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Stage 1

S# Definitions References

1 Population Education is an educational program which provides for a study of population situation Rao (2004)
in the family, community with the purpose of developing in the students’ rational and responsible
attitudes and behavior toward that situation.

2 Population Education may be defined as an educational process which assists persons to (a) learn Viederman Rao (2001)
causes and consequences of population problems; (b) define the nature of the problems associated
with population process and characteristics; and (c) assess the positive and effective means by
Population Education which the society as a whole and he/she as an individual can respond to the areas that influence
these processes in order to enhance the quality of life.

3 Changes in society are often in more demands being placed on our education system. Moore (2015)

4 A set of plan and regulations about the aims, content, materials of lessons and the methods Dharma (2008)
employed as guidelines for implementation of learning activities to achieve given education

5 The population education deals with demography causes and consequences of population growth, (ChandrakalaDave ,1982)
human reproduction and family planning.

6 Population education aims to transmit a common set of beliefs, values, norms, and understanding Nayef, Yaacob, & Ismail
from the adult to the youth. Morality, on the other hand, aims to maintain the order in a society; to (2013)
respect people as well as regard them holistically

7 Population education processes as the persons who are responsible to ensure whether the teaching Malik, Murtaza, and Khan
process puts emphasis on course context, inter-personal relationship, or on classroom discipline and (2011)

Population education is one of the innovative strategies which will be useful for imparting Nagda (1979).
8 information, education and communication on population In the existing formal and informal
education system of the country. The program of population education has now been viewed as a 1
beyond family planning' measure.
Population Education is an educational program which provides fora study of population situation
9 of the family, the community, nation and world, with the purpose of developing in the students the UNESCO (2015).
rational and responsible attitudes and behavior towards that situation.

10 Population education as the teaching and learning of reliable knowledge about the ways of Massialas (1972)
inquiring into the nature of human population, the natural and human consequences of population

11 The PEDA (population, environment, development, agriculture) model, which focuses on the Lutz &Scherbov (2000).
interactions between changes in population size and distribution, natural resource degradation,
agricultural production, and food security

12 Population education is directive aimed at achieving the acceptance of small family norm, some Lakshmi Reddy (1993).
others are non-directive aimed at the development of rational and responsible attitudes and behavior
towards family size and other population matters

13 Population education as the study of human population, how it affects and is affected by several Lane &Wileman (1974)
aspects of life; physical, social, cultural, political, economic and ecological.

Secondary pupils are only a handful of years away from the time when they would make decisions
14 regarding marriage and reproduction, a program of population education would be full of meaning Ayasuria (1972)
to then and may make an impact on their decision-making process in these areas.


Rao, D. B. (2004). Teachers’ population education awareness. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House.

Rao, V. K. (2001). Population education. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation.

Moore, K. D. (2015). Effective instructional strategies: From theory to practice (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

Dharma, A. (2008). Indonesian basic education curriculum: Current content and reform. Presented in Roundtable Discussion in Retrac Governing Board
Meeting at Institute AminuddinBaki, Genting Highland, Malaysia, on 27 August 2008. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education. Retrieved from
http://www.ibe.unesco. org/curricula/indonesia/io_befw_2008_eng.pdf.

Sulistyo, D. (1997). Role perception and professional commitment of high school population education teachers: A case study in Yogyakarta Province,
Indonesia. Doctoral dissertation, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.

Nayef, E. G., Yaacob, N. R. N., & Ismail, H. N. (2013). Taxonomies of educational objective domain. International Journal of Academic Research in
Business and Social Sciences, 3(9), 165–175. 10.6007/IJARBSS/v3-i9/199.

Malik, M. A., Murtaza, A., & Khan, A. M. (2011). Role of teachers in managing teaching learning situation. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary
Research in Business, 3(5), 783–833. Retrieved from 83-833.pdf.

