B2BMarketing-Unit 3-STP-Student Resource
B2BMarketing-Unit 3-STP-Student Resource
B2BMarketing-Unit 3-STP-Student Resource
Course Outcome
CO1: To understand basic structure and characteristics of B2B Marketing and B2B
CO2: To provide a framework for understanding and analyzing
organizational buying behavior in sectors; commercial enterprises and
institutions of the business market.
CO3: To enhance the student’s ability in applying segmentation techniques in the
business market.
CO4: To enhance the student’s ability in applying marketing efforts (marketing mix
and relationship marketing) for the business market.
Course Outline
This unit
1. Commercial Enterprises
2. Institutions
3. Government
What is a market?
A market is…
1. Large enough
2. Unique enough
3. Financially independent enough
4. Reachable enough
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Unit 3: B2B Market Segmentation: Decisions
1. Segmenting and Targeting decisions
The starting point is two-stage marketing research design:
Stage 1 is ‘exploratory research’ to gain insight into possible market segments
for a new product.
Stage 2 is ‘conclusive or causal research’ to get a detailed information for
deciding which market segments to target.
2. Managing business Customer related decisions
Information from marketing research is needed to make many customer
related decisions, such as positioning, pricing, product, and promotion
Farm Electronics (FE)
➢ Growth or opportunity matrix for FE
➢ Dinesh (Sole proprietor) and Anuj (General Manager) -
Family business
➢ 42 years of operations – Electrical and Electronic
Industrial Equipment Manufacturer
➢ Dilemma ?
➢ Should FE expand the scope of current market with
current products? Capable of customizing products for
current industrial market.
➢ Should FE look for new markets?
Unit 3: B2B Market Segmentation: Decisions
Business Decision
Secondary marketing Marketing strategy Market
data sources intelligence development response
B2B Market Segmentation: Decisions - SIC and NIC
3.3 Applying Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or National Industrial
Classification (NIC) system as a source of data for Business market
➢ It is a systematic way of classifying economic activities. Establishments using
similar raw material inputs, similar capital equipment, and similar labor are
classified in the same industry.
➢ In other words, establishments that do similar things in similar ways are
classified together
➢ SIC / NIC system is useful for governments and industries.
➢ An initial step in any secondary data search is to use the numerical listing of
NIC Codes. NIC codes are used by business firms to identify potential
customers and suppliers.
B2B Market Segmentation: Decisions
5.Steps in BM Profiling
5.1 Major Macro-variables
- Type of Industry /
- Type of customer
- Size or usage rate of customer companies
- Customer’s geographical location
- Application or end-use of the product
Type of Industry
Type B
Type C
Type D
1. Concentrated marketing
2. Differentiated Marketing
4. Niche Marketing
A niche is a more narrowly defined customer group
that seeks different mix of benefits.
What is Positioning ?
It is a distinct (or unique) place a product (or service) of a
selling firm occupies in the minds of target customers in
relation to competition.