Social justice beliefs scale (1)
Social justice beliefs scale (1)
Social justice beliefs scale (1)
This information will be used to evaluate the impact of our Lewis University teacher preparation
program. This information will be shared in an aggregate form as part of annual program effectiveness
information to state and professional accreditation agencies. No names or other personal identifying
information will be shared.
We would also like to share this information in public venues such as regional, national and international
conferences and/or journals. Again, the information would be summarized and shared in an aggregate
form only – no names or other personal identifiers will be shared.
Your decision to share or not share your data will NOT impact your grade for this course.
Please indicate whether or not we may share your data in these public venues.
x___ YES, It is fine to include the information that I have shared in an aggregated form as part of any
public venue presentation.
___ NO, I prefer that you DO NOT include the information that I have shared in any public venue
We request the following information so that we can describe the participants and analyze responses
by different groups (e.g., elementary education majors or special education majors or combined
3. Age: ____ 18-22 ____ 23-29 _x___ 30-39 ____ 40-49 ____ 50-65
Participant Number: _______________
7. Describe your current level of interaction with someone who has an identified disability. (Check only
one blank.)
____ No interaction
____ One time per year
____ Several times per year
____ One time per month
____ One time per week
_x___ Every day
8. Describe briefly any formal diversity training/course work that you have had beyond content in
special education courses at Lewis. Note about how many hours of training or course credit hours.
Participant Number: _______________
"Learning to Teach for Social Justice Beliefs Scale"
(Based on Ludlow, Enterline, Cochran-Smith, et al, 2008)
Respond to the following statements regarding your beliefs about teaching. Circle or highlight one
response for each item.
Items Response
1. An important part of learning to be a Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
teacher is examining one’s own attitudes Disagree Agree
and beliefs about race, class, gender,
disabilities, and sexual orientation.
2. Issues related to racism and inequity Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
should be openly discussed in the Disagree Agree
3. For the most part, covering multicultural Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
topics is only relevant to certain subject Disagree Agree
areas, such as social studies and literature.
5. The most important goal in working with Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
immigrant children and English language Disagree Agree
learners is that they assimilate into
American society.
6. It is reasonable for teachers to have lower Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
classroom expectations for students who Disagree Agree
don’t speak English as their first language.
7. Part of the responsibilities of the teacher Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
is to challenge school arrangements that Disagree Agree
maintain societal inequities.
8. Teachers should teach students to think Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
critically about government positions and Disagree Agree
9. The most important goal in working with Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
students who have disabilities is to Disagree Agree
identify their weaknesses.
10. It is reasonable for teachers to have lower Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
expectations for students with IEPs Disagree Agree
Participant Number: _______________
11. Teachers are responsible for students’ Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
social emotional growth as well as Disagree Agree
increased academic content knowledge.
13. Although teachers have to appreciate Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
diversity, it is not their job to change Disagree Agree
14. Whether students succeed in school Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
depends primarily on how hard they work. Disagree Agree
15. Realistically, the job of a teacher is to Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
prepare students for the lives they are Disagree Agree
likely to lead.
Thank you!
Participant Number: _______________