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education, National Education Policy: 1998-2010, 1998


UNESCO. (2015). Transforming teaching and learning in Asia and the Pacific: Case studies from seven countries. (E. Hau-Fai & U. Miura, Eds.).
Bangkok: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and UNESCO Bangkok Office. Retrieved from http://unesdoc

Dharma, A. (2008). Indonesian basic education curriculum: Current content and reform. Presented in Roundtable Discussion in Retrac Governing Board
Meeting at InstitutAminuddinBaki, Genting Highland, Malaysia, on 27 August 2008. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education. Retrieved from
http://www.ibe.unesco. org/curricula/indonesia/io_befw_2008_eng.pdf.

Lutz, W. and S. Scherbov. 2000. Quantifying vicious circle dynamics: The PEDA model for population, environment, development and agriculture in
African countries. Pages 311–322 in E. J. Dockner et al., eds., Optimization, Dynamics, and Economic Analysis: Essays in Honorof Gustav
Feichtinger. Heidelberg, Germany: Physica-Verlag HD.

Jayasuria, J.E., Some Considerations Relevant to theFormulation of.a.NationalProgramme of "Population Education. Keynote address delivered at the
Work' shop on Population Education, Bangkok, Nov.29 - Dec. 3, 1971 (rnimeo).

Kagda, S., Strategies of Population Education and Control.Paper prepared for the Seminar “chi' Population Situation and Population Education ,
Population Studies Cell, University of Udaipur, Udaipur, 29-30 Nov., 1979.

Elizabeth A. Minton, Lynn R. Khale (2014). Belief Systems, Religion, and Behavioral Economics. New York: Business Expert Press LLC. ISBN 978-1-

Peter L., Phillips Simpson on 29 June 2016.

Educate. ( Retrieved on 2011-10-21.



Tarsi, K. & Tuff, T. (2012).

Blog posted by Steven Mintz, aka Ethics Sage, on August 1, 2018. Visit Steve’s website and sign up for his newsletter. Retrieved January 25, 2021, from

Roser, Max; Ortiz-Ospina, Esteban (2019). "Primary and Secondary Education". Our World in Data. Retrieved 24 October 2019.
Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2013, April 14). Belief. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Briggs, Asa (2000). The Age of Improvement (2nd ed.). Longman. ISBN 978-0-582-36959-7.

Archer, Richard; Borthwick, Kerry; Travers, Michelle; Ruschena, Leo (2017). WHS: A Management Guide (4 ed.). Cengage Learning Australia. pp. 30–
31. ISBN 978-0-17-027079-3. Retrieved 2016-03-30. The most significant definitions are 'person conducting a business or undertaking' (PCBU).
'worker' and 'workplace'. [...] 'PCBU' is a wider ranging term than 'employer', though this will be what most people understand by it.

Robert A. Ristau (2010). Intro to Business. Cengage Learning. p. 74. ISBN 978-0-538-74066-1

OED Online. June 2013. Oxford University Press. Entry 19395 (accessed 30 August 2013). birth". OED Online. June 2013. Oxford University Press the
emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent
ProfJohnClelandMAStanBernsteinMSAlexEzehPhDProfAnibalFaundesMDAnnaGlasierMDJoleneInnisMHS (2006).

Julie Solo and Mario Festin (2019).


Sr# Definition No. Elements or components (Stage 2) References

1 Definition 1st Family, community Rao (2004)

2 Definition 2nd Quality of life. Population Situation Viederman Rao (2001)

3 Definition 3rd Education ,society Moore (2015)

4 Definition 4th Employment Dharma (2008)

5 Definition 5th Human reproduction Sulistyo (1997)

6 Definition 6th Adult, Nayef, Yaacob, & Ismail


7 Definition 7th Inter-personal relationship. Malik, Murtaza, and Khan


8 Definition 8th Family planning. Nagda (1979).

9 Definition 9th Nation UNESCO (2015).

10 Definition 10th Ecology Massialas (1972)

11 Definition 11th Economy Lutz &Scherbov (2000).


Definitions Elements Categories / Related Item Related Literature (Stage 3)

A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a
1 Family Social group
large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to
the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents

and their children (Michelle Blessing, 2006).

