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Thank you! Amount due

We received your $57.99

payments totaling
Christopher Sanders
Account number 8460670432 Due date
Service address 2655 SE 50th Ave
Portland, OR 97206-1576
Service period 09/1/23 to 10/1/23

Your monthly energy use history Energy prices changed Oct. 1, 2024 With
Oregon Public Utilities Commission approval, your
750 energy prices have changed. You have been billed using
the previous prices for service before 10/01/24.

375 Learn more about the change and how PGE prices are set
at PortlandGeneral.com/Prices. Looking for assistance
with your energy bill? Visit
0 PortlandGeneral.com/BillHelp to explore options.
2023 2024
PGE met the Oregon renewable portfolio standard target
for 2021 by providing at least 20% of the electricity sold to
customers during the year from qualifying renewable
Your energy use comparison resources.

305 12% 3% At PGE, we are working to create a smarter electric grid

from from and deliver a future powered by clean, reliable, affordable
kWh this month last month energy with zero greenhouse gas emissions.
this month last year

Compared to this time last year, this service period was

the same number of days and 1 degree warmer.
Temperature source: Aurora Municipal Airport

P.O. Box 4438 Account number 8460670432

Portland, OR 97208-4438

Christopher Sanders
Tabor View Lofts
2655 SE 50th Ave
Portland, OR 97206-1576
Amount due: $57.99
Due date: 10/7/24



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Account number 8460670432

Meter number Service period Schedule Current read - Previous read = Total use
24529749IN 09/1/24 to 10/1/24 7 5,212 4,907 305 kWh

Account charges
109 Energy Efficiency Funding
Balance forward 0.00 Adj (305.000 kWh x $0.00579) 1.77
Previous amount due 09/7/24 53.99 110 Energy Efficiency Customer
Payments through 10/7/24 53.99 (CR) Svc (143.529 kWh x $0.00008) 0.01
110 Energy Efficiency Customer
2655 SE 50th Ave 57.99 Svc (161.471 kWh x $0.00004) 0.01
Energy charges 52.49 112 Customer Engagement
Basic Charge 11.00 Transformation Adjustment
(305.000 kWh x $0.0003) 0.09
Energy Use Charge (305.000
kWh x $0.06642) 20.26 118 Bill Adjustment Cost
Recovery 0.11
Transmission Charge (305.000
kWh x $0.00585) 1.78 118 Bill Adjustment Cost
Recovery 0.60
Distribution Charge (143.529
kWh x $0.0542) 7.78 123 Decoupling Adjustment
(143.529 kWh x $-0.00227) 0.33 (CR)
Distribution Charge (161.471 kWh
x $0.05447) 8.80 123 Decoupling Adjustment
(161.471 kWh x $-0.00222) 0.36 (CR)
Green Future Choice (305.000
kWh x $0.0094) 2.87 125 Annual Power Cost Update
(161.471 kWh x $0.01007) 1.63
Regulatory charges and credits 3.63
126 Power Cost Variance
102 RPA Exchange Credit Mechanism (161.471 kWh x
(305.000 kWh x $-0.00676) 2.06 (CR) $0.0008) 0.13
105 Regulatory Adjustments 135 Demand Response (143.529
(143.529 kWh x $-0.0001) 0.01 (CR) kWh x $0.0006) 0.09
105 Regulatory Adjustments 135 Demand Response (161.471
(161.471 kWh x $0.00016) 0.03 kWh x $0.00094) 0.15

Continued on page 3

For a detailed explanation of your account, please visit PortlandGeneral.com/MyAccount.

Ways to pay More to know

On the PGE app Late payment charge
A fee of 2.2% may be applied to past-due bills.
Paying by check
503-228-6322 PGE will convert your check to an electronic debit.
Get help with your bill
Oregon Relay (deaf, deaf-blind, hard-of-hearing,
For billing questions, call us at 503-228-6322 or
speech-disabled): 711
visit PortlandGeneral.com/Help. For additional
P.O. Box 4438 information, call Utility Assistance at 211.
Portland, OR 97208-4438
We share with Energy Trust of Oregon
Western Union® and CheckFreePay® They receive some customer information to design,
To find a nearby location, visit evaluate and improve service to our customers. For
PortlandGeneral.com/PayInPerson. details, visit PortlandGeneral.com/DataShare.

Page 2 of 3
Account number 8460670432 Service period 09/1/24 to 10/1/24

Account charges, continued

136 Community Solar Cost
Recovery (143.529 kWh x
$0.00006) 0.01
136 Community Solar Cost
Recovery (161.471 kWh x
$0.00021) 0.03
137 Solar Payment Option Cost
Recov (305.000 kWh x
$0.00005) 0.02
138 Energy Storage Cost
Recovery (143.529 kWh x
$0.00004) 0.01
138 Energy Storage Cost
Recovery (161.471 kWh x
$0.00012) 0.02
143 Spent Fuel Adjustment
(305.000 kWh x $-0.00019) 0.06 (CR)
146 Colstrip Power Plant Oper
Life Adj (143.529 kWh x
$0.0044) 0.63
146 Colstrip Power Plant Oper
Life Adj (161.471 kWh x
$0.00416) 0.67
150 Transportation Electrification
(143.529 kWh x $0.00058) 0.08
150 Transportation Electrification
(161.471 kWh x $0.00074) 0.12
152 Extreme Weather &
Pandemic Costs (161.471 kWh x
$0.00146) 0.24
Other charges and credits 0.01
Metro Supportive Housing
Services Tax Recovery (0.024%) 0.01
Taxes and fees 1.86
Low Income Assistance 1.04
Public Purpose Charge (1.5%) 0.82

Amount due 10/7/24 $57.99

For a detailed explanation of your account,

please visit PortlandGeneral.com/MyAccount.
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