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Abstract: In any such procedure, the specific analytical method selected depends on how much sample is available and how much
analyte is present. This article used the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to review eleven articles published from 2000 to
2021 and focused on Analyzing, Preparation, Methods, Sampling then for next we call it Fundamental In Analytical Chemistry using
various source. The articles are systematically obtained from the online article database ERIC, Scopus, and SINTA. The purpose of
a review is to give information to readers about the definition of Analyzing, Preparation, Methods, Sampling, the important things
to know it in analytical chemistry, and how to implement it in research especially in analytica chemistry. The review results showed
that these topic is important to know for college student so they know what they gonna do in Analytical Chemistry. Also, it referred
to the use of various media We discuss here a general classification of the types of determinations based on these factors. after
selecting the particular method to be used, a representative sample must be acquired. In the sampling process, we make every effort
to select a small amount of material that accurately represents the bulk of the material being analyzed. We use statistical methods
to aid in the selection of a representative sample. Once the analytical sample has been acquired, it must be processed in a dependable
manner that maintains sample integrity without losing sample or introducing contaminants. Many laboratories use the automated
sample handling methods discussed here because they are reliable and cost effective. Because analytical methods are not absolute,
results must be compared with those obtained on standard materials of accurately known composition. Some methods require direct
comparison with standards while others involve an indirect calibration procedure. Mastery of these fundamental knowledge in
analytical chemistry will serve you well in chemistry courses and in related scientific fields. In addition, your efforts will be rewarded
with the consider- able satisfaction of having completed an analysis with high standards of good analytical practice and with levels
of accuracy and precision consistent with the limitations of the technique. Much of our discussion focuses on Analyzing, Preparation
and Methods Sampling in Analytical Chemistry. We conclude this chapter with a literature that reviewed from research that has
been conducted to summarize the fundamental aspects of sample preparation and anticipate future developments and research needs
Keywords— Analyzing, Preparation, Methods, Sampling, Fundamental Analytic
1. INTRODUCTION understanding of the basic principles that govern the transfer
of analytical parameters to multiple time systems. The purpose
Sample preparation and analysis methods often involve an
of this concept is to summarize the main aspects of sample
extraction process that results in the isolation and enrichment
preparation and to anticipate future developments and research
of components of interest from the sample matrix. Extraction
can vary in the degree of selection, speed and quality and
depends not only on the methods and conditions used, but also We calculate the results of the two-factor analysis by two
on the geometrical structure of the extraction time. The measurements. One is the size or volume of the analyzed
introduction of non-traditional extraction technologies has led sample. A secondary measurement is one in which some
to increased interest in sample preparation research (Zgorelec quantity corresponds to an analytical quantity in the sample,
et al. 2019). These technologies address the need to reduce such as mass, volume, heat, or electric charge. This second
solvents, automation and miniaturization and ultimately lead measurement completes the analysis, and we organize the
to site and in vivo implementation. These mining methods are analysis process according to the nature of this final
generally easy to use, but present the best challenges. More measurement. In the gravimetric method, we determine the
important knowledge is required by the surveyor not only of mass of the analyte or its chemical composition. In the
the measurement conditions, but, more importantly, of the volumetric method, we measure the volume of the solution
mass transfer process and the extraction system (Li et al. 2020). containing enough reagent to react with the assay (Acharya et
Optimizing this extraction process results in a more detailed al. 2013). In electronics, we measure electrical properties such
analysis. The proper design of the device and the extraction as power, current, resistance, and electric current. In
process makes its implementation effective on site, integration spectroscopic methods, we analyze the relationship between
and sampling and separation / quantity, automation, or both electromagnetic radiation and analyte atoms or molecules or
(Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., Holler, F. J., & Crouch 2004). Key the emission of radiation through analysis (Etikan and Bala
to rational selection, optimization and design is an 2017). Finally, in a different way, we measure quantities such
International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
ISSN: 2643-9603
Vol. 6 Issue 11, November - 2022, Pages: 1-6
as mass-to-charge of ions by mass spectrometry, the rate of and used to diagnose and treat illnesses(Pawliszyn 2003).
radioactivity, the temperature of the reaction, the rate of the Quantities of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and carbon
reaction, the thermal conductivity of the sample, optical monoxide present in automobile exhaust gases are measured
function and refraction. index to deter- mine the effectiveness of emission-control devices.
Quantitative measurements of ionized calcium in blood serum
help diagnose parathyroid disease in humans(Luis and
The method used in this article is systematic literature Moncayo n.d.). The quantitative determination of nitrogen in
review (SLR). Xiao & Watson (2019) explained that foods reflects their protein content and therefore their
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a literature review nutritional value. Analysis of steel during its production
process that follows standard rules to identify and develop allows to change the combination of elements such as carbon,
important research topics and determine what is known about nickel and chromium to obtain the required strength, hardness,
the subject being studied. The articles analyzed in this corrosion resistance and ductility.(Neolaka et al. 2018). The
literature review were obtained by searching the online mercaptan content of natural gas is continuously analyzed to
databases ERIC, Scopus and SINTA (Indonesian Research ensure that the gas has an unpleasant smell to warn of
database). Literature and analysis were collected from dangerous leaks (Fumes et al. 2015). Farmers adjust
September 24 to September 28, 2022. In this study, the fertilization and irrigation systems to meet the changing needs
keywords used are " Analyzing, Preparation and Methods of plants during the growing season, assessing these needs
Sampling in Analytical Chemistry After searching for a through plant and soil analysis.