Gender/male/female/transgender Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are
socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviors and roles associated with
being a

Parents/father/mother Parents may participate in school-based activities, such as volunteer working in

their children’s classroom, communicating with teachers, and attending school
meetings (Montes and Halterman 2006).

Children / sons / daughters School facilitation of home-based parental educational involvement, on the other
hand, may involve efforts that train parents how to interact with and manage their
children at home in the community (Marcus et al. 2005).

Community Mosque / Hujra / community center Important aspects of responsibility, which include being able to make informed
ethical judgments about prevailing norms and rules, communicating effectively
with stakeholders, engaging in long-term thinking and in perspective-taking,
displaying moral courage, and aspiring to positive change. Furthermore,
responsibility means actively engaging stakeholders, encouraging participative
decision-making, and aiming for shared problem-solving (Voegtlin, 2016).

Spatial location/space Population as a driving force of environmental change is unique in its plausibility
and ease of quantification. It incorporates the basic level of resources required per
capita for survival and reproduction. A strong global level correlation between
modern population growth, communities and annual change in land cover,
occupied (Young, Benjamin, Jokish, ogenva and Garren, 1991).

Different aspects of the population situation like migration, unemployment, age at

2 Quality of Life marriage, unwanted pregnancy, preference for family size, being recognized as
key factors bearing influences on the quality of life.

Physical emotional and social well Quality of life to be a multi-dimensional construct comprising the individual’s
being subjective perception of physical, emotional and social well-being , including
both cognitive component and emotional component .over all or global quality of
life there are many specific sub domains health ,job, family ,friends, community.

Good health / nutrition food Developmental life stages. Given the unique emotional and social life changes
requirements that take place during young adulthood (developing a positive body image and
sexual identity, dating and building social networks, making decisions about
higher education, careers, and family). Rowland JH. Developmental stage and
adaptation: adult model. In: Holland JC, Rowland JH, eds. Handbook of Psych
oncology. New York: Oxford University Press; 1990:25-43.

Safety / Security Health behaviors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity,
dietary choices and duration of sleep are major determinants of health and
mortality. Commission E: The state of health in the European Community: report
from the Commission. Luxembourg: European Commission; 1996.

Living standard Job opportunity refers to the availability of alternative, attractive and attainable
employment offers in the business environment. The interaction of supply and
demand forces in the economy may be taken into consideration in measuring
external opportunities. The availability is mainly about the number of
opportunities outside the organization; the attractiveness refers to the pay levels

and any other ‘motivators’ and ‘satisfiers’ of such opportunities. Last but not
least, attainability is defined by the possession of the skills required on the job
(Mueller & Price, 1990).

Life, living matter and, as such, matter that shows certain attributes that include
responsiveness, growth, metabolism, energy transformation, and reproduction.

Literacy/Education The literacy rate is defined by the percentage of the population of a given age
group that can read and write. The adult literacy rate corresponds to ages 15 and
above, the youth literacy rate to ages 15 to 24, and the elderly to ages 65 and
above. It is typically measured according to the ability to comprehend a short
simple statement on everyday life. Generally, literacy also encompasses
numeracy, and measurement may incorporate a simple assessment of arithmetic
ability. The literacy rate and number of literates should be distinguished from
functional literacy, a more comprehensive measure of literacy assessed on a
continuum in which multiple proficiency levels can be determined (UNESCO).

Populations situation Group of individuals / number of The four major areas of population situation under study of demography,
determinants and consequences of population growth, human reproduction and
family planning. (Kamick& Dave,1978).

A population is the collection of the people or organisms of a particular species

living in a given geographic area. In Population, dynamics, size, age and sex
structure, mortality, reproductive behavior, and growth of a population are
included. (V.C Pandey, 2006).

A society consists of individuals who live together in a specific geographic area,

who interact more with each other than they do with outsiders and cooperate for
the attainment of common goals. Each society includes key institutions such as
family, education, religion, politics, economics, and health that meet basic human
needs. Society represents the hardware the structure that gives organization and
stability to group life. Society organized groups of people and culture their way
of life are interdependent.

