 2004
rs No 230, 2004
am No 64, 2009; F2021L00200
r 39.4............................................... ad No 262, 1999
r 39.004 (prev r 39.4)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 230, 2004
rs No 64, 2009
am F2021L00200
r 39.5............................................... ad No 262, 1999
am No 350, 2002
r 39.005 (prev r 39.5)...................... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 64, 2009
am No 274, 2013
r 39.6............................................... ad No 262, 1999
r 39.006 (prev r 39.6)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 64, 2009
r 39.7............................................... ad No 262, 1999
r 39.007 (prev r 39.7)...................... renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002; No 64, 2009
Part 42
Part 42............................................. ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
Subpart 42.A
r 42.005........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.010........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013; F2021L00200
r 42.015........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 76, 2011; No 107, 2012; No 275, 2013; No 166, 2014; No 245, 2015;
r 42.020........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
Subpart 42.B
Division 42.B.1
r 42.025........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.B.2
r 42.030........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013; F2021L00200
r 42.035........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.040........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am F2021L00200

270 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 42.045........................................... ad No 328, 2010

r 42.050........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.055........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.060........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.065........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.070........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.075........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.080........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
Division 42.B.3
r 42.085........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.090........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.095........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.C
Division 42.C.1
r 42.100........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.105........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am F2021L00200
Division 42.C.2
r 42.110........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.115........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.120........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 42.125........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.130........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.135........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.140........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.145........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.150........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.155........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am F2021L00200
r 42.160........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.165........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.C.3
Subdivision 42.C.3.1
r 42.170........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.C.3.2
r 42.175........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.180........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 271

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 42.185........................................... ad No 328, 2010

r 42.190........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.195........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013; F2021L00200
r 42.200........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
r 42.205........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
r 42.210........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
Subdivision 42.C.3.3
r 42.215........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.C.3.4
r 42.220........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 42.225........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.C.3.5
r 42.230........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.235........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.240........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.C.3.6
r 42.245........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.250........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.255........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.C.3.7
r 42.260........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
r 42.265........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.C.4
r 42.270........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 76, 2011; No 166, 2014; No 245, 2015
r 42.275........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.280........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 42.285........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.D
Division 42.D.1
r 42.290........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.D.2
r 42.295........................................... ad No 328, 2010

272 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am F2021L00200
r 42.300........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 5, 2013
r 42.301........................................... ad No 80, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 166, 2014
Division 42.D.3
r 42.305........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.306........................................... ad No 80, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013
Division 42.D.4
r 42.310........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.315........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.320........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.325........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
r 42.330........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.D.5
r 42.335........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 5, 2013
r 42.340........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.345........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.D.6
Subdivision 42.D.6.1
r 42.350........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am F2021L00200
r 42.355........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.360........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 40, 2014; F2021L00200
r 42.365........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.370........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.D.6.2
r 42.375........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.380........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.385........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.390........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.D.7
r 42.395........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
r 42.400........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.405........................................... ad No 328, 2010

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 273

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 42.410........................................... ad No 328, 2010

Subpart 42.E
Division 42.E.1
r 42.415........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.E.2
r 42.420........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 42.425........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.430........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 166, 2014
r 42.435........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.440........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 274, 2013
r 42.445........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.450........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.455........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.E.3
r 42.460........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.465........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.E.4
r 42.470........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 274, 2013
r 42.475........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.480........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.485........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.490........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.F
Division 42.F.1
r 42.495........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.500........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.505........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.F.2
r 42.510........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.515........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.520........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.525........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.530........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.F.3
r 42.535........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.540........................................... ad No 328, 2010

274 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 42.545........................................... ad No 328, 2010

r 42.550........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.F.4
r 42.555........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.560........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.565........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.G
Division 42.G.1
r 42.570........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.575........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.580........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.G.2
r 42.585........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.590........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.595........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.600........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.605........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.G.3
r 42.610........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.615........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.620........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.625........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.G.4
r 42.630........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 5, 2013
r 42.635........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.640........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.645........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.G.5
r 42.650........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.655........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.660........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.665........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.670........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.675........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.H
Division 42.H.1
r 42.680........................................... ad No 328, 2010

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 275

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 42.H.2
Subdivision 42.H.2.1
r 42.685........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.2.2
r 42.690........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.695........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.700........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.2.3
r 42.705........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.710........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.2.4
r 42.715........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.H.3
Subdivision 42.H.3.1
r 42.720........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.725........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.3.2
r 42.730........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.735........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.740........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.3.3
r 42.745........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.750........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.755........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.3.4
r 42.760........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 42.765........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.3.5
r 42.770........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.H.4
Subdivision 42.H.4.1
r 42.775........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.780........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.4.2
r 42.785........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.790........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subdivision 42.H.4.3
r 42.795........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.800........................................... ad No 328, 2010

276 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 42.805........................................... ad No 328, 2010

Subdivision 42.H.4.4
r 42.810........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.815........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
Subdivision 42.H.4.5
r 42.820........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.825........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.I
Division 42.I.1
r 42.830........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.835........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.I.2
r 42.840........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.845........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.850........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.855........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.860........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.865........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.870........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.I.3
r 42.875........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.880........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.885........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.890........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.895........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.I.4
r 42.900........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013; F2021L00200
Division 42.I.5
r 42.905........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.910........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.915........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.920........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.925........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.I.6
r 42.930........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am F2021L00200

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 277

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 42.J
Division 42.J.1
r 42.935........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.J.2
r 42.940........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am F2021L00200
r 42.945........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.950........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.955........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.960........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.965........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.J.3
r 42.970........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am F2021L00200
r 42.975........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.980........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.J.4
r 42.985........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.990........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.995........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1000......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1005......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1010......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.J.5
r 42.1015......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1020......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1025......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.K
r 42.1030......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1035......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.L
Division 42.L.1
r 42.1040......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.L.2
r 42.1045......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1050......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 42.L.3
r 42.1055......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1060......................................... ad No 328, 2010

278 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 42.M
r 42.1065......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.0170......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1075......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.N
r 42.1080......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1085......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1090......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1095......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 42.O
r 42.1100......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 42.1105......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Part 43............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rep No 328, 2010
Part 45
Part 45............................................. ad No 204, 2000
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
rs No 245, 2015
Subpart 45.A
Subpart 45.A (prev Subpart A)....... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.000........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001; No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 45.005........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 77, 2011
rs No 245, 2015
am F2019L01027; F2021L00200
Division 45.B.1 (prev ..................... renum No 350, 2002
Division 1) rep No 245, 2015
r 45.010........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 77, 2011
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.015........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
am F2018L01030; F2021L00200
r 45.020........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 350, 2002; No 134, 2004
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.025........................................... ad No 204, 2000

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 279

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 134, 2004
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.030........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.035........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002; No 77, 2011
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.040........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.045........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 245, 2015
Subpart 45.B
Subpart 45.B (prev Subpart B) ....... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.050........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.055........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.060........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.065........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.070........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.075........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.080........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.085........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002
rep No 245, 2015
Subpart 45.C
Subpart 45.C (prev Subpart C) ....... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.090........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002; No 77, 2011
rs No 245, 2015
am F2021L00200

280 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 45.B.2 (prev ..................... renum No 350, 2002

Division 2) rep No 245, 2015
r 45.095........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.100........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 350, 2002
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.105........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.110........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 245, 2015
Division 45.B.3 (prev ..................... renum No 350, 2002
Division 3) rep No 245, 2015
r 45.115........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002; No 77, 2011
rep No 245, 2015
Subpart 45.D
Subpart 45.D (prev Subpart D)....... renum No 350, 2002
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.120........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 350, 2002
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.125........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.130........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.135........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.140........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 134, 2004
rs No 245, 2015
r 45.145........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 268, 2002
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.150........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 242, 2001
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.155........................................... ad No 204, 2000

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 281

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 268, 2002; No 350, 2002

rep No 245, 2015
r 45.160........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002
rep No 245, 2015
Subpart 45.E (prev Subpart E)........ renum No 350, 2002
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.165........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 245, 2015
r 45.170........................................... ad No 204, 2000
am No 268, 2002; No 77, 2011
rep No 245, 2015
Part 47
Part 47............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013
Subpart 47.A
r 47.000........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed)
r 47.005........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.010........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 204, 2014
r 47.012........................................... ad F2019L01027
r 47.015........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 77, 2011; F2016L00400; F2019L01027; F2021L00200; F2022L00157;
r 47.020........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am F2019L01027
Subpart 47.B
r 47.025........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.030........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
rs F2019L01027
r 47.035........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
rs No 345, 2004
r 47.040........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 345, 2004; No 275, 2013
r 47.045........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.050........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am F2019L01027
r 47.055........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004

282 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 47.C
Division 47.C.1
Division 47.C.1 heading ................. ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 47.058........................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 47.060........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 275, 2013; No 204, 2014
r 47.065........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 345, 2004; No 274, 2013; No 204, 2014
r 47.070........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.075........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.080........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 204, 2014
r 47.085........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 275, 2013; No 204, 2014
r 47.090........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.095........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 275, 2013
rs No 204, 2014
Division 47.C.2
Division 47.C.2 heading ................. am F2023L00606
Division 47.C.2............................... ad F2019L01027
r 47.096........................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 47.096A ........................................ ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 47.097........................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2021L01027; F2023L00606
r 47.098........................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2022L00157; F2023L00606
r 47.099........................................... ad F2019L01027
rs F2022L00157
am F2023L00606
r 47.099A ........................................ ad F2019L01027
rep F2022L00157
r 47.099B ........................................ ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
Subpart 47.D
r 47.100A ........................................ ad F2019L01027

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 283

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 47.100........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004

am No 345, 2004; No 275, 2013; No 204, 2014
Subpart 47.E
r 47.105A ........................................ ad F2019L01027
r 47.105........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.110........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 232, 2009; No 275, 2013; No 204, 2014
Subpart 47.F
r 47.115........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.120........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 47.125........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 47.130........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 232, 2009; No 77, 2011
rs No 275, 2013
am No 204, 2014
r 47.131........................................... ad No 275, 2013
am No 204, 2014; F2019L01027
r 47.131A ........................................ ad No 204, 2014
r 47.131B ........................................ ad No 204, 2014
am F2019L01027
r 47.131C ........................................ ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 47.132........................................... ad No 275, 2013
rs No 204, 2014
r 47.135........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
Subpart 47.G
r 47.139........................................... ad F2019L01027
r 47.140........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.145........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.150........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.155........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.160........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 345, 2004
r 47.165........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
am No 345, 2004; No 204, 2014

284 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 47.H
r 47.169........................................... ad F2019L01027
r 47.170........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.175........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.180........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.185........................................... ad No 204, 2000 (Sch 2 item 7 disallowed); No 134, 2004
r 47.190........................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 47.195........................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 47.200........................................... ad No 134, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 47.205........................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 47.210........................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 47.215........................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 47.220........................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 47.225........................................... ad No 134, 2004
am No 77, 2011
Part 60
Part 60............................................. ad No 240, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
Subpart 60.A
r 60.000........................................... ad No 240, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 60.005........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.010........................................... ad No 240, 2003
Subpart 60.B
r 60.015........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.020........................................... ad No 240, 2003
am No 245, 2015
r 60.025........................................... ad No 240, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 60.030........................................... ad No 240, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 60.035........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.040........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.045........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.050........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.055........................................... ad No 240, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 5, 2013
r 60.060........................................... ad No 240, 2003
am No 5, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 285

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 60.065........................................... ad No 240, 2003

r 60.070........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.075........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.080........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.085........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.090........................................... ad No 240, 2003
r 60.095........................................... ad No 240, 2003
Subpart 60.C
Subpart 60.C ................................... ad No 240, 2003
Part 61
Part 61............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
Subpart 61.A
Division 61.A.1
r 61.005........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.007........................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.010........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2016L01448; F2018L01030; F2021L00200
r 61.015........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.020........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01051
r 61.025........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.030........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 61.035........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.040........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.045........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.047........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.050........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.055........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.060........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.061........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.062........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.063........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.065........................................... ad No 5, 2013

286 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 61.A.2
r 61.070........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2018L01030
r 61.075........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.080........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.085........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.090........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.095........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.100........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.105........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.110........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Division 61.A.3
Subdivision 61.A.3.1
Subdivision 61.A.3.1 ...................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.112........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.113........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.114........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.115........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.116........................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.117........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.118........................................... ad No 274, 2013
Subdivision 61.A.3.2
Subdivision 61.A.3.2 heading......... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.119........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.120........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 61.125........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.126........................................... ad No 125, 2014
r 61.130........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.135........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.140........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.145........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 125, 2014
am F2021L00200

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 287

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Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 61.B
Division 61.B.1
r 61.150........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.155........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.160........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.165........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.170........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.175........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.180........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.185........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.190........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.B.2
r 61.195........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.200........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.205........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.210........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Division 61.B.3
r 61.215........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.220........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.225........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.230........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.B.4
r 61.235........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.240........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.245........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2020L01051
r 61.250........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.B.5
r 61.255........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.260........................................... ad No 5, 2013

288 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 61.265........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.270........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.B.6
r 61.275........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.280........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.B.7
r 61.285........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Subpart 61.C
r 61.290........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.295........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.300........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
r 61.305........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.310........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.315........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.320........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.325........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.D
r 61.330........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 61.335........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.336........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.340........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.345........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.350........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.355........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.360........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.365........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.370........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
Subpart 61.E
Division 61.E.1
r 61.375........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2020L01051

