Vocabulary - Glossary Unit 11
Vocabulary - Glossary Unit 11
Vocabulary - Glossary Unit 11
A accurate (adj.) authentic (adj.)
Correct, exact, and without any Real, true, or what people say it is.
B biased (adj.)
Showing an unreasonable preference or
dislike based on personal opinion.
C controversial (adj.) counterfeit (adj.)
Causing or likely to cause a lot of Made to look like the original of
disagreement or discussion. something, usually for dishonest
D deadly (adj.) dishonest (adj.)
Likely to cause death. Not honest and likely to lie or do
something illegal.
E exaggerated (adj.)
Seeming larger, more important, better,
or worse than it really is.
F fake (adj.) false (adj.)
Not real but made to look or seem real, Not true or correct.
usually to deceive people.
F fireproof (adj.)
Unable to be damaged by fire;
impossible or difficult to burn in a fire.
G galaxy (noun) genuine (adj.)
One of the large, independent groups Real and exactly what it appears to be.
of stars in the universe.
H hoax (adj.)
A trick in which someone tries to make
people believe something that is not
I illegal (adj.) imperfect (adj.)
Not allowed by law. Damaged or not made correctly.
I inaccurate (adj.) inferior (adj.)
Not completely correct or exact. Not good, or not as good as someone
or something else.
L legal (adj.)
Allowed by law.
M misinformation (noun) misleading (adj.)