Over population / depletion of Overpopulation or overabundance occurs when a species' population becomes so
excessive that people deem it must be managed. It can result from an increase in
resources / starvation
births (fertility rate), a decline in the mortality rate, and an increase
in immigration, or a depletion of resources. Overpopulation can result from an
increase in births, a decline in mortality rates against the background of high
fertility rates (Daimun, 2018). It is possible for very sparsely populated areas to
be overpopulated if the area has a meager or non-existent capability to sustain
life. Advocates of population moderation cite issues like quality of life and risk of
starvation and disease as a basis to argue against continuing high human
population growth and for population decline (Zinkina and Korotayev, 2014).

Consequences of overpopulation /  There are a number of factors that contribute to overpopulation. These are the
leading causes: Poverty, Poor Contraceptive Use, Child Labor, Reduced
population growth / Poverty / child Mortality Rates, Fertility Treatment, and Immigration, Lack of water, Lower Life
labor / lack of water resources / Expectancy (Ecavo, 2020).

lower life expectancy / reduced Rapid human population growth has a variety of consequences. High fertility
rates have historically been strongly correlated with poverty and high childhood
Mortality rates
mortality rates (Simon and Miller, 1992). Falling fertility rates are generally
associated with improved standards of living, increased life expectancy, and
lowered infant mortality. Overpopulation and poverty have long been associated
with increased death, and disease (Ehlich, 1990).

Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial

resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. Poverty means that the
income level from employment is so low that basic human needs can't be met.
Poverty-stricken people and families might go without proper housing, clean
water, healthy food, and medical attention. Each nation may have its own
threshold that determines how many of its people are living in poverty (Chen and
Sonnenshein, 2020).

A population is defined as a group of individuals of the same species living and


interbreeding within a given area (Tarsi & Tuff, 2012).

3 Education Skills development/ Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition
of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods
knowledge/ understanding include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. Educate
Learning ( Retrieved on 2011).

The impact of literacy and adult education programs clearly shows that in the
future, skill development and increased economic opportunity must from one of
the major components of initiatives. A primary reason is the growth of population
in many countries which have low literacy rates.

Society Civilized The term society came from the Latin word societies, which is used to describe a
bond or interaction between parties that are friendly, or at least civil.

Patterns of relationship/culture Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between
individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may
be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent of
members. In the social sciences, a larger society often
exhibits stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups (Briggs, Asa, 2000).

4 Employment Labor/ job opportunity Labor is defined as the section of working population in the age group of 16-64
in the economy currently employed or seeking employment. People who are still
undergoing studies, housewives and persons above the age of 64 are not reckoned
in the labor force (15 March, 2021).

Employees The employed are defined as those who work for pay or profit for at least one
hour a week, or who have a job but are temporarily not at work due to illness,

leave or industrial action. This indicator measures the percentage of employed

25-64 year-olds among all 25-64 (OECD, 2020).

An employee contributes labor and expertise to an endeavor of an employer or of

a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCB) and is usually hired to
perform specific duties which are packaged into a job (Richard; Kerry; Michelle;
Leo, 2017). In a corporate context, an employee is a person who is hired to
provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange
for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of
an independent business (Robert & Ristau, 2010).

Remuneration /reward/pay/ job Remuneration as pay or reward given to individuals for work done. He further
security identified the indicators of remuneration include: basic salary, wages, health
schemes, pension schemes, transport allowances, overtime allowances and
responsibility allowances. Remuneration can also be referred to as monetary or
financial benefits in form of salaries, wages, bonuses, incentives, allowances and
benefits that is accrued or given to an employee or group of employees by the
employer (firm) as a result services rendered by the employee(s),commitment to
the organization or reward for employment (Maicibi, 2005).