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 289

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 61.380........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.385........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.390........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.395........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.400........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.405........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.410........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.415........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.420........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.422........................................... ad No 125, 2014
am F2018L01131
r 61.425........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.427........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.E.2
r 61.430........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 61.435........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
Subpart 61.F.................................... rep No 274, 2013
r 61.440........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 61.445........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 61.450........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 61.455........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
Subpart 61.G
Division 61.G.1
r 61.460........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.465........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.470........................................... ad No 5, 2013

290 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 274, 2013
r 61.475........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.480........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
Division 61.G.2
r 61.485........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.490........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.495........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2016L01655; F2018L01131
r 61.500........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2018L01131; F2021L00200
Subpart 61.H
Division 61.H.1
r 61.505........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.510........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.515........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.H.2
r 61.520........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.525........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.530........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.535........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.H.3
r 61.540........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.545........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.550........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2018L01131
r 61.555........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.560........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.565........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.I
Division 61.I.1
r 61.570........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2021L00200
r 61.575........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 291

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 61.580........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.I.2
r 61.585........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.590........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.595........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.600........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.I.3
r 61.605........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.610........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01051
r 61.615........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2018L01131
r 61.620........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.625........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.630........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.J
r 61.635........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014; F2021L00200
r 61.640........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.645........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.650........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.655........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.660........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.K
r 61.665........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.670........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.675........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.680........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.685........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.690........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 61.695........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014

292 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 61.700........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.705........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.710........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.715........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.L
Division 61.L.1
r 61.720........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
Division 61.L.2
r 61.725........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.730........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Division 61.L.3
r 61.735........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.740........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 61.745........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.747........................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2020L01051
r 61.750........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
Division 61.L.4
r 61.755........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2020L01051
r 61.760........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 125, 2014
r 61.765........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.L.5
r 61.770........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.775........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.780........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.785........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.790........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.795........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 293

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 125, 2014
r 61.800........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.805........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.810........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.815........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.820........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.822........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.L.6
r 61.825........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.830........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.835........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.840........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014 (Sch 1 item 77 md)
r 61.845........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.850........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.M
Division 61.M.1
r 61.855........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.860........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.865........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.870........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.875........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.880........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.885........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.887........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.M.2
r 61.890........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013

294 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 61.895........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.900........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.905........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.N
Division 61.N.1
r 61.910........................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 125, 2014
r 61.915........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.920........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.925........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.930........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
Division 61.N.2
r 61.935........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.940........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.942........................................... ad No 125, 2014
r 61.945........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.950........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.O
Division 61.O.1
r 61.955........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.960........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.965........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.970........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.975........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.O.2
r 61.980........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.985........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.990........................................... ad No 5, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 295

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 61.P
Division 61.P.1
r 61.995........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1000......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01051
r 61.1005......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1010......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.1015......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1020......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.P.2
r 61.1025......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.1030......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1035......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.Q
Division 61.Q.1
r 61.1040......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1045......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1050......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1055......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1060......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1070......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.Q.2
r 61.1075......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1080......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1085......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.R
Division 61.R.1
r 61.1090......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1100......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1105......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1110......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1115......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.R.2
r 61.1120......................................... ad No 5, 2013

296 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am F2020L01051
r 61.1125......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1130......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01051
r 61.1135......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1140......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.S
r 61.1145......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.1150......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1155......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01051
r 61.1160......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.T
Division 61.T.1
r 61.1165......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 61.1170......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1172......................................... ad No 274, 2013
rep F2020L01051
r 61.1175......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.1180......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.1185......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Division 61.T.2
r 61.1190......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2021L00200
r 61.1195......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1197......................................... ad No 274, 2013
rep F2020L01051
r 61.1200......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.1205......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.1210......................................... ad No 5, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 297

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 61.T.3
r 61.1215......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1220......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1225......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
r 61.1227......................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.1230......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.T.4
r 61.1235......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2020L01051
r 61.1240......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1245......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.1246......................................... ad No 125, 2014
r 61.1247......................................... ad No 125, 2014
r 61.1248......................................... ad F2018L01131
r 61.1250......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1252......................................... ad No 274, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
Subpart 61.U
Division 61.U.1
r 61.1255......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1260......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 61.1265......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1270......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1275......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1280......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1285......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1290......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.U.2
r 61.1295......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01051
r 61.1300......................................... ad No 5, 2013

298 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 125, 2014
r 61.1305......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Division 61.U.3
r 61.1310......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1315......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1318......................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 61.1320......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.V
r 61.1325......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1330......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1335......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1340......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1345......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1350......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1352......................................... ad No 125, 2014
am F2018L01131
r 61.1355......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.1360......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
Subpart 61.W
r 61.1365......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1370......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1375......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1380......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1385......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1390......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.X
Division 61.X.1
r 61.1395......................................... ad No 5, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 299

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200

r 61.1400......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1402......................................... ad No 274, 2013
rep F2020L01051
r 61.1405......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1410......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 61.1415......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.X.2
r 61.1420......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1425......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1427......................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2021L00200
Division 61.X.3
r 61.1430......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1435......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1440......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.Y
Division 61.Y.1
r 61.1445......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 61.1450......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 61.1455......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1460......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1465......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1470......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1475......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 61.Y.2
r 61.1480......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1485......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1490......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Division 61.Y.3
r 61.1495......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 61.1500......................................... ad No 5, 2013

300 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 61.1505......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 61.Z
r 61.1510......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.1515......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.1520......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.1525......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.1530......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 61.1535......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 61.1540......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
Part 63............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rep No 5, 2013
Part 64
Part 64............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Subpart 64.A
r 64.005........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 64.010........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 64.012........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 64.B
r 64.015........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 64.020........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 64.025........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 64.030........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 64.035........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014; F2021L00200
r 64.040........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2021L00200
Subpart 64.C
r 64.045........................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L00913; F2021L00200

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 301

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 64.050........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 64.055........................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 64.060........................................... ad No 5, 2013
Part 65
Part 65............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
Subpart 65.A
Subpart A heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 65.A heading ..................... ad No 345, 2004
r 65.000........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.005........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
r 65.010........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.015........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.020........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.025........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.030........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.033........................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 323, 2005; No 80, 2013; F2016L00170
r 65.033A ........................................ ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.033B ........................................ ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.033C ........................................ ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.033D ........................................ ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.033E ........................................ ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.033F......................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.033G ........................................ ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 65.033H ........................................ ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004

302 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 65.B
Subpart B heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 65.B heading ..................... ad No 345, 2004
r 65.035........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 65.040........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.045........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.050........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 65.055........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.060........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.065........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
am No 5, 2013; F2021L00200
Subpart 65.C
Subpart C heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 65.C heading ..................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
Division 65.C.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 65.C.1 heading ................. ad No 345, 2004
r 65.070........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.075........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.080........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 65.085........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 65.090........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.095........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.100........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.105........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.110........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.115........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 65.120........................................... ad No 167, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 303

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 65.C.2
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 65.C.2 heading ................. ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 65.125........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.130........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 65.135........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.140........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 65.145........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.150........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.155........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.160........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.165........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 80, 2013
r 65.170........................................... ad No 167, 2002
Subpart 65.E
Subpart E heading........................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 65.E heading...................... ad No 345, 2004
Division 65.E.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 65.E.1 heading ................. ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 65.175........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 65.180........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 65.185........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.190........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.195........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.200........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011

304 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 65.205........................................... ad No 167, 2002

rep No 77, 2011
r 65.210........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 75, 2003
r 65.215........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.220........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.225........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
r 65.230........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 65.235........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.240........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 65.245........................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
Division 65.E.2
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 65.E.2 heading ................. ad No 345, 2004
r 65.250........................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 65.E.3
Division 3 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 65.E.3 heading ................. ad No 345, 2004
r 65.255........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.260........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.265........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.270........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.275........................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 65.280........................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 65.285........................................... ad No 80, 2013
Part 66
Part 66............................................. ad No 204, 2000

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 305

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013
Subpart 66.A
r 66.005........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 66.010........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015
r 66.015........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 246, 2015
Subpart 66.B
r 66.018........................................... ad No 246, 2015
r 66.020........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 66.025........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.026........................................... ad No 80, 2013
am No 246, 2015; F2016L01448
r 66.030........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.035........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.040........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.045........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.050........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.055........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.060........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.065........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.070........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.071........................................... ad No 80, 2013
r 66.072........................................... ad No 80, 2013
Subpart 66.C
r 66.075........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015
r 66.080........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015
r 66.085........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015
r 66.090........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015
r 66.095........................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 80, 2013
am No 246, 2015; F2016L01448
r 66.100........................................... ad No 328, 2010

306 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 80, 2013
r 66.105........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.110........................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 80, 2013
Subpart 66.D
r 66.115........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.115A ........................................ ad No 246, 2015
r 66.120........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 66.125........................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 275, 2013
r 66.130........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 246, 2015
r 66.135........................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 80, 2013
am No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015
r 66.136........................................... ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.137........................................... ad No 80, 2013
rs No 246, 2015
r 66.138........................................... ad No 80, 2013
am No 246, 2015
r 66.139........................................... ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.139A ........................................ ad No 80, 2013
rs No 246, 2015
r 66.140........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
Subpart 66.E ................................... rep No 246, 2015
r 66.145........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.150........................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.155........................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.160........................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.165........................................... ad No 328, 2010

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 307

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.166........................................... ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.167........................................... ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.168........................................... ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.168A ........................................ ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.169........................................... ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 66.170........................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 246, 2015
Subpart 66.F
r 66.175........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.180........................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 66.185........................................... ad No 328, 2010
Part 67
Part 67............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 232, 2003
am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
Subpart 67.A
r 67.005........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 274, 2013
r 67.010........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 207, 2005; No 120, 2011
r 67.015........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.020........................................... ad No 232, 2003
Subpart 67.B
r 67.025........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 207, 2005; No 77, 2011; No 120, 2011
r 67.030........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011; F2016L01448
r 67.035........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011; F2016L01448
r 67.040........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011; F2016L01448
r 67.045........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011

308 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 67.050........................................... ad No 232, 2003

rep No 77, 2011
r 67.055........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.060........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.065........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 207, 2005; No 77, 2011; No 120, 2011
r 67.070........................................... ad No 232, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 67.075........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 207, 2005; No 120, 2011
r 67.080........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.085........................................... ad No 232, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 67.090........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.095........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.100........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.105........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.110........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.115........................................... ad No 232, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 67.120........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 67.125........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.130........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.135........................................... ad No 232, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 67.140........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.141........................................... ad No 232, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 67.C
r 67.145........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.150........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 5, 2013
r 67.155........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 5, 2013
r 67.160........................................... ad No 232, 2003

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 309

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 345, 2004; No 5, 2013

r 67.165........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.170........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.175........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.180........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 77, 2011; No 274, 2013; F2016L01448
r 67.185........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.190........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.195........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.200........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 67.205........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.210........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.215........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.220........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.225........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am F2016L01448
r 67.230........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am F2016L01448
r 67.235........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am F2021L00200
r 67.240........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.245........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.250........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.255........................................... ad No 232, 2003
r 67.260........................................... ad No 232, 2003
Subpart 67.D
Subpart 67.D................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 67.262........................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 67.263........................................... ad No 274, 2013
Subpart 67.E
Subpart 67.D heading ..................... rep No 274, 2013
Subpart 67.E heading...................... ad No 274, 2013
r 67.265........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 5, 2013; No 274, 2013; F2016L01448; F2021L00200
r 67.270........................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 5, 2013; No 274, 2013; F2021L00200

310 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 67.271........................................... ad No 274, 2013

r 67.275........................................... ad No 232, 2003
Part 71
Part 71............................................. ad No 204, 2000
Part 90
Part 90............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 277, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013
Subpart 90.A
r 90.005........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.007........................................... ad F2017L01149
r 90.008........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 90.010........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.015........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.020........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am No 277, 2010; F2017L01149
Subpart 90.B
r 90.100........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.105........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.110........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.115........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.120........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.125........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.130........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.135........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.140........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.145........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.150........................................... ad F2017L01149
Subpart 90.C
Division 90.C.1
r 90.200........................................... ad No 277, 2010

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 311

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 90.C.2
r 90.205........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2017L01149
r 90.210........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.215........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.220........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.225........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.230........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am No 277, 2010
r 90.235........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.240........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.245........................................... ad No 277, 2010
Division 90.C.3
r 90.250........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.255........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am No 245, 2015; F2017L01149
r 90.260........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.265........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2021L00200
r 90.270........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am No 277, 2010; F2017L01149
r 90.275........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2021L00200
Division 90.C.4
r 90.280........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2021L00200
r 90.285........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am No 277, 2010; F2021L00200
r 90.290........................................... ad No 277, 2010
Subpart 90.D
r 90.400........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.405........................................... ad No 277, 2010
r 90.410........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am No 277, 2010; F2021L00200
r 90.415........................................... ad No 277, 2010
Subpart 90.E
Subpart 90.E heading...................... am F2021L00200
r 90.600........................................... ad No 277, 2010
am F2021L00200
r 90.605........................................... ad No 277, 2010

312 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Part 91
Part 91............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rs No 323, 2005
am No 80, 2013
rs F2018L01783
Subpart 91.A
r 91.005........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
r 91.010........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.015........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.020........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.025........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.030........................................... ad F2018L01783
am F2021L00200
r 91.035........................................... ad F2018L01783
am F2021L00200
r 91.040........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.045........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.050........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.C
Division 91.C.1
r 91.055........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.060........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.085........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.090........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.C.2
r 91.095........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.C.3
Division 91.C.3............................... am F2021L00200
r 91.100........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.105........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.110........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.115........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.120........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.C.6
r 91.140........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.145........................................... ad F2018L01783
am F2021L00200
r 91.150........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.155........................................... ad F2018L01783

