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Miranda Brown

U.S Foreign Policy

Dr. Forrest
31 October, 2024
U.S Diplomacy on a Global Stage

Diplomacy is crucial to foreign policy as it promotes peaceful conflict resolution and

international cooperation as well as leads to global stability and national security. It encourages a

framework for international relations that prioritizes resolving disputes without resorting to

violence. This supports cooperation and understanding which improves diversity and growth for

each country. Many areas the United States seeks to improve in require the assistance of other

countries to succeed. In the last twenty years these areas include terrorism, pandemics, and

climate change. Diplomacy allows countries to collaborate, effectively share resources, and

develop strategies which span a global stage. It is especially important when these scenarios

occur in crisis situations. Diplomacy is an indispensable piece of United States international

relations, vital for promoting peace and facilitating cooperation as well as addressing complex

challenges in an interconnected world.

By employing strategies such as negotiation and mediation, alliances, supporting

international organizations, and cultural exchange, U.S diplomacy is able to play an important

role in curating a peaceful global landscape that can mitigate conflict and promote international

stability. The United States negotiates/mediates in many contexts, most commonly in direct

negotiations (bilateral talks and trade agreements) and mediation in international conflicts (third-

party mediation and regional conflicts). Direct negotiations would include bilateral negotiations,

for example conversations with North Korea over its nuclear program, advocating for

denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula,1 as well as trade agreements which foster

Frank Aum, “Incremental Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula,” United States Institute of Peace, 2022
economic ties and promote peace through the aligning of national interests. An example of

mediation in international conflicts, as a third party, is the U.S’s facilitation of the Camp David

accords between Israel and Egypt, which lead to a peace treaty.2 The U.S has also hosted peace

talks and offered mediation between Israel and Palestine in order to encourage compromise.

Another way that they promote cooperation is through the support for multilateral negotiations.

The U.S participates and supports organizations like the UN, which strive to resolve conflict

through peacekeeping missions and diplomatic efforts. Through platforms like the Paris

Agreement, the United States negotiates with other countries to combat global challenges and

emphasize cooperation that leads to international peace and stability. In participating in

multilateral agreements, the U.S is more effectively able to advocate for human rights and

democracy as well as foster a culture of dialogue and become even more developed in their

negotiation and mediation skills. Through proper diplomacy and engagement with other nations

mediating disputes, the United States plays a critical role in maintaining global stability and

preventing violence.

By leveraging alliances, the U.S uses diplomacy to create a network of cooperative

relationships which create collective security, prevent conflict, and promote a peaceful and stable

international environment. One of the biggest frameworks of security for the United States is

through NATO. This military alliance operates through collective defense, which deters

aggression and enhances European security. Other alliances include bilateral alliances, which the

US has with countries like Japan, South Korea, and Australia. These relationships include

security commitments and cooperation in positions of vulnerability and defense, which promote

Office of the Historian, “ Camp David Accords and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process”
regional stability and deter threats, especially from adversaries like North Korea and China. The

most effective way alliances are effective is through early engagement and preventative

measures. The United States engages in preventive diplomacy by identifying areas and points of

conflict and intervening early. They can then choose the measure by which they will choose to

respond: mediation/conflict resolution, economic assistance/development aid, etc. Responding to

conflict early or even before it occurs deters aggression and leads to stability among nations.

This can become complicated when two countries that the U.S has relations with have conflict

with one another. For example, a recent dispute between India and Canada led to both countries

expelling diplomats. This was problematic because the United States has interest in both

countries. The diplomatic strategy was to de-escalate tension as quickly as possible and to

facilitate discussion between the groups. It is important to do so and do so quickly so as to keep

peace and maintain relations with both countries. Alliances also can change, especially when

leadership changes. Recently, Japan elected Shigeru Ishiba as their new prime minister.3 This

change was positive for the United States, as he is known for his commitment to the U.S and

aligned interests, especially in regard to security. Ishiba as the new prime minister gives the

United States an opportunity to deepen its relationship with Japan. Having alliances which

promote collective security and a clear conflict prevention and resolution plan allows the United

States to have a stable international environment. United States alliances play a crucial role in

low levels of conflict and encouraging peaceful relations among nations.

The U.S actively participates in and supports organizations like the United Nations and

NATO, which encourages cooperative action and collaborative decision making on global

challenges. These organizations provide a forum for countries to discuss and negotiate issues of

The Associated Press, “Japan’s Parliament elects Shigeru Ishiba as Prime Minister,” NPR, 2024
concern and build consensus for strategies to combat these issues. Another big way that these

groups help is through resource mobilization. They can facilitate the mobilization of both

financial and technical resources for development on projects, disaster response, and public

health initiatives, helping countries collaborate on large-scale efforts. International organizations

closely monitor compliance with treaties and agreements, which hold countries accountable and

encourage them to adhere to international standards, leading to trust and cooperation.

Organizations like the UN deploy peacekeeping missions and mediators to areas of conflict in

order to maintain stability and lessen disputes. Being a part of these groups is important for many

reasons. It allows the United States to shape international standards and have its values reflected

in global policies, ensuring its priorities are included in its goals. Secondly, membership provides

a platform for collective security arrangements, helping to deter aggression and enhance security

protocols. It also allows the U.S to be engaged in trade and economic organizations, opening

markets for goods and services and fostering economic growth and job creation domestically.