5 Human reproduction Inhabitants Population in human biology, the whole number of inhabitants occupying an
area (such as a country or the world) and continually being modified by increases
(births and immigrations) and losses (deaths and emigrations) (Lynch, Fomerand,
Jacques and Mingst, Karen, 2020). United Nations. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Birth Rate/number of peoples Birth rate refers to the number of births that occur per thousand people, per year.
When the birth rate is larger than the death rate, we know that more people are
being “added” to the area than are being “taken away”, meaning the population is
growing. Logic follows then that if the birth rate and death rate are equal, the
population is not changing and if the birth rate is less than the death rate, the

population would be shrinking (Lindsey Bailey, 2014).

Death Rate The number of deaths in the population divided by the average population (or the
population at midyear) is the crude death rate. A death rate can also be tabulated
according to age or cause (william, shiel, facp & facr, 1996).

Death rate refers to the number of deaths per thousand people, per year. if the
birth rate is less than the death rate, the population would be shrinking ( Lindsey
Bailey, 2014).

Migration A person who moves from one home to another in the same neighborhood, and
who therefore retains the same social framework, is not deemed a migrant.
Humans have been migrating for millennia in search of better livelihoods, greater
opportunities, and improved security (UNDP, 2009; Oglethorpe, 2007). The
human population in any given area can change through fertility, mortality and

6 Adult Adulthood An adult is a human being or other organism that is of reproductive age. In
human context, the term adult additionally has meanings associated with social
and legal concepts; for example, a legal adult is a legal concept for a person who
has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent, self-
sufficient, and responsible. A person of a known specific age defined in
legislation (2021, from

Several factors have been described as determinants of an active lifestyle in

adulthood. These include demographic, biological, emotional and cultural
variables, social attributes and environment factors (Trost, Owen, Bauman, Sallis
& Brown, 2002).Barros & Hirakata (2003) define that physical activity in
adolescence has been studied as a possible predictor of levels of adult activity.

Girls/women Girls are half the youth population of the developing world, little attention has
been given to the specific challenges facing adolescent girls as they develop into
adult members of families, the workforce, and society. General statistics and
sector-specific studies point to the merits of investing in girls, including lower
infant mortality, healthier families (Bicego and Boerma 1993), and greater labor

market earnings, but policy often does not explicitly target development
opportunities for adolescent girls. This may be due to insufficient understanding
of the actual social benefits of investing in adolescent girls.

There is growing public health concern over the effects of sedentary lifestyles on
the health of young boys, particularly in relation to overweight and obesity.
Declines in participation have been found to be greatest in the adolescent age
group (Nelson, Larsen, Adair, and Popkin, 2005). The children move into their
adolescent and young adult years, physical activity levels decline strikingly.

Boys/men Biologically, an adult is a human being or other organism that is of reproductive

age. In human context, the term adult additionally has meanings associated with
social and legal concepts; for example, a legal adult is a legal concept for a
person who has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as
independent, self-sufficient, and responsible. A person of a known specific age
defined in legislation (2021, from

7 Interpersonal Communication The population situation is greatly influenced by the inter-relationship of the
relationship demographic processes namely birth rate, death rate and migration.

Interpersonal relationships in education clearly, positive teacher-students

relationships strongly contribute to students, learning, problematic relationships
on the other hand can be detrimental to student outcomes and development.
Productive learning environments are characterized by supportive and warm
interactions throughout the class; teacher-students and students-students.
Similarly, teacher learning thrives when principals facilitate accommodating and
safe school cultures (ICIRE, 2010).

8 Family planning Family planning programs are guided by the principle of informed choice as well
as the goal of providing a broad choice of contraceptive methods to clients (Solo
& Festin, 2019).

Fertility / contraceptive usage /

reproductively Fertility rate, average number of children born to women during their
reproductive years (Natalie Smoak, 2008). The fertility rate at a given age is the

number of children born alive to women of that age during the year as a
proportion of the average annual population of women of the same age. By
extension, the fertility rate is the ratio between the number of live births in a year
and the whole female population of childbearing age. Unlike total period fertility,
the fertility rate is partly dependent on trends in the age structure of women
between the ages of 15 and 50 (Insee, 2021).