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 313

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 91.C.7
r 91.160........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.165........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.C.8
r 91.170........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.175........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.C.9
r 91.180........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.185........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.190........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.195........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.200........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.205........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.210........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.D
Division 91.D.1
r 91.215........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.220........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.225........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.2
r 91.230........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.235........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.3
r 91.240........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.245........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.4
Subdivision 91.D.4.1
r 91.255........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.257........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.260........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.263........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.265........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.267........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.270........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subdivision 91.D.4.2
r 91.273........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.275........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.277........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.280........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.283........................................... ad F2018L01783

314 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 91.285........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subdivision 91.D.4.3
r 91.287........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.290........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.295........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.300........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.305........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.307........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.310........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.315........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.320........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subdivision 91.D.4.4
r 91.325........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.330........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.335........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.340........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subdivision 91.D.4.5
r 91.345........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.350........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.355........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subdivision 91.D.4.6
r 91.360........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.365........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.370........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.375........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.380........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.385........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.390........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.395........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.400........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.405........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.5
r 91.410........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.415........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.420........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.425........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.430........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.6
r 91.455........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.460........................................... ad F2018L01783

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 315

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 91.465........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.470........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.475........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.480........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.485........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.490........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.495........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.500........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.505........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.510........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.515........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.7
r 91.520........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.525........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.530........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.535........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.540........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.545........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.550........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.555........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.560........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.565........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.570........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.575........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.580........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.585........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.590........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.595........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.600........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.605........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.610........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.615........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.620........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.8
r 91.625........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.630........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.635........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.640........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.645........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.650........................................... ad F2018L01783

316 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 91.655........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.660........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.10
r 91.670........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.675........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.680........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.685........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.690........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.695........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.700........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.705........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.710........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.11
Subdivision 91.D.11.1
r 91.715........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.720........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.725........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subdivision 91.D.11.2
r 91.730........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.735........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.740........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.745........................................... ad F2018L01783
am F2021L00200
r 91.750........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subdivision 91.D.11.3
r 91.755........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.760........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.765........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.770........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.775........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.D.12
r 91.780........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.785........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.790........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.F
r 91.795........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.800........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.J
r 91.805........................................... ad F2018L01783

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 317

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 91.K
r 91.810........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.P
r 91.820........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.825........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.830........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
Subpart 91.T
Division 91.T.1
r 91.835........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.T.2
r 91.840........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.845........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.T.3
r 91.850........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
am F2021L00200
r 91.855........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.860........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.865........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
am F2021L00200
r 91.870........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
am F2021L00200
Division 91.T.4
r 91.875........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
r 91.880........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
r 91.885........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
Division 91.T.5
r 91.890........................................... ad No 323, 2005
rs F2018L01783
Division 91.T.6
r 91.895........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.900........................................... ad F2018L01783
am F2021L00200

318 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 91.T.7
r 91.905........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.T.8
r 91.910........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.915........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.920........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.Y
Division 91.Y.1
r 91.925........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.930........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.Y.2
r 91.935........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.Y.3
r 91.940........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.Y.4
r 91.945........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.950........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.955........................................... ad F2018L01783
Division 91.Y.5
r 91.960........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.Z
r 91.965........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.970........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.975........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.980........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.985........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.990........................................... ad F2018L01783
r 91.995........................................... ad F2018L01783
Subpart 91.U
Division 91.U.1
r 91.5000......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5005......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5010......................................... ad No 323, 2005
am F2016L00170
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5015......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5020......................................... ad No 323, 2005

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 319

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep F2018L01783
r 91.5025......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5030......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
Division 91.U.4
r 91.5150......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5155......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5160......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5165......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
r 91.5170......................................... ad No 323, 2005
rep F2018L01783
Part 92
Part 92............................................. ad No 365, 2003
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013
Subpart 92.A
r 92.005........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.010........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.015........................................... ad No 365, 2003
Subpart 92.B
r 92.020........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.025........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.030........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.035........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.040........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.045........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.050........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.055........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.060........................................... ad No 365, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 92.065........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.070........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.075........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.080........................................... ad No 365, 2003
rep No 77, 2011

320 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 92.C
r 92.085........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 365, 2003
r 92.090........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.095........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.100........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.105........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 164, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.110........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.115........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 365, 2003; No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.120........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.125........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.130........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.135........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.140........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.145........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 365, 2003; No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
r 92.150........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 365, 2003; No 345, 2004
exp 31 Dec 2006 (r 92.150(8))
rep No 275, 2013
r 92.155........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 365, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
Subpart 92.D
r 92.160........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 90, 2015; F2016L00717
r 92.165........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am F2021L00200
r 92.170........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 92.175........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.180........................................... ad No 365, 2003

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 321

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 92.185........................................... ad No 365, 2003

r 92.190........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.195........................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 222, 2004
rs No 274, 2008
am F2021L00200
Subpart 92.E
Subpart 92.E ................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.200........................................... ad No 365, 2003
r 92.205........................................... ad No 365, 2003
Part 99
Part 99............................................. ad No 192, 2008
am No 80, 2013
r 99.005........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subpart 99.A
r 99.010........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 275, 2008; No 274, 2013; F2016L01448; F2020L00913
r 99.015........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 164, 2011; F2019L01621; F2021L00200
r 99.020........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subpart 99.B
Division 99.B.1
r 99.025........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.B.2
r 99.030........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 164, 2011; No 274, 2013; F2020L00913
r 99.035........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.040........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.B.3
Subdivision 99.B.3.1
r 99.045........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.B.3.2
r 99.050........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.055........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.060........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.B.3.3
r 99.065........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.070........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.075........................................... ad No 192, 2008

322 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision 99.B.3.4
r 99.080........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.B.4
r 99.085........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.090........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.095........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.B.5
r 99.100........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.105........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subpart 99.C
Division 99.C.1
r 99.110........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.C.1.1
r 99.115........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.120........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.C.1.2
r 99.125........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.C.1.3
r 99.130........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.C.2
Subdivision 99.C.2.1
r 99.135........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.140........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.145........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.150........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.C.2.2
r 99.155........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.160........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.165........................................... ad No 192, 2008
rs No 80, 2013
r 99.170........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 80, 2013
r 99.175........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 80, 2013
r 99.180........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.185........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.C.2.3
r 99.190........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.195........................................... ad No 192, 2008

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 323

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision 99.C.2.4
r 99.200........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.205........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.210........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.215........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 80, 2013
r 99.220........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.225........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.230........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.C.2.5
r 99.235........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.C.3
r 99.240........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.245........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.250........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.255........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 80, 2013
r 99.260........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 80, 2013
r 99.265........................................... ad No 192, 2008
rs No 80, 2013
r 99.270........................................... ad No 192, 2008
rep No 80, 2013
Subpart 99.D
Division 99.D.1
r 99.275........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.D.2
r 99.280........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.285........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.290........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.295........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.300........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.305........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.310........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.D.3
r 99.315........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subpart 99.E
Division 99.E.1
r 99.320........................................... ad No 192, 2008

324 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 99.E.2
Subdivision 99.E.2.1
r 99.325........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.330........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.335........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.340........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.345........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.350........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.E.2.2
r 99.355........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.360........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.365........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.370........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.375........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subdivision 99.E.2.3
r 99.380........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.385........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 80, 2013
Division 99.E.3
r 99.390........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subpart 99.F
Division 99.F.1
r 99.395........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.F.2
r 99.400........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 120, 2010
r 99.405........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 120, 2010
Subpart 99.G
Division 99.G.1
r 99.410........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.415........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 120, 2010
r 99.420........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.425........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.430........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.435........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Subpart 99.H
Division 99.H.1
r 99.440........................................... ad No 192, 2008

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 325

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 99.H.2
r 99.445........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 77, 2011
r 99.450........................................... ad No 192, 2008
am No 275, 2008
Division 99.H.3
r 99.455........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.460........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.H.4
r 99.465........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.H.5
r 99.470........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.475........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.480........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.485........................................... ad No 192, 2008
r 99.490........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Division 99.H.6
r 99.495........................................... ad No 192, 2008
Part 101
Part 101........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 349, 2001
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
Subpart 101.A
Subpart A heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.A heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.000......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rep No 345, 2004
r 101.005......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 274, 2013
r 101.010......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.015......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 345, 2004; F2016L00400
rep F2019L01027
r 101.020......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rs No 266, 2002
am F2016L00400; F2016L01448; F2021L00200
r 101.021......................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.022......................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.023......................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.024......................................... ad F2022L00157

326 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 101.025......................................... ad No 349, 2001

am F2020L01601
r 101.028......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.029......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.030......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am F2016L00400; F2019L01027
r 101.035......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.040......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 101.045......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rep No 77, 2011
Subpart 101.AB
Subpart 101.AB heading................. am F2019L01027
Subpart 101.AB .............................. ad F2016L00400
r 101.046......................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.047......................................... ad F2016L00400
am F2019L01027; F2023L00606
r 101.048......................................... ad F2016L00400
rs F2019L01027
Subpart 101.B
Subpart B heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.B heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.050......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.055......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013; F2020L01601
Subpart 101.C
Subpart C heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.C heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.060......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.065......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 172, 2007; F2016L00400
r 101.066......................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.070......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013; F2016L00400
r 101.072......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.073......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.075......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013
r 101.080......................................... ad No 349, 2001

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 327

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400; F2016L01448

r 101.085......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013; F2016L00400
r 101.090......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.095......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400
r 101.097......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.098......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 101.099......................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.099AA ................................... ad F2021L01027
am F2023L00606
r 101.099A ...................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 101.099B ...................................... ad F2022L00157
am F2023L00606
ed C98
Subpart 101.D
Subpart D heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.D heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.100......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.105......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 101.110......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400
r 101.115......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013
r 101.120......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.125......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.130......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.135......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
Subpart 101.E
Subpart E heading........................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.E heading.................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.140......................................... ad No 349, 2001

328 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 101.145......................................... ad No 349, 2001

rs F2016L01448
r 101.150......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am F2019L01027
r 101.155......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 77, 2011; No 265, 2011; F2016L00400; F2016L01448
r 101.160......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400; F2016L01448
r 101.165......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400; F2016L01448
r 101.170......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013; F2016L01448
r 101.175......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.180......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.185......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.190......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.195......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.200......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.205......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.210......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.215......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.220......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.225......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L01448
r 101.230......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
Subpart 101.F
Subpart F heading........................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.F heading.................... ad No 345, 2004
rs F2016L00400

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 329

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 101.F.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 101.F.1 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 101.235......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rs F2016L00400
ed C73
am F2019L01027
r 101.236......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.237......................................... ad F2016L00400
am F2019L01027
r 101.238......................................... ad F2016L00400
am F2019L01027
r 101.240......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rep F2016L00400
Division 101.F.2
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 101.F.2 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
rs F2016L00400
r 101.245......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400
r 101.247......................................... ad F2016L00400
rep F2019L01027
r 101.250......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013; F2016L00400
r 101.252......................................... ad F2016L00400
am F2019L01027
r 101.255......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 350, 2002; F2016L00400; F2019L01027
r 101.260......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am F2016L00400; F2016L01448
r 101.265......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am F2016L00400
r 101.270......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
rs F2016L00400
ed C73
r 101.272......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.275......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 77, 2011; F2016L00400
r 101.280......................................... ad No 349, 2001

330 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400; F2019L01027

r 101.285......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 5, 2013; F2016L00400; F2021L00200
Division 101.F.3
Division 3 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 101.F.3 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011; F2016L00400
Division 101.F.3 ............................. am F2016L00400
r 101.290......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 77, 2011; No 274, 2013; F2016L00400; F2021L00200
r 101.295......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 77, 2011; No 5, 2013; No 274, 2013; F2016L00400; F2021L00200
r 101.300......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 77, 2011; No 5, 2013; F2016L00400; F2021L00200
r 101.305......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 350, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 101.310......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rep No 77, 2011
r 101.315......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 350, 2002; F2016L00400; F2019L01027
r 101.320......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 350, 2002; F2016L00400; F2019L01027
r 101.325......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rep No 77, 2011
Division 101.F.4
Division 4 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 101.F.4 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011; F2016L00400
Division 101.F.4 ............................. am F2016L00400
r 101.330......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 77, 2011; F2016L00400
r 101.335......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 77, 2011; No 5, 2013; F2016L00400
r 101.340......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 77, 2011; F2016L00400; F2019L01027
r 101.342......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.345......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 350, 2002
rep No 77, 2011

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 331

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 101.350......................................... ad No 349, 2001

rep No 77, 2011
r 101.355......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rep No 80, 2013
r 101.360......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 350, 2002; F2016L00400; F2019L01027
r 101.365......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 350, 2002; F2016L00400; F2019L01027
r 101.370......................................... ad No 349, 2001
rep No 77, 2011
ad F2016L00400
Division 101.F.5
Division 101.F.5 heading................ am F2019L01027
Division 101.F.5 ............................. ad F2016L00400
r 101.371......................................... ad F2016L00400
rs F2019L01027
r 101.372......................................... ad F2016L00400
rs F2019L01027
r 101.373......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 101.374......................................... ad F2016L00400
Subpart 101.FA
Subpart 101.FA heading ................. am F2023L00606
Subpart 101.FA............................... ad F2019L01027
Division 101.FA.1
r 101.374A ...................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
Division 101.FA.2
r 101.374B ...................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
r 101.374C ...................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2023L00606
Division 101.FA.3
Division 101.FA.3 heading............. am F2023L00606
r 101.374D ...................................... ad F2019L01027
rs F2023L00606
r 101.374E ...................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2022L00157; F2023L00606
r 101.374F....................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.374G ...................................... ad F2019L01027
r 101.374H ...................................... ad F2019L01027