Involvement in international organizations enhances the United States’ ability to influence global

affairs, promotes national interests, and contributes to a more stable and cooperative international


Diplomacy in the United States also promotes peace through its advocacy for cultural

exchange. There are many different types of cultural diplomacy including mutual understanding

and shared values, educational programs, and art and sports diplomacy, to name a few. Cultural

exchange programs help groups of people from different countries connect, share experiences,

and develop relationships. This type of mutual understanding leads to trusting relationships

between nations as well as reduces stereotypes and tension. These programs also create platforms

for open dialogue about traditions, values, and beliefs. Open communication is essential for
respect and empathy. In conversation over shared values, the U.S encourages the development of

stable societies and emphasizes its own democratic ideals and the importance of civic

engagement and human rights. The United States also participates in educational initiatives

through scholarship programs. Enabling its own students to study in other countries and taking in

their students promotes cross-cultural learning and brings up its leaders to have a more well-

rounded global perspective. Similarly, the U.S prioritizes international engagement in sports and

the arts. Sport exchanges are extremely popular and highly viewed and create a sense of

camaraderie and shared values. Showcasing art exhibitions, music festivals, and other types of

performance highlights the diversity of other cultures as well as gives the United States an

opportunity to display American culture. All of these methods of cultural exchange allow U.S

diplomacy to promote peace by building a foundation of understanding, respect, and


Next, United States diplomacy is used to make progress and further advance the progress

of the interconnected world. Some of the biggest challenges the United States aims to tackle

include climate change action, human rights advocacy, and global health initiatives. By using

strategies previously mentioned like negotiation and alliances, the U.S is able to use diplomacy

to go further and more easily reach their goals. One way that the United States is able to improve

climate change is through international agreements, for example, the Paris Agreement in 2015

committees countries to limit global warming to below two degrees Celsius.4 Agreements like

this aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts and provide

frameworks for countries to develop strategies to cope with the effects of climate change. The

United Nations Climate Change “Key Aspects of the Paris Agreement” https://unfccc.int/most-requested/key-
government invests a significant amount of money into renewables like solar panels and wind

turbines to replace fossil fuels and reduce dependency on carbon-intensive energy. They also

invest in innovation and technology development which helps to advance research that finds

solutions to reduce emissions and enhance resilience. By outsourcing internationally, the U.S

participates in collective action, which increases the quality of resources in research, technology,

transfer, and funding. These research groups are then able to promote advocacy campaigns and

spread public awareness, which is crucial for mobilizing support for action at both national and

international levels.

Healthcare systems are also globally strengthened by U.S diplomacy through their

collaborations with international health partnerships and organizations as well as their response

to humanitarian aid and crisis preparedness. The United States collaborations with organizations

like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

help to address global health challenges by focusing on a global scale on disease control and

prevention and strengthening health care systems. These partnerships aim to improve healthcare

infrastructure, workforce training, and access to services, especially for low and middle income

places. They do this by increasing financial support and mobilizing resources, joining research

initiatives, and developing workforces. The other way in which healthcare systems are improved

is through the effective use of humanitarian aid and crisis management. The United States

government's coordination mechanisms combine the use of multiple stakeholders, other

governments, UN agencies, and NGO’s to streamline efforts and maximize the efficiency of

resources. Diplomatic channels are then able to establish rapid response teams to provide

immediate assistance and support to areas in distress. This may include medical teams,

engineers, or logistic experts. Covid was a testament to diplomacy playing a large role in
improving healthcare systems with humanitarian aid. The U.S provided financial assistance and

supplies to countries in need including PPE, medical equipment, and funding for struggling

healthcare systems. In cooperation and coordination with other countries, the United States is

able to use diplomacy to more effectively navigate through challenges that occur and will begin

to occur as the world continues to shift and change. Improvements in climate change action,

human rights advocacy, and global health initiatives are all made greater through combined

resources, technology innovation, and funding.

United States diplomacy serves as a vital tool for fostering international cooperation,

addressing complex global challenges and promoting peace. By engaging in strategic

negotiations, supporting multilateral organizations, and advocating for cultural exchange, the U.S

both strengthens its own national security as well as contributes to a more stable and

interconnected world. Through initiatives that focus on climate change, human rights, and global

health, U.S diplomacy empowers countries to work collaboratively, sharing resources and

expertise to combat pressing issues. As the global landscape continues to evolve, effective

diplomacy is going to remain essential for maintaining dialogue, building trust, and creating a

foundation for peace and progress. The United States’ active role in these endeavors highlights

the importance of cooperative efforts in navigating an increasingly complex international

environment, ensuring that collective action remains a priority for a bright and prosperous future.

Aum, Frank, “Incremental Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula,” United States Institute of
Peace, 2022 https://www.usip.org/publications/2022/12/incremental-denuclearization-

Office of the Historian, “Camp David Accords and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process”

The Associated Press, “Japan’s Parliament elects Shigeru Ishiba as Prime Minister,” NPR, 2024

United Nations Climate Change “Key Aspects of the Paris Agreement” https://unfccc.int/most-

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