Difference Between Modern Family and Traditional Family
Difference Between Modern Family and Traditional Family
Difference Between Modern Family and Traditional Family
Family is a very old social group. It has been in existence since long times.
It is older than society and as old as human life itself. But despite all this, it
is not a static institution. It is always changing with the march of time. It is
for this reason that the structure of the modern family is not the same as it
was about a century ago.
In order to emphasise this fact, J. Rurnney and Joseph Maier observe,
“Although the family is universal, no particular form of it is primary or
inevitable. Like all other institutions, it is a social product subject to
change and modification”.
Similarly Nimkoff and Ogburn also write, “The family has changed a good
deal in the past and has assumed many different forms and functions. The
family has proved to be a very resilient and flexible institution. Despite
radical changes in form and functions, the family has continued to exist in
every society known to us. It should be clear from these facts that family is
undergoing constant changes. As a result of this the modern family has
become much different from the ancient family”.