332 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 101.374J ....................................... ad F2019L01027

am F2023L00606
Subpart 101.G
Subpart G heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.G heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.375......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am F2019L01027
r 101.380......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am F2019L01027; F2022L00157
r 101.385......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.390......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.395......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.400......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013
r 101.405......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2022L00157
r 101.410......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400
Subpart 101.H
Subpart H heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.H heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.415......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 274, 2013
r 101.420......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.425......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am F2019L01027; F2020L01601
r 101.430......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 172, 2007; F2016L00400
r 101.435......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013
r 101.440......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013
r 101.445......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2016L00400
r 101.450......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; F2020L01601
r 101.455......................................... ad No 349, 2001

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 333

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013; F2020L01601

r 101.460......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.465......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.470......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
Subpart 101.I
Subpart I heading............................ rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 101.I heading..................... ad No 345, 2004
r 101.475......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.480......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.485......................................... ad No 349, 2001
r 101.490......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013
r 101.495......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002
r 101.500......................................... ad No 349, 2001
am No 349, 2002; No 274, 2013; F2016L00400
Part 103
Part 103........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs F2019L01621
Subpart 103.A
r 103.005......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2021L00200
r 103.010......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.015......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.020......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 103.B
r 103.025......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2021L00200
r 103.030......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.035......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 103.C
r 103.040......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 103.D
r 103.045......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.050......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.055......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.060......................................... ad F2019L01621

334 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 103.065......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.070......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.075......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.080......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.085......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 103.K
r 103.090......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 103.M
r 103.100......................................... ad F2019L01621
rs F2021L00200
r 103.105......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.110......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.115......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.120......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 103.125......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 103.Z
r 103.130......................................... ad F2019L01621
Part 105
Part 105........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs F2019L01621
Subpart 105.A
r 105.005......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.010......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.015......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 105.C
Division 105.C.1
r 105.020......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.025......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 105.C.4
r 105.045......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.050......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 105.C.5
r 105.055......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.060......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 105.C.6
r 105.065......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.070......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.075......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.080......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.085......................................... ad F2019L01621

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 335

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am F2021L00200
r 105.090......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.095......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 105.D
r 105.100......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.105......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.110......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.115......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 105.G
r 105.120......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 105.J
r 105.125......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 105.K
r 105.130......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 105.N
r 105.135......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.140......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.145......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.150......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 105.155......................................... ad F2019L01621
Part 115
Part 115........................................... ad No 204, 2000
Part 117
Part 117........................................... ad No 222, 2013
r 117.005......................................... ad No 222, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 117.010......................................... ad No 222, 2013
r 117.015......................................... ad No 222, 2013
am F2016L00400; F2021L00200
r 117.020......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 117.025......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 117.030......................................... ad F2021L00200
am F2023L00606
Part 119
Part 119........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs F2018L01787
Subpart 119.A
r 119.005......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.010......................................... ad F2018L01787
am F2022L01612

336 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 119.015......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.020......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.025......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.030......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.035......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 199.036......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.040......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.045......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.050......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.055......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.060......................................... ad F2018L01787
Subpart 119.B
r 119.065......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.070......................................... ad F2018L01787
am F2021L00200
r 119.075......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.080......................................... ad F2018L01787
am F2021L00200
Subpart 119.C
r 119.085......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.090......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.095......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.100......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.105......................................... ad F2018L01787
Subpart 119.D
r 119.110......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.115......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.120......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.125......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.130......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.135......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.140......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.145......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.150......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.155......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.160......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.165......................................... ad F2018L01787
Subpart 119.E
r 119.170......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.175......................................... ad F2018L01787

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 337

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 119.180......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.185......................................... ad F2018L01787
Subpart 119.F
r 119.190......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.195......................................... ad F2018L01787
Subpart 119.H
r 119.205......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.210......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.215......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.220......................................... ad F2018L01787
Subpart 119.J
r 119.225......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.230......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.235......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.240......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.245......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.250......................................... ad F2018L01787
Subpart 119.K
r 119.255......................................... ad F2018L01787
r 119.260......................................... ad F2018L01787
Part 121
Part 121........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs F2018L01784
Subpart 121.A
r 121.005......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.010......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.015......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.C
Division 121.C.1
r 121.020......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.025......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.030......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.035......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.040......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.045......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.050......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.C.2
r 121.055......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.060......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.065......................................... ad F2018L01784

338 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 121.070......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.C.3
r 121.075......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.080......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.085......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.090......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.095......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.100......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.105......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.110......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.115......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.C.4
r 121.120......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.125......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.C.5
r 121.130......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.135......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.C.6
r 121.140......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.145......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.150......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.155......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.D
Division 121.D.1
r 121.160......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.2
r 121.165......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.170......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.3
r 121.175......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.180......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.4
r 121.185......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.190......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.195......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.200......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.5
r 121.205......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.210......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.215......................................... ad F2018L01784

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 339

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 121.220......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.6
r 121.225......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.230......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.235......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.240......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.7
r 121.245......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.250......................................... as F2018L01784
r 121.255......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.260......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.265......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.270......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.275......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.280......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.285......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.290......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.295......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.8
r 121.300......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.305......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.310......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.315......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.320......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.325......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.330......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.335......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.340......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.D.9
r 121.345......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.350......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.355......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.360......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.365......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.370......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.375......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.380......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.385......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.F
r 121.390......................................... ad F2018L01784

340 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 121.395......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.420......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.425......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.430......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.J
r 121.435......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.440......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.445......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.450......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.455......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.K
r 121.460......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.N
Division 121.N.1
r 121.470......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.475......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.480......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.485......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.490......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.495......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.500......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.505......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.510......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.515......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.N.2
r 121.520......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.525......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.530......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.N.3
r 121.535......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.N.4
r 121.540......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.545......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.550......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.N.5
r 121.555......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.560......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.565......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.N.6
r 121.570......................................... ad F2018L01784

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 341

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 121.575......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.580......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.585......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.590......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.595......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.600......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.605......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.610......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.615......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.620......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.P
Division 121.P.1
r 121.625......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.630......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.P.2
r 121.635......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.640......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.645......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.650......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.655......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.660......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.665......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.670......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.675......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.680......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.P.3
r 121.685......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.690......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.695......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.700......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.P.4
r 121.705......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.P.5
r 121.710......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.715......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.720......................................... ad F2018L01784
Division 121.P.6
r 121.725......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.730......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.735......................................... ad F2018L01784

342 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 121.P.7
r 121.740......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.745......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.750......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.V
r 121.755......................................... ad F2018L01784
Subpart 121.Z
r 121.760......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.765......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.770......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.775......................................... ad F2018L01784
r 121.780......................................... ad F2018L01784
Part 129
Part 129........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 247, 2015
Subpart 129.A
r 129.005......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.020......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.025......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.030......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.035......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.040......................................... ad No 247, 2015
Subpart 129.B
r 129.045......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.050......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.055......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.060......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.065......................................... ad No 247, 2015
Subpart 129.C
r 129.070......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.075......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.080......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.085......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.090......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.095......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.100......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.105......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.110......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.115......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.120......................................... ad No 247, 2015

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 343

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 129.125......................................... ad No 247, 2015

Subpart 129.M
r 129.200......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.205......................................... ad No 247, 2015
Subpart 129.N
r 129.250......................................... ad No 247, 2015
r 129.255......................................... ad No 247, 2015
Part 131
Part 131........................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.A
r 131.005......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2021L00200
r 131.010......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.015......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.020......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.025......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2021L00200
r 131.030......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.035......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.040......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.045......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.050......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.055......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.B
Division 131.B.1
r 131.060......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.065......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.070......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.B.2
r 131.075......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.080......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.085......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.090......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.B.3
r 131.095......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.100......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.105......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.110......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.115......................................... ad F2019L01621

344 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 131.B.4
r 131.120......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.125......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.130......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.135......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.140......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.145......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.150......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.155......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.160......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.165......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.170......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.175......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.B.5
r 131.180......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.185......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.190......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.B.6
r 131.195......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.200......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.205......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.210......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.B.7
r 131.215......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.220......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.225......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.230......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.B.8
r 131.235......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.240......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.C
Division 131.C.1
r 131.245......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.250......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.C.2
r 131.255......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.260......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.C.3
r 131.265......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.270......................................... ad F2019L01621

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 345

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 131.275......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.280......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.C.4
r 131.285......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.C.5
r 131.290......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.295......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.C.6
Division 131.C.6 heading ............... am F2021L00200
r 131.300......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.305......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.310......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.315......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.320......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.325......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.330......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.D
Division 131.D.2
r 131.340......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.D.3
r 131.345......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.350......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.D.4
Subdivision 131.D.4.1
r 131.353......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.354......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.355......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.360......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.365......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subdivision 131.D.4.2
r 131.367......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.D.5
r 131.370......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.375......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.D.6
r 131.380......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.385......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.D.7
r 131.390......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.395......................................... ad F2019L01621

346 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 131.400......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.405......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.410......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.415......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.420......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.425......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.430......................................... ad F2019L01621
Division 131.D.8
r 131.435......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2021L00200
r 131.440......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.F
r 131.445......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.450......................................... ad F2019L01621
rs F2021L00200
r 131.455......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.K
r 131.460......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.N
r 131.565......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2021L00200
Subpart 131.P
Division 131.P.1
r 131.570......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.R
r 131.580......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.585......................................... ad F2019L01621
Subpart 131.Z
r 131.685......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.690......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.695......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.700......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.705......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 131.710......................................... ad F2019L01621
Part 132
Part 132........................................... ad F2016L01655
Subpart 132.A
r 132.005......................................... ad F2016L01655
am F2021L00200
r 132.010......................................... ad F2016L01655

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 347

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 132.015......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.020......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.025......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.030......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.035......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.040......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.045......................................... ad F2016L01655
am F2021L00200
Subpart 132.B
r 132.050......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.055......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.060......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.065......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.070......................................... ad F2016L01655
am F2021L00200
r 132.075......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.080......................................... ad F2016L01655
rep F2021L00200
r 132.085......................................... ad F2016L01655
Subpart 132.C
Division 132.C.1
r 132.090......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.095......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.100......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.105......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.110......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.115......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.120......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.125......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.130......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.135......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.140......................................... ad F2016L01655
Division 132.C.2
r 132.145......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.150......................................... ad F2016L01655
am F2021L00200
r 132.155......................................... ad F2016L01655
am F2021L00200
r 132.160......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.165......................................... ad F2016L01655

348 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 132.170......................................... ad F2016L01655
Subpart 132.D
Division 132.D.1
r 132.175......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.180......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.185......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.190......................................... ad F2016L01655
Division 132.D.2
r 132.195......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.200......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.205......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.210......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.215......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.220......................................... ad F2016L01655
Division 132.D.3
r 132.225......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.230......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 132.235......................................... ad F2016L01655
Subpart 132.M
Subpart 132.M ................................ ad F2016L01655
Part 133
Part 133........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs F2018L01788
Subpart 133.A
r 133.005......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.010......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.015......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.020......................................... ad F2018L01788
Subpart 133.C
Division 133.C.1
r 133.025......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.C.2
r 133.030......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.035......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.040......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.C.3
r 133.045......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.050......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.055......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.060......................................... ad F2018L01788

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 349

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 133.065......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.070......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.075......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.080......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.085......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.C.4
r 133.090......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.095......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.C.5
r 133.100......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.105......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.C.6
r 133.110......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.115......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.120......................................... ad F2018L01788
Subpart 133.D
Division 133.D.1
r 133.125......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.2
r 133.130......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.3
r 133.135......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.140......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.4
r 133.145......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.150......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.155......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.160......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.165......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.167......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.5
r 133.170......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.175......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.6
r 133.180......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.185......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.190......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.195......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.7
r 133.200......................................... ad F2018L01788

350 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 133.205......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.210......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.215......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.220......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.225......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.230......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.235......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.240......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.245......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.8
r 133.250......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.255......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.260......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.265......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.270......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.D.9
r 133.275......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.280......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.285......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.290......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.295......................................... ad F2018L01788
Subpart 133.F
r 133.305......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.310......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.315......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.320......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.325......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.330......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.335......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.340......................................... ad F2018L01788
Subpart 133.J
r 133.345......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.350......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.355......................................... ad F2018L01788
Subpart 133.K
r 133.360......................................... ad F2018L01788
Subpart 133.N
Division 133.N.1
r 133.370......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.375......................................... ad F2018L01788

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 351

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 133.377......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.380......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.385......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.390......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.395......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.400......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.N.3
r 133.410......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.415......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.N.4
r 133.420......................................... ad F2018L01788
Subpart 133.P
Division 133.P.1
r 133.425......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.430......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.435......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.440......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.445......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.450......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.P.2
r 133.455......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.460......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.465......................................... ad F2018L01788
Division 133.P.3
r 133.470......................................... ad F2018L01788
r 133.475......................................... ad F2018L01788
Part 135
Part 135........................................... ad F2018L01782
ed C93
Subpart 135.A
r 135.005......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.010......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.015......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.020......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.025......................................... ad F2018L01782
Subpart 135.C
Division 135.C.1
r 135.030......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.035......................................... ad F2018L01782
am F2021L00200

352 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 135.C.2
r 135.040......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.045......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.050......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.C.3
r 135.055......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.060......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.065......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.070......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.075......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.080......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.085......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.090......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.095......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.C.4
r 135.100......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.105......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.C.5
r 135.110......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.115......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.C.6
r 135.120......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.125......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.130......................................... ad F2018L01782
Subpart 135.D
Division 135.D.1
r 135.135......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.2
r 135.140......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.3
r 135.145......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.150......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.4
r 135.155......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.160......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.165......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.170......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.175......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.180......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.185......................................... ad F2018L01782