keyword, the researcher reads the title of the article to select
3.3 Sampling
articles that meet the following inclusion criteria: (1) relate to
the defintion; (2) the year of publication articles; (3) articles A chemical analysis is most often performed on only a
from reputable journals that indexed internationally by Scopus small fraction of the material of interest, for example a few
or indexed nationally by SINTA. Based on the article search milliliters of water from a polluted lake. The composition of
results, there were 49 titles suitable with inclusion criteria. By this fraction must reflect as closely as possible the average
then, the abstracts of those 49 articles were analyzed. The composition of the bulk of the material if the results are to be
result of the abstract analysis was 25 articles following the meaningful. This process of obtaining representative samples
fundamental on analytic chemistry. Meanwhile, the other 24 is called sampling (Mitra and Brukh 2003). Often times,
articles were inappropriate because three articles were out of sampling is the most difficult step in the entire research process
topic and specific mention to object. Furthermore, all content and the most limiting step in the process. This statement is
especially true if the object to be analyzed is a large
of 25 articles was read. Finally, these 25 articles provided
inhomogeneous liquid, such as a pond, or an inhomogeneous
suitable information on what will be discussed. solid, such as metal, soil, or animal parts. the body. Sampling
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION for chemical analysis requires the use of statistics because
large-scale conclusions must be drawn from the analysis of
3.1 DEEP DIVE WITH FUNDAMENTAL small laboratory samples.(Horwitz 1990). This is the same
The purpose of a research study is to obtain information process that we dis- cussed in Chapters 6 and 7 for examining
about something or an object. Matter can be solid, liquid, gas a finite number of items drawn from a population. From the
observation of the sample, we use statistics, such as the mean
or organic matter. The information to be received may vary. It
and standard deviation, to draw conclusions about the
can be a chemical or physical composition, a structural or
surface structure, or a protein sequence in a gene (Horwitz
1990). Despite the large arsenal of research methods available, The first step is sampling, where the sample is obtained
it is not possible to find all the information, even with a small from the object to be analyzed. This is collected such that it
number of samples. For the most part, the current state of the represents the original object. Sampling is done with
equipment has not developed to the extent that we can bring variability within the object in mind. For example, while
the equipment and materials and get all the necessary collecting samples for determination of Ca2+ in a lake, it
information (Situmorang 2010). Although there is great should be kept in mind that its concentrations can vary
interest in these non-invasive devices, many tests are still depending on the location, the depth, and the time of
carried out by taking a portion (or part) of the object being year(Fumes et al. 2015). The next step is to save the sample.
This is an important step, since there is often a delay between
studied (called a sample). and verify it in the lab (or on the
sample collection and analysis. Sample preservation ensures
website). . Some common steps in this process are shown in that the sample retains its physical and chemical characteristics
Figure 1.1 (Mitra and Brukh 2003). so that the analysis represents the actual substance being
3.2 Sample Preparation studied..
Analytical chemistry is applied throughout industry,
medicine, and all the sciences. To illustrate, consider a few
examples. The concentrations of oxygen and of carbon
dioxide are determined in millions of blood samples every day
International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
ISSN: 2643-9603
Vol. 6 Issue 11, November - 2022, Pages: 1-6
International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
ISSN: 2643-9603
Vol. 6 Issue 11, November - 2022, Pages: 1-6
Table 1.1. Common Instrumental Methods and the Necessary Sample Preparation Steps Prior to Analysis
The objective of research can be qualitative or quantitative (Booksh and Kowalski 1994). For example, the presence of pesticides
in fish is a concern. The question may be: Are there pesticides in the fish? If yes, which ones? The study designed to answer these
questions is a qualitative study (Trullols, Ruisánchez, and Rius 2004), where the researcher looks for the presence of certain antibiotics.
The next obvious question is: how many pesticides are there? This type of research, quantitative research, not only looks at the presence
of the pesticide, but also at its concentration (Etikan and Bala 2017). Another important aspect is the medium analysis. The concern
here is not exactly how much they are, but whether it is above or below a certain point. An example is the prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) test for screening for prostate cancer. A PSA value of 4 ng/L (or more) indicates a high risk of prostate cancer. The goal here is
to determine whether the PSA is above or below 4 ng/L. Once the objectives of the research and the prospective studies are determined,
the methods of conducting the research will be evaluated taking into account accuracy, precision, cost and other important constraints
(Andersen and Hinthorne 1973). The number of tasks, the time required to perform the analysis and the degree of automation may also
be important (Currie 1968).
3.5 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
There is rarely one way to design a measurement system. Even well-defined research can be approached in different ways.
Different studies have different goals, different financial problems, staff with different skills and personal interests. The most
important step in designing a study is determining the objectives and at least some idea of the end results. It should generate data that
provides useful information to solve the problem at hand
Almost all measurement procedures, including sample preparation and analysis, require calibration against chemical
standards. The relationship between the detection signal and the number of tests is obtained by recording the response from the
known number (Augusto, Leite e Lopes, and Zini 2003). Similarly, if an extraction method is involved, it is necessary to add a known
amount of analysis to the matrix and measure its recovery. These methods require standards, which can be prepared in the laboratory
or obtained from commercial sources. An important consideration in choosing a pattern is the matrix. For some diagnostic tools,
such as X-ray fluorescence, the matrix is very important, but it may not be critical for others (Ellison and Fearn 2005). Sample
preparation is often matrix-based. It may be easy to remove polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from sand by critical extraction, but
not from aged soils with high organic content.
International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
ISSN: 2643-9603
Vol. 6 Issue 11, November - 2022, Pages: 1-6
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International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
ISSN: 2643-9603
Vol. 6 Issue 11, November - 2022, Pages: 1-6