The number of legitimate births in a year per 1,000 married women of

reproductive age. The average number of children that would be expected during
a woman's reproductive life of a particular pattern of age-specific fertility rates
was to prevail throughout (Andrew & Fisher, 1998).

Family size/ small family/ large Family size refers to the number of persons in the family. Economic family refers
family to a group of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling and are related
to each other by blood, marriage, common-law union, adoption or a foster
relationship. A couple may be of opposite or same sex. While the term family
size is sometimes used to represent the total number of individuals comprising a
family unit, Treas (1981) argues convincingly for decomposing the concept into
two components: numbers of children and numbers of adults in the household.
This distinction is important, as observed patterns of change in overall family size
may be attributable to one component or the other, as may effects of overall
family size. In the present discussion, family size is defined in terms of the
number of children in the household.

9 Nation Territory/ space A nation may be said to consist of its territory, its people, and its laws. The
territory is the only part which is of certain durability (Lincoln, 1862).

10 Ecology Habitats/ Pollution/ scarcity of The branch of biology that examines how organisms interact with each other and
with their physical environment (Welcome to the Department of Global Ecology)

water/ impurity Carnegie Science: Global Ecology. Accessed June 7, 2016.

Pollution generally implies that the contaminants have an anthropogenic source—

that is, a source created by human activities. Pollution has accompanied
humankind ever since groups of people first congregated and remained for a long
time in any one place (Jerry A. Nathanson, 2021).

Water scarcity can be defined as a lack of sufficient water, or not having access to
safe water supplies. Water is a pressing need in many areas of the world. That
scarcity is spreading as water is needed to grow and process food, create energy,
and serve industry for a continually growing population (Fluence news team,

11 Economy Resources to produce valuable Economies are the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce
commodities. valuable commodities and distribute them among different people. Dr. Econ.
Let's defer to Professors Paul A. Samuelson and William D. Nordhaus, who
define economics as follows in the 1998 edition of their well-known
text, Economics:

Def= Definition, P= Page number, U= Unit number, (Stage 4)

English compulsory Book 9th English compulsory Book

Def. Elements Codes Numbe Description of the words as a sentences P U U

rs of

1 Family Social group 01 time He wished that women should walk shoulder 14 2 03
to shoulder with men but at the same time
believed that they should take interest in their
household work and in the social welfare
Gender/male/ female

02times 96 11
When the numbers of a family increases it
needs more resources. More over enough
space is not available for the rapidly growing
02/ 01 family.

Parents/father/mother My parents are dead.My parents reached 101 11

airport at 6.30. How crowded was your
02/02 village or city when your father was a child. 11

02 Hazrat khadija’s mother and father ,both died 1

times within ten years of each other. 02

Children/ sons/daughter 02times Their children fall victims

to 95 11
malnutrition.Public parks and playgrounds
are not available to the children. 96 11

01time The wealth was distributed among his

children.She was daughter of Khuwaylid.
02 2
He believed women’s participation in politics
Community Mosque/hujra/community centre 01 time and social welfarework as a necessity for the 14 2
betterment of the community
Spatial location/space

02times More people required more food , more

95 11
space and more facilities of life.

Less space is left for cultivation that cannot 96

meet the food requirments of the large
number of people.

2 Quality of life Physical emotional and social well 01 time Their needs cannot be fulfilled properly and 96
being they get into several mental and physical

01time 3
The plants that provide us with food grow in 25
Goodhealth/nutrition/food soil.

These criminals steal food from other


requirements 07times workers ants,and take away their young ones 72 8

for food.

Less space is left for cultivation that cannot

04 meet the food requirments of the large 96,
times number of people. That created shortage of 11
several food items and high
prices.Educational and health facilities are
not available to all the citizens.Their
education and health is a big problem.
01 time
situation Safety and security A code is set of rules telling you what to do 62
and what not to do.On the road following the
road safety code is more important than good
Living standard
03times But lets us try to raise the status of our own
women according to our own islamic ideas 14
and standards.