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 353

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 135.190......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.5
r 135.195......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.200......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.6
r 135.205......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.210......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.215......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.220......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.7
r 135.225......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.230......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.235......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.240......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.245......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.250......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.255......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.260......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.265......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.270......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.275......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.280......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.285......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.290......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.8
r 135.295......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.300......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.305......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.D.9
r 135.310......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.315......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.320......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.325......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.330......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.335......................................... ad F2018L01782
Subpart 135.F
r 135.340......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.345......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.350......................................... ad F2018L01782

354 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 135.J
r 135.355......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.360......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.365......................................... ad F2018L01782
Subpart 135.K
r 135.370......................................... ad F2018L01782
Subpart 135.N
Division 135.N.1
r 135.380......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.385......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.387......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.390......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.395......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.400......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.405......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.410......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.N.2
r 135.415......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.420......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.N.3
r 135.425......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.430......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.N.4
r 135.435......................................... ad F2018L01782
Subpart 135.P
Division 135.P.2
r 135.445......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.450......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.455......................................... ad F2018L01782
Division 135.P.3
r 135.460......................................... ad F2018L01782
r 135.465......................................... ad F2018L01782
Part 137
Part 137........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 41, 2007
am No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
Subpart 137.A
r 137.005......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.010......................................... ad No 41, 2007

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 355

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 137.B
r 137.015......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.020......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.025......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.030......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.C
r 137.035......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.040......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.045......................................... ad No 41, 2007
am No 77, 2011
r 137.050......................................... ad No 41, 2007
am No 77, 2011
r 137.055......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.060......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.065......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.070......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.075......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.080......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.085......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.090......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.D
r 137.095......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.100......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.105......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.110......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.115......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.120......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.125......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.130......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.135......................................... ad No 41, 2007
am F2021L00200
r 137.140......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.145......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.150......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.155......................................... ad No 41, 2007
rep F2021L00200
r 137.160......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.165......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.170......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.175......................................... ad No 41, 2007

356 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 137.E
Subpart 137.E ................................. ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.H
r 137.180......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.185......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.J
r 137.190......................................... ad No 41, 2007
am No 274, 2013
r 137.195......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.K
r 137.200......................................... ad No 41, 2007
am No 188, 2013
r 137.210......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.215......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.220......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.225......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.M
r 137.230......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.N
r 137.235......................................... ad No 41, 2007
rs No 5, 2013
r 137.240......................................... ad No 41, 2007
am No 5, 2013
Subpart 137.P
r 137.245......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.250......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.255......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.260......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Subpart 137.Q
r 137.265......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.270......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.275......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.280......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.285......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.290......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.295......................................... ad No 41, 2007
r 137.300......................................... ad No 41, 2007
Part 138
Part 138........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs F2018L01789

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 357

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 138.A
r 138.005......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.010......................................... ad F2018L01789
am F2022L01612
r 138.012......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.015......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.020......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.025......................................... ad F2018L01789
Subpart 138.B
Division 138.B.1
r 138.030......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.2
r 138.035......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.040......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.045......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.050......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.055......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.3
r 138.060......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.062......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.064......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.066......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.068......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.4
r 138.070......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.075......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.080......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.085......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.090......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.095......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.100......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.105......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.110......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.115......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.120......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.5
r 138.125......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.130......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.135......................................... ad F2018L01789

358 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 138.B.6
r 138.140......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.145......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.7
r 138.150......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.8
r 138.155......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.157......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.160......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.165......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.9
r 138.170......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.175......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.180......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.185......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.B.10
r 138.195......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.200......................................... ad F2018L01789
Subpart 138.C
Division 138.C.1
r 138.205......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.C.2
r 138.210......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.215......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.C.3
r 138.220......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.225......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.C.4
r 138.230......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.235......................................... ad F2018L01789
Subpart 138.D
Division 138.D.2
r 138.265......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.3
r 138.270......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.4
r 138.275......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.5
r 138.280......................................... ad F2018L01789

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 359

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 138.D.6
r 138.285......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.290......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.300......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.302......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.7
r 138.305......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.320......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.8
r 138.340......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.345......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.350......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.9
r 138.370......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.375......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.380......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.385......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.10
r 138.400......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.410......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.11
r 138.425......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.D.12
r 138.430......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.432......................................... ad F2018L01789
Subpart 138.F
r 138.435......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.440......................................... ad F2018L01789
Subpart 138.J
r 138.450......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.460......................................... ad F2018L01789
Subpart 138.K
r 138.465......................................... ad F2018L01789
Subpart 138.N
r 138.475......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.480......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.485......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.490......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.500......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.505......................................... ad F2018L01789

360 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 138.P
Division 138.P.1
r 138.535......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.540......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.550......................................... ad F2018L01789
Division 138.P.2
r 138.575......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.580......................................... ad F2018L01789
r 138.590......................................... ad F2018L01789
Part 139
Part 139 heading ............................. rs No 58, 2003
Part 139........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013
Subpart 139.A
Subpart 139.A................................. rs No 58, 2003; F2019L00176
r 139.000......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 58, 2003
am No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 139.001......................................... ad F2019L00176
am F2021L00200
r 139.005......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.010......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rs F2019L00176
r 139.015......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Subpart 139.B
Subpart 139.B ................................. ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.020......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
ad F2019L00176
r 139.025......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.030......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs No 265, 2011; F2019L00176
r 139.035......................................... ad No 58, 2003

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 361

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs F2019L00176
r 139.036......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
Division 139.B.1 heading ............... rep F2019L00176
r 139.040......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 265, 2011
rs F2019L00176
Subpart 139.C
Subpart 139.C ................................. ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.C.1
r 139.045......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rs F2019L00176
r 139.050......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rs F2019L00176
r 139.055......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
ad F2019L00176
am F2020L00913
r 139.060......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
ad F2019L00176
Division 139.C.2
r 139.065......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
ad F2019L00176
r 139.070......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.C.3
r 139.075......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
ad F2019L00176
r 139.080......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep No 80, 2013
ad F2019L00176
r 139.085......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rs F2019L00176

362 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 139.B.2 heading ............... rep F2019L00176

r 139.090......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.C.4
r 139.095......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rs F2019L00176
r 139.100......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.105......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.C.5
r 139.110......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.115......................................... ad No 58, 2004
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.B.3 heading ............... rep F2019L00176
r 139.120......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.C.6
r 139.125......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.130......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.C.7
r 139.135......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.140......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.145......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Subpart 139.D
Subpart 139.D................................. ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.D.1
r 139.150......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.D.2
r 139.155......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 363

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 139.160......................................... ad No 58, 2003

rs F2019L00176
Subpart 139.E
Subpart 139.E ................................. ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.E.1
r 139.165......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.170......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
Division 139.E.2
r 139.175......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.180......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs F2019L00176
r 139.185......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rs F2019L00176
r 139.190......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rep F2019L00176
r 139.195......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.200......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.205......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.210......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.215......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.220......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.225......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.230......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.235......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.240......................................... ad No 58, 2003

364 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep F2019L00176
r 139.245......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.250......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
Division 139.B.4............................. ad No 265, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.251......................................... ad No 265, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.252......................................... ad No 265, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.254......................................... ad No 265, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.255......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.260......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 265, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.265......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.270......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.275......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.280......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.285......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.290......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.295......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.300......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.305......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.310......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.315......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 365

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep F2019L00176
r 139.320......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.325......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.330......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.335......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.340......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.345......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rep F2019L00176
r 139.350......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.355......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.360......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.365......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 274, 2013
rep F2019L00176
r 139.370......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 274, 2013
rep F2019L00176
Subpart 139.F.................................. ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.375......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.380......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.385......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.390......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.395......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.400......................................... ad No 58, 2003

366 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep F2019L00176
r 139.405......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.410......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.415......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.420......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.425......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
r 139.430......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 77, 2011
rep F2019L00176
r 139.435......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rep F2019L00176
Subpart 139.H
Subpart H heading .......................... rep No 75, 2003
Subpart H........................................ ad No 167, 2002
Subpart 139.H heading ................... ad No 75, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
Division 139.H.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 75, 2003
Division 139.H.1 heading............... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.700......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 139.705......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 139.710......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.711......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 139.712......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 323, 2005; No 80, 2013; F2016L00170
r 139.712A ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 139.712B ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 139.712C ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 367

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 139.712D ...................................... ad No 75, 2003

rep No 345, 2004
r 139.712E ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 139.712F....................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 139.712G ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 139.712H ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 139.715......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 2 ....................................... rep No 75, 2003
r 139.720......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 75, 2003
r 139.725......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 75, 2003
r 139.730......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 75, 2003
r 139.735......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 75, 2003
r 139.740......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 75, 2003
r 139.745......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 75, 2003
Division 139.H.3
Division 3 heading.......................... rep No 75, 2003
Division 139.H.3 heading............... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.750......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.755......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
am F2016L00170
r 139.760......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.765......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.770......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 139.771......................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.772......................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.773......................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.775......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003

368 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 139.780......................................... ad No 167, 2002

r 139.785......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.795......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.800......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.805......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.810......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.815......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.820......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 5, 2013
r 139.825......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.830......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.835......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.840......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.845......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.850......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.855......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.860......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.865......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.870......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.875......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.880......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.885......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.890......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.895......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.900......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.905......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.910......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
Division 139.H.4
Division 4 heading.......................... rep No 75, 2003
Division 139.H.4 heading............... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.915......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 345, 2004
Division 139.H.5
Division 5 heading.......................... rep No 75, 2003
Division 139.H.5 heading............... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.920......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.925......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 185, 2006; No 77, 2011
r 139.930......................................... ad No 167, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 369

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 77, 2011

r 139.935......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.940......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.945......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.950......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.955......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.960......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.965......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 139.970......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 139.975......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.980......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.985......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.990......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.995......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 139.1000....................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 139.1005....................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 139.1010....................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 139.1015....................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.1020....................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 139.1022....................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 139.1025....................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
Part 141
Part 141........................................... ad No 204, 2000

370 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
Subpart 141.A
r 141.005......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.010......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.015......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 141.020......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.025......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.030......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.035......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 141.040......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.045......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.050......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 141.B
r 141.055......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.060......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.065......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.070......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.075......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 141.C
r 141.080......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.085......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.090......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.095......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.100......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 371

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 141.D
r 141.105......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.110......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.115......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.120......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014; F2017L00697
r 141.125......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 141.130......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.135......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 141.140......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 141.145......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 141.150......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 141.155......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.160......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
Subpart 141.E
r 141.165......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.170......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.175......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.180......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.185......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.190......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.195......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.200......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.205......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.210......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
Subpart 141.F.................................. rep No 125, 2014
r 141.215......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014

372 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 141.220......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
Subpart 141.G
Subpart 141.G................................. rs No 125, 2014
r 141.225......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 125, 2014
r 141.230......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
Subpart 141.H
Subpart 141.H................................. ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 141.I
Subpart 141.I heading..................... am No 125, 2014
r 141.260......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
r 141.265......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.270......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
Subpart 141.J
r 141.275......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.280......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 141.K
Subpart 141.K heading ................... rs No 274, 2013
r 141.285......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.290......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.295......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.300......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 141.305......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.306......................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 141.310......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 141.315......................................... ad No 274, 2013
Part 142
Part 142 heading ............................. am F2020L01283
Part 142........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 373

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 142.A
r 142.005......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01283
r 142.010......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.015......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2020L01283; F2021L00200
r 142.020......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01283
ed C93
r 142.025......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.030......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.035......................................... ad No 5, 2013
ed C81
am F2020L01283
r 142.040......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 142.045......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.050......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.055......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.060......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 142.B
Division 142.B.1
r 142.065......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.070......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 142.075......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.080......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 142.085......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 142.090......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 274, 2013
r 142.095......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.100......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Division 142.B.2
r 142.105......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 142.110......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.115......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.120......................................... ad No 5, 2013

374 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 142.125......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.130......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 142.C
r 142.135......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 142.140......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
r 142.145......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.150......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.155......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 142.D
r 142.160......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01283
r 142.165......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.170......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.175......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.180......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.185......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.190......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2020L01283
r 142.195......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.200......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.205......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.210......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.215......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Subpart 142.E
r 142.220......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.225......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.230......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.235......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.240......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.245......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 142.F
r 142.250......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.255......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2020L01283
Subpart 142.G
r 142.260......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.265......................................... ad No 5, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 375

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014

Subpart 142.H
r 142.270......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.275......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 142.I
Subpart 142.I .................................. ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 142.J
r 142.310......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.315......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 142.320......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
r 142.325......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.330......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.335......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Subpart 142.K
r 142.340......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2020L01283
r 142.345......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.350......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
Subpart 142.L
r 142.355......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.360......................................... ad No 5, 2013
Subpart 142.M
r 142.365......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.370......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.375......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.380......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.385......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
r 142.386......................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 142.390......................................... ad No 5, 2013
r 142.395......................................... ad No 274, 2013
Part 143
Part 143........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013

376 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 143.A
Subpart A heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 143.A heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 143.000......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.005......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
r 143.010......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 5, 2013
r 143.015......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.016......................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 143.017......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 323, 2005; No 80, 2013; F2016L00170
r 143.017A ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.017B ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.017C ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.017D ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.017E ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.017F....................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.017G ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 143.017H ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 143.B
Subpart B heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 143.B heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 143.020......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 5, 2013
r 143.025......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 5, 2013
r 143.027......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 143.030......................................... ad No 167, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 377

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 77, 2011

r 143.035......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 80, 2013
r 143.040......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.045......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.050......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
Subpart 143.C
Subpart C heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 143.C heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
Division 143.C.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 143.C.1 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 143.055......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.060......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 143.C.2
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 143.C.2 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 143.065......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 143.070......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
Division 143.C.3
Division 3 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 143.C.3 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 143.075......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.080......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.085......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.090......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Subpart 143.D
Subpart D heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 143.D heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 143.095......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.100......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.105......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 5, 2013
Subpart 143.E
Subpart E heading........................... rep No 345, 2004

378 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 143.E heading.................... ad No 345, 2004

r 143.110......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 5, 2013
Subpart 143.F
Subpart F heading........................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 143.F heading.................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
Division 143.F.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 143.F.1 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 143.115......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 143.F.2
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 143.F.2 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 143.118......................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 143.120......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.125......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.130......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
r 143.135......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.140......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.145......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 77, 2011
r 143.150......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.155......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.160......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.165......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.170......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.175......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 77, 2011
r 143.180......................................... ad No 167, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 379

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 77, 2011
r 143.185......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.190......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.192......................................... ad No 75, 2003
reloc and renum No 77, 2011
r 143.195......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
Division 3 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 143.F.3 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
Division 143.F.3 ............................. rep No 77, 2011
r 143.200......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.205......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.210......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
Division 143.F.4
Division 4 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 143.F.4 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 143.215......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.220......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.225......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 143.230......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 143.235......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 143.240......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 143.245 (prev r 143.192).............. reloc and renum No 77, 2011
Part 144
Part 144........................................... ad No 204, 2000
Part 145
Part 145........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
Subpart 145.A
r 145.005......................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013

380 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 145.010......................................... ad No 328, 2010

r 145.015......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.020......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 145.B
r 145.025......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.030......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.035......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.040......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.045......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 145.C
r 145.050......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.055......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.060......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.065......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 145.D
r 145.070......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.075......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.080......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 145.085......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Part 146........................................... ad No 204, 2010
rep No 328, 2010
Part 147
Part 147........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
Subpart 147.A
r 147.005......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.010......................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 5, 2013; No 80, 2013
r 147.015......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.020......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 147.B
r 147.025......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.030......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.035......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.040......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.045......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 147.C
r 147.050......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.055......................................... ad No 328, 2010

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 381

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 147.060......................................... ad No 328, 2010

r 147.065......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 147.D
r 147.070......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.075......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.080......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 147.085......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Part 148........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 240, 2003
Part 149
Part 149........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs F2018L01030
Subpart 149.A
r 149.005......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.010......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.015......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.020......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.B
r 149.060......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.070......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.075......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.080......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.085......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.090......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.C
r 149.110......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.115......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.120......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.D
r 149.195......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.200......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.205......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.210......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.215......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.220......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.E
r 149.270......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.275......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.280......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.285......................................... ad F2018L01030

382 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am F2019L01621
r 149.290......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.F
r 149.340......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.345......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.350......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.G
r 149.400......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.405......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.410......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.415......................................... ad F2018L01030
am F2021L00200
r 149.425......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.430......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.435......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.440......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.H
r 149.490......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.495......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.500......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.J
r 149.540......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.550......................................... ad F2018L01030
Subpart 149.K
r 149.605......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.610......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.615......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.620......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.625......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 149.630......................................... ad F2018L01030
Part 171
Part 171........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
Subpart 171.A
Subpart A heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 171.A heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 171.000......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 383

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 171.005......................................... ad No 167, 2002

rs No 75, 2003
r 171.010......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 124, 2006; No 265, 2011; F2020L00913; F2021L00200
r 171.012......................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 171.015......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.017......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 323, 2005; No 80, 2013; F2016L00170
r 171.017A ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 171.017B ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 171.017C ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 171.017D ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 171.017E ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 171.017F....................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 171.017G ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 171.017H ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 171.B
Subpart B heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 171.B heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 171.020......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 77, 2011
r 171.022 (prev r 171.165).............. reloc and renum No 77, 2011
r 171.025......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 171.026......................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 171.027......................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 171.028......................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 121.029......................................... ad No 77, 2011
Subpart 171.C
Subpart C heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 171.C heading ................... ad No 345, 2004

384 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 171.030......................................... ad No 167, 2002

r 171.035......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 124, 2006; No 77, 2011
r 171.040......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.045......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
rep No 124, 2006
r 171.050......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.055......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 124, 2006
r 171.060......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 124, 2006
r 171.065......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.070......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.075......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.080......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.085......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.086......................................... ad No 124, 2006
Subpart 171.D
Subpart D heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 171.D heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 171.090......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.095......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.100......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.105......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
r 171.110......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.115......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.120......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.125......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 124, 2006
r 171.130......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 124, 2006
r 171.135......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 124, 2006
r 171.140......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.145......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.150......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.155......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.160......................................... ad No 167, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 385

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 171.E
Subpart E heading........................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 171.E heading.................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 171.165......................................... ad No 167, 2002
reloc and renum No 77, 2011
r 171.170......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.175......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.180......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.185......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.190......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.195......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.200......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.205......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.210......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.215......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.220......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 171.225......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.230......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 171.235......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.237......................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 171.240......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 171.245......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 171.250......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 124, 2006
rep No 77, 2011

386 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 171.255......................................... ad No 167, 2002

rep No 77, 2011
Part 172
Part 172........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
Subpart 172.A
Subpart A heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.A heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.000......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.005......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
r 172.010......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003; No 172, 2007; F2020L00913
r 172.015......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.020......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.022......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 323, 2005; No 80, 2013; F2016L00170
r 172.022A ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.022B ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.022C ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.022D ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.022E ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.022F....................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.022G ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 172.022H ...................................... ad No 75, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.B
Subpart B heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.B heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.024......................................... ad No 75, 2003

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 387

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 172.025......................................... ad No 167, 2002

am No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.030......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 172.035......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.040......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 80, 2013
r 172.045......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.050......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 77, 2011
r 172.055......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.C
Subpart C heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.C heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.1 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.060......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.2
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.2 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.065......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.070......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.075......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.080......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.085......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.090......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.3
Division 3 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.3 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.095......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.4
Division 4 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 4 ....................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.4 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004

388 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 172.100......................................... ad No 167, 2002

r 172.105......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.110......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.115......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.120......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.5
Division 5 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.5 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.125......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.130......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.135......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.6
Division 6 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.6 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.140......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.145......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.150......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.155......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.7
Division 7 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.7 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.160......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.165......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.170......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.175......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.C.8
Division 8 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.C.8 heading ............... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.180......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 265, 2011
Subpart 172.D
Subpart D heading .......................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.D heading ................... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.185......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.190......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Subpart 172.E
Subpart E heading........................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.E heading.................... ad No 345, 2004
r 172.195......................................... ad No 167, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 389

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 172.F
Subpart F heading........................... rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 172.F heading.................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
Division 172.F.1
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.F.1 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 172.200......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.F.2
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.F.2 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 172.202......................................... ad No 77, 2011
r 172.205......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.210......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.215......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 77, 2011
r 172.220......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.225......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.230......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 77, 2011
r 172.235......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.240......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.245......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.250......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.255......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.260......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 77, 2011
r 172.265......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 77, 2011
r 172.270......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rs No 77, 2011
r 172.275......................................... ad No 167, 2002

390 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep No 77, 2011

r 172.280......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
Division 3 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.F.3 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
Division 172.F.3 ............................. rep No 77, 2011
r 172.285......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.290......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 172.295......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 75, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
Division 172.F.4
Division 4 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.F.4 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 172.300......................................... ad No 167, 2002
Division 172.F.5
Division 5 heading.......................... rep No 345, 2004
Division 172.F.5 heading................ ad No 345, 2004
r 172.305......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.310......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 172.315......................................... ad No 167, 2002
am No 345, 2004
r 172.320......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.325......................................... ad No 167, 2002
r 172.327......................................... ad No 75, 2003
r 172.330......................................... ad No 167, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
Part 173
Part 173........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 189, 2003
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013
Subpart 173.A
r 173.000......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
r 173.005......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.010......................................... ad No 189, 2003

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 391

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 265, 2011
r 173.015......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.020......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.025......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.030......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 80, 2013; F2016L01448
r 173.035......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rs No 265, 2011
r 173.040......................................... ad No 189, 2003
Subpart 173.B
Division 173.B.1
Division 173.B.1 heading ............... rs No 77, 2011
r 173.045......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 173.050......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.055......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 173.060......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.065......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
r 173.070......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
Division 173.B.2
r 173.075......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.080......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.085......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.090......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.095......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.100......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.105......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.110......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.115......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.120......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.125......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.130......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.135......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.140......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.145......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.150......................................... ad No 189, 2003

392 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 173.155......................................... ad No 189, 2003

r 173.160......................................... ad No 189, 2003
Division 173.B.3
r 173.165......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.170......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.175......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.180......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.185......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.190......................................... ad No 189, 2003
Division 173.B.4
r 173.195......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 265, 2011
r 173.200......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.205......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.210......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.215......................................... ad No 189, 2003
Subpart 173.C
Division 173.C.1
Division 173.C.1 heading ............... rs No 77, 2011
r 173.220......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 173.225......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.230......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.235......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.240......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
r 173.245......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
Division 173.C.2
r 173.250......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.255......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.260......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.265......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am F2016L01448
r 173.270......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.275......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.280......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.285......................................... ad No 189, 2003

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 393

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 173.290......................................... ad No 189, 2003

am No 265, 2011
Division 173.C.3
r 173.295......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.300......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.305......................................... ad No 189, 2003
Subpart 173.D
r 173.310......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.315......................................... ad No 189, 2003
Subpart 173.E
Subpart 173.E heading.................... rs No 77, 2011
Division 173.E.1
Division 173.E.1 heading ............... rs No 77, 2011
r 173.320......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.325......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.330......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
r 173.335......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rs No 77, 2011
r 173.340......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.345......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 173.350......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 77, 2011
r 173.355......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.360......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
Division 173.E.2 ............................. rep No 77, 2011
r 173.365......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
r 173.370......................................... ad No 189, 2003
rep No 77, 2011
Division 173.E.3
r 173.375......................................... ad No 189, 2003
Division 173.E.4
r 173.380......................................... ad No 189, 2003

394 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 173.385......................................... ad No 189, 2003

rep No 77, 2011
Division 173.E.5
r 173.390......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.395......................................... ad No 189, 2003
r 173.400......................................... ad No 189, 2003
am No 265, 2011
Part 175
Part 175........................................... ad No 135, 2014
Subpart 175.A
r 175.005......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.010......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.015......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.020......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.025......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Subpart 175.B
Division 175.B.1
r 175.030......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.035......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.B.2
r 175.040......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.045......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.050......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.055......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.060......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.065......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.067......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.B.3
r 175.070......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.075......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.080......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.085......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.B.4
r 175.090......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.095......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.100......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.105......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.110......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.115......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.120......................................... ad No 135, 2014

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 395

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 175.125......................................... ad No 135, 2014

r 175.130......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.135......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.140......................................... ad No 135, 2014
am F2020L00913
r 175.145......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.B.5
r 175.150......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.155......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.160......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.165......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.170......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.175......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.180......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.185......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.190......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.195......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.B.6
r 175.200......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.205......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.210......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.215......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.220......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.225......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.230......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.235......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.240......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.245......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.250......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.255......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.260......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Subpart 175.C
Division 175.C.1
r 175.265......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.270......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.275......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.C.2
r 175.280......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.285......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.290......................................... ad No 135, 2014

396 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 175.295......................................... ad No 135, 2014

r 175.300......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.305......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.C.3
r 175.310......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.315......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.320......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.325......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.330......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.C.4
r 175.335......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.340......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.345......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.C.5
r 175.350......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.355......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.360......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.365......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.370......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.375......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.C.6
r 175.380......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.385......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.390......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.395......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.400......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.405......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.410......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.415......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.420......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.425......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.430......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.435......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.440......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Subpart 175.D
Division 175.D.1
r 175.445......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.450......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.455......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.460......................................... ad No 135, 2014

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 397

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 175.465......................................... ad No 135, 2014

r 175.470......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Division 175.D.2
r 175.475......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Subpart 175.E
r 175.480......................................... ad No 135, 2014
am F2020L00913
r 175.485......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.490......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.495......................................... ad No 135, 2014
r 175.500......................................... ad No 135, 2014
Part 183........................................... ad No 204, 2000
rep No 77, 2011
Part 200
Part 200 heading ............................. rs No 345, 2004
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
rs F2018L01030
Subpart 200.A
Subpart A........................................ ad No 204, 2000
Subpart 200.A (prev ....................... renum No 350, 2002
Subpart A) rep No 345, 2004
ad F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
r 200.0............................................. ad No 204, 2000
r 200.000 (prev r 200.0).................. renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 200.001A ...................................... ad F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
Subpart 200.B
Division 1 heading.......................... rep No 204, 2000
Subpart B heading .......................... ad No 204, 2000
Subpart 200.B heading ................... rs F2018L01030
Subpart 200.B (prev........................ renum No 350, 2002
Subpart B)
r 200.1............................................. am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 200.001 (prev r 200.1).................. renum No 350, 2002
rs F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
r 200.2............................................. am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 200.002 (prev r 200.2).................. renum No 350, 2002