Thus the standard of living becomes

low.when young people cannot find any job 11
to earn their living ,they began to commit
Literacy/ education
Their education and health is a big problem..
Educational and health facilities are not

available to all the citizens .

Muhammad ali jinnah completed his early
education in Karachi.Then went to England
for higher education in London.after
completing his education he returned to
01times India.

Group of individuals/ number of When the numbers of a family increases it

peoples needs more resources.
Over population/ depletion of Hundred of years ago ,there were no 11
resources/ starvation problems of over population.
95 11
Consequences of overpopulation/ The advanced country sensed the danger of
population growth population growth. The advanced countries 96
made plans to control the population
growth.The rapid population growth has
created many problems.we should think
seriously about how to overcome the
problem of population growth.
Poverty/ child labor/ lack of water
Rapid and uncontrolled population growth
resources/ lower life expectancy/ 97 11
causes many problems such as child labour
reduced morality rates begging, street crimes and above
all 98
unemployment .The discovery of penicillin
decreased the mortality rate. As a result the

rate of mortility decreased.When the

numbers of a family increases it needs more

3 Education Skill development/ knowledge/ 01times The people around were well known to him. 95 04 times
understanding/ learning/ values/
morals/ beliefs

00 07 times
Society Civilized Moreover, she helped the needy and the 03
01 04
down trodden of the Arab society.
Patterns of relationship/ culture
02 The numbers of the muslims was enough to
13 2
have a separate state where they would be

free to live according to their religion and

culture.their cultures were also different .

4 Employment Labor 01 time Rapid and uncontrolled population growth 97 00

causes many problems such as child labour

Job opportunity /Employees 01 time 00
begging, street crimes and above all
Remuneration/ reward/ pay/money 01 00
unemployment.when young people can not

Job security 00 find any job to earn their living ,they begin to 00
commit crimes.

00 The placr where he found the money is seven 00

miles away.

5 Human Inhabitants 02 The green fertile fields that produced crops 96 11 00

reproduction times and vegetables are shrunk or repleced by
houses ,markets and buildings. 02 times

Birth rate/ numbers of peoples It is said ,globally ,more than 3 million 24 3 01 time
01 time people get killed by air pollution.
01 time
Death rate/Migration 96
Less space is left for cultivation that cannot
meet the food requirments of the large
01 number of people.
The discovery of penicillin decreased the
01 time mortality rate. As a result the rate of mortility
decreased. (Glossary) mortality –death

6 Adult Adulthood 00 00

Girls/ women 01 time School boys and school girls should pay 62 25 times
particular attention to the section dealing
Boys/ men 08times 07 times
with pedestrains.
Quaid e azam always spoke in favor of
14 2

07times women.he considered the role of women in

the development of societyas important as
that of men.

Man lived a simple life and was more close

95 11
to nature.Man worked really hard to fullfill
the needs of life.

7 Interpersonal Communication 02 The present world has become a global 23 3 00

relationship village because of communication


Man has created countless impressive

machines and motor vehicleslike cars buses

trains and airplanes which have brought a

revolution in the field od transportation and


8 Family planning Fertility/ contraceptive usage/ 00 00

96 02 times

Families are also spreding

out.what 98

Family size/ small family/ large advantages does a small family have? Large

family 02 families face many problems.


9 Nation Territory/ space 02 time More people required more food , more 95
space and more facilities of life. Less space
is left for cultivation that cannot meet the
food requirments of the large number of

10 Ecology Habitats/ pollution/ scarcity of 19 There are several kinds of pollution for 24 03
water/ impurity times
example,air pollution, soil pollution, water

pollution and noise pollution. 95


01 time
Water was crystal clear and sweet.Pakistan is

our homeland.The air was fresh and clean.

11 Economy Resources to produce valuable 01 time The green fertile fields that produced crops 96 00
commodities and vegetables are shrunk or repleced by
houses ,markets and buildings.

Less space is left for cultivation that cannot

meet the food requirments of the large
number of people.

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