398 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 216, 2004
rs F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
r 200.3............................................. am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 200.003 (prev r 200.3).................. renum No 350, 2002
rs No 226, 2007
am F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
r 200.4............................................. am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 200.004 (prev r 200.4).................. renum No 350, 2002
rs No 321, 2005
am F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
r 200.5............................................. am No 227, 2000
rs No 349, 2001
r 200.005 (prev r 200.5).................. renum No 350, 2002
am No 350, 2002
rs F2018L01030
r 200.6............................................. am No 227, 2000
rep No 349, 2001
r 200.006......................................... ad F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
r 200.7............................................. rep No 7, 2000
r 200.8............................................. am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 200.008 (prev r 200.8).................. renum No 350, 2002
am F2018L01030
r 200.9............................................. am No 227, 2000
rep No 349, 2001
r 200.10........................................... rs No 7, 2000
am No 350, 2002
r 200.010 (prev r 200.10)................ renum No 350, 2002
rep F2021L00200
r 200.11........................................... rep No 7, 2000
r 200.12........................................... rep No 7, 2000
r 200.13........................................... am No 166, 1999; No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 200.013 (prev r 200.13)................ renum No 350, 2002
am No 216, 2004
rs No 321, 2005
am F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 399

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 200.14........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002

r 200.014 (prev r 200.14)................ renum No 350, 2002
rs No 321, 2005
am F2018L01030
rep F2021L00200
Subpart 200.C
Division 2 heading.......................... rep No 204, 2000
Subpart C heading .......................... ad No 204, 2000
Subpart 200.C (prev........................ renum No 350, 2002
Subpart C)
r 200.20........................................... am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 200.020 (prev r 200.20)................ renum No 350, 2002
am F2018L01030; F2021L00200
r 200.025......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2021L00200
r 200.030......................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2021L00200
Part 201
Part 201........................................... am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 274, 2013
r 201.0............................................. ad No 204, 2000
r 201.000 (prev r 201.0).................. renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
r 201.1............................................. am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 201.001 (prev r 201.1).................. renum No 350, 2002
am F2021L00200
r 201.2............................................. am No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 201.002 (prev r 201.2).................. renum No 350, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
ad F2021L00200
r 201.002A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 201.003 (prev r 201.3).................. renum No 350, 2002
am F2019L00176
r 201.4............................................. am No 166, 1999; No 262, 1999; No 204, 2000; No 227, 2000; No 350, 2002
r 201.004 (prev r 201.4).................. renum No 350, 2002
am No 345, 2004; No 41, 2007; No 64, 2009; No 277, 2010; No 328, 2010; No 77, 2011;
No 265, 2011
rs No 80, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 204, 2014; No 245, 2015; No 246, 2015;
F2016L01655; F2018L01030; F2019L01027; F2020L00913; F2021L00200
r 201.005......................................... ad No 345, 2004
rep No 80, 2013

400 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 201.010......................................... ad No 345, 2004

rep No 80, 2013
r 201.015......................................... ad No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
r 201.016......................................... ad No 258, 2005
am No 192, 2008; F2019L01027; F2023L00606
r 201.020......................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs No 77, 2011
r 201.022......................................... ad F2021L00200
am F2023L00606
r 201.025......................................... ad No 274, 2013
r 201.030......................................... ad F2021L00200
Part 202
Part 202........................................... ad No 262, 1999
am No 345, 2004; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 40,
2014; No 125, 2014; No 135, 2014
Subpart 202.AA heading ................ ad No 321, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.AA .............................. rep No 345, 2004
r 202.0............................................. ad No 204, 2000
rep No 321, 2002
r 202.000......................................... ad No 321, 2002
am No 58, 2003; No 75, 2003; No 240, 2003
rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.AB
Subpart 202.AB .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 77, 2011
Subpart 202.AD
Subpart 202.AD .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 345, 2004
Division 202.AD.1
Division 202.AD.1 heading ............ ad F2019L01027
rep F2021L00200
Division 202.AD.1.......................... rep F2021L00200
r 202.010......................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011
rep F2021L00200
r 202.011......................................... ad No 345, 2004
am No 77, 2011; No 80, 2013
rep F2021L00200

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 401

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 202.011A ...................................... ad No 77, 2011

rep F2021L00200
r 202.011B ...................................... ad No 77, 2011
rep F2021L00200
r 202.011C ...................................... ad No 77, 2011
rep F2021L00200
r 202.011D ...................................... ad No 77, 2011
rep F2021L00200
r 202.011E ...................................... ad No 77, 2011
am No 80, 2013
rep F2021L00200
r 202.011F....................................... ad No 77, 2011
am No 80, 2013
rep F2021L00200
r 202.011G ...................................... ad No 77, 2011
rep F2021L00200
r 202.012......................................... ad No 345, 2004
rep F2021L00200
r 202.013......................................... ad No 77, 2011
rep F2021L00200
Division 202.AD.2
Division 202.AD.2.......................... ad F2019L01027
r 202.014......................................... ad F2019L01027
Subpart 202.AF
Subpart 202.AF............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.AJ
Subpart 202.AJ heading.................. ad No 321, 2002
Division 202.AJ.1
Division 202.AJ.1 heading ............. ad No 76, 2011
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.A
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.A.................. ad No 188, 2013
r 202.049A ...................................... ad No 76, 2011
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.B
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.B .................. ad No 188, 2013
r 202.1............................................. ad No 262, 1999
r 202.050 (prev r 202.1).................. renum No 321, 2002
am No 350, 2002 (md not incorp); F2016L01448
r 202.2............................................. ad No 262, 1999

402 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 202.051 (prev r 202.2).................. renum No 321, 2002

am No 350, 2002 (md not incorp); F2016L01448
r 202.3............................................. ad No 262, 1999
r 202.052 (prev r 202.3).................. renum No 321, 2002
am No 350, 2002 (md not incorp); F2016L01448
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.C .................. ad No 188, 2013
rep F2024L00297
r 202.052A ...................................... ad No 188, 2013
exp 1 Mar 2017 (r 202.052A(5))
rep F2024L00297
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D
Subdivision 202.AJ.1.D.................. ad F2016L01655
r 202.052AA ................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.052B ...................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.052C ...................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.052D ...................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.052E ...................................... ad F2016L01655
Division 202.AJ.2
Division 202.AJ.2 ........................... ad No 76, 2011
Subdivision 202.AJ.2.A
Subdivision 202.AJ.2.A.................. ad No 40, 2014
r 202.053......................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 202.054......................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 202.055......................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 202.056......................................... ad No 76, 2011
r 202.057......................................... ad No 76, 2011
rep No 40, 2014
r 202.058......................................... ad No 76, 2011
Subdivision 202.AJ.2.B
Subdivision 202.AJ.2.B .................. ad No 40, 2014
r 202.058A ...................................... ad No 40, 2014
Division 202.AJ.3
Division 202.AJ.3 ........................... ad No 76, 2011
Subdivision 202.AJ.3.A
Subdivision 202.AJ.3.A.................. ad No 40, 2014
r 202.059......................................... ad No 76, 2011
Subpart 202.AK
Subpart 202.AK .............................. ad No 321, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 403

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 147, 2009
r 202.060......................................... ad No 147, 2009
Subpart 202.AL
Subpart 202.AL .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 202.070......................................... ad No 147, 2009
Subpart 202.AM ............................. ad No 321, 2002
rep No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.AN
Subpart 202.AN .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 202.090......................................... ad No 147, 2009
Subpart 202.AO
Subpart 202.AO .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.AP
Subpart 202.AP............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.AR
Subpart 202.AR .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.AT
Subpart 202.AT .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.AU
Subpart 202.AU .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 147, 2009
r 202.140......................................... ad No 147, 2009
Subpart 202.AV
Subpart 202.AV .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.AX
Subpart 202.AX .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.AZ
Subpart 202.AZ heading................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.AZ .............................. rs No 345, 2004
r 202.4............................................. ad No 262, 1999
r 202.170 (prev r 202.4).................. renum No 321, 2002
am No 350, 2002 (md not incorp)
rs No 345, 2004
r 202.5............................................. ad No 262, 1999
r 202.171 (prev r 202.5).................. renum No 321, 2002
am No 350, 2002 (md not incorp)
rs No 345, 2004

404 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 202.6............................................. ad No 262, 1999

r 202.172 (prev r 202.6).................. renum No 321, 2002
am No 350, 2002 (md not incorp)
rs No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.BA
Subpart 202.BA .............................. ad No 328, 2010
r 202.180......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 275, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 202.181......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 275, 2013
am F2021L00200
r 202.182......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 275, 2013
r 202.183......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 202.184......................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 107, 2012
rep No 275, 2013
r 202.185......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 202.186......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 202.187......................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
r 202.188......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 80, 2013
r 202.189......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 275, 2013
r 202.190......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 275, 2013
r 202.191......................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 202.192......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 275, 2013
r 202.193......................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013
r 202.194......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 202.BB .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rep No 328, 2010
Subpart 202.BD
Subpart 202.BD .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 345, 2004

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 405

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Division 202.BD.1
Division 202.BD.1 heading ............ ad No 245, 2015
r 202.200......................................... ad No 345, 2004
Division 202.BD.2
Division 202.BD.2.......................... ad No 245, 2015
r 202.205......................................... ad No 245, 2015
r 202.210......................................... ad No 245, 2015
r 202.215......................................... ad No 245, 2015
r 202.217 (prev r 202.220 first
r 202.220 (first occurring) .............. ad No 245, 2015
renum F2024L00297
Subpart 202.BF
Subpart 202.BF............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs No 134, 2004
Division 202.BF.1
Division 202.BF.1 heading............. ad No 204, 2014
r 202.220 (second occurring).......... ad No 134, 2004
am No 204, 2014
r 202.221......................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 202.222......................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 202.223......................................... ad No 134, 2004
am No 345, 2004; No 242, 2005
r 202.224......................................... ad No 134, 2004
r 202.225......................................... ad No 134, 2004
am No 242, 2005
Division 202.BF.2
Division 202.BF.2........................... ad No 204, 2014
r 202.226......................................... ad No 134, 2004
rep No 242, 2005
ad No 204, 2014
r 202.227......................................... ad No 204, 2014
r 202.228......................................... ad No 204, 2014
Division 202.BF.3........................... ad F2019L01027
rep F2023L00606
r 202.229......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2019L01364; F2022L00157; F2022L00499
rep F2023L00606
r 202.230......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2019L01364

406 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep F2022L00157
r 202.231......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2019L01364; F2022L00157; F2022L00499
rep F2023L00606
r 202.232......................................... ad F2019L01027
rs F2019L01364
am F2022L00157; F2022L00499
rep F2023L00606
Subpart 202.CA .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 240, 2003
rep F2016L01448
r 202.240......................................... ad No 240, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rep F2016L01448
r 202.241......................................... ad No 240, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rep F2016L01448
Subpart 202.CB
Subpart 202.CB .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 5, 2013
Division 202.CB.1
Division 202.CB.1 heading ............ rs No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
Division 202.CB.1 .......................... exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
Subdivision 202.CB.1.1
Subdivision 202.CB.1.1.................. ad No 274, 2013
heading exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.260......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.261......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014; F2016L01448
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.262......................................... ad No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
Subdivision 202.CB.1.2
Division 202.CB.2 heading ............ rep No 274, 2013
Subdivision 202.CB.1.2.................. ad No 274, 2013
heading exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
Subdivision 202.CB.1.2.................. exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 407

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 202.263......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.264......................................... ad No 5, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.265......................................... ad No 5, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.266......................................... ad No 5, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.267......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.268......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.268A ...................................... ad No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.269......................................... ad No 5, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.270......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
r 202.271......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.271)
Subdivision 202.CB.1.3
Division 202.CB.3 heading ............ rep No 274, 2013
Subdivision 202.CB.1.3.................. ad No 274, 2013
heading rs F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
Subdivision 202.CB.1.3.................. rs F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.272......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
rs F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.273......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013; F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)

408 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision 202.CB.1.4
Division 202.CB.4 heading ............ rep No 274, 2013
Subdivision 202.CB.1.4.................. ad No 274, 2013
heading exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.274......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.274(3))
r 202.275......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.275(4))
r 202.276......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.276(5))
r 202.277......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.277A ...................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.277A(3))
r 202.277B ...................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.277B(3))
r 202.277C ...................................... ad No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
r 202.277D ...................................... ad No 274, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 202.278......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
am F2018L01131; F2020L01051
exp end of 31 Aug 2023 (r 202.278(2))
r 202.279......................................... ad No 274, 2013
am F2018L01131; F2020L01051
exp end of 31 Aug 2023 (r 202.279(3))
r 202.280......................................... ad No 274, 2013
rep 31 May 2015 (r 202.280(4))
r 202.281......................................... ad No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.281)
Division 202.CB.2
Division 202.CB.2 .......................... ad F2020L01051
r 202.290......................................... ad F2020L01051

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 409

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 202.CD .............................. ad No 321, 2002

rep No 5, 2013
Subpart 202.CE
Subpart 202.CE............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs No 5, 2013
Division 202.CE.1
Division 202.CE.1 heading............. rs No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
Division 202.CE.1 .......................... exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
Subdivision 202.CE.1.1
Subdivision 202.CE.1.1 .................. ad No 274, 2013
heading exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
r 202.300......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
r 202.301......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
r 202.302......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
r 202.303......................................... ad No 5, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
r 202.304......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
rs F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
r 202.304A ...................................... ad F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
r 202.305......................................... ad No 5, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
Subdivision 202.CE.1.2
Division 202.CE.2 heading............. rep No 274, 2013
Subdivision 202.CE.1.2 .................. ad No 274, 2013
heading exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
r 202.307......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
r 202.308......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014

410 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))

r 202.309......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
r 202.310......................................... ad No 5, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
r 202.311......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; No 125, 2014
exp end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.312(1))
Subdivision 202.CE.1.3
Subdivision 202.CE.1.3 .................. ad No 274, 2013
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
r 202.312......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013; F2018L01131
exp end of 31 Aug 2025 (r 202.312(2))
Subpart 202.CF
Subpart 202.CF............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
r 202.320......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 202.321......................................... ad No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.CG
Subpart 202.CG .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 328, 2010
r 202.340......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 246, 2015
r 202.341......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 246, 2015
r 202.342......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 246, 2015
r 202.343......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 246, 2015
r 202.344......................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 107, 2012; No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013
exp 26 June 2015 (r 202.344(5))
rep 26 June 2015 (r 202.344(6))
r 202.345......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 246, 2015
ad No 246, 2015
am F2020L00824

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 411

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep 1 July 2022 (r 202.345(3))

r 202.345A ...................................... ad No 80, 2013
am No 275, 2013
exp 26 June 2015 (r 202.345A(5))
rep 26 June 2015 (r 202.345A(6))
r 202.345B ...................................... ad No 80, 2013
am No 275, 2013
exp 26 June 2015 (r 202.345B(5))
rep 26 June 2015 (r 202.345B(6))
r 202.345C ...................................... ad No 80, 2013
am No 275, 2013
exp 26 June 2015 (r 202.345C(5))
rep 26 June 2015 (r 202.345C(6))
r 202.346......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rs No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 202.347......................................... ad No 328, 2010
rep No 246, 2015
r 202.348......................................... ad No 80, 2013
rep No 246, 2015
r 202.350......................................... ad No 246, 2015
rep 1 Jan 2017 (r 202.350(3))
r 202.355......................................... ad F2016L01448
Subpart 202.CH
Subpart 202.CH .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 232, 2003
r 202.360......................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 202.361......................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 202.362......................................... ad No 232, 2003
am No 345, 2004
r 202.363......................................... ad No 232, 2003
rs No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.DA
Subpart 202.DA .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.EA
Subpart 202.EA .............................. ad No 321, 2002
am F2017L01149
r 202.400......................................... ad F2017L01149

412 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 202.EAA
Subpart 202.EAA............................ ad F2021L00200
Division 202.EAA.1
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.1
r 202.405......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.405A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.405B ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.405C ...................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.2
r 202.406......................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.3
r 202.407......................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.4
r 202.408......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.408A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.5
r 202.409......................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.6
r 202.410......................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.7
r 202.411......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.411A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.411B ...................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.8
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.8............... ad F2021L00200
r 202.412......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.412A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.412B ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.412C ...................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.9
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.9............... ad F2021L00200
r 202.413......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.413A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.10
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.10............. ad F2021L00200
r 202.414......................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.11
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.11............. ad F2021L00200
r 202.415......................................... ad F2021L00200

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 413

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision 202.EAA.1.12
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.12............. ad F2021L00200
r 202.416......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.416A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.416B ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.416C ...................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.13
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.13............. ad F2021L00200
r 202.417......................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.14
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.14............. ad F2021L00200
r 202.418......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.418A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.418B ...................................... ad F2021L00200
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.15
Subdivision 202.EAA.1.15............. ad F2021L00200
r 202.419......................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419A ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419B ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419C ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419D ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419E ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419F....................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419G ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419H ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419J ....................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419K ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419L ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419M ..................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419N ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419P....................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419Q ...................................... ad F2021L00200
r 202.419R ...................................... ad F2021L00200
rep end of 2 Dec 2024 (r 202.419R(2))
r 202.419S....................................... ad F2021L00200
rep end of 2 Dec 2024 (r 202.419S(2))
r 202.419T ...................................... ad F2021L00200
am F2022L00978
rep end of 1 Dec 2023 (r 202.419T(3))

414 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 202.EB
Subpart 202.EB............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.EC
Subpart 202.EC............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs No 365, 2003
r 202.440......................................... ad No 365, 2003
am No 365, 2003; No 345, 2004; No 275, 2013
Subpart 202.FA
Subpart 202.FA............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs No 345, 2004
Division 202.FA.1
Division 202.FA.1 .......................... ad F2016L00400
r 202.455......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 202.460......................................... ad No 345, 2004
rs F2016L00400
r 202.461......................................... ad F2016L00400
r 202.462......................................... ad F2016L00400
Division 202.FA.2
Division 202.FA.2 .......................... ad F2019L01027
r 202.463......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2019L01364
ed C83
am F2022L00157; F2022L00499; F2023L00606
r 202.464......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2019L01364
rep F2023L00606
r 202.465......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2019L01364
rep F2022L00157
r 202.466......................................... ad F2019L01027
am F2019L01364; F2022L00157; F2022L00499
ed C95
am F2023L00606
Subpart 202.FC
Subpart 202.FC............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FE
Subpart 202.FE ............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs F2019L01621
Division 202.FE.1
r 202.500......................................... ad F2019L01621

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 415

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r 202.501......................................... ad F2019L01621
r 202.502......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2022L00978
rep end of 1 Dec 2023 (r 202.502(4))
r 202.503......................................... ad F2019L01621
am F2022L00978
rep end of 1 Dec 2023 (r 202.503(2))
Subpart 202.FJ
Subpart 202.FJ ................................ ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FL
Subpart 202.FL ............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FN
Subpart 202.FN............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FO
Subpart 202.FO............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FR
Subpart 202.FR............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs No 247, 2015
am F2024L00297
Division 202.FR.1........................... rep 20 Apr 2018 (r 202.603)
r 202.600......................................... ad No 247, 2015
rep 20 Apr 2018 (r 202.603)
r 202.601......................................... ad No 247, 2015
rep 20 Apr 2018 (r 202.603)
r 202.602......................................... ad No 247, 2015
rep 20 Apr 2018 (r 202.603)
r 202.603......................................... ad No 247, 2015
rep 20 Apr 2018 (r 202.603)
Subpart 202.FS
Subpart 202.FS ............................... ad F2016L01655
Division 202.FS.1
r 202.609......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.610......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.611......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.612......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.613......................................... ad F2016L01655
r 202.614......................................... ad F2016L01655
Subpart 202.FT
Subpart 202.FT ............................... ad No 321, 2002

416 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Subpart 202.FV
Subpart 202.FV............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FW
Subpart 202.FW.............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FX
Subpart 202.FX............................... ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.FY
Subpart 202.FY............................... ad No 321, 2002
rs No 58, 2003; F2020L00913
Division 202.FY.1
r 202.700......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rs F2020L00913
r 202.701......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs No 345, 2004; F2020L00913
r 202.702......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rs F2020L00913
r 202.703......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rs F2020L00913
r 202.704......................................... ad No 58, 2003
am No 345, 2004
rs F2020L00913
r 202.705......................................... ad No 58, 2003
rs No 345, 2004
rep F2020L00913
Subpart 202.FYH
Subpart 202.FYH............................ ad No 75, 2003
r 202.710......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.GA
Subpart 202.GA heading ................ rs No 274, 2013
Subpart 202.GA .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 5, 2013
Division 202.GA.1 heading ............ ad No 274, 2013
rs No 125, 2014
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
Division 202.GA.1.......................... rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.720......................................... ad No 5, 2013

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 417

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.721......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.722......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.723......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013; F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.724......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.725......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep No 125, 2014
r 202.726......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.727......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 125, 2014
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.727A ...................................... ad No 125, 2014
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.728......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
r 202.729......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013; F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.729)
Subpart 202.GB
Subpart 202.GB heading................. rs No 274, 2013
am F2020L01283
Subpart 202.GB .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 5, 2013
Division 202.GB.1 heading ............ ad No 274, 2013
rs No 125, 2014
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
Division 202.GB.1.......................... rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.740......................................... ad No 5, 2013

418 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.741......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.742......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.743......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.744......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.745......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.746......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.747......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.748......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.749......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.750......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.751......................................... ad No 5, 2013
am No 274, 2013
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
r 202.752......................................... ad No 5, 2013
rs No 274, 2013; F2017L00697
rep end of 31 Aug 2018 (r 202.752)
Subpart 202.GC
Subpart 202.GC heading................. rs No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.GC .............................. ad No 321, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 419

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rs No 75, 2003
r 202.760......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.GD
Subpart 202.GD .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.GE
Subpart 202.GE .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 328, 2010
Division 202.GE.1
Division 202.GE.1 heading ............ ad No 275, 2013
r 202.800......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Division 202.GE.2
Division 202.GE.2 .......................... ad No 275, 2013
Subdivision 202.GE.2.1
r 202.801......................................... ad No 275, 2013
r 202.802......................................... ad No 275, 2013
r 202.803......................................... ad No 275, 2013
r 202.804......................................... ad No 275, 2013
Subdivision 202.GE.2.2
r 202.805......................................... ad No 275, 2013
r 202.806......................................... ad No 275, 2013
r 202.807......................................... ad No 275, 2013
r 202.808......................................... ad No 275, 2013
r 202.809......................................... ad No 275, 2013
Subdivision 202.GE.2.3
r 202.810......................................... ad No 275, 2013
Subpart 202.GF............................... ad No 321, 2002
rep No 328, 2010
Subpart 202.GG
Subpart 202.GG .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 328, 2010
r 202.840......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 202.841......................................... ad No 328, 2010
r 202.842......................................... ad No 328, 2010
Subpart 202.GI
Subpart 202.GI................................ ad No 321, 2002
rs F2018L01030
Division 202.GI.1
r 202.860......................................... ad F2018L01030
r 202.861......................................... ad F2018L01030

420 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am F2022L00978
rep end of 1 Dec 2023 (r 202.861(2))
r 202.862......................................... ad F2018L01030
am F2021L00200
Subpart 202.HA
Subpart 202.HA .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
r 202.880......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.HB
Subpart 202.HB heading................. rs No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.HB .............................. ad No 321, 2002
rs No 75, 2003
r 202.900......................................... ad No 75, 2003
am No 345, 2004
Subpart 202.HC
Subpart 202.HC .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.HD
Subpart 202.HD .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.HE
Subpart 202.HE .............................. ad No 135, 2014
Division 202.HE.1 .......................... rep 4 Mar 2016 (r 202.964(1))
r 202.960......................................... ad No 135, 2014
exp (r 202.960(3))
rep 4 Mar 2016 (r 202.964(1))
r 202.961......................................... ad No 135, 2014
rep 4 Mar 2016 (r 202.964(1))
r 202.962......................................... ad No 135, 2014
rep 4 Mar 2016 (r 202.964(1))
r 202.963......................................... ad No 135, 2014
exp (r 202.963(3))
rep 4 Mar 2016 (r 202.964(1))
r 202.964......................................... ad No 135, 2014
rep 4 Mar 2016 (r 202.964(1))
Subpart 202.HJ ............................... ad No 321, 2002
rep No 77, 2011
Subpart 202.HL
Subpart 202.HL .............................. ad No 321, 2002
Subpart 202.HM
Subpart 202.HM ............................. ad No 321, 2002

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 421

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Dictionary ....................................... am No 166, 1999; No 262, 1999
Part 1
Part 1 heading ................................. ad No 204, 2000
Part 1............................................... am No 204, 2000; No 227, 2000; No 34, 2001; No 242, 2001; No 349, 2001; No 167,
2002; No 268, 2002; No 321, 2002; No 350, 2002; No 58, 2003; No 189, 2003; No 232,
2003; No 240, 2003; No 365, 2003; No 134, 2004; No 222, 2004; No 230, 2004; No 345,
2004; No 321, 2005; No 323, 2005; No 172, 2007; No 192, 2008; No 274, 2008; No 64,
2009; No 147, 2009; No 277, 2010; No 328, 2010; No 76, 2011; No 77, 2011; No 265,
2011; No 107, 2012; No 5, 2013; No 80, 2013; No 188, 2013; No 274, 2013; No 125,
2014; No 135, 2014; No 166, 2014; No 245, 2015; No 247, 2015; F2016L00400;
ed C72; C73
am F2016L01655; F2018L01030; F2019L00176; F2019L00372; F2019L00557;
F2019L01027; F2019L01621; F2020L00913; F2021L00200; F2022L00157;
F2023L00606; F2024L00297
Part 2
Part 2............................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 345, 2004
c 1 ................................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 345, 2004; No 328, 2010
c 3 ................................................... ad No 247, 2015
rs F2019L00557; F2021L00200
c 5 ................................................... ad No 204, 2000
rs No 345, 2004
c 10 ................................................. ad No 349, 2001
rs No 345, 2004
rep No 277, 2010
c 12 ................................................. ad No 230, 2004
rep No 345, 2004
c 15 ................................................. ad No 75, 2003
rs No 345, 2004
c 18 ................................................. ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
c 20 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
rep No 77, 2011
c 25 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
c 30 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
rep No 274, 2013
c 35 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
c 36 ................................................. ad No 5, 2013
c 37 ................................................. ad No 76, 2011

422 Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am No 274, 2013; No 166, 2014

c 40 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
c 45 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
rs No 147, 2009
c 50 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
c 55 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
rep F2016L01655
c 60 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
am F2021L00200
c 65 ................................................. ad No 345, 2004
c 70 ................................................. ad F2019L00557
c 75 ................................................. ad F2021L00200
Part 3
Part 3............................................... ad No 328, 2010
c 1 ................................................... ad No 328, 2010
am No 80, 2013; No 275, 2013; No 246, 2015; F2019L00557
c 5 ................................................... ad No 328, 2010
c 10 ................................................. ad No 328, 2010
am No 76, 2011; No 245, 2015
c 15 ................................................. ad No 328, 2010
c 20 ................................................. ad No 328, 2010
am No 275, 2013
c 21 ................................................. ad No 275, 2013
c 25 ................................................. ad No 328, 2010
c 30 ................................................. ad No 328, 2010

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 423

Compilation No. 99 Compilation date: 11/04/2024 Registered: 18/04/2024

Replaced Authorised Version registered 19/07/2024 F2024